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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Το δίκαιο και η φύσει εξουσία του ισχυρού στον Πλάτωνα και τον Θουκυδίδη υπό το πρίσμα του αντιθετικού ζεύγους νόμος - φύσις

Λιακοπούλου, Αριστέα 25 May 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία εξετάζεται η θεωρία για το δίκαιο και την φύσει εξουσία του ισχυρού στον Πλάτωνα και τον Θουκυδίδη υπό το πρίσμα του αντιθετικού ζεύγους νόμος - φύσις. Συγκεκριμένα εξετάζονται δύο πλατωνικοί διάλογοι, η Πολιτεία και ο Γοργίας και ένα εκτενές και πολυσυζητημένο χωρίο της θουκυδίδειας Ιστορίας, ο διάλογος Αθηναίων - Μηλίων. Αναφορικά με την Πολιτεία διερευνάται η στάση του σοφιστή Θρασύμαχου απέναντι στον νόμο, στο πρώτο βιβλίο. Εν συνεχεία, στον Γοργία, εξετάζεται η εξύψωση του φυσικού δικαίου και της φύσεως εκ μέρους του Καλλικλή, συνομιλητή του Σωκράτη στον εν λόγω πλατωνικό διάλογο. Παράλληλα, ο Καλλικλής περιγράφει τον ιδανικό τύπο ανθρώπου, αλλά και τον ιδανικό τρόπο ζωής. Τέλος, αναφορικά με τον διάλογο Αθηναίων -Μηλίων, το ενδιαφέρον μας εστιάζεται στην εξύψωση του νόμου της φύσεως εκ μέρους των Αθηναίων, στην προσπάθειά τους να πείσουν τους Μήλιους να προσχωρήσουν στην Αθηναϊκή συμμαχία κατά την διάρκεια του Πελοποννησιακού πολέμου. Σύμφωνα με τον εν λόγω νόμο, οι ισχυροί οφείλουν πάντα να καταδυναστεύουν τους αδυνάτους. Η εξέταση των άνωθι αποσπασμάτων καταδεικνύει την απήχηση που είχαν κατά την διάρκεια του 5ου αιώνα θεωρίες για το δίκαιο και την εξουσία που αντλούν οι ισχυροί, έναντι των αδυνάτων, από την φύση. / The present essay examines the theory about the right and the φύσει strength in two platonic dialogues, the Republic and the Gorgias,and in an extensive passage of the History of Thucydides, the Melian dialogue.

Forme e logiche di reciprocità in Erodoto e Tucidide / Formes et logiques de réciprocité chez Hérodote et Thucydide / Forms and logics of reciprocity in Herodotus and Thucydides

Trifirò, Maria Stella 25 February 2016 (has links)
Cette étude vise à analyser les différentes formes et fonctions de l’éthique de la réciprocité dans la culture grecque du Ve siècle avant J.-C., en particulier chez Hérodote et chez Thucydide. Le principe de réciprocité est lié à l’une des premières formes d’application de la justice dans les relations sociales; son rôle est examiné dans le contexte des relations interpersonnelles et aussi dans les relations interétatiques. Il s’agit d’une morale ancienne, enracinée dans le système de pensée grec, qui nous offre une clé d'accès privilégiée à la compréhension du jeu des reflets qui s’établit entre historiographie et société. Le code éthique de la réciprocité est fondé sur le devoir de rendre également le bien et le mal reçus. J'ai concentré mon attention sur la réciprocité constructive fondée sur la coopération pacifique, qui peut être établie par l'échange de dons, services, bienfaits et gestes d'amitié. Ces réseaux ont un système de rituels, institutions et normes sociales qui peuvent être analysés afin d'explorer la capacité créatrice des Grecs dans l'instauration de relations entre différents communautés et cultures. Enfin l'analyse parallèle menée sur Hérodote et sur Thucydide a offert la possibilité d'observer l'évolution de la pensée éthique grecque et de développer une comparaison entre les deux auteurs. L'analyse historique des sources littéraires a été conduite à la lumière de la perspective anthropologique et sociologique moderne qui, en ce qui concerne les thèmes du don et de la réciprocité, propose des lignes d'interprétation également utiles pour l'analyse des textes anciens. Je me réfère à M. Mauss et aux études qui ont suivi son Essai sur le don. / This study aims to analyze the different forms and functions of the ethic of reciprocity in the Greek culture of the fifth century BC, especially in Herodotus and Thucydides. The principle of reciprocity is related to one of the first forms of justice’s application in social relations; its role is examined in the context of interpersonal relationships and also in inter-state relations. This is an old moral code, deeply rooted in the Greek system of thought, which offers a privileged access key for the comprehension of the close link that exists between historiography and society. The ethic of reciprocity imposes a mutual exchange of good and evil. I focused my attention on the constructive reciprocity based on peaceful cooperation, which can be established by the exchange of gifts, services, benefits and friendly gestures. These networks have a system of rituals, institutions and social norms that can be analyzed to explore the creative capacity of the Greeks in building relations between different communities and cultures. Finally the parallel analysis conducted on Herodotus and Thucydides give the opportunity to observe the evolution of Greek ethical thought and to establish a comparison between the two authors. Historical analysis of literary sources was conducted according to the modern anthropological and sociological perspective that, regarding the themes of gift and reciprocity, also offers useful interpretive guidelines for the analysis of ancient texts. I refer to M. Mauss’ Essai sur le don and to the rich bibliography that followed this work. / Questo studio mira ad analizzare le differenti forme e funzioni che l’etica della reciprocità assume nella cultura greca del V secolo a.C., in particolare in Erodoto e Tucidide. La reciprocità è una componente essenziale delle relazioni umane su cui la cultura greca ha elaborato una riflessione attenta. Questo principio morale costituisce una delle primarie forme di applicazione della giustizia nelle relazioni sociali; il suo ruolo si può indagare nell'ambito dei rapporti interpersonali e parimenti nelle relazioni interstatali. Si tratta di un sistema etico che ha delle radici profonde nel pensiero e nel costume greco e rende particolarmente visibile il fitto intreccio che esiste tra storiografia e società. Il principio di reciprocità si basa essenzialmente sul dovere di ricambiare in egual modo sia il bene sia il male ricevuto. Ho concentrato l’attenzione sull’aspetto costruttivo della reciprocità che si attua in scambi di doni, benefici, favori e gesti amichevoli. Questi legami dispongono di un apparato di riti, istituzioni e norme sociali attraverso cui è possibile esplorare la capacità creativa dei Greci di instaurare relazioni tra comunità e culture diverse. Infine l’analisi parallela condotta su Erodoto e su Tucidide ha offerto la possibilità di osservare l’evoluzione del pensiero etico greco e di sviluppare un confronto tra i due autori. L’analisi storica delle fonti letterarie è stata condotta alla luce della moderna prospettiva antropologica e sociologica che, per quel che riguarda i temi del dono e della reciprocità, propone delle linee interpretative altresì utili per l’analisi dei testi antichi. Mi riferisco all’Essai sur le don di M. Mauss e alla ricca bibliografia che segue a quest’opera.

Les Îles Ioniennes de l'archaïsme à l'époque classique : traditions épiques et structures historiques entre centre et périphérie du monde grecque : perspectives historiographiques / The Ionian Islands in the Archaic and Classical Age : epic traditions and historical structures between centre and periphery of the Greek world : historiographical perspectives

Crema, Francesca 11 December 2014 (has links)
Le sujet du travail concerne les Îles Ioniennes comme «objet historiographique», à partir de l'idée même des Îles Ioniennes comme archipel, qui est un concept géographique moderne. Nous examinerons les différentes identités historiographiques modernes attribués à ces îles pendent les deux derniers siècles, et comment ils ont influencé l'interprétation historique. Au début du XIXe siècle une conjoncture politique et culturelle extraordinaire avait donné à ces îles une grande célébrité. Les voyageurs et les savants les considéraient en premier lieu comme «le royaume d'Ulysse» et les premières explorations archéologiques, mais les plus scientifiques campagnes de fouilles du XXe siècle aussi, avaient Homère comme point de départ. Cette «identité homérique» sera examinée en détail, en considération des exemples récents qui montrent comment elle influence encore l'interprétation des donnés archéologiques. Par contre, ces îles ont joué un petit rôle dans les Histoires grecques, sauf pour ce qui concerne la sédition à Corcyre: sa description par Thucydide, avec des considérations générales sur la nature humaine, mais aussi les événements historiques contemporains (la Révolution française, tout d'abord), avaient mis ce sujet au centre du débat politique. Nous analyserons les différentes approches au ce sujet dans les Histoires grecques plus importants jusqu'à la lecture positiviste des événements par Beloch. Dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, étaient notre perspective historique considérablement changée, avec une tendance générale à donner plus d'attention aux périphéries de la Grécité et à l'étude des dynamiques relationnelles, les Îles Ioniennes ont retrouvé un rôle important, en tant que point nodal dans les routes commerciales vers la mer Adriatique et l'Italie. Nous accorderons une attention particulière à la soi-disant «identité eubéenne» souvent attribuée aux îles dans le contexte du débat récent sur la colonisation eubéenne. Enfin, nous examinerons les perspectives les plus récentes, où les Îles Ioniennes sont enfin considérés comme un sujet historique actif. La dernière section doit être considéré comme un nouveau point de départ, une tentative de redéfinition du rôle des Îles Ioniennes dans les sources anciennes: nous reviendrons en particulier sur Homère et Thucydide, les auteurs qui ont le plus influencé notre interprétation historique dans les deux derniers siècles . / This research deals with the Ionian Islands as 'historiographical object', starting from the idea itself of the Ionian Islands as archipelago, which is a modern geographical concept. We examine the different modern historiographical identities assigned to these islands during the last two centuries and how they influenced the historical interpretation. At the beginning of the XIXth century an extraordinary political and cultural juncture gave to these islands great celebrity. Travellers and scholars considered them first of all as 'the realm of Odysseus' and the very first archaeological explorations, but also the more scientific campaigns of the XXth century, had Homer as a starting point. This 'Homeric identity' is examined in detail, since recent examples show how much it still influences the interpretation of the archeological record. These islands played little role in the Histories of Greece, except for the case of the Corcyrean sedition described by Thucydides, which the French Revolution brought at the centre of the political debate: we analyse the different approaches to the subject in the most important Histories of Greece up to Beloch's positivistic reading of the events. In the second half of the XXth century, within a general shift of attention to the peripheries of Greece and to the study of relational dynamics, the Ionian Islands regained an important role, as connective point in the trading routes towards the Adriatic Sea and Italy. We will give particular attention to the 'Euboian identity' often assigned to the islands, when included in the debate on the Euboian colonisation. In the end, we consider the most recent perspectives, where the Ionian Islands are finally considered as an active historical subject. The last chapter is an attempt to redefine the role of the Ionian Islands in the ancient sources: we will reconsider in particular Homer and Thucydides, the authors who most influenced our historical interpretation in the last two centuries.

Etude de chronologie et d'historiographie siciliotes: recherches sur le système chronologique des sources de Thucydide concernant la fondation des colonies siciliotes

Van Compernolle, René January 1956 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

How to write history: Thucydides and Herodotus in the ancient rhetorical tradition

Kennedy, Scott, Kennedy 11 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Speech and action in the Antiquitates Romanae of Dionysius of Halicarnassus : the question of historical change

Hogg, Daniel A. W. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship between speech and action in Dionysius' Antiquitates Romanae. It consists of five main chapters, an introduction and a conclusion. In the introduction I establish the status quaestionis and consider different modes of presenting discourse. Chapter 2 is an intertextual analysis of Dionysius' first preface, AR I.1-8, exploring Dionysius' engagement with his Greek and Roman predecessors. I take one modern theory, concerning Dionysius apparent 'idealisation' of the Roman past, in order to examine the relationship between the Antiquities and Dionysius' rhetorical works. In the four chapters that follow, I trace the changing texture of narrative across the Antiquities, sinking shafts at moments to examine closely what is going on. First (ch. 3), I analyse speech in the Regal Period, focusing on the story of Lucretia and Brutus (AR IV.64-85), and the way that Herodotean allusion meshes with intratextual devices to narrate the fluctuations of the Regal Period. Chapter 4 is a paired reading of (4a) the story of Coriolanus' trial (VII.21-66) and (4b) the story of Coriolanus' encounter with his mother (VII.39-62). Ch. 4a concentrates on Thucydides and Isocrates, and how Coriolanus' trial binds the Greek literary past to the first-century Roman present. In 4b, I examine how Dionysius manages the shift between high politics and family relationships. Chapter 5, on the decemvirate (X.50-XI.44), explores again Roman tyranny, this time in a Republican frame; the power of the senate is consequently in point here. Chapter 6, on AR XIV-XX, probes the questions of Greek and Roman ethnicity and the individual which had arisen in the earlier chapters. In the conclusion I consider the precise question of Dionysius' Augustanism, relating it to Dionysius' apparent status in Rome.

Um estudo sobre Alcibíades a partir do debate siciliano em Tucídides VI.9-23 - entre a physis anthropon e o governo de si / A study on Alcibíades from the Sicilian debate in Thucydides VI.9 -23 between physis anthropon and self-government

Costa, Luiza Moreira da 18 November 2014 (has links)
Tucídides, ateniense, pensador político do quinto século antes de Cristo, narrou, em sua única obra, grande parte da história da Guerra do Peloponeso. Convicto de que ela seria grande e mais importante que todas as anteriores (TUCÍDIDES, I.1), o historiador antigo, seguindo o critério da própria razão, reuniu relatos, dados e informações gerais sobre a contenda e as nações envolvidas, selecionou personagens, acontecimentos e discursos para compor sua obra de criação (ROMILLY, 1998). O resultado disso é a impressão, por parte dos leitores, de que acompanharam a guerra, compreenderam suas motivações e entenderam o impacto das ações de seus personagens no desenrolar da contenda. Tal papel foi criteriosamente analisado por Tucídides, que buscou indicar ao longo de sua narrativa histórica a força da physis anthropon na condução da polis. Explorar a natureza humana como causadora da crise e da derrota de Atenas é a resposta de Tucídides para compreender o fim do Império Ateniense e marca o rompimento com a justificativa fantasiosa ou divina que constava, até então, nos registros do passado. Para mostrar isso, fizemos uso do personagem Alcibíades no contexto do debate siciliano (TUCÍDIDES, VI.9-23). Ambientado na assembleia que buscava definir os passos seguintes da Expedição à Sicília, esse debate se originou da negativa de Nícias, um dos comandantes da expedição, de os atenienses partirem em auxílio aos aliados, empregando as forças atenienses contra a Sicília; e se consumou com a resposta de Alcibíades, que ao subir à tribuna, fez a sua grande defesa diante da ekklesia. Deste debate depreende-se a figura de Alcibíades: a do orador que reúne as habilidades para conquistar a confiança de seus ouvintes e para convencê-los sobre o que é benéfico ou não à polis, incitando o medo e inflamando os ânimos dentro de uma lógica argumentativa que atravessou os impulsos e os desejos dos atenienses. As palavras que Tucídides selecionou para o discurso de Alcibíades formam a imagem de um homem intemperante, dominado pela hybris, que se propôs a governar os outros sem antes ter governado a si mesmo. Aliado a esta reflexão, tornou-se possível alargar o quadro proporcionado pelo historiador antigo, tendo em vista as conexões observadas ao longo da pesquisa entre a narrativa histórica tucidideana e as leis de Sólon e a formação do cidadão, proposta pelo Sócrates platônico. A preocupação de Sócrates é a mesma que Sólon explorou em seus versos e na elaboração das leis e é a mesma que Tucídides retratou em sua obra. Enquanto Sólon versou sobre as leis da comunidade social e política (JAEGER, 2010), Sócrates empreendeu uma missão de formar o verdadeiro cidadão para evitar que a mais justa forma de governo se degenerasse. / Thucydides, an Athenian, political thinker of the fifth century before Christ, narrated, in his only work, much of The Peloponnesian War history. Convinced that it would be great and more important than all the previous ones (THUCYDIDES, I. 1), the ancient historian, according to the criteria of his own reason, collected reports, data and general information about the strife and the nations involved, selected characters, events and speeches to compose his work of creation (ROMILLY, 1998). The result of this is the impression on the part of the readers, who accompanied the war, understood its motivations and perceived the impact of the actions of his characters in the unfolding of the strife. This role has been carefully analyzed by Thucydides, who sought to demonstrate over the course of its historical narrative the strength of the physis anthropon leading the polis. Exploring the human nature as the cause of the crisis and Athenss defeat is the response from Thucydides to understand the end of the Athenian Empire, and marks a break with the unrealistic or divine justification that was, until then, in records of the past. To demonstrate this, we have made use of the character Alcibíades in the context of the Sicilian debate (THUCYDIDES, VI.9 -23). Set up in the assembly that sought setting the following steps to the Sicilian Expedition, this debate is originated from the negative of Nícias, a commander of the expedition, from the Athenians breaking in aid to allies, undertaking the Athenian forces against the Sicily; and was consummated with Alcibíadess answer, who climbing up the tribune, made his great defense before the ekklesia. This debate makes it clear that the figure of Alcibíades: the speaker that brings together the skills to win the trust and confidence of his listeners and to convince them of what is beneficial or not to the polis, inciting fear and by exaggerating within a logical argument that crossed the impulses and the desires of the Athenians. The words that Thucydides selected for the Alcibíadess speech constituted the image of an intemperate man, dominated by hybris, who proposed governing others without having governed himself first. Allied to this reflection, it has become possible to extend the framework provided by the ancient historian, having in mind the connections observed along the research between the Thucydidess historical narrative and the Solons laws and the formation of the citizen, proposed by the platonic Socrates. Socratess concern is the same that Solon explored in his lyrics and in the drafting of laws and it is the same as Thucydides portrayed in his work. While Solon focused on the community\'s laws and social policy (JAEGER, 2010), Socrates embarked on a mission to form the true citizen to prevent the most fair form of government of degenerating.

Um estudo sobre Alcibíades a partir do debate siciliano em Tucídides VI.9-23 - entre a physis anthropon e o governo de si / A study on Alcibíades from the Sicilian debate in Thucydides VI.9 -23 between physis anthropon and self-government

Luiza Moreira da Costa 18 November 2014 (has links)
Tucídides, ateniense, pensador político do quinto século antes de Cristo, narrou, em sua única obra, grande parte da história da Guerra do Peloponeso. Convicto de que ela seria grande e mais importante que todas as anteriores (TUCÍDIDES, I.1), o historiador antigo, seguindo o critério da própria razão, reuniu relatos, dados e informações gerais sobre a contenda e as nações envolvidas, selecionou personagens, acontecimentos e discursos para compor sua obra de criação (ROMILLY, 1998). O resultado disso é a impressão, por parte dos leitores, de que acompanharam a guerra, compreenderam suas motivações e entenderam o impacto das ações de seus personagens no desenrolar da contenda. Tal papel foi criteriosamente analisado por Tucídides, que buscou indicar ao longo de sua narrativa histórica a força da physis anthropon na condução da polis. Explorar a natureza humana como causadora da crise e da derrota de Atenas é a resposta de Tucídides para compreender o fim do Império Ateniense e marca o rompimento com a justificativa fantasiosa ou divina que constava, até então, nos registros do passado. Para mostrar isso, fizemos uso do personagem Alcibíades no contexto do debate siciliano (TUCÍDIDES, VI.9-23). Ambientado na assembleia que buscava definir os passos seguintes da Expedição à Sicília, esse debate se originou da negativa de Nícias, um dos comandantes da expedição, de os atenienses partirem em auxílio aos aliados, empregando as forças atenienses contra a Sicília; e se consumou com a resposta de Alcibíades, que ao subir à tribuna, fez a sua grande defesa diante da ekklesia. Deste debate depreende-se a figura de Alcibíades: a do orador que reúne as habilidades para conquistar a confiança de seus ouvintes e para convencê-los sobre o que é benéfico ou não à polis, incitando o medo e inflamando os ânimos dentro de uma lógica argumentativa que atravessou os impulsos e os desejos dos atenienses. As palavras que Tucídides selecionou para o discurso de Alcibíades formam a imagem de um homem intemperante, dominado pela hybris, que se propôs a governar os outros sem antes ter governado a si mesmo. Aliado a esta reflexão, tornou-se possível alargar o quadro proporcionado pelo historiador antigo, tendo em vista as conexões observadas ao longo da pesquisa entre a narrativa histórica tucidideana e as leis de Sólon e a formação do cidadão, proposta pelo Sócrates platônico. A preocupação de Sócrates é a mesma que Sólon explorou em seus versos e na elaboração das leis e é a mesma que Tucídides retratou em sua obra. Enquanto Sólon versou sobre as leis da comunidade social e política (JAEGER, 2010), Sócrates empreendeu uma missão de formar o verdadeiro cidadão para evitar que a mais justa forma de governo se degenerasse. / Thucydides, an Athenian, political thinker of the fifth century before Christ, narrated, in his only work, much of The Peloponnesian War history. Convinced that it would be great and more important than all the previous ones (THUCYDIDES, I. 1), the ancient historian, according to the criteria of his own reason, collected reports, data and general information about the strife and the nations involved, selected characters, events and speeches to compose his work of creation (ROMILLY, 1998). The result of this is the impression on the part of the readers, who accompanied the war, understood its motivations and perceived the impact of the actions of his characters in the unfolding of the strife. This role has been carefully analyzed by Thucydides, who sought to demonstrate over the course of its historical narrative the strength of the physis anthropon leading the polis. Exploring the human nature as the cause of the crisis and Athenss defeat is the response from Thucydides to understand the end of the Athenian Empire, and marks a break with the unrealistic or divine justification that was, until then, in records of the past. To demonstrate this, we have made use of the character Alcibíades in the context of the Sicilian debate (THUCYDIDES, VI.9 -23). Set up in the assembly that sought setting the following steps to the Sicilian Expedition, this debate is originated from the negative of Nícias, a commander of the expedition, from the Athenians breaking in aid to allies, undertaking the Athenian forces against the Sicily; and was consummated with Alcibíadess answer, who climbing up the tribune, made his great defense before the ekklesia. This debate makes it clear that the figure of Alcibíades: the speaker that brings together the skills to win the trust and confidence of his listeners and to convince them of what is beneficial or not to the polis, inciting fear and by exaggerating within a logical argument that crossed the impulses and the desires of the Athenians. The words that Thucydides selected for the Alcibíadess speech constituted the image of an intemperate man, dominated by hybris, who proposed governing others without having governed himself first. Allied to this reflection, it has become possible to extend the framework provided by the ancient historian, having in mind the connections observed along the research between the Thucydidess historical narrative and the Solons laws and the formation of the citizen, proposed by the platonic Socrates. Socratess concern is the same that Solon explored in his lyrics and in the drafting of laws and it is the same as Thucydides portrayed in his work. While Solon focused on the community\'s laws and social policy (JAEGER, 2010), Socrates embarked on a mission to form the true citizen to prevent the most fair form of government of degenerating.

Procópio e a reapropriação do modelo Tucidideano: a representação da peste na narrativa histórica (VI século d.C.)

BAPTISTA, Lyvia Vasconcelos 28 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:17:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Lyvia Vasconcelos Baptista.pdf: 1002555 bytes, checksum: 3c9eb8eb3debc14cbb29bf07fb861d06 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-28 / Profundamente marcada pelos elementos da Antiguidade clássica, a literatura bizantina apresenta-se como um curioso crisol de influências e condutas, o que reflete a própria situação do Império. O tema desta dissertação resume-se na percepção dos elementos que aproximam a obra Guerras Persas construída por Procópio de Cesaréa, no VI século d.C. e a História da Guerra do Peloponeso, elaborada por Tucídides, no V século a.C.. Num primeiro momento apresentaremos os historiadores ateniense e bizantino, inseridos nos seus contextos de produção e discorreremos sobre a forma como a historiografia trabalhou e utilizou suas imagens. Em seguida analisaremos os seus relatos num movimento relacional, lançando olhares a seus projetos historiográficos, a partir de dois princípios específicos: o metodológico e o teleológico. Nesse movimento, os relatos epidêmicos presentes em suas obras são abordados como um momento vantajoso para a percepção daquilo que movia e fundamentava a escrita da história nas obras destes historiadores, e da atitude classicista existente no interior do Império Bizantino.

Etude de chronologie et d'historiographie siciliotes: recherches sur le système chronologique des sources de Thucydide concernant la fondation des colonies siciliotes

Van Compernolle, René January 1956 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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