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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Translation Strategies for Characters’ Speech in the Lithuanian Versions of Katherine Paterson’s The Great Gilly Hopkins and The Same Stuff as Stars / Veikėjų kalbos vertimo strategijos Katherine Paterson „Smarkuolė Gilė Hopkins“ ir „Kaip ir žvaigždės“ lietuviškuose vertimuose

Mikučionienė, Eglė 05 August 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the way in which characters’ speech in the well-known American writer Katherine Paterson’s two novels for children, The Great Gilly Hopkins (1978) and The Same Stuff as Stars (2002), is translated by Romualda Zagorskienė and Renata Valotkienė, respectively in 1989 and 2005. The aim of this analysis is to consider and compare how Zagorskienė and Valotkienė deal with lexico-grammatical features that are hard to translate: grammatically deviant forms, colloquial forms, dialect and, especially, kinds of vocabulary that mark each character’s sociolect, such as the use of swearwords or name-calling. Further, the thesis looks at the effects of the strategies they choose on the presentation of characters and their relationships in the novels. The hypothesis that a number of lexico-grammatical features of characters’ speech will be standardized in translation has been raised, as this is suggested by current theoretical and practical research in translation studies. Thus, at first several relevant theoretical issues, based in particular on Gillian Lane-Mercier and Tiina Puurtinen’s theoretical research on the translation of tenor in fictional dialogues and literary sociolects, as well as what are known as the universals of translation are presented. In the thesis, the analysis of Zagorskienė and Valotkienė’s strategies is divided into two major parts. First, in Section 3, a detailed analysis of Zagorskienė and Valotkienė’s strategies for translating swearwords... [to full text] / Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos veikėjų kalbos vertimo strategijos įžymios amerikiečių rašytojos Ketrinos Paterson knygų vaikams „Smarkuolė Gilė Hopkins“ (The Great Gilly Hopkins, 1978 m.) ir „Kaip ir žvaigždės“ (The Same Stuff as Stars, 2002 m.) lietuviškuose vertimuose. „Smarkuolę Gilę Hopkins“ 1989 m. į lietuvių kalbą išvertė vertėja Romualda Zagorskienė, o „Kaip ir žvaigždes“ – 2005 m. vertėja Renata Valotkienė. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti R. Zagorskienės ir R. Valotkienės taikytas vertimo strategijas ir palyginti būdus, kuriais vertėjos perteikė leksines ir gramatines veikėjų kalbos ypatybes, pavyzdžiui, gramatiškai netaisyklingas žodžių formas, šnekamosios kalbos formas, dialektus ir ypač leksiką, kuri būdinga tam tikro veikėjo sociolektui (pavyzdžiui, keiksmažodžius, plūstamuosius žodžius ar epitetus). Be to, šiame tyrime nagrinėjamas vertėjų pasirinktų strategijų poveikis veikėjų ir jų tarpusavio santykių pavaizdavimui. Hipotezė, kad tam tikros leksinės ir gramatinės veikėjų kalbos ypatybės verčiant sunorminamos, keliama remiantis šiuolaikiniuose teoriniuose ir praktiniuose vertimo tyrimuose keliamomis prielaidomis. Todėl, pirmiausia aptariami atitinkami teoriniai klausimai, daugiausia – Gillian Lane-Mercier ir Tiinos Puurtinen teoretiniai vertimo tyrimai, kurių objektas – literatūrinių dialogų intonacijos, emocinių atspalvių (tenor) ir literatūrinių sociolektų vertimas. Aptariamos ir vadinamosios universaliosios vertimo strategijos (translation universals). Nagrinėjant R... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets": Translation of Cultural Realia from English into Lithuanian and German / J.K. Rowling "Haris Poteris ir paslapčių kambarys": kultūrinių realijų vertimas iš anglų į lietuvių ir vokiečių kalbas

Daulytė, Deimantė 31 August 2012 (has links)
The present research focuses on cultural realia and possible ways of their translation. The concept of realia is defined in the research as well as several classification schemes of realia and translation strategies suggested by various linguists are presented. The examples of cultural realia are selected from J.K. Rowling's book "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" and its translations into Lithuanian and German. / Darbe nagrinėjamos kultūrinės realijos ir galimi jų vertimo būdai. Pateikiamas realijos apibrėžimas ir kelios realijų klasifikacijų schemos bei įvairių kalbininkų siūlomos vertimo strategijos. Kultūrinių realijų pavyzdžiai surinkti iš J.K. Rowling knygos "Haris Poteris ir paslapčių kambarys" ir jos vertimo į lietuvių ir vokiečių kalbas.

Literary translation of culture-specific items in Lithuanian translation of Orwell's “Down and Out in Paris and London” / Kultūrinių realijų vertimas Orvelo romane „Dienos Paryžiuje ir Londone“

Brasienė, Brigita 05 June 2013 (has links)
Translation of CSIs in literary texts poses many problems for the translator. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to reveal what translation strategies the translator of the novel Arvydas Sabonis uses when transferring CSIs in Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London (2007), which describes the life of the pour in Paris and London in the 1920s. This thesis consists of a summary in Lithuanian and English, five parts,a list of references and two appendixes. Part One is the Introduction to the study which gives a brief summary of the Orwell’s novel Down and Out in Paris and London, reveals the aim, objectives and structure of the thesis. Part Two, Culture-Specific Items, introduces the concept of culture, the definition and division of CSIs and their place in literary translation. Part Three, Translation of Culture-Specific Items, reveals the issues of translation of CSIs and names possible solutions proposed by Venuti (domestication and foreignisation) and by Davies (preservation, addition, omission, globalisation, localisation, transformation, and creation). Part Four, Translation Analysis of Culture-Specific Items in Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London discusses the difficulties of culture-specific items translation in the novel, introduce the method of analysis, provides examples of CSIs translations in accordance to the categories of CSIs: proper names and common expressions and their subcategories, names the used translation principles and strategies, and discusses... [to full text] / Kultūrinių realijų vertimas yra vienas iš sunkiausių uždavinių keliamų vertėjui. Šio baigiamojo magistro darbo tikslas yra atskleisti kokias vertimo strategijas pasirinko Arvydas Sabonis Orvelio romane „Dienos Paryžiuje ir Londone“, kuris buvo išverstas 2007 m. Romanas, parašytas 1933 m., gvildena skurdo problemą ir aprašo skustančiųjų gyvenimą Paryžiuje ir Londone. Šį darbą sudaro santraukos lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis, penkios dalys, šaltinių sąrašas ir du priedai. Pirmojoje dalyje, įžangoje, pristatoma tema, tikslas ir siekiniai. Antrojoje dalyje aptariama kultūros sąvoka, kultūrinių realijų apibrėžimas, suskirstymas ir vieta literatūriniame vertime. Trečiojoje dalyje nurodomos problemos, su kuriomis susiduria vertėjas versdamas kultūrines realijas, ir pateikiamos vertimo strategijos, kurias siūlo Venuti ir Davies. Ketvirtojoje dalyje atskleidžiami vertimo sunkumai su kuriais susidūrė Arvydas Sabonis versdamas Orvelio romaną „Dienos Paryžiuje ir Londone“, analizuojamas kultūrinių realijų vertimas pagal jų kategorijas ir subkategorijas, aprašant naudotas vertimo strategijas ir jų galimas pasirinkimo priežastis. Paskutinėje, penktojoje, dalyje aptariamos tyrimo išvados. Atlikus kultūrinių realijų vertimo analizę G. Orvelio romano „Dienos Paryžiuje ir Londone“ išaiškėjo, kad dažniau buvo naudotas forenizacijos principas, kuris buvo pasirinktas siekiant išlaikyti prancūziškų realijų autentiškumą ir sukurti anglišką aplinką, nes lietuvių skaitytojams Paryžius ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Cuando el gerundio español se sustituye por otras formas verbales en sueco : Un estudio sobre las estrategias de traducción usadas para expresar algunos gerundios de la novela El paraíso en la otra esquina de Mario Vargas Llosa en sueco / When the Spanish Gerund Is Replaced by Other Verb Forms in Swedish : A Study of the Translation Strategies Used to Express Some of the Gerunds from the Novel The Way to Paradise by Mario Vargas Llosa in Swedish

Engholm, Elin January 2014 (has links)
El presente estudio examina cómo se traducen algunos gerundios de la novela El paraíso en la otra esquina de Mario Vargas Llosa del español al sueco por el traductor Peter Landelius. El análisis muestra que en la mayor parte de los casos se recurre a varias estrategias para expresar el gerundio español en sueco, como el imperfecto, la construcción “y” + imperfecto, preposiciones, omisión del verbo o subordinadas de relativo. En muy pocos casos, el 6 %, se mantiene la forma del gerundio en la traducción. Además, el análisis confirma la hipótesis de que si el gerundio español se sustituye por otras formas verbales o construcciones gramaticales en sueco, algunos matices semánticos y estilísticos que se configuran en la novela de Vargas Llosa se pierden o se modifican en la traducción al sueco. / The present study investigates how some gerunds in the novel The Way to Paradise by Mario Vargas Llosa is translated to Swedish by the translator Peter Landelius. The analysis shows that different strategies are used, such as the past tense, the construction “and” + the past tense, prepositions, omission of the verb or subordinate relative clauses. In very few cases, 6 %, the gerund is kept in the translation. The analysis confirms the hypothesis, when the gerund in the Spanish text is replaced by other grammatical constructions in Swedish, some semantic and stylistic nuances configured in Vargas Llosa’s novel are lost or modified in the Swedish translation.

Från sköna gummor till snygga brudar : En komparativ analys av Liv Strömquists Prins Charles känsla och dess franska översättning

Olsson, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
The translation of culture-specific words and expressions as well as how to fully transmit the semantics and pragmatics of a text when translating are two things that often poses problems and challenges for translators. The strategies among which one can choose are many and the translation is more or less bound to lose something along the way. In this present essay, the Swedish comic album Prins Charles känsla (2010) by Liv Strömquist and its French translation Les sentiments du Prince Charles (2012) have been studied. With the help of existing translation strategies, what is examined is initially what choices the translators have made and how this affects the French text. Based on this, I try to say something about whether the text has lost something in the translation process, and if this is case, what these losses are.

Translation of Characters' Names and Geographical Names from English into Lithuanian in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring / Veikėjų vardų ir vietovardžių vertimas iš anglų kalbos į lietuvių J.R.R. Tolkieno romane Žiedų Valdovas: Žiedo brolija

Jonikaitė, Agnė 17 July 2014 (has links)
The main objective and primary aim of the paper was to analyze translation strategies which were employed while translating geographical and characters’ names from English into Lithuanian in John Ronald Reuel Tolkien’s novel The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.The study set out with the objective of assessing the theoretical background of translation of culture specific items. The main concern was the definition and categorization of non- equivalence and related concepts. Moreover, the core object of the paper was to disclose the usage of translation strategies that were employed while translating the proper names from English into Lithuanian. / Pagrindinis darbo tikslas buvo išanalizuoti vertimo strategijas, kurios buvo naudojamos verčiant veikėjų vardus ir vietovardžius iš anglų kalbos į lietuvių J.R.R. Tolkieno romane Žiedų Valdovas:Žiedo Brolija. Darbo tikslas buvo ištirti teorinę medžiagą susijusią su kultūrinių realijų vertimu. Didelis dėmesys buvo skirtas neekvivalentiškumo ir susijusių konceptų aiškinimui.Be to, pagrindinis darbo uždavinys buvo išsiaiškinti, kaip buvo pritaikytos vertimo strategijos verčiant tikrinius vardus iš anglų kalbos į lietuvių.

When translators go barking up the wrong tree : A study of metaphor translation strategies in a dog breed book

Kornberg Krogh, Linda January 2018 (has links)
The translation of metaphors can cause problems for a translator since what is typical for a metaphor is that the intended meaning does not match its literal meaning, which can lead to misunderstandings. Apart from this, language differences and cultural differences can also cause problems. This essay deals with the translation of metaphors in a dog breed book from English to Swedish. The aim of the essay is to investigate which translation strategies that are used when translating metaphors and whether lexicalized and non-lexicalized source language metaphors require different translation strategies.  The source language metaphors were found by using the Metaphor Identification Procedure which in this study means determining the lexical units in the source text, deciding the meaning of each unit and then comparing with dictionaries to see whether the lexical unit has a more basic or contemporary meaning and if the meaning in this particular context can be understood based on the more basic or contemporary meaning. If so, the lexical unit was determined to be metaphorically used in this context. The source language metaphors were then classified according to whether they are lexicalized or non-lexicalized, based on Dickins (2005) classification. The study finds that the most common way of translating a source language metaphor is by paraphrasing it into a non-metaphorical expression followed by using the same or a similar target language metaphor. No clear indications of lexicalized and non-lexicalized metaphors requiring different translation strategies were found.

Tradução e contextualização: estratégias tradutórias nas Viagens de Gulliver

Rici, Priscilla de Souza Ferro [UNESP] 05 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2005-12-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:30:37Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rici_psf_me_sjrp.pdf: 345961 bytes, checksum: bf91137f21a31250df1331d6686e99ec (MD5) / A produção de significados pelo tradutor não se dá de maneira aleatória, mas ele, como sujeito sócio-historicamente constituído, faz escolhas e traça caminhos para produzir textos que sejam apropriados em relação à contextualização dada ao texto traduzido na cultura de chegada. Tal contextualização pode ser entendida como os parâmetros os objetivos que se tem para ela, o público-alvo da publicação e o contexto de inserção dos leitores que subjazem às opções estratégicas do tradutor. A discussão acerca da contextualização da tradução é relevante para a prática do profissional de tradução, na medida em que as especificidades de cada texto exigem que as estratégias do tradutor sejam ajustadas para que o texto possa ser considerado apropriado e admissível na cultura de chegada para um públicoalvo específico. O presente trabalho pretende mostrar que a contextualização da tradução determina o estabelecimento das estratégias pelo tradutor, tal que suas escolhas resultem num texto que esteja de acordo com os parâmetros estabelecidos. Busca-se, também, analisar as diferentes possibilidades de leitura que podem ser relacionadas ao uso de uma ou outra estratégia. Para isso, selecionaram-se para análise traduções direcionadas de Viagens de Gulliver para o português do Brasil. Acredita-se que esse tipo de reflexão é relevante para o ensino de tradutores aprendizes, já que, durante sua formação, muitas vezes a prática tradutória se dá de maneira descontextualizada e, em sua vida profissional, os textos terão contextualizações diferentes e o desenvolvimento de diferentes estratégias pode levar o leitor a fazer diferentes interpretações, que também são de responsabilidade do tradutor / Translator’s production of meanings is not random, but as a social constituted subject, translator chooses his ways for producing texts that are suitable to the contextualization given to the translated text in target culture. This contextualization may be seen as the parameters the purposes for the text in target culture, translation’s audience and the context in which its readers may be inserted which underlie translator’s strategic choices. The discussion about translation contextualization is relevant in translator’s activity as the specificities of each text ask for adjustments in translator’s strategies in order to the target text could be considered suitable and admissible in the target culture for a specific target audience. The present work seeks to show that translation contextualization determine the strategies usage so that the target text can be in accordance to the established parameters. It also aims to analyze the different possible readings that could be related to the use of one or another strategy. To do it, Gulliver’s Travels specific translations into Brazilian Portuguese were selected for the analysis. It’s believed that this kind of reflection is relevant to translator’s teaching as in his professional life texts will be differently contextualized and the development of strategies for text production may lead the reader to different readings, which are also translator’s responsibility

A tradução de jogos de palavras no romance O Xangô de Baker Street: uma revisão do quadro de estratégias de Delabastita com o auxílio da Linguística de Corpus / The translation of wordplays in the novel O xangô de Baker Street: a review of Delabastitas framework with the support of Corpus Linguistics.

Nilson Roberto Barros da Silva 24 August 2015 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a tradução de jogos de palavras do romance O xangô de Baker Street (SOARES, 1995), traduzido para o inglês por Clifford Landers em 1997, e o faz com base no quadro de estratégias de tradução de jogos de palavras apresentado por Delabastita (1996). O corpus de estudo é composto pelo romance citado mais a sua tradução para a língua inglesa, A samba for Sherlock. Esta investigação utiliza a abordagem teórico-metodológica da Linguística de Corpus e se caracteriza como um estudo direcionado pelo corpus (TOGNINI-BONELLI, 2001), uma vez que os dados analisados foram evidenciados a partir da exploração de linhas de concordância elaboradas com palavras-chave do corpus de estudo. A exploração do corpus de estudo (de modo especial, a geração e a análise da lista de palavras-chave e das linhas de concordância, bem como o alinhamento do corpus nas duas línguas português e inglês) contou com o auxílio do programa WordSmith Tools 6.0 (SCOTT, 2012), desenvolvido especialmente para a análise lexical. A análise das traduções demonstrou que o quadro de estratégias apresentado por Delabastita (1996) dá conta apenas de parte dos procedimentos observados na tradução dos jogos de palavras investigados. Em decorrência disso, esta tese propõe a ampliação do quadro de estratégias apresentado pelo referido autor, por meio do acréscimo de quatro novas estratégias de tradução de jogos de palavras, quais sejam: 1) o jogo de palavras da língua-fonte é traduzido por um jogo de palavras na língua-alvo e adiciona-se uma explicação; 2) o tradutor realiza uma alteração textual (a substituição de uma palavra no texto inteiro, por exemplo) para viabilizar a tradução de um jogo de palavras; 3) o tradutor reproduz o jogo de palavras do texto-fonte no texto da língua-alvo, sem traduzilo, e adiciona uma explicação; 4) o tradutor reproduz o jogo de palavras do texto-fonte no texto da língua-alvo, sem traduzi-lo, mas suprime elementos (ou a repetição de elementos) constitutivos do jogo de palavras original. / Based on Delabastita\'s (1996) framework for wordplay translation strategies, this dissertation analyzes the translation of wordplays in the novel O Xangô de Baker Street (SOARES, 1995), translated into English by Clifford Landers in 1997. Our study corpus consists of the above mentioned novel and its translation into English, A samba for Sherlock. This research uses the theoretical and methodological approach of Corpus Linguistics and is characterized as \'corpus-driven\' (TOGNINI-BONELLI, 2001), once the data analyzed were highlighted in the concordances generated from keywords of the corpus. The exploration of the corpus (in particular, the generation and analysis of the keyword list and concordances as well as the corpus alignment in both languages - Portuguese and English) was carried out with the lexical analysis software WordSmith Tools 6.0 (SCOTT, 2012). A qualitative analysis of equivalence choices showed that Delabastita\'s (1996) framework matches only partially the procedures observed in the translation of the wordplays investigated. As a result, this dissertation proposes the expansion of Delabastitas framework by means of four new translation strategies of wordplays, as follows: 1) the source language wordplay is translated by a wordplay in the target language and an explanation is added; 2) the translator changes the text (by substituting a word in the whole text, for instance) in order to enable the translation of a wordplay; 3) the translator reproduces the source language wordplay in the target language text, without translating it, and adds an explanation; 4) the translator reproduces the source language wordplay in the target language text, without translating it, but suppresses elements (or the repetition of elements) which constitute the original wordplay.

The art of translation : A study of book titles translated from English into Swedish and from Swedish into English

Gavling, Anna January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the process of translating a book title from English into Swedish and vice versa. I have investigated the different methods used when translating a title, as well how common each strategy is. By contacting publishing companies and translators in Sweden, I learned of the process of adapting a title from the source language into a foreign market and the target language. Studying 156 titles originally published in English, and 47 titles originally written in Swedish, I was able to see some patterns. I was particularly interested in what strategies are most commonly used. In my study I found nine different strategies of translating a book title form English into Swedish. I have classified them as follows: Keeping the original title, Translating the title literally, Literal translation with modifications, Keeping part of the original title and adding a literal translation, Adding a Swedish tag to the English title, Adding a Swedish tag to the literal translation, Translation with an omission, Creating a new title loosely related to the original title and finally Creating a completely different title. In the study of titles translated from Swedish into English, I found eight different translation strategies; seven of the strategies were the same as in the translation of titles from English into Swedish. The one method that differed is called Translation with an addition. The study of titles originally published in Swedish was much smaller; and yet more variety and creativity was shown in the translations. The conditions for translating from Swedish into English are different since English readers normally have no knowledge of Swedish. Names of characters and places for example, are very likely to sound very odd to an English reader, and therefore more translations are necessary. Swedish readers on the other hand are generally relatively proficient in English since they are exposed to the language naturally in their everyday lives through for example, television. Therefore it was easier to stay close to the original in the translations from English into Swedish.

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