Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lpl"" "subject:"ppl""
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Utveckling av service- och tjänsteerbjudande inom en TPL- verksamhetFallahi, Alexander, Ahlstrand, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
I dagens konkurrenskraftiga miljö är det aktuellt för företag att låta TPL-företag överta logistiska funktioner istället för företag att utföra det själva. Företag tar hjälp av TPL-företag av olika anledningar, dels för att minska kostnader men också för att företag inte har resurser för att utföra tjänsten själva. Många forskare menar att TPL-företag har blivit allt mer populärare för att de kan addera extra värde till kunderna samt att företag får möjligheten att fokusera på kärnaktiviteter. I logistikbranschen finns det tusentals företag som erbjuder liknande service- och tjänsteerbjudande, det blir allt viktigare för företag att fokusera på det de är bra på istället för att försöka göra allt. Därav outsourcar många företag sin logistik. Att ständigt försöka utveckla service- och tjänsteerbjudande är viktigt i logistikbranschen för att ständigt kunna kundanpassa sig. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur TPL-företaget DACHSER kan i den konkurrenskraftiga miljö fortsätta utveckla sina service- och tjänsteerbjudande gentemot kunder. Teorierna som används i undersökningen är noga valda efter syftet och forskningsfrågorna. Artiklarna som används är hämtade från olika databaser där det specifikt söktes efter begrepp som: service- och tjänsteerbjudande, TPL-företag, samarbete, kundrelationer och outsourcing. Empirin gjordes genom intervjuer av olika personer med olika roller i DACHSER. Under intervjuerna ställdes frågor till respondenterna som var kopplade till den teoretiska referensramen. Därefter kopplades den teoretiska referensramen ihop med studiens empiri för att göra en analys. Slutsatsen visar att DACHSER är ett service- och kundanpassat företag som utvecklar sina service- och tjänsteerbjudande med kunderna genom dagliga kommunikation, avstämningar och kundanpassningar efter förväntningar. Med hjälp av DACHSERs transportnätverk har företaget möjlighet att kundanpassa sig efter kundens behov, då alla filialer hjälper varandra med transporteffektiva lösningar. Med tiden som kundernas krav ökar och blir större, verkar det som inga problem för företaget att anpassa service- och tjänsteerbjudandet för att behålla kunderna. / In today's competitive environment it is necessary for companies to let TPL-companies take over logistical functions instead of companies doing it themselves. Companies take help of TPL-companies for various reasons, partly to reduce costs but also because companies do not have the resources to perform the service themselves. Many researchers believe that TPL- companies have become increasingly popular because they can add extra value to the customers and that companies get the opportunity to focus on their core activities. In the logistics industry, there are thousands of companies that offer similar service and service offerings, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to focus on what they are good at instead of trying to do everything. Hence many companies outsource their logistics. It’s very important in the logistics industry to constantly try to develop service and service offerings in order to customize. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the TPL-company DACHSER can continue to develop its service and service offerings to customers in the competitive environment. The theories used in the survey are chosen according to the purpose and the research questions. The articles used are derived from various databases where it was specifically searched for concepts such as: service and service offerings, TPL-companies, collaboration, customer relations and outsourcing. The empirical data was made through interviews of various people with different roles in DACHSER, during the interview questions were asked to the respondents who were connected to the theoretical reference framework. Thereafter, the theoretical frame of reference was connected to the study's empirical data to make the analysis. The conclusion shows that DACHSER is a customer-adapted company that develops its service and service offering with customers through daily communication, reconciliations and customizations according to expectations. With DACHSER transport network, the company has the opportunity to customize according to the customer's needs, since all DACHSER branches help each other with transport efficient solutions. As customers' demands increase and become larger, it seems as no problem for the company to adapt the service and service offer to retain customers.
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La motivation en psychothérapie d'hommes ayant un diagnostic de trouble de personnalité limiteAsselin, Catherine January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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En kvalitativ studie för genomlysning av SOP / A qualitative study for review of SOPBehr, Anton, Johansson, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Tredjepartslogistikföretag (TPL) har utformade Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) med sinakunder som behandlar arbetsrutiner, processer och relationer mellan parterna på ettövergripande sätt. SOP är ett dokument som kan likställas med ett utdrag från de viktigasteprocesserna i ett komplett avtal mellan två parter. En uppdatering av SOP mellan det studerandeTPL-företaget och den studerade kunden har inte gjorts sedan 2009. Motivationen till dennastudie är att säkerställa att TPL-företaget uppfyller sin del av SOP genom att de utför deåtgärder som parterna har kommit överens. Därmed är studiens syfte att kartlägga arbetet enligtnuläget och jämföra det med de avtalade arbetsrutinerna från SOP mellan parterna.För identifiering av avvikelser mellan nuläget och SOP krävs förståelse för TPL-företagetslagerprocesser. Därför har observationer och ostrukturerade intervjuer genomförts för attklargöra TPL-företagets lagerprocesser och rutiner. Resultatet från observationerna och deostrukturerade intervjuerna har tillsammans utformat kartläggningarna som speglarnulägesprocesserna. Kartläggningarna som speglar SOP-processerna är baserade påsekundärdata som har erhållits från TPL-företaget.Vid jämförelse mellan kartläggningarna som speglar SOP- och nulägesprocesserna har ettflertal avvikelser identifierats och storleken på dessa avvikelser varierar för de olikalagerprocesserna. Den generella orsaken till att avvikelser uppstår beror på att SOPbeskrivningeninte är tillräckligt detaljerad för att beskriva nulägesprocesserna. Bortsett frånde avvikelser som uppstår på grund av att SOP-beskrivningen inte är tillräckligt detaljerad, harsju mer omfattande avvikelser identifierats. Två för inleveranser, två för lageraktiviteter, tvåför utleveranser och en för reklamationer. För inleveranser är det främst att det skerinleveranser från Sverige som inte finns beskrivet i SOP samt att inleveranser ska inregistrerasinom 24 timmar och inte 8 timmar. De två mer omfattande avvikelserna för lageraktiviteter ärpåfyllning av plockplatser och hantering av exponeringspall. De båda aktiviteterna utförsdagligen och är viktiga aktiviteter för TPL-företaget och ändå saknas information om hur detska hanteras i SOP. Hur TPL-företaget plockar varorna för utleverans sker antingen somhelpall, plockplall eller lavpall och även det är information som inte framgår i SOP, detsammagäller för hur skadade och avvisade varor hos slutkunden ska hanteras. Slutligen hanterar TPLföretagetidag reklamationer i programmet ReCap vilket de inte gjorde vid utformandet av SOPoch då reklamationer kommunicerades via mail.För att ta reda på hur TPL-företaget bör hantera dessa avvikelser, hur de uppstått samt hur debör arbeta med uppföljning intervjuades fyra personer från TPL-företaget som har god inblicki företaget.Slutligen ges rekommendationen att arbeta med halvårsvisa strategiska möten tillsammans medkunden för att diskutera eventuella avvikelser och för att gemensamt utforma förbättringar ibåde processerna och relationen mellan parterna. Vidare borde även TPL-företaget och kundengemensamt arbeta fram ett nytt SOP då det gällande SOP är 11 år gammalt samt att det haridentifierats alldeles för många stora avvikelser för att det ska räcka med enbart en uppdatering. / Third-party logistics (TPL) providers have designed Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) withtheir customer containing working routines, process and relations between the companies in ageneral way. The SOP is a document that can be seen as a description of the most importantprocesses in a complete contract between two companies. The SOP between the studied TPLprovider and the studied customer has not been updated since 2009. The motivation for thisstudy is to ensure that the TPL provider fulfil their part of the SOP by performing the operationsagreed upon in the SOP. The purpose of the study is to map the actual work completed incomparison to the SOP agreement between the companies.In order to identify deviations between the actual work and the SOP you need insights in theTPL provider warehouse procedures. Therefore, observations and interviews have beenconducted to clarify the TPL provider warehouse procedures. The result from the observationsand interviews which together form the basis for the mapping of the actual work done. Themapping that is shown in the SOP agreement is based on secondary data provided from theTPL provider.When comparing the SOP surveys and the current situation surveys, many of the deviationshave been identified and the size of these deviations varies for the different stock processes.Generally, the deviations occur when the process in the SOP surveys are not that detailed asthe current situation surveys. Except for the deviations that occur when the SOP is not thatdetailed, seven large deviations were identified. Two in the inbound, two in the warehouseactivities, two in the outbound and one for claims. The main reason for deviations at inboundare when deliveries from Sweden occurs which is not defined in the SOP and the TPL-companyhave 24 hours to register the goods instead of 8 hours. The two large deviations in warehouseactivities are refilling of existed picking location and handling of display pallets. Theseactivities occur every day and are important activities for the TPL-company but is still missingin the SOP. How the TPL-company pick their goods in outbound occurs as different kind ofpallets and this kind of information is also missing in the SOP, this includes how damage andrejected goods at the final customer should be handle. Finally, the TPL-company handle theclaims in the program ReCap which they did not when the companies designed the SOP, thenclaims were communicated by mail.To investigate how the TPL-company should handle these discrepancies, how these haveoccurred and how they should work with follow-up, four people have been interviewed whohave good insight in the company warehouse procedures.Finally, recommendations are given to the TPL provider that they should work with semiannuallystrategic meetings with the customer to discuss possible deviations and to jointlydesign improvements in both the processes and the relationship between the parties.Furthermore, the TPL-company and the customer should also work together to create a newSOP as the current SOP is 11 years old and it has been identified far too many major deviationsin order for just one update to suffice.
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Implementering av RFID i tredjepartslogistik (TPL) : En fallstudie av RFID inom lagerverksamhet i TPL med fokus på implementering och kostnadskalkyler i in- och utleveransprocessen på PostNord TPL / Implementation of RFID in third-party logistics (TPL) : A case study of RFID in warehousing operations in TPL with a focus on implementation and cost calculations in the inbound and outbound process at PostNord TPLHolm, Jacob, Basic, Amer January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Implementering av RFID i tredjepartslogistik (TPL) - En fallstudie av RFID inom lagerverksamhet i TPL med fokus på implementering och kostnadskalkyler i in- och utleveransprocessen på PostNord TPL Kurs: 4FE19E Examensarbete i Supply Chain Management för Civilekonomprogrammet, 30 hp. Författare: Jacob Holm & Amer Basic Examinator: Helena Forslund Handledare: Hana Hulthén Bakgrund: PostNord TPL i Ljungby är en av de aktörer som har fått upp ett intresse för RFID och det hela började med ett önskemål om RFID-tekniken från deras största kund (Kund X). Kund X efterfrågar en RFID-märkning på artikelnivå för att bland annat dra fördelar av en sådan teknik vid lagerinventering. För att PostNord TPL:s största kund ska kunna ta steget mot att implementera en RFID-lösning ute i butikerna, så krävs det att lagret i Ljungby implementerar tekniken först. PostNord TPL:s tanke, utefter kundens önskan att erbjuda dem denna tjänst, är att all RFID- märkning av Kund X artiklar sker på lagret i Ljungby. Denna studie är unik i sitt slag dels för att det förekommer ett stort forskningsgap i den existerande forskningsteorin med användning av RFID-teknik inom TPL, men att studien också fokuserar på RFID-märkning på artikelnivå. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att föreslå riktlinjer för en implementering av RFID inom TPL i in- och utleveransprocessen. Riktlinjerna innehåller kategorisering av relevanta variabler för RFID-implementering samt implementeringsprocessen och kostnadskalkyl. Metod: Denna studie är en fallstudie på företaget PostNord TPL i Ljungby. Forskarna har tillämpat en mönsterjämförelse där teorin och empirin har jämförts. Empirin har samlats in genom målstyrt urval och snöbollsurval, där semistrukturerade och ostrukturerade intervjuer med ett flertal olika aktörer har genomförts. Studien grundar sig i en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med ett deduktivt angreppssätt. Slutsats: Studien har analyserat tre forskningsfrågor, där den första är mer generell inom TPL och de andra två riktar sig mot PostNord TPL förutsättningar. Studien har tagit fram förslag på vilka variabler som är relevanta vid implementering av RFID inom lagerverksamhet i TPL och hur de kan kategoriseras. Vidare har studien visat i vilken lagerhanteringsprocess RFID kan implementeras hos PostNord TPL och hur en sådan implementeringsprocess kan se ut. Slutligen har även tre olika kostnadskalkyler utvecklats för en RFID-implementering i in- och utleveransprocessen hos PostNord TPL. / Title: Implementation of RFID in third-party logistics (TPL) - A case study of RFID in warehousing operations in TPL with a focus on implementation and cost calculations in the inbound and outbound process at PostNord TPL Course: 4FE19E Degree Project in Supply Chain Management for the Master of Business Administration Program, 30 hp. Authors: Jacob Holm & Amer Basic Examiner: Helena Forslund Tutor: Hana Hulthén Background: PostNord TPL in Ljungby is one of the actors that has developed an interest in RFID, and it all started with a request for RFID technology from their largest customer (Customer X). Customer X requests an RFID tag at the item level, among other things, to take advantage of such technology during stock inventory. In order for PostNord TPL:s largest customer to be able to take the step towards implementing an RFID solution in the stores, it is required that the warehouse in Ljungby implements the technology first. PostNord TPL:s idea, according to the customer's desire to offer them this service, is that all RFID labeling of Customer X items takes place at the warehouse in Ljungby. This study is unique in its kind, partly because there is a large research gap in the existing research theory using RFID technology within TPL, but also because the study focuses on RFID labeling at article level. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to propose guidelines for an implementation of RFID within TPL in the inbound and outbound process. The guidelines contain a categorization of relevant variables for RFID implementation as well as the implementation process and cost calculation. Methodology: This study is a case study at the company PostNord TPL in Ljungby. The researchers have applied a pattern comparison where the theory and empiricism have been compared. The empirics have been collected through goal-directed selection and snowball selection, where semi-structured and unstructured interviews with a number of different actors have been conducted. The study is based on a qualitative research method with a deductive approach. Conclusion: The study has analyzed three research questions, where the first is more general within TPL and the other two focus on PostNord TPL conditions. The study has produced suggestions on which variables are relevant when implementing RFID within warehousing operations in TPL and how they can be categorized. Furthermore, the study has developed in which inventory management process RFID can be implemented at PostNord TPL and what such an implementation process can look like. Finally, three different cost calculations have also been produced for an RFID implementation in the inbound and outbound process at PostNord TPL.
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Dynamic integration in SCM- the role of TPLChen, Yi, Olsson, Kajsa January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Introduction:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Companies are facing an environment with fierce competition therefore to respond to the customers' needs and to deliver on time at a competitive cost is becoming more and more important. Integration between the actors in the SC is increasing in importance and is seen as a core competitive strategy to respond to the customers' demands. SCI can be achieved through efficient linkages among various supply chain activities however internal excellence is not enough and SCM seeks to integrate internal functions with external operations of suppliers, customer and other SC members. In SCI the TPL firms are said to play an important role because of their expertise and knowledge.</p><p>Problem:</p><p>Previous researchers have identified gaps in the SCI literature which does not consider the role of the TPL firm. Similar gaps have been found in the TPL literature which does not put emphasis on SCI. Nevertheless the importance of TPL firms in SCI has been pointed out as significant. Therefore this thesis will study the role of the TPL firm in SCI to improve the knowledge and create a better understanding.</p><p>Purpose:</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to study and uncover the role of the TPL firm Schenker Logistics AB Nässjö in supporting SCI with its customer Relacom and its supplier Nexans to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. By analyzing the drivers, barriers and outcomes of the SCI for each firm, the paper pursues the notion that SCI is a dynamic process and TPL firm plays an important role.</p><p>Method:</p><p>This thesis is based on a qualitative approach where interviews with key persons are the main approach to gathering information. The qualitative approach has its strengths is being able to obtain rich nuances in the information which fits our purpose to go deeper in a phenomenon.</p><p>Conclusions:</p><p>By analyzing the drivers, barriers and outcomes of SCI we have reached the conclusion that the role of the TPL firm is to achieve benefits through the three C's (the company, its customers and its competitors). The TPL firm also smooths out the friction between other members of the SC and help to create a better, faster, cheaper, smarter and greener SCI. Since the factors influencing SCI are constantly changing, all actors continuously have to keep updated to react to the pressures from the market.</p><p> </p>
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How to face the future? : A model for scenario planning at VLCKarlsson, Matilda, Leander, Karin January 2007 (has links)
In this report a model for logistics activities at Volvo Logistics Corporation, VLC, in the future has been constructed. The study is part of a project called Vision 2015 & Beyond, which started in the beginning of 2006, and focuses on what changes in the business environment that VLC as a TPL provider faces in the future. Within the scope of this project threats in the business environment as well as internal issues that are considered as concerns for the future are identified. The already identified threats are complemented and investigated by the researchers and further structured into a model in this report. The model shall be used as a tool in scenario planning within VLC. As to guide the practitioners in using the model a manual which describes the construction of the model and how it is going to be used has been set up. The model is adapted to VLC's activities within the automotive industry and their directives have continuously been taken into account, resulting in a model specific for VLC. Theories in scenario planning and modelling has been revised as to construct the model, and as a result of this four types of components has been determined as to constituting in the model. Those components are; targets, scenario agenda, variables and driving forces. The process of identifying the different components was conducted step wisely, starting with the targets. The targets of the model represent what VLC want to focus on in the future, i.e. what is considered as important performance indicators. Transportation costs, Customer satisfaction, Security & Safety, Environment and Market Share have been chosen as the targets in the model. Next the components which VLC have a concern about, and that have an impact on those targets, are identified and decomposed starting with the areas on the scenario agenda and ending with determining the driving forces. The model is built in two dimensions, one external part that represents the business environment, i.e. what VLC can not affect, and the second, the internal part, which represents the organisation itself. Both parts are constructed out of the type of components mentioned earlier and are connected by the targets In each part of the model relations among the components exist, however it is only the most important out of VLC’s perspective that takes part in the final network in the model. The manual explains to the practitioner the concept behind the model and how it should be used. To verify the guidelines in the manual a mini-scenario was constructed. The mini-scenario is a fictitious case, which is thought to resemble those that VLC will use the model for in the future. In the mini-scenario presented in this report a future where the Kyoto Protocol implies transports are set up. The mini-scenario has an impact on a certain number of driving forces in the business environment, and by following the manual areas of recommendations for VLC's behaviour as to face this change will be generated. The result of the study is a kit consisting of a model and an accompanying manual for VLC to use in scenario planning. The researchers have focused on constructing a model that is easy to understand for those that work within VLC, however to be able to use it in a proper way it is necessary to be familiar with VLC’s logistic activities. It is preferable to work in teams when using the model since the model is based on qualitative reasoning. Limits in time and resources has left quantification out of the scope in this report, but the researchers believe that the model could be improved and extended in that direction if it is found desirable in the future. The model is not static, rather the framework that exist today should be complemented in the future when new concerns are discovered, old ones can be disregarded etcetera. The model offers VLC a structured methodology as to consider and respond to changes in the business environment.
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Dynamic integration in SCM- the role of TPLChen, Yi, Olsson, Kajsa January 2009 (has links)
Introduction: Companies are facing an environment with fierce competition therefore to respond to the customers' needs and to deliver on time at a competitive cost is becoming more and more important. Integration between the actors in the SC is increasing in importance and is seen as a core competitive strategy to respond to the customers' demands. SCI can be achieved through efficient linkages among various supply chain activities however internal excellence is not enough and SCM seeks to integrate internal functions with external operations of suppliers, customer and other SC members. In SCI the TPL firms are said to play an important role because of their expertise and knowledge. Problem: Previous researchers have identified gaps in the SCI literature which does not consider the role of the TPL firm. Similar gaps have been found in the TPL literature which does not put emphasis on SCI. Nevertheless the importance of TPL firms in SCI has been pointed out as significant. Therefore this thesis will study the role of the TPL firm in SCI to improve the knowledge and create a better understanding. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study and uncover the role of the TPL firm Schenker Logistics AB Nässjö in supporting SCI with its customer Relacom and its supplier Nexans to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. By analyzing the drivers, barriers and outcomes of the SCI for each firm, the paper pursues the notion that SCI is a dynamic process and TPL firm plays an important role. Method: This thesis is based on a qualitative approach where interviews with key persons are the main approach to gathering information. The qualitative approach has its strengths is being able to obtain rich nuances in the information which fits our purpose to go deeper in a phenomenon. Conclusions: By analyzing the drivers, barriers and outcomes of SCI we have reached the conclusion that the role of the TPL firm is to achieve benefits through the three C's (the company, its customers and its competitors). The TPL firm also smooths out the friction between other members of the SC and help to create a better, faster, cheaper, smarter and greener SCI. Since the factors influencing SCI are constantly changing, all actors continuously have to keep updated to react to the pressures from the market.
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Value-Added Services in Third-Party Logistics : A study from the TPL providers’ perspective about value-added service development, driving forces and barriersAtkacuna, Ilze, Furlan, Karolina January 2009 (has links)
Competition in the logistics service industry has constantly increased over the last decades which has lead to the traditional services offered by third-party logistics (TPL) providers becoming commodities and no longer offering attractive profit margins. When the company’s core product becomes a commodity, the company’s performance of supplementary services becomes vital for competitive advantage. The term “value-added service” is defined as a service adding extra feature, form or functions to the basic service and stands for all types of activities which are not directly based on services traditionally offered by TPL providers, i.e., transportation and warehousing. The term value-added service is mainly used in the logistics literature while supplementary service is used in the service management literature. Although value-added services can offer obvious advantages in form of customer lock-in and improved competitive advantage, such services are still offered at a low level and there is much space for development. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how TPL firms develop value-added services and to investigate what the driving forces and barriers for developing and providing such services are. In the frame of reference, literature within service management, outsourcing, third-party logistics, value-added services, innovation and learning have been used. In the thesis, an inductive research approach is used and qualitative study has been carried out by applying multiple case studies as a research strategy. The empirical material is gathered from three TPL providers: Bring Logistics Solutions, Aditro Logistics and Schenker Logistics. Data was collected through several interviews conducted at the three target companies and the findings have been analysed using the existing theory stated in the frame of reference. The main conclusions from analysing the development process of value-added services are that this process in most cases is initiated by customer request and that development of value-added service can occur both in the beginning or during an ongoing relationship, though a lack of information about a customer’s business in the beginning of the relationship can hinder the TPL provider to develop value-added services. Apart from the TPL provider and the customer, firms such as IT companies, transport suppliers and other companies can be involved in the development process. No formal innovation process is applied for developing value-added services. The main driving force behind value-added services is meeting customer demands. Lack of proactiveness from the TPL provider’s side can be a barrier for developing value-added services, as well as problems with achieving successful organizational learning. The difficulty for the TPL firm to coordinate offering so many different services can be also seen as a barrier.
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Coordination between Firms and their Logistics Service Providers : What do Firms in Sweden Think About the Coordination Carried Out by their LSPs?Tamasiunas, Antanas, Pang, Jinxu January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis 5 Swedish companies that use logistics service providers (LSPs: carriers, intermediaries and third party logistics providers) are interviewed to establish how Swedish LSPs fare in terms on coordination. More specifically, the research is focused on answering 3 questions: (1) what are users’ perceptions about their LSPs’ coordination, (2) what coordination behaviors are the LSPs most and least successful in, and (3) what factors are affecting LSPs’ coordination.
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Value-Added Services in Third-Party Logistics : A study from the TPL providers’ perspective about value-added service development, driving forces and barriersAtkacuna, Ilze, Furlan, Karolina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Competition in the logistics service industry has constantly increased over the last decades which has lead to the traditional services offered by third-party logistics (TPL) providers becoming commodities and no longer offering attractive profit margins. When the company’s core product becomes a commodity, the company’s performance of supplementary services becomes vital for competitive advantage. The term “value-added service” is defined as a service adding extra feature, form or functions to the basic service and stands for all types of activities which are not directly based on services traditionally offered by TPL providers, i.e., transportation and warehousing. The term value-added service is mainly used in the logistics literature while supplementary service is used in the service management literature. Although value-added services can offer obvious advantages in form of customer lock-in and improved competitive advantage, such services are still offered at a low level and there is much space for development.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how TPL firms develop value-added services and to investigate what the driving forces and barriers for developing and providing such services are. In the frame of reference, literature within service management, outsourcing, third-party logistics, value-added services, innovation and learning have been used.</p><p>In the thesis, an inductive research approach is used and qualitative study has been carried out by applying multiple case studies as a research strategy. The empirical material is gathered from three TPL providers: Bring Logistics Solutions, Aditro Logistics and Schenker Logistics. Data was collected through several interviews conducted at the three target companies and the findings have been analysed using the existing theory stated in the frame of reference.</p><p>The main conclusions from analysing the development process of value-added services are that this process in most cases is initiated by customer request and that development of value-added service can occur both in the beginning or during an ongoing relationship, though a lack of information about a customer’s business in the beginning of the relationship can hinder the TPL provider to develop value-added services. Apart from the TPL provider and the customer, firms such as IT companies, transport suppliers and other companies can be involved in the development process. No formal innovation process is applied for developing value-added services. The main driving force behind value-added services is meeting customer demands. Lack of proactiveness from the TPL provider’s side can be a barrier for developing value-added services, as well as problems with achieving successful organizational learning. The difficulty for the TPL firm to coordinate offering so many different services can be also seen as a barrier.</p>
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