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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effekt von Amiodaron auf periphere Parameter der Schilddrüsenhormonaktivität bei kardiologischen Patienten mit AICD / Effect of amiodarone o n the peripheral parameters of thyroid hormone activity in cardiac patients with AICD

Wünsche, Christoph 12 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Detection and speciation of silver in freshwater containing triclosan and thyroid hormone T3

Collins, Patricia Lillian 05 August 2010 (has links)
In freshwater, there is more opportunity for silver (Ag) to interact with organic ligands than in seawater. Triclosan is an antibiotic agent which resembles thyroid hormone T3 and is finding its way into aquatic systems. Preliminary toxicology studies for the frogSCOPE program suggest that triclosan and nanosilver (nanoAg), also used as an antibiotic agent, may be chemically interacting, as they seem to synergistically increase the endocrine-disrupting abilities already observed independently in each chemical. Ag speciation methods can be used to determine if triclosan or thyroid hormone T3 are interacting with Ag ion (Ag+), which gets released over time by nanoAg. To fully utilize Ag speciation methods, however, total Ag in the sample must also be independently analyzed. Here we investigated a new total Ag analysis using cadmium sulfide quantum dots (CdS QDs) as fluorescence probes in solution. This method promises results in a fraction of the time of the established competitive ligand equilibration-solvent extraction (CLE-SE) technique utilizing PDC- and DDC- to bind Ag and bring it out of solution. Following this investigation were a series of experiments using CLE-SE for total Ag and Ag speciation in well water used to house bullfrog tadpoles in frogSCOPE Ag exposure studies. CLE-SE for Ag speciation was also applied to well water samples containing the two levels of nanoAg or Ag+ used in frogSCOPE Ag exposures, and used in ligand competition experiments to examine the potential of triclosan or T3 to act as strong Ag-binding ligands, as compared to glutathione and EDTA, two known Ag-binding ligands. The results of the latter experiments could be used to determine if either of these could be forming complexes with Ag which increase or decrease their delivery to amphibian cells. The fluorometric method using CdS QDs showed no ideal analytical response to nanomolar Ag+, even when commercial QDs were modified and used, so it could not be applied to our samples. Using CLE-SE for total Ag, the well water used as a base for toxicity studies in frogSCOPE contained Ag below the method detection limit of 5 pM. Using the speciation variation of the CLE-SE method, no evidence of naturally-occurring ligands which could produce extractable (hydrophobic) or non-extractable (hydrophilic) Ag complexes was found in this well water. EDTA and glutathione responded as model Ag-binding ligands to form non-extractable hydrophilic Ag complexes in fresh water. T3 behaved like these model ligands, while triclosan enhanced the extractability of Ag in the presence of certain concentrations of the added ligand, DDC-. In another set of experiments, coordination of Ag by triclosan or T3 was not detectable within that analytical window. These results suggest that ionic Ag released over time by nanoAg may be binding T3 and preventing it from reaching its receptor, but confirming the interaction of triclosan and Ag+ will require additional experiments using different analytical windows.

Receptores de hormônios da tireóide: estudos computacionais, ressonância plasmônica de superfície e ensaios celulares / Thyroid hormone receptor: computational studies, surface plasmon resonance and cell based assays

Napoleão Fonseca Valadares 08 December 2008 (has links)
Os receptores dos hormônios da tireóide (TRs) são fatores de transcrição envolvidos na diferenciação celular, metabolismo e funções fisiológicas da maioria dos tecidos. Muitos estudos mostram que diversos efeitos farmacológicos mediados pelos TRs podem ser benéficos na farmacoterapia, especialmente aqueles mediados pelo TR que podem ser úteis em condições médicas importantes como obesidade, hipercolesterolemia e diabetes. Além disso, a descoberta que o TR é a isoforma predominante no coração, mediando a maioria dos efeitos cardiovasculares prejudiciais, estimulou a pesquisa por ligantes seletivos para o TR que poderiam ser utilizados em quadros clínicos importantes com perfil de segurança aceitável. Foi realizado um estudo das relações quantitativas entre a estrutura e atividade (QSAR) de um conjunto de compostos com atividade biológica descrita para TR e TR, que gerou modelos de Holograma QSAR com elevada consistência interna e externa, apresentando bom poder de correlação e predição das propriedades biológicas. Também foi realizado um minucioso estudo de triagem virtual, que propiciou a seleção de 7 compostos que foram adquiridos para terem suas atividades biológicas avaliadas. Ensaios de transfecção e gene repórter foram estabelecidos e utilizados na avaliação da atividade biológica dos compostos selecionados pelo ensaio virtual. Finalmente, um ensaio utilizando ressonância plasmônica de superfície (SPR) foi desenvolvido e utilizado para avaliar a atividade agonista desses compostos, e que pode ser útil para avaliar a atividade de novos ligantes. A técnica de SPR também foi empregada em um cuidadoso estudo da interação do TR com seus correguladores, que incluiu estudos cinéticos e termodinâmicos, propiciando a determinação das taxas cinéticas e parâmetros termodinâmicos para a interação do complexo TR-T3 com peptídeos derivados de dois de seus correguladores. Os resultados obtidos são relevantes e devem ser considerados no planejamento de futuros experimentos utilizando o LBD de TR e agonistas. / The thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) are transcriptional factors involved in cell differentiation, development, metabolism and physiological function of most tissues. Many lines of evidence show that several pharmacological actions of TRs might be beneficial in medical therapy, specially those mediated by TR that target important medical conditions like obesity, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes. Additionally, the findings that TR is the predominant isoform in the heart and mediates most of the TRs deleterious cardiovascular effects, stimulated the research for selective TR ligands which could address important medical needs with an acceptable safety profile. In this PhD thesis, studies of the quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) of a dataset of compounds with reported biologic activity for both TR and TR were performed, and statistically significant Hologram QSAR models with good predictive ability for untested compounds were created. In parallel, a careful virtual screening procedure was executed, leading to the selection of 7 compounds which were purchased for the evaluation of their biological activities. Cell transfection and reporter gene assays were developed, validated and used to evaluate the biological activities of these compounds. Finally, a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assay was developed and used to assess the agonistic activity of these compounds. The SPR technique was also employed in a careful study of the interaction between the ligand binding domain of TR and peptides derived from its coregulators, which included the determination of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for this interaction. The results suggest that flexibility plays an important role in the interaction between the receptor and its coregulators, and point out important aspects of experimental design that should be addressed when using TR LBD and its agonists. Furthermore, the methodology described here may be useful for the identification of new TR ligands.

Efeito do hormônio tireoidiano sobre a expressão do RNAm da proteína desacopladora de prótons 3 (UCP3) em miocárdio e músculo esquelético de ratos / Effect of thyroid hormone on UCP-3 mRNA expression in rat heart and skeletal muscle

Márcia Silva Queiroz 02 June 2005 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As proteínas desacopladoras de prótons (UCPs: uncoupling proteins) pertencem à família dos transportadores mitocondriais H+/ácidos graxos e têm distribuição diferenciada nos tecidos. Sabe-se que a UCP1 é responsável pela termogênese, mas o exato papel fisiológico da UCP2 e UCP3 ainda não está completamente estabelecido. Os hormônios tireoideanos (T3 e T4) estimulam a expressão da UCP3 em músculo cardíaco e esquelético, no entanto o mecanismo pelo qual exercem esse efeito não é conhecido. Este projeto visa avaliar se as alterações na expressão gênica da UCP3 são relacionadas a efeito primário do T3 ou são secundárias à estimulação do sistema renina-angiotensina ou do sistema ?-adrenérgico. MÉTODOS: Para a realização do estudo, criou-se um modelo animal de hipertireodismo, em ratos machos Sprague-Dawley, através da 3 administrações de 100 ?g/100 g peso corpóreo de LT3, em dias alternados, associado ou não à captopril (1 mg/100 g de peso corpóreo), ?-bloqueador propranolol (1 mg/100g de peso corpóreo) ou ?2-agonista clenbuterol (0,04 mg/100 g de peso corpóreo). A expressão do mRNA da UCP3 foi semi-quantitativamente determinada por Northern blot em amostras de músculo ventricular cardíaco e músculo esquelético (gastrocnemius e soleus). A expressão da proteína UCP3 foi avaliada por Western blot em músculo esquelético (quadríceps). Os resultados foram expressos em unidades arbitrárias de densitometria óptica. RESULTADOS: O tratamento com LT3 resultou em aumento estatisticamente significativo do conteúdo de mRNA da UCP3 em miocárdio (~3 vezes) e músculo esquelético (~8 vezes) (p<0,05) e esse efeito não foi alterado por nenhuma das medicações usadas concomitantemente. Não houve efeito sinergístico ou aditivo sobre a expressão do mRNA da UCP3 quando o LT3 foi administrado conjuntamente ao ?2-agonista. O aumento na quantidade de mRNA da UCP3, em músculo esquelético, foi associado à aumento na expressão da proteína UCP3. CONCLUSÃO: O efeito do LT3 sobre a expressão da UCP3, nos tecidos analisados, não são dependentes da angiotensina II, nem do sistema ?-adrenérgico, provavelmente refletindo uma ação direta do LT3 sobre a expressão do gene UCP3 / Thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) stimulate UCP-3 expression in skeletal muscle. Here, we examined whether thyroid hormone-induced changes in UCP-3 mRNA expression are related to directs effects of T3 or reflect secondary effects of the hormone through stimulation of renin-angiotensin or ?-adrenergic systems. Hyperthyroidism was produced by three injections of 100 ?g T3/100 g body weight on alternate days with or without concomitant treatment with either captopril (an ACE inhibitor), propranolol (a ?-blocker) or clenbuterol (a ?2-agonist). The relative abundance of UCP-3 mRNA was measured in ventricular myocardium and skeletal muscle (gastrocnemius and soleus). T3 resulted in a significant increase in the relative abundance of UCP-3 in heart and skeletal muscle (P < 0.05), and the effect was not altered by captopril or propanolol; the inhibitors alone had no effect of UCP-3 mRNA content. There was no synergistic or additive effect of T3 and clenbuterol on UCP-3 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle. Increased UCP-3 mRNA levels were associated with increased UCP-3 protein expression in skeletal muscle. We conclude that the effect of T3 on UCP-3 expression in cardiac and skeletal muscle is not dependent on either angiotensin II or the ?-adrenergic system and probably reflects a direct action of the hormone on UCP-3 gene expression

Participação do receptor AT2 da angiotensina II no relaxamento vascular promovido pelo hormônio tiroideano / Thyroid hormone induces vascular relaxation via angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2)

Maria Alicia Carrillo Sepulveda 01 February 2010 (has links)
A vasodilatação promovida pela triiodotironina (T3) ocorre por sua ação direta sobre o relaxamento das células musculares lisas vasculares (CMLV), porém os mecanismos envolvidos são desconhecidos. Neste estudo mostramos que o T3 rapidamente relaxa as CMLV através da geração de óxido nítrico (NO), via óxido nítrico sintase neuronal e induzível (nNOS e iNOS), efeitos mediados pela sinalização PI3K/Akt. Ensaios funcionais em aortas sem endotélio, incubados com T3, mostraram menor resposta contrátil a Fenilefrina (FE), efeito este revertido pelo L-NAME, inibidor da NOS. Aortas de ratos hipertiroideos apresentaram aumento do receptor de Angiotensina II (AngII) do tipo 2 (AT2), acompanhado de diminuição de proteínas contráteis. In vitro o T3 diminui estas proteínas contráteis via AT2. Aortas sem endotélio dos ratos hipertiroideos apresentaram menor reatividade a AngII e maior relaxamento ao nitroprussiato de sódio (NPS), efeitos estes mediados via AT2. Por fim, observamos que o T3 é capaz de induzir produção de NO nas CMLV via PI3K/Akt, a qual é ativada pelo AT2 / 3,3\',5-triiodo-l-thyronine (T3) has been shown to induce vasodilation by its direct effect on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). However, the mechanism by which T3 causes VSMC relaxation is still unknown. Here, we have shown that T3 causes rapid relaxation of VSMC via increased NO production from inducible and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS). We further showed that these effects were mediated by PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Vascular reactivity studies showed that endothelium-denuded aortas treated with T3 had a decreased response to phenylephrine which was reserved by L-NAME, NOS inhibitors. Aortas from hyperthyroid rats showed an upregulation of AT2 accompanied by decreased of contractile proteins. In vitro we observed that T3 decreases contractile proteins via AT2. Furthermore, endothelium-denuded aortas from hyperthyroid rats showed a decreased response to angiotensinII and augmented relaxation to sodium nitroprusside (SNP) via AT2 participation. Our data also suggests that PI3K/Akt signaling pathway is involved in T3-induced NO production in VSMC via AT2.

Os hormônios tireoideanos e o desenvolvimento esquelético fetal e pós-natal: estudo do padrão de expressão dos transportadores e das selenodesiodases das iodotironinas. / Thyroid hormone and skeletal development at fetal and postnatal ages: the expression pattern of iodothyronine transporters and deiodinases.

Luciane Portas Capelo 09 February 2009 (has links)
Ainda não é claro o papel dos hormônios tireoideanos (HT) no desenvolvimento do esqueleto fetal. Para responder a questão, induzimos hipotireoidismo materno e fetal em camundongos prenhes através da administração de metimazol e perclorato de sódio. O esqueleto fetal apresentou discretas morfológicas até 16,5 dias de idade embrionária (E). Apenas no final da gestação, em 18,5E, foram observadas a redução significativa da zona hipertrófica, do número de condrócitos hipertróficos, desorganização e diminuição da quantidade dos condrócitos proliferativos, além da redução da expressão do colágeno I, X e osteocalcina. Os TRs, assim como LAT1, LAT2 e MCT8 foram detectados em todas as idades estudadas. A alta expressão gênica da D3, principal inativadora do hormônio tireoideano, em 14,5E e sua redução significativa durante o desenvolvimento, até atingir níveis indetectáveis no período pós-natal indicam que a D3 seja responsável por manter baixos níveis de HT no esqueletono início da gestação, garantindo um desenvolvimento ósseo normal. / Thyroid hormone (TH) plays a key role on post-natal bone development and metabolism, while its relevance during fetal bone development is uncertain. To study this, pregnant mice and fetuses were made hypothyroid. The skeleton morphology was preserved up to 16.5 embryonic days (E). Only at E18.5, the hypothyroid fetuses exhibited a reduction in femoral type I and type X collagen and osteocalcin mRNA levels, in the length and area of the proliferative and hypertrofic zones, in the number of chondrocytes per proliferative column, and in the number of hypertrophic chondrocytes. This suggests that up to E16.5, thyroid hormone signaling in bone is kept to a minimum. D3 mRNA was readily detected as early as E14.5 and its expression decreased markedly at E18.5, and even more after birth. The expression levels of D3 gene during early bone development along with the absence of a hypothyroidism-induced bone phenotype at this time suggest that its expression keeps thyroid hormone signaling in bone to very low levels at this early stage of bone development.

Interactions fonctionnelles entre voies signalétiques intrinsèques et voie des hormones thyroïdiennes dans les cellules souches et progéniteurs de l'épithélium intestinal / Functional interactions between intrinsic pathways and thyroid hormone-dependent signalling in intestinal epithelium stem and progenitor cells

Godart, Matthias 20 September 2019 (has links)
Les hormones thyroïdiennes (HTs) contrôlent plusieurs aspects du développement et de l’homéostasie intestinale. Elles agissent via des récepteurs nucléaires (TRs), facteurs de transcription modulés par la T3. Le paradigme est la métamorphose des amphibiens où elles sont responsables du remodelage du tube digestif et de l’émergence des cellules souches (Ishizuya-Oka et al, 2009). Des études précédentes ont montré que les HTs jouent un rôle fondamental en régulant la balance entre prolifération et différenciation des précurseurs épithéliaux murins. Du point de vue moléculaire, le récepteur nucléaire TRα1 contrôle plusieurs gènes du cycle cellulaire/prolifération ainsi que les voies de signalisation Wnt et Notch (rev. in Sirakov et al, 2104; Skah et al, 2017). En accord avec ces fonctions, l’expression ciblée de TRα1 dans l’épithélium intestinal (souris vil-TRα1) est suffisante pour induire des cryptes aberrantes, hyper-prolifératives et confère une sensibilité accrue au programme de tumorigénèse intestinale dépendant de la mutation dans le gène Apc (vil-TRα1/Apc+/1638N mice) (Kress et al, 2010). Le but de mon travail a été d’étudier le contrôle des cellules souches intestinales, dépendant des HTs/TRs. En effet, j’ai utilisé des souris Lgr5-EGFP-ires-CreERT2 permettant de traquer, trier et cibler les cellules souches (Barker et al, 2007) que j’ai croisées avec le modèle murin inductible au tamoxifène TRα1-LOF (Loss-of-function) (Quignodon et al, 2007). J’ai étudié les effets de l’altération de la voie HTs/TRα1 in vivo et dans des organoïdes intestinaux (ex vivo). Nos résultats indiquent que les HTs et la modulation de l’expression ou de l’activité de TRα1 affectent rapidement et fortement les cellules souches intestinales. Ce travail ouvre de nouvelles perspectives dans l’étude des signaux dépendants des HTs/ TRα1 dans la physiopathologie des cellules souches intestinales / Thyroid hormones (THs) control several aspects of gut development and homeostasis. They act through the thyroid hormone nuclear receptors (TRs) that are T3-modulated transcription factors. The paradigm is the amphibian metamorphosis, where they are responsible for gut remodeling and emergence of the stem cells (Ishizuya-Oka et al, 2009). In previous studies we showed that THs play a fundamental role in regulating the balance between cell proliferation and cell differentiation of the murine intestinal epithelial precursors. From a molecular point of view the nuclear receptor TRα1 controls several proliferation/cell-cycle genes as well as the Wnt and Notch pathways (rev. in Sirakov et al, 2104; Skah et al, 2017). In accordance with these functions, targeted expression of TRα1 in the intestinal epithelium (vil-TRα1 mice) is sufficient to induce aberrant and hyper-proliferative crypts and confers increased susceptibility to Apc-mutation dependent intestinal tumorigenic program (vil-TRα1/Apc+/1638N mice) (Kress et al, 2010). The aim of my work was to study TH- and TRα1-dependent control of intestinal stem cells. Indeed, I used the Lgr5-EGFP-ires-CreERT2 mice enable tracking, sorting and targeting the stem cells (Barker et al, 2007) crossed with tamoxifen inducible TRα1 loss-of-function (Quignodon et al, 2007) mouse model (TRα1-LOF). I studied the effect of TH/TRα1 alteration in vivo and in intestinal organoids (ex vivo). In conclusion, our results indicate that HTs and modulating TRα1 expression or activity have a rapid and strong effect on the intestinal stem cells. This work opens a new perspective in the study of TH/TRα1-dependent signal on the physiopathology of the intestinal stem cells


TALASILA, PHANI KUMAR 26 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Establishment, validation and application of immunological and LC-MS/MS-based detection methods to study the role of human aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase as an enzyme potentially involved in thyronamine biosynthesis

Höfig, Carolin 18 December 2012 (has links)
Thyronamine (TAM) sind eine neue Molekülklasse, die endokrinologische und metabolische Prozesse miteinander vereinen. Der biologisch aktive Metabolit 3-Iod-L-Thyronamin (3-T1AM) wird durch eine kombinierte Deiodierung und Decarboxylierung von Schilddrüsenhormonen (TH) gebildet. Existierende Methoden zum Nachweis und zur Quantifizierung von 3-T1AM im menschlichen Serum sind immer noch umstritten. Auch die an der Biosynthese vermutlich beteiligte TH-Decarboxylase konnte noch nicht identifiziert werden. Für die Identifizierung und Quantifizierung von TH und TAM Profilen wurde die Flüssigchromatographie-Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (LC-MS/MS) verwendet. In der bisherigen präanalytischen Aufarbeitung liefern weder Flüssig-Flüssig- noch Festphasenextraktionen reproduzierbare Ergebnisse des 3-T1AM-Gehalts im Serum. Mit der Entwicklung eines spezifischen Extraktionsverfahrens und nachfolgender Detektion mittels LC-MS/MS gelang der gleichzeitige Nachweis der häufigsten TH im humanen Serum. Parallel dazu wurden monoklonale Antikörper gegen 3-T1AM entwickelt, auf deren Basis ein quantitativer 3-T1AM Chemilumineszenz-Immunoassay entstand. Ergebnisse aus klinischen Kollektiven zeigen, dass 3-T1AM im Serum im nM Konzentrationsbereich vorkommt und dass 3-T1AM bei Patienten außerhalb der Schilddrüse produziert wird. Viele Forscher gehen davon aus, dass die aromatische L-Aminosäure Decarboxylase (AADC) die Synthese von TAM über Decarboxylierung von TH katalysiert. Diese Hypothese wurde durch Inkubation von rekombinanter humaner AADC mit TH getestet. In keinem der Experimente konnte AADC die Decarboxylierung von TH katalysieren. Zusammenfassend ist die Bestimmung von 3-T1AM im Serum mittels LC-MS/MS aufgrund der nicht reproduzierbaren präanalytischen Probenaufbereitung problematisch. In dieser Arbeit wird der erste MAb-basierte 3-T1AM assay vorgestellt, der 3-T1AM zuverlässig in humanem Serum quantifiziert. Die AADC ist wahrscheinlich nicht an der Biosynthese von TAM beteiligt. / Thyronamines (TAM) are a new class of molecules linking endocrinology and metabolism. Combined deiodination and decarboxylation of thyroid hormones (TH) generates a biologically active ‘cooling’ metabolite, 3-iodo-L-thyronamine (3-T1AM).. It remains controversial, which methods are able or not to reliably detect 3-T1AM in human serum, and the presumed TH decarboxylase is still elusive. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used for the simultane-ous identification and quantification of TH and TAM profiles in biological samples. Several preanalytical methods were tested for complete extraction of 3-T1AM in human serum. Thus far, neither liquid-liquid nor solid-phase extraction methods allowed reproducible extraction of 3-T1AM from human serum samples in the preanalytical sample workup. Nevertheless, a rapid and sensitive extraction procedure was developed for detection of the major TH by LC-MS/MS in a single human serum sample. In parallel, monoclonal antibodies (MAb) targeting 3-T1AM were developed and characterized, and a highly specific quantitative 3-T1AM MAb-based chemiluminescence immunoassay was developed. Studies in clinical cohorts provide evidence that 3-T1AM is present in human serum in the nM concentration range and that 3-T1AM is produced extrathyroidally. Many researchers have reasoned that the aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) mediates TAM synthesis via decarboxylation of TH. This hypothesis was tested by incubating recombinant human AADC with several TH. In all tested conditions, AADC failed to catalyze the decarboxylation of TH. These in vitro observations are supported by the finding that 3-T1AM is also present in plasma samples of patients with AADC deficiency. In summary, 3-T1AM detection in serum using LC-MS/MS encounters preanalytical problems. The first MAb-based 3-T1AM CLIA is presented, which reliably quantifies 3-T1AM in human serum. AADC is likely not involved in TAM biosynthesis.

Regulace genové exprese jadernými receptory ve specifickém metabolickém kontextu - evoluční perspektiva / Gene expression regulation by nuclear receptors in a specific metabolic context - evolutionary perspective

Kaššák, Filip January 2021 (has links)
In animals, some of the most critical regulators of gene expression are nuclear hormone receptors (NRs) and their coregulators, specifically the Mediator complex. Of particular interest are the NRs implicated in metabolic and developmental regulation and in carcinogenesis: thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs). In this work, I venture to elucidate some aspects of gene expression regulation by these NRs: the degree of evolutionary conservation of signalling based on NRs and their coregulators; the mechanisms of negative regulation by NRs; and possible implications of these findings for clinical medicine. State-of-the-art bioinformatical, genome editing and microscopic techniques are applied at three levels of animal evolution to study NRs and Mediator. Reverse genomics in human patients suffering from the syndrome of resistance to thyroid hormones β are used to infer the structure and function of TRβ subdomains. Alignments, binding studies and in vivo experiments in Trichoplax adhaerens allow identification of a close orthologue of human RXR at the basis of metazoan evolution. Employing database queries, genome editing and microscopy, we describe a correct orthologue of the Mediator subunit 28 in Caenorhabditis elegans, indicating a complete homology of the Mediator complex...

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