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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Critical Examination of the Bush Administration’s Expansion of Executive Authority During the “War on Terror”

Conley, Benjamin J. 28 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Legalizing Torture in Terror Interrogations: A Solution to Fight Terrorism or to Create more Terrorism?

Faraj, Omar January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to discus the argument that in the favor of legalizing torture in the case of terror suspects and detainees. My research question here is: if we will put torture against terror suspects in a legal framework will that help us to fight terrorism or it will creates more instability in the world and result in more terror acts ? I will view the history of torture and the development towards torture prevention. I used the moral theory and also the writings of Dr.Norman Finkelstein to argue against legalizing torture. I will use the Abu Ghraib prison case in Iraq as a study case. The thesis will be in three chapters. In the conclusions I will demonstrate and prove that the use of torture under any circumstances is against morality and against international human rights law. The use of torture as a tool to fight terrorism is not the solution but it will lead to more chaos and hate in the world, innocent torture victims can be easily used after their release by terror and radical groups, authorizing a law that allows torture will make normal citizens afraid all the time because any person can accused of being a terrorist until the government proves he is not.

Misguided attempts at justifying torture by United States officials in the war against terror

Villoen, Dewald Leonard 18 February 2014 (has links)
LL.M. (International Law) / The attacks on the World Trade Center and on the Pentagon on 11 September 2001 sent waves of disbelief and shock through the world. It was probably the worst terrorist attack on the United States ever. The horrific terrorist attacks led to a mixture of political, social and economic reaction around the world and also led to the creation of what is today known as the “The war on terror”. When acts of torture by United States officials came to light in 2004, as well as allegations that these acts were authorized by the United States executive as a way of obtaining information from terrorist suspects in the United States’ “War on Terror”, it led to the question – “How was it possible that acts of torture were committed by United States officials”? The purpose of this dissertation is to try to find an answer to this question and also tom establish which definition of torture should be utilized in the United States domestic laws for the establishment of acts of torture.

Le dialogue entre juridictions et quasi-juridictions internationales de protection des droits de la personne - l'exemple de la prohibition de la torture et autres peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants : l’exemple de la prohibition de la torture et autres peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants / Dialogue between international jurisdictions and quasi-jurisdictions protecting human rights - the example of the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

Cocan, Silviana Iulia 04 July 2019 (has links)
Dans l’ordre juridique international, les organes de protection des droits de la personne sont de nature différente, indépendants et non hiérarchisés. Le phénomène du dialogue juridictionnel est une pratique spontanée qui consiste pour un organe de protection à intégrer dans le processus d’interprétation d’une disposition donnée, des éléments étrangers à son système, qu’il s’agisse de décisions ou d’instruments de protection émanant d’autres organes. Le dialogue est illustré avec la jurisprudence interprétée à l’aide de ces éléments extrasystémiques en matière de prohibition de la torture et autres peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants. Il est envisagé comme une technique interprétative permettant d’aboutir à des interprétations communes du contenu, du sens et de la portée de cette interdiction, bien que ces interprétations partagées puissent être extensives ou restrictives. L’étude interroge l’étendue et la teneur du pouvoir juridictionnel dans l’ordre juridique international ainsi que sa capacité à aboutir à une convergence normative en matière de protection des droits de la personne, qui découlerait d’une convergence interprétative. Implicitement, le dialogue joue le rôle d’un outil de régulation et de coordination qui s’impose spontanément dans la pratique interprétative des organes internationaux, contribuant à l’émergence d’un objectivisme jurisprudentiel. Ce dernier tend à s’opposer au volontarisme étatique dans un but de protection de l’ordre public international et de garantie des droits de la personne. / In the international legal order, international bodies protecting human rights are both of a different nature and independent. Judicial dialogue consists in referring to decisions or international instruments that are external sources to the system in which the international body has to exercise its power of interpretation. The example of the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatments will be used to illustrate this spontaneous practice. Judicial dialogue is seen as an interpretive technique, allowing to reach common interpretations of the substance, the meaning and the scope of this prohibition, by reaching a normative convergence through the use of external sources that shows an interpretive convergence in the first place. Nevertheless, the use of external sources does not always lead to extensive interpretations since it can also highlight disagreements in which case restrictive interpretations are inevitable. Finally, it appears that the international jurisprudential dialogue can both contribute to coordinate and harmonize the application and interpretation of international human rights law in order to protect the international public order.

Le contrôle social des établissements de détention : les cas de la France et du Canada

Lehalle, Sandra January 2006 (has links)
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.

Analyse ludique de la franchise Saw

Brien, Janie 12 1900 (has links)
La saga Saw est une franchise qui a marqué le cinéma d’horreur des années 2000. Le présent mémoire tâchera d’en faire une étude détaillée et rigoureuse en utilisant la notion de jeu. En élaborant tout d’abord un survol du cinéma d’horreur contemporain et en observant la réception critique de la saga à travers l’étude de différents articles, ce travail tentera en majeure partie d’analyser la franchise Saw en rapport avec l’approche ludique du cinéma en général et celle adoptée par Bernard Perron. Cette étude, qui s’élaborera tant au niveau diégétique que spectatoriel, aura pour but de montrer l’importance de la place qu’occupe la notion de jeu dans cette série de films. / The Saw saga is a franchise that marked the horror film industry in the 2000’s. This report will try and give a thorough and detailled study while using the idea of a game. At the same time taking a cursory glance at contemporary horror films and observing how the critics were received by studying different articles. This assignment will in majority analyse the Saw saga using a recreational approach of movies in general as well as the one adopted by Bernard Perron. This study will be elaborated on a "diegetique" and "spectatoriel" level – the goal being to show the importance that games occupy in this film series.

Detect, Bite, Slam

Miharbi, Ali 01 January 2010 (has links)
This paper explores the influences, ideas and motivations behind my MFA thesis exhibition. It primarily focuses on how I developed my work for the show in connection to my previous work as well as work created by other artists who explored the impacts of new media in the last decade. With the advancement of social media, digital technologies no longer have their infamous coldness. Our perceptions and the metaphors in language are all reflected onto the machines we create while in return they also shape and redefine our lives. It becomes increasingly difficult to talk about dialectics such as machine-human, virtual-real, and nature-culture. With the aid of some humor, I attempted to reflect on the marriage of these old oppositions and this paper will discuss the foundations of these ideas as well as my practice in general.

Zákaz mučení v mezinárodním právu / Torture prohibition in international law

Kollárová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the prohibition of torture in international law. The prohibition of torture is considered one of the fundamental values of democratic states, it is an absolute right and a part of customary international law and such a rule of conduct from which we can under no circumstances deviate. Although it might seem that this topic is not too current, the opposite is true. The violation of the prohibition of torture is almost worldwide. The inspiration and impetus to select this topic for me was the situation about the U.S. war against terror and torture of prisoners at U.S. military bases. The work is divided into two blocks. The first part is a theoretical question, which aims to define the very concept of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment and their relationship and to map the universal and particular international mechanisms in which the prohibition of torture is established. In this respect, the important document is the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which is the only universal document that provides a precise definition of torture. The aim of the first part was also to describe how the control mechanisms checked in compliance with the prohibition of torture in the world. The second...


Silva Junior, Luiz Antonio da 06 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:46:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LUIZ ANTONIO DA SILVA JUNIOR.pdf: 786795 bytes, checksum: 09c85f0fd7f3f197f266690c049c0eae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-06 / The purpose of the thesis was to analyze the effectiveness of the application of Law No. 9.455, of April 7, 1997 (Act Against Torture), in the state of Goiás We sought to analyze their application through study of twenty-five cases reported by the pastoral prison of Goiás, since the likely establishment of a police investigation, through the manifestation of prosecutors to the decision by the Judiciary. The analysis was done through literature review and field research, the study of cases. Of the twenty-five episodes reported by the Ministry, only three passed the scrutiny of the authorities legally entrusted with finding the facts. Of these, there was only one conviction of public officials, in the first instance. In the other two, was the filing of the police investigation, for lack of the necessary elements of the complaint by offering public prosecutor. It was found that torture is present throughout the history of humanity, as an instrument of evidence, punitive and assertion of power. Despite the constitutional provision that expressly prohibits the use of torture, ratification of key international treaties and the enactment of Law No. 9.455/97, his practice has not been eradicated from our daily lives. One reason lies in the culture of violence, ie, the collective incentive to employ violence as a weapon against violence, yet the rule of law can not permit actions that put themselves above the law. There is a tonic vitiated from the beginning, because there is often no inquisitive establishment of a procedure for the investigation of complaints, discrediting the authorities of human rights protection that perform as well as descaracterizando the victim as a human being when it comes from the system penitentiary. / O propósito da dissertação foi analisar a efetividade da aplicação da Lei nº 9.455, de 7 de abril de 1997 (Lei contra a Tortura), no estado de Goiás. Buscou-se analisar sua aplicação mediante o estudo de 25 casos relatados pela Pastoral Carcerária de Goiás, desde a provável instauração de inquérito policial, passando pela manifestação do Ministério Público até a decisão do poder judiciário. A análise deuse por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, com estudo de casos. Dos 25 episódios relatados pela pastoral, apenas 3 passaram pelo crivo das autoridades legalmente incumbidas da apuração dos fatos, e destes, em apenas um houve condenação dos agentes públicos, em primeira instância. Nos outros dois, houve o arquivamento do inquérito policial, por falta de elementos necessários para o oferecimento da denúncia pelo representante do Ministério Público. Verificou-se que a tortura se faz presente ao longo da história da humanidade, como instrumento probatório, punitivo e de afirmação do poder. Apesar da previsão constitucional que veda expressamente o uso da tortura, da ratificação de importantes tratados internacionais e da edição da Lei n° 9.455/97, sua prática não foi erradicada do cotidiano brasileiro. Um dos motivos reside na cultura da violência, ou seja, no incentivo coletivo de empregar a violência como arma contra a própria violência; todavia, o Estado de Direito não pode permitir ações que se coloquem acima do ordenamento jurídico. Há uma tônica viciada desde a origem, pois, muitas vezes, não há instauração de um procedimento inquisitivo para a investigação das denúncias, desacreditando as entidades de proteção de direitos humanos que as realizam, bem como descaracterizando a vítima como ser humano, se ela é oriunda do sistema penitenciário.

Sources et construction du principe de dignité humaine en droit allemand / Sources and construction of the principle of human dignity in German law

Vouleli, Vasiliki 22 December 2014 (has links)
Le principe du respect et de la protection de la dignité de l’être humain est consacré dans l’article premier de la Loi fondamentale allemande. L’emplacement tout à fait symbolique de cet article témoigne de l’attachement profond du droit allemand à cette valeur, la seule à bénéficier d’une protection absolue en toutes circonstances. La notion de dignité humaine n’est pas inconnue du droit français ; il n’existe pourtant en France aucune construction théorique cohérente du principe constitutionnel de la dignité de la personne humaine. Cette thèse propose de reprendre le thème de la dignité, de sa définition et de sa fonction dans un système juridique et constitutionnel, à partir de l’expérience allemande. En interrogeant spécialement le droit allemand, à partir de ses sources et dans le contexte européen qui est le sien, la thèse vise donc à contribuer à une théorie juridique générale de la dignité. / The first article of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany guarantees the respect and the protection of human dignity. The principle of human dignity has a particular significance in German law, since it is the only value therein to enjoy absolute protection under any circumstances. The concept of human dignity is not unknown to French law ; however, contrary to the German legal system, there is not, in French law, a coherent and unified theory of human dignity as an element of constitutional law. The present doctoral dissertation aims to study the concept of human dignity, its definition and its function within a legal and constitutional system by concentrating on the German paradigme. Though this core value of German constitutional law is currently under a lot of strain, as it is faced with new challenges such as those presented by the progress of biotechnology and the fight against terrorism, a study of human dignity in German law is indispensable in order to understand the importance – and the difficulty – of constructing a coherent constitutional theory of human dignity.

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