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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mellan värderingar och intressen : Tematisk analys av svensk säkerhetspolitik 2008-2020

Eile, Mattias, Fahlander, Kalle January 2021 (has links)
Försvarsbeslutet 2020 innebär en markant ökad satsning på det svenska försvaret. Även om satsningen inte är jämförbar med upprustningen under andra världskriget och den inte når samma nivå som det kalla krigets neutralitetsförsvar, så utgör satsningen ett trendbrott. Under ett drygt decennium har försvaret gått från att utgöra ett ”särintresse”, ständigt utsatt för reduceringar, till att nu vara föremål för satsningar som innebär att försvaret återetableras på flera orter i landet. Förmågor och förband som varit föremål för avvecklingsdiskussioner får tillskott och den operativa förmågan skall öka. Perioden har också inneburit satsningar på, det i det närmaste bortrationaliserade, totalförsvaret i syfte att öka samhällets motståndskraft och medborgarnas skydd.Författarna vill med denna uppsats undersöka om det senaste decenniets förändringar av försvars- och säkerhetspolitiken kan beskrivas utefter en teoretisk referensram av realism och liberalism. Undersökningens huvudsakliga empiriska material utgörs av utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiska inriktningsdokument och linjetal från perioderna 2008/09, 2014/15 och 2019/20. Dessa dokument undersöks kvalitativt med en metod för tematisk analys och förändringar i det empiriska resultatet analyseras utefter idealtyperna realism och liberalism. Undersökningens slutsatser visar att de försvarspolitiska förändringarna går att beskriva utefter idealtyperna realism och liberalism och den svenska försvarspolitiken har i flera avseenden fått ett ökat inslag av realism samtidigt som den ideologiska grunden är bestående. En del urkunder beskriver det som ett paradigmskifte. / The Defense Bill of 2020 meant a significant increase in investment in the Swedish defence. Even if the investment is not comparable to the rearmament during the Second World War and it does not reach the same level as the Swedish armed forces of the Cold War neutrality had, the investment constitutes a change of trend. During little over a decade, the defence has gone from being described as a “special interest”, constantly exposed to reductions, to now being the subject of investments that mean that the Armed Forces is re-established in several places in the country. Capabilities and units that have been the subject of reduction discussions will be reinvigorated and the operational capability will increase. The period has also involved investments in, the almost dismantled, total defence in order to increase society's resilience and the protection of its citizens. With this dissertation, the authors want to investigate whether the changes in defence and security policy over the past decade can be described according to a theoretical frame of reference of realism and liberalism. The dissertation’s main empirical material consists of foreign and security policy documents and declarations from the periods 2008/09, 2014/15 and 2019/20. These documents are examined qualitatively with a method for thematic analysis and changes in the empirical result are analysed according to the ideal types of realism and liberalism. The inquiry’s conclusions show that the defence policy changes can be described according to the ideal types of realism and liberalism, and Swedish defence policy has in several respects gained an increased element of realism even though the ideology is consistent. Some documents describe it as a paradigm shift.

Hellanicos de Lesbos : histoire des origines, origines de l'histoire / Hellanicos of Lesbos : history of origins, origins of history

Polychronis, Théodossios 10 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a comme objet d'étudier la nature de l'oeuvre perdue d'Hellanicos de Lesbos et de cerner le rôle que ce dernier a joué dans le développement de l'historiographie grecque classique. Le premier chapitre constitue un examen des données (état du corpus, problèmes liés aux corpus fragmentaires, problème posé par les titres) et propose des pistes d'interprétation. Le deuxième chapitre s'intéresse à un thème récurrent dans l'oeuvre d'Hellanicos, celui du "prôtos heurétés", et étudie cette notion dans les fragments. Le troisième chapitre enfin, étudie le rapport intertextuel problématique entre Hellanicos et l'historien athénien Thucydide. Ce travail comporte le texte grec des fragments accompagné d'une traduction française, qui sont donnés dans un deuxième volume. / The object of this dissertation is the re-evaluation of Hellanicos of Lesbos' fragments so as to determine the nature of his lost work and understand what role he played in the development of Ancient Greek historiography. The first chapter re-examines the available data (the corpus itself, problems pertaining to fragmentary texts as well as the problem of the titles under which the works are transmitted) while proposing possible interpretations. The second chapter focuses on one particular aspect of Hellanicos' work, that of the prôtos heurétés. Finally, the third chapter deals with the problematic intertextual relationship between Hellanicos and the Athenian historian Thucydides. The Ancient Greek text as well as the translation in French are given in a separate volume.

Alcibiade entre hybris et tolma (entre démesure et audace) chez Thucydide ? : approche critique des sources / Alcibiades, between hybris and tolma (between immoderation and boldness) in Thucydides’ work ? : a critical approach of sources

Battesti, Daniel 15 January 2019 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse de doctorat est un homme d’État (diplomate, politique et stratège) de la guerre du Péloponnèse qui a marqué la production littéraire de son siècle, avant de devenir une figure historique présente dans la littérature grecque et latine jusqu’à la fin de l’Antiquité tardive. Son dessein n’est pas de composer une nouvelle biographie d’Alcibiade, mais de proposer une étude renouvelée du personnage en prenant en considération les spécificités du corpus littéraire (genres, aspects fragmentaires, éloignement chronologique, idéologies etc.) et en intégrant les sources archéologiques et épigraphiques, trop peu mobilisées dans les précédentes études biographiques.Le titre de la thèse, Alcibiade entre hybris et tolma (entre démesure et audace) chez Thucydide, décrit par les termes grecs eux-mêmes l’ambivalence du portrait d’Alcibiade dans le corpus des sources littéraires. Il est l’homme des excès, de la démesure, des violences, de l’audace et des grands projets. Son sous-titre, Approche critique des sources, indique la nécessité d’un réexamen détaillé d’un vaste corpus de textes antiques. Nous démontrons cette nécessité dans notre introduction, tout en établissant les problèmes inhérents au texte de Thucydide. / The subject of this PhD is actually a stateman (a diplomat, a politician, a strategist) of the Peloponnesian war who influenced the literary production of his century even before he became a historical figure in Greek and Latin literature, up until late Antiquity. The purpose of this dissertation is not to write a new biography of Alcibiades but to carry out a renewed study of the character by taking into account the specificities of the literary body of works (genres, fragmentary aspects, distance in time, ideologies, etc.) and integrating archaeological and epigraphic sources which have been sidelined too often in previous biographies.The dissertation’s title itself, Alcibiades, between hybris and tolma (between immoderation and boldness) in Thucydides’ work describes even in Greek the ambivalence of Alcibiades’ portrait in literary sources. He is a man of excess, of transgression, of violence, of boldness and great perspectives. The subtitle, A critical approach of sources, indicates that it is necessary to reexamine in a detailed way a vast and detailed body of works. The introduction shows that this reexamination is necessary, though it also shows how difficult it is to study Thucydides’ text.


Niese, Derrick A. 23 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

現實主義國際關係理論之傳統 / Traditions in realist international relations theory

劉金讓, Liu, Chin Jang Unknown Date (has links)
當今現實主義理論學派正面臨著一種淺碟化的危機,伴隨而來的是現實主義深遠的傳統根基遭受簡化以及忽視。本文企圖藉由重新檢驗現實主義傳統的古典文獻,提出在現實主義中的許多被忽略的問題。本文重新定位與評析現實主義之主要理論傳統,包括修昔底德傳統、奧古斯丁傳統、馬基維利傳統、以及霍布斯傳統等四大傳統。此外,本文亦將討論上述四項傳統理論的遺緒。吾人以為,當今現實主義學派的主流理論途徑,存在著嚴重的內在邏輯問題,同時這些問題影響著當代的國關研究。主流學者過度關注於特定版本的霍布斯傳統,因而輕視其它於此理論學派中同等重要的途徑之可能性。同時,透過本文對於現實主義理論傳統多元性與豐富性之展現,本文也指出部分擁簇常識現實主義(commonsense Realism)的學者們,事實上已模糊化現實主義的理論本質。針對上述各種內在的理論問題,作者冀望以本文採一種重新詮釋、重新定位現實主義理論根基的途徑來展現並反省。 / Political Realism is suffering from a crisis of superficialization. The profound traditional roots of Political Realism are being simplified or ignored. This thesis attempts to re-examine the classical texts of Political Realism’s traditions and thus raise questions about some problems in this theoretical programme. Four major traditions which are the Thucydidesian, the Augustinian, the Machiavellian, and the Hobbesian tradition will be re-envisioned and re-appreciated, and their legacies to modern Realists will also be expounded. As this thesis would show, serious inherent logical problems exist in the dominant theoretical approach to Political Realism, which has become pertinent to international relations theory study. Mainstream scholars put too much undue attention on a certain version of the Hobbesian tradition and thus overlook other possibilities which are equally important in formatting this vast theoretical school. By showing the richness and diversity of Political Realism’s tradition, this thesis also suggests that the nature of this theoretical programme is being obfuscated by commonsense scholars. All these inherent theoretical problems will be exhibited in this thesis with an approach to re-appreciate and re-envision the traditional roots of Political Realism.

The Rise of China: Assessing "Revisionist" Behavior in the Global Economy

Smith, Parker T. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Oligarchie čtyř set v Athénách roku 411 př. n. l. / The Oligarchy of the Four Hundred in Athens in 411 B. C. E.

Nývlt, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
Before 1891, it was commonly accepted that the most important source for the rule of the Four Hundred in Athens in 411 BCE was Thucydides' description. The situation changed thanks to the publication of the Aristotelian treatise On the Athenian Constitution, whose version of events differed markedly from Thucydides' one. There followed many attempts at determining which of the two versions was most reliable, or at combining the two versions. These controversies are the focal point of this thesis, but its ambitions are not limited to them: its ambition is also to reconstruct the chronology of the rule of the Four Hundred as precisely as is possible in context of the Peloponnesian war; and to formulate the limitations that are imposed on us by the character of sources at our disposal. Continuity of the coup with earlier developments and its impact on subsequent events are dealt with more briefly.

Clio dans les romans grecs : l’Histoire chez Chariton et Héliodore / Clio in Greek Romances : History in Chariton and Heliodorus’ novels

Romieux-Brun, Élodie 06 December 2014 (has links)
Les références à l’Histoire sont très présentes dans le Roman de Chairéas et Callirhoé de Chariton (Ier siècle ap. J.-C.) et dans les Éthiopiques d’Héliodore (IVe siècle ap. J.-C.). Elles sont exprimées selon des modalités très variées. Les intrigues se déroulent à l’époque classique. Elles font allusion à un grand nombre d’épisodes et de personnages historiques. Les jeux d’intertextualité avec Hérodote et de Thucydide sont nombreux. Ces procédés font écho à des pratiques d’écriture courantes chez les orateurs. La souplesse de la forme romanesque, qui n’est pas encore codifiée, permet de mettre en scène une représentation du passé riche et innovante. Les démarches des deux romanciers sont différentes. Le Roman de Chairéas et Callirhoé met en scène une grande diversité de références au passé, donnant à lire un condensé de l’Histoire grecque de l'époque classique à Alexandre. Les jeux d’intertextualité avec l’œuvre de Thucydide suggèrent une réflexion sur la transformation de l’Athènes classique. Les échos à différents personnages historiques reflètent l’évolution des valeurs morales de l’époque classique à l’époque impériale. Se dessine ainsi, à travers les références historiques, une réflexion sur l’exercice du pouvoir, en lien avec les écrits des orateurs. Les Éthiopiques présentent des jeux d’intertextualité très élaborés avec les Histoires d’Hérodote. À travers ces échos, le romancier affirme la profonde innovation que constitue le genre romanesque. Les références à l’Histoire dessinent les contours d'un univers romanesque original, qui trouve sa place entre Histoire et légende. Elles expriment des enjeux politiques et moraux présents chez les orateurs. / References to history are frequent in the Greek novels Chaireas and Callirhoe, by Chariton (1th century AD), and Aithiopika, by Heliodorus (4th century AD.) These references take a variety of forms. The novels are set in the classical period, but they refer to a wide range of events and historical figures. They also feature rich intertextual engagement with the histories of Herodotus and Thucydides, in a way that recalls the allusive practices of contemporary orators. Thanks to the flexibility of the novel framework, which had not yet been codified, the authors represent the past in innovative, complex, and divergent ways. The Romance of Chaireas and Callirhoe, I demonstrate, exhibits a large variety of references to the past, giving a condensed summary of Greek history from the classical era to Alexander the Great. Echoes to Thucydides suggest thoughts on the transformation of Athens, while references to different historical figures reflect the change of moral values from the classical era to imperial times. The references to the past are linked to political thoughts, in connection with orators' discourses. The Aithiopika, by contrast, presents elaborate allusions to Herodotus Histories. Through these echoes, the novelist affirms the profoundly innovative capacity of the Greek novel as a genre. References to history, I conclude, draw the outlines of an original fictional universe, which finds its place between history and legend, and serve as a counterpoint to the political and moral frameworks developed in oratorical contexts.

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