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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Layout Design of A Third Party-Logistics Centre: A Case Study

Eren, Nurdan, Sat, Yusuf Hasim January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to develop an integrated model which involves creative and analytical features for designing a cost effective logistics centre layout on operational level, with respect to time and space utilization. Engineering methods, creative skills, simulation and multi-criteria decision making methods were integreted in the  developed model. The model has been implemented and validated in Oskarshamn Intralog, which is a sister company of Scania. After applying the model in the case company, three different layout concepts were generated based on engineering and simulation techniques. These concepts were evaluated from utilization of space, time and flexibility aspects. Furthermore, multi criteria decision making method was used to select the most cost effective layout concept among these concepts. Different aspects helped to see various effects of warehouse operations on layout design. Simulation was used as a powerful tool to test cycle time within designed concepts. Clearly it was concluded that a combination of two concepts led to reach the expected results as an optimum point among space, time utilization and flexibility which fullfilled the answer to both academical and practical problem</p> / <p><strong> </strong></p><p>Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utveckla en integrerad modell som inbegriper kreativa och analytiska egenskaper. Modellen ska användas till att designa en kostnadseffektiv planering av anläggningen för ett logistikcentrum på en operationell nivå, med avseende på tid- och lagerplatsutnyttjande. Tekniska metoder, kreativitet, simulering, samt “multi-criteria decision making” är integrerade i modellen. Validering och implementering av modellen skedde på Oskarshamn Intralog, ett systerföretag till Scania. Efter tillämpning av modellen på fallföretaget, genererades tre olika koncept för planering av anläggningen. Koncepten utvärderades utifrån utnyttjande av plats, tid, samt flexibilitet. Dessutom har metoden “multi-criteria decision making” använts för att selektera det mest kostnadseffektiva av de tre koncepten. Olika aspekter på tid- och lagerplatsutnyttjande, samt flexibilitet bidrog till att se olika effekter på lagerhantering. Simuleringar genomfördes för att testa cykeltiden i de utvecklade koncepten. Slutsatsen är att en kombination av två koncept ledde till det förväntade resultatet; en optimal punkt för tid- och lagerplatsutnyttjande, samt flexibilitet, vilket uppfyller svar till de akademiska och praktiska problemen</p>


李惠卿, Lee, Huei Ching Unknown Date (has links)
逆物流(reverse logistics)代表了將使用過的產品從消費者手上收回、並將此資源重新在市場上再利用的一連串物流活動。其配送成本往往比正向物流高,對於回送之產品,在運送、儲存、處理、管理方面亦無規律通路,較正向供應鏈增加許多的複雜性和不確定性,企業往往選擇將逆向物流之活動外包給專業物流服務商。 / 對逆向物流服務商來說,既以營利為目標,便有營運範疇內法規、利潤、運輸成本、營運成之考量。過去逆向物流方面之研究主題,多以逆向供應鏈上的廠址設置為主,本研究針對同時具有多個處理廠的逆物流服務供應商進行探討,建立適合的營運模式,考慮多時期、多個逆物流處理廠、多種型態的退回商品,建立一數量決策模式,以逆物流服務商的最大營運利潤為目標,探討逆物流之下的最適合再生物料接受訂單數量、以及個別逆物流處理中心之最適合當期處理量,考慮可能因退回商品回收量之不確定性、處理產出比率的不確定性影響處理廠之中再生物料的實際產量。對於模式當中的不確定因子,本研究建構以情境為基礎的穩健最佳化之模式求得穩健解。 / Reverse logistics reflects a serial of activities including collecting return products from consumers, recycling, reusing, and reducing the amount of materials used. Implementing reverse logistics is complicated and costs more than forward logistics to a firm. Furthermore, there is not a regular way to handle those transportation, storage, processing and management process. In order to reduce cost and focus on core business, industries choose to outsource those processes to third-party reverse logistics provider. / Previous literatures used to focus on the topic of facility location allocation or designing the infrastructure of reverse logistics distribution channels. From a reverse logistics provider perspective, this research concerned about the operational profit of the reverse logistics service provider who has multiple collection sites and refurbishing processing facilities. This research attempts to maximum the net-profit and presents a multi-period, multiple processing facilities, and multi-type return products to optimize the solution of the quantity of processing return products in each refurbishing processing facilities and the quantity of used material ordered by industries. The formulation uses a scenario-based robust optimization approach to solve those uncertainty factors such as the volume of product collection, the usage rate of return product in this model.

圖書出版業者對第三方物流供應商評選模式研究 / Selection of third party logistics provider in book publishing firms

詹阿勇, Chan, A Yung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣圖書出版業者為了增加競爭優勢、降低成本,將物流業務利用外包處理的方式已經相當普遍。為實現使用第三方物流業者之物流服務所帶來之效益,選擇適當的第三方物流公司作為合作夥伴是成功的關鍵之ㄧ,因此如何評選第三方物流公司,就顯得格外重要。 有鑒於圖書出版業者以往易根據供應商的印象或交情,抑或僅憑自己主觀的認定評選物流供應商,比較缺乏系統性的評選;又考量的因素往往難以完全獨立,為解決此一問題,本研究提供一第三方物流供應商評選方法,其包括: 1. 篩選第三方物流供應商評選指標;以及 2. 利用分析網路程序法(ANP)確立評選指標之相對權重。 在參考過去相關研究,並透過專家訪談,歸納出適用於圖書出版業對於第三方物流業者之評選指標,其分為服務品質、履約能力、服務品質、價格條件、資訊管理能力、經營績效五大構面以及17個評選指標;並利用ANP將評選指標之間的相依回饋關係納入考量,找出各指標的權重,以作為企業評選第三方物流業者之評選參考。 之後,本研究以使用第三方物流之圖書出版業者為實例進行說明。研究中發現,圖書出版業者間在評選第三方物流供應商時,所重視的指標會有所不同,業者會根據過去與物流供應商實際合作情況,回饋於選擇第三方物流供應商的系統中,修正評選指標,調整權重認定,以找到適合的物流供應商。以個案公司來說,於第三方物流供應商評選時,對於訂單履行準確性及準時將貨物送達顧客是最重要的考量因素,其反映個案公司過去與第三方物流供應商合作之經驗。 最後,本研究所提供之方法亦可提供決策者充分的資訊與系統化的思考,有利企業做為最終決策的參考。 / As book publishing firms are looking to increase competitiveness, strengthen core competencies and lower overall costs, outsourcing logistics to third party logistics (3PL) service providers have become common practice. To ensure the success and to maximize the benefits of such practice, the selection of the 3PL becomes particularly crucial. This study provides a comprehensive methodology to the selection of a 3PL provider, consisting of two parts: 1. Screening criteria to employ during the selection of a provider;and 2. Determining the relative importance of each screening criterion by the analytic network process (ANP) approach. A total of seventeen criteria have been identified by experts in the book publishing industry with respect to service quality, capabilities, price, information technology management and operational performance of the 3PL providers. As interdependencies exist between each criterion and cannot be captured by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to solve such types of problems, this study utilizes ANP to determine the relative weighting in the selection of a 3PL provider. Thereafter, the application of ANP for the selection of a 3PL provider is demonstrated through an illustrative example. The result of the example provided indicates that the criteria of shipment error rates and on-time shipment and deliveries are the most important, and this reflects the influence of the experiences from past cooperation between the case company and 3PL providers. This approach also enables the decision-makers to better understand the complex relationship between the relevant attributes during the decision-making process, which may subsequently improve the outcome of the decision.

Du père psychanalytique au père développemental : vision systémique de la fonction de triangulation: aplication à l'évaluation de la parentalité psychique

Noël, Raphaële January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

電視新聞採用非自採影片之研究 / A study on the use of TPV (Third Party Video) materials by TV news

林佳慧, Lin, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代社群媒體的應用,大大改寫媒體生態,21世紀初接連發生在北非、中東的抗議活動,Facebook、Twitter等社群媒體更發揮重要傳播作用,甚至成為政治運動的催化劑,國內外各大新聞組織也開始將這些被社交媒體平台大量分享、轉發的用戶生成內容 (UGC, User-generated content)重製後進行傳播,尤其是發生抗爭等社會運動、人為或意外現場等事件,因為時效性的關係,記者不能第一時間趕到,目擊者手機拍攝的影片或現場監視錄影器的畫面,往往成為重要新聞素材。   對於國內外新聞組織尤其是電視台來說,動態影片更同時具有吸引力與新聞說服力,新聞機構如何使用UGC資源,及其日漸普及的趨勢,則同時引發正反兩方意見,除了樂見其協助社會問題發聲,擴展公民參與,甚至打破新聞編輯室權威,讓媒體更加民主化之外;另方面卻也擔心降低新聞標準,尤其截稿時間,更增加電視台新聞記者判斷影片真偽的求證壓力,過度使用也可能造成媒體過度依賴社群媒體資源,瑣碎化的UGC甚至戕害新聞公共領域的發展。   本研究試圖剖析電視新聞使用來自目擊者或網友的第三方影音素材(TPV, third party video)的頻率與原因,研究分成兩步驟,首先選舉一家地面電視台一個月的prime time新聞,作為研究樣本,進行內容分析,以量化研究分析電視新聞如何應用TPV素材,研究樣本數共1825則;同時以質化研究中的深度訪談,訪問該電視台的文字、攝影記者,以及新聞室負責調度的大編輯台主管與編輯共九人,透過量化與質化的研究方法,來探究電視台採用TPV素材的動機、意願、標準與目的。 / The media ecology has been rewritten to a great extent by the application of social media in the digital age. In the 21st century, social media has even become a catalyst of social movements as Facebook and Twitter play an important role in disseminating the news on protests which commonly take place in North Africa and the Middle East. In fact, large news organizations at home and abroad have begun to reproduce and broadcast User-generated contents (UGC) that are greatly shared and forwarded on the social media. This applies especially to incidents such as social movements, including protests, and accidents. The video taken by an eye-witness’ mobile phone or the recording of an on-site surveillance camera has often become important news material due to timeliness of the news and the fact that reporters cannot arrive at the scene on time. According to foreign and domestic news agencies, especially TV stations, video is both appealing and persuasive as news materials. The growing popularity of UGC and the approach to make use of such resources have led the emergence of positive and negative viewpoints. It would be delightful to see the voicing-out of social problems through UGC since it could increase citizen participation. UGC could even lead to a breakthrough from pressroom authority, thus creating a more democratic media. However, UGC could also lower the news standard especially when there’s a deadline to meet. Furthermore, it could pile pressure on news reporters as they try to determine the authenticity of the video. The excessive use of UGC could lead to the media’s over-reliance on social media resources. The fragmentary nature of UGC could also be harmful to the development of news media at the public domain. The study attempted to analyze the purpose behind a TV station’s adoption of eyewitness/netizen-provided third-party video (TPV), as well as its frequency of use. The study was divided into two steps. First, research samples for content analysis were collected through a selection of one month’s worth of news reports that were broadcasted by a terrestrial station at prime time. A total of 1825 samples were studied through quantitative research and analysis with regard to the application of TPV by TV news. At the same time, in order to explore a TV station’s motivation, willingness, standard and the purpose in applying TPV, qualitative research was conducted through an in-depth interview with nine representatives from the TV station. This group included journalists, cameramen, editors and seniors who were responsible for ordering daily news in the Newsrooms.

超競爭下之商業生態系統-以行動支付為例 / The Business Ecosystem under Hypercompetition: the Cases of Mobile Payment

劉品佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用質性研究方法,加以個案研究方式,對於第三方支付模式和實體信用卡虛擬化之非第三方支付模式進行個案分析,以探討在超競爭下,行動支付業者如何透過競爭以及合作策略,形成行動支付生態系統發展模式。本研究所得結論如下: 一、中國和肯亞等開發中國家之金融體系尚不發達,交易雙方出現信任缺口,銀行服務並不健全,金融資源分配不均,因此透過破壞傳統支付體系架構,發揮網路外部性之雙邊市場效應,打造出第三方支付模式之行動支付生態系統,以達到普惠金融發展目標。 二、歐美日等已開發國家之金融體系已臻健全,金融匯兌服務普及,金融監理重視市場公平與金融穩定,因此未破壞傳統支付體系架構,而是透過跨產業競合方式修改現有支付面前端程序,型塑出實體信用卡虛擬化支付模式之行動支付生態系統,以達到優化金融服務目標。 綜合上述結論,可歸納出二項管理意涵:第一項為在金融服務普及率較低的體系,傾向於發展填補信任缺口之第三方支付模式,而在金融服務普及率較高的體系,則傾向於發展提高安全性之實體信用卡虛擬化支付模式。第二項為企業藉由競合策略,既爭取價值也創造價值,其中爭取價值的本質是競爭,而創造價值的本質則是合作,以達到雙贏。 台灣傳統金融服務與超商密集度高,客戶需求被高度重視及滿足,銀行、超商與第三方支付業者形成跨產業競合關係,發展出多元支付方式,因此建構使用單一裝置即可提供多元支付功能之行動支付平台,可做為台灣行動支付生態系統健全發展之解決方案。具體建議為尋求跨產業競合,金融監管持開放態度,培訓金融科技人才,加強資訊安全,以建構完善的行動支付生態系統。 / In the view of hyper-competition, sustainable competitive advantage does not exist, and only by constant innovation in order to obtain a series of short-term competitive advantage. However, business ecosystem could clarify the competition and cooperation relationship between businesses. In this study, qualitative research and case study methodologies are used to find the adoptable mobile payment ecosystem. The third-party payment would fill the trust gap between the parties. Therefore, developing countries should adopt third party mobile payment ecosystem, in order to achieve financial inclusion. The non-third party payment would improve the security of cardholder transactions and reduce the risk of banking. Therefore, developed countries should adopt non-third party mobile payment ecosystem, in order to optimize financial services. The above conclusions can be summarized as two management implications: First, low penetration of financial services tends to develop third-party payment, and high penetration of financial services tends to develop non-third party payment. Second, business co-opetition strategy has the nature of value creation and value capture to achieve win-win situation. Taiwan’s financial service-intensive, customer needs are met, banks, stores can be formed with the third-party payment industry co-opetition relations, the development of a diverse payment methods, and therefore the construction using a single device to provide pluralistic payment function of mobile payment platform, will be suitable for robust development of Taiwan’s mobile payment ecosystem. Suggestions include cross-industry co-opetition, open-minded financial supervision, training financial technology professionals, and strengthen information security.

Limites subjetivos da convenção de arbitragem / Parties to the arbitration agrément.

Cardoso, Paula Butti 04 June 2013 (has links)
A convenção de arbitragem pode possuir uma abrangência subjetiva maior do que aquela que aparentemente lhe é conferida pelo contrato no qual está inserida. Podem ser partes sujeitos que a ela não aderiram expressamente, o que não contraria a autonomia da vontade, pois o fato de não terem consentido por escrito não impede que o tenham feito de maneira tácita. Dessa forma, é possível que não signatários sejam partes da convenção de arbitragem. A prática arbitral identificou algumas situações que frequentemente colocam os julgadores diante da missão de determinar se há consentimento por parte de não signatários: a existência de um grupo de sociedades ou de um grupo de contratos; a incorporação por referência; a estipulação em favor de terceiro; a existência de representação; a transferência de um contrato por meio de cessão ou sucessão e a subrogação; e o desvio da personalidade jurídica, que pode levar à sua desconsideração. Além disso, os tribunais norte-americanos se utilizam da teoria chamada estoppel, de acordo com a qual um sujeito, sob determinadas circunstâncias, fica impedido de negar a aplicabilidade da cláusula compromissória. Os limites subjetivos da convenção de arbitragem são objeto de estudo no meio arbitral há bastante tempo, mas não faz muitos anos que a questão começou a ser debatida no Brasil. A análise da Lei de Arbitragem brasileira demonstra que muitas das lições aprendidas no cenário internacional podem ser aproveitadas no país. / The arbitration agreement may have a larger subjective scope than the one that is actually conferred to it by the agreement in which it operates. Individuals who have not adhered expressly to the arbitration agreement may be subject to it, and such situation does not imply that referred arbitration agreement is against their free will, since the fact that they have not consented in writing does not mean that they have not done so tacitly. Thus, it is possible that non-signatories are parties to the arbitration agreement. The arbitral practice identified several situations in which judges and arbitrators often have to determine whether there is a consent by non-signatories: the existence of a group of companies or a group of contracts; incorporation by reference; the stipulation in favor of third party; the existence of representation; the transfer of an agreement by assignment or succession and subrogation; and the abuse of legal personality, which can lead to the piercing of the corporate veil. Moreover, U.S. courts make use of a theory called estoppel, according to which an individual, under certain circumstances, is estopped from denying the enforceability of the arbitration clause. The limits of the arbitration agreement have been object of study in the arbitration scene for a long period of time, but only recently the question began to be discussed in Brazil. Analysis of the Brazilian Arbitration Law demonstrates that many of the lessons learned in the international arena may be applicable in Brazil.


ANDRE DE BRITO ARUEIRA 12 May 2015 (has links)
[pt] É notório no meio acadêmico e prático que ao longo dos últimos anos a logística deixou de ser vista como um processo operacional e passou a ser reconhecida como uma matéria de suma importância na integração das cadeias de suprimentos e uma ferramenta importante para atender as necessidades dos clientes e buscar diferencial competitivo. Em um ambiente globalizado e competitivo, as empresas buscam soluções que possam ajudá-las a atingir seus objetivos organizacionais. Neste contexto, a terceirização de serviços logísticos vem sendo amplamente utilizada com diversas finalidades. Porém, ao realizar terceirizações logísticas as empresas se deparam com a dificuldade de desenvolver mecanismos de avaliação de desempenho que estejam alinhados com a estratégia das empresas e que possam avaliar dados quantitativos e qualitativos para mensurar e comparar o desempenho de seus terceirizados. Diante deste cenário, este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso onde foi utilizado o método AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) como ferramenta de apoio para avaliação, ranking e reconhecimento de transportadores terceirizados de uma multinacional líder de mercado de gases industriais e medicinais. Existe uma relação entre a satisfação do cliente final e o desempenho dos transportadores. Portanto, é fundamental o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para mensurar esse desempenho e reconhecer os melhores. O trabalho propõe a avaliação dos transportadores através de um único índice que traduz indicadores quantitativos e qualitativos. A escolha do método AHP foi fundamental para facilitar a estruturação do problema e se mostrou uma ferramenta de fácil entendimento tanto para o pesquisador como para os demais envolvidos. / [en] It is well known in the academic and practical means that over the last few years the logistics is no longer seen as an operational process and has become recognized as a matter of paramount importance in the integration of supply chains and an important tool to meet customer needs and seek competitive advantage. In a globalized and competitive environment, companies are looking for solutions that can help them achieve their organizational goals. In this context, the outsourcing of logistics services has been widely used for various purposes. However, when performing logistics outsourcing companies are faced with the difficulty of developing mechanisms for evaluating performance that are aligned with company strategy and to assess quantitative and qualitative data to measure and compare the performance of their third party. This paper presents a case study where the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method was used as a support tool for evaluation, ranking and recognition outsourced carriers of a multinational leader in industrial and medical gases market on Brazil. There is a relationship between the end-customer satisfaction and the performance of carriers. Therefore, it is fundamental to develop a tool to measure this performance and recognize the best carrier. The paper proposes the review of carriers through a single index reflecting quantitative and qualitative indicators. The choice of AHP was instrumental in facilitating the structuring of the problem and proved to be an easily understood tool for researchers and for the others involved.

Les procédures de règlement des litiges en matière de construction appliquant les contrats-types FIDIC / Construction dispute settlement procedures applying FIDIC standard contracts

Nguyen, Thi Hoa 21 December 2018 (has links)
La présente thèse est consacrée aux procédures de règlement des litiges en matière de construction internationale appliquant les contrats-types FIDIC en vertu desquels les litiges entre les parties à ces contrats peuvent être réglés par l’ingénieur, le comité de règlement des litiges (CRL), la procédure amiable et l’arbitrage. Sous l’angle du droit, toutes ces procédures sont favorisées. Cependant, il existe une limite. Le droit français distingue, dans la période de garantie des désordres, deux types de responsabilités - légale et contractuelle - de l’entrepreneur envers le maître de l’ouvrage de sorte que les procédures contractuelles ne s’appliquent pas aux litiges relatifs aux désordres relevant de la responsabilité légale. Cette limite n’existe pas en droit anglais et vietnamien selon lesquels tous litiges relatifs à la responsabilité de l’entrepreneur envers le maître de l’ouvrage pour des dommages de l’ouvrage relèvent de la responsabilité contractuelle et sont donc soumis à la procédure contractuelle. Quant à l’application de chaque procédure, la question la plus notable tient à la mise à exécution des décisions résultant de chaque procédure. Sur ce point, la reconnaissance de la valeur arbitrale dans la décision du DAB doit être considérée. En outre, pour que ces procédures soient efficaces dans la pratique, nous proposons à la FIDIC la modification de certaines stipulations autour de cette procédure et également de la procédure amiable de règlement des litiges. Quant à l’arbitrage, dans le contexte actuel, il n’est plus de mise de penser que l’arbitrage en droit et celui en équité ne sont qu’une alternative. On peut les combiner en vue de l’arbitrage en équité précédent et celui en droit subséquent. Dans le cas d’absence de convention des parties sur le droit applicable aux litiges, la primauté de l’arbitrage en équité au lieu de celui en droit mérite d’être considérée. Hormis ce problème, nous recherchons aussi un nouveau fondement pour reconnaître la jurisprudence arbitrale internationale selon lequel on reconnaît le droit des parties ainsi que des arbitres de se référer à la solution d’une sentence précédente dans le cas similaire lorsque les conditions pour appliquer une jurisprudence sont réunies. De surcroît, il convient de porter l’attention sur la détermination de la compétence du tribunal arbitral à l’égard du tiers-non signataire du contrat. Enfin, l’annulation de la sentence entraîne ipso facto la nullité de la clause d’arbitrage comme en droit vietnamien où cette disposition inadéquate nécessite d’être modifiée. / The subject of this thesis deals with international construction dispute settlement procedures stipulated in the FIDIC standard forms of contracts under which disputes between the parties to these contracts may be settled by the Engineer, the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB), the amicable mechanism and arbitration.From the standpoint of law, these procedures are favored. However, there is a limit under French law. This limit lies in the fact that French law distinguishes, after handing over of the works, between two kinds of - legal and contractual - responsibilities of the contractor towards the employer. In this way, the contractual procedures do not apply to disputes relating to correct defective works which are relevant to legal liability of the contractor, which does not exist in English and Vietnamese laws where the contractor is only responsible towards the employer for damage to the work under the contract and so disputes between them has to be settled by the contractual procedure.In application of the contractual procedures, attention should be paid to the implementation of the decision from these procedures. On this point, the arbitral nature of DAB’s decision must be considered so that it can be rapidly enforced. In addition, in order to make these procedures effective in practice, we also propose that the FIDIC should modify certain points of the “claim, Dispute and Arbitration” clause.As far as arbitration is concerned, in the actual context, it is no longer correct to think that ex aequo and bono arbitration and arbitration in law are only an alternative but we can combine them for the purpose of previous fairness arbitration and subsequently the arbitration in law. In the absence of the parties' agreement on the rules of law to be applied by the arbitral tribunal, the tribunal shall assume the powers of an amiable compositor. Apart from this problem, we also seek a new basis for recognizing the precedent value of the international arbitral award according to which the right of the parties as well as arbitrators to refer to the solution of a previous award in the similar case is recognized when the conditions to apply a precedent are met. In addition, attention should be paid to the determination of the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal towards the third-party non signatory to the arbitration clause. Finally, the setting aside of the award lead ipso facto to nullity of the arbitration clause as in Vietnamese law is an inadequate provision of the law that requires modification.

Effektivisering av godsflöden i terminalen : En fallstudie på Postnord AB / Streamlining the flow of goods in the terminal : A case study at Postnord corporation

Khadizov, Timur January 2019 (has links)
Background: Many processes play a critical role in making non-manufacturing operations work as optimal as possible. One of these processes that is an important part of these activities is the goods flow process. If this process does not function effectively, this can affect the entire business, which in turn will lead to huge costs and lead times. It is therefore important that the flow of goods in the terminal works well because customers nowadays require that goods that they place an order have to be delivered as soon as possible. Purpose: The aim of the study is to find solutions for streamlining flow of incoming and outgoing goods, which will reduce unnecessary transport distances between goods reception and delivery ports, as well as finding a solution for lack of surface. Methodology: All necessary information has been collected by using qualitative and quantitative data and with the help of various types of interviews: semi-structured and unstructured, as well as participating in observations to initiate process mapping and find new terminal design. Subsequently, cost savings were achieved by comparing the new and old terminal design, after that calculations were performed to see how much surface use was made more efficient with movement of LKM stock. Conclusion: By analyzing incoming goods flow and changing port usage in the terminal, in other words by increasing the number of ports for a department and by distributing goods flow between ports in an optimal manner, goods flow efficiency can be achieved. Non-manufacturing operations work can improve its productivity by optimizing floor space usage and eliminating waste and defects which effect goods handling. / Bakgrund: Många processer spelar kritisk roll för att icke-tillverkande verksamheter ska fungera så optimalt som möjligt. En av dessa processer som utgör en viktig del i sådana verksamheter är godsflödeprocessen. Om denna process inte fungerar på ett effektivt sätt kan det påverka hela verksamheten som i sin tur kommer att leda till stora kostnader och ledtider. Det är därför viktigt att godsflödet i terminalen fungerar väl eftersom kunder nuförtiden ställer höga krav på att gods som de lägger en beställning på skall levereras så snabbt så möjligt. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att hitta lösningar för att effektivisera flödet av in- och utgående gods som i sin tur kommer att minska onödiga truckkörningar mellan godsmottagning och utleverans portar, samt att optimera golvyta användning i terminalen. Metod: All nödvändig information har samlats in genom att använda kvalitativa och kvantitativa data och med hjälp av olika typer intervjuer: semi-strukturerade och ostrukturerade, samt genom deltagande observationer för att initiera processkartläggning och designa ny terminallayout. Därefter räknades kostnadsbesparingen fram som uppnåddes genom att jämföra den nya och gamla terminaldesignen, efter detta utfördes beräkningar för att se hur mycket användning av golvyta effektiviserades med LKM lager förflyttning. Slutsats: Genom att analysera inkommande godsflöde och ändra portanvändning i terminalen, det vill säga utöka antal portar för en avdelning samt genom att fördela godsflöde mellan portar på ett optimalt sätt kan godsflödeeffektivisering åstadkommas. Icke-tillverkande verksamhet kan förbättra sin produktivitet genom att optimera golvyta användning och eliminering av slöserier och brister i godshanteringen.

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