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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study on development of management competency of local middle-level managers in Taiwanese's Corporations in China

Chung, Hsi-Chien 19 June 2003 (has links)
There are more and more foreign investments getting into Mainland China. China has a very big market with 12 billion people. The economics grows very fast in China, and it gathers so much fortune. Many corporations in Taiwan are also stretching their business development into Mainland China because those business people do believe they have advantages than other foreign investments such as the similar identification of language, culture, and working values. However, those corporations do not hire many local employees as middle or higher-level managers while they are really doing business in China. Actually, they found that employees do have different working values and thoughts which make corporations have to adapt their human resource policies. This study tries to identify if the local employees in China have good management competency, which is qualified to be the middle-level managers. This study is also trying to find out what kind of training programs are capable to help managers get different management competencies. The results of the study indicate that¡G 1. Leading skills and professional working skills are the most important management competency for the local middle-level managers in China. 2. The personal characteristics will influence Taiwanese managers to identify management competency of local middle-level managers in China, such as the level of education, serving department, position-level and industry-type. 3. Training methods for each management competency are listed in the context. The results are practical and hopefully are useful for corporations to refer to. This study has identified the important management competency of local middle-level mangers in China. However, the samples of this study did not cover various types of industries and gather from every political district in China. The following research is recommended to have more samples from different industries and get more samples from different political districts in China in order to deeply analyze the management competency of local employees in China.

Didelio meistriškumo trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų bėgimo greičio įvairiomis sąlygomis analizė / The Analysis of Running Speed on Various Conditions of Great Technique Short – Distance Runners

Adomavičius, Žilvinas 27 May 2010 (has links)
Efektyvus didelio meistriškumo sprinterių treniruotės valdymas galimas tik turint objektyvią informaciją apie įvairius pasirengimo aspektus. Tai reikšmingi veiksniai, tiesiogiai įtakojantys sprinterio rezultatą. Mes savo darbe pabandėme netik palyginti ir išsiaiškinti geriausių pasaulio bei Lietuvos trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų privalumus bei trūkumus, bet ir pabandėme tyrimais atrasti pratimus, kurie padidintų sportininkų bėgimo greitį bei greičio prieaugį. Mūsų darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti didelio meistriškumo trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų bėgimo greičio įvairiomis sąlygomis rodiklius. Darbe iškėlėme šiuos uždavinius:1) išanalizuoti geriausių pasaulio ir Lietuvos trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų bėgimo greičio skirtumus bėgant 40m nuotolį; 2) išanalizuoti bėgimų greičio skirtumus bėgant 5 kartus po 40m per 5min poilsio; 3) išanalizuoti bėgimo greičio skirtumus bėgant su sunkmena; 4) išanalizuoti bėgimo greičio skirtumus bėgant su palengvinimu; 5) išanalizuoti bėgimo greičio skirtumus po jėgos ugdymo treniruotės; 6) išanalizuoti skirtingų treniruočių mikrociklų įtaką trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų bėgimo greičiui. Mūsų darbe buvo atliekami 6 tyrimai. Pirmojo tyrimo metu buvo lyginami Lietuvos ir pasaulio geriausių trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų 40 m bėgimo greičio rezultatai kas 10 m. Antrojo, trečiojo, ketvirtojo ir penktojo tyrimo metu tiriamieji prieš treniruotę ir po jos bėgo 40 m, tik skyrėsi taikytas krūvis treniruotėje. Buvo taikytos tokios treniruotės: a) 5 kartai po 40 m kas 5min poilsio; b)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective information about various aspects of preparation is essential for efficient management in great technique sprinters’ training. These are very important factors, which influence sprinter’s result directly. In our work we tried not only to compare and find out advantages and disadvantages of the best sprinters in Lithuania and the world but also, according to our researches, to find out exercises, which increase runners speed and acceleration. The aim of this work is to analyse the indicators of running speed on various conditions of great technique short – distance runners. Following tasks have been set: 1) to analyse Lithuania’s and world’s best sprinters speed differences in 40 metres distance; 2) to analyse speed differences while running 40 metres distance 5 times with 5 minutes brakes; 3) to analyse speed differences while running with weights; 4) to analyse speed differences while running with abatement; 5) to analyse speed differences after strength training; 6) to analyse the influence of different training micro cycles on sprinters’ speed. 6 researches have been accomplished. In the first research, the world’s and Lithuania’s best sprinters results of 40 metres distance every other 10 metres were compared. In the second, third, fifth research, subjects of investigation had to run 40 metres distance before and after the training, only conditions of training were different. Following training systems were applied: a) 5 times of 40 metres distance with 5... [to full text]

Speed of word retrieval across neurotypical and aphasic participants : an investigation of novel assessment and treatment methods

Sotiropoulou Drosopoulou, Christina January 2016 (has links)
Word finding difficulties (WFD) and slowing down both in linguistic comprehension and production are standard characteristics of people as they grow older. WFD also commonly occur in aphasia and are considered one of the most pervasive symptoms affecting stroke participants’ everyday communication. Research on older adults’ WFD has traditionally focused on production of single words when completing picture naming tasks, while very little is known about how much these WFD can compromise connected speech. Similarly, while picture naming tasks have typically been used for assessing and treating word finding problems in clinical practice, there is a dearth of studies in the aphasiological literature investigating the relationship between confrontation naming and connected speech tasks. The thesis investigated whether a newly-developed method/treatment targeting both speed and accuracy (‘repeated increasingly speeded presentation’ - RISP) in picture naming was more effective in (a) speeding up participants without compromising accuracy, and (b) improving the use of the trained/treated names in connected speech, compared to a standard method/therapy (‘standard presentation’ - SP) which targeted accuracy alone. English-speaking, elderly participants (n=27 at Chapter 3, n= 21 at Chapter 4) and participants with aphasia of varying severity and subtype (n=5 at Chapter 5 and n=20 at Chapter 6) were asked to carry out picture naming tasks/picture naming treatments and composite picture description tasks where the composite pictures included the trained/treated items. As for the neurotypical participants, words which were retrieved more quickly in picture naming tasks were also those which were more readily available and produced in connected speech tasks. Compared to SP, RISP was found to be significantly more effective in significantly reducing picture naming latencies without inducing a speed-accuracy trade-off and with lasting effects. Finally, SP was as effective in promoting retrieval in connected speech as RISP. As for the clinical population, compared to SP, RISP was significantly more effective in improving picture naming accuracy and in maintaining the reduced RTs in the long term. In comparison to the SP, RISP crucially led to significantly higher carry-over of targeted items to connected speech. The thesis findings underlined the effectiveness of a more demanding single word training method/treatment in improving lexical retrieval in confrontation naming for neurotypical participants and in enhancing connected speech for participants with aphasia.

我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練模式之研究 / A study of the staff-training model in Taiwan's university libraries.

黃坤隆, Hwang, Kuen Lung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的有三:(一)調查我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練之內容與方式。(二)探討美國有關圖書館館員在職訓練之模式。(三)針對我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練之模式提出建議,供有關單位參考。   本研究係普查我國台灣地區五十所大學圖書館,以五十位館長為研究對象。採用自編的「我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練模式之研究」調查問卷為研究工具。並以FREQUENCY PERCENT分析大學圖書館現況,以CHI-SQUARE考驗本研究之各項假設驗證。   本研究依據研究結果,提出以下之意見。(一)、增加館員的員額以充裕人力資源,並定期或經常為其舉辦在職訓練,以影響大學的教學與研究功能之發揮。(二)、採用自動化作業,以提升服務品質,加速資料之處理。所以,應該經常不斷的辦理在職訓練,以配合圖書館自動化之發展。(三)、招募策略方面:若採內升方式,應進行在職訓練;若採外補方式,則應以對外公開招考為宜;晉升的標準,應由學校統一訂定晉升辦法。(四)、訓練經費方面:1、參加訓練費用,應完全由館方負擔;2、經費比例應寬列,每年以不低於5%為原則。但是,若正在進行自動化作業,則其館員之訓練經費比例,應酌予提高。(五)、訓練經驗方面:1、以配合業務發展為主。2、訓練需求:各大學圖書館多具強烈的在職訓練之需求,希有關單位能給予機會。3、訓練類別:應辦理編目館員訓練、光碟(CD-ROM)訓練、個人電腦訓練、網路訓練、圖書館綜合訓練、圖書館流通訓練、參考與採錄訓練、公用目錄(OPAC)等。4、辦理訓練方式:以自己館內訓練的方式為主,其次為:參加中國圖書館學會的訓練課程、指派館員參加其他訓練中心訓練班之訓練、委託廠商(vendor)代訓、補助館員自己進修、委託學校或政府訓練中心代訓。5、訓練方法:以參加短期管理訓練或講習為主,其次則可採用:實作示範法與館際相互訪問法、講述法、討論法、工作輪調法、練習法、個案研究、角色扮演法與自學教材法(如CAI)等。6、施訓時間:應利用寒暑假及上班時間。7、師資來源:宜由館內經驗豐富的資深館員指導新進館員訓練外,其次,對有關專業知識與技術,則應聘請專家學者。(六)、訓練成效方面:結訓時應撰寫心得報告。


伊藤, 義美, Ito, Yoshimi 01 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Метод тренинга для обучения лексике иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств : магистерская диссертация / Training method for teaching foreign language vocabulary for special purposes using multimedia

Подъячева, А. М., Podyacheva, A. M. January 2021 (has links)
В настоящей работе тренинг рассматривается как метод обучения лексике иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств. Для достижения цели работы – теоретическое обоснование, разработка и опытная проверка эффективности метода тренинга, как способа обучению лексике иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств – были выполнены следующие задачи: проведен сравнительный анализ традиционного метода обучения и метода тренинга на основе исследования научно-методической литературы, были рассмотрены понятие, функции, структура и приемы тренинга; описаны особенности использования тренинга в обучении иностранным языкам; описана технология подготовки и проведения тренингов, направленных на изучение лексики иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств; проведен анализ и апробацию учебного процесса, отвечающего требованиям метода тренинга; проверена эффективность разработанной методики для обучения лексике иностранного языка в ходе опытно-поисковой работы. Магистерская диссертация по теме «Метод тренинга для обучения лексике иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств» содержит 80 страниц текстового документа, 10 рисунков, 70 использованных источников. В первой главе была рассмотрена роль мультимедийных средств в образовательном процессе, основные подходы и принципы обучения иностранному языку с использованием информационно-коммуникационных технологий и тренинг как метод обучения. Во второй главе описана организация, апробация и сделан анализ практической работы по проведению тренинга для обучения лексике иностранного языка для специальных целей с использованием мультимедийных средств. В заключении был сделан вывод об эффективности данного метода. / In this work, training is considered as a method of teaching foreign language vocabulary for special purposes using multimedia. To achieve the goal of the work – theoretical justification, development and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the training method, as a way of teaching foreign language vocabulary for special purposes using multimedia – the following tasks were completed: a comparative analysis of the traditional teaching method and the training method based on the research of scientific and methodological literature was carried out, the concept, functions, structure and methods of training were considered; the features of raining usage in teaching foreign languages are described; the technology of preparing and conducting trainings aimed at studying the vocabulary of a foreign language for special purposes using multimedia is described; the analysis and approbation of the educational process that meets the requirements of the training method was carried out; the effectiveness of the developed methodology for teaching foreign language vocabulary in the course of experimental search work was tested. Master's thesis on the topic "Method of training for teaching foreign language vocabulary for special purposes using multimedia" contains 80 pages of a text document, 10 pictures, 70 used sources. The first chapter examined the role of multimedia in the educational process, the main approaches and principles of teaching a foreign language using information and communication technologies and training as a teaching method. The second chapter describes the organization, approbation and analysis of practical work on conducting training for teaching foreign language vocabulary for special purposes using multimedia. To sum up, it was concluded that this method is effective.

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