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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effekten av intra- och extraoralsensorisk intensivbehandling med eltandborste : Hos nio barn med Down syndrom / The Effect of an Intra- and Extraoral Intensive Sensory Treatment with an Electric Toothbrush : A study on nine children with Down Syndrome

Hejdedal, Martina, Westerlind, Vanessa January 2010 (has links)
Barn med Down syndrom (DS) har problem med hypotonus och hyposensitivitet som begränsar rörligheten i ansiktets och munnens muskulatur, vilket därmed försvårar tal och sväljning. Målet med en intra- och extraoralsensorisk behandling är att öka medvetenheten och kontrollen av munnens muskulatur, dess rörelser, spänning och känsel.  Syfte med föreliggande studie var att undersöka effekten av en intra- och extraoralsensorisk intensivbehandling med eltandborste hos en grupp barn med DS och hypotonus. Effekten valdes att studeras utifrån områdena orofacial funktion, läppslutning, talproduktion och oralsensorik. Nio barn i åldrarna 6 till 12 år genomgick behandlingen med fyra behandlingstillfällen i veckan under fyra veckor. Före behandlingsstarten gjordes en baseline-mätning och efter utvärderades behandlingseffekten vid tre tillfällen, utspritt på tre veckor. Bedömningsmaterialet som användes bestod av NOT-S och kompletterande intervjufrågor till föräldrar, delar av STORM och SVANTE samt eftersägning.  Resultaten visar på att det sker någon form av förbättring för alla deltagare, inom minst ett område. Effekten av behandlingen varierade mellan deltagarna. Det är därför viktigt med individanpassad intervention, då samma metod inte alltid fungerar, är meningsfull och mottas lika bra hos alla patienter. / Children with Down syndrome (DS) have problems with hypotonia and hyposensitivity restricting movement of the face and mouth muscles, thus impeding speaking and swallowing. The goal of intra- and extraoral sensory processing is to increase awareness and control of the oral muscles, its movements, tension and oral sensation. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of an intra- and extraoral sensory intensive treatment with electric toothbrush in a group of children with DS and hypotonia. The effects were studied from the perspectives of orofacial function, lip closure, speech production and oral sensitivity. Nine children aged 6 to 12 years underwent treatment with four sessions per week for four weeks. Before starting treatment, a baseline was performed and afterwards the effects of the treatment were evaluated on three occasions over a period of three weeks. Assessment materials included NOT-S and additional interview questions for the parents, part of STORM and SVANTE, as well as repetition. The results show that there is improvement for all participants in at least one of the studied areas. The outcome of the treatment varied between the participants. Therefore it can be important with individualized intervention, as the same method does not always work or may not be appropriate and not received the same by all patients.

Efetividade do uso t?pico de fluoreto e da escova??o no controle de c?ries produzidas "in vivo"

Flor?ncio Filho, C?cero 14 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:13:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CiceroFF.pdf: 3167978 bytes, checksum: d9de3f0c1f071f112b7a1ab53a79b32c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-14 / The objective of this clinical study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the toothbrushing with and without fluoride and the daily fluoride rinse (NaF 0.05%) on produced white spot, in vivo. This was a clinical study, controlled, randomized and triple blind. Thirty patients were selected for orthodontics reasons from Orthodontics Specialization Course at the Brazilian Dental Association - Section of Rio Grande do Norte. In this study it was used 4 bicuspid upper and lower. They had orthodontic reason for extractions, in 35 days, at least. The sample had one hundred and twenty teeth that received orthodontic bands. The bands were fixed with polycarboxylate cement, and there was a space standardized between bands and one surface of teeth. The four bicuspid of each patients were randomized and nominated as A, B, C and D. These nominations determinated the sequence of the extractions and what was done in each tooth. All the patients had been submitted to the toothbrushing with or without fluoride for 35 days. After this period, the A tooth of each patient was extracted to serve as control. The others teeth (B, C and D) were extracted one by each week. The entire sample was analyzed through the clinical examination and by laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent?) in three different times: before orthodontic bands, 28 days after fixed and then removed the bands and, the last one, 07 days after one of the three treatments (toothbrushing with or without fluoride, tooth paste with fluoride and mouth rinse with fluoride). At the beginning all groups (A, B, C and D) had the same conditions, no significant difference was found. The same situation was found in a clinical examination. The results of the DIAGNOdent? for the groups that used tooth paste without fluoride, with fluoride and mouth rinse with fluoride, after 28 days, there was no significant difference. Clinically, the white spot was formed in all teeth after 28 days. When it was compared the three treated groups, the group without fluoride in tooth paste had worst result than the others groups. But there was no significant association between the number of active and inactive white spots and the type of treatment that the teeth had received. The demineralization of the enamel surface, under the orthodontic bands, it happened in a few weeks. The exposition of the white spots in oral environmental resulted in an improvement, but it was not enough to return to the values from the base line, either for the toothbrushing and/or the use of fluorite mouth rinse. Mouth rinse and toothpaste with fluoride have showed to reduce the incidence of demineralization in the enamel, but none seems to be superior to another one in an in vivo study / O objetivo desse estudo cl?nico foi avaliar a efetividade da escova??o com e sem dentifr?cio fluoretado e o enxaguat?rio bucal fluoretado na forma de bochecho di?rio (NaF 0,05%) associado a escova??o com dentifr?cio fluoretado sobre as les?es brancas de esmalte produzidas in vivo. Este estudo se constituiu em um ensaio cl?nico controlado e randomizado. Para tanto, foram selecionados 32 pacientes do Curso de Especializa??o em Ortodontia da Associa??o Brasileira de Odontologia Sec??o do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, que necessitavam como parte do tratamento de exodontias. Os cento e vinte e oito dentes receberam an?is ortod?nticos, cimentados com cimento de policarboxilato, com espa?o padronizado na superf?cie vestibular, S?tio Cariog?nico . Os quatro premolares de cada paciente foram aleatorizados individualmente, em dente A, B, C e D, com a finalidade de se determinar a seq??ncia das exodontias e os tipos de procedimentos a serem realizados para cada dente. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos ? escova??o com dentifr?cio sem fl?or por um per?odo de 35 dias. Ap?s esse per?odo, o dente A de cada paciente foi extra?do para servir como controle. Os demais dentes B, C e D foram extra?dos ap?s uma, duas e tr?s semanas, respectivamente. Os esp?cimes foram analisados atrav?s do exame cl?nico e da fluoresc?ncia a laser (DIAGNOdent?) antes da cimenta??o dos an?is ortod?nticos, 28 dias ap?s o desafio cariog?nico e 07 dias ap?s ter sido submetido a um dos tr?s tratamentos (escova??o com dentifr?cio sem fl?or, dentifr?cio com fl?or e bochecho com enxaguat?rio bucal fluoretado associado a escova??o com dentifr?cio com fl?or) institu?dos nesse estudo. Clinicamente, a les?o branca foi formada em todos os elementos dent?rios analisados ap?s 28 dias do desafio cariog?nico. Observou-se que n?o houve diferen?a estat?sticamente significativa entre as medianas para os valores do DIAGNOdent? e para os valores dos escores relacionados ao exame cl?nico entre os grupos de tratamentos ap?s 07 dias. Quando comparou-se os tr?s grupos tratados, o grupo dentifr?cio sem fl?or apresentou um n?mero de les?es brancas ativas maior que os grupos dentifr?cio com fl?or e bochecho com fl?or, nos quais ocorreu um predom?nio do n?mero de les?es brancas inativas. No entanto, n?o houve associa??o significativa entre o n?mero de les?es brancas ativas e inativas e o tipo de tratamento que os dentes receberam. A desmineraliza??o do esmalte subjacente aos an?is ortod?nticos mal adaptados ? um processo r?pido e ocorre dentro de poucas semanas. A exposi??o das les?es brancas de esmalte, ativas ao meio bucal, resulta em uma r?pida inativa??o das mesmas, mas n?o o suficiente para retornar aos valores da linha base, seja por dist?rbios mec?nicos da escova??o e/ou a utiliza??o de enxaguat?rio bucal fluoretado associado ao dentifr?cio fluoretado. Os dentifr?cios a base de fl?or e os enxaguat?rios bucais fluoretados t?m mostrado reduzir a incid?ncia de desmineraliza??o do esmalte, mas nenhum parece ser superior ao outro tomando como base o modelo de c?rie in vivo

Measurement of Core Body Temperature with a Powered Toothbrush

Pilla, Satya Sai Naga Jaya Koushik, Konduru, Vamsi Reddy January 2022 (has links)
We need to employ modern-day technologies in our daily lives to make our life easier. In this thesis, we analyze the user’s oral hygiene habits and core body temperature to help people to track the state of their health. We designed a system in which the data are directly extracted from the mouth, then stored and presented in the application. By means of the system, the people can keep track oftheir core temperature without any extra function apart from their daily chores.The system can also help to keep track of the health of people with symptoms ofdementia and Alzheimer. We used an LM35 temperature sensor to measure temperature. The sensor is mounted on a powered toothbrush head. When the user starts to brush, the sensor records the temperature data for seven times in two minutes of an average brush time and sends it to the mobile application using WiFi. We used a NodeMCUboard, ThingSpeak server and MIT inventor app to transfer the data and designthe mobile application.

Design Of Smart Toothbrush : For cause-and-effect studies

Issa, Yosur, Gauffin, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Genom åren har det funnits en marknad för att förhindra samt öka chanserna att bli gravid. Individer har vänt sig till appar för hjälp, där syftet har varit att öka individenskunskap om när fertilitetfönstret sker under cyklens gång. Fertilitetfönstret kan upptäckas genom olika metoder. Under studiens gång las fokus på att bygga uppförståelse för basal kroppstemperatur. Därefter vidareutvecklades en smart tandborste integrerat med en temperature sensor, med syftet att kunna identifiera korrelation mellan basal kroppstemperatur och ägglossning. Syftet var att undersöka om en smart tandborste integrerat med en temperatur sensor, kunde identifiera potential ägglossning. Identifiering kunde skapas genom finna den potentiella sambandet mellan basal kroppstemperatur och ägglossning. Produktenskapades genom användning av maskininlärningsteknik. Det uppsatta syftet svaradepå forskningsfrågorna; kan maskininlärningstekniker stödja förutsägelse av ägglossning från basal kroppstemperatur (förkortning Eng: BBT) med en smart tandborste och hur ska en temperatursensor integreras i en elektrisk tandborste? Fördjupningsarbetet delades in i tre delar, undersökning av basal kroppstemperatur, data analys och produktdesign. En litteraturstudie utfördes av alla delar där undersökning om vilka likheter kroppstemperatur har mot basal kroppstemperatur, hur data analys kan användas till att upptäcka ägglossning med basal kroppstemperatur, och hur en produkt kan bäst designas för målen i arbetet. Före påbörjandet av examensarbete, samlades 11 individers basal kroppstemperatur in. Den valda metoden för att vidare analysera den givna data kallas för k-means clustering. Underdataanalysen ändrades antalet grupperingar för att finna grupper där potentiell ägglossning kunde ha uppstått. Validering av dessa potentiella grupper gjordes med data hämtat från hemsidan my monthly cycle. För produktutveckling användes flera olika tekniker, för att vägleda samt analysera produkten från olika perspektiv. Genom noggrann mätning av kroppstemperatur kunde den basala kroppstemperaturen uppskattas, med en okänd noggrannhet. Kluster av den för-insamlade dataformades och visade att vissa grupper kunde tolkas ha potential till ägglossning. Dessa potentiella grupper kunde valideras till att ha majoriteten av ägglossningsdata tilldelat till dem när färre grupperingar gjordes. En optimal prototyp skapades med hänsyn på hållbarhet, och bekvämlighet, både för bruk och minskning av sysslor. Sammanfattningsvis visade användning av klusteranalys ha en potentiell möjlighetför att kunna detektera ägglossning hos kroppstemperatur data som samlas in med en smart tandborste. För framtida forskning bör en tandborstdesign först skapas för att samla in basal kroppstemperatur data, där följaktligen blir att använda den insamlade datan till data analysen


Avila, Alex 01 June 2016 (has links)
The Bronx Cocked Back And Smoking is a collection of multifarious prose performances recounting the historical, personal, social, political and cultural constructs of a city birthed by violence. This body of work is accompanied by video, audio, photography, and theatre performance texts. St. Mary’s Housing project, in the Bronx, is the foundation where most of this literary work takes place. The modern day Griot (storyteller) is a Poet, guiding his audience through the social inequalities and disparities that plague St. Mary’s community. The Poet shares personal traumatic insights while simultaneously utilizing writing as a form of survival to the conditions of the Bronx. This multi-platform performance highlights the metaphorical and physical concerns with the cycle of violence. This question is answered through the Poet’s choice by selecting the pen over the gun.

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