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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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江珮玉, Chiang, Pei-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
由於都市發展與產業發展具有相互影響之關係,不同之都市型態會吸引不同的產業,且不同的產業結構也將影響都市的發展,因此在探討經濟發展時,需要同時考慮都市與產業條件,以符合相互影響之關係。 早期台灣的製造業,或可稱為「勞力密集傳統產業」的潛力來自於低廉的勞動力,一旦優勢不再,廠商關廠、外移,對於都市發展的產業需求將有所衝擊,依據當地的產業發展條件,可能因此而沒落,或是轉型成不同的產業發展。此外,當政府有鑑於勞力密集產業的競爭力不再,提倡產業升級,發展技術密集的高科技產業,雖然能夠創造國家整體的經濟成長,但是也因其所需的高技術,並無法吸收原傳統產業過剩的勞力。再者,因早期產業政策、地方資源與歷史因素等有不同的產業發展型態,使各都市的產業發展條件與產業優勢不一,因此,新竹科學園區的成功,並無法完全的移植到全部的地方發展,在生產條件無法配合的情況下,不僅產業發展困難,更會影響都市的整體發展。因此在台灣經濟轉型時期,各都市應如何尋找自己優勢之產業,為本研究的重點。因此本研究將從都市的產業條件與發展優勢來分析,以做為都市發展其有利產業之依據,進而提升其生產效率,並促進都市發展。 在考量都市與產業交互關係屬於多投入與多產出的特性,將利用「資料包絡分析法」(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA),依據生產要素與產出,來評估都市內產業發展的效率,期望得出都市內發展相對有效率的產業。 本研究共分為四大部分:第一部份從都市產業發展理論與相關文獻,以及生產理論與相關文獻的探討,選取衡量生產效率的相關變數,以作為實證的依據;第二部份為研究方法之設計,包括資料包絡分析法(DEA)之基本理論與應用模式內容與模型之建立;第三部份則依據研究目的所選取之模型變數,評估各都市之產業生產效率,以及利用DEA分析法所估計出之效率值,為被解釋變數,利用迴歸模型衡量外生變數對其的邊際效果;最後針對本研究進行之實證分析,作一綜合性的概述,配合都市產業發展提出建議。 根據實證結果與分析,歸納出本研究之結論如下: 一、依據都市產業效率評估分析,製造業中的傳統產業類、基礎(重化)工業類與技術密集產業類均普遍在北部區域的生產效率表現較理想,這與製造業現況中,北部區域的製造業員工數與產值均為全區域最高之情況顯示,北部區域不僅是產業的集中地區,其生產情況也較理想。誰然依據比較利益原則,產業集中於北部區域,對於台灣整體的產業發展有利,但卻不利於區域的發展,只會更加促使人口往北部區域的集中,長期將影響區域均衡與國家成長。 二、由都市規模因素普遍對產業生產效率,反映出大都市對於傳統產業的負面影響,但卻有利於基礎(重化)工業與技術密集產業的生產效率的結果,符合聚集經濟的相關文獻中對於近來的都市產業發展,有傳統產業朝向小都市而高科技產業卻朝向大都市發展的趨勢。 三、根據都市產業結構的多樣化對於產業生產的技術效率是呈現負面影響,與早期學者出台灣製造業呈現地方化經濟的情況相符合。 四、從產業專業化(集中度)能夠提升產業生產效率。符合MAR與Porter對都市產業的專業化將加速都市產業成長的預測,顯示產業生產應該要朝向較大規模與專業化發展。 因為各產業與各都市的發展條件不同,應有不同的產業政策,因此本文在瞭解都市特性對於都市產業發展效率所造成之影響,俾以藉此提供相關決策者在進行都市產業發展政策時的參考依據。


廖國翔 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣筆記型電腦產業,在廠商延續過去多年的擴張競爭力下,在產值與產量上皆有大幅度的成長。但也由於低價風潮的盛行與全球景氣蕭條,使得該產業的獲利大不如從前;加重了國內廠商經營的困境與競爭程度,此時惟有掌握經營績效之廠商才可維持競爭優勢;以因應高度的競爭環境。在此同時,南韓已從金融風暴的創傷下逐漸走出;並挾帶著全球最大TFT-LCD及DRAM的量產國,並從輕薄型機種切入市場以及加入代工訂單的爭奪戰中。而日本擁有全球頂尖的設計創新能力,筆記型電腦自製率仍偏高。因此日、韓一直是台灣的主要競爭對手。 首先藉由資料包絡分析法評估我國筆記型電腦商於2000年至2003年間的經營效率;並為彌補DEA無法做跨時期的分析,應用Malmquist生產力指數予以分析;接著用Tobit迴歸分析來探討廠商無效率的原因。得到以下的結論: (1)於這4年間的技術效率平均值呈現年年上揚的情況,且規模較大的廠商不意謂著經營績效會較好。(2)這4年間的生產力亦是逐年提昇,主要是技術變動所致。(3)在Tobit迴歸分析中,存貨週轉率、總資產週轉率與品牌對效率有正向影響;而TCRI有負向影響。 接著對台、日、韓進行比較分析,得到以下結論:(1)台、日、韓三國的經營績效,以日本最優、韓其次、台最差;但日、韓的整體效率值逐年下滑,而台灣有逐漸改善的趨勢。(2)三國於2000~2001年間生產力皆下降,這與全球景氣蕭條及九一一事件有相當的關聯;2001~2002間由於無線上網的新技術致使消費性機種熱賣,因此於該期間,生產力呈提昇現象。(3)由Tobit迴歸分析得知存貨週轉率、總資產週轉率與經營年限對效率值有正向影響。 / In the recent years, Taiwanese Notebook manufacturers last the past years, extensions to make productive values and production grow up enormously. Due to the low price trend and global business trend stagnancy, resulting to profitability be not as good as the before for this industry. It deepens to operate and complete hard for the domestic manufacturers. At the same time, only the manufacturers that seizing operating the performance will maintain completing advantage to deal with highly completing enviornment. At the same time, South Korea has already got over from the shadow of 1998 crisis; and took along the most global productive country of TFT-LCD and DRAM; going into the market of frivolous type and join a battle of OEM/ODM orders. Japan owns global excellent design and capability of innovation and self-made ratio is still high. Therefore, Japan and South Korea are constantly Taiwanese major rivals. Firstly, it estimates how Taiwan Note Book manufacturers operate in 2000 to 2003 by Data Envelopment Analysis;In order to making up DEA not undertaking time-series analysis, using Malmquist Productivity Index to analyze; utilizing Tobit regression to analyze the factors that producers operate inefficiently. It gets the following conclusions:(1) In these four years, average technical efficiency is taken on rising year by year, and large scale producers do not imply better operating efficiency. (2) In these four years, the productivity is also rised year by year. This is due to technical change. (3) In Tobit regression analysis, there is a positive influence that inventory turnover, total asset turnover and brand affect efficiency; there is a negative influence that TCRI affects efficiency. This study gets the following conclusions;(1) For Taiwanese, Japanese and South Korea’ operating performance, Japan is the excellent, South Korea is the next, Taiwan is the worst. But Japanese and South Korea’ overall efficiency is worse year by year; Taiwan operating performance is gradually improved. (2) These three countries’ productivity decline from 2000 to 2001. It is concerned with global economic recession and 911 incident. The productivity is raised from 2001 to 2002. It results from WLAN type to sell briskly. Turnover ratio of inventory and turnover ratio of total asset tighter operating years all have a positive influence on efficiency.


劉書廷 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於我國與大陸方面是否應簽訂ECFA仍有許多疑慮,本研究欲就香港與大陸所簽訂之CEPA協定對香港銀行業經營效率有何影響加以探討,以便對台灣未來可能簽訂ECFA時提供台灣銀行業相關參考及對策。 本研究針對2000年至2007年的18家香港地區銀行以及30家台灣地區銀行,採用資料包絡分析(DEA)計算業者之經營效率,最後控制銀行業者本身之財務特性及總體經濟環境因素,應用Tobit迴歸比較分析實施CEPA對香港銀行業之影響及台灣與香港業者之差異。 研究結果顯示港銀行業之經營效率八年間均較台灣銀行業為佳,此外CEPA協定之採用整體而言對台灣以及香港銀行業均無顯著影響,雖然協定採用後之第三、四兩年,香港銀行業之效率顯著高於實施後之前兩年與台灣銀行業者,亦即CEPA之效益要到協議三及四之後才顯現出來。因此可知CEPA簽訂後,效益不會立即顯現,須有更多的開放例如CEPA三及四對營業額及資本額的放寬才有可能顯現直接之效益。此點應可作為台灣未來與大陸談判時應考慮之因素。 / Since Taiwan still disputes whether to sign Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, (ECFA) with mainland China or not, this research tries to analyze the efficient change of Hong Kong banking industry before and after singing Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with mainland China. And hope to gain some understandings about the effect of singing CEPA, so that to provide some strategic references for singing EFCA in the future. The research data draw from 2000 to 2007 of the 18 regional banks from Hong Kong and 30 regional banks from Taiwan. The research applies data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the operating efficiency of the banks. After controlling banks’ financial characteristics and macro economics variables, the Tobit regression denotes the following suggestions. The efficient of Hong Kong banking industry showed a better efficiency than Taiwan banking industry. After signing CEPA for two years, Hong Kong banking industry finally revealed a significant improvement than first two years as well as Taiwan’s banking industry. The results suggest that signing CEPA does not immediately increase the efficiency of the industry; the agreement might need fewer restrictions, such as fewer amounts of sales restriction and less capital restriction in CPEA III and IV, in order to boost the performance of the industry. The results should provide a good strategic consideration about the future EFCA talk for Taiwan.

台灣職業棒球之「市場法則—球隊效率與存活 / Taiwanese professional baseball’s “the rules of the market” - the team efficiency and survival

陳信宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用DEA的效率衡量工具,分析球隊可能的解散因素,推論台灣職業棒球之市場機制。根據效率估計的結果約略可將台灣職業棒球二十年的發展分成三個時點,1990年至1997年—第一次簽賭爆發前:效率值呈現遞減的現象;1998年至2002年—兩聯盟共存期:多數的球隊呈現經營績效不佳;2003年至2009年—兩聯盟合併後時期:球隊普遍的經營績效均拉升。 Tobit迴歸分析結果顯示兩聯盟共存對經營績效有負向影響,二軍制度則對球隊的經營績效有正向影響,但令人訝異的是觀眾數對經營績效有負向的影響。存活分析結果推論觀眾數、球隊經營績效為影響球隊存續最重要的兩個因素。資料比對的結果符合上述Tobit迴歸及存活分析之結論,強化在DEA、Tobit、存活分析的推論結果。總而言之,台灣職業棒球市場經營機制尚未健全,本研究將其稱為「半人為市場機制」。台灣職棒必須進行改革,避免非市場因素介入市場運作,台灣棒球產業的未來才有發展性。 關鍵字:職業棒球、DEA效率分析、績效分析、Tobit迴歸分析、存活分析 / In this study, we use DEA efficiency measurement as a tool to analyze the survival of teams in the Taiwanese professional baseball market. According to the efficiency measurement results, one can divide the development of the Taiwanese professional baseball teams in the last twenty years into the following three periods: first, from 1990 to 1997—the outbreak of the first gambling scandal, overall efficiency performance was falling; second, from 1998 to 2002—when two professional leagues coexisted, overall efficiency performance was at the lowest; third, from 2003 to 2009—after two leagues were merged, significant improvement in terms of efficiency performance was observed. Tobit regression results suggest that the coexistence of two professional leagues has negative impact to the efficiency performance of teams while the introduction of the minor league system has positive impact to the efficiency performance. Surprisingly, the number of audience who attended baseball games has negative effect on the efficiency performance. The results from survival analysis identified the number of audience who attended baseball games and efficiency performance are the two main factors for the survival of a baseball team. A detailed data analysis confirms the Tobit regression and survival study results. In general, the market mechanism is yet well-developed. Non-market factors often affect the development of baseball teams and their survival. Drastic reforms and changes are required for the future development of the professional baseball market. Keywords: Professional Baseball, DEA Efficiency Analysis, Performance Analysis, Tobit Regression Analysis, Survival Analysis


曾宏昌 Unknown Date (has links)

應用經濟-生態效率分析台灣縣市發展之研究 / A study of the application of eco-efficiency to Taiwan cities and counties development

李哲宇, Li, Che Yu Unknown Date (has links)
都市經濟發展同時卻也造成環境衝擊的影響,在永續發展理念下,經濟和環境議題調和為重要議題,過去評估都市永續性主要透過永續指標建構、生態足跡、能值分析等方法,但缺乏將環境和經濟兩者同時考量,因而有經濟-生態效率(Eco-efficiency)評估方式產生。本文嘗試利用此評估方式於探討台灣在民國85、90及95年經濟與環境變化情形,並分析哪些縣市為發展上具有效率以及影響縣市經濟-生態效率上差異性原因。本研究第一階段利用可處理多投入及多產出之資料包絡分析計算效率,第二階段則將以都市發展程度等為原因探討對於縣市效率值變動影響情形。 研究結果顯示,縣市中以北部縣市效率值較高而南部效率值較低,個別縣市觀察以台北市、新竹縣、新竹市、台中市、嘉義市和台東縣為三個年度中皆具有效率的縣市。而縣市欲提升效率值則需從汽柴油銷售量及用電量著手;此外,總用水量和二、三級產業就業員工數為縣市經濟-生態效率值之優勢因素。更近一步透過Tobit迴歸分析影響縣市效率值差異性原因,都市發展程度及污染性產業比例與效率值呈現負向變動,而每人每年可支配所得高低則呈正向變動。因此,建議政府對產業的汙染管制宜改善,而於都市發展程度較高的縣市提升能源使用效率並降低對環境影響,以提升縣市發展之經濟-生態效率。 關鍵詞:經濟-生態效率、資料包絡分析、Tobit迴歸分析 / Urban development creates economic values and results in environmental impact at the same time. Based on the concept of sustainable development, several methods, such as sustainable indicator frameworks, ecological footprints, urban metabolism, were reported to assess urban sustainability. However, these methods seldom focus on the relation between environment and economy. Therefore, World Business Council proposed Eco-efficiency. This research tried to apply Eco-efficiency to analyze which cities/counties are relatively eco-efficient and find causes bringing about discrepancies among twenty-two cities/counties in Taiwan. In the first stage, this research applies Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) to figure out Eco-efficiency scores and applies Tobit regression method to analyze in the second stage. The results show that efficiency scores of northern cities/counties are higher than other areas and the ones of southern cities/counties are lower above four areas. Further discussion of analyzing from individual county/city perspectives, the efficiency scores of Taipei city, Hsinchu county, Hsinchu city, Taichung city, Chiayi city and Taitung county are relatively better in 1996, 2001 and 2006. Within comparatively inefficient cities/counties, oil consumption and electricity need to reduce. Water consumption and industry employees are superior factors in twenty-two cities/counties. Furthermore, the intensity of urban development and polluting industry ratio of second and third industries have significant positive effects on the eco-efficiency scores. Disposable income per person per year has significant positive effect on the eco-efficiency scores. Thus, this research suggests that government should improve the regulation on industry pollution. In addition, for those counties/cities with high intensity urban development need to ameliorate energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Key words:Eco-efficiency、Data Envelopment Analysis、Tobit regression

我國各縣市整體環保績效之研究 / The Performance Evaluation of Environmental Protection in Taiwan’s Local Governments

游京晶, Yu, Jing Jing Unknown Date (has links)
台灣1970年代以來經濟起飛,人民生活日漸富裕,隨著經濟實力成長,同時也犧牲了環境,為了使人類永續發展,人民開始重視環境保護,要求政府改善以維護生活品質。因此環保投入的效率成為重要的研究課題。 本研究目的以資料包絡分析法建立客觀的「投入-產出」模型,來評估2001年至2010年各縣市環保機關在空氣、噪音、水及廢棄物污染防制的續效表現,再分析各縣市環保機關整體績效,並研究四個環保評估面向影響整體環保績效的比例為何。 實證結果發現,整體績效而言,台北市、高雄市資源雖然多,但技術仍然不足以應付沉重的環境、人口負荷量,使得投入與產出的效率不如其他縣市。並由各環保面向績效的趨勢分析發現,資源回收率的效率進步最多,水污染防制效率最差。 Tobit迴歸模型中,四個環保評估面向對整體環保面向的影響為顯著正相關,而且資源回收率效率值對整體環保效率值的影響最大,符合本研究預期。 / This research aims at assessing environmental protection performance in Taiwan’s local governments about air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution and resource recycling from 2001 to 2010 base on DEA and Tobit regression model to analyze the effect of each part’s CCR on whole Environmental Protection efficiency. The result of DEA are (1)The Taipei city and Kaohsiung are good in input than other cities, but lower than other cities in output, because there are too many population to deal with those pollution. (2)Analyzing the trend of each environmental protection part, the resource recycling make great progress. According to this study, the fore evaluations are significantly positive effect on whole performance evaluation of environmental protection. The most value is resource recycling that meet our expected

台灣LED產業研發效率與獲利效率及其影響因子分析 / An analysis of impact factor of R&D and profitability efficiency for LED industry in Taiwan

王永達 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是針對台灣LED產業上中游廠商的研發活動與營運活動進行效率分析的論文。文中採取兩階段DEA之投入導向的CCR與BCC模式進行效率評估,第一階段研究LED上中游9家廠商2004~2006年運用研發資源的能力,並將所得出的研發效率值作差額變數分析,其投入項為研發資本與研發人力,產出項為專利權數量;第二階段研究LED上中游9家廠商2006~2008年運用營運資源的能力,並將所得出的獲利效率值作差額變數分析,其投入項為專利權數量與行銷費用,產出項為營業毛利。接著利用二維矩陣分析與Pearson相關性分析試圖找出研發效率與獲利效率之間的關聯性,並藉由Tobit迴歸分析尋找可能影響效率的因子。最後,本研究根據實證結果分析對管理當局及未來研究提供建議。 實證結果發現:(1)在研發效率上,【新世紀】連續三年整體效率皆為1,是最有效率的廠商,而【璨圓】、【華上】、【洲磊】也有兩年在技術效率上是表現優異的;(2)在獲利效率上,【廣鎵】連續三年整體效率皆為1,是最有效率的廠商,【新世紀】也有兩年被評估是有效率的,而【光磊】與【洲磊】在技術效率上表現優異且穩定,且就整體產業而言,各廠商在獲利效率上的表現更勝於研發效率;(3)在研發效率的影響因子中,專利變化數量及員工教育程度與研發效率呈現正向關係,專利累積存量則呈現反向關係與預期方向不同,而發明專利比例及研發資本人力比不影響研發效率的表現;(4)在獲利效率的影響因子中,員工平均年資、行銷能力及發明專利比例與獲利效率呈現正向關係,公司規模則呈現反向關係與預期方向不同,而員工平均年收及員工教育程度不影響獲利效率的表現;(5)本研究發現台灣LED產業上中游廠商,擁有研發效率的不一定擁有獲利效率,這兩個指標並沒有明顯的相關。 / This paper presents a study which utilizes the input oriented CCR&BCC model of two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) that separates R&D efficiency and profitability efficiency to evaluate the performance for the listed LED manufacturers in Taiwan. Research period of the first stage and second stage respectively is during 2004 to 2006 and 2006 to 2008. In order to deal with the result of DEA, this study takes the Slack Variable Analysis that could be the improving reference with inefficiency of DMUs and uses two-dimension matrix analysis and Pearson Correlation Analysis to find relationships of R&D efficiency and profitability efficiency. Furthermore, this study seeks factors which may affect the efficiencies by applying Tobit Regression Analysis. Finally, we hope these results can provide actual suggestions for management authority and future research. The major empirical findings of this study are as follow:(1) In the R&D efficiency, GPI is the best firm of global efficiency for three years, and FOREPI、AOC and UniLite also have the best performance of technical efficiency for two tears. (2) In the profitability efficiency, HUGA is the best firm of global efficiency for three years and GPI is also the best for two years. OPTO TECH and UniLite have the best performance of technical efficiency for three years. In terms of overall industry, the performance in the R&D efficiency of these firms is better than in the profitability efficiency. (3) In influence factors of R&D efficiency, difference of patent quantity、education background of employee are positive correlation and accumulated patent quantity is negative correlation. Proportion of invention patent and R&D capital per labor are no correlation. (4) In influence factors of profitability efficiency, qualification of employee、market ability、proportion of invention patent are positive correlation and firm scale is negative correlation. Revenue and education background of employee are no correlation. (5) There is no evidence to prove a relevance of R&D efficiency and profitability efficiency of LED manufacturers in Taiwan.

天津政府效率的評估-兼論地方財政分權的角色 / The assessment of The Tianjin government efficiency

楊翎艷, Yang, Ling Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本文為探討天津市政府所轄各區縣之地方效率,並找出影響該地方效率之因素為何,首先針對有關天津政府效率之評估指標、財政分權程度之衡量及天津政府效率相關政策之文獻進行回顧,同時整理天津市所轄各區縣可能影響效率相關因素之發展現況,藉以取得適當變數,接著本研究將設計實證模型並進行假設,包含各項資料蒐集與整理,在利用資料包絡分析法(DEA)加以評估獲得天津市所轄各區縣之地方政府效率值後,並以TOBIT迴歸模型衡量相關因素對其效率之影響情況。 最後,本研究發現,對於天津市政府所轄各區縣之地方政府效率影響,其中以物價上漲程度、時間趨勢變數均屬負向變數。而財政分權程度、地方政府規模、經濟發展程度、開放程度則均為正向變數。而財政分權程度、地方政府規模均非屬單調性變數,表達該變數所影響效率狀態將非必然為單向相關,當程度或規模有所變化,其影響也可能將隨之化作反向影響。另外,就天津市所轄各區縣在2008至2010年政府效率之表現,以和平、河東、河西、南開、河北、北辰、濱海新區等7區有較高之政府效率,可期未來將更有突出發展。

兩岸壽險業之效率與生產力分析 / The Efficiency and productivity analysis of life insurance industry in Taiwan and Mainland China

溫婉君 Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸在2001年底加入世界貿易組織(WTO),使得兩岸壽險市場受到經濟自由化及國際化的衝擊。因此,要如何提高自身的經營績效及競爭能力,便成為兩岸壽險公司最重要的目標。本研究以資料包絡分析法為基礎,並結合共同邊界(metafrontier)分析法,針對兩岸地區在2004年至2007年共59家壽險公司,進行經營效率與Malmquist生產力指數的實證研究。在生產力變動來源的拆解上,本文延伸Pastor and Lovell(2005)的固定規模報酬模型,利用變動規模報酬的生產邊界來衡量各公司的技術變動及技術差距比率變動,使生產力變動的來源上獲得更明確的意涵。最後本文利用Tobit迴歸模型,探討影響兩岸壽險公司經營效率的因素。 / After joining the WTO in December 2001, there is the advent of economic liberalization and internationalization on the life insurance market of Taiwan and Mainland China. Therefore, how to improve the operating performance and the industrial competitiveness in the present economic circumstance is the critical and important goal of the life insurance industry in Taiwan and Mainland China. This study applies data envelopment analysis with metafrontier model to measure the managerial efficiency and Malmquist productivity index of 59 firms of life insurance industry in Taiwan and Mainland China from 2004 to 2007. On decomposing the sources of productivity change, we extend Pastor and Lovell’ s CRS model (2005) to a VRS frontier benchmark to measure technical change and technical gap ratio change, which apparently provides us a more meaningful decomposition of productivity change. Finally, this study uses Tobit regression model to examine the factors which influence the managerial efficiency of the life insurance industry in Taiwan and Mainland China.

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