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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A descriptive study of how culture-specific terms are glossed in a Chinese translation of Angels and Demons

Lam, Chou I January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of English

To Be True to Audience or Author - A Brief Literature Review and Comparison of Linguistic Humour in Two Translations of Dario Fo’s Accidental Death of an Anarchist

Forsberg, Rose-Marie January 2012 (has links)
In this essay, research is conducted on two different translations of the same comic play by Dario Fo: Accidental Death of an Anarchist. (Original title in Italian: Morte accidentale di un anarchico). The first translation is by Gillian Hanna – adapted by Gavin Richards, and the other by Simon Nye. As the original text is both satirical and comedic, one of the things investigated is how these satirical and comical features of the original text are translated. Questions asked include whether these comical and satirical features are sometimes omitted or altered for any linguistic reason, or if the “jester-like” satire of the original text is preserved. In order to answer these questions, the context of the text will first be explored, as this context may present linguistic obstacles for a translator. These possible linguistic obstacles will mainly be established through Fitzpatrick & Sawczak’s Cultural Translation Model. Chapter 2 of this essay consists of an explanation of the methodology of gathering data through primary and secondary literature sources, and, eventually a comparison of the two translations to the original text. In Chapter 3, a review of the relevant theories is presented, and the theoretical literature which may offer explanations about the linguistic properties of humour and the “comedic process”. Further, Dario Fo’s particular style of political satire is presented in Chapter 4, together with an investigation of the particular use of satire in theatre performances, and Commedia dell’arte - as background for his particular comedic style. In Chapter 5, linguistic obstacles for translating humour and satire for stage are investigated. In addition, various adaptation strategies of translation are briefly displayed, as well as a short account for Accidental Death of an Anarchist in adaptation. Finally, in Chapter 6, a comparison between some short segments of the two translations and the original text is conducted, in order to establish whether some satirical and comical features have been preserved or altered in the translations. The research will show that there exists a lack of linguistic humour theories which goes beyond linguistic puns. At the same time, various techniques are available to translate and adapt the humorous source text into the target language and culture. Even if there is no linguistic reason for altering the implications and symbolic approach of the original text, the translator may adapt the stage performance into the cultural realm of the native public. Thus, the translator can either exclude the humorous parts in the original text, or adapt the satire into domestically accepted jokes, or add new humorous events into the play. However, due to linguistic obstacles in translating humour, it is not always a matter of choice for the translator to either be true to audience or author.

The tz'u poetry of Ou-yang Hsiu (1007-1072): selected translations and critical comments

Friesen, Oris January 1966 (has links)
No description available.

The treatment of Shakespearian puns in the translation of August Wilhelm Schlegel

Craig, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Marie), 1929- January 1960 (has links)
No description available.

Užsienio kalbos terminų vertimo internetinė sistema / The translation system of foreign terms

Aušrotaitė, Vigilija 10 July 2008 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – sukurti internetinę, lengvai eksploatuojamą sistemą lietuvių kalba. Sistema pateikiama kaip alternatyva komercinėms vertimo atminčių sistemoms ir atlieka panašias funkcijas. Tačiau nuo jau sukurtų sistemų ji skiriasi tiek grafine vartotojo sąsaja, tiek daugeliu funkcijų, tiek tuo, kad tai – internetinė versija, kurios nereikia pirkti ir specialiai diegti savo kompiuteryje. Sistema leidžia lengvai redaguoti verčiamą dokumentą ir vykdo verčiamų terminų paiešką esamoje duomenų bazėje bei tekste pasiūlo naudoti surastas terminų reikšmes ar žodžių junginius, taip palengvindama ir supaprastindama tekstų vertimą. Ši pagalbinė vertimo priemonė pasitarnaus kaip vertimo proceso sutrumpinimo ir palengvinimo priemonė. / This article discusses the following: the usage of translation memories in Lithuania, the advantages and disadvantages of automated translation as well as translation memories, the process of establishment of internet translation system of foreign terms based on translation memory principles, user guides for established system. The main purpose of this work is to create a free and easy to use software for translating texts and specify the documentation for this system. Based on reseach of the usage and properties of alternative systems, author describes the main requirements and specifications for the translation system of foreign terms as well as properties of established system. Established system works as translation assistant for translating similar texts and it is integrated with terminology management database. The first established lithuanian translation system is as an alternative to foreign translation memories and it helps: to unify terminology of high technologies such as Real time systems and Smart house, to save time of translation process, to increase productivity and quality of translation process.

Eine Untersuchung der Lenzschen Übertragungen von Shakespeares : Love's labour's lost (Amor vincit omnia) und Coriolan.

Smith, Arnold Ian January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

Separate stages : la traduction du theatre dans le contexte Canada/Quebec

Ladouceur, Louise 11 1900 (has links)
L'etude suivante porte sur la traduction du theatre dans le contexte Canada/Quebec, de 1951 a 1994, et suit une methodologie empruntee a l'Ecole de Tel-Aviv et a l a «critique productive» d'Antoine Berman. Apres un survol des discours portant sur les litteratures et les dramaturgies canadienne et quebecoise en traduction, une analyse des douze pieces inscrites au corpus permet d ' identifier la fonction attribuee au traduit dans le contexte recepteur. De la fin des annees 60 jusqu'au milieu des annees 80, les dramaturgies franco-quebecoise et canadienne-anglaise sont marquees par la question identitaire . La traduction repond alors a un desir de creer un repertoire national, specifiquement quebecois d'une part et specifiquement canadien de l'autre. Cette specificite repose sur la mise en valeur de la difference, ressentie comme essentielle a L'elaboration d'une identite nationale distincte. Commune a chaque groupe linguistique, cette mise en valeur de la difference fait toutefois appel a des procedes fort divergents. D'un cote, la traduction franco-quebecoise met l'accent sur sa propre difference, au moyen d'adaptations qui prennent l'apparence d'un produit local et masquent l'origine du texte canadien-anglais. De l'autre, la traduction canadienne-anglaise souligne l ' alterite du texte quebecois en insistant sur son caractere non menacant et evite la cruciale question de la representation anglaise du joual, langue emblematique du nouveau theatre quebecois. A la fin des annees 80, les deux groupes linguistiques rorapent avec ce modele et affichent de nouvelles tendances. Au Quebec, ou le theatre canadien-anglais connait une popularity grandissante depuis 1990, l'obligation speculaire cede le pas au spectaculaire oblige et a la theatralite provocante qui servent a legitimer l'emprunt anglo-canadien. De son cote, la traduction anglaise du texte quebecois n'est plus confronted au joual mais au probleme que pose l'esthetique verbale hautement stylisee des pieces franco-quebecoises plus recentes. La traduction doit alors attenuer une exuberance langagiere qui heurte les normes en vigueur dans la dramaturgie canadienne-anglaise. La forte polarisation observee dans les strategies de traduction deployees de part et d'autre reflete l'asymetrie des positions occupees par les dramaturgies produites dans les langues officielles du Canada, ou l'anglais constitue la langue de la majorite et ou le francais demeure minoritaire.

Skandinavų literatūros recepcija Lietuvoje: istorija, vertimai, bibliografija / The reception of Scandinavian literature in Lithuania: history, translations, bibliography

Bartkevičienė, Jurga 29 June 2009 (has links)
Darbas sudarytas iš dviejų pagrindinių dalių: Skandinavijos literatūrų aprašymo ir bibliografinių duomenų. Čia nagrinėjami grožinės literatūros vertimai iš skandinavų kalbų (islandų, danų, norvegų, švedų) į lietuvių kalbą. Kiekvienos šalies literatūra aprašoma atskirai. Trumpai aptariama grožinės literatūros istorija, suaugusiems ir vaikams skirta literatūra, pristatomi pagrindiniai vertėjai. Didesnis dėmesys skiriamas garsesniems autoriams. Be to, fiksuoti verstų iš skandinavų kalbų grožinių tekstų bibliografiniai duomenys. Didžioji dalis lietuviškai išleistų knygų yra sąrašuose. Pastebėta, jog skandinavų literatūrų glaudus tarpusavio ryšys neturi įtakos jos vertimams į lietuvių kalbą. Jungiančia grandimi tampa vertėjai, verčiantys iš kelių skandinavų kalbų. Vertimai iš skandinavų kalbų į lietuvių kalbą glaudžiai susiję su politiniais, ekonominiais, ideologiniais faktoriais, bet lemiantis yra vertėjo vaidmuo. Tik vertėjų iniciatyva lietuviška knygų erdvė papildoma itin vertingais tekstais. Šis darbas savo esme – enciklopedinis, todėl fiksuota įvairi informacija, galinti praplėsti skaitytojo žinias apie skandinavų autorius ir kūrinius, bet nekartojama visuotinai žinoma ar prieinama informacija apie autorių biografiją ir išleistus kūrinius. / The work consists of two main parts: description of Scandinavian literatures and bibliographic data. It analyses translations of fiction from Scandinavian languages (Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish) into Lithuanian language. Each country’s literature is described separately. The work briefly discusses histories of literatures, literatures for adults and children and presents main translators. Greater attention is paid to more famous authors. Moreover, the work provides bibliographic data on fiction translated from Scandinavian languages. Most of the books published in Lithuanian language are included in the lists. It was noted that the close relation among Scandinavian literatures has no impact on their translations into Lithuanian. Translators who translate from several Scandinavian languages become the connective link. Translations from Scandinavian languages into Lithuanian are closely related to political, economic, ideological factors; however the translator plays a crucial role alongside these factors. Only due to the translators the Lithuanian book space is augmented with especially valuable texts. In its essence, this work is encyclopaedic; therefore it provides various information that could expand reader’s knowledge in Scandinavian authors and their works, though it does not repeat universally known or available information on the authors' biographies and published works.

A tale of two cities : évaluation des versions françaises

Llewellyn, David William. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Die deutsche Übersetzung von James Joyces Ulysses.

Timbres, Jutta Gabrièle January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

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