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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Förslag till förbättringsåtgärder för returprocess : En fallstudie av Postnord TPLs kund inom elektronikbranschen / Proposal for Improvement Measures for the Return Process : A Case Study of Postnord TPL's Customer in the Electronics Industry

Mirehag, Andrea, Torstensson, Erik, Balslev, Holger January 2024 (has links)
Postnord TPL är en ledande aktör inom 3PL-branschen i Norden. På önskemål av företaget har en studie genomförts av returprocessen för Postnord TPLs största kund inom elektronikbranschen. En effektiv hantering av returprocessen är en viktig del för tredjepartslogistikföretag för att behålla konkurrenskraft på marknaden. Den effektiva hanteringen är grunden för att skapa en returprocess med låga kostnader, hög grad av resursutnyttjande och tillfredsställande av kundens önskemål.  Syftet med studien är att identifiera avvikelser i returprocessen och de bakomliggande orsakerna samt att föreslå förbättringsåtgärder för att reducera avvikelser och effektivisera returprocessen vid Postnord TPL. För att uppnå syftet har författarna genomfört en fallstudie av returprocessen för Postnord TPL. Genom deltagande observationer, processpromenad och semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda har empiri samlats in för att skapa en förståelse av processen. Empirin har analyserats för att identifiera avvikelser och möjliga förbättringsåtgärder. Analysen i studien identifierade ett antal avvikelser i returprocessen och de bakomliggande orsakerna till att de uppstår. Avvikelserna berörde onödiga förflyttningar, överarbetning, mänskliga fel samt kompetens och kunskap hos nuvarande personal. Författarna har via observationerna och intervjuerna identifierat var avvikelserna uppstår. Ett orsak-verkan diagram har tagits fram för att definiera de bakomliggande orsakerna till avvikelserna. Vidare har författarna genom en analys av avvikelserna och orsakerna formulerat konkreta förbättringsförslag för att reducera eller eliminera avvikelserna. Förbättringsåtgärderna som presenteras är; flytt av processen till samma våning, eliminera dubbelhantering av returer från företag, använda samma system, skapa rörlighetsklassificering av produkter, skapa nya standarder och rutiner, arbeta med förebyggande analyser, implementera PDCA-cykeln och Lean-verktyg för arbete med ständig förbättring samt att skapa tydliga mål för processen. Målet med en implementering av förbättringsförslagen är att reducera avvikelser och därigenom bidra till ökad effektivitet och konkurrenskraft för Postnord TPL. Samarbetet med företaget har varit avgörande för att säkerställa relevansen och genomförbarheten av förslagen. / Postnord TPL is a leading company in the 3PL-industry in the Nordics. At the company's request, a study was conducted on the return process for Postnord TPL's largest customer in the electronics industry. Efficient handling of the return process is a crucial aspect for third-party logistics companies to maintain competitiveness in the market. Efficient management forms the foundation for creating a return process with low costs, high resource utilization and customer satisfaction. The purpose of the study is to identify deviations in the return process and the underlying causes, as well as to propose improvement measures to reduce deviations and create a more efficient return process at Postnord TPL. To achieve this goal, the authors conducted a case study of Postnord TPL's return process. Through participatory observations, process walkthroughs, and semi-structured interviews with employees, empirical data was collected to understand the process. The empirical data was analyzed to identify deviations and possible improvement measures. The study's analysis identified several deviations in the return process and the underlying causes of their occurrence. The deviations involved unnecessary movements, overprocessing, human errors, as well as the competence and knowledge of current staff. Through observations and interviews, the authors identified where the deviations occur. A cause-and-effect diagram was created to define the underlying causes of the deviations. Furthermore, through an analysis of the deviations and their causes, the authors formulated concrete improvement suggestions to reduce or eliminate the deviations. The improvement measures presented include; relocating the process to the same floor, eliminating double handling of returns from companies, using the same system, creating a mobility classification of products, establishing new standards and routines, working with preventive analyses, implementing the PDCA cycle and Lean tools for continuous improvement, and setting clear goals for the process. The goal of implementing these improvement suggestions is to reduce deviations and thereby contribute to increased efficiency and competitiveness for Postnord TPL. Collaboration with the company has been crucial to ensure the relevance and feasibility of the proposals.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Strict Java Third-Party Library Management in Software Supply Chain on Product Security : A software supply chain vulnerability challenge

Sandsjö, Carl, Manjusak, Medin January 2023 (has links)
Background: Recent trends indicates that attackers are shifting focus to more vulnerable targets; the software supply chain, which has consequently resulted in one of the top security challenges faced by organizations. One specific aspect of the software supply chain that has garnered significant attention is the use of third-party libraries and the high degree of impact exploited vulnerabilities have in relation to third-party libraries, such as Log4Shell. Objectives: The objective of this thesis is to determine the impact of removing unused Java third-party library classes in terms of security vulnerabilities and business value. Methods: A Gradle plugin was developed consisting of three coupled tasks to be used in the experiment where the primary objective is identifying and removing unused third-party classes. The experiment was conducted on 11 production-grade projects. For each of the 11 projects, approximately 12 versions were tested. The plugin was executed on each of the versions and a manual analysis of the result was conducted. The manual analysis consisted of finding the vulnerabilities connected to the respective vulnerable class. Subsequently, the result was analyzed and calculated. Results: The results from the tested projects showed a low overall impact on the number of vulnerabilities before and after the removal of unused classes. However, the vulnerability results differed greatly among the projects. A pattern between all projects was that the vulnerabilities increased in earlier versions. In the projects where there was an effect of removing unused classes, the average CVSS score increased which represents the severity of the vulnerabilities. This suggests that low severity vulnerabilities were more prevalent in the set of removed vulnerabilities. Over all projects, there was a 40-50% decrease in the total number of classes before and after removing classes which from a security perspective lowers the project’s overall attack surface. On average 85% of the vulnerabilities were found after the release of the project versions. Conclusions: Based on the results we can see that the removal of unused third-party library classes does not have a significant impact on the number of vulnerabilities in the analyzed Java applications. However, this may not reflect all Java projects as we could see a greater impact on certain projects. The removal of vulnerabilities post release date of a Java component was seen to have minimal to no business value for the analyzed projects. In contrast, a pilot study on a different project from another team within the same company demonstrated a higher level of business value. The reduction of the attack surface was assessed to 40-50% on all conducted projects, which would indicate a significant business value. Before incorporating such a solution, each project would need to be evaluated to determine the balance between security and complexity. / Bakgrund: De senaste trenderna tyder på att attackerare flyttar fokus till mer sårbara mål; mjukvaruförsörjningskedjan, vilket har blivit en av de största säkerhetsutmaningarna som organisationer står inför. En specifik aspekt av mjukvaruförsörjningskedjan som har fått stor uppmärksamhet är användningen av tredjepartsbibliotek och den höga graden av påverkan som exploaterade sårbarheter har i förhållande till tredjepartsbibliotek, såsom Log4Shell. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att fastställa effekten av att ta bort oanvända Java-klasser från tredjepartsbibliotek ur en sårbarhet och företagsvärde -perspektiv. Metod: Ett Gradle-plugin utvecklades bestående av tre beroende uppgifter som ska användas i experimentet där det primära målet är att identifiera och ta bort oanvända tredjepartsklasser. Experimentet genomfördes på 11 projekt av produktionskvalitet. För vart och ett av dessa 11 projekt testades cirka 12 versioner. Gradle-pluginet kördes på var och en av versionerna samt en manuell analys av resultatet utfördes. Den manuella analysen bestod i att hitta sårbarheterna kopplade till respektive sårbar klass. Därefter analyserades och beräknades resultatet. Resultat: Resultatet av de testade projekten visade en låg total inverkan på antalet sårbarheter före och efter borttagningen av oanvända klasser. Dessa resultat skilde sig dock mycket mellan projekten. Ett specifikt mönster mellan alla projekt var att sårbarheterna ökade i tidigare versioner. I de projekt där borttagning av klasser gjorde en inverkan, ökade genomsnittet av CVSS-poängen vilket representerar allvarlighetsgraden av sårbarheterna. Detta tyder på att svagheter med låga poäng var vanligare i uppsättningen av borttagna sårbarheter. Över alla projekt så togs 40-50% av det totala antalet klasser bort, vilket ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv sänker projektets totala attackyta. I genomsnitt hittades 85% av sårbarheterna efter lanseringen av projektversionerna. Slutsatser: Baserat på resultaten kan vi se att borttagningen av oanvända klasser från tredjepartsbibliotek inte har någon betydande påverkan på antalet sårbarheter i de analyserade Java-applikationerna. Men detta kanske inte speglar alla Java-projekt då vi kunde se en större påverkan på vissa projekt. Borttagning av sårbarheter efter releasedatum för ett Java-projekt visade sig ha minimalt till noll företagsvärde för de analyserade projekten. En pilotstudie på ett projekt som hanteras av ett annat team i samma företag, resulterade i ett större företagsvärde. Reduceringen av attackytan uppskattas till 40-50% för alla genomförda projekt, vilket innebär ett större företagsvärde. Innan man integrerar en sådan lösning, bör varje projekt utvärderas för att fastställa balansen mellan säkerhet och komplexitet.

Implementering av transportkoordinationssystem i byggsektorn: utmaningar och strategier

Persson, Jacob January 2024 (has links)
Ett effektivt informationsflöde är väsentligt för att skapa möjligheter till väl fungerande transportkoordination. Utmaningen i byggbranschen är att det finns flera aktörer som behöver ta del av informationen. Systemen som används i dagsläget har sällan möjlighet att dela information med varandra. Den bristande informationsdelningen har lett till en fragmenterad försörjningskedja vilket påverkar projektens produktion negativt.   Tidigare studier har tydliggjort behovet av digitala verktyg för styrning av försörjningskedjan inom byggprojekt. Andra studier har identifierat problem vid implementation av nya rutiner och digitala verktyg i byggbranschen. Därmed finns det ett behov av att undersöka hur företag framgångsrikt kan implementera digitala verktyg för att underlätta informationsdelning och transportkoordination.  Målet med studien har varit att definiera transportkoordinationssystem, samt analysera och undersöka vilka strategier byggherrar kan tillämpa för en effektiv implementering i byggsektorn. Syftet är att identifiera de bakomliggande hinder som begränsar företagen att använda systemen. Utifrån begränsningar och lösningar görs rekommendation för vilka strategier som bör användas.   Studien har utförts som en flerfallsstudie på större husbyggnationsprojekt i Sverige och Norge. I fallstudien ingick sju projekt, där samtliga använt sig av ett transportkoordinationssystem under produktion. Transportkoordinationssystemet har använts i olika utsträckning i varje projekt, beroende på hur logistiklösningen var utformad. Datainsamling genomfördes med semi-strukturerad intervjustudie där minst en representant från vart projekt medverkade. Utöver respondenterna från byggprojekten inkluderades även intervjuer med två konkurrerande mjukvaruutvecklare.   En analys av effekten av logistiklösningen i de olika projekten, och framför allt transportkoordinationssystemets påverkan har genomförts. Det har varit av stor vikt att särskilja det digitala verktygets påverkan från den generella logistiklösningens påverkan. Från respondenterna har det framkommit tydligt att olika strategier vid implementation har haft varierande mottagande i produktionen.   Studien har identifierat tre nyckelfaktorer som ligger till grund för strategier vid implementationen av digitala verktyg:  <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Symbol" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{&quot;335552541&quot;:1,&quot;335559685&quot;:720,&quot;335559991&quot;:360,&quot;469769226&quot;:&quot;Symbol&quot;,&quot;469769242&quot;:[8226],&quot;469777803&quot;:&quot;left&quot;,&quot;469777804&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;469777815&quot;:&quot;hybridMultilevel&quot;}" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="1" data-aria-level="1">Kravställning - Förutsättningarna för projektet måste framgå tydligt i ett tidigt skede. Om beställaren sätter krav på huvudentreprenören blir implementationen smidigare, då under-leverantörer och -entreprenörer måste anpassa sig för att vinna kontrakten.  <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Symbol" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{&quot;335552541&quot;:1,&quot;335559685&quot;:720,&quot;335559991&quot;:360,&quot;469769226&quot;:&quot;Symbol&quot;,&quot;469769242&quot;:[8226],&quot;469777803&quot;:&quot;left&quot;,&quot;469777804&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;469777815&quot;:&quot;hybridMultilevel&quot;}" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="2" data-aria-level="1">Integration - Då det förekommer många aktörer på projekten behöver man ha möjlighet att integrera systemet med redan befintliga.   <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Symbol" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{&quot;335552541&quot;:1,&quot;335559685&quot;:720,&quot;335559991&quot;:360,&quot;469769226&quot;:&quot;Symbol&quot;,&quot;469769242&quot;:[8226],&quot;469777803&quot;:&quot;left&quot;,&quot;469777804&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;469777815&quot;:&quot;hybridMultilevel&quot;}" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="3" data-aria-level="1">Incitament - För att främja användningen kan man med fördel använda bonussystem, som gynnar aktörerna som använder systemet. Allt fler aktörer kommer därmed få positiva erfarenheter av systemet vilket kan underlätta en bredare implementation.   Tidigare studier har beskrivit att byggherrarna inte tidigare fokuserat på bygglogistik. Studien har bekräftat att det i viss mån fortfarande är så, då logistiklösningar främst utformas vid större projekt. Från respondenterna har det framkommit att mindre projekt inom samma byggkoncern inte har samma resurser eller fokus på bygglogistik. Samtidigt kan de större projekten fungera som pilotprojekt, och ligga till grund för en bredare implementation. / An effective flow of information is essential to create opportunities for well-functioning construction logistics. One of the challenges in the construction industry is the number of stakeholders who need access to the information. The systems currently in use often lack the ability to share information with each other. This lack of information sharing has led to a fragmented supply chain, which negatively impacts projects performance.   Previous studies have highlighted the need for digital tools to coordinate the construction logistics in projects. Other studies have identified problems with implementing new procedures and digital tools in the construction sector. Therefore, there is a need to investigate how companies can successfully implement digital tools to facilitate information sharing and transport coordination.   The aim of the study has been to define transport coordination systems. Furthermore, analyze and investigate the strategies that can be applied for effective implementation in the construction sector. The purpose is to identify the underlying obstacles that limit companies from using these systems and provide recommendations for strategies to overcome these limitations.   The study was conducted as a multiple case study on large construction projects in Sweden and Norway. Seven projects were included in the case study, all of which utilized a transport coordination system during production. The extent of use of the system varied in each project depending on the logistics solution. The data collection was done through semi-structured interviews with at least one representative from each project participating. In addition to the respondents from the construction projects, interviews were also conducted with two competing software developers.   An analysis of the impact of the logistics solution in different projects was conducted, which focused on the impact the transport coordination system had. It has been crucial to distinguish the impact of the digital system from the general logistics solution. Respondents have clearly indicated that different strategies have had varied acceptance in production.   The study has identified three key factors underlying strategies for implementing digital tools:  <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Symbol" data-listid="4" data-list-defn-props="{&quot;335552541&quot;:1,&quot;335559685&quot;:720,&quot;335559991&quot;:360,&quot;469769226&quot;:&quot;Symbol&quot;,&quot;469769242&quot;:[8226],&quot;469777803&quot;:&quot;left&quot;,&quot;469777804&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;469777815&quot;:&quot;hybridMultilevel&quot;}" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="4" data-aria-level="1">Requirement specification – The project’s requirements must be clearly stated at an early stage. If the client sets requirements for the main contractor, the implementation becomes smoother as subcontractors and suppliers must adapt to win the contracts.   <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Symbol" data-listid="4" data-list-defn-props="{&quot;335552541&quot;:1,&quot;335559685&quot;:720,&quot;335559991&quot;:360,&quot;469769226&quot;:&quot;Symbol&quot;,&quot;469769242&quot;:[8226],&quot;469777803&quot;:&quot;left&quot;,&quot;469777804&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;469777815&quot;:&quot;hybridMultilevel&quot;}" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="5" data-aria-level="1">Integration – Since there are many stakeholders involved in projects, there is a need to be able to integrate the system with existing ones.   <li data-leveltext="" data-font="Symbol" data-listid="4" data-list-defn-props="{&quot;335552541&quot;:1,&quot;335559685&quot;:720,&quot;335559991&quot;:360,&quot;469769226&quot;:&quot;Symbol&quot;,&quot;469769242&quot;:[8226],&quot;469777803&quot;:&quot;left&quot;,&quot;469777804&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;469777815&quot;:&quot;hybridMultilevel&quot;}" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="6" data-aria-level="1">Incentives – To promote usage, a bonus system can be beneficial, favoring actors who use the system correctly. As more actors have a positive experience with the system, it can facilitate broader implementation.   Previous studies have described how developers have not previously focused on construction logistics. The study confirmed that to some extent this is still the case, as logistics solutions are primarily designed for larger projects. Respondents have indicated that smaller projects within the same company do not have the same resources or focus on construction logistics. Hopefully larger projects can serve as pilot projects and form the basis for broader implementation.

Restriktioner av tredjepartscookies : En kvalitativ studie om dess påverkan på företagens marknadsföringsstrategier och kundrelationer i en ny era / Restrictions of third-party cookies : A qualitative study on its impact on companies' marketing strategies and customer relationships in a new era

Riihimäki, Linnea, Stiernstedt, Isabelle January 2024 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker den påverkan restriktioner av tredjepartscookies har på företagens marknadsföringsstrategier och förmåga att nå ut till sina kundsegment. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter med olika befattningar inom marknadsföring i olika branscher, bidrar studien till en ökad inblick i respondenternas egna uppfattning över hur dessa restriktioner påverkar affärsverksamheten.   Idag läggs det en stor vikt på användningen av data för att på ett mer effektivt sätt kunna nå ut till sina kundsegment, där dessa insikter är avgörande för att utveckla marknadsföringsstrategier och även uppnå konkurrensfördelar. Studien antyder att avvecklingen av tredjepartscookies har en påverkan på företagens marknadsföringsstrategier och deras förmåga att nå ut till respektive kundsegment. Detta då denna avveckling ger en minskad datainsikt där det blir allt svårare för företagen att förstå sina kundsegment och således rikta och forma sina marknadsföringskampanjer. Studien uppmärksammar även möjligheter som kommer till följd av restriktionerna såsom ökad integritet och kontinuerlig utveckling av nya strategier. Sammanfattningsvis belyser denna kvalitativa studie att restriktionerna av tredjepartscookies kommer att kräva nya arbetssätt för marknadsförare vilket kräver anpassningsförmåga och kreativitet. / This qualitative study examines the impact of third-party cookie restrictions on companies' marketing strategies and ability to reach their customer segments. Through semi-structured interviews with respondents in various marketing positions in different industries, the study provides insight into the respondents' own perceptions of how these restrictions affect their business operations.  Today, there is a strong emphasis on the use of data to more effectively reach out to customer segments, where these insights are crucial for developing marketing strategies and achieving competitive advantage. The study suggests that the elimination of third-party cookies has an impact on companies' marketing strategies and their ability to reach their customer segments. This is due to a reduction in data insight, making it increasingly difficult for companies to understand their customer segments and thus target and shape their marketing campaigns. The study also draws attention to opportunities arising from the restrictions such as increased privacy and continuous development of new strategies. In conclusion, this qualitative study highlights that the restrictions on third-party cookies will require new ways of working for marketers, which requires adaptability and creativity.

Revisionsprofessionens bemötande av förändring : En studie om kunskap och utvidgning av revisionsområden / The audit profession's response to change : A study on knowledge and expansion of audit areas

Brolin, Amanda, Lindén, Viktoria January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett nytt EU-direktiv som reglerar kraven för hållbarhetsredovisning träder i kraft 2024. Med det nya direktivet blir revision av hållbarhetsredovisning obligatorisk, vilket innebär att denna redovisning måste inkluderas i företagens förvaltningsberättelse. Denna förändring förväntas påverka revisionsprocessen och ställa högre kunskapskrav på revisionsprofessionen. Det finns även förutsägelser om en ökning av revisionsuppdrag samt ett ökat behov av kompetensutveckling inom revisionsyrket, eftersom revisionen utvidgas till att granska kvalitativ information. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utforska hur kunskap skapar komfort inom revisionsprocessen när professionen utsätts för en förändring som innebär granskning av ett nytt område. Teoretisk referensram: Studien redogör hur nya områden kan bli revisionsbara och hur olika tillvägagångssätt kan tillämpas vid förändring inom revisionsprofessionen. Komfortteorin kommer likså att användas och kommer identifiera aspekter för hur revisorer kan behålla en känsla av trygghet i sin bedömning vid nya revisionsområden. Metod: Studien använder en innehållsanalys för att identifiera och analysera mönster. Tretton vetenskapliga artiklar har hittats och jämförts för att uppnå studiens syfte. Slutsats: Slutsatserna som framgår av studien identifierar att kunskap är grundläggande för att göra något revisionsbart. Det framgår även att avsaknaden av ett tydligt ramverk försvårar etableringen av hållbarhetsrevision. Studien identifierar likaså att ett samarbete mellan revisorer och hållbarhetspecialister hade kunnat förenkla bemötandet av de utmaningar som uppstår när revisionsområdet utvidgas. / Background: A new EU directive regulating the requirements for sustainability reporting will come into effect in 2024. With the new directive, the audit of sustainability reporting becomes mandatory, which means that this reporting must be included in companies' management reports. This change is expected to affect the audit process and impose higher knowledge requirements on the auditing profession. There are also predictions of an increase in audit assignments and a greater need for professional development within the auditing profession, as the audit expands to include qualitative information. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how knowledge creates comfort within the audit process when the profession is subjected to a change that involves auditing a new area. Theoretical Framework: The study describes how new areas can become auditable and how different approaches can be applied during changes within the auditing profession. The comfort theory will also be used and will identify aspects of how auditors can maintain a sense of security in their assessment when auditing new areas. Method: The study uses a content analysis to identify and analyze patterns. Thirteen scientific articles have been found and compared to achieve the study's purpose. Conclusion: The conclusions drawn from the study identify that knowledge is fundamental to making something auditable. It also shows that the lack of a clear framework complicates the establishment of sustainability audits. The study likewise identifies that collaboration between auditors and sustainability specialists could facilitate addressing the challenges that arise when the audit area is expanded.in establishing frameworks may contribute to easing this adaptation process.

Arbitragem comercial internacional e acesso à justiça: o novo paradigma do Third Party Funding

Filho, Napoleão Casado 06 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Napoleao Casado Filho.pdf: 1373756 bytes, checksum: f0e78d5ac08707eaf66fc8f347c57f68 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Arbitration is sometimes seen a Justice system for rich people only. As a private system that needs to be paid, how does it deal with the principle of Acess to Justice? The aim of this thesis is to answer this question and to analyse how Brazilian law should approach the new phenomenon that the world of the International Law is now facing: third parties external to the conflict invest in International Arbitration in exchange for a share of the results of the arbitration proceedings. Throughout the thesis, we demonstrate how the phenomenon of Arbitration emerged in the contemporary world and the great challenges that Arbitration now faces, including the defy of assuring Access to a Jurisdictional Service to parties that do not have enough resources to meet the costs of the arbitration proceedings. We will use the Systems Theory to localize the Arbitration system as an autonomous legal subsystem. Then, we discuss how the world has seen the Third Party Funding phenomenom, concluding with our understanding on how Brazilian law must face this new reality, aligning it with our legal system / A arbitragem muitas vezes é vista como justiça dos ricos. Mecanismo privado e com custos, como ele se comporta em face do princípio do Acesso à Justiça? O objetivo desta tese é responder a essa indagação e analisar como o Direito brasileiro deve se comportar em face do novo fenômeno que acontece no mundo do Direito das Relações Econômicas Internacionais: terceiros, estranhos ao conflito, investem em Arbitragens Internacionais em troca de uma parcela do resultado do procedimento arbitral. Ao longo do trabalho, demonstramos como o fenômeno da Arbitragem surgiu no mundo contemporâneo e os grandes desafios que o instituto enfrenta, entre eles o do Acesso à Prestação Jurisdicional para partes que não têm recursos para sustentar os custos do procedimento arbitral. Recorreremos à Teoria dos Sistemas para posicionar a Arbitragem Comercial Internacional como subsistema jurídico autônomo. Em seguida, abordaremos como o mundo tem visto o fenômeno, concluindo com nosso entendimento sobre como o Direito brasileiro deve encarar essa nova realidade, compatibilizando-a com nosso ordenamento jurídico

Dynamics of interplay between third-party interveners and national factions in civil war peace negotiations : case studies on Cambodia and El Salvador

Lee, Sung Yong January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the processes of the peace negotiations in Cambodia (1987-1993) and El Salvador (1989-1993) in order to address the following question: What does the interplay between the national factions and the external interveners in peace negotiations tell us about their chances of achieving their goals? By using the concept of ‘interplay,’ this study reinterprets the negotiation processes as the negotiating actors’ exchanges of strategic moves. In particular, it explores how the negotiating actors’ attitudes towards the core negotiation issues changed in the two cases and how the changes affected their counterparts’ negotiating strategies. There are two aspects to the findings of this thesis, one descriptive and the other explanatory. First, this study has investigated the characteristics of the negotiating actors’ strategies and the pattern of the interplay between them. As for the interveners’ strategies, this thesis finds that impartial third parties generally employ diplomatic intervention methods, while advocate states enjoy a wider range of options. In addition, national factions’ behaviour is generally affected by three factors: their fundamental goals, the domestic resources under their control, and the incentives or pressure from external interveners. It is also observed that the stronger the intervention becomes, the more that national factions’ provisional strategies are inclined to be receptive towards the intervention. Nevertheless, the national factions rarely fully accepted proposals that they deemed harmful to the achievement of their fundamental goals. Second, based on the descriptive findings, this thesis highlights the importance of mutual understanding between national factions and external interveners. The case studies of Cambodia and El Salvador show that the effectiveness of a particular intervention depends not so much on the type of method employed but on the context in which it is applied. An intervention is more likely to be effective when it is used in a way that national factions can understand and is supported by the consistently strong attention of external interveners. In addition, it is observed that actors’ ethnocentric perceptions on core concepts of conflict and negotiation as well as their lack of an effective communication capability are some of the common causes of the misunderstandings that arise during negotiation processes.

Krav som är betydelsefulla vid inköp av logistiktjänster : Utifrån corporate social responsibility

Omar Salim, Lava, Ilia, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Background: In a larger picture, companies are hiring third party logistics operators who have the task to manage all or part of logistics operations such as storage, transport and packaging. The case company strives to constantly improve in order to get a better understanding of the requirements in connection with procurement. More and more demands are placed on the corporates responsibility along with the procurement. Corporate social responsibility describes a company’s responsibility judging by three dimensions: Ecologic, economic and social. Purpose: The purpose is to decide from a corporate social responsibility perspective which demands are meaningful while purchasing logistic services from a third party logistics operator. Method: This study is a case study at a third party logistics operator. The study is built upon an abductive research approach and the results are collected through semi- structured interviews with the company along with the three potential customers. This theoretical referencing is built from scientific article, books and websites. Conclusion: The amount of requirements put on a third party logistics operator from an economical responsibility perspective is twice as much with ecological responsibility perspective. The least demands is required by social responsibility. The operator’s price and quality on the service, correctly maintained goods, withholding of vehicles, ability to communicate electronically and localizing are the requirements that are made from the economical responsibilities perspective. Fuel usage and environmental class vehicles and that the operator has an environmental goal are required by ecological responsibilities perspective. The social responsibilities perspective requires long-term collaboration and fair working conditions. This study has contributed knowledge about the requirements by corporate social responsibilities three dimensions and how they affect third party logistics operator. / Bakgrund: I en allt större utsträckning anlitar företag tredjepartslogistik-aktörer som har till uppgift att sköta hela eller delar av logistikverksamheten som lagring, transportering och paketering. Fallföretaget, som är en tredjepartslogistik-aktör, strävar efter att ständigt förbättras för att få en ökad förståelse för de krav som ställs i samband med upphandling. Allt fler krav ställs på företags ansvarstagande i samband med upphandling. Corporate social responsibility beskriver ett företags ansvarstagande utifrån tre dimensioner: ekologiskt, ekonomiskt och socialt. Syfte: Syftet är att utifrån corporate social responsibility utforska vilka krav som är betydelsefulla vid inköp av logistiktjänster från en tredjepartslogistik-aktör. Metod: Denna studie är en fallstudie hos en tredjepartslogistik-aktör. Studien bygger på en abduktiv forskningsansats och resultatet är insamlat genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fallföretaget samt tre potentiella kunderna. Den teoretiska referensramen är uppbyggd utifrån vetenskapliga artiklar, böcker och hemsidor. Slutsats: Antalet ställda krav på en tredjepartslogistik-aktör utifrån ekonomiskt ansvarstagande är dubbelt så många jämfört med ekologiskt ansvarstagande. Minst krav ställs utifrån socialt ansvarstagande. Aktörens pris och kvalitet på tjänsten, korrekt hantering av gods, underhåll av fordon, förmåga att kommunicera elektroniskt och lokalisering är krav som ställs utifrån ett ekonomiskt ansvarstagande. Bränsleval och miljöklass på fordon samt att aktören har ett miljömål är krav som ställs utifrån ett ekologiskt ansvarstagande. Långsiktigt samarbete och rättvisa arbetsvillkor är krav som ställs utifrån socialt ansvarstagande. Denna studie har bidragit med kunskap angående ställda krav utifrån corporate social responsibility:s tre dimensioner och hur de påverkar valet av tredjepartslogistik-aktör.

Empirical Analysis of Socio-Cognitive Factors Affecting Security Behaviors and Practices of Smartphone Users

Simpson, Joseph P. 01 January 2016 (has links)
The overall security posture of information systems (IS) depends on the behaviors of the IS users. Several studies have shown that users are the greatest vulnerability to IS security. The proliferation of smartphones is introducing an entirely new set of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities. Smartphone devices amplify this data exposure problem by enabling instantaneous transmission and storage of personally identifiable information (PII) by smartphone users, which is becoming a major security risk. Moreover, companies are also capitalizing on the availability and powerful computing capabilities of these smartphone devices and developing a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) program, which makes companies susceptible to divulgence of organizational proprietary information and sensitive customer information. In addition to users being the greatest risk to IS security, several studies have shown that many people do not implement even the most basic security countermeasures on their smartphones. The lack of security countermeasures implementation, risky user behavior, and the amount of sensitive information stored and transmitted on smartphones is becoming an ever-increasing problem. A literature review revealed a significant gap in literature pertaining to smartphone security. This study identified six socio-cognitive factors from the domain of traditional computer security which have shown to have an impact on user security behaviors and practices. The six factors this study identified and analyzed are mobile information security self-efficacy, institutional trust, party trust, and awareness of smartphone risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and their influence on smartphone security practices and behaviors. The analysis done in this research was confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) – structural equation modeling (SEM). The goal of this study was to cross-validate previously validated factors within the context of traditional computer security and assess their applicability in the context of smartphone security. Additionally, this study assessed the influential significance of these factors on the security behaviors and practices of smartphone users. This study used a Web-based survey and was distributed to approximately 539 users through Facebook® and LinkedIn® social media outlets which resulted in 275 responses for a 51% response rate. After pre-analysis data screening was completed, there were a total of 19 responses that had to be eliminated due to unengaged responses and outliers leaving 256 responses left to analyze. The results of the analysis found that vulnerability awareness, threat awareness, and risk awareness are interrelated to one another which all in turn had significance in predicting self-efficacy, security practices, and behaviors. This intricate relationship revealed in this study indicates that a user has to have an increased awareness in all three categories of awareness before they can fully understand how to protect themselves. Having an increased awareness in one category does not impact the overall security posture of the user and that risk, threat, and vulnerability awareness all work together. Another interesting find was that as risk awareness increased the less the smartphone users protected themselves. This finding warrants additional research to investigate why the user is more averse to risk, and willing to accept the risk, despite their increased awareness. Finally, institutional trust and party trust was found not to have any significance on any of the factors. These findings should give smartphone users and organizations insight into specific areas to focus on in minimizing inappropriate security behaviors and practices of smartphone users. More specifically, users and organizations need to focus on educating users on all three factors of threats, risks, and vulnerabilities in order for there to have any impact on increasing self-efficacy and reducing inappropriate security behaviors and practices.


林新裕, Lin Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要: 汽車為現代人不可或缺之交通工具,汽車責任保險關乎社會大眾權益甚巨,不僅僅是保險人與被保險人兩者之間保險契約之關係,尚且關乎汽車意外事故受害第三人之權利,而每個人都有可能成為汽車意外事故之受害第三人。故保障受害第三人之權益即是保障多數人之權益。為使受害第三人之權益能獲得充分周全之保障,於汽車責任保險之中,創立受害第三人直接請求權制度,實不失為一良法。然而於我國無論是強制汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權制度抑或是任意汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權制度,均存有若干疑義及缺失,因而引發筆者研究動機。本文之研究方法為(1)、比較法研究及(2)、邏輯架構分析法。將全文分成七章予以論述,主要之研究內容為,以責任保險之意義、思潮及功能為開端,進而論述責任被保險人之保險給付請求權及受害第三人之直接請求權並闡述責任被保險人、責任保險人與受害第三人三者彼此之關係及保險給付請求權與直接請求權競合之處理,並進一步檢視我國現行關於受害第三人直接請求權法令規範之缺失,參酌外國立法例及學說,提出改進建議,期能使我國之受害第三人直接請求權制度,邏輯趨於圓滿一致,以杜絕適用疑義,廣增大眾福祉。 / Abstract: An automobile has become a necessary transportation vehicle for modern people. The automobile liability insurance plays an important role on everyone’s rights in our society. The insurance contract doesn’t only signify the relationship between an insurer and the insured , but also refers to the injured third party’s rights during the automobile accident. Because everyone may become a possible automobile accident injured third party, to protect the injured third party’s right means to protect everybody’s citizenship. In order to preserve the injured third party’s right exactly and sufficiently, it is a good method to establish the legislation system empowering the injured third party possessing the authority to exert the automobile liability. However, as far as the injured third party’s action is concerned, there are flaws and imperfection in the system of compulsory automobile liability insurance and optional automobile liability insurance in our country. That is the motivation of this study and the reason why the author draws this paper. The research methods of this paper are the comparative method and the logic framework analysis method. This paper is consisted of seven chapters. The major content of this paper begins with the significance, development and function of the liability insurance. Then, this paper will discuss the right of the liability insured’s payment claim and the injured third party’s direct action, analyze the relationship among the liability insurer, the liability insured and the injured third party, and exposit how to handle the conflict between the right of the liability insured’s payment claim and the injured third party’s direct action. Furthermore, it is important to inspect the imperfection of the current laws and regulations of the injured third party’s direct action in Taiwan. After considering the spirits of the foreign country’s laws, the researcher will pose and recommend the improving methods for the law system of the injured third party’ direct action in our country. The suggestions try to make the law system more coherent and more logical, to eradicate the mess situation in practice, and to fortify the public welfare.

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