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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O papel do informante no diagnóstico do TDAH em adultos

Breda, Vitor Carlos Thumé January 2014 (has links)
O TDAH é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento e, de acordo com os novos critérios do DSM, a presença de vários sintomas antes de 12 anos de idade são exigidos. Além disso, o DSM-5 também incentiva o clínico a buscar informações colaterais para corroborar o diagnóstico, mesmo para adultos. O esforço para a obtenção de informações de terceiros seria justificada se uma evidência robusta de sua relevância pudesse ser demonstrada. Este é um estudo transversal com 449 pacientes adultos com TDAH e 143 controles, entrevistados entre 2002 e 2012. Os participantes foram consecutivamente avaliados para transtornos psiquiátricos considerando-se o DSM-IV, através de instrumentos diagnósticos padronizados. Informações colaterais foram obtidas usando-se as escalas de Barkley para sintomas de TDAH atuais e da infância. Nós comparamos os perfis demográficos e clínicos de pacientes adultos cujos informantes concordavam (n = 277) ou discordavam (n = 172) dos pacientes em relação à presença de sintomatologia na infância, e adultos sem TDAH (controles). Os pacientes com TDAH e controles não diferiram quanto à idade, anos de escolaridade, renda e sexo. Os grupos com TDAH diferiram dos controles com relação a repetência escolar, problemas com autoridade e disciplina, problemas com a lei e polícia, e tratamento farmacológico prévio. Comparados com os controles, os grupos com TDAH também apresentaram escores mais elevados de prejuízo e maiores taxas de prevalência de uso do tabaco, transtorno bipolar, transtorno de oposição e desafio, transtorno de conduta e dependência de substâncias não-alcoólicas. Poucas e pequenas diferenças entre os dois grupos com TDAH (suspensões escolares, problemas com autoridade e disciplina, e escores SNAP-IV) foram observadas. Nossos resultados não oferecem suporte para a ideia de que a informação colateral sobre a sintomatologia da infância é essencial para confirmar o diagnóstico de TDAH em adultos com uma síndrome clara auto relatada desse período, mas reafirmam a ideia de que o diagnóstico não deve ser descartado na ausência de um colateral que corrobore o relato do paciente. Contudo não podemos descartar a importância de informações de fontes externas ao próprio paciente em outras situações clínicas ou apresentações psicopatológicas. / ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and, according to the new DSM, the presence of various symptoms before 12 years of age is required. In addition, the DSM-5 also stimulates the clinician to look for collateral information to support the diagnostis, even for adults. The effort to obtain information from third parties would be justified if a robust evidence of its relevance could be demonstrated. This is a cross-sectional study of 449 adult patients with ADHD and 143 controls, that were interviewed between 2002 and 2012. Participants were consecutively evaluated for DSM-IV psychiatric disorders through standardized diagnostic instruments. Collateral information was obtained with Barkley’s scales for current and childhood ADHD symptoms. We compared the demographic and clinical profiles of adult patients whose informants agreed (n=277) or disagreed (n=172) from patients for the presence of symptoms in childhood, and adults without ADHD (controls). Patients with ADHD and controls did not differ in age, years of education, income and gender. Groups with ADHD differed from controls with respect to school failure, problems with authority and discipline, problems with the law and police, and prior psychopharmacological treatment. Compared with controls, the groups with ADHD also had higher scores of injury and higher prevalence rates of tobacco use, bipolar disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and non- alcoholic substance dependence. Few and small differences between the two groups with ADHD (school suspensions, problems with authority and discipline, and SNAP-IV scores) were observed. These results do not support the idea that collateral information about symptoms of childhood is essential to confirm the diagnosis of ADHD in adults with a clear self-reported syndrome in childhood, but reaffirm the idea that the diagnosis should not be dismissed in the absence of an informant to corroborate the patient's report. However, we can not rule out the importance of information from external sources for patients with different clinical situations or psychopathological presentations.

What Court should be the competent one (in reason to the subject matter) when a civilly liable third party is involved? / ¿Qué juzgado debe ser el competente (en razón de la materia) cuando se involucra a un tercero civilmente responsable?

Pérez-Prieto De Las Casas, Roberto 25 September 2017 (has links)
The New Peruvian Criminal Procedure Code includes the figure of the civilly liable third party, through which one or more subjects, who are civilly responsible together with the person who committed the crime, are involved in a criminalprocedure.The author of the present article analyses if it is correct to judge people who have not infringed Criminal Law, and hence should be judged in a civil procedure, through a criminal procedure because they are civilly responsible together withthe person that committed a crime. Further on, the author reflects on the fact that criminal judges have to sentence about topics of Civil Law. / El Nuevo Código Procesal Penal peruano recoge la figura del tercero civilmente responsable, mediante la cual se involucra en un proceso penal a uno o más sujetos que tengan responsabilidad civil conjunta con aquel que cometió el delito.El autor del presente artículo analiza si es correcto que se juzgue en un proceso penal a personas que no han infringido la norma penal, y que por lo tanto deberían ser juzgadas civilmente, por tener responsabilidad civil conjunta con aquel que sí delinquió.Asimismo, el autor reflexiona sobre el hecho de que jueces penales tengan que sentenciar sobre temas de Derecho Civil.

Problematic areas in the real property subjects to a fiduciary domain: sales tax treatment and the provisionary measures / Aspectos problemáticos en los inmuebles sujetos a dominio fiduciario: tratamiento del impuesto de alcabala y las medidas cautelares

Pozo Sánchez, Julio, Ormeño Flores, Carolina 12 April 2018 (has links)
According to Peruvian legislation, through an escrow agreement a trustor transfers under a fiduciary domain in favor of an escrow agent various goods, rights and obligations, which must achieve certain purpose. These will constitute an autonomous patrimony that does not respond any obligation of the trustor and the agent escrow. Despite the clarity of this statement, the authors reveal that indeed there might be different interpretations about this agreement that have practical consequences with the treatment of real properties subject to fiduciary dominion. / De acuerdo a la legislación peruana, a través del contrato de fideicomiso, el fideicomitente transfiere en dominio fiduciario a favor del fiduciario diversos bienes, derechos y obligaciones, los mismos que deben ser afectados a la consecución de un determinado fin. De tal manera se constituye un patrimonio autónomo que no responde por las obligaciones del fideicomitente ni del fiduciario. Pese a la claridad de dichas disposiciones, los autores evidencian que en la realidad se presentan situaciones problemáticas de concepto que tienen consecuencias prácticas con el tratamiento de los inmuebles sujetos a dominio fiduciario.

Det nya betaltjänstdirektivet PSD2 : Kommande möjligheter och utmaningar för banker och tredjepartsaktörer inom den svenska finansiella marknaden

Holm, Linn, Persson, Lina January 2017 (has links)
I januari 2018 kommer det nuvarande EU-direktivet PSD att ersättas av det nya betaltjänstdirektivet Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2). Motiven bakom direktivets införande är bland andra att bidra till en förenkling för tredjepartsaktörer att inträda betaltjänstmarknaden samt öka valmöjligheten för konsumenten. Idag domineras betaltjänstmarknaden främst av banker, något som direktivet utformats för att motverka. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur väl några av direktivets motiv stämmer överens med aktörernas uppfattning av direktivets påverkan samt även undersöka vilka möjligheter och utmaningar banker och tredjepartsaktörer ser att det nya direktivet innebär för dem och marknaden. Uppsatsen är genomförd som en fallstudie där semistrukturerade intervjuer med banker och tredjepartsaktörer varit den främsta datainsamlingsmetodiken. Fallstudien visade att aktörernas uppfattning av direktivet till stora delar stämmer bra överens med motiven för direktivet. Samtliga aktörer har en förhållandevis positiv bild av direktivet och ser en mängd olika möjligheter med direktivet. Samarbetet mellan banker och tredjepartsaktörer ses som en av de större möjligheterna. Utmaningarna som aktörerna står inför är varierande beroende på typ av aktör. Studien visade att det finns en del utmaningar som kan komma att begränsa antalet nya aktörer på marknaden. Samtliga möjligheter och utmaningar presenteras i fallstudiens sjätte avsnitt. / In January 2018, the current EU directive PSD will be replaced by the new Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2). The motives behind the implementation of the directive are, inter alia, to help simplify third party providers entering the payment service market and increasing consumer choice. Today, the payment service market is uppermost dominated by banks, something that the directive is designed to counteract. The purpose of this study is to investigate how well some of the motives of the directive are in line with the actors' perception of the impact of the directive, as well as investigate what opportunities and challenges banks and third party providers see that the new directive implies for them and the market. The essay was conducted as a case study, where semistructured interviews with banks and third party players were the primary data collection methodology. The case study showed that the actors' perception of the directive largely complies with the motives for the directive. All actors have a relatively positive view of the directive and see a wide range of possibilities with the directive. Cooperation between banks and third parties is seen as one of the major opportunities. The challenges that the stakeholders face are varied depending on the type of actor they represent. The study showed that there are some challenges that may limit the number of new players in the market. All possibilities and challenges are presented in the sixth section of the case study.

RelaÃÃes de trabalho e relaÃÃes no trabalho na lÃgica capitalista contemporÃnea: um olhar sobre atendentes do call center de uma empresa de telecomunicaÃÃes. / Work Relations in the logic of capital: an approach to the attendants from a call center maintained by a telecommunications company.

MÃnica Duarte Cavaignac 08 September 2010 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O presente trabalho consiste num olhar crÃtico sobre a realidade dos atendentes do call center de uma empresa de telecomunicaÃÃes cuja privatizaÃÃo, no contexto da mundializaÃÃo do capital e do ajuste neoliberal do Estado, trouxe consigo desemprego, aprofundamento das terceirizaÃÃes, precarizaÃÃo das condiÃÃes de trabalho e fragilizaÃÃo da organizaÃÃo sindical. Na condiÃÃo de terceirizados, os chamados operadores de telemarketing mantÃm instÃveis relaÃÃes de trabalho, marcadas pela subcontrataÃÃo, alta rotatividade, baixos salÃrios, discriminaÃÃo em relaÃÃo aos trabalhadores âprimeirizadosâ e desrespeito à questÃo da saÃde. Suas relaÃÃes no trabalho se estabelecem sob um tipo de gestÃo que combina modernas tecnologias de controle da produtividade com antigas formas de vigilÃncia do trabalho, baseadas na cobranÃa por resultados, pressÃo psicolÃgica, assÃdio moral e constante ameaÃa de demissÃo. Trata-se de uma categoria de âinfoproletÃriosâ formada, predominantemente, por jovens do sexo feminino, com ensino mÃdio concluÃdo e que buscam seu primeiro emprego, atraÃdos, muitas vezes, pela oportunidade de conciliar o trabalho com outras atividades, tendo em vista a jornada flexÃvel, prolongada aos fins de semana e feriados. SÃo mercadorias com curto prazo de validade, pois, com pouco tempo de uso, comeÃam a desenvolver problemas fÃsicos e psicolÃgicos, devido ao ritmo intenso e estressante de trabalho. O call center torna-se, assim, um lugar de passagem na vida dos operadores, que por ali transitam provisoriamente, atà conseguirem outra oportunidade no mercado ou serem descartados pela empresa, dificultando a formaÃÃo da identidade coletiva e debilitando a capacidade organizativa dos sindicatos. Estes Ãltimos, diante da terceirizaÃÃo e da conseqÃente fragmentaÃÃo da classe trabalhadora, assumem uma posiÃÃo cada vez mais defensiva e corporativista, recuando no discurso e nas prÃticas de oposiÃÃo à lÃgica do capital. HÃ, todavia, momentos de resistÃncia, como a greve dos operadores de telemarketing de 2007, em que a categoria manifestou seu potencial contestatÃrio e, apoiada por movimentos sociais, tentou mostrar à sociedade como funcionam os serviÃos de telecomunicaÃÃes apÃs a sua mercantilizaÃÃo: à base da exploraÃÃo intensificada do trabalho e da degradaÃÃo das condiÃÃes de vida dos trabalhadores âflexÃveisâ. FlexibilizaÃÃo significa, de fato, tornar o capital mais livre e os trabalhadores mais vulnerÃveis, expondo-os a riscos e reduzindo suas perspectivas no ânovo (e precÃrio) mundo do trabalhoâ. / This work is based on a critical approach to the reality experienced by attendants from a call center maintained by a telecommunications company whose change into a private business, when one is to consider the context of world domination by capital and the neoliberal reshaping of the State, brought unemployment, increase of third party job contracting, worsening of working conditions and weakening of labor union organizations. On their third party role, the so-called telemarketing operators exhibit work conditions on an unstable balance marked by subcontracts, high turnover, low wages, discrimination in relation to âfirst-partyâ workers and neglect of health issues. Work conditions adopted by promoting agents are shaped in such a fashion as to combine modern technology for controlling productivity and old practices of vigilance based on demanding results, levying psychological pressure, moral harassment and constant threat of dismissal. One is dealing with a category of âinfoproletariatâ formed mainly by female youngsters that have concluded high school and are in search of their first job attracted by the fact that they can work and have other activities considering flexibility of work journey that offers free weekends and holidays. Workers in this category have a short date validation, for in a very short span of time start showing signs of physical and psychological problems due to the intense pace of working. The call center becomes by force of this feature a temporary stay for operators until they find another job opportunity or are dismissed by the their employer which make it difficult the development of a collective identity which as a result reflects on the weakening of the organizational capacity of labor unions. Labor unions in face of third party practice and resulting disruption of the working class adopt a growing defensive and corporative position renouncing strong speech and practices to opposing the logic of capital. There are, however, resistance instances such as the strike staged by telemarketing operators in 2007 in which the category displayed its disputing power and, supported by social movements, tried to show to the society how the telecommunications services work following their merchandising process: by means of adopting an strengthened exploitation feature of work, and degrading living conditions of the âflexibleâ workers. Flexibility being, in fact, the process of a freer capital and more vulnerable workers who are put at risk and see their perspectives shrinking in the ânew (and precarious) world of workâ.


Rathwell, Kaitlyn January 2009 (has links)
Understanding how humans and ecosystems interact across landscapes is an importantchallenge for the development of sustainable societies. Human dominated landscapes arefrequently heterogeneous in their distribution of ecosystems and the associated goods andservices. It can be difficult to create management strategies that cater to diverse demandsfrom different resource managers, while at the same time promoting healthy functioningof ecosystems held in common. I use a social network perspective to analyze howmunicipal management units connect to each other with regards to a water resource intwo watersheds in Québec, Canada. I test the importance of collaborative network ties formunicipalities’ engagement in water quality management activities. I assess ifmunicipalities with different ecosystems, namely agriculture and tourism, engagedifferently in water quality management activities and if they have different socialnetworks. I assess the role of third party actor groups such as Government Ministries andNon-Governmental Organizations that connect municipalities across the diverselandscape. Third party actor groups are instrumental in connecting municipalities acrossa diverse landscape. Municipalities with ecosystems facilitating tourism have morecollaborative ties in the water quality management network and are more engaged inwater quality management activities than municipalities managing for agriculturalproduction. An asymmetry in collaborations and activity engagement for water qualitymanagement has implications for the capacity of the region to encourage basin scalewater management.

Peace Negotiations of Sri Lankan Conflict in 2000-2006 : The Ceasefire Agreement Facilitated by Norway is at Stake

Paramanathan, Mathivathana January 2007 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to study the Sri Lankan negotiation process during 2000-2006 sponsored by the Norwegian facilitation and further to analyse the major constraints hin-dering a final solution. The stated purpose is analysed by studying both primary and secondary materials such as official documents, research and newspaper articles. One of the major findings of the thesis is that the Norwegian facilitation has not been very effective mainly due to both domestic and international political developments in recent years. In the case of domestic politics, the Sri Lankan political arena has a tradition of political crisis which is mainly a result of the two major Sinhalese parties fighting for power. These parties have been blocking any sus-tainable solution for Tamil demands while focusing on their political power. Furthermore, international attitudes towards the warring parties are found to have had a huge impact on the Sri Lankan peace process during the studied period. Since one of the major constraints in the negotiation process appears to be that the Government of Sri Lanka seems to have adopted the international “realpolitik” on its domestic issue in the name of the war on terror. This political strategy may further inflate the already existing na-tionalism among the Sinhalese majority and the Tamil minority and thus may intensify the conflict.

Conception d'un système de mesure de la performance pour la réorganisation des activités d'entrepôt : quelle cohérence avec le système de contrôle de gestion ? / Performance measurement system design for warehouse operations reorganization : coherence with management control system?

Lepori, Elvia 13 June 2016 (has links)
En quête de performance, les Third-party Logistics (3PL) sont amenés à réorganiser régulièrement leurs activités d’entrepôt. Peu d’études portent sur les systèmes de mesure de la performance (SMP) dédiés au 3PL. Les auteurs étudient les activités indépendamment les unes des autres alors qu’il existe des relations de cause à effet entre ces dernières. La conception d’un SMP pour la réorganisation des activités conduit à nous interroger sur ses conséquences pour le système de contrôle de gestion, au travers du cadre théorique de Simons.Une Recherche-Intervention est réalisée au sein du 3PL : FM Logistic. Notre contribution porte sur la conception d’un SMP sous forme de graphe de problèmes mettant en relation les connaissances sur la réorganisation des activités des experts et de la littérature scientifique. Ce SMP est construit à partir d’un langage inspiré de la théorie TRIZ. La conception du SMP permet l’analyse de l’évolution d’un contrôle de gestion diagnostique vers l’interactivité. / Third-party logistics (3PL) seek performance by reorganizing regularly their warehouse operations. Few researchers study performance measurement systems (PMS) dedicated to 3PL. Researchers in warehousing design are used to study all the different operations one by one while these operations are linked together. As far as we know the literature does not propose any SMP for warehouse operations reorganization. SMP design leads to analyze the consequences for management control system, studied through Simons’ levers of control.An Intervention-research is conducted in a french 3PL : FM Logistic. Our contribution is the design of a performance measurement system in the form of problem graph which linking both knowledge advocated by a French 3PL and quoted in the literature. This SMP has been designed using a semantic and a syntax inspired by TRIZ problem graph. SMP design enables to analyze interactivity development. Results show the development of diagnostics systems towards interactivity.

Síťová odvětví a přirozené monopoly (právní aspekty) / Legal aspects of network industries and natural monopolies

Šik, Martin January 2017 (has links)
1 Summary Key words: Natural monopoly, network industry, energy industry, regulation, liberalization, unbundling, third party access The present thesis sets out to explore the legal aspects of network industries and natural monopolies. It researches these aspects using the example of the energy sector (i.e. the power and gas industries), which is a typical example of a network industry. In terms of its geographical scope, the thesis focuses on the EU energy law and its specific application in the Czech Republic. The fundamental point of departure for the present thesis is a believe that energy law is closely intertwined with economic policy, and is appropriately interpreted only in the context of the concrete measures, tools, and concepts meant to reflect a nation's energy policy. The main driver of energy policy, and hence also of energy law, is a reform of the energy industry aiming at its liberalization. The key tools for its successful implementation are economic regulation, third party access, unbundling, and public administration by independent regulatory bodies. Firstly, the present thesis discusses the economic characteristics of network industries, that is most importantly the existence of a natural monopoly. The second part of the thesis outlines the background of liberalization and the related...

Transportation interoperable planning in the context of food supply chain / Planification interopérable des transports dans le cadre de chaînes logistiques alimentaires

Memon, Muhammad Ali 05 November 2014 (has links)
L'alimentation est une nécessité de base de l'être humain, dont la survie dépend de la quantité et de la qualité de la nourriture ingérée. L'augmentation de la population requiert de plus en plus de nourriture, tandis que la qualité est associée aux contraintes des produits alimentaires comme une courte durée de vie ou la sensibilité à la température. L'augmentation de la demande entraîne une augmentation de la production alimentaire, répartie entre plusieurs sites de production appartenant à plusieurs entreprises de taille variée, qui peuvent utiliser les produits d'autres sites pour fabriquer leurs produits finaux. En outre, certains produits alimentaires doivent être transportés entre les sites et les produits finaux distribués à des détaillants et des consommateurs lointains en tenant compte des contraintes de produits alimentaires. Les activités exercées par ces entités incluent entre autres la production, la distribution, la vente, etc. et ces entités forment conjointement dans l'environnement de l'écosystème alimentaire une chaîne pour le traitement, l'emballage ou la livraison de nourriture. Ce réseau s'appelle une chaîne logistique alimentaire (FSC). En raison de leur nature distribuée, les FSC héritent des problèmes classiques des chaînes logistiques, mais doivent en plus gérer les problèmes découlant de la périssabilité des produits. Cette périssabilité rend extrêmement important le traitement d'enjeux tels que le maintien de la qualité, la prévision de la demande, la gestion des stocks (éviter les ruptures de stock ou les stocks excessifs), l’amélioration de l'efficacité du réapprovisionnement, de la production et du transport, la traçabilité et le suivi pour réagir aux perturbations. Il est donc nécessaire d'établir une collaboration entre les entités principales de l'écosystème alimentaire pour traiter tous ces enjeux. En outre, depuis l'arrivée des entreprises de transport spécialisées, un nouveau acteur a émergé appelé transporteur ou fournisseur de logistique. Ces transporteurs doivent collaborer avec les producteurs, les détaillants et même d'autres transporteurs afin de prendre en compte la demande future et les tendances, afin d'organiser leur réseau et les ressources, pour livrer des produits alimentaires en assurant sécurité et qualité. Ainsi, la collaboration est devenue vitale pour les FSC. La collaboration implique une bonne compréhension des informations échangées afin de minimiser les déplacements, le coût et la pollution environnementale. Des problèmes d'interopérabilité surgissent lorsque les partenaires impliqués utilisent des systèmes hétérogènes et différentes normes et terminologies. Les approches de collaborations existantes comme "Vendor Managed Inventory" (VMI) ou "Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment" (CPFR) ne prennent en compte que deux acteurs de la FSC : le producteur et le détaillant (acheteur et vendeur). En outre, elles ne considèrent pas la planification de la production et des transports comme des tâches de collaboration. En tenant compte des limitations ci-dessus, nous proposons, dans une première partie de cette thèse, une extension du modèle CPFR prennant en compte les aspects production et transport. Ce nouveau modèle C-PRIPT (Collaborative -Planning Replenishment Inventory Production and Transportation) inclut le transporteur et considère la planification de la production et des transports comme des activités de collaboration. Dans la deuxième partie, nous proposons un modèle distribué et interopérable I-POVES (Interoperable - Path Finder, Order, Vehicle, Environment and Supervisor) pour réaliser la planification des transports en collaboration avec les producteurs, les transporteurs et les détaillants, visant à une meilleure utilisation efficace des ressources de transport. Enfin, nous illustrons le fonctionnement du modèle I-POVES en l’appliquant sur un cas étude de chaîne logistique alimentaire. / Eating is human’s basic necessity whose survival depends on both quantity and quality of food. Increasing population requires increasing in quantity of food, while quality is associated with the food product constraints like short shelf-life, temperature sensitiveness, climate etc. Increasing demand causes increase in food production, which is distributed between several production sites involving several distinct entities from small to large enterprises, where sites may use the intermediate products of other sites to produce the final products. Moreover, food products need to be transported between sites and final products to be distributed to faraway retailer sites and consumers considering the food product constraints. Activities performed by these entities include but not limited to: production, distribution, sales, etc. and these entities form jointly in the environment of food ecosystem a chain for food gathering, processing, packaging, delivery etc. This distributed network of enterprises is called food supply chain (FSC). Due to FSC’s distributed nature, it inherits not only the common problems also faced by other supply chain, but in addition has to deal with the problems arising from the perishability of food products. This perishability nature makes extremely important for FSC, the handling of issues such as maintaining the quality of food products, forecasting the product demand, managing the inventory according to the forecast to reduce out of stock or excessive inventory of products, improving the efficiency of replenishment, production and transportation, taking into account product future demand and tracing and tracking to react to disturbance. Finally, it is necessary to institute collaboration between the main entities of food ecosystem to deal with all of these issues. Furthermore, since the advent of specialized transport enterprises, a new actor has emerged called transporter or logistics provider in the FSC. These transporters have to collaborate with producers, retailers and even other transporters within FSC to take into account product future demands and trends to organise their transport network and resources to make possible the delivery of the food products with security, while maintaining the quality of the food products. Thus, collaboration became vital for FSC. Collaboration involves a good understanding of exchanged information in order to minimizing number of transport travels, cost and environmental pollution. Interoperability problem arises when each of the partners involved in FSC uses heterogeneous systems and uses different standards and terminologies for representing locations, product constraints, vehicles types etc. Furthermore, existing collaborative approaches like Quick Response, Efficient Consumer Response, Vendor Managed Inventory, Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), etc. take into account only two types of actors of FSC: buyer and seller (producer and retailer). Additionally, they don’t consider the production and transportation planning as collaborative tasks. Taking into account above limitations, we propose, in the first phase of this thesis, an extension of CPFR model, which take into account production and transportation aspects. This new model C-PRIPT (Collaborative -Planning Replenishment Inventory Production and Transportation) includes transporter actor and elaborates production and transportation planning as collaborative activities. In the second phase, we propose a distributed and interoperable transportation planning model I-POVES (Interoperable - Path Finder, Order, Vehicle, Environment and Supervisor) to realise collaborative transportation planning by collaborating producers, transporters and retailers, aiming at a better use of transport resources. Finally, we illustrate the functioning of I-POVES model by applying it on a case study of food supply chain.

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