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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude sur les notions de 'nouvelle femme' et de 'nouvel homme' dans Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert

Carlsson, Anita January 2006 (has links)
<p>The creation of Emma Bovary, the major character in Madame Bovary written by Gustave Flaubert, must have been one of the most reckless literaray enterprises of its time. There is no doubt that its inventor, Flaubert, aimed to promote a feminist viewpoint. In this masterwork, Flaubert fully depicts the different options, offered to women in the Napoleon era.</p><p>However, somehow Flaubert’s novel is concerned less with the differences between men and women, as they are pre-given, than with what differentiates men from other men. Therefore, I have in this essay also payed particular attention to the codified social roles and rights for men within the legal framework of the Code Napoléon, leading to a reformulation of ‘masculinity’ and ‘manhood’ in nineteenth-century France. These codified roles and rights reveal a number of negative power-and social relationships with men, as well as with women. Not all men are equal or unaffected by the laws of Patriarchy. In Madame Bovary shifts in gender value, shifts in the codification of what is ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’ are present throughout the entire novel, thus creating a real gender trangression or a new woman and a new man.</p>

Transgression and Tradition : Redefining Gender Roles in Elizabeth Gaskell´s North and South / Överträdelser och tradition : Omdefiniering av genus i Elizabeth Gaskells North and South

Algotsson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This essay argues that Elizabeth Gaskell challenges the limiting gender roles of the Victorian era through giving her heroine, Margaret Hale in North and South, both the traditionally female qualities of virtue and selflessness and the traditionally masculine qualities of independence and action. The essay also argues that Gaskell’s heroine balances between the feminine and the masculine world as to not appear “unwomanly”, but rather subtly influencing the readers and calls for changing gender norms. Concrete examples of the heroine’s gender transgressions are put forward, but also her compliance to the traditional gender roles summed up in three roles or themes: the angel in the house, the female visitor and the refined lady. This essay also provides a didactic approach on working with North and South and the topic of Victorian gender norms in the upper secondary school. The relevance of and reasons for reading literature in school are also presented. The didactic chapter offers a concrete lesson plan on how to work with the theme of Victorian gender norms, which may develop students’ emphatic skills and also make them aware of ties between themselves and people that lived a long time ago.

Dealing with conflicts in consumer-brand relationships : a focus on emotional intelligence

Ahn, Hongmin 03 January 2013 (has links)
Conflicts can occur in a variety of brand-relationship contexts, whether pertaining to poor service or product failure or to companies’ violations in regard to moral or legal issues. Though addressing relationship conflicts has become a pervasive issue in brand-relationship research, little is known about factors influencing consumer responses to conflicts. The goal of this research was to address this issue by exploring how consumers utilize their emotional intelligence in coping with problems when conflicts arise. For this purpose, two experiments were performed in this study. The first experiment showed that consumer emotional intelligence (CEI) was critical in predicting coping responses. When encountering conflicts in relationships, consumers who were highly capable in CEI were more likely to direct their emotions positively and productively, and they were less likely to exit the relationships than were those low in CEI. The second experiment further investigated a moderator and mediator of the association identified in the first study. The study demonstrated that the type of conflict moderated the effect of CEI on coping behaviors; the CEI effect on intention to exit the relationship was more pronounced when a conflict had directly caused problems for individual consumers (vs. to society as a whole). The results further demonstrated that consumers’ appraisals of a company’s intention in regard to conflicts mediated the association between CEI and coping responses. Specifically, low-CEI consumers were more likely to attribute negative intentions to the company; therefore, they were more likely to exit the relationship than were high-CEI consumers. This research demonstrated that CEI is an important construct in explaining why some consumers react destructively to relationship conflicts whereas others do not. Findings of this research provide a greater understanding of the role of individual differences in the maintenance and dissolution of brand relationships. / text

Assessing the consequences of hurricane-induced fragmentation of mangrove forest on habitat and nekton in Big Sable Creek, Florida

Silverman, Noah L 01 June 2006 (has links)
The passage of two major hurricanes across southwest Florida (Category 5, Labor Day Hurricane of 1935; Category 4, Hurricane Donna 1960) resulted in fragmentation of mangrove forest at Big Sable Creek, Everglades National Park. Over time forest fragmentation led to forest loss and patchy conversion to unvegetated mudflats. My goal was to determine the consequence of forest fragmentation on nekton (i.e., fish and decapod crustaceans) inhabiting the intertidal zone. I used block nets across intertidal rivulets to compare nekton leaving replicate forest and unvegetated mudflat sites from October, 2002 through April 2004. Overall nekton density (individuals per 100 m3) was significantly greater (rmANOVA, p < 0.001) for mangrove (212·100 m-3) than mudflat (26·100 m-3) habitats. Biomass (g per 100 m3) was also significantly greater for mangrove (715 g·100 m-3) than mudflat (20 g·100 m-3) habitats. Composition of the nekton assemblage also differed between habitat types (ANOSIM global R=0.416, p<0.001). Structure-associated species dominated forested sites, whereas schooling species dominated mudflats. When mangrove destruction and mortality results in fragmentation (Craighead and Gilbert, 1962; Smith et al., 1994; Wanless et al., 1994), nekton density and biomass will likely decline as a consequence.


Blandford, Benjamin L 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation uses “Derby Cruising” in order to open up the tension between African Americans in Louisville and the Kentucky Derby Festival, especially as that tension was manifest in the spaces of West Louisville. The Kentucky Derby Festival has long served as a site of mediation between people of color and official Louisville. Derby Cruising (1998-2005) and protests around the open housing movement (1967) and anti-police violence (2000) are presented as three critical sites where African American expressions of identity, representation, and belonging have been negotiated through the Kentucky Derby Festival at particular historical moments and in particular places in the city. The dissertation assumes the place of these negotiations in the politics of racialization processes. It employs theories of “festival” and “carnival” inspired by the work of Bahktin, Hall, Nurse, and others in order to conceptualize transgression, protest, and community representation and highlights the importance of festival times as a critical opportunity for marginalized populations to assert a political voice, especially within African American communities. The cases are presented with information drawn from interviews with West Louisville residents, community leaders, and other affiliated officials, as well as from newspaper, media and archival sources.

Can You Believe She Did THAT?!:Breaking the Codes of "Good" Mothering in 1970s Horror Films

Collard, Jessica Michelle 01 January 2012 (has links)
The threats found in horror films change with time, each decade consisting of threats that were most frightening for the time period. Horror film scholars, such as Andrew Tudor, determined that in 1970s horror films the threat has migrated from external forces into the home and the family. Invading aliens and monsters were thrown replaced by psychosis and evil children. This notion of making the familiar unfamiliar and threatening is paralleled in concerns addressed during the second-wave of feminism; women were making the normative and familiar idea of mother unfamiliar as they migrated from the private and into the public sphere. This thesis looks at what happens when women from three separate horror films of the 1970s begin to trouble the normative ideas of what a good mother is by exaggerating the very conventions themselves. The films of analysis are Halloween (John Carpenter, 1978), The Brood, and Carrie (Brian De Palma, 1976). Rather than directly defying normative expectations of the good mother, the women of these films adhere to these codes in such exaggerated fashions that they become monstrous. Once the spectator deems these women as monstrous, their behavior is noted as performative and open to a possible reimaging of what constitutes a good mother. It is in this possible reimagination of the good mother, due to negative illumination rather than positive prescription, where the revolutionary power of the carnivalesque perspective truly lies. As the main theoretical framework for this thesis, Mikhail Bakhtin's carnivalesque perspective grants spectators the chance to participate in the reimaginations of the normative construction of the good mother. It is here where the monstrosity of these mothers can be seen as not solely as monstrous but also as critical of the normative. As the monstrous interrogates the normative, the spectators begin to question the patriarchal ideals and expectations of the good mother, which allows for reimagining of what constitutes the good mother.

A mtDNA study of aspects of the recent evolutionary history and phylogeographic structure of selected teleosts in coastal environments of south-western Australia

rhoddell@central.murdoch.edu.au, Richard James Hoddell January 2003 (has links)
At present, there is a general lack of information regarding the spatial genetic architecture and genetic diversity of estuarine and coastal freshwater fish in Australia or about the interacting intrinsic, extrinsic and historical influences responsible for sculpting these patterns. This thesis represented the first investigation of the phylogeographic structure and recent evolutionary histories of teleost fishes from the coastal and estuarine environments of south-western Australia, using the resolution afforded by mtDNA sequence data. Available evidence indicated that, to different degrees, these species have limited potential for dispersal amongst local assemblages from different water bodies. As this theoretically reduces the confounding effects of recent gene flow on extant genetic structure, these fishes were well suited to studying the influences of historical factors. Historical influences were expected to be particularly profound, given that these coastal environments underwent massive modifications during Late Quaternary eustatic fluctuations. The thesis consists of four major components, which explored different aspects of interspecific and intraspecific phylogeny and p hylogeograp hy of three teleost species, based on mtDNA control region and cytochrome b fragments. First, the relationship between the endemic, 'strictly estuarine' Leptatherina wallacei (Atherinidae) and the more widespread, 'estuarine & marine' 6. presbyteroides was examined, with a view to establishing whether 6. wallacei represents a monophyletic or polyphyletic lineage and whether this species was derived recently (i.e. in Holocene estuaries). Second, the phylogeographic structure and genetic diversity of L. wallacei were investigated and compared with data from L. presbyteroides, with a view to using this information to interpret the recent evolutionary histories of each congener. Third, the divergence between assemblages of L. wallacei inhabiting two isolated coastal lakes was used to estimate a maximal substitution rate for the control region, which was then used to infer general time frames for the divergence between the two Leptatherina species and between the major phylogeographic partitions within each species. Fourth, investigations were initiated into phylogeographic patterns and levels of genetic diversity within and among assemblages of Pseudogobius olorum (Gobiidae) from several coastal lakes and an estuary. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the two Leptatherina species were characterised by exclusive and reciprocally-monophyletic lineages of haplotypes from both mtDNA regions, supporting the monophyletic origins of L. wallacei. Both 6. wallacei and 6. presbyteroides exhibited high levels of genetic diversity and extensive overall subdivision (e.g. Qsr = 0.691 & 0.644 respectively for control region data). There was a profound phylogeographic break in both species between all conspecific assemblages from the lower west coast (LWC phylogroup) and all those from the south coast (SC phylogroup), which suggested the influences of shared extrinsic and/or historical factors. There was limited genetic structuring within the two major phylogroups of either Leptatherina species, apparently reflecting recent connectivity amongst local assemblages, with subsequent fragmentation and insufficient time for lineage sorting. However, two major phylogeographic breaks distinguished monophyletic control region phylogroups of L. wallacei from the isolated coastal Lake Clifton and Lake Walyungup, consistent with their independent evolution following lacustrine entrapment during the Holocene. The divergence between these two isolated lacustrine assemblages of Leptatherina wallaceiformed the basis for an estimate of the maximal substitution rate of the control region. While these data were unable to provide a precise estimate of the actual rate of molecular evolution, all the evidence suggested that it was proceeding very rapidly. The maximal rate estimate of 172.3% lineage-' MY-' was among the fastest ever reported. Based on this rate, the two Leptatherina species diverged at least 1 SKya, thus rejecting a Holocene origin for L. wallacei. The divergence between the LWC and SC phylogroups of L. wallacei has been ongoing for at least GKya, while the equivalent divergence in L. presbyteroides has been ongoing for at least 11 Kya. As the time frames of these divergences were consistent with periods of massive environmental modifications associated with the end-Pleistocene fall in sea level and the HMT, it was likely that these factors have played important roles in sculpting the species' divergence and intra-specific genetic structure. Although useful in temporally scaling genetic divergences within and between the two Leptatherina species, wider application of this rate estimate to questions regarding other taxa was limited. For example, evident rate heterogeneity between the genera precluded its use with even the relatively closely-related atherinid Atherinosoma elongafa. Phylogeographic analyses identified high levels of genetic diversity and extensive genetic subdivision (e.g. st = 0.652 for control region) amongst an estuarine and several lacustrine assemblages of Pseudogobius olorum, although phylogeographic structure was shallower than in either Leptatherina species. There was increased divergence between three assemblages from the lower west coast and two from the south coast, consistent with the profound break evident in the Leptatherina. One lacustrine assemblage appeared to represent a distinct lineage and a preliminary maximal rate estimate (~61.4% lineage-1 MY-1) was calculated based on the minimum divergence of this assemblage from its nearest conspecifics. Although slower than the rate calculated for L. wallacei, this was still high for teleost fishes. Overall, this study indicated that historical environmental factors, especially those related to Quaternary eustatic changes, have played important roles in sculpting the phylogeography and evolution of three teleost species from south-western Australia. Moreover, as these species have differential dependencies on estuarine environments (is. 'strictly estuarine' vs 'estuarine & marine') and represented two different taxonomic groups (i.e. Atherinoidei & Gobioidei), historical environmental factors may have exerted similar influences on other coastal species in the region.

Satanismus als Religion der Überschreitung : Transgression und stereotype Darstellung in Erfahrungs- und Aussteigerberichten /

Möller, Melanie. January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Göttingen, Universiẗat, Magisterarbeit, 2007.

Connivence, transgression des règles et efficacité : tensions organisationnelles dans une multinationale / Connivance, work misbehavior and efficiency : Organizational tensions in a MNO

Quenot, Olivier 03 February 2015 (has links)
La littérature en gestion des organisations est riche de travaux témoignant de pratiques transgressives en entreprise, aux motivations très diverses, mais qui souvent, sont le résultat d’initiatives individuelles. Rares sont les exemples de transgression collective en milieu professionnel, reposant sur un désaccord commun d’un aspect de l’organisation du travail.A partir d’une observation participante rétrospective au niveau d’un service d’une multinationale, je me suis interrogé sur ce phénomène qui peut être considéré de prime abord comme une forme de déviance, mais dont l’enquête de terrain cherche à montrer l’importance de l’impact des tensions organisationnelles et des comportements managériaux.Cette thèse a pour objectif de comprendre comment un groupe est parvenu à bâtir une action transgressive commune et à concilier les exigences contradictoires imposées par l’environnement, en étudiant les concepts de la coopération, de la connivence et du secret. / Organizational management has extensively studied organizational misbehaviors and their motivations, which often are initiated by individuals. Examples of collective deviance at work, based on a mutual disagreement on how to conduct a task, are unusual.Following a retrospective participant observation within a multinational department, I questioned this action which could be considered at first as a deviance. However I demonstrate based on fieldwork, that this action is the result of influences of organizational tensions and managerial behaviors.This thesis aims to understand how a group of individuals succeed in organizing a transgressive collective action, and how they conciliate with working requirements, using concepts such as cooperation, connivance and secret.

Domingo no parque : notas sobre a experiência de ser jovem na contemporaneidade

Pereira, Angélica Silvana January 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a comme but central l´analyse des pratiques de transgression et les performances des jeunes les dimanches dans l´un des parcs les plus fréquentés de Porto Alegre- RS – Brésil, en les tenant en tant que possibilités de compréhension de ce que c´est être jeune à l´heure actuelle. On a voulu regarder ces pratiques en tenant compte que les discours sur le jeune sont pris comme des prescriptions sociales qui circulent dans des divers espaces et, en même temps, dans des conditions culturelles qui affaiblissent les institutions et qui mettent en valeur l´hyperconsommation qui incite et convoque les sujets à oser, innover, être différents afin de chercher la création d´une image spectaculaire de soi-même. En tant que partie de la métropole, le Parc et tout ce qui se passe dedans se configure dans un espacetemps qui se diffère d´autres espacestemps de leur vie et qui sont propices à des pratiques diverses, par le biais desquels les jeunes apprennent des manières de vivre leur jeunesse. La recherche est ancrée dans l´interlocution entre les théories sur les Études Culturelles, des études sur Foucault et celles sur la jeunesse. Elle trouve dans l´ethnographie le support pour les incursions dans le terrain et pour la construction des matériaux analysés. Les discussions ci-présentes sont fondamentales chez des auteurs comme Zygmunt Bauman, Michel Foucault, Gilles Lipovetsky, Carles Feixa, José Machado Pais et Massimo Canevacci. Les analyses ont comme axe centrale la spectacularisation de pratiques et d´esthétiques corporelles qui confèrent un caractère ambivalent aux pratiques de transgression: Elles choquent, gênent et créent des ruptures, cependant elles sont célébrées et , très souvent, elle semblent ne plus être excessives, en produisant une expérience d´être jeune fortement ancrée dans les pratiques de consommation qui mettent en valeur le désir incessant d´être différent, sans limite. / Esta tese tem como interesse central analisar as práticas de transgressão e as performances dos jovens aos domingos num dos mais frequentados parques de Porto Alegre- RS - Brasil, tomando-as como pistas para compreender a experiência de ser jovem na contemporaneidade. Procurou-se olhar para estas práticas considerando-se que os discursos sobre ser jovem são pautados em prescrições sociais que circulam em diversos espaços e, ao mesmo tempo, numa condição cultural de enfraquecimentos institucionais e de fortalecimento do hiperconsumo que incita e convoca os sujeitos a ousar, inovar, ser diferentes, buscando criar uma imagem espetacular de si. Enquanto parte da metrópole, o Parque e as coisas que nele acontecem configuram-se num espaçotempo propício para práticas diversas, através das quais os jovens aprendem modos de viver suas juventudes. A pesquisa está ancorada na interlocução entre as teorizações dos Estudos Culturais, dos estudos foucaultianos e dos estudos sobre juventudes. Ela tem na etnografia o suporte para as incursões no campo e para a construção dos materiais analisados. As discussões aqui apresentadas estão fundamentadas em autores como Zygmunt Bauman, Michel Foucault, Gilles Lipovetsky, Carles Feixa, José Machado Pais e Massimo Canevacci. As análises têm como eixo central a espetacularização de práticas e de estéticas corporais que conferem um caráter ambivalente às práticas de transgressão: ao mesmo tempo que elas chocam, incomodam e criam rupturas, são celebradas e muitas vezes, já não parecem excessivas, produzindo uma experiência de ser jovem fortemente ancorada nas práticas de consumo que enaltecem o incessante desejo de ser diferente, ilimitadamente. / Esta tesis tiene como interés central analizar las prácticas de transgresión y las performances de los jóvenes los domingos en uno de los más frecuentados parques de Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil, tomándolas como pistas para comprender la experiencia de ser joven en la contemporaneidad. Se intentó mirar para estas prácticas considerándose que los discursos sobre ser joven son pautados en prescripciones sociales que circulan en diversos espacios y, al mismo tiempo, en una condición cultural de debilitamientos institucionales y de fortificación del hiper consumo que incita y convoca los sujetos a osar, innovar, ser diferentes, buscando crear una imagen espectacular de sí. Mientras parte de la metrópolis, el Parque y las cosas que en él suceden se configuran en un espaciotiempo que difiere de los demás de sus vidas y que son propicios para prácticas diversas, a través de las cuales los jóvenes aprenden modos de vivir sus juventudes. La investigación está ancorada en la interlocución entre las teorizaciones de los Estudios Culturales, de los estudios foucaultianos y de los estudios sobre juventudes y tiene en la etnografía el soporte para las incursiones en el campo y para la construcción de los materiales analizados. Las discusiones aquí presentadas están fundamentadas en autores como Zygmunt Bauman, Michel Foucault, Gilles Lipovetsky, Carles Feixa, José Machado Pais e Massimo Canevacci. Los análisis tienen como eje central la espectacularidad de prácticas y de estéticas corporales que confieren un carácter ambivalente a las prácticas de transgresión: al mismo tiempo que ellas chocan, incomodan y crean rupturas, son celebradas y muchas veces, ya no parecen excesivas, produciendo una experiencia de ser joven fuertemente ancorada en las prácticas de consumo que enaltecen el incesante deseo de ser diferente, ilimitadamente.

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