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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pronásledování římskokatolické církve v Československu - ideologie, strategie a taktika KSČ / Persecution of the Latin Church in Czechoslovakia - ideology, strategy and tactics of the Communist party of Czechoslovakia

Kurfiřtová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This work examines the prosecution of the Roman Catholic Church in the Communist-ruled Czechoslovak Republic. The first part analyzes the mutual relationship of the communist ideology and the Roman Catholic Church. The basic tenets of communism are presented via the works of Karl Marx, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and consecutive texts labeled Marxist- Leninist. The thoughts of the church are presented through the statements of several popes that took a stand against the ideals of communism and the atrocities committed in their name. The second chapter analyzes the individual steps the Communist-controlled state took against the church. Particular attention is devoted to the period from the February 1948 Communist takeover up to the end of the 1950s. This period can be further divided into three phases, distinguished by the differing tactics employed by the Communist Party. In the first phase, the Communists were attempting to subdue the church, the second phase was characteristic by very ruthless prosecution of the church officials, while the hallmark of the third phase was mainly a systematic policy of atheization. The aim of this work is a comparison of the ideological underpinnings of the Communist ideology with the real-world practice of the attempted elimination of religion from society. Focus is...

Jazyk nacionálně-socialistické propagandy v lužickosrbském tisku 30. let / The language of Nazi propaganda in the Sorbian press of the 1930s

Tomčík, Stanislav January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of nazi ideology on language in the Sorbian press of the 1930s. The predominantly Upper Sorbian material presents lexemes that were associated with the terminology of the nazi regime. While some lexemes have persisted in the language and have not changed their form ever since, others are completely forgotten. Furthermore, some ideologemes of nazi propaganda and their adaptation in the Sorbian environment are presented. In particular, the areas of identity are unique to the Sorbian context, as they shift the meanings contained in the official conception of ideology. Furthermore literature which was published on the pages of the Sorbianpress is presented as a specific area where the language influenced by nazi ideology has penetrated. Key words: Sorbian press, Upper Sorbian, totalitarian language, propaganda, identity, ideology

Mediální obraz devíti mistrovství světa v ledním hokeji na československém a českém území v dobovém tisku / Media image of nine ice hockey world championships in the Czechoslovakia and Czech republic in the contemporary press

Velikovská, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The thesis "Media image of nine ice hockey world championships in the Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in the contemporary press" focuses on reporting on nine ice hockey world championships hosted by the Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in media. This is done by qualitative analysis of articles in the contemporary press in both specialized sports daily or weekly papers and general papers. The goal of this thesis is to prove how the style of reporting changed since the first championship in 1933 through seven decades to the last one in 2004. Apart from analyzing the degree and target of critique and style of reporting, it also focuses on the influence of current political climate and propaganda in the period between world wars, after the World War II, 1968 Russian occupation and shortly after the Velvet revolution. The reporting period was set at one month before the start of each tournament and two weeks after it's end. In case of 1933 and 1938 championships, the thesis analyzes the following papers: Rudé právo, České slovo, Národní politika. In later years: Československý sport, Mladá fronta, Rudé právo, Svobodné slovo (all daily), Stadión and Gól (both weekly). After the Velvet revolution: Sport, Právo, MF Dnes (all daily). The analysis focuses mostly on the content of the reporting.

O itinerário intelectual de Nicola Chiaramonte: o engajamento com a liberdade e a verdade / The intellectual itinerary of Nicola Chiaramonte: the engagement with freedom and truth

Santos, Luciano Aparecido dos 23 January 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar ao público brasileiro a obra e a vida do ensaísta e crítico italiano Nicola Chiaromonte (1905-1972). O autor foi diretor da revista Tempo Presente (1956-1968) junto com o romancista Ignazio Silone, revista que se propunha como um livre espaço de pensamento e discussão, contrária ao totalitarismo que se propagava na Europa. Chiaromonte foi um intelectual empenhado politicamente, sempre preocupado com o compromisso entre Liberdade e Verdade, lutou contra o fascismo na Itália e combateu na Guerra Civil Espanhola. Durante sua jornada enquanto intelectual publicou constantemente ensaios em revistas culturais por onde passou, além de ser colaborador da Tempo Presente durante os doze anos de publicações. A presente dissertação pretende esboçar seu itinerário na qualidade pensador e crítico através da exposição de momentos, pessoas e ensaios que compuseram sua vida. Além disso, será apresentada a tradução de um de seus ensaios para a inserção desse crítico nos estudos do Brasil. / This work aims to present to the brazilian public the work and life of the critic and essayist Nichola Chiaromonte (1905-1972). The author was director of the review Tempo Presente (1956-1968) along with the novelist Ignazio Silone, a review which was proposed as a free space of thought and discussion, contrary to the totalitarianism that was spread in Europe. Chiaromonte was a politically engaged intellectual, always concerned with the commitment between Freedom and Truth, has fought against the fascism in Italy and battled the Spanish Civil War. During his journey as an intellectual, he constantly published essays in cultural reviews in many places he went, apart from collaborating with Tempo Presente for twelve years of publishing. The present dissertation intends to outline his itinerary as a thinker and critic throught the exposition of moments, people and essays that composed his life. Furthermore, will be presented the translation of one of his essays, in order to insert this critic in the Brazilian studies.

Entre os muros da loucura: descrição dos espaços do Hospital Escola Portugal Ramalho / Between thel walls of insanity: a spacial description of Portugal Ramalho School Hospital

Albuquerque, Laís Lima de 31 March 2015 (has links)
Insanity as a counterpoint of the reason is considered by society as something undesirable that should be condemned to social exclusion, as reflected in space with the creation of spatial configurations conducive to their isolation. It is in this universe that this research is inserted: where insanity and reason appear as a dichotomy, as opposed points of the same element that marks the interval between being prisoner and free. The interface between insanity and architecture within its context of complex system, raises a vast field of research opportunities that require attention to the two poles of the relationship: on one hand the insane, as social actors, and other space, as under their practices. This research is presented as a case study in the Hospital Escola Portugal Ramalho, a totalitarian institution where the object of analysis is the psychiatric hospital space, that, according repertoire studies, usually affects behaviors aiming at the reproduction of institutional intention. The objective is to describe the hospital space, from space humanization concepts, supported by discussion of the asylum system and practices, with the help of the theory of the social logic of space, Space Syntax. Thus, the spatial description of this hospital - which has come to be considered the second best in the country, which was the scene of the largest conventional psychiatric practices of torture, such as electroshock and isolation in cells, and now features a humanization speech -, seeks to show up within the walls of madness there for opening a space really humanized. Note: although it is set up as a representation or a reduction of reality, as the results presented refer to specific moments of observation of the researcher, this work seeks to move away from determinism to override the pre-established concepts of humanization of space to this reality, presenting itself as an abstraction that, although it cannot be taken as a definite, can guide similar situations in equivalent systems. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A loucura como contraponto da razão é tida pela sociedade como algo indesejado e que deve ser condenado à exclusão social, fato refletido no espaço com a criação de configurações espaciais propícias ao seu isolamento. É nesse universo que esta pesquisa se insere: onde loucura e razão surgem como uma dicotomia, como pontos opostos de um mesmo elemento que marca o intervalo entre estar preso e estar solto. A interface entre loucura e arquitetura, dentro do seu contexto de sistema complexo, suscita um vasto campo de possibilidades de pesquisas que exigem atenção aos dois pólos da relação: de um lado os loucos, como atores sociais, e de outro o espaço, como abrigo de suas práticas. Esta pesquisa se apresenta como um estudo de caso no Hospital Escola Portugal Ramalho, uma instituição totalitária onde o objeto de análise é o espaço hospitalar psiquiátrico que, segundo estudos de repertório, normalmente, influencia comportamentos visando à reprodução da intenção institucional. O objetivo do trabalho é descrever o espaço do hospital, a partir de conceitos de humanização espacial, subsidiado pela discussão sobre o sistema manicomial e suas práticas, com o auxílio da teoria da lógica social do espaço, a Sintaxe Espacial. Assim, a descrição espacial deste hospital - que já chegou a ser considerado o segundo melhor do país, que foi palco das maiores práticas psiquiátricas convencionais de tortura, como o eletrochoque e o isolamento em celas, e que hoje apresenta um discurso de humanização -, busca investigar se entre os muros da loucura há abertura para um espaço, realmente, humanizado. Apesar de se configurar como uma representação ou uma redução da realidade, visto que os resultados apresentados se referem a momentos específicos de observação da pesquisadora, este trabalho busca se afastar do determinismo ao sobrepor os conceitos pré-estabelecidos de humanização do espaço à realidade vivenciada no hospital, apresentando-se como uma abstração que, apesar de não poder ser tida como algo definitivo, pode nortear situações semelhantes em sistemas equivalentes.

Téma viny v české próze 60. let 20. století / The theme of guilt in Czech prose of the 1960s

HOUZIMOVÁ, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the theme of guilt in the particular texts edited in the 1960s. The theme is followed with regard to the phenomena of holocaust, transfer of Sudeten Germans, collaboration and communist regime. The ties between actual and fictional world are among others considered with a view to refer to the unique character of totalitarian regimes. One of the aims is to find out parallels between the Nazi and the Communist regime and the interface of their ideologies in terms of analysis, comparison and interpretation of the texts. Simultaneously, the narrative discourse is considered within context of the influence it has got upon the interpretation of guilt. The guilt itself is surveyed with regard to the philosophy of existentialism which contributes to the specification of possible ways of defining the particular offences and their evaluation, and at the same time helps to open new ways of discussion about guilt and possibilities of staying innocent as the significant phenomena not only in the realm of the literature of the 1960s.

Contra o liberalismo, a favor da democracia : a concepção política da igreja católica em meados do século XX /

Cardoso, Elza Silva. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Ivan Aparecido Manoel / Banca: Geraldo Inácio Filho / Banca: José Carlos Garcia de Freitas / Resumo: A Igreja Católica se posicionou contra o liberalismo desde seu surgimento no século XVIII. Ao longo do século XIX travou uma luta sem tréguas contra a ideologia liberalista. Os papas do século XIX condenaram o liberalismo de forma aberta e direta. A condenação recaiu sobre as mais diversificadas áreas de influencia liberal, com destaque para o laicismo e a democracia. Já no inicio do século XX o ocidente se encontrava na eminência de uma crise e toda a euforia anterior passou a ser superficial e ilusória. O primeiro resultado da crise foi a eclosão da Primeira Guerra Mundial (1914 a 1918). Com o findar da guerra diversas nações européias estavam enfraquecidas e destruídas. Outras humilhadas, traídas, culpadas. Esse clima de instabilidade política, social e econômica possibilitou a ascensão de governos totalitários e autoritários, tanto de direita com de esquerda em alguns países europeus. Os governos totalitários de direta se mantiveram no poder até o findar da Segunda Guerra Mundial e os de esquerda até a década de noventa do século XX. Em ambos houve perseguição, de forma declarada ou não, a Igreja e ao clero. Diante desse contexto de discórdia e desentendimento, de desrespeito e injustiça, a Igreja agiu a sua maneira. A Instituição católica não deixou de lado seus valores, princípios e não abriu não de seus dogmas, no entanto foi obrigada, em decorrência das necessidades do período a reavaliar seus posicionamentos e aconselhamentos para a sociedade civil. Em conjunto com o abuso e a decorrente falência dos governos totalitários, a Igreja aceitou, por meio do papa Pio XII em 1944, a democracia como a mais justa forma de governo, mesmo sendo a democracia um regime fruto do liberalismo / Abstract: The Catholic Church has spoken out against liberalism since its inception in the eighteenth century. Throughout the nineteenth century waged a relentless fight against the liberal ideology. The popes of the nineteenth century liberalism condemned in an open and direct. The condemnation fell on the most diverse areas of liberal influence, especially secularism and democracy. Since the beginning of the twentieth century the West was on the verge of a crisis and all the previous euphoria has become superficial and illusory. The first result of the crisis was the outbreak of World War (1914 to 1918). With the close of the war several European nations were weakened and destroyed. Other humiliated, betrayed, guilty. This climate of political instability, social and economic enabled the rise of authoritarian and totalitarian governments, both right to left in some European countries. The totalitarian governments of direct remained in power until the close of the Second World War and left until the nineties of the twentieth century. In both there was persecution, so declared or not, the Church and the clergy. Given this context of discord and misunderstanding, disrespect and injustice, the Church acted his way. The Catholic institution did not put aside their values, principles, and not opened not his dogmas, but was forced, due to the needs of the period to reassess their positions and advice for the society. In conjunction with the abuse and the resulting collapse of totalitarian governments, the Church accepted by Pope Pius XII in 1944, democracy as the fairest form of government, even though the fruit of democracy a system of liberalism / Mestre

Is the Iranian regime a totalitarian one? : A conceptual-theoretical study of an Islamic State

V, H January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Machiavelli and the principles behind authoritarian rule; Could he explain the fate of Muammar al-Gaddafi?

Delphin, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
This study will try an hypothesis built on Machiavellis principles of power and examine the position of Machiavellis importance in the world of today. The hypothesis contains principles of Machiavellis thoughts on power and is ment to be used as an analytical tool to understand the downfall of totalitarian leaders. The hypothesis gains strength from this study due to the fact that it could explain the fall of Colonel Gaddafi and may even have predicted the downfall of Muammar Gaddafi based on the violation of several of the principles that built up the hypothesis. The hypothesis however, needs more testing to be able to be accepted as a generalization. The importance of Machiavelli and his school of thought is strengthened by the fact that the principles shown in the hypothesis are viable and the fact that Machiavelli still contributes to discussion on modern principles of power. Through the glasses that are the hypothesis we get a clear picture that tells us why Colonel Gaddafi got overthrown; He simply pushed the people to far.

Pastýřské listy starokatolického biskupa Augustina Podoláka v letech nesvobody / Pastoral Letters of the Old Catholic Bishop Augustin Podolák in the Years of Limited Freedom

Mádlová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of the pastoral letters of the Old Catholic bishop Augustin Podolák from the years 1971 till 1989, in other words during the time, when the bishop was deprived by the state of his state approval for spiritual functions. To illustrate the case the thesis include also three letters from the time after the revolution, that can shed some lite on the depth of the personality of Bishop Augustin. Beside the pastoral letters the thesis deals also with the history of the Old Catholic Church, because this history often influenced the content of the bishop's letters. Last but not least the thesis offers also a biography of the second Old Catholic bishop from his birth till his death.

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