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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Budiče spínacích výkonových tranzistorů GaN MOSFET / Drivers for power switching transistors GaN MOSFET

Fiala, Zbyněk January 2016 (has links)
The thesis describes the procedure during the proposal of the driver circuits for the GaN MOSFET transistors, which are known for their fast switching especially. In the first instance of this thesis the issue of GaN MOSFET transistors is described and also the thesis describes the different types of MOSFET transistors in the way of their electrical and mechanical attributes. The specific type driver circuit is stated in the thesis, which was selected in the semestral thesis. For this circuit the boost converter with an output power 600W and high switching frequency 800kHz was proposed as an attempt measurement circuit. This boost converter was measured after its construction was done. The waveforms captured by the oscilloscope are commented also. In the conclusion the assessment is done about this new technology of power switching transistors.

Hyperbolicité complexe et quotients de domaines symétriques bornés / Complex hyperbolicity and quotients of bounded symmetric domains

Cadorel, Benoît 23 May 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’étude de l’hyperbolicité complexe de compactifications de quotients de domaines symétriques bornés, et plus spécifiquement, de quotients de la boule. On souhaite ainsi comprendre la géométrie des courbes entières que ces compactifications contiennent, ainsi que le type de leurs sous-variétés. On prouve d'abord un critère métrique de positivité du fibré co-tangent d’une variété complexe, reposant notamment sur les travaux de J.-P. Demailly et de S. Boucksom. Ce critère peut s’appliquer à une large classe de variétés, dépassant le cadre précédent ; avec Y. Brunebarbe, on s'est ainsi intéressé aux variétés supportant une variation de structures de Hodge complexes. Dans le cas d’un quotient de la boule, ce critère permet de montrer qu’un revêtement ramifié d’une compactification toroïdale lisse, étale sur l’intérieur, et ramifiant à des ordres supérieurs à 7 sur le bord, ne contient que des variétés de type général en dehors de son bord. Dans ce cadre, ceci fournit une version effective d’un théorème de Y. Brunebarbe. On étudie par ailleurs d’autres situations que ces compactifications lisses : avec E.Rousseau et B. Taji, on donne des critères d'hyperbolicité complexe de ces compactifications lorsque les quotients sont singuliers. On présente aussi une version effective d’un théorème de J.-P. Demailly, concernant le caractère big des différentielles de jets sur la compactification donnée. Enfin, on montre que les méthodes métriques présentées précédemment s’étendent au cas de tous les domaines symétriques bornés ; elles fournissent alors des résultats effectifs d'hyperbolicité algébrique et transcendante pour d’autres domaines que la boule. / This work deals with the study of complex hyperbolicity of compactifications of quotients of bounded symmetric domains, and more specifically, of quotients of the ball. We are interested in the geometry of the entire curves such a compactification contains, as well as to the type of its subvarietes. We first prove a metric criterion for the positivity of the cotangent bundle of a complex manifold, based in particular on the work of J.-P. Demailly and of S. Boucksom. This criterion can be applied to a large class of manifolds, going beyond the previous frame; with Y. Brunebarbe, we apply in particular these methods to the case of manifolds supporting a complex variation of Hodge structures.In the case of a ball quotient, the criterion shows that on a ramified cover of a toroidal compactification, étale on the inside part, and ramifying at orders higher than 7 on the boundary, there is no subvariety which is not of general type, and not included in the boundary. In this setting, this gives an effective version of a theorem of Y. Brunebarbe. We also study other situations than these smooth compactifications : with E. Rousseau and B. Taji, we give metric criterions for the complex hyperbolicity of these compactifications, if the quotients are singular. In the case of the ball, we present also an effective version of a theorem of J.-P. Demailly, concerning the bigness of the Green-Griffiths jet differentials on the given compactification. Finally, we show that the previous metric methods can be applied to the case of all bounded symmetric domains ; they give effective hyperbolicity results, algebraic and transcendental, for other bounded symmetric domains than the ball.

The dynamics of Alfvén eigenmodes excited by energetic ions in toroidal plasmas

Tholerus, Emmi January 2015 (has links)
Experiments for the development of fusion power that are based on magnetic confinement deal with plasmas that inevitably contain energetic (non-thermal) particles. These particles come e.g. from fusion reactions or from external heating of the plasma. Ensembles of energetic ions can excite plasma waves in the Alfvén frequency range to such an extent that the resulting wave fields redistribute the energetic ions, and potentially eject them from the plasma. The redistribution of ions may cause a substantial reduction heating efficiency, and it may damage the inner walls and other components of the vessel. Understanding the dynamics of such instabilities is necessary to optimise the operation of fusion experiments and of future fusion power plants. A Monte Carlo model that describes the nonlinear wave-particle dynamics in a toroidal plasma has been developed to study the excitation of the abovementioned instabilities. A decorrelation of the wave-particle phase is added in order to model stochasticity of the system (e.g. due to collisions between particles). Based on the nonlinear description with added phase decorrelation, a quasilinear version of the model has been developed, where the phase decorrelation has been replaced by a quasilinear diffusion coefficient in particle energy. When the characteristic time scale for macroscopic phase decorrelation becomes similar to or shorter than the time scales of nonlinear wave-particle dynamics, the two descriptions quantitatively agree on a macroscopic level. The quasilinear model is typically less computationally demanding than the nonlinear model, since it has a lower dimensionality of phase space. In the presented studies, several effects on the macroscopic wave-particle dynamics by the presence of phase decorrelation have been theoretically and numerically analysed, e.g. effects on the growth and saturation of the wave amplitude, and on the so called frequency chirping events with associated hole-clump pair formation in particle phase space. Several effects coming from structures of the energy distribution of particles around the wave-particle resonance has also been studied. / <p>QC 20150330</p>

The arithmetic volume of Shimura varieties of orthogonal type

Hörmann, Fritz 04 November 2010 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Berechnung der arithmetischen Volumina der Shimuravarietäten vom orthogonalen Typ und der natürlichen Höhen der speziellen Zykel auf diesen. Wir entwickeln, für den Fall guter Reduktion, eine allgemeine Theorie ganzzahliger Modelle von toroidalen Kompaktifizierungen der Shimuravarietäten vom Hodge Typ (sowie des Standardhauptfaserbündels darüber). Dies ermöglicht, unter Verwendung der Theorie der Borcherdsprodukte, das arithmetische Voluminen einer zu einem Gitter L der Diskriminante D assoziierten Shimuravarietät, bis auf log(p) Beiträge zu Primzahlen p mit p^2|4D, zu berechnen. Dies ist eine Verallgemeinerung einer Arbeit von Burgos, Bruinier und Kühn. Die Höhen der speziellen Zykel werden im Falle von Kodimension 1 bis auf log(p)-Beiträge mit p|2D berechnet, sowie unter leichten zusätzlichen Einschränkungen im Falle von Kodimension > 1. The resultierenden Grössen sind spezielle Ableitungswerte gewisser L-Reihen. Im Falle der speziellen Zykel stimmen diese mit speziellen Ableitungswerten gewisser normalisierter Eisensteinreihen überein (zusätzlich, bis auf Beiträge bei unendlich). Dies bestätigt Vermutungen von Bruinier-Kühn, Kudla und anderen. / The overall aim of this thesis is to compute arithmetic volumes of Shimura varieties of orthogonal type and natural heights of the special cycles on them. We develop a general theory of integral models of toroidal compactifications of Shimura varieties of Hodge type (and of its standard principal bundle) for the case of good reduction. This enables us, using the theory of Borcherds products, and generalizing work of Burgos, Bruinier and Kühn, to calculate the arithmetic volume of a Shimura variety associated with a lattice L of discriminant D, up to log(p)-contributions from primes p such that p^2|4D. The heights of the special cycles are calculated in the codimension 1 case up to log(p), p|2D, and with some additional restrictions in the codimension > 1 case. The values obtained are special derivatives of certain L-series. In the case of the special cycles they are equal to special derivatives of Fourier coefficients of certain normalized Eisenstein series (in addition, up to contributions from infinity) in accordance with conjectures of Bruinier-Kühn, Kudla, and others.

b-divisors on toric and toroidal embeddings

Botero, Ana María 11 August 2017 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation entwickeln wir eine Schnittheorie von torischen bzw. toroidalen b-Divisoren auf torischen bzw. toroidalen Einbettungen. Motiviert wird dies durch das Ziel, eine arithmetische Schnittheorie auf gemischten Shimura- Varietäten von nicht-kompaktem Typ zu begründen. Die bisher zur Verfügung stehenden Werkzeuge definieren keine numerischen Invarianten, die birational invariant sind. Zuerst definieren wir torische b-Divisoren auf torischen Varietäten und einen Integrabilitätsbegriff für solche Divisoren. Wir zeigen, dass torische b-Divisoren unter geeigneten Annahmen an die Positivität integrierbar sind und dass ihr Grad als das Volumen einer konvexen Menge gegeben ist. Außerdem zeigen wir, dass die Dimension des Vektorraums der globalen Schnitte eines torischen b-Divisors, der nef ist, gleich der Anzahl der Gitterpunkte in besagter konvexer Menge ist und wir geben eine Hilbert–Samuel-Formel für das asymptotische Wachstum dieser Dimension. Dies verallgemeinert klassische Resultate für klassische torische Divisoren auf torischen Varietäten. Als ein zusätzliches Resultat setzen wir konvexe Mengen, die von torischen b-Divisoren kommen, mit Newton–Okounkov- Körpern in Beziehung. Anschließend definieren wir toroidale b-Divisoren auf toroidalen Varietäten und einen Integrierbarkeitsbegriff für solche Divisoren. Wir zeigen, dass unter geeigneten Positivitätsannahmen toroidale b-Divisoren integrierbar sind und ihr Grad als ein Integral bezüglich eines Grenzmaßes aufgefasst werden kann. Dieses Grenzmaß ist ein schwacher Grenzwert von diskreten Maßen, deren Gewichte über tropische Schnittheorie auf rationalen konischen polyedrischen Komplexen definiert sind, welche zu der toroidalen Varietät gehören. Wir setzen dieses Grenzmaß ebenfalls in Beziehung zum zu einem konvexen Körper assoziierten Flächeninhaltsmaß. Diese Beziehung erlaubt es uns, Integrale bezüglich des Grenzmaßes explizit auszurechnen. Zusätzlich erhalten wir eine kanonische Zerlegung der Differenz zweier konvexer Mengen und eine Beziehung zwischen das Volumen von den Teilen und tropische Schnittheoretische Mengen. Schließlich berechnen wir als Anwendung den Grad des b-Divisors von Jacobiformen vom Gewicht k und Index m bezüglich der Hauptkongruenzuntergruppe zum Level N >= 3 auf der verallgemeinerten universellen elliptischen Kurve und wir zeigen, dass der b-divisoriale Ansatz gegenüber lediglich einer kanonischen Kompaktifizierung Vorteile bietet. / In this thesis we develop an intersection theory of toric and toroidal b-divisors on toric and toroidal embeddings, respectively. Our motivation comes from wanting to establish an arithmetic intersection theory on mixed Shimura varieties of non- compact type. The tools available until now do not define numerical invariants which are birationally invariant. First, we define toric b-divisors on toric varieties and an integrability notion of such divisors. We show that under suitable positivity assumptions toric b- divisors are integrable and that their degree is given as the volume of a convex set. Moreover, we show that the dimension of the space of global sections of a nef toric b-divisor is equal to the number of lattice points in this convex set and we give a Hilbert-Samuel type formula for its asymptotic growth. This generalizes classical results for classical toric divisors on toric varieties. As a by-product, we relate convex sets arising from toric b-divisors with Newton-Okounkov bodies. Then, we define toroidal b-divisors on toroidal varieties and an integrability notion of such divisors. We show that under suitable positivity assumptions toroidal b-divisors are integrable and that their degree is given as an integral with respect to a limit measure, which is a weak limit of discrete measures whose weights are defined via tropical intersection theory on the rational con- ical polyhedral complex attached to the toroidal variety. We also relate this limit measure with the surface area measure associated to a convex body. This relation enables us to compute integrals with respect to these limit measures ex- plicitly. Additionally, we give a canonical decomposition of the difference of two convex sets and we relate the volume of the pieces to tropical top intersection numbers. Finally, as an application, we compute the degree of the b-divisor of Jacobi forms of weight k and index m with respect to the principal congruence subgroup of level N >= 3 on the generalized universal elliptic curve and we show that it is meaningful to consider the b-divisorial approach instead of just fixing one canonical compactification.

Inclinomètre à niveaux hydrostatiques de haute résolution en géophysique / High Resolution Water-Tube Tiltmeter in Geophysics

d'Oreye de Lantremange, Nicolas F.C. 10 November 2003 (has links)
Nous avons développé, et évalué en détail, un nouveau prototype d'inclinomètre longue base à niveaux hydrostatiques appelé " wth2o ". Ce système, aux principes particulièrement simples grâce à l'absence de pièces mécaniques mobiles, présente une grande fiabilité et une excellente stabilité (dérive linéaire de 0.05 µrad par mois). Sa haute résolution jusque dans la gamme des ondes sismiques longues périodes (où, par exemple, la résolution est meilleure que 0.001 masec, soit 5. 10-12 rad), et son niveau de bruit très bas, ont permis d'obtenir des résultats d'analyses harmoniques de marées terrestres (5 ans d'enregistrements) en excellent accord avec les modèles, et dont les écarts quadratiques moyens sont les plus bas de toutes les mesures inclinométriques réalisées au Laboratoire de Géodynamique de Walferdange (Luxembourg). A titre d'exemple, l'amplitude de l'onde M2 est déterminée avec une incertitude de seulement 0.003 masec, tandis que sa phase est déterminée avec un EQM de 0.028°, ce qui correspond à une incertitude de seulement 3.3 secondes. Cet instrument permit également d'observer des phénomènes rarement mesurés avec ce type d'appareil, tel les modes sphéroïdaux et toroïdaux les plus graves des oscillations libres de la Terre excitées par le séisme du Dénali (Mw 7.9) en novembre 2002, ou les passages successifs des ondes de Love jusqu'à G7, correspondant à 3 révolutions de ces ondes de surface autour du globe. Il fut également possible de séparer pour la première fois dans une analyse harmonique de marée terrestre inclinométrique, les constituants des groupes ter- et quater-diurnes. Ces très petites ondes enregistrées sont vraisemblablement liées aux ondes de marées océaniques propres aux eaux peu profondes présentes en Mer du Nord. Les modèles théoriques détaillés de cet appareil (comprenant des composantes relatives à l'amortissement produit par l'écoulement des fluides entre les électrodes des capteurs capacitifs) ont permis de dériver les solutions des équations du mouvement en composante inclinométrique et accélérométrique. De ces solutions furent tirées les formes théoriques des fonctions de transfert de l'appareil. Ces fonctions de transferts furent comparées avec succès aux mesures expérimentales de la réponse en fréquence. Grâce aux formes analytiques des fonctions de transfert en composante inclinométrique et accélérométrique qui sont données dans le présent travail, il est possible de calculer les caractéristiques géométriques optimales pour la construction d'un prototype devant répondre aux besoins particuliers d'une nouvelle application. Une étude originale des effets de ménisques (déformations de l'interface des fluides au contact de la paroi solide des pots) a montré que, s'ils n'ont pas d'influence sur les mesures en mode différentiel, ils peuvent par contre introduire des erreurs de plusieurs pour-cent sur l'estimation de la sensibilité par déplacement d'une quantité de liquide supposée connue. Cette erreur, ne dépendant que des propriétés physico-chimiques des fluides et matériaux en contacts, provient des variations de volumes de liquide contenu dans les ménisques lors des mouvements des interfaces. Si ces mouvements sont effectués lors des étalonnages sans que la ligne de contact ne se déplace, ces erreurs [en %] seront indépendantes du volume déplacé. Ces erreurs ne sont pas particulières à notre instrument mais peuvent affecter les étalonnages réalisés de la sorte pour tout inclinomètre à niveaux hydrostatiques, quel que soit le principe de mesure de l'instrument (mesures différentielles de pression, positionnement de flotteurs etc…). / We developed and evaluated a new prototype of long base water-tube tiltmeter named "wth2o". This system, particularly simple by the absence of moving parts, showed a great reliability and a fairly high stability (linear drift rate of 0.05 µrad/month). We analyzed a 5 years-long data set of Earth tides measurements performed in the Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics in Walferdange (Luxemburg). Its high resolution up to the long-period seismic band (where for instance the resolution is better than 0.001 masec, or 5. 10-12 rad) and its very low noise rate enabled us to obtain results in excellent accordance with the models, with the lowest root mean squares among all the results obtained with other tiltmeters in Walferdange. For instance, the amplitude of the M2 wave is estimated with a RMS as small as 0.003 masec and its phase is determined with an uncertainty below 0.028°, which represents 3.3 seconds only. With the "wth2o" we have also observed some events rarely measured with a water-tube, such as the gravest toroidal and spheroidal modes of the Earth free oscillations excited by the Mw 7.9 Denali earthquake or the successive passages of Love waves (up to G7) circling the globe. For the first time in an analysis of tilt Earth tide measurements, it was possible to separate the small constituents of the ter- and quater-diurnal band. The presence of these very small waves is most likely due to the effects of the shallow-water tides known to be remarkable in the North Sea. Theoretical models of this instrument (taking into account the damping produced by the liquids' flow between the plates of the capacitive sensors) allowed to obtain the solutions of the equations of motion for tilt as well as for acceleration. From these solutions we were able to produce very accurate theoretical transfer functions, as confirmed by the successful comparison with observed frequency responses. Thanks to the analytical tilt and acceleration transfer functions given in the present document it is possible to calculate the best geometrical characteristics for the construction of a new prototype having to respond to specific requirements of a new application. A new extended study of the menisci effects (deformations of the interface of the fluids in contact with the solid wall of the end vessels) showed that they do not influence the differential measurements but they could introduce errors of a few percents in the calibration factor when this factor is evaluated by the displacement of a "known" volume of liquid. This error depends only on the physical and chemical properties of the fluids and solids put in contact. It is due to the variation of volume of liquid trapped in the menisci while the interface is moving up- or downwards. If these interface movements are made without displacing the contact line, the errors [in %] will remain the same whatever the displaced volume of liquid could be. These errors can not only affect our results but can also be found in the calibration procedure of any kind of water-tube (central differential pressure, float positioned etc…).

Vegetation patterns and role of edaphic heterogeneity on plant communities in semi-deciduous forests from the Congo Basin

Amani Ya Igugu, Aimé-Christian 08 September 2011 (has links)
Contrary to the other forest ecosystems in the Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R. Congo), semi-deciduous forests have so far attracted little attention and studies regarding their ecological aspects remain sketchy. Yet semi-deciduous forests are among the most important non-flooded ecosystems in the Congo Basin and their importance is high, both ecologically and economically. They are home to a variety of species, some of them being exploited for timber by forest companies acting in the region. There is a constant need to focus on their composition and diversity, and to understand factors shaping their communities.<p>Using a sampling method broadly inspired from the synusial phytosociology approach, we examined plant communities within each of the forest layers composing the overstorey (canopy and emergent trees) and the understorey (shrub and herbaceous layers). <p>The role of edaphic heterogeneity on plant communities in the considered semi-deciduous forests was examined. We mainly focused on:<p>- Floristic parameters within these ecosystems;<p>- Spatial structure of edaphic variables;<p>- Species responses to edaphic heterogeneity;<p>- Distance decay in the considered ecosystems;<p>- Phylogenetic patterns within plant communities.<p>Some of the species found in the considered semi-deciduous forests are more related to a type of soil than another, defining some “edaphic specialists” species while many others can be considered “generalists”. Spatial distance effect in the considered plant communities is marked by a decrease of floristic similarity with the geographical distance and all the forest layers showed a pattern of spatial phylogenetic clustering meaning that species cohabiting within a same plot are more related than species from distant plots.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Vysokofrekvenční a mezifrekvenční obvody krátkovlnné radiostanice / HF and IF circuits of shortwave radiostation

Šnajdr, Václav January 2009 (has links)
The study, description, design and implementation of selected blocks of multiband shortwave radio station are dealt with in the thesis. Focus is placed on the concept of multiband shortwave radio stations, with an emphasis on high frequency and intermediate frequency circuits. The first chapter is devoted to description of the transceiver block diagram which is designed as superheterodyne. The design of bandpass input filters, intermediate frequency crystal filters and output filters is described. Simulation results and the measured characteristics of the implemented functional blocks are presented. Furthermore, the amplifier circuits which maintain impedance matching of individual blocks are discussed. SSB signal generation in the transmitter part of radio station and final stage power amplification are depicted.


Line Koleilat (20376486) 10 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Flow patterns in a toroidal-fluidized bed granulator were analyzed using the effects of wall friction on the bed pressure drop. Toroidal flows were generated by directionally inclined jets from a radially-slotted distributor plate. The relatively small open area of the slotted distributor provides significant jet velocities, inducing toroidal flow even at relatively low superficial airflows. In this aspect, the process is of interest to fluidized bed granulation wherein the toroidal flow can assist spray flux without excessive elutriation. The current dissertation explores the effect of toroidal multiphase flow on wall friction and pressure drop. Relevant process parameters include particle size, airflow, temperature, and bed inventory. Particle size growth is especially important in fluidized bed granulation; airflow and temperature parameters must balance with the binder spray enthalpy; and the bed inventory is relevant to capacity and throughput analyses. An empirical process model was developed to guide fluidized bed granulation with a consistent pressure-drop balance across the distributor plate and product bed during the granulation process.</p><p dir="ltr">Fluidized bed granulation integrates several process transformations into a single unit operation. Transformations include powder fluidization, atomization of binder solution and wetting of the fluidized powder, growth and consolidation of granules, drying, and discharge of the fluidized product. The balance of the binder addition and drying rates is used in combination with fluidization (i.e., flow field) parameters to control the process. Balanced control of fluidization can be challenging in the context of micronized powders, prone to elutriation, for example as required in some pharmaceutical formulations. This manuscript explores the effects of thermodynamic and flow field parameters on the size and shape distributions of a challenging pharmaceutical formulation. Pre-wetting the powder mixture prior to fluidization effectively reduces elutriation, stabilizes the fluidization process, and results in narrower granule size distributions. Optimizing blowback pressure can further stabilize the process. These strategies contribute to improved control of fluidized bed granulation, particularly for challenging pharmaceutical formulations, enhancing both product quality and process efficiency.</p><p dir="ltr">A regime map for a challenging pharmaceutical formulation was developed to link operational parameters to granule characteristics, establishing a stable processing space that connects moisture gain with particle size and shape distributions and uniformity. This comprehensive framework supports scale-up and reliable application of fluid bed granulation in pharmaceutical and related industries, contributing to improved process efficiency and product quality. The findings presented here advance the scientific understanding of toroidal fluid bed granulation and offer practical and actionable strategies for controlling this process.</p>

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