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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verifikation av verktyget aspect analyzer / Aspect analyzer tool verification

Bodin, Joakim January 2003 (has links)
<p>Rising complexity in the development of real-time systems has made it crucial to have reusable components and a more flexible way of configuring these components into a coherent system. Aspect-oriented system development (AOSD) is a technique that allows one to put a system’s crosscutting concerns into"modules"that are called aspects. Applying AOSD in real-time and embedded system development one can expect reductions in the complexity of the system design and development. </p><p>A problem with AOSD in its current form is that it does not support predictability in the time domain. Hence, in order to use AOSD in real-time system development, we need to provide ways of analyzing temporal behavior of aspects, components and resulting system (made from weaving aspects and components). Aspect analyzer is a tool that computes the worst-case execution time (WCET) for a set of components and aspects, thus, enabling support for predictability in the time domain of aspect-oriented real-time software. </p><p>A limitation of the aspect analyzer, until now, were that no verification had been made whether the aspect analyzer would produce WCET values that were close to the measured or computed (with another WCET analysis technique) WCET of an aspect-oriented real-time system. Therefore, in this thesis we perform a verification of the correctness of the aspect analyzer using a number of different methods for WCET analysis. These investigations of the correctness of the output from the aspect analyzer gave confidence to the automated WCET analysis. In addition, performing this verification led to the identification of the steps necessary to compute the WCETs of a piece of program, when using a third party tool, which gives the ability to write accurate input files for the aspect analyzer.</p>

Värdekedjeanalys av returflöden på Scania : Fallstudie på marknaderna i Sverige, Tyskland och Benelux / Value Chain Analysis of Scania´s Reverse Logistics : Case Study on the Swedish, German and Benelux Markets

Leppälampi, Erik, Krantz, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
Today Scania give a high priority to the continuous improvements on the quality of their vehicles. To follow up the flaws in product quality, which are recognized by the repairs at the local workshops, material requests are carried through to be able to analyze the defects at the plant in Södertälje – in purpose to improve the product quality. The material requests are also carried through to compensate the workshop for their expenses and to check that they are working according to the company’s warranty manual. Due to local routines and different distribution structures at the different markets the lead times and the costs caused by the flow of material are hard to estimate. Furthermore the lead times are in many cases unjustified long, which imply that the information about quality problems reaches Scania at a late stage. The variations in lead times moreover results in problems with planning the activities. This study has, in the light of the background described above, aimed to map and analyze the lead times and costs which are caused by the flow of warranty material, from the company’s workshops to the plant in Södertälje. Based on the results of the analysis a range of alternative solutions also have been prepared in purpose to reduce the lead times in a cost efficient way. The mapping, which took place on the Swedish, German and Benelux markets, has mainly been carried out through visits at the workshops and the distributors at respective markets. Apart from the qualitative aspects in collected data the performance of the studied markets, in the form of costs and lead times, has been compiled and calculated. The observed characteristics were later on analyzed together with relevant logistics management theory to point out strengths and weaknesses with different solutions. Based on the mapping and the analysis the second part of the study could be completed, which aimed to formulate a range of recommendations. The recommendations, which are presented below, are principally formulated in correspondence with the priorities of Scania – namely to achieve high product quality and rapid information. <ol type="1">Improved and more concrete management at factory level. This can be achieved through clarified targets which include explicit measurements and directives towards all actors. Reduce the waiting time between activities. This can be achieved by a combination of incentives and demands on the distributors as well as on the workshops. Change the transport strategies. On the Benelux market the transport solutions are well designed and are therefore both cost effective and quite fast, which implies short lead times. On the Swedish market a consolidation of goods is proposed to decrease the delivery rate in Södertälje to just once a week. On the German market merged deliveries are proposed, the same transport that delivers spare parts to the workshop will through this recommendation also pick up the warranty material. The warranty material will in this solution also be merged in a collection point and thereafter be transported to the distributor once a week. Change the transport frequencies. The different markets will send in material on predefined days once a week, which will contribute to keep the lead times short and the quantities at a more manageable level. Even out the inflow of material to Södertälje and avoid handling in Building 220X, to reduce the problems with stress, mishandling and lack of recourses which occur because of the uneven inflow at the receiving area today. Clear information should in according to this be given to each market concerning for instance shipping date and quantities. Improve the integration of the information systems, to facilitate the spreading of information and administrative activities related to claims and material requests. This also implies that forecasting and management is facilitated.   Through the recommendations the lead time for the Swedish market is estimated to be reduced from 21 to 13 days, for the German market from 60 to 21 days and from 39 to 21 days for the Benelux-market. Apart from reduced lead times the more straight demands, incentives and improved routines will imply that the variations in lead times are reduced. Due to the changes according to the recommendations the costs will be reduced, both through the reduced lead times, which affect the capital costs, as well as more efficient structures that reduce the handling costs and the costs of transportation. / Scania lägger idag ner stor energi på att ständigt utveckla kvaliteten på de tillverkade fordonen. I avsikt att följa upp de kvalitetsbrister som uppdagas vid reparationer ute på företagets service­verkstäder genomförs materialhemtagningar för att centralt kunna analysera defekterna och utveckla kvaliteten, men också för att ersätta verkstädernas utlägg och kontrollera att de följer garantimanualens föreskrifter. Beroende på lokala rutiner och varierande upplägg av respektive marknads distributionsstruktur är de ledtider och kostnader som dessa materialflöden idag medför svåra att uppskatta. Ledtiderna är dessutom i många fall omotiverat långa vilket medför att informationen om kvalitetsbrister ankommer Scania sent. Dessutom medför variationerna i ledtiden att det blir svårt att planera verksamheten. Denna studie har utifrån ovanstående bakgrund avsett att kartlägga och analysera de ledtider och kostnader som uppstår i materialflödet av returmaterial, från Scanias serviceverkstäder via distributören till fabriken i Södertälje. Utifrån analysresultaten har alternativa lösningar utarbetats för att på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt reducera ledtiderna. Kartläggningen som skedde på marknaderna i Sverige, Tyskland och Benelux har huvudsakligen genomförts via besök hos distributörer och serviceverkstäder på respektive marknad och har sammanställts i ett empiriunderlag. Förutom de mer kvalitativa aspekterna i detta underlag har respektive marknads prestanda, i form av kostnader och ledtider, sammanställts och beräknats. De observerade egenskaperna på de studerade marknaderna kunde tillsammans med relevant teori analyseras för att påvisa styrkor och svagheter med olika upplägg och lösningar. Utifrån kartläggning och analys kunde studiens andra del fullbordas, vilken avsåg att ta fram rekommendationer för åtgärder som medförde ett kostnadseffektivare upplägg och samtidigt reducerade ledtider. Rekommendationerna som nedan presenteras har utgått från de prioriteringar som gjordes i analysen, vilka huvudsakligen utgår från Scanias strävan efter hög produktkvalitet och snabb information, vilket indirekt implicerar korta ledtider. <ol type="1">Förbättrad styrning/mätning från fabrik, genom formulering av tydliga målsättningar från fabrik centralt, vilket omfattar definiering av explicita mätpunkter och kommunikation av tydliga krav och incitament gentemot övriga aktörer. Minska väntetiden mellan aktiviteterna, genom att införa krav och/eller incitament, enligt resonemanget ovan, gentemot serviceverkstäder och distributörer. Detta ökar prioriteten samtidigt som utformandet av bättre rutiner stimuleras. Förändra flödesvägar och transportstrategier. För Benelux-marknaden bedöms de befintliga transportstrategierna fungera bra då de är både kostnadseffektiva och samtidigt medför korta ledtider. På den svenska marknaden kan efter analys konstateras att dagens lösning är ett fullgott alternativ, men för att undvika de ojämna inleveranserna rekommenderas att en konsolidering av godset genomförs för vidare inleverans en gång per vecka. För den tyska marknaden föreslås samleveranser, så kallade mjölkrundor, i samband med reservdelsleveranserna som levererar godset till ett antal uppsamlingsplatser. Från uppsamlingsplatserna bör godset skickas till distributören som efter besiktning levererar godset vidare till Södertälje. Förändra transportfrekvenserna, in till fabrik till en gång per vecka för samtliga marknader för att samla ihop hanterbara mängder från marknaden och samtidigt hålla ledtiden nere. Jämna ut inflödet till Södertälje och undvik hantering i byggnad 220X, för att minska problemen med stress, felhantering och resursbrist som uppstår i och med dagens ojämna flöde vid ankomstmottagningen i byggnad 280. Tydliga besked bör här ges till respektive marknad om exempelvis vilka avskeppningsdatum och vilken information som efterfrågas. Förbättra systemstödet, för att underlätta informationsspridning och administrativa aktiviteter relaterade till reklamationer och materialhemtagningar, vilket också innebär att endast önskat material tas hem och prognostisering och styrning underlättas.   Genom de föreslagna åtgärderna har ledtiderna för Sverige beräknats minska från 21 till 13 dagar, för Tyskland från 60 till 21 dagar och för Benelux från 39 till 21 dagar. Förutom kortare ledtider innebär tydligare krav och incitament tillsammans med förbättrade rutiner att variationerna i ledtiderna minskar. Baserat på de utarbetade rekommendationerna minskar också kostnaderna både genom minskade ledtider, vilket påverkar lagerföringskostnaderna, och genom effektivare upplägg som minskar lagerhållningskostnaderna och transportkostnaderna.

Värdekedjeanalys av returflöden på Scania : Fallstudie på marknaderna i Sverige, Tyskland och Benelux / Value Chain Analysis of Scania´s Reverse Logistics : Case Study on the Swedish, German and Benelux Markets

Leppälampi, Erik, Krantz, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Today Scania give a high priority to the continuous improvements on the quality of their vehicles. To follow up the flaws in product quality, which are recognized by the repairs at the local workshops, material requests are carried through to be able to analyze the defects at the plant in Södertälje – in purpose to improve the product quality. The material requests are also carried through to compensate the workshop for their expenses and to check that they are working according to the company’s warranty manual.</p><p>Due to local routines and different distribution structures at the different markets the lead times and the costs caused by the flow of material are hard to estimate. Furthermore the lead times are in many cases unjustified long, which imply that the information about quality problems reaches Scania at a late stage. The variations in lead times moreover results in problems with planning the activities.</p><p>This study has, in the light of the background described above, aimed to map and analyze the lead times and costs which are caused by the flow of warranty material, from the company’s workshops to the plant in Södertälje. Based on the results of the analysis a range of alternative solutions also have been prepared in purpose to reduce the lead times in a cost efficient way.</p><p>The mapping, which took place on the Swedish, German and Benelux markets, has mainly been carried out through visits at the workshops and the distributors at respective markets. Apart from the qualitative aspects in collected data the performance of the studied markets, in the form of costs and lead times, has been compiled and calculated. The observed characteristics were later on analyzed together with relevant logistics management theory to point out strengths and weaknesses with different solutions.</p><p>Based on the mapping and the analysis the second part of the study could be completed, which aimed to formulate a range of recommendations. The recommendations, which are presented below, are principally formulated in correspondence with the priorities of Scania – namely to achieve high product quality and rapid information.</p><ol type="1"><li><strong>Improved and more concrete management at factory level.</strong> This can be achieved<strong> </strong>through clarified targets which include explicit measurements and directives towards all actors.</li><li><strong>Reduce the waiting time between activities. </strong>This can be achieved by a combination of incentives and demands on the distributors as well as on the workshops. <strong></strong></li><li><strong>Change the transport strategies. </strong>On the Benelux market the transport solutions are well designed and are therefore both cost effective and quite fast, which implies short lead times. On the Swedish market a consolidation of goods is proposed to decrease the delivery rate in Södertälje to just once a week. On the German market merged deliveries are proposed, the same transport that delivers spare parts to the workshop will through this recommendation also pick up the warranty material. The warranty material will in this solution also be merged in a collection point and thereafter be transported to the distributor once a week.<strong></strong></li><li><strong>Change the transport frequencies. </strong>The different markets will send in material on predefined days once a week, which will contribute to keep the lead times short and the quantities at a more manageable level.<strong></strong></li><li><strong>Even out the inflow of material to Södertälje and avoid handling in Building 220X,</strong> to reduce the problems with stress, mishandling and lack of recourses which occur because of the uneven inflow at the receiving area today. Clear information should in according to this be given to each market concerning for instance shipping date and quantities.<strong></strong></li><li><strong>Improve the integration of the information systems,</strong> to facilitate the spreading of information and administrative activities related to claims and material requests. This also implies that forecasting and management is facilitated.<strong></strong></li></ol><p> </p><p>Through the recommendations the lead time for the Swedish market is estimated to be reduced from 21 to 13 days, for the German market from 60 to 21 days and from 39 to 21 days for the Benelux-market. Apart from reduced lead times the more straight demands, incentives and improved routines will imply that the variations in lead times are reduced.</p><p>Due to the changes according to the recommendations the costs will be reduced, both through the reduced lead times, which affect the capital costs, as well as more efficient structures that reduce the handling costs and the costs of transportation.</p> / <p>Scania lägger idag ner stor energi på att ständigt utveckla kvaliteten på de tillverkade fordonen. I avsikt att följa upp de kvalitetsbrister som uppdagas vid reparationer ute på företagets service­verkstäder genomförs materialhemtagningar för att centralt kunna analysera defekterna och utveckla kvaliteten, men också för att ersätta verkstädernas utlägg och kontrollera att de följer garantimanualens föreskrifter.</p><p>Beroende på lokala rutiner och varierande upplägg av respektive marknads distributionsstruktur är de ledtider och kostnader som dessa materialflöden idag medför svåra att uppskatta. Ledtiderna är dessutom i många fall omotiverat långa vilket medför att informationen om kvalitetsbrister ankommer Scania sent. Dessutom medför variationerna i ledtiden att det blir svårt att planera verksamheten.</p><p>Denna studie har utifrån ovanstående bakgrund avsett att kartlägga och analysera de ledtider och kostnader som uppstår i materialflödet av returmaterial, från Scanias serviceverkstäder via distributören till fabriken i Södertälje. Utifrån analysresultaten har alternativa lösningar utarbetats för att på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt reducera ledtiderna.</p><p>Kartläggningen som skedde på marknaderna i Sverige, Tyskland och Benelux har huvudsakligen genomförts via besök hos distributörer och serviceverkstäder på respektive marknad och har sammanställts i ett empiriunderlag. Förutom de mer kvalitativa aspekterna i detta underlag har respektive marknads prestanda, i form av kostnader och ledtider, sammanställts och beräknats. De observerade egenskaperna på de studerade marknaderna kunde tillsammans med relevant teori analyseras för att påvisa styrkor och svagheter med olika upplägg och lösningar.</p><p>Utifrån kartläggning och analys kunde studiens andra del fullbordas, vilken avsåg att ta fram rekommendationer för åtgärder som medförde ett kostnadseffektivare upplägg och samtidigt reducerade ledtider. Rekommendationerna som nedan presenteras har utgått från de prioriteringar som gjordes i analysen, vilka huvudsakligen utgår från Scanias strävan efter hög produktkvalitet och snabb information, vilket indirekt implicerar korta ledtider.</p><ol type="1"><li><strong>Förbättrad styrning/mätning från fabrik</strong>, genom formulering av tydliga målsättningar från fabrik centralt, vilket omfattar definiering av explicita mätpunkter och kommunikation av tydliga krav och incitament gentemot övriga aktörer. </li><li><strong>Minska väntetiden mellan aktiviteterna</strong>, genom att införa krav och/eller incitament, enligt resonemanget ovan, gentemot serviceverkstäder och distributörer. Detta ökar prioriteten samtidigt som utformandet av bättre rutiner stimuleras.</li><li><strong>Förändra flödesvägar och transportstrategier.<em> </em></strong>För Benelux-marknaden bedöms de befintliga transportstrategierna fungera bra då de är både kostnadseffektiva och samtidigt medför korta ledtider. På den svenska marknaden kan efter analys konstateras att dagens lösning är ett fullgott alternativ, men för att undvika de ojämna inleveranserna rekommenderas att en konsolidering av godset genomförs för vidare inleverans en gång per vecka. För den tyska marknaden föreslås samleveranser, så kallade mjölkrundor, i samband med reservdelsleveranserna som levererar godset till ett antal uppsamlingsplatser. Från uppsamlingsplatserna bör godset skickas till distributören som efter besiktning levererar godset vidare till Södertälje.</li><li><strong>Förändra transportfrekvenserna,</strong><em> </em>in till fabrik till en gång per vecka för samtliga marknader för att samla ihop hanterbara mängder från marknaden och samtidigt hålla ledtiden nere. </li><li><strong>Jämna ut inflödet till Södertälje och undvik hantering i byggnad 220X,</strong><em> </em>för att minska problemen med stress, felhantering och resursbrist som uppstår i och med dagens ojämna flöde vid ankomstmottagningen i byggnad 280. Tydliga besked bör här ges till respektive marknad om exempelvis vilka avskeppningsdatum och vilken information som efterfrågas. </li><li><strong>Förbättra systemstödet,</strong> för att underlätta informationsspridning och administrativa aktiviteter relaterade till reklamationer och materialhemtagningar, vilket också innebär att endast önskat material tas hem och prognostisering och styrning underlättas. </li></ol><p> </p><p>Genom de föreslagna åtgärderna har ledtiderna för Sverige beräknats minska från 21 till 13 dagar, för Tyskland från 60 till 21 dagar och för Benelux från 39 till 21 dagar. Förutom kortare ledtider innebär tydligare krav och incitament tillsammans med förbättrade rutiner att variationerna i ledtiderna minskar.</p><p>Baserat på de utarbetade rekommendationerna minskar också kostnaderna både genom minskade ledtider, vilket påverkar lagerföringskostnaderna, och genom effektivare upplägg som minskar lagerhållningskostnaderna och transportkostnaderna.</p>

中國近現代思想及文學史資料庫檢索系統 / An Information Retrieval and Analysis System for Historical and Literary Documents in Chinese

孫暐, Sun, Wei Unknown Date (has links)
數位人文是近年來數位科技應用的一種重要趨勢,是一個結合數位技術與人文研究的新興領域,透過資訊科學的技術並結合大量數位化的文史資料,輔助文史學者進行較深入的人文研究,彌補並獲得在數位化之前無法用人工逐一比對所觀察到的現象或新的詮釋。 本研究以「中國近現代思想及文學史專業數據庫」的大量文史資料作為基礎,希望建構出一個能協助文史學者對中國近現代史的歷史觀念或現象較有效率的進行分析之檢索系統。本系統讓研究者可以透過具代表性的檢索詞彙與檢索條件搜尋出與欲研究的議題相關的文獻集合,再利用PAT Tree(Patricia tree)技術與自身的專業知識,擷取出研究議題底下的專業關鍵詞彙,並針對有興趣的關鍵詞彙或關鍵詞彙組合進行相關的時序分析,提供研究者以不同的面向觀察並詮釋出新的趨勢和結論。 我們找了一些具有文史工作相關背景經驗的使用者來實際使用本系統,並進行系統滿意度的評估,從評估的結果得知大部份的使用者都給了不錯的滿意度回饋,顯示本系統對於研究者在進行相關的文史研究上,可以達到一定程度的助益。 / In recent years, digital humanities have become an important trend of the application of information technologies. It’s an emerging field by combining information technologies with humanities studies. Historians can make intensive humanities studies through the combination of information science technologies and numerous digitized historical data, finding the new historical phenomenon that cannot be obtained by manual handling the historical data. In this paper, we construct an information retrieval and analysis system based on the text material available at the Database for the Study of Modern Chinese Thought and Literature that can help historians to make historical studies more efficiently. The system can let historians find the key documents which are related to the historical studies they make by representative search word. Besides, the system can use the PAT Tree (Patricia tree) method to extract useful keywords, with the help of historians to finalize the keyword selection. The system can also do the time analysis of one keyword or two keywords and help historians make new conclusions of historical studies. We let some people who have historical work experience use the system and let them evaluate the system. Most of the evaluation results are good. It means that the system can help historians to make historical studies more efficiently.

New Techniques for Building Timing-Predictable Embedded Systems

Guan, Nan January 2013 (has links)
Embedded systems are becoming ubiquitous in our daily life. Due to close interaction with physical world, embedded systems are typically subject to timing constraints. At design time, it must be ensured that the run-time behaviors of such systems satisfy the pre-specified timing constraints under any circumstance. In this thesis, we develop techniques to address the timing analysis problems brought by the increasing complexity of underlying hardware and software on different levels of abstraction in embedded systems design. On the program level, we develop quantitative analysis techniques to predict the cache hit/miss behaviors for tight WCET estimation, and study two commonly used replacement policies, MRU and FIFO, which cannot be analyzed adequately using the state-of-the-art qualitative cache analysis method. Our quantitative approach greatly improves the precision of WCET estimation and discloses interesting predictability properties of these replacement policies, which are concealed in the qualitative analysis framework. On the component level, we address the challenges raised by multi-core computing. Several fundamental problems in multiprocessor scheduling are investigated. In global scheduling, we propose an analysis method to rule out a great part of impossible system behaviors for better analysis precision, and establish conditions to guarantee the bounded responsiveness of computing tasks. In partitioned scheduling, we close a long standing open problem to generalize the famous Liu and Layland's utilization bound in uniprocessor real-time scheduling to multiprocessor systems. We also propose to use cache partitioning for multi-core systems to avoid contentions on shared caches, and solve the underlying schedulability analysis problem. On the system level, we present techniques to improve the Real-Time Calculus (RTC) analysis framework in both efficiency and precision. First, we have developed Finitary Real-Time Calculus to solve the scalability problem of the original RTC due to period explosion. The key idea is to only maintain and operate on a limited prefix of each curve that is relevant to the final results during the whole analysis procedure. We further improve the analysis precision of EDF components in RTC, by precisely bounding the response time of each computation request.

Análise reologica e sensorial de iogurte de leite de cabra com polpa de umbu. / Rheological and sensory analysis of goat milk yogurt with umbu pulp.

MARINHO, Maria Verônica Monteiro. 03 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-03T20:45:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIA VERÔNICA MONTEIRO MARINHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2011..pdf: 14161012 bytes, checksum: 98f60a63c6ac5eb3a86397eec9d5976f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-03T20:45:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIA VERÔNICA MONTEIRO MARINHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2011..pdf: 14161012 bytes, checksum: 98f60a63c6ac5eb3a86397eec9d5976f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09 / Capes / O consumo do leite de cabra e de seus derivados é crescente, tendo-se como base, sua qualidade nutricional; no entanto, o sabor forte e marcante tem aceitabilidade reduzida induzindo rejeição em boa parte dos consumidores. A produção de iogurte a partir do leite de cabra combinado com polpa de frutas, pode melhorar as características sensoriais próprias do leite, mascarando seu odor característico, melhorando os teores nutricionais e, por consequência, aumentando a comercialização e o mercado. Assim sendo, objetivou-se, com esta pesquisa, a elaboração e a avaliação sensorial, química, física, físico-química e reológica de iogurte de leite de cabra adicionada de polpa de umbu {Spondias tuberosá). Foram utilizados, na elaboração das amostras, iogurte de leite de cabra, polpa de umbu, adicionada nas proporções de 10, 15 e 20%, e sacarose. Realizou-se a caracterização química, física e físico-química da polpa do umbu utilizada na elaboração das amostras. Os dados das avaliações químicas, físicas e físico-químicas da polpa foram expressos em média simples. Nas avaliações químicas, físicas e físico-químicas dos iogurtes os dados foram tratados de acordo com o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições, utilizando-se o programa Assistat. Nos iogurtes elaborados realizou-se a análise sensorial por meio de uma escala hedônica de nove pontos, na qual foram avaliados os atributos de consistência, sabor, cor, aroma, aparência, acidez e doçura e aplicados testes de aceitação; os dados foram tratados pelos programas Consensor 1.1 e Assistat, com comparação entre as médias, pelo Teste de Tukey. O estudo do comportamento reológico dos iogurtes foi realizado nas temperaturas 5, 10 e 15 °C, com leituras realizadas emviscosímetro e os dados ajustados com os modelos de Ostwald de Waelle (Lei da Potência), Casson e Mizrahi-Berk. A polpa de umbu apresentou valores de pH, acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis totais, ácido ascórbico e teor de água, próximos aos valores reportados em literatura; em relação à cor, apresentou predominância do matiz amarelo. Para os iogurtes com diferentes concentrações de polpa de umbu o que apresentou as maiores notas médias em todos os parâmetros da avaliação sensorial, foi o iogurte de leite de cabra com 10% de polpa de umbu. Com base nos valores do pH, os iogurtes foram classificados como alimentos ácidos; em relação aos parâmetros acidez total titulável e ácido ascórbico, o iogurte de leite de cabra, com 10% de polpa de umbu, apresentou os maiores valores; não houve diferença significativa entre as formulações em relação aos sólidos solúveis totais (°Brix), proteínas, lipídios e atividade de água. Os iogurtes de leite de cabra com polpa de umbu apresentaram comportamento de fluido não newtoniano com características pseudoplásticas. Os modelos reológicos de Ostwald de Waelle, Casson e Mizrahi-Berk representaram satisfatoriamente o comportamento reológico dos iogurtes de leite de cabra com diferentes concentrações de polpa de umbu. O aumento no percentual de polpa de umbu adicionada reduziu as viscosidades aparentes dos iogurtes. / The consumption of goat milk and its derivatives is growing, due to its nutritional quality. However, its strong flavor has reduced acceptability in a considerable part of the consumer market. The production of yogurt from goat milk combined with fruit pulp can improve the sensory traits of the former by masking its characteristic aroma, improving nutritional content, thereby increasing its commercialization and market share. Thus, this study aimed at the development and sensory, chemical, physical, physico-chemical and rheological assessment of yogurt from goat's milk added to umbu pulp {Spondias tuberosa). Samples of goat milk yogurt and umbu pulp, added in proportions of 10, 15 and 20%, and sucrose, were used to elaborate the samples. We carried out the chemical, physical and physicochemical characterization of umbu pulp used in sample preparation. Data from chemical, physical and physicochemical assessments of the pulp were expressed as means. In the chemical, physical and physicochemical evaluations of the yogurts, data were analyzed in accordance with a randomized design with three replications using the Assistat program. In prepared yogurts, sensory evaluation was conducted using a nine-point hedonic scale, where we assessed consistency, flavor, color, aroma, appearance, acidity and sweetness, applying acceptance testing. Data were analyzed with Consensor 1.1 and Assistat programs, and means compared by applying Tukey's test. The study of rheological behavior was performed at 5, 10 and 15 °C, with readings performed in a viscometer and data fit to Ostwald the Waelle (Power Law), Casson, and Mizrahi-Berk models. The umbu pulp showed pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, ascorbic acid and moisture content close to values reported in the literature, and, in terms of color, exhibited a predominantly yellowness. For yogurts with different concentrations oíumbu pulp, goat's milk (10% umbu pulp) displayed the highest mean scores in ali sensory parameters. Based on pH values, yogurts were classified as acidic foods; with respect to titratable acidity and ascorbic acid, yogurt from goat's milk with 10% umbu pulp exhibited the highest values; there was no significant difference between the formulations in terms of soluble solids (°Brix), proteins, lipids and water activity. Goat milk yogurt with umbu pulp showed non- Newtonian fluid behavior with pseudoplastic characteristics. Ostwald the Waelle, Casson, and Mizrahi-Berk rheological models adequately represented the rheological behavior of goat milk yogurt with different concentrations of umbu pulp. The increased percentage of umbu pulp reduced the apparent viscosity of the yogurts.

Interactive Visualization of Statistical Data using Multidimensional Scaling Techniques

Jansson, Mattias, Johansson, Jimmy January 2003 (has links)
This study has been carried out in cooperation with Unilever and partly with the EC founded project, Smartdoc IST-2000-28137. In areas of statistics and image processing, both the amount of data and the dimensions are increasing rapidly and an interactive visualization tool that lets the user perform real-time analysis can save valuable time. Real-time cropping and drill-down considerably facilitate the analysis process and yield more accurate decisions. In the Smartdoc project, there has been a request for a component used for smart filtering in multidimensional data sets. As the Smartdoc project aims to develop smart, interactive components to be used on low-end systems, the implementation of the self-organizing map algorithm proposes which dimensions to visualize. Together with Dr. Robert Treloar at Unilever, the SOM Visualizer - an application for interactive visualization and analysis of multidimensional data - has been developed. The analytical part of the application is based on Kohonen’s self-organizing map algorithm. In cooperation with the Smartdoc project, a component has been developed that is used for smart filtering in multidimensional data sets. Microsoft Visual Basic and components from the graphics library AVS OpenViz are used as development tools.

Aspect Analyzer: Ett verktyg för automatiserad exekveringstidsanalys av komponenter och aspekter / Aspect Analyzer: A Tool for Automated WCET Analysis of Aspects and Components

Uhlin, Pernilla January 2002 (has links)
The increasing complexity in the development of a configurable real-time system has emerged new principles of software techniques, such as aspect-oriented software development and component-based software development. These techniques allow encapsulation of the system's crosscutting concerns and increase the modularity of the software. The properties of a component that influences the systems performance or semantics are specified separately in entities called aspects, while basic functionality of the property still remains in the component. When building a real-time system, different sets of configurations of aspects and components can be combined, resulting in different configurations of the system. The temporal behavior of the system changes and a way to ensure the predictability of the system is needed. This thesis presents a tool for aspect-level worst-case execution time analysis, which gives a priori information about the temporal behavior of the system, before the process of composing aspects with components.

Verifikation av verktyget aspect analyzer / Aspect analyzer tool verification

Bodin, Joakim January 2003 (has links)
Rising complexity in the development of real-time systems has made it crucial to have reusable components and a more flexible way of configuring these components into a coherent system. Aspect-oriented system development (AOSD) is a technique that allows one to put a system’s crosscutting concerns into"modules"that are called aspects. Applying AOSD in real-time and embedded system development one can expect reductions in the complexity of the system design and development. A problem with AOSD in its current form is that it does not support predictability in the time domain. Hence, in order to use AOSD in real-time system development, we need to provide ways of analyzing temporal behavior of aspects, components and resulting system (made from weaving aspects and components). Aspect analyzer is a tool that computes the worst-case execution time (WCET) for a set of components and aspects, thus, enabling support for predictability in the time domain of aspect-oriented real-time software. A limitation of the aspect analyzer, until now, were that no verification had been made whether the aspect analyzer would produce WCET values that were close to the measured or computed (with another WCET analysis technique) WCET of an aspect-oriented real-time system. Therefore, in this thesis we perform a verification of the correctness of the aspect analyzer using a number of different methods for WCET analysis. These investigations of the correctness of the output from the aspect analyzer gave confidence to the automated WCET analysis. In addition, performing this verification led to the identification of the steps necessary to compute the WCETs of a piece of program, when using a third party tool, which gives the ability to write accurate input files for the aspect analyzer.

Projektové řízení ve společnosti Hella Autotechnik Nova, s. r. o / Project Management in the Company Hella Autotechnik Nova, s. r. o

Bílek, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with the problems of project management. Specifically, it deals with analysis of current state and draft measures for project management at company Hella Autotechnik Nova, s. r. o, which is necessary to optimizing for management of development projects in company technical centre. The thesis uses mainly procedures and project management methods defined by the PMI (Project Management Institute).

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