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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att ta ett felsteg i sportens värld : En komparativ studie om hur atleters personliga varumärken påverkas av etiska, respektive lagliga överträdelser

Björklund, Tanja, Michaelsson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
För professionella atleter har det blivit allt viktigare med starka, personliga varumärken. Det är av stor vikt för personliga varumärken att associeras med positiva och attraktiva attribut då detta influerar konsumenter i deras val av konsumtion. Personliga varumärken representerar olika värderingar, och utifrån dessa värderingar bygger konsumenter upp särskilda förväntningar. Om ett personligt varumärke, i detta fall en atlet, avviker från konsumenters förväntningar kan det komma att påverka varumärkets anseende och det kan bli svårt att reparera skadan som avvikelsen orsakat. Etiska, respektive lagliga överträdelser är exempel på avvikelser som kan störa förväntningarna konsumenter har på atleter. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om konsumenters uppfattningar och konsumtion av atleters personliga varumärken ändras efter att atleter begått etiska, respektive lagliga överträdelser, samt att undersöka vad konsumenter anser om olika återhämtningsstrategier atleter använt sig av för att reparera sina personliga varumärken. För att undersöka detta har Therese Johaug och Tiger Woods valts ut som studieobjekt. Tillsammans med litteratur och tidigare forskning används de två atleternas personliga varumärken, deras överträdelser och återhämtningsstrategier för att besvara studiens syfte och forskningsfrågor. Studien använder metodkombination och 162 konsumenter har svarat på studiens enkätundersökning och åtta konsumenter har deltagit i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien visar att överträdelser, oavsett etisk eller laglig karaktär, påverkar konsumenters uppfattningar om atleters personliga varumärken negativt. Vidare visar studien att konsumenters intentioner att konsumera atleters personliga varumärken minskar för hälften och är oförändrade för hälften, oavsett överträdelsens karaktär. Slutligen visar resultatet att konsumenter föredrar strategier där atleter tar på sig ansvar och ber om ursäkt för överträdelsen. Det visar sig även vara fördelaktigt om den anklagade atleten försöker sätta händelsen i en mer fördelaktig kontext, samt förklarar hur åtgärder ska vidtas för att överträdelsen inte ska återupprepas. / For professional athletes it has become increasingly important to maintain strong, personal brands. It is of great importance for personal brands to associate with positive and attractive attributes as this affects consumers in their choice of consumption. Personal brands represent different values, and on the basis of these values, consumers build up specific expectations. If a personal brand, in this case an athlete, deviates from consumer expectations, it can affect the brand's reputation and it can be difficult to repair the damage caused by the deviation. Ethical and legal transgressions are examples of deviations that can disrupt the expectations consumers have of athletes. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether consumers’ perception and consumption of athletes' personal brands change after athletes have committed ethical or legal transgressions, as well as to examine how consumers perceive the different recovery strategies athletes have used to repair their personal brands. To study this, Therese Johaug and Tiger Woods have been selected as study objects. The two athletes’ personal brands, their different transgressions and recovery strategies are used along with literature and previous research related to the subject to answer the study's purpose and research questions. The study uses a method combination and 162 consumers responded to the study's survey and eight consumers participated in semi-structured interviews. The study shows that transgressions, regardless of ethical or legal character, negatively affect consumers’ perceptions of athletes’ personal brands. Furthermore, consumers’ intentions to consume athletes’ personal brands were found to decrease for half of them, and maintain the same for the other half, regardless of the character of the transgression. Finally, the results show that consumers prefer image repair strategies where athletes take responsibility and apologize for the transgression. It was also shown to be favorable if the athlete tried to put the transgression in a more advantageous context and explained what actions that were going to be made to prevent the transgression from being repeated.

Physical, chemical and functional properties of tiger nuts (Cyperus esculentus) selected from Ghana, Cameroon and UK market (Spain)

Adjei-Duodu, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
The tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) has attracted a lot of unsubstantiated health claims, yet there is a dearth of research investigation within Ghana specifically in the area of food product development. This study addresses the development of ‘functional bread and biscuit’ from tiger nuts obtained from UK market (Spain). The chemical constituents; carbohydrate, lipid, protein, dietary minerals and antioxidants, the functional properties of three varieties of tiger nuts obtained from Ghana (black and brown), Cameroon (yellow) and UK market (Spain) (brown) were investigated using standard analytical methods as well as the blood glucose response of healthy adults who consumed the developed bread. Tiger nuts were found to be good sources of carbohydrate (51-82g/100g) and lipids (21-37g/100g). The dietary fibre components ranged between 18, 1, 19 and 19g/100g for IDF, SDFP, HMWDF, and ITDF respectively, while the available carbohydrate as sugars were 45, 0.5 and 5g/100g for glucose, maltose and xylose respectively. Minerals that were found to be inherent to the crop were; potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc and selenium and do not depend on place of origin. The following ratios for Sodium/Potassium 0.04, Calcium/Phosphorus 0.13 and Calcium/Magnesium 0.28 were obtained. Tiger nuts had TPC ≥ 134GAE per g, DPPH and stability index of 0.9-8.7mmol/litre and 3- 4 respectively. In conclusion the tiger nuts originating from different geographical locations were good sources of health giving minerals and had diversity of physical properties and chemical constituents which could inform future research in the functional food industry. Tiger nut could be added to the Ghana food basket and the product developed from it could be a potential functional food because of its effect on glucose response and phytochemical contents. It could again be used to replace artificial antioxidants (BHA or BHT) which are used in the food industry to inhibit lipid and protein oxidation especially the black variety.

Utvecklingen av dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada i länder under snabb ekonomisk utveckling

Lind, Pontus January 2006 (has links)
<p>Purpose.</p><p>The purpose of this essay was formulated as to examine the relationship between the development of deaths caused by unintentional injury and fast economic development in a country. The purpose is to create a picture of the development in the chosen countries.</p><p>Background.</p><p>Injuries and the deaths that sometimes follow are a problem for all communities, if nothing else just because of costs and the absence of incomes for the state. Countries ability to restrain these deaths should be of interest. Studies show that the number of deaths caused</p><p>by unintentional injuries correlates inversely with the GDP/c, we can therefore expect that better economic conditions leads to fewer deaths and vice versa. It has been shown that an economic crisis often leads to considerably higher death rates. It would be interesting to examine if the opposite condition has the same quick</p><p>response, and to what extent fast economic growth brings changes in the cause of death statistics.</p><p>Method and material.</p><p>Seven countries were chosen based on</p><p>their fast economic growth. Data about the countries economic development(GDP(PPP)/c) were acquired from the IMF databases. The cause of death statistics was acquired from the WHO database. The deaths caused by unintentional injury were arranged in age groups (excluding 64> or older) and by sex for each year in the examined time period. These data were plotted in diagrams along with linear trend lines that indicate general development.</p><p>Results</p><p>and conclusions. The results are quite deviating across the different countries. Any general conclusions about how the deaths caused by unintentional injury changes under fast economic growth cannot be drawn. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania show fast sinking death rates, albeit from quite high levels. Singapore shows faster dropping death rates than Hong Kong, even though they had comparable starting positions. The third Asian tiger, Korea, has a generally increasing trend from an initially high level. Ireland, like Hong Kong, shows only a moderate declining trend. In all cases the death rates among children has dropped.</p> / <p>Syfte.</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen formulerades som att undersöka sambandet mellan</p><p>utvecklingen av dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada och en snabb ekonomisk utveckling i ett land. Syftet är uttalat explorativt i sin karaktär och avser att frambringa en bild av utvecklingen i de utvalda länderna.</p><p>Bakgrund.</p><p>Skador och därpå följande dödsfall är ett problem för alla samhällen, om inte annat på grund av kostnader och uteblivna intäkter för det offentliga. Länders förmåga att stävja dessa dödsfall torde vara av intresse. Studier visar att antalet dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada generellt korrelerar negativt med BNP/c, således kan man förvänta sig att förbättrade ekonomiska förhållanden leder till färre dödsfall och vice versa. Det har visats på att en ekonomisk kris ofta leder till kraftigt ökande dödsfrekvenser. Det vore intressant att undersöka om ett motsatt förhållande har samma snabba genomslag, och vilken utveckling i skadestatistiken om ett snabbt ekonomiskt uppsving för med sig.</p><p>Metod och material.</p><p>Sju länder valdes ut baserat på deras snabba ekonomiska tillväxttakt. Data över ländernas ekonomiska utveckling (BNP(PPP)/c) hämtades från IMF:s databaser. Statistik över dödsorsaker i dessa länder hämtades från WHO:s databaser över dödsorsaksstatistik. Dödsfallen till följd av oavsiktlig skada ordnades i åldersgrupper (64> år exkluderades) och kön för varje år i den utvalda perioden. Dessa data plottades i diagram tillsammans med linjära trendlinjer som visar på den övergripande utvecklingen.</p><p>Resultat och slutsatser.</p><p>Resultaten är tämligen divergerade mellan de olika länderna. Det går inte att utifrån resultaten dra några generella slutsatser om hur utvecklingen av dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada förändrar sig vid ett snabbt ekonomiskt uppsving. Estland, Lettland och Litauen uppvisar snabbt sjunkande dödstal, visserligen från relativt höga nivåer. Singapore uppvisar snabbare sjunkande dödstal än Hong Kong, trots likartade utgångsläget. Den tredje östasiatiska tigern, Korea, har generellt en stigande trend från en initialt högra nivå. Irland likt Hong Kong uppvisar endast en svag sjunkande trend. I samtliga fall har dödstalen för barn minskat under de undersökta perioderna.</p>

Modulation des structures de végétation auto-organisées en milieu aride/Self-Organized Vegetation Pattern Modulation in Arid Climates

Deblauwe, Vincent V. B. B. R. 06 April 2010 (has links)
À l’échelle macroscopique, à savoir celle du paysage, la couverture végétale des milieux arides apparaît comme fortement hétérogène. Cette organisation spatiale des peuplements est habituellement attribuée aux processus de facilitation et de compétition qui opèrent à l’échelle microscopique des individus végétaux. Le qualificatif d’auto-organisées fut donc attribué à ces végétations qui se structurent en l’absence d’hétérogénéité préexistante du milieu physique. L’auto-organisation de la végétation fut particulièrement bien étudiée dans le cas des structures périodiques connues dès les années '50 sous le nom de brousses tigrées. Depuis les années '90, un pas en avant dans la compréhension de ce phénomène fut accompli grâce au développement de modèles mécanistes de la dynamique de la phytomasse et des ressources, émanant du cadre théorique de l'auto-organisation des structures dissipatives. Ces modèles se rejoignent sur un ensemble de prédictions robustes et vérifiables concernant la formation, le maintien et la modulation par l'environnement des structures macroscopiques. Durant le même laps de temps, notre niveau d’analyse a connu une expansion sans précédent, à la fois dans le temps et dans l’espace, grâce au développement de l’imagerie satellitaire et des outils d’analyse spatiale. Nous nous trouvons dès lors à un moment charnière pour la validation macroscopique des théories d’auto-organisation des végétations en milieu aride. Le présent travail s'articule en quatre études, chacune traitant d'une prédiction différente. Nous avons mis en évidence les principales variables responsables de la formation des structures et de leur modulation en termes d’échelle et de géométrie. Enfin avons démontré la mobilité des structures sous l’effet d’une pente de terrain.

Utvecklingen av dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada i länder under snabb ekonomisk utveckling

Lind, Pontus January 2006 (has links)
Purpose. The purpose of this essay was formulated as to examine the relationship between the development of deaths caused by unintentional injury and fast economic development in a country. The purpose is to create a picture of the development in the chosen countries. Background. Injuries and the deaths that sometimes follow are a problem for all communities, if nothing else just because of costs and the absence of incomes for the state. Countries ability to restrain these deaths should be of interest. Studies show that the number of deaths caused by unintentional injuries correlates inversely with the GDP/c, we can therefore expect that better economic conditions leads to fewer deaths and vice versa. It has been shown that an economic crisis often leads to considerably higher death rates. It would be interesting to examine if the opposite condition has the same quick response, and to what extent fast economic growth brings changes in the cause of death statistics. Method and material. Seven countries were chosen based on their fast economic growth. Data about the countries economic development(GDP(PPP)/c) were acquired from the IMF databases. The cause of death statistics was acquired from the WHO database. The deaths caused by unintentional injury were arranged in age groups (excluding 64&gt; or older) and by sex for each year in the examined time period. These data were plotted in diagrams along with linear trend lines that indicate general development. Results and conclusions. The results are quite deviating across the different countries. Any general conclusions about how the deaths caused by unintentional injury changes under fast economic growth cannot be drawn. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania show fast sinking death rates, albeit from quite high levels. Singapore shows faster dropping death rates than Hong Kong, even though they had comparable starting positions. The third Asian tiger, Korea, has a generally increasing trend from an initially high level. Ireland, like Hong Kong, shows only a moderate declining trend. In all cases the death rates among children has dropped. / Syfte. Syftet med uppsatsen formulerades som att undersöka sambandet mellan utvecklingen av dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada och en snabb ekonomisk utveckling i ett land. Syftet är uttalat explorativt i sin karaktär och avser att frambringa en bild av utvecklingen i de utvalda länderna. Bakgrund. Skador och därpå följande dödsfall är ett problem för alla samhällen, om inte annat på grund av kostnader och uteblivna intäkter för det offentliga. Länders förmåga att stävja dessa dödsfall torde vara av intresse. Studier visar att antalet dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada generellt korrelerar negativt med BNP/c, således kan man förvänta sig att förbättrade ekonomiska förhållanden leder till färre dödsfall och vice versa. Det har visats på att en ekonomisk kris ofta leder till kraftigt ökande dödsfrekvenser. Det vore intressant att undersöka om ett motsatt förhållande har samma snabba genomslag, och vilken utveckling i skadestatistiken om ett snabbt ekonomiskt uppsving för med sig. Metod och material. Sju länder valdes ut baserat på deras snabba ekonomiska tillväxttakt. Data över ländernas ekonomiska utveckling (BNP(PPP)/c) hämtades från IMF:s databaser. Statistik över dödsorsaker i dessa länder hämtades från WHO:s databaser över dödsorsaksstatistik. Dödsfallen till följd av oavsiktlig skada ordnades i åldersgrupper (64&gt; år exkluderades) och kön för varje år i den utvalda perioden. Dessa data plottades i diagram tillsammans med linjära trendlinjer som visar på den övergripande utvecklingen. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultaten är tämligen divergerade mellan de olika länderna. Det går inte att utifrån resultaten dra några generella slutsatser om hur utvecklingen av dödsfall till följd av oavsiktlig skada förändrar sig vid ett snabbt ekonomiskt uppsving. Estland, Lettland och Litauen uppvisar snabbt sjunkande dödstal, visserligen från relativt höga nivåer. Singapore uppvisar snabbare sjunkande dödstal än Hong Kong, trots likartade utgångsläget. Den tredje östasiatiska tigern, Korea, har generellt en stigande trend från en initialt högra nivå. Irland likt Hong Kong uppvisar endast en svag sjunkande trend. I samtliga fall har dödstalen för barn minskat under de undersökta perioderna.

Resolution of Phylogenetic Relationships and Characterization of Y-Linked Microsatellites within the Big Cats, Panthera

Davis, Brian W. 2009 August 1900 (has links)
The pantherine lineage of cats diverged from the remainder of modern Felidae less than 11 million years ago. This clade consists of the five big cats of the genus Panthera, the lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard, and snow leopard, as well as the closely related clouded leopard, which diverged from Panthera approximately 6 million years ago. A significant problem exists with respect to the precise phylogeny of these highly threatened great cats. Within the past four years, despite multiple publications on the subject, no two studies have reconstructed the phylogeny of Panthera with the same topology, showing particular discordance with respect to sister-taxa relationships to the lion and the position of the enigmatic snow leopard. The evolutionary relationship among these cats remains unresolved partially due to their recent and rapid radiation 3-5 million years ago, individual speciation events occurring within less than 1 million years, and probable introgression between lineages following their divergence. We assembled a 47.6 kb dataset using novel and published DNA sequence data from the autosomes, both sex chromosomes and the mitochondrial genome. This dataset was analyzed both as a supermatrix and with respect to individual partitions using maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogeny inference. Since discord may exist among gene segments in a multilocus dataset due to their unique evolutionary histories, inference was also performed using Bayesian estimation of species trees (BEST) to form a robust consensus topology. Incongruent topologies for autosomal loci indicated phylogenetic signal conflict within the corresponding segments. We resequenced four mitochondrial and three nuclear gene segments used in recent attempts to reconstruct felid phylogeny. The newly generated data was combined with available GenBank sequence data from all published studies to highlight phylogenetic disparities stemming either from the amplification of a mitochondrial to nuclear translocation event, or errors in species identification. We provide an alternative, highly supported interpretation of the evolutionary history of the pantherine lineage using 39 single-copy regions of the felid Y chromosome and supportive phylogenetic evidence from a revised mitochondrial partition. These efforts result in a highly corroborated set of species relationships that open up new avenues for the study of speciation genomics and understanding the historical events surrounding the origin of the members of this lineage.

Khemiriskans knasiga kreativitet : en kartläggning av Jonas Hassen Khemiris artificiella språk i boken Montecore - en unik tiger

Skowronska, Martina January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Characterization of Shark Movements on a Mesophotic Caribbean Coral Reef and Temporal Association with Fish Spawning Aggregations

Pickard, Alexandra E. 01 November 2013 (has links)
Habitat use of mesophotic coral reefs by sharks is largely unknown. However, it is well established that mesophotic reefs are the site of spawning aggregations for many species of teleost fish. These aggregations represent seasonal concentrations of potential prey biomass that may influence the habitat use of predatory species such as large sharks. I employed acoustic monitoring to examine the movements of three shark species [lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris), tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier), and Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi)] to determine 1) the comparative spatiotemporal patterns of mesophotic reef habitat use by the three shark species and 2) the spatiotemporal relationship between these sharks and grouper spawning aggregations at a fish spawning aggregation (FSA) site (Hind Bank and Grammanik Bank) along the southern reef shelf edge off St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands (USVI). Tiger and lemon sharks were detected across nearly the entire acoustic array, which spanned ~ 1060 km2. When present, Caribbean reef sharks used a much smaller activity space, composed exclusively of mesophotic reef habitat located within FSA sites. Individuals from all three species were typically detected for stretches of several consecutive days, while periods without detections usually lasted less than one week. Lemon sharks were present at the FSA site more often during the grouper spawning season (Dec-May) than the non-spawning season (Jun-Nov), but showed no preference toward specific areas within the FSA site, which varied by location and grouper species composition. In contrast, there was no relationship between the presence of tiger and Caribbean reef sharks at the FSA site and the grouper spawning season. My results suggest that despite different habitat use 5 patterns and varying degrees of fidelity, this mesophotic reef serves as an important habitat to all three shark species.

Population dynamics of the raggedtooth shark (carcharias taurus) along the east coast of South Africa

Dicken, Matthew Laurence January 2006 (has links)
This thesis develops the first open population model for any shark species worldwide using the Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) model. In conjunction with a tagging study, five auxiliary studies were conducted to investigate stock structure, post-release mortality, tag shedding, and tag-reporting rates. The results from each of the studies were used to correct for any violations of the models assumptions to provide the first unbiased estimates of survival and abundance for the raggedtooth shark (Carcharias taurus) in South Africa. The C. taurus population exhibited complex stock structuring, by size and sex. Competitive shore anglers fished an estimated 37, 820 fishing days.year⁻¹ (95% C.I. = 28, 281 - 47, 359 days.year⁻¹) for sharks, and caught 1764 (95% C.I. = 321 – 3207) C. taurus. Although released alive, post-release mortality ranged from 3.85% for young-of-the-year sharks to 18.46% for adult sharks. Between 1984 and 2004, a total of 3471 C. taurus were tagged. In all, 302-tagged sharks (8.7%) were recaptured. Both juvenile (< 1.8 m TL) and adult sharks (> 1.8 m TL) displayed philopatric behaviour for specific parts of their ranges, including gestating and parturition areas. Significant differences were observed in the percentage of recaptures between the different tag types, tagging programs, individual taggers and capture methods used to tag sharks. The annual tag retention rate for juvenile sharks, 94.19% (95% C.I. = 80.68% - 100.00%) was significantly higher than for adult sharks, estimated at 29.00% (95% C.I. = 6.76% - 64.39%). Tag reporting rates, from fishermen varied both spatially and temporally from 0.28 (95% C.I. = 0.00 – 0.63) to 0.77 (95% C.I. = 0.56 – 0.97). Associated tag wound damage and biofouling growth indicated that B-type tags were a suitable tag type for use on C. taurus, whereas C-type tags were not. The CJS bias-adjusted estimate for juvenile survival was 0.456 (95% C.I. = 0.367 – 0.516) and for adult sharks, 0.865 (95% C.I. = 0.795 – 0.915). From 1984 to 2004 the mean bias-adjusted population size for juvenile sharks was estimated at 3506 (95% C.I. = 2433 – 4350) and for adult sharks, 5899 (95% C.I. = 7216 – 11904). Trends in abundance over the 20-year study period indicated a stable, healthy population.

Migratory Patterns and Habitat Use of the Sand Tiger Shark (Carcharias taurus) in the Western North Atlantic Ocean

Teter, Shara Marie 19 September 2013 (has links)
Large population declines for sand tiger sharks (Carcharias taurus) in parts of its global range are well documented, resulting in a strong need for biologically informed conservation and management measures. Although sand tigers in the western North Atlantic have been listed as a Species of Concern by the US government since 1997, details of their seasonal migratory movements and especially vertical habitat use patterns along the US East Coast are limited. Understanding these movement patterns is vital to reducing fishery-related mortality of these sharks and informing other management efforts aimed at recovery of their stocks in the US Atlantic. Although survey and fishery-dependent data have revealed a general picture of the seasonal distribution patterns of sand tiger sharks, details of the areas specifically used by these sharks and their movements between such areas remain unclear. Additionally, information on vertical habitat use such as preferred depth and temperature, as well as variability observed among sexes, size classes and geographic locations would provide insight into the fine-scale distribution of sand tigers to aid better management practices. Here, I report on the horizontal and vertical movements of sand tiger sharks along the US East Coast determined through use of pop-up archival transmitter (PAT) tags and supplemental acoustic telemetry. PAT tags were deployed on 14 sand tiger sharks in Delaware Bay in late summer 2008. Sufficient archived depth and temperature data were obtained from 11 sharks (eight male, three female), and sufficient light data allowed construction of long-term horizontal tracks for 10 sharks (seven male, three female) using a Kalman filter state-space model. Duration of tag deployment per animal ranged from 64-154 days ( =121.6). All seven male sharks left Delaware Bay in late summer/early autumn and migrated south along the US East Coast reaching waters off North Carolina, where they remained until transmitter detachment during the winter months. In contrast, all three females moved out of Delaware Bay into deeper, offshore waters east of the bay near the continental slope. During southern migration of males, average depth utilized was positively correlated to shark size. The smallest males spent on average over 90% of their time in waters <40 >m, whereas intermediate and large sized males spent only 54 and 38% of their time at depths <40 >m, respectively. Female sharks spent an average of 46% of their time in waters range, spending at least 95% of their time in waters 17-23oC, with little difference between size classes or sexes. Horizontal movements of male migrating sand tigers also revealed several areas of concentrated activity along their southern migratory routes. Migratory patterns of sand tiger sharks along the US East Coast appear most similar to patterns displayed by this species along the coast of South America. Further delineation of western North Atlantic continental shelf and slope core areas of sand tiger shark activity, especially for females, will inform efforts to reduce interactions with commercial fisheries and measures to avoid habitat degradation - management aspects that will aid in reducing mortality and enhance rebuilding of sand tiger stocks along the US East Coast.

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