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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of Informed Consent Documents used in Critical Care Trials

ATWERE, PEARL January 2015 (has links)
The literature suggests that informed consent documents (ICDs) are not well understood by research participants. The patient decision aid model may suggest improvements for the informed consent process, particularly in the critical care setting (ICU) because of patient capacity issues. Our goal was to evaluate the extent to which existing ICDs used in ICU research adhere to standards and recommendations for high quality informed consent. Eighteen items from recommendations specific to ICU trials were added to a previously developed ICD evaluation tool. A sample of ICU trials was identified from clinicaltrials.gov database and the investigators contacted for their trial ICD. Conformity to the recommendations was variable. Some information are found routinely in consent documents for critical care research and some are not. Efforts should aim to establish tools for measuring decision quality in the ICU with the goal of facilitating and helping patients and surrogates work through trial participation decisions.

Profitabilita pojištění motorových vozidel na českém pojistném trhu / Motor insurance profitability in the czech insurance market

Roblová, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the motor damage and the motor third party liability insurance profitability evaluation of the czech insurance market. In the first part both the czech market devolopment and the current law-making issues with the evaluation of the czech market key indicators are briefly described. Next part of the thesis is focused on the non life insurance market quantitative characteristic in the period from 2003 to 2015. Next part of the thesis deals with the motor damage and the motor third party liability insurance characteristics. In the last two chapters the thesis examines the motor damage and the motor third party liability market with the following evaluation of their profitability by using the combined ratio indicator.

Krav vid val av tredjepartslogistiksaktör : En fallstudie genomförd på AA logistik

Dahir, Chera, Zildzic, Abdela January 2017 (has links)
Under en lång tidsperiod har transportering av gods förekommit och i dagens samhälle blir det allt mer vanligt att man anlitar en tredjepartslogistik-aktör (TPL-aktör) som sköter hela eller delar av ett företags distribution. Fallföretaget i denna studie är en nyetablerad TPL-aktör som idag inte nått ut till så många kunder som önskat. Fallföretaget erbjuder ett flertal tjänsten inom logistik, som t.ex. lagring, packning, transport, flyggodshantering och säkerhetsrådgivning.   Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera och redogöra för vilka krav som är betydelsefulla vid urval av TPL-aktör. För att kunna skapa ett underlag till studien samt besvara studiens syfte har litteraturstudier samt intervjuer genomförts med fallföretaget, tre av deras befintliga kunder samt en potentiell kund. Utifrån vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur samt webbsidor har en relevant teori tagits fram. Studiens empiriska material som bestod av intervjuer jämfördes och ställdes i en analys, mot den samlade teorin (för att därefter kunna dra en slutsats).   Resultatet består av intervjuer med befintliga kunder att samt en intervju med en potentiell kund. I intervjun framkommer det att de mest förekommande och avgörande kraven som ställs vid val av TPL-aktör för kunderna samt fallföretaget är leveranssäkerhet, pris och kundservice. Kund A och den potentiella kunden är de enda som nämner närhet som en betydande faktor. Även informationsdelning är en faktor som nämns att vara betydande för respondenterna. Kund A samt den potentiella kunden ser flexibilitet som ett avgörande krav vid val av TPL-aktör. Alla befintliga kunder samt den potentiella kunden värdesätter leveranssäkerhet väldigt högt. Kund C anser att rätt resurser och rätt egenskaper är ett krav som ställs på TPL-aktören men även den potentiella kunden ser det som en betydande faktor.   Man kan dra slutsatsen att de främsta anledningarna till varför företag väljer att outsourcar delar av sin logistikverksamhet beror på att de vill spara pengar och fokusera på den egna kärnverksamheten. De mest förkommande kraven som ställs på en TPL-aktör enligt de kunder som intervjuats, är god leveranssäkerhet, bra pris, bra kundservice, korrekt informationsdelning och god flexibilitet. Rätt resurser och rätt egenskaper som hög pålitlighet är faktorer som specifika för just val av TPL-aktör, inom flyggodslogistik. / Transportation of goods has existed for a long period of time, and in today's society it has become increasingly common to employ a third-party logistics actor (TPL-actor) which manages all or part of a company's distribution. The case company in this study is a newly established TPL-actor which has not yet reached as many customers as desired. The case company offers a number of logistics services, such as storage, packing, transport, handling of flight goods and safety consulting.   The purpose of this study is to identify and describe what requirements are important when selecting a TPL actor.   A literature study have been conducted. Existing and potential customers of the case company have been interviewed. The study´is empirical material that consisted of interviews was compared and later, in a analysis, put up against the overall study to draw a conclusion.   As for the findings, it consists existing customers as well as an interview with a potential customer. It appears in the interview that delivery security, price and customer service are the most occurring and crucial requirements when choosing a TPL-actor. Customer A and the potential customer are the only ones that mentions proximity as a significant factor. Information sharing is also another factor which is significant according to the respondents. Costumer A and the potential customer sees flexibility as a crucial requirement when choosing a TPL-actors as well. All existing customers and the potential customer values delivery security highly. Customer C considers that right resources and right attributes is a requirement placed on the TPL-actor which the potential customer agrees upon.   As a conclusion, the main reason to why companies outsource the parts of their logistics management is to save money and focus on the core competence of the business. The most occurring requirements placed on TPL-actors according to the interviewed customers are, good delivery security, good price, good customer service, correct information sharing and good flexibility. Right resources, right attributes as well as high reliability are factors that are specific regarding the selection of TPL-actors, within air goods logistics.

Balancing Act: Successfully Combining Creativity and Accountability in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy

Bello, Nathalie Duque 01 January 2015 (has links)
The conditions that allowed early MFTs the freedom to creatively explore different interventions and theories of change are no longer available in today’s mental health care system. Although there are many benefits to the structure of managed behavioral healthcare organizations, a thorough review of the literature demonstrates that many therapists working in managed care agencies struggle with maintaining their theoretical creativity, claiming third-party payers’ service requirements and paperwork a barrier to their creativity. A phenomenological transcendental research method was utilized to understand the phenomenon of successfully combining creativity and accountability in the practice of marriage and family therapy from the perspective of six creative MFTs who have effectively incorporated creative therapeutic techniques into their work, while adhering to the structured requirements of managed care. The findings and themes of the study were organized into two categories. The themes in the Textural / Content Category (description and purpose of therapeutic creativity at a managed care agency) are: (1) Creatively combining the needs of the clients, the different professional entities, insurance companies and you as a therapist, (2) Translating post-modern information into the medical model language that meets the third-party payers’ requirements, (3) Completing documentation with clients, (4) Incorporating technique from a range of therapy models, (5) Keeping clients engaged through a variety of resources and activities, and (6) Utilizing metaphors and themes to uncover patterns of relational dynamics and behaviors. The themes in the Structural / Supportive Conditions Category (factors that allow the balance of creativity and accountability to occur) are: (1) Systemic understanding of how the therapeutic and business systems of managed behavioral healthcare interact together, (2) Having a supportive network of colleagues, (2a) Supportive group of coworkers within the job setting, (2b) Supportive network of MFT colleagues outside of the work setting, (3) Desire to make a difference in peoples’ lives, (4) Continuous education on all aspects of the mental health field, (5) Employers’ support of creative therapy, (6) Self-reflection, (7) Self-care, and (8) Organization and time management.

La sentence arbitrale internationale : contribution de droit processuel comparé (droit français et droit russe) / The international arbitral award : a Comparative Procedural Law Perspective (French and Russian Law)

Bernadskaya, Elena 25 November 2011 (has links)
La sentence est une notion complexe qui partage différentes caractéristiques avec le contrat, l’acte juridictionnel ou la décision de justice. En effet, la nature juridictionnelle de la sentence est aujourd’hui admise, mais en raison de son origine conventionnelle, elle demeure un acte privé. Ainsi, son régime d’acte juridictionnel est-Il modifié par un élément conventionnel – dès la désignation des arbitres appelés à rendre la sentence jusqu’à son exécution. L’étude du droit comparé montre que la notion et le régime de la sentence sont différemment appréciés en droit français et russe – tout est question d’interprétation des critères de qualification, bien qu’ils s’avèrent être les mêmes. Ainsi, convient-Il de faire ressortir ces différences à travers l’étude de la notion de la sentence et de son régime dans les deux ordres juridiques, sauf à démontrer que l’une et l’autre contribuent à la préservation du caractère particulier de la sentence qui ne peut et ne doit pas être assimilée, en définitive, à une décision de justice. / The arbitral award is a complex legal notion, sharing characteristics with the contract, the jurisdictional act and the judicial decision. Indeed, the jurisdictional dimension of the arbitral award has now been admitted, though, because of its contractual source, it is still considered as a private legal act. The legal regime of this jurisdictional act is therefore influenced by a contractual bias – as from the arbitrators’ appointment up to the enforcement of the arbitral award. A comparative approach shows that the arbitral award’s notion and legal regime are differently considered in French and Russian laws. The differences lie mainly in the interpretation of the legal qualification criteria, though the latter are similar in the two legal systems. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the said differences through the study of the arbitral award’s notion and legal regime in French and Russian laws, which might lead to consider that the specificity of the arbitral award should be preserved instead of considering the award as a judicial decision.

Imagen de marca, confianza y precio en relación a la intención de reserva en plataformas web de terceros en vacacionistas de hoteles 3 estrellas / Brand image, trust and price in relation to booking intention on third-party web platforms in vacationers of 3-start hotels

Richter Arias, Brenda Isabel 21 August 2020 (has links)
El turismo mundial ha ido creciendo en los últimos años y las exigencias de los turistas, sobre todo los que realizan viajes por vacaciones, también. Precisamente por ello, el sector hotelero ha tenido que buscar maneras de diferenciarse frente a un público cada vez más exigente. De esta manera, el presente estudio está encaminado en factores tales como la imagen de marca, la confianza y el precio, ya que son éstas, variables tomadas en cuenta por los vacacionistas al momento de elegir un hotel en plataformas web de terceros. El estudio se sustenta en un método de investigación cuantitativo con característica descriptiva correlacional multivariada y de diseño no experimental. La investigación muestra que es imprescindible conocer qué factores son los tomados en cuenta por el consumidor al momento de elegir un hotel. / World tourism has been growing in recent years and the demands of tourists, especially those on holiday trips, have also increased. Precisely because of this, the hotel sector has had to look for ways to differentiate itself from an increasingly demanding public. Thus, this study focuses on factors such as brand image, trust and price, as these are variables taken into account by vacationers when choosing a hotel on third-party web platforms. The study is based on a quantitative research method with multivariate correlational descriptive characteristics and non-experimental design. The research shows that it is essential to know which factors are taken into account by the consumer when choosing a hotel. / Trabajo de investigación

Le financement du procès par un tiers dans l'arbitrage international / The third-party funding in international arbitration

Jacob, Mylène 21 December 2018 (has links)
Fruit de la globalisation économique et financière, la rencontre entre l’arbitrage international et la finance était inéluctable. Plusieurs facteurs expliquent ce phénomène : l’accroissement des échanges commerciaux et des investissements transnationaux, le choix des opérateurs du commerce international pour l’arbitrage lorsqu’il s’agit de régler leurs différends malgré le coût élevé des procédures d’arbitrage, enfin les nouvelles approches adoptées par les entreprises transnationales en matière de gouvernance et de gestion du risque. Le financement de procès par un tiers dans l’arbitrage international est protéiforme. Il implique différents acteurs comme les avocats, les assureurs mais ce sont les tiers-financeurs avec le concept du « Third-Party Funding », qui cristallisent notre attention pour cette étude. Le Third-Party Funding offre plusieurs options avec un schéma classique : le financement d’un procès mais aujourd’hui, nous assistons à un schéma beaucoup plus élaboré avec le financement de portefeuilles d’arbitrages « Portfolio Funding » qui a la préférence des tiers-financeurs. Aussi, dans un premier temps, il semblait essentiel d’analyser le financement de procès par un tiers dont le Third-Party Funding pour en comprendre les fondements, les mécanismes. Si le financement Third-Party Funding présente des atouts indéniables pour comme l’accès à la justice, il soulève aussi des problématiques en raison de la spécificité de l’arbitrage. Le tiers-financeur n’étant pas partie à l’arbitrage, sa participation a un réel impact sur la procédure et soulève des questions dont les principales touchent à la constitution du tribunal arbitral et au déroulement de la procédure arbitrale. Dès lors, il s’agit de savoir comment maîtriser cet impact sur la procédure d’arbitrage, comment la sécuriser, la pratique du Third-Party Funding n’étant pas réglementée. Les règles étatiques apportant des réponses laconiques, les règles informelles plus flexibles, sont plus à même à offrir un encadrement adapté à une activité résolument transnationale et globale. Certes, il existe bien une autorégulation des tiers-financeurs avec des codes de conduite mais insuffisante pour répondre aux spécificités de l’arbitrage. Les acteurs de l’arbitrage ont donc un rôle à jouer dans la proposition d’une réglementation tout comme les arbitres qui ont ainsi favorisé le développement d’une jurisprudence arbitrale principalement CIRDI. Les institutions arbitrales devraient s’inspirer des principes de base comme l’éthique et la transparence pour mettre en place de nouvelles règles intégrant le financement Third-Party Funding dans leurs Règlements d’arbitrage (comme l’ont fait le SIAC à Singapour, le Centre d’arbitrage et de médiation de la Chambre de commerce Brésil-Canada (CAM-CCB). Enfin, les règles de compliance viendraient compléter cette réglementation appropriée avec les Autorités de régulation financière. La réglementation est de toute évidence l’enjeu majeur dans les années à venir pour voir un financement Third-Party Funding éthique, transparent, efficient et concourant pleinement à l’efficacité de l’arbitrage international. / Being the result of economic and financial globalization, the meeting between international arbitration and finance was inevitable. Several factors explain this phenomenon: the increase of transnational trade and investment, the choice of international trade operators in favor of arbitration, despite the high cost of arbitration procedures, when they must solve disputes and new approaches adopted by transnational corporations in governance and risk management. Third-party funding in international arbitration proceedings is multifaceted. It involves different stakeholders such as lawyers, insurers but it is the third-party funders, with the concept of “Third-Party Funding”, which will be the focus of our attention for this study. It offers several options with a classic scheme, which is the financing of a trial but nowadays we witness a much more elaborate scheme with the financing of portfolios of arbitration i.e. “Portfolio funding”, which is favored by funders. Therefore, it seemed essential to analyze the funding of trials including the Third-Party Funding to understand the foundations, the mechanisms. While Third-Party Funding has undeniable strengths such as access to justice, it also raises problems because of the specificity of arbitration. Since the third party is not a party to the arbitration, its participation has a real impact on the procedure and raises questions, the main ones being the constitution of the arbitral tribunal and the conduct of the arbitration proceedings.It is therefore a question of knowing how to control this impact on the arbitration proceedings, how to secure it, since the Third-Party Funding practice is not regulated. State rules providing laconic answers, so more flexible informal rules are better able to offer a framework adapted to a resolutely transnational and global activity. There is, of course, a self-regulation of third-party funders with codes of conduct but insufficient to meet the specificities of arbitration. The actors of the arbitral community therefore have a role to play in the proposal of a regulation just like the arbitrators, who have thus favored the development of an arbitration jurisprudence mainly ICSID. Arbitral institutions should use basic principles such as ethics and transparency to implement new rules integrating Third-Party Funding into their Arbitration Rules (as did the SIAC in Singapore, the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada, CAM/CCBC. Finally, the compliance rules would complement this appropriate regulation with the financial regulatory authorities. Regulation is clearly the major issue in the coming years to see ethical, transparent, efficient Third-Party Funding that fully contributes to the effectiveness of international arbitration.

Stanovení sazeb pojistného v neživotním pojištění / Pricing in non-life insurance

Ondrušková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine the premium of motor third party liability insurance. Thesis explores both direct approach to premium cal- culation and calculation using separately calculated claims frequency and claims severity. Emphasis is put on the use of generalized linear models whose theory is also present. Described approaches to calculation are applied on real world data, compared with each other and then final model for premium calculation is selec- ted. Premium is determined with the inclusion of IBNR reserves and expenses. Keywords: generalized linear model, claims frequency, claims severity, net pre- mium, gross premium, motor third party liability insurance, bonus-malus. 1

Outsourcing av logistikfunktionen : inom västsvenska textilföretag / Outsourcing of logistics functions : within textile companies in western Sweden

Hamrin, John, Eriksson, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Problemformulering och bakgrund: Textilföretag är i behov av en effektiv logistik. En sådan finns att tillgå externt hos tredjepartslogistiker. Det finns begränsad forskning som påvisar riskerna som outsourcing av logistikfunktionen innebär. Därför vill vi i denna studie jämföra risker med fördelar applicerat på den västsvenska textilmarknaden. Företagens utlåtande kring deras outsourcing av logistikfunktionen värderas och lyfts. Syfte: Syfte för den här studien är att undersöka hur användandet av tredjepartslogistik ser ut inom västsvenska textilföretag. Vi vill skapa förståelse kring vilka risker och fördelar som outsourcing av logistikfunktionen innebär. Fortsatt vill vi även undersöka hur situationen ser ut för textilföretag belägna i Västsverige, och vilka faktorer som spelar in i deras outsourcing av logistikfunktionen. Metod: Vi inledde vår kvalitativa forskning med att genomföra en litteraturöversikt, som vi därefter använde för att skapa en intervjuguide. Under intervjuerna följde vi guiden, men lät även respondenterna tala mer fritt vid behov. En sådan intervjumetod kallas för semi-strukturerade intervjuer. För att nå en slutsats ställde vi referensramen mot empirin. På så sätt kunde vi besvara våra forskningsfrågor. Diskussion och slutsats: Efter analys av vår empiri kom vi fram till att de västsvenska textilföretagen i stora drag delar den bild som litteraturen ger gällande de risker och fördelar som finns vid outsourcing av logistikfunktionen. Däremot finns vissa olikheter. Företagen anser att risken för beroendeförhållande samt vikten av kommunikation inte har samma betydelse som litteraturen anser. Vi slår fast att företagen resonerar likt litteraturen när det gäller eftersträvan av diverse konkurrensfördelar. Förslag på vidare forskning: Studiens urval är för litet för att kunna dra några generella och övergripande slutsatser kring västsvenska företags outsourcing av logistikfunktionen, annat än i de tre specifika fall som vi studerat. Därmed efterfrågar vi att framtida studier utökar antalet deltagande företag. Här hoppas vi att vår studie kan ge en god grund att bygga vidare på. / Formulation of Problems and Background : Textile companies are in need of effective logistics. This is available externally from third party logistics suppliers. There is limited research which demonstrates the risks involved in outsourcing of the logistics function. Therefore, we want in this study to compare the risks with the benefits applied to WesternSwedish Textile Companies. Purpose : The purpose of this study is to investigate the usage of third party logistics in Western Swedish Textile Companies. We also want to create an understanding of the risks and benefits that outsourcing of the logistics function entails. Further, we also want to investigate what the situation looks like for textile companies located in Western Sweden, and what factors are involved in their outsourcing of logistics. Method: We began by conducting a literature review which we later used to create an interview guide. The interview guide was used when interviewing three Western Swedish Textile Companies. During the interviews we followed the guide, though we also allowed the respondents to speak more freely if they chose. This methodology is called semi-structured interview. In order to reach a conclusion and answer our research questions, we compared the frame of reference against our empirical data. Discussion and conclusion: When analyzing our empirical data, we found that the companies broadly share the same impression as the literature regarding the risks and benefits involved when outsourcing logistics. We conclude that the companies included in our study put forth arguments which resemble what the literature emphasizes. However, there are some differences. Companies do not consider the risk of dependence on a third party, neither the importance of communication, as serious as the literature implies they should. Various competitive advantages are gained through the outsourcing of logistic functions. These outweigh any associated risks according to the companies involved in our study. Proposals for further research: The selection of companies in this study is too small to draw any general and comprehensive conclusions about the outsourcing of logistics function made by Western Swedish Textile Companies. This means that future studies will have to increase the number of participating companies in order to put forth a conclusion that is generalizable.

Data marts as management information delivery mechanisms: utilisation in manufacturing organisations with third party distribution

Ponelis, S.R. (Shana Rachel) 06 August 2003 (has links)
Customer knowledge plays a vital part in organisations today, particularly in sales and marketing processes, where customers can either be channel partners or final consumers. Managing customer data and/or information across business units, departments, and functions is vital. Frequently, channel partners gather and capture data about downstream customers and consumers that organisations further upstream in the channel require to be incorporated into their information systems in order to allow for management information delivery to their users. In this study, the focus is placed on manufacturing organisations using third party distribution since the flow of information between channel partner organisations in a supply chain (in contrast to the flow of products) provides an important link between organisations and increasingly represents a source of competitive advantage in the marketplace. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a significant difference in the use of sales and marketing data marts as management information delivery mechanisms in manufacturing organisations in different industries, particularly the pharmaceuticals and branded consumer products. The case studies presented in this dissertation indicates that there are significant differences between the use of sales and marketing data marts in different manufacturing industries, which can be ascribed to the industry, both directly and indirectly. / Thesis (MIS(Information Science))--University of Pretoria, 2002. / Information Science / MIS / unrestricted

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