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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sukcesivní palimpsest - Hyperloop integrace soudobých dopravních systémů do struktury města / Successive palimpsest - Hyperloop Integration of current transportation systems into the city structure

Uhrová, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with a vision of future of travel - the transport system hyperloop and aims to support the development of emerging technology. The aim is to further define the current traffic trends and determine the hyperloop system, to find its suitable language and overall integration into the Brno transport system. The Hyperloop station is located within the Brno Triangle, which consists of three interconnected stations - Dolní, Heršpice and Hlavní.

Hranice – redefinice městské struktury / Hranice – redefinition of urban structure

Vinklárková, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to introduce the concept of the transport terminal in Hranice. The new building brings together bus and train station building services and creates a dignified gateway to the city. The building also serves as a local center of public facilities and local disruption of the barrier formed by the railway within the city.

Resenärers wayfinding-process i stationsmiljö utifrån rytm och manus : En observationsstudie av Stockholm City / Travelers’ wayfinding process in station environments based on script and rhythm : An observational study of Stockholm City

Yousefi, Katajon, Eklind, Klara January 2021 (has links)
I juni år 2017 invigdes Citybanan och pendeltågsstationen Stockholm City. I samband med och efter stationens öppnande har flertalet synpunkter från resenärer samlats in gällande stationens utformning och trafikinformation efter att brister i stationens miljö upptäcktes. Konsultföretaget Sweco har därför på uppdrag av Trafikverket utrett bristerna på Stockholm City för att sedan komma med förbättringsförslag. Utredningen visade på en osäkerhet hos resenärerna för hur de skulle agera vid ankomster med korta pendeltåg. Det visade sig att resenärerna inte visste vart de skulle placera sig på stationen, att de ofta fick springa för att hinna med och ibland till och med missade ett kort pendeltåg på grund av bristfällig vägledning. Uppsatsen syftar därför till att undersöka hur människor agerar i stationsmiljö, mer specifikt på pendeltågsstationen Stockholm City genom observationer. Observationerna av totalt 800 resenärer skapar en förståelse för hur den fysiska miljön och trafikinformationen påverkar människans agerande när de ska placera sig på plattformen i väntan på sitt korta pendeltåg. Uppsatsens genomförda fältstudier och observationsstudier analyseras med metoden observiarie för att fånga upp enskilda resenärers ageranden och beteenden. De observerade resenärerna klustras sedan till fem olika resenärsidentiteter: den bestämda målsökaren, den självsäkra, gruppresenären, sökaren och den svårpåverkade för att förklara resenärernas agerande på en pendeltågsstation och varför somliga tycks missa sin avgång. / In June 2017, Citybanan and the commuter train station Stockholm City opened. In connection with the opening and after the opening, The Swedish Transport Administration gathered commuters' feedback regarding the station's overall design, environment and traffic information. The consulting company Sweco was also hired on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration to identify the shortcomings of the station and to propose potential suggestions for further improvement. According to Sweco's investigation, there was uncertainty among travelers regarding how they should act upon arrivals with short commuter trains. The passengers did not know where to locate at the station, they often had to run to catch the train and sometimes some travelers even missed the short commuter train due to inadequate guidance and traffic information. This essay, therefore, aims to explore how individuals act in station environments, more specifically at Stockholm City commuter train station through observations. The observations of a total of 800 passengers help to create an understanding of how the physical environment and traffic information affect human actions when they have to navigate on the platform while waiting for a short commuter train. The essays completed field studies and observations are analyzed using observiarie as a method to capture the actions and behaviors of individual travelers. The passengers are then also clustered into five different passenger identities: the determined target seeker, the confident, the group traveler, the seeker, and finally the difficult to influence, to further explain passengers' actions at a commuter train station and explain why some travelers seem to miss their departure when short commuter trains arrives.

Revitalizace veřejných prostorů hlavního nádraží v Brně a podchodu pod ním / Revitalization of the Central Station and the Underpass Beneath

Richter, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Current Status Because we are waiting for transfer of the station, the railway is in a deplorable state. Technical and capacity (we can check 30 000 passengers per hour, during the fair is required 50 000 passengers per hour). During the reconstruction is needed to create a network of stations that are interconnected with the public transport. The train will become part of public transport and reduce the burden on the main station node. Move or don't move? The question which is difficult to answer. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and they are changing over time. The situation has changed very much in the advent of the financial crisis. Therefore, it should be professional discussion leading to the optimal solution. This does not happen, politicians are divided into two groups already know in advance that their pproposal is the best. Afterwards, looking for a reasons. I decided to check the option not move. The biggest drawback of this option is problematic construction (in service or temporary move). The biggest advantage is its link to public transport and the proximity to the town. Region Connection to the region is very important for me. This I see as a advantage of Brno, which should be further developed. Together with the development of public transport, automobile transport should be reduced. Barrier My work is trying to disprove the idea that the railway creates a barrier. On the contrary, I try to look at rail as a place that connects. Not only each stop, but the parts of the town as well. Construction Reinforced concrete arches are arranged in a triangle layout, creating a spatial truss. There is a train station in it. Trains ar placed on it. Typology The station is treated as free space, which is subsequently filled with different functions.These functions may be, if necessary, modified.

Uma história da primeira estação ferroviária de Aracaju (1910-1976)

Jesus, André Luiz Sá de 29 August 2017 (has links)
The research builds the history of the First Train Station of Aracaju, between the years 1910 and 1976. The year 1910 marks the appearing of documented information about the construction site of the Train Station; 1976 was the year the City Council ordered that Station to be demolished. The First Train Station was located in downtown Aracaju, near the Port. The importance of our research lies in the fact that the Train Station building has not been deeply studied yet and besides it no longer exists. The objective of the research is an historical data survey on the First Train Station of Aracaju, displaying several social, historical and economic aspects regarding that building, from 1910 to 1976. In the research we used secondary sources such as novels and memorial books, and primary documentation such as local newspapers and vintage photographs. The investigation shows the Station as a main point of a rail network in Sergipe, connected to the Brazilian railroad. During its operation, from 1913 to 1950, the First Station registered an intense flow of people from several social classes. Economically speaking, the Station had a strategic location, being directly linked to the Port of Aracaju and being next to various fabric factories and warehouses, allowing an expressive flow of animals, agricultural products and manufactured goods. While boosting its surroundings development, the Station may have attracted the construction of new commercial and public buildings. However, after losing its strategic importance due to the opening of the new Station of Siqueira Campos, the First Station was gradually abandoned, favoring the emerging of shacks nearby, with poor people living in precarious conditions, so the City Council provided the slum to be removed and to have the Station demolished. Finally the research intends to make an important contribution to the railroad history in Brazil as well as to Aracaju and the State of Sergipe history. / A pesquisa constrói uma história da Primeira Estação Ferroviária de Aracaju de 1910 e 1976. O ano 1910 marca o surgimento de informação sobre o local onde seria construída a Estação Ferroviária de Aracaju; 1976 foi quando a Prefeitura de Aracaju autorizou a demolição da citada Estação. Ela estava localizada no Centro da Cidade de Aracaju, próxima ao Porto. A importância de nossa pesquisa está no fato da Primeira Estação ainda não ter sido estudada de forma aprofundada, além disso, porque a sua estrutura física foi extinta. O objetivo da pesquisa é realizar um levantamento histórico sobre a Primeira Estação Ferroviária de Aracaju, expondo os aspectos físicos, sociais e econômicos relativos àquela edificação entre 1910 a 1976. Na pesquisa, utilizamos documentação secundária, como livros de romance e memorialista, e primária, como jornais sergipanos, documentos públicos e fotografias antigas. A investigação demonstrou que a Estação de Aracaju funcionou como uma estação principal de uma rede ferroviária em Sergipe, estando interligada à malha ferroviária brasileira. Em funcionamento, de 1913-1950, a Primeira Estação favorecia um intenso fluxo de pessoas de diversas classes sociais. Economicamente, a Estação de Aracaju tinha uma localização estratégica, tendo ligação direta com o porto de Aracaju, e ficava próxima a fábricas de tecidos e de trapiches, com intensa circulação de produtos e manufaturas sergipanos. Ao impulsionar o desenvolvimento da região de seu entorno, a Estação pode ter atraído a construção de novos edifícios comerciais e públicos. Contudo, entre 1950 a 1976, ao perder a sua importância estratégica para a nova Estação do Siqueira Campos, a Primeira de Estação foi abandona gradativamente e, ao seu redor, formou-se um aglomerado de barracos com pessoas pobres morando em condições precárias, até o momento em que a Prefeitura de Aracaju tomou providências para pôr fim a favela e demoliu a Estação. Finalmente, o trabalho contribui para a história da ferrovia no Brasil e para a história da Cidade de Aracaju e do Estado de Sergipe. / São Cristóvão, SE

Rekonstrukce železničního nádraží / Reconstruction of Railway Station

Bolješik, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis was prepared it the level of a project documentation. The theme is a project of reconstruction of train station in the city Velká nad Veličkou. Reconstruction remains of repair the old part of buiding and build a new object of museum and controlling office. The new object is built of lime-sand bricks KM Beta and with thermal insulation ETICS with polystyrene core. The ceilings of the new object are made out of Ytong Econom. The roof is made as strutted purlin roof. Near the station is built area for passengers.

Konststycket / A Piece of Art

Hoas, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Projektets utgångspunkt är ett nytt konstmuseum i Uppsala, i området bakom Uppsala centralstation, som nyligen genomgått ett ansiktslyft. Museets långsmala karaktär har hämtats från det intilliggande godsmagasinet och från tomtens form. Genom byggnaden har ett diagonalt stråk öppnats, för att ge möjlighet åt fotgängare att passera genom byggnaden och för att skapa liv och rörelse på platsen. Genom fönstren i passagen kan förbipasserande få en skymt av vad som händer inuti muséet. I passagen ligger museets entré, den pedagogiska verksamheten och ett kafé för allmänheten. Museets fasad är inspirerad av den arabiska mashrabiyan. Byggnaden har fönster längs hela fasaden, som i sin tur är täckta av skärmar tillverkade av sträckmetall. Ljuset tillåts komma in i byggnaden samtidigt som sträckmetallen täcker fasaden och bevarar något av museets hemligheter för förbipasserande. Museets inre väggar består av massiva betongskivor, placerade i ett rutnät som fått sin riktning av passagen genom huset. Betongrutnätet bildar två typer av rum, de inre rummen med en mer stängd karaktär och en traditionell, fyrkantig rumsform, och de yttre triangulära rummen som får dagsljus utifrån, genom sträckplåten som täcker de yttre glasväggarna. Under kvällstid lyser museet själv upp omgivningarna genom hålen i sträckmetallen. / The project is about creating a new art museum in Uppsala, situated in the area behind Uppsala centralstation, where extensive retouching of the area recently was made. The long and slender character of the buildning derives from the shape of the old cargo warehouse next to the museum, and from the shape of the plot. Through the building runs a passage that lends pedestrian a shortcut through it, which will bring life to the area. Along the passage through the museum, the ground floor of the building is entirely covered by windows, in order to give passing strollers a glimpse of what is happening inside the museum. The entrance, the educational activities and the café is situated along the passage. The facade of the museum is inspired by the arabic mashrabiya fenomenon. The exterior facade of the building is entirely covered with windows which in turn are covered with screens of expanded metal. Daylight may enter through the tiny holes in the screens, while at the same time the metal screens manages to keep some of the secrets of the museum from the people passing by. The inner walls, made of concrete, form a diagonal grid inside the building, creating two types of rooms. The inner rooms, which are quadratic and have a more closed and darker character, and the outer rooms which are triangular and receive light from the outside through the expanded metal screens. At nighttime, instead the museum itself lights the place around it.

Zastřešení vlakového nádraží / Roof over Railway Station

Vacatová, Eliška January 2022 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and assessment of the steel structure of the roof of the train station. This structure is located in Brno. The plan shape of the structure is rectangular. In the transverse direction, the structure is designed as an arch of 150 m length and the distance of transverse ties is 20 m. At the highest point, the rise of the arch is 30 m. In the longitudinal direction, the structure is 200 m long. In this paper, three variants of the structure are compared.

Město ve městě Blok Trnitá / City within city Trnitá block

Kučírková, Veronika Unknown Date (has links)
The topic of the diploma project is a design of a multipurpose building in a given city block structure which was prepared by KAM Brno in a local study plan "Southern Quarter - Trnitá - KAM Brno 2020" as a base material for future local zoning plan of Brno. The site is situated at corner of the block, in a proximity to a park along the river Svratka. The multipurpose building offers space for above-standard apartments as well as for office or commercial business. The massive cantilever created by the upper floors at the corner part is characteristic for the mass of the building and its opening the public space at the lower commercial floors.

Město ve městě/ „Blok Trnitá“ / City within the City / "Trnitá City Block"

Solár, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
The area of today's southern center of Brno was determined from the very beginning by the location of the rivers Svratka, Svitava and their drives, which defined the southern part of the city as a fertile area suitable for cultivation. After the advent of industrialism, the city transformed rapidly. The southern area was transformed from smaller villages into industrial units, which, due to the proximity of water and the newly established railway, expanded after 1838 to the entire vicinity of the Trnitá district. Already in this period, the location of the station by the Svratka River (in the proposed position from 2016) began to be considered, but due to the waterlogged soil and difficult construction conditions, it was decided for the station under the walls. It was this decision and the unsatisfactory conditions of waterlogged land for the development of the industrial area closer to the Svratka River that caused the suspension of the development of the southern suburbs. The proposal seeks to reflect the context of Brno's apartment buildings in the vicinity of the area, which lacks a comprehensive context and scale. At the same time, however, to solve the environmental problem by proper management of rainwater or the use and design of a recycled perimeter cladding of material obtained after the demolition of other buildings. The building is structurally designed as a combination of a wall system with monolithic, communication cores and the first floor.

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