Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iic"" "subject:"csic""
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Bosonic systems in quantum information theory: Gaussian-dilatable channels, passive states, and beyond / Systèmes bosoniques en théorie de l’information quantique: Canaux gaussiens-dilatables, états passifs, et au-delàJabbour, Michael 18 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The symplectic formalism applied to the phase-space representation of bosonic quantum systems provides us with a powerful mathematical tool for the characterisation of Gaussian states and transformations. As a consequence, quantum information protocols involving the latter are very well understood from a theoretical point of view. Nevertheless, it has become clear in recent years that the use of non-Gaussian resources is necessary in order to perform various crucial information-processing tasks. An illustration of this fact can for instance be found in situations where a Gaussian no-go theorem precludes the use of Gaussian transformations in order to achieve a task involving Gaussian states, such as quantum entanglement distillation, quantum error correction, or universal quantum computation. In the first part of this thesis, we develop a new method based on the generating function of a sequence, which gives rise to an elegant description of intrinsically non-Gaussian objects. Building on the generating function of the matrix elements of Gaussian unitaries in Fock basis, our approach gives access to the multi-photon transition probabilities via unexpectedly simple recurrence equations. The method is developed for Gaussian unitaries effecting both passive and active linear coupling between two bosonic modes. It predicts an interferometric suppression term which generalises the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect for more than two indistinguishable photons impinging on a balanced beam splitter. Furthermore, it exhibits an unsuspected 2-photon suppression effect in optical parametric amplification of gain 2, which originates from the indistinguishability between the input and output photon pairs. Finally, we extend our method to Bogoliubov transformations acting on an arbitrary number of modes. In the second part of this thesis, we introduce a class of Gaussian-dilatable bosonic quantum channels (characterised by a Gaussian unitary in their Stinespring dilation) called passive-environment channels. These channels are interesting from a quantum thermodynamical viewpoint because they correspond to the coupling of a bosonic system with a bosonic environment that is passive in the Fock-basis (that is, no energy can be extracted from it by using unitary transformations) followed by discarding the environment. Making use of the generating function, we provide a description of these channels in terms of Gaussian bosonic channels. We then introduce a new preorder relation called Fock-majorization, which coincides with regular majorization for passive states but also induces another relation in terms of mean boson number, thereby connecting the concepts of energy and disorder of a quantum state. We prove various properties of Fock-majorization, showing in particular that the latter can be interpreted as a relation indicating the existence of a heating or amplifying map between two quantum states. This new preorder relation happens to be relevant in the context of passive-environment bosonic channels. Indeed, we show that these channels are Fock-majorization-preserving, so that any two input states that obey a Fock-majorization relation are transformed into output states respecting a similar relation. As a consequence, it also implies that passive-environment channels are majorization-preserving over the set of passive states of the harmonic oscillator. The consequences of majorization preservation are discussed in the context of the so-called entropy photon-number inequality. Most of our results being independent of the specific nature of the system under investigation, they could be generalised to other quantum systems and Hamiltonians, providing new tools that may prove useful in quantum information theory. In the last part of our thesis, we lay out a resource theory of local activity for bosonic systems. We introduce a notion of local-activity distance, and compare it with the work that can be extracted from a quantum state under local unitaries assisted by passive global unitaries. With this framework, we hope to connect the area of continuous-variable bosonic channels together with quantum thermodynamics. / Le formalisme symplectique appliqué à la représentation des systèmes bosoniques dans l'espace des phases donne accès à un outil mathématique puissant pour la caractérisation des états gau-ssiens et transformations gaussiennes. Les protocoles d'information quantique impliquant ces derniers sont d'ailleurs très bien compris d'un point de vue théorique. Toutefois, il s'est avéré clair durant ces dernières années que l'utilisation de ressources non-gaussiennes est nécessaire afin d'effectuer des tâches cruciales de traitement de l'information. En effet, certaines tâches — telles que la distillation d’intrication quantique, le codage quantique ou encore le calcul quantique — impliquant des états gaussiens ne peuvent être effectuées avec des transformations gaussiennes. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous développons une nouvelle méthode basée sur la fonction génératrice d'une suite qui donne lieu à une description élégante d'objets intrinsèquement non-gaussiens. Se basant sur la fonction génératrice des éléments de matrice d'unitaires gaussiens dans la base de Fock, notre approche donne accès aux probabilités de transition multi-photon via des équations de récurrence étonnamment simples. La méthode est développée pour des unitaires gaussiens produisant des couplages linéaires passifs et actifs entres deux modes bosoniques. Elle prédit un terme d'interférence destructive qui généralise l'effet Hong-Ou-Mandel pour plus de deux photons indistinguables pénétrant dans un diviseur de faisceau équilibré. De plus, elle met en évidence un effet inattendu de suppression de deux photons dans un amplificateur paramétrique optique de gain 2. Cette suppression résulte de l’indistinguabilité entre les paires de photons d’entrée et de sortie. Finalement, nous étendons notre méthode à des transformations de Bogoliubov agissant sur un nombre de modes arbitraire. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous introduisons une classe de canaux quantiques bosoniques gaussiens-dilatables (caractérisés par un unitaire gaussien dans leur ``Stinespring dilation") appelés canaux à environnement passif. Ces canaux sont intéressants du point de vue de la thermodynamique quantique puisqu’ils correspondent au couplage d’un système bosonique avec un environnement bosonique qui est passif dans la base de Fock (en d’autres termes, il est impossible d’en extraire de l’énergie avec des transformations unitaires), suivi du rejet de l’environnement. Grâce à la fonction génératrice, nous fournissons une description de ces transformations en termes de canaux quantiques bosoniques gaussiens limités par le bruit du vide. Nous introduisons ensuite une nouvelle relation de pré-ordre appelé ``majorization" de Fock, qui coïncide avec la ``majorization" usuelle pour les états passifs mais induit une autre relation en terme du nombre moyen de bosons, connectant ainsi les concepts d’énergie et de désordre d’un état quantique. Dans ce contexte, nous prouvons des propriétés variées de la ``majorization" de Fock et montrons en particulier que cette dernière peut être interprétée comme une relation indiquant l’existence d’une transformation d’amplification entre deux états quantiques. Cette nouvelle relation de pré-ordre s’avère appropriée dans le contexte des canaux bosonique à environnement passif. En effet, nous montrons que ces canaux conservent la ``majorization" de Fock, de sorte que n’importe quels deux états d’entrée obéissant une relation de ``majorization" de Fock sont transformés en états de sortie vérifiant une relation similaire. En particulier, cela implique que les canaux à environnement passif préservent la ``majorization" pour l'ensemble des états passifs de l’oscillateur harmonique. Les conséquences de la préservation de la ``majorization" sont examinées dans le contexte de la ``entropy photon-number inequality". Étant indépendants de la nature spécifique du système étudié, la plupart de nos résultats peuvent être généralisés à d’autres systèmes et hamiltoniens quantiques, donnant lieu à de nouveaux outils qui pourraient s’avérer utiles en théorie de l’information quantique. Dans la dernière partie de notre thèse, nous mettons en place une théorie de l’activité locale pour les système bosoniques. Nous introduisons une notion de distance en terme d'activité locale et la comparons avec le travail qui peut être extrait d'un état quantique avec des unitaires locaux assistés par des unitaires globaux passifs. Le but à long terme est de se baser sur cette théorie afin de connecter les domaines des canaux bosoniques à variables continues et de la thermodynamique quantique. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Utilização das ferramentas do portal educacional no ensino superiorOliveira, Nara Pollyanne de Araújo Ramalho 31 October 2006 (has links)
This work conducted at Centro de Estudos Superiores de Maceió CESMAC and
investigated the utilization of teaching suporting techniques tools in the process of distant
education. It made use of Portal Educacional to examine their contribuition in the
formation process of the lecturer, their use by the professors in the semipresent training
modality and also to report their academic application in the institution. The focus of the
research was located in every unit of CESMAC: Faculdade de Ciências Juridicas;
Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde; Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e
Tecnológicas; Faculdade de Educação e Comunicação; Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, in which participants were the professors who,
to a greater or lesser extent, made use of the portal in the period of four months, from
August to November/2005. The methodology used was base don a case study with a
qualitative. The first chapter of the work deals with the necessity and utility of the ICT in
the initial formation of the instructor, the is related to the utilization of the ITC in the
semipresent university teaching and the third in the utilization of the Educational Portal. / Esta pesquisa investiga a utilização das ferramentas de suporte à docência na educação a
distância, a partir das possibilidades oferecidas por portais educacionais para a formação
docente e a utilização deste pelos professores do ensino superior na modalidade semipresencial
e do relato do uso das ferramentas do Portal Universitário pelos professores do
Centro de Estudos Superiores de Maceió. O locus da pesquisa englobou todas as
Faculdades do CESMAC: Faculdade de Ciências Jurídicas; Faculdade de Ciências
Biológicas e da Saúde; Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas; Faculdade de
Educação e Comunicação; Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Faculdade de Ciências
Sociais Aplicadas. Os envolvidos foram os professores que mais e menos utilizaram o
Portal Universitário de agosto a novembro de 2005. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo
de caso com abordagem qualitativa. No estudo são tratadas a necessidade e utilidade das
TIC na formação inicial dos professores, o uso das TIC no ensino superior semipresencial
e a utilização do Portal Educacional pelos professores do ensino superior .
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A avaliação em matemática em forma de teia com assistência contínua ao estudante / The evaluation in mathematics in the form of web with continuous assistance to the studentSilva, Hendrickson Rogers Melo da 27 April 2017 (has links)
Adapting useful knowledge to the individual and unique mathematical needs of each student in the midst of an entire classroom, and evaluating the outcome of this endeavor are the scope of the web philosophy - the didactic-mathematic strategy explored in this work. This dissertation aims to construct a didactic learning culture of mathematics, of a constructivist nature, that articulates in a personalized way learning and evaluation, which can be experienced in classroom and online educational practice, with and without digital technologies, much Although it is only with these tools that the elements of this evaluative style are fully utilized. Based on the assumptions that the model of the web is a new conception of didactic strategy in which the learning and evaluation of the student generated by psychological theories are articulated, which both compose it and gain new meanings during such interlacing; And that the pedagogical proposal embedded in this style of evaluation gives the mathematical educator flexibility and updating in the teaching-learning-evaluation process; And also that the web can favor the interest in learning Mathematics, it offers in this research a brief history of the evaluation of human learning, the articulation of the psychological and statistical elements of this evaluative philosophy and, through action research, the working hypotheses were validated. In addition to four scientific articles published in qualified journals, this dissertation resulted in the assimilation of intelligences: (in the teaching dimension) in the establishment of which to evaluate with adaptability is synonymous with intelligence in the group view, and (in the student dimension) the intelligence of the understanding of That can have its cognitive peculiarities assisted in the process teaching-learning-evaluation in Mathematics. The resulting educational product is the Web Manual, where the Math teacher finds the step-by-step to build his own web and use it daily with his students. / Adaptar conhecimento útil às necessidades matemáticas individuais e peculiares de cada estudante em meio à coletividade de uma sala de aula inteira, e avaliar o resultado desse empreendimento são o escopo da filosofia da teia – a estratégia didático-matética explorada neste trabalho. Nesta dissertação objetivou-se construir uma cultura didática de aprendizagem da matemática, de natureza construtivista, que articula de modo personalizado aprendizagem e avaliação, a qual pode ser vivenciada na prática educativa em sala de aula e online, com e sem as tecnologias digitais, muito embora somente com estas ferramentas se usufrua plenamente o conjunto de elementos desse estilo avaliativo. Com base nas premissas de que o modelo da teia é uma nova concepção de estratégia didática na qual se articulam a aprendizagem e a avaliação do educando gerada a partir de teorias psicológicas, as quais tanto a compõem quanto ganham novos significados durante tal entrelaçamento; e que a proposta pedagógica embutida nesse estilo de avaliação oportuniza ao educador matemático flexibilidade e atualização no processo ensino-aprendizagem-avaliação; e também que a teia pode favorecer o interesse por aprender Matemática, se oferece nesta pesquisa um breve histórico da avaliação da aprendizagem humana, a articulação dos elementos psicológicos e estatístico dessa filosofia avaliativa e, através da pesquisa-ação se validou as hipóteses de trabalho. Além de quatro artigos científicos publicados em revistas qualificadas, esta dissertação resultou na assimilação de inteligências: (na dimensão docente) no estabelecimento de que avaliar com adaptabilidade seja sinônimo de inteligência na visão de grupo, e (na dimensão discente) a inteligência do entendimento de que se pode ter suas peculiaridades cognitivas assistidas no processo ensino-aprendizagem-avaliação em Matemática. O produto educacional resultante é o Manual da Teia, onde o professor de Matemática encontra o passo a passo para construir sua própria teia e usá-la cotidianamente com seus estudantes.
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Stage level measurement of information and communication technology in organizationsFavaretto, José Eduardo Ricciardi 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by José Eduardo Ricciardi Favaretto (eduardo@favaretto.com.br) on 2015-03-26T04:56:11Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / In the modern Knowledge Economy, in the Big Data Era, properly understand the use and management of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based on the academic field of the studies of Information Systems (IS), becomes increasingly important and strategic for organizations who seek: to remain active, to be able to meet new demands (internal and external) and to face the complex changes in market competition. This research uses the theory of stages of growth, substantiated by the studies of Richard L. Nolan in the 70s. The academic literature related to stages of growth models and the context of IS study field, provide the conceptual bases for this study. The research identifies a framework with its constructs related to the growth stages of the organizational initiatives of ICT/IS, starting from Nolan´s second level of benchmark variables, and proposes its implementation with the creation and development of a scale. With exploratory and descriptive characteristic, the research brings theoretical contribution to the paradigm of the stages of growth theory, adding a new growth process in its conceptual structure. As a result, it is provided a bilingual scale instrument (Portuguese and English), as well as, recommendations and rules for application of a survey type research instrument, to the continuity of this study. As a general implication of this research, it is expected that its use and application in measuring the stage level assessment of ICT/IS in organizations, can assist two types of individuals: academicians who study this thematic, as well as, practitioners seeking answers to their practical actions in organizations where they work. / Na moderna Economia do Conhecimento, na Era do Big Data, entender corretamente o uso e a gestão da Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) tendo como base o campo acadêmico de estudos de Sistemas de Informação (SI), torna-se cada vez mais relevante e estratégico para as organizações que pretendem: permanecer em atividade, estar aptas para atender novas demandas (internas e externas) e enfrentar as complexas mudanças na competição de mercado. Esta pesquisa utiliza a teoria dos estágios de crescimento, fundamentada pelos estudos de Richard L. Nolan nos anos 70. A literatura acadêmica relacionada com modelos de estágios de crescimento e o contexto do campo de estudo de SI, fornecem as bases conceituais deste estudo. A pesquisa identifica um modelo com seus construtos relacionados aos estágios de crescimento das iniciativas da TIC/SI organizacional, partindo das variáveis de benchmark de segundo nível de Nolan, e propõe sua operacionalização com a criação e desenvolvimento de uma escala. De caráter exploratório e descritivo, a pesquisa traz contribuição teórica ao paradigma da teoria dos estágios de crescimento, adicionando um novo processo de crescimento em sua estrutura conceitual. Como resultado, é disponibilizado além de um instrumento de escala bilíngue (português e inglês), recomendações e regras para aplicação de um instrumento de pesquisa do tipo survey, na continuidade deste estudo. Como implicação geral desta pesquisa, é esperado que seu uso e aplicação ao mensurar a avaliação do nível de estágio da TIC/SI em organizações, possam auxiliar dois perfis de indivíduos: acadêmicos que estudam essa temática, assim como, profissionais que buscam respostas de suas ações práticas nas organizações onde trabalham.
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O trabalho docente e as tecnologias no Programa Ginásio Experimental Carioca / Teaching work and technologies at Ginásio Experimetal Carioca ProgramKaroliny Bárbara Bichara Menezes da Costa 27 April 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Este estudo trata da recontextualização educacional das Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TIC) no Programa Ginásio Experimental Carioca (GEC), da Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Rio de Janeiro. Parte de hipótese de trabalho de que, no escopo do referido Programa, as TIC tendem a ser incorporadas como estratégia de substituição tecnológica, remetendo ao esvaziamento do trabalho docente. Para desenvolvê-la, empreende estudo de caso etnográfico e uma análise crítica dos discursos dos sujeitos envolvidos: a observação das práticas no contexto específico e as reflexões dos sujeitos sobre estas mesmas práticas. Elegendo a figura do professor polivalente como chave para a compreensão das relações entre trabalho docente e utilização intensiva das TIC, discute as ressignificações e relexicalizações em circulação. Considerando a extinção do Programa em tela, aborda os desdobramentos que têm sustentado a confirmação da hipótese de esvaziamento do trabalho docente, expresso pela ampliação e pelo aprofundamento desse novo lugar de professor no contexto do Projeto o 6 Ano Experimental / This study introduces the educational recontextualization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Ginásio Experimental Carioca Program (GEC), of the Municipal Department of Education in Rio de Janeiro. Assume that the working hypothesis that, the scope of that Program, ICT tend to be incorporated as technological substitution strategy, referring to the emptying of teaching work. To develop it, was undertaken an ethnographic case study and a critical analysis of the individuals involved: the observation of practices in a particular context and the reflections of the individuals on these same practices. Electing the figure of multipurpose teacher as a key to understand the relationship between teaching work and intensive use of ICT, argues the ressignifications and relexicalizations in circulation. Considering the Program extinction, discusses the developments that have sustained the confirmation of emptying hypothesis of teaching work, expressed the expansion and deepening of this new teacher place in the context of the 6th grade in Elementary School
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L'usage des TICs et l'évolution des projets migratoires des migrants africains en Turquie (le cas d'agglomération d'Istanbul) / Sub-Saharan African migrants use of ITC's and evolution of their migration projects in Turkey (the case of Istanbul)Seymen, Seyhan Gözde 20 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au rôle des TIC dans l’évolution du projet migratoire des migrants africains subsahariens en Turquie. L’approche interdisciplinaire choisie a permis d’aborder la question sous l’angle sociologique et communicationnelle en prenant en compte les aspects politiques et géographiques. La migration des africains subsahariens vers la Turquie est associée au renforcement des contrôles aux frontières externes notamment européennes qui favorise la construction de nouvelles routes migratoires et nouveaux pôles de transit. Ce renforcement des contrôles frontaliers conduisent les migrants à reformuler leur projet migratoire. Dans ce contexte de migrations irrégulières, cette thèse cherche à comprendre comment les migrants approprient les TIC et quel est rôle de celles-ci dans la construction et le maintien des réseaux sociaux. / This thesis intends to question the role of ICTs in the evolution of the migration project of the sub-Saharan African migrants in Turkey. The interdisciplinary approach adopted in this thesis allowed to examine the question under sociological and communicational point of view by taking into account the political and geographical aspects. The migration of African sub-Saharan towards Turkey is associated with the reinforcement of controls at the external border, particularly in Europe, which favors the appereance of new migratory roads and new transit hubs. This reinforcement of border controls leads the migrants to reformulate their migration project. In this context of irregular migrations, this thesis intends to understand how the ICTs are appropriated by migrants and what is the role of these technologies in the construction and the maintenance of the social networks.
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Le rôle des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans les transformations de la forme urbaine : le cas du Grand Caire / The role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the urban form transformations : the case of Greater CairoElkashash, Amgad 09 March 2018 (has links)
Par leur capacité à créer, traiter et transmettre l’information en temps réel, les TIC jouent aujourd’hui un rôle majeur dans la structuration et le développement des territoires. La présente thèse vise à étudier la relation entre les TIC et les transformations de la forme urbaine du Grand Caire. Pour ce faire, la thèse implique une approche multidisciplinaire qui conjugue les deux méthodes quantitative et qualitative ; elle s’appuie sur le modèle de l’« urbanisme des réseaux » pour décomposer les TIC en trois niveaux : infrastructures, technologies de l’information et usages. Plusieurs ressources sont utilisées : rapports, articles et ouvrages spécialisés, données du terrain et ressources Internet y compris les Big data. Les principaux résultats sont les suivants : la distribution des réseaux des TIC (infrastructures, technologies de l’information et usages) a dessiné une zone étendue, un continuum, qui relie les grandes centralités formées pendant plusieurs périodes historiques du Grand Caire. En outre, les TIC, avec d’autres facteurs, ont mené à la formation dans la banlieue sud d’un centre économique/résidentiel, excentré et non planifié, le premier de ce type dans l’histoire millénaire du Grand Caire. Enfin, les résultats ont montré un rôle important des résidences fermées ; ces dernières semblent trouver dans les TIC le moyen pour mieux réaliser leur objectif : permettre de vivre et travailler au Grand Caire sans affronter les maux de son espace central. Globalement, Les TIC, malgré leur capacité à alléger plusieurs contraintes spatiales, sont parmi les facteurs qui ont consolidé la forme urbaine actuelle du Grand Caire avec tous ses problèmes majeurs. / With their ability to create, process and transmit information in real time, ICT are playing today a major role in the structuring and development of urban spaces. The present thesis aims to study the relationship between ICT and the transformations of the Greater Cairo’s urban form. To that end, the thesis draws on a multidisciplinary approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methods; it is based on the model of "Urbanism of networks" that divides ICT networks into three levels: infrastructures, information technologies and uses. Many resources are used in this study: reports, specialised books and articles, data collected from the field and various Internet resources including the Big Data. The main results are as follows: at the metropolitan scale, the distribution of ICT networks (infrastructures, information technologies and uses) has drawn an extended area, a continuum, which connects the main urban centers formed during the several historical periods of Greater Cairo. Moreover, ICT, among other factors, have led to the formation in the southern suburb of an eccentric, unplanned economic/residential center, the first of its kind in the millennial history of Greater Cairo. Finally, the results showed an important role of the gated communities, these latter seem to find in ICT the way to better realise their objective: to allow living and working in Greater Cairo without facing the disadvantages of its central space. Overall, ICT, despite their ability to alleviate many spatial constraints, are among the factors that shaped the current urban form of Greater Cairo with all its major problems.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims to address on the pioneering educational experiment carried out in the Community of Cerro Pelado in Uruguay, with the radio El Chasque FM, started as communication design and currently as a curricular discipline of a small rural school, which seeks in their practices encourage reflection and a real social intervention, leaving a space open to the outcrop of the feelings, thoughts, ideas and different understandings of the persons involved, about themselves, about others and about the world around them, is investigating and discussing these dynamics on the interrelationships of the various types of knowledge that arise from the integration of the areas of education and communication, educational communication. This has been shown viable tool in creating new types of learning, formal or informal, with bias more democratic, egalitarian and less hierarchical, given the plurality and cultural diversity, becoming emerging and necessary practice to be propagated, raising up possible in this process of reconstruction looks on the training of our future professionals of education-communication, the educommunicators. Therefore, we performed a case study that led to the investigation of educomunicativas practices and their possible effects and consequences that the school context. / A presente pesquisa visa tratar sobre a experiência pedagógica pioneira realizada na Comunidade de Cerro Pelado no Uruguai, com a rádio El Chasque FM, iniciada como projeto de comunicação e atualmente como disciplina curricular de uma pequena escola rural, que busca em suas práticas incitar a reflexão e uma real intervenção social, partindo de uma abertura de espaço para o afloramento dos sentimentos, pensamentos, concepções e entendimentos diversos, dos sujeitos envolvidos, sobre si mesmos, sobre os outros e sobre o mundo que os cerca, investigando-se e discutindo-se nestas dinâmicas sobre as inter-relações dos vários tipos de saberes que surgem da integração das áreas da educação e da comunicação, a educomunicação. Esta que tem se demonstrado ferramenta viável na criação de novos tipos de aprendizagem, formais ou informais, com viés mais democrático, igualitário e menos hierarquizado, atendendo a pluralidade e diversidade cultural, tornando-se prática emergente e necessária que deve ser propagada, alçando se possível neste processo a reconstrução dos olhares sobre a formação dos nossos futuros profissionais da educação-comunicação, os educomunicadores. Para tanto, executou-se um estudo de caso que propiciou a investigação das práticas educomunicativas e seus possíveis efeitos e reflexos naquele contexto escolar.
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O uso pedagógico das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na formação de professores: uma experiência na licenciatura em matemáticaCibotto, Rosefran Adriano Gonçales 18 May 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-05-18 / There are several issues related to the pedagogical use of technologies for the construction of knowledge in the current Brazilian education system. Some pass through large and complex issues, such as the transmission of trend change instruction conducted through blackboard and chalk for a reality involving the use of digital technologies as mediators of this process. In this scenario, the future teacher lacks experience in their formative process, the pedagogical use of technology to be able to incorporate them into their lessons. There are several challenges to this incorporation into the teaching-learning process, since simple computerization of school environment does not guarantee the desired benefits. This study assumes that the pedagogical use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) contributes enhancing, facilitating and encouraging the teaching of Mathematics and should be part of initial and continuing teacher training. So this research has the main objective to analyze, from the point of view of the participants in a formative experience, contributions and limits the insertion of the pedagogical use of technology in teacher training so that they can reflect on and use them as a teaching tool in Basic Education in their future professional activities. The theoretical framework for this teacher training focuses on the use of technology in the initial training of teachers of Mathematics and the pedagogical use of ICT. More specifically, it assumes the Lee Shulman knowledge bases and the TPACK framework (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Technological Knowledge and Pedagogical Content) Koehler and Mishra. Data were produced by 12 undergraduate students who attended a formative experience over the past year students for a Degree in Mathematics. In this experience they had the opportunity to select digital tools and teach specific classes in detail planned for the computer lab. In a later stage, a couple of interns pedagogically used GeoGebra software for teaching quadratic functions for two 1st year of high school classes. Data were obtained through the application of a pool to characterize the subjects and daily researcher and diaries of the participants followed for the practical classes were prepared, as well as interviews from semi-structured pool. The qualitative analysis was organized in a way that links aspects of learning and difficulties that participants had regarding the selection of technologies and their use in simulated classes or basic education, in the computer lab during the supervised training. The results show learnings, indicate potential and limits on the use of technologies and also emphasize the need for experience of undergraduate students in the pedagogical use of ICT so that they feel at ease in using them pedagogically throughout their careers. / No atual sistema de ensino nacional são diversas as questões relativas ao uso pedagógico das tecnologias para a construção do conhecimento. Algumas passam por amplos e complexos temas como a tendência da mudança da transmissão de instruções realizadas por meio de quadro e giz para uma realidade envolvendo a utilização de tecnologias digitais como mediadoras desse processo. Nessa conjuntura, o futuro professor carece vivenciar, em seu processo formativo, o uso pedagógico das tecnologias para ter a possibilidade de incorporá-las a suas aulas. Diversos são os desafios para essa incorporação no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, pois a simples informatização do ambiente escolar não garante os benefícios desejados. Assim, este estudo parte do princípio de que a utilização pedagógica das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) contribui potencializando, facilitando e motivando o ensino de Matemática e deve fazer parte da formação inicial e continuada dos professores. Então esta pesquisa tem o objetivo principal de analisar, na visão dos participantes de uma Experiência Formativa, as contribuições e os limites da inserção do uso pedagógico das tecnologias na formação docente, para que sobre elas possam refletir e utilizá-las como instrumento didático na Educação Básica em sua futura atuação profissional. O referencial teórico para essa formação docente focaliza o uso das tecnologias na formação inicial do professor de Matemática e o uso pedagógico das TIC. Mais especificamente, assume as bases de conhecimento de Lee Shulman e o framework TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge ou Conhecimento Tecnológico e Pedagógico do Conteúdo) de Koehler e Mishra. Os dados analisados foram produzidos por 12 licenciandos que participaram de uma Experiência Formativa ao longo do último ano do Curso de Licenciatura em Matemática, experiência na qual tiveram a oportunidade de selecionar ferramentas digitais e ministrar aulas específicas, detalhadamente planejadas para o laboratório de informática. Em etapa posterior, uma dupla de estagiários utilizou pedagogicamente o software GeoGebra para o ensino de funções quadráticas com duas turmas de 1º ano do Ensino Médio. Os dados foram obtidos por meio da aplicação de um questionário para a caracterização dos sujeitos e foram elaborados diários do pesquisador e diários dos participantes acompanhados durante as aulas práticas, além da realização de entrevistas a partir de questionário semiestruturado. A análise qualitativa foi organizada em eixos que apontam aspectos da aprendizagem e dificuldades que os participantes tiveram com relação à seleção de tecnologias e a seu uso em aulas simuladas ou na Educação Básica, no laboratório de informática durante o estágio supervisionado. Os resultados apontam aprendizados, indicam potencialidades e limites no uso das tecnologias, e ainda ressaltam a necessidade da vivência dos licenciandos no uso pedagógico das TIC para que se sintam à vontade em utilizá-las pedagogicamente ao longo de suas carreiras.
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Engenharia de requisitos de stakeholders de sistemas de TIC na gestão do trabalho colaborativo do API.nanoQuinan, Paulo Gustavo 16 December 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-12-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / More than ever organizations are linking themselves in networks,
and governments, aware of what can be gained with those connections,
are developing incentives to foster its development. In
Florianópolis, the promulgation of the Law of Innovation defined
incentives to the formation of organizational networks, called Arranjos
Promotores de Inovação (API). With that, the city s first
API, the API.nano, started to be developed by CERTI, which
invited LabGes/ESAG/UDESC to define the API s management
and governance system, containing the system s business process
mapping. In this context, this thesis details the development of
a stakeholders requirement engineering of ICT systems capable
of supporting the collaborative activities of the API.nano s organizations
based in the process mapping developed. Supported by
the literature about clusters of innovation, computer-supported
cooperative work and requirement engineering, the research is
divided in two phases. The first one constituted in the coding of
the activities of the process mapping, which allowed their classification
in 11 collaborative characteristics. Afterwards, a interpretative
requirement analysis of the relationships exposed by the
coding ensued. As a result, 30 stakeholders requirements were
elicited. These requirements can the base for the definition of a
ICT systems ecology capable of satisfying the collaborative work
support technological needs of the API. / Cada vez mais organizações vem se ligando em redes, e os governantes,
cientes dos ganhos obtidos com estas ligações, criam
incentivos para fomentar seu desenvolvimento. Em Florianópolis,
a promulgação da Lei da Inovação criou incentivos para a
formação de redes organizacionais chamadas pela lei de Arranjos
Promotores de Inovação (API). Com isso, o primeiro API da
cidade, o API.nano, começou a ser desenvolvido pela Fundação
CERTI, que convidou o LabGes/ESAG/UDESC a definir o sistema
de gestão e governança do API, contendo um mapeamento
de processos de negócio do sistema. Neste contexto, esta dissertação
detalha o desenvolvimento de uma engenharia de requisitos
de stakeholder de sistemas de TIC capazes de auxiliar as atividades
colaborativas das organizações do API.nano com base no
mapeamento de processos desenvolvido. Fundamentada pela literatura
sobre clusters de inovação, sistemas de TIC no trabalho
colaborativo e engenharia de requisitos, a pesquisa se dividiu em
duas etapas. A primeira consistiu numa codificação das atividades
do mapeamento de processos, que permitiu a classificação
das atividades em 11 características colaborativas. Em seguida,
uma análise de requisitos interpretativa foi realizada nas relações
expostas pela codificação. Como resultado, 30 requisitos de
stakeholders foram propostos. Estes requisitos podem servir de
base para a definição de uma ecologia de sistemas de TIC capaz
de satisfazer as necessidades tecnológicas de suporte do trabalho
colaborativo do API.
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