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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postavení třetích stran v mezinárodní obchodní arbitráži / The role of the Third parties in International Commercial Arbitration

Šedivý, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The role of the Third parties in International Commercial Arbitration This thesis precisely define the concept of third parties in the field of International Commercial Arbitration as well as the definition of the term itself. According to the author of this thesis, third parties are the key for the process of transformation of the contractual approach in an International Commercial Arbitration in the reaction on the economic reality. This work is based on analyses of laws, comments, literature, academic articles, arbitration awards and case law. This text was created using experiences from an international commerce and transforms actual theoretical contractual approach of the International Commercial Arbitration. Contribution of this thesis lies in completion of knowledges from decision making process and creation of a brand new theoretical concept of International Commercial Arbitration and capture the shift in view of consent to arbitrate. This theory further reflects actual state of the decision making process and the needs of an International Commerce. Using this approach entitles author's theory for the practical use as a model for decision making process of arbitrators and for judges of national courts with regard to recognition and enforcement of the arbitral awards. Thesis is divided into...

Södra Thailands gränskonflikt : En fallstudie om den långvariga konflikten i södra Thailand och dess förutsättningar för fred

Marouf, Tara January 2017 (has links)
For years there has been an ongoing conflict, geographically concerning the southern parts of Thailand. The Malay-Muslim inhabitants of the area state that they do not fully belong to Buddhist Thailand and therefore require independence in various forms. Along with the Muslims, the Buddhist inhabitants of the area also suffer from daily violence and killings. The counteractions over the years seems to have resulted in chaotic conditions where civilians die regularly. After many years of violence, this complex situation has not successfully been ended and is still current. This case study will examine the requisites for peace in southern Thailand. The conflict has been studied through a conflict management perspective, thereof the choice of theory; Svante Karlsson’s conflict management theory. The conflict has been described, discussed and applied to the chosen theory. Results presented in this study shows that it is possible to achieve peace in the southern provinces of Thailand, however cooperation between the parts is necessary. A combination of several conflict management methods by Svante Karlsson can possibly result in peace in southern Thailand.

The impact of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 on the doctrines of ultra vires and constructive notice as it relates to unauthorised contracts

Olivier, Etienne Aubrey January 2015 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / An agent acting in excess of his authority creates several legal problems, particularly in company law. In South African law, like in many other legal systems around the world, the interplay between the doctrines of ultra vires and constructive notice has, historically, played a profound role in governing the relationship between a company, its representatives, and outsiders. For decades, the contractual capacity and consequent liability of companies have been guided by thorny and intricate legal principles. This issue has become especially intriguing in light of the changes to the company law regime introduced by the new legislation. The relevant sections of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 (the 2008 Act) that allow for the restriction of a company's powers, require close scrutiny and thoughtful consideration. To that end, this thesis shall examine some of the legal consequences arising from the conclusion by a company's agent of an "unauthorised contract".

Pre-incorporation contracts and the liability of the promoters

Boonzaier, Maryke Aletta 06 June 2011 (has links)
Company law legislation has recently undergone changes with the enactment of the Companies Act 71 of 2008. The purpose of this new piece of legislation is, inter alia, to encourage entrepreneurship and enterprise efficiency, to create flexibility and simplicity in the formation and maintenance of companies, and to provide for the creation, role and use of companies in a manner that enhances the economic welfare of South Africa. This Act was signed into law on 8 April 2009 and is said to come into operation during April 2011. The Act furthermore introduces an extensive and renewed approach to the regulation of pre-incorporation contracts in an attempt to address the shortcomings of previous and current legislation on this topic. This study explores the impact and effect that the new Act will have on the conclusion of pre-incorporation contracts, and also identifies the possible shortcomings of the Act. In order to determine what impact the new Act will have on pre-incorporation contracts, these contracts must first be placed in their historical context. This entails tracing the historical development of the common law rules relating to agency and ratification, and their impact on pre-incorporation contracts. Secondly this study attempts to determine whether the old and the current legislation regulating pre-incorporation contracts have been effective, and if so, to what extent. To establish this, the statutory arrangements that currently regulate pre-incorporation contracts require a grounded, solid and formulated basis, which is determined by an evaluation of the history of the different statutory sections on pre-incorporation contracts in these enactments. A significant part of this study will be devoted to the success, shortcomings and complications presented by the specific statutory arrangements. Fair consideration will be given to case law on these aspects. The South African courts have offered insight into the difficulties relating to the various statutory arrangements and explored alternative methods to supplement these statutory provisions. The advantages, disadvantages and legal consequences of these alternative methods are also discussed and analysed in this study. Concepts that are dealt with in this regard includes shelf companies, an agreement for the benefit of a third party (the stipulatio alteri), and where promoters act as principals. This study also reveals that these alternative methods present their own complications. The central theme of this study remains whether the new Companies Act provides adequate solutions to the problems that frequently arise from the conclusion of pre-incorporation contracts, and whether the shortcomings that exist in current and previous legislation have successfully been addressed by the new Act. To this end, the research reveals that section 21 of the new Act will succeed in equitably balancing the interests of third parties, companies and promoters, by providing clearly stipulated protection measures for all parties involved in the conclusion of pre-incorporation contracts. It has offered valuable improvements to previous statutes. The proposed reforms as introduced by section 21 are therefore welcomed. The mere fact that the South African legislature has now made a conscious attempt to create reform on this subject shows that it acknowledges that pre-incorporation contracts will continue to play an important role in commercial dealings. However, questions still arise on the future role of the statutory arrangements in light of the various alternative methods available to promoters. Academic opinions have also been divided with regards to the future role of pre-incorporation contracts within changing commercial environments. It is clear from the research presented in this study that pre-incorporation contracts have the potential to present a range of complex and challenging questions in practice. Therefore, this study seeks to provide sufficient guidelines to third parties and promoters who seek to acquire rights, duties, assets and benefits for a company prior to its incorporation, while protecting themselves against personal liability and associated litigation. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Private Law / unrestricted

Recherche sur l'activité accessoire dans les contrats de commande publique / Research on the ancillary activity in public order contracts

Valette, Benjamin 11 December 2014 (has links)
Fréquemment, en marge des contrats de commande publique, leur titulaire développe une activité accessoire grâce aux moyens mis à leur disposition dans le cadre de ces contrats. L'objet de cette recherche est de scruter les questions juridiques soulevées par cette pratique, qui a d'abord un objectif financier. Il s'agit, pour certains opérateurs, d'utiliser les contrats leur confiant une activité principale pour développer une activité accessoire à celle-ci et ce, dans le but de générer des recettes supplémentaires.Longtemps cette activité accessoire est apparue comme un phénomène marginal, d'où sa large ignorance par la doctrine qui ne lui a jusqu'ici consacré aucune étude spécifique. Au contraire, la recherche a révélé, dans l'activité accessoire, une situation fréquente et de grande ampleur. / Often, ancillary to public order contracts, the beneficiary of such public order contracts develops an ancillary activity thanks to the means made available to them as part of these contracts. The purpose of this research is to analyse the legal questions raised by this practice, the aim of which is first and foremost financial. For certain operators, the aim is to use the contracts granting them a principal activity in order to develop an ancillary activity which will generate additional revenues.This ancillary activity was for a long time an exceptional phenomenon, hence the widespread ignorance by the doctrine which until now had not devoted any specific study to the subject. The research has revealed, on the contrary, that the ancillary activity is in fact frequent and widespread.

Effektivisering av godsflöden i icke-tillverkande verksamheter : En fallstudie på DB Schenker

Kowalski, Bent, Jäderén, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how an efficient freight flow and a surface utilization of a warehouse layout can be achieved in non-manufacturing third party logistics companies. In addition to that the aim is to provide an analysis of how logistics costs are affected by existing wastes. Based on this three research questions have been formulated:   1. What factors are decisive for how efficient a freight flow can be in a nonmanufacturing business?  2. How can the layout of a terminal be streamlined based on prioritizations of freight?   3. What logistics costs arise in a non-manufacturing business and how can these be linked to specific processes and activities?  Methodology: In order to answer the study´s research questions and fulfill the purpose a case study and a literature review were used as the method. Identification of waste, layout prioritization and logistics costs are the investigated areas in the literature review. The case study was conducted at a company where interviews, observations and data collection have taken place in order to answer the research questions and provide a clear picture of the problem area. The collected data is subsequently analyzed against the processed theory in the selected areas.     Findings: By applying the processed theory several wastes have been identified which underpin potential improvements. Among others the layout prioritization and the retrieval process of the case company have been identified as wastes and focused on in this study. The layout prioritizations have resulted in two restructured layout proposals in which the case company´s delivery destinations were relocated based on factors such as physical proximity and zone division. Through the proposal the efficiency of the internal freight flow of the case company can be increased and thereby cost and complexity be reduced. The retrieval process has been analyzed with the aim to identify all the affected activities and processes. By doing this each activity can be linked to the arising logistics cost. The result of this part of the study is an established calculation of the cost generated by the retrieval process.    Recommendations: For further studies in the selected area, an extended analysis of the entire freight flow from vendor to end customer is recommended to provide a deeper understanding of the entire work process. Also further studies in the logistics costs area in a non-manufacturing business is recommended. / Syfte: Studiens syfte är att studera hur ett effektivt godsflöde och ett ökat ytutnyttjande av lagerlayouten i en icke-producerande tredjepartslogistiks verksamhet kan uppnås. Dessutom är målet att ge en analys av hur logistikkostnader påverkas av slöseri. Baserad på detta har tre forskningsfrågor formulerats:   1. Vilka faktorer är avgörande för hur effektivt ett godsflöde i en icke-tillverkande verksamhet kan vara?  2. Hur kan layouten i en terminal effektiviseras baserat på prioritering av gods?  3. Vilka logistikkostnader uppstår i en icke-tillverkande verksamhet och hur kan dessa kopplas till specifika processer och aktiviteter?  Metod och genomförande: För att kunna besvara studiens forskningsfrågor och uppfylla studiens syfte användes en fallstudie och en litteraturstudie som metod. Till litteraturstudien har teori inom områdena identifiering av slöseri, layoutprioriteringar och logistikkostnader studerats. En fallstudie hos ett fallföretag genomfördes där intervjuer, observationer och insamling av data har skett för att kunna besvara studiens forskningsfrågor och ge en tydlig bild av problemområdet. Den insamlade datan analyseras senare mot vad den befintliga teorin säger inom området.   Studiens resultat: Genom tillämpning av den behandlade teorin har slöseri kunnat identifieras vilket ligger till grund för potentiella förbättringar. Bland annat har layoutprioriteringen och återtagsprocessen hos fallföretaget identifierats som slöseri och fokuserats på i studien. Layoutprioritering har resulterat i ett framtagande av förbättringsförslag där fallföretagets leveransdestinationer omsorterats baserad på faktorer som fysisk närhet och zonindelning. Genom förslagen kan effektiviteten av det interna godsflödet på fallföretags terminal ökas och därmed kostnader och komplexitet minskas. Återtagsprocessen har analyserats med mål att identifiera alla aktiviteter och processer som inverkar. Detta med mål att kunna analysera varje aktivitet och sedan kunna göra en koppling till kostnaderna som uppstår. Genom detta har en beräkning av logistikkostnaderna för återtagsprocessen etablerats i studien.  Rekommendationer: För vidare studier inom det valda området rekommenderas en utvidgad analys av hela godsflödet från försäljare till slutkunden för att ge en ännu djupare förståelse av arbetsprocesserna. Även en fördjupning av de logistikkostnader bundna till en icke- tillverkande verksamhet rekommenderas som ett område att studera vidare.

Determinanty vzniku pojistné události: případ povinného ručení / Determinants of claim occurrence: case of Motor Third Party Liability insurance

Novotný, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
In this paper the hypotheses related to individual variables used for segmentation of Motor Third Party Liability (MTPL) insurance by Czech insurance companies are tested. Summary of papers focused on this topic and development of insurance market segmentation in European Union are presented in the first part of this thesis. The first part of this paper is extended by the analysis of actual MTPL segmentation in Czech Republic. The estimation of marginal effects of exogenous variables on probability of occurrence a claim is described in empirical part. For the estimation of parameters I use the logistic regression. Specific models for small and large claims are created. The most significant variables positively correlated with probability of occurrence a claim are engine capacity, young age and region Prague. The most significant variables negatively correlated with probability of occurrence a claim are historical car, old age, number of months without any claim and region South Moravia. My results are compared to the results of other papers.

A study on rebel group dynamics and third party intervention

Sung, Kieun 01 July 2015 (has links)
This study analyzes the relationship between inter rebel group dynamics and rebel biased third party interventions. Concerning the considerable amount of multiparty civil conflicts and internationalized civil conflicts, prior studies largely overlook the cause and effect of inter rebel dynamics in terms of third party interventions. I delve into two related research questions; How do inter rebel dynamics influence a third party’s decision to intervene in a multiparty civil conflict? What kinds of rebel group interactions are facilitated by such third party interventions? Existing rebel group interaction patterns play a key role in determining conflict process and, influence third party’s decision to intervene. I predict that a cooperative interaction pattern between rebel groups generates an intervention enriched environment for the rebel groups, due to the increased likelihood of successful intervention and the decreased cost of war. The third party’s involvement in ongoing multiple party civil conflict generates a change in bargaining structure between rebels in terms of number of bargainers and distribution of capabilities. I predict a conditional effect of rebel biased interventions on inter rebel dynamics; while forceful intervention boosts cooperation between rebels, weak intervention fuels competition between them. To test my theoretical conjectures, the interlocking relationship between rebels’ interactions and rebel biased interventions has been empirically estimated on a large-N framework. The estimated results strongly confirm my theoretical predictions that rebel cooperation encourages rebel biased interventions and, that increased cooperation and competition is dependent upon third party’s commitment. Overall, my findings highlight a distinctive process of multiparty civil conflicts in terms of third party interventions and rebel group dynamics. My first findings regarding rebel biased interventions, expand the existing intervention literature by focusing on rebel group dynamics in multiparty civil conflicts. The empirical evidence showing boosted competition and cooperation caused by intervention, can be linked to studies that discuss the correlation between interventions and conflict terminations. For the policy community, this project suggests that the success of intervention lies in the third party’s measure of intervention.

Managing relational transgressions with a social network member : an exploration of communal coping

Pederson, Joshua Ray 01 May 2014 (has links)
Challenging experiences abound in everyday life. Research on relational transgressions predominately favors investigating the nature and outcomes of the experience and how the victim and transgressor respond following the experience. However, individuals are embedded within social networks that provide perceived and enacted support during relational challenges. Research on supportive communication documents the social support process within various contexts by highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of seeking and providing particular kinds of supportive messages. It is likely that social network members play an influential role in an individual's coping process following an experience of feeling wronged by something someone said or did. Literature on coping processes describes coping occurring on levels from individual to communal. If social network members feel wronged or hurt by what happened to the transgressed individual, then coping might occur at the network level. Little research to date has investigated the communicative coping processes within social networks following relational transgressions experiences. In the present study I argue that conversations about coping with relational transgressions influence transgressed individuals' and social network members' perceived stress, feelings about the transgression, forgiveness, and perceived ownership and responsibility of the transgression. Fifty pairs of transgressed individuals and their social network members came to a communication research laboratory and completed a pre-interaction questionnaire, talked with each other about the transgression experience, and completed a post-interaction questionnaire. Participants and third-party observers evaluated the quantity and quality of supportive behaviors during the interaction. Results suggest that participants' perceptions of stress, negative emotions, and motivations for avoidance and revenge related to the transgression experience decreased from pre to post-interaction. Although many of my predictions about the associations between the amount of types of support and quality of support were not supported, results revealed several insightful findings. The amount of emotion support had a negative indirect effect on primary participants' perceptions of stress related to the transgression because of quality of support. I discuss the theoretical and research implication for this and other findings. The communicative coping processes within social networks following relational transgression experiences work in complex and layered ways to influence individual and relational well-being. The present study opens avenues for extending research on communicative coping and repair processes following challenging life experiences.

Financement de l'arbitrage par un tiers : une approche française et international / Third-party fuding in arbitration : a French and international approach

Mechantaf, Khalil 14 January 2019 (has links)
Le financement des procès présente de nombreux avantages pour le développement de l'arbitrage international, auparavant inaccessible aux parties impécunieuses. Les systèmes anglo-saxons, traditionnellement contre le financement des procès, commencent à introduire des règlementations facilitant l'accès au financement et promouvant son développement. La sophistication des formes de financement et le statut du tiers financeur apportent cependant une certaine complexité à l'exercice par l'arbitre de son pouvoir et au déroulement de la procédure arbitrale. Cette dernière reste gérer par le consensus des parties et la confidentialité de la procédure. La divulgation de l'accord de financement et la détermination du statut du financeur sont parmi les questions que posent l'existence d'un tiers dans la procédure arbitrale. / Third-party funding presents various advantages for the development of international arbitration, previously inaccessible for insolvent parties. Common law systems, traditionally against the funding of litigation, are recently adopting regulations allowing access to funding and promoting its development. The sophistication of the forms of funding and the status of third-party funder give rise to certain challenges with regard to the exercise by the arbitrator of his/her powers and the administration of the arbitration process. This process remains widely governed by the will of the parties and the confidentiality of the procedure. The disclosure of the funding agreement and determining the status of the funder are amongst the various questions triggered by the presence of a third-party in the arbitration process.

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