Spelling suggestions: "subject:"translations"" "subject:"mtranslations""
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Analyse harmonique et fonctions d'ondes sphéroïdales / Harmonic analysis and spheroidal wave functionsMehrzi, Issam 20 February 2014 (has links)
Notre travail est motivé par le problème de l'évaluation du déterminant de Fredholm d'un opérateur intégral. Cet opérateur apparait dans l'expression de la probabilité pour qu'un intervalle [?s, s] (s > 0) ne contienne aucune valeur propre d'une matrice aléatoire hermitienne gaussienne. Cet opérateur commute avec un opérateur différentiel de second ordre dont les fonctions propres sont les fonctions d'ondes sphéroïdales de l'ellipsoïde alongé. Plus généralement nous considérons l'opérateur de Legendre perturbé. Nous montrons qu'il existe un opérateur de translation généralisée associé à cet opérateur. En?n, par une méthode d'approximation des solutions de certaines équations différentielles, dite méthode WKB, nous avons obtenu le comportement asymptotique des fonctions d'ondes sphéroïdales de l'ellipsoïde alongé Il s'exprime à l'aide des fonctions de Bessel et d'Airy. Par la même méthode nous avons obtenu le comportement asymptotique des fonctions propres de l'opérateur dfférentiel d'Airy. / Our work is motivated by the problem of evaluating the Fredholm determinant of an integral operator. This operator appears in the expression of the probability, for a random matrix in the Gaussien Unitary Ensemble, to have no eigenvalue in an interval [?s, s]. This operator commutes with a differential operator wich have the spheroidal wave functions as eingenfunctions. More generally, we consider the perturbated Legendre differential operator. We show that there exists a generalized translation operator associated to the perturbated Legendre dfferential operator. Finaly, by using the WKB method, we have determined the asymptotic behavior of the prolate spheroidal wave functions. This asymptotic behavior involves Bessel and Airy functions. By using the same method, we have obtained similar results for asymptotic behavior of the eigenfunctions of the Airy differential operator.
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Reformace v Sedmihradsku a její ohlasy v rumunském prostředí / The reformation in Transylvania and its responses in the Romanian-speaking environmentPlíšková, Dora January 2012 (has links)
Lutherská větev reformace do Sedmihradska pronikala v šestnáctém století prostřednictvím saského obyvatelstva, kalvínská prostřednictím maďarského. V roce 1566 bylo v Sedmihradsku založeno tzv. rumunské kalvinistické biskupství, jehož cílem bylo šířit reformovanou víru mezi místní rumunské obyvatelstvo, a to dosažením vysluhování mší v rumunštině (místo církevní slovanštiny), podporou tisku rumunskojazyčných náboženských knih, zvyšováním vzdělanostní úrovně kněží a administrativní reorganizací církve. Po období vlády knížat z rodu Báthoryů se reformace v Sedmihradsku opět prosazuje zhruba od třicátých let sedmnáctého století, v letech čtyřicátých získává pod vedením kalvinistického superintendenta Istvána Gelejiho Katony značně netolerantní charakter. Metropolita sedmihradské pravoslavné církve musí před svým zvolením podepsat body tzv. kalvinizačního programu. Z doktrinárního hlediska však reformace, jejíž šíření mezi sedmihradskými Rumuny definitivně končí se vznikem řeckokatolické církve (r. 1700), nezanechala v rumunském prostředí žádné stopy kromě prosazení rumunštiny jako liturgického jazyka - to se v Sedmihradsku podařilo zhruba s náskokem půldruhého století oproti Valašsku a Moldavsku. Pozoruhodné je soužití reformované a pravoslavné dogmatiky v rumunských dílech připisovaných vlivu...
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Waltariho Cizinec přichází: srovnání překladu V. Skaličky (1941) a J. P. Velkoborského (2005) / Waltari's A Stranger Came to the Farm: a Comparison of Translation by V. Skalička (1941) and J. P. Velkoborský (2005)Kalábová, Hana January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the comparison of the two Czech translations of the book A Stranger Came to the Farm by Mika Waltari. The first translation was made by Vladimír Skalička in 1941 and the second one by Jan Petr Velkoborský in 2005. The thesis is divided into two main parts, a theoretical part and an analysis. The purpose of the theoretical part is to introduce the reader to Mika Waltari, both translators and the original book. I also briefly write about the translation theory. The analysis deals with lots of problems. One of them is the translation of the title and names. I am also interested in creativity of the translators, in the lexical richness of the adaptations and in their mistakes as well. I also show the difference in the approach of literal and free translation. Another big problem this thesis deals with is which text was the source for work of Velkoborský, because in his time there were two Finnish versions with small differences in them and also Skalička's interpretation already existed.
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Waltariho Cizinec přichází: srovnání překladu V. Skaličky (1941) a J. P. Velkoborského (2005) / Waltari's A Stranger Came to the Farm: a Comparison of Translation by V. Skalička (1941) and J. P. Velkoborský (2005)Kalábová, Hana January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the comparison of the two Czech translations of the book A Stranger Came to the Farm by Mika Waltari. The first translation was made by Vladimír Skalička in 1941 and the second one by Jan Petr Velkoborský in 2005. The thesis is divided into two main parts, a theoretical part and an analysis. The purpose of the theoretical part is to introduce the reader to Mika Waltari, both translators and the original book. I also briefly write about the translation theory. The analysis deals with lots of problems. One of them is the translation of the title and names. I am also interested in creativity of the translators, in the lexical richness of the adaptations and in their mistakes as well. I also show the difference in the approach of literal and free translation. Another big problem this thesis deals with is which text was the source for work of Velkoborský, because in his time there were two Finnish versions with small differences in them and also Skalička's interpretation already existed.
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F-theory on six-dimensional symmetric toroidal orbifolds / F-Theorie auf sechs dimensionalen symmetrischen toroidalen OrbifaltigkeitenKohl, Finn Bjarne January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, compactifications of F-theory on six dimensional symmetric toroidalorbifolds are explored. These orbifold geometries have been mathematically classified and it is natural to ask what the physical implications of string theorycompactifications on those geometries are. Since compactifications of string theory to six dimensions describe a sweet spot in terms of developed methods andrich model-building possibilities, it is interesting to investigate the landscape ofthese theories opposed to the swampland of only apparently consistent quantumtheories of gravity. Additionally, superconformal field theories can exist in at mostsix dimensions. These emerge naturally in the considered F-theory constructions. The present work explores effects of compactifications on such orbifolds buildingon the work of [arXiv:1905.00116v1 [hep-th]]. It constitutes a step towards extendingthe geometric classification of these orbifolds to a classification of the physical models. Beyond [arXiv:1905.00116v1 [hep-th]], roto-translations have severe effects on thegeometry and thus the field theory and the spectrum. These effects are discussedin this thesis and include, amongst others, twisted affine folding of gauge groups, the emergence of superconformal points away from intersecting branes as well assuperconformal sectors related to the multiple fibre. / In dieser Thesis werden Kompaktifizierungen von F-Theorie auf sechs dimensionalen symmetrischen, toroidalen Orbifaltigkeiten untersucht. Da diese Orbifaltigkeiten mathematisch klassifiziert wurden, stellt sich auf natürliche Weisedie Frage nach den physikalischen Implikationen von Kompaktifizierungen vonString Theorie auf diesen. In Kompaktifizierungen von String Theorie zu sechs Dimensionen balancieren sich der Fortschritt der Methoden und die Möglichkeitenphysikalische Theorien zu modellieren optimal. Daher ist es wichtig das "Landscape" dieser Theorien zu untersuchen, im Gegensatz zu dem so genannten "Swampland" von vermeintlich konsistenten Quantentheorien der Gravitation. Darüber hinaus stellt sich heraus, dass superkonforme Feldtheorien höchstens insechs Dimensionen existieren können. Die vorliegende Arbeit erkundet die Effekte von Kompaktifizierungen auf solchen Orbifaltigkeiten aufbauend auf der Arbeit von [arXiv:1905.00116v1 [hep-th]]. Sie stellt einen wichtigen Schritt dar auf dem Weg zu einer Ausweitung der geometrischen Klassifikation dieser Orbifaltigkeiten zu einer Klassifikation der physikalischen Modelle. Über [arXiv:1905.00116v1 [hep-th]] hinaus resultieren Roto-Translationen in Effekten auf die Feldtheorie sowie deren Spektrum. Diese Effekte werden in dieser Thesis diskutiert. Beispiele reichen von getwisteten affinen Faltungen von Eichgruppen, zu dem Auftreten von superkonformen Punkten ohne sich schneidende Branen und superkonforme Sektoren in Verbindung mit dem "mehrfach Faser"-Phänomen. / <p>This thesis was conducted under the regulations of Heidelberg University under the joint supervision of Professor Luca Amendola (University of Heidelberg) and Assistant Professor Magdalena Larfors (Uppsala University) during a one-year ERASMUS-exchange.</p>
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Das Funktionsverb leisten aus einer Übersetzungsperspektive : Eine kontrastive Studie deutsch-schwedischer Übersetzungen / German light verb constructions with the light verb leisten and their translations into SwedishKotremagias, Dimitrios January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis has been to analyze German light verb constructions with the light verb leisten and their translations into Swedish. From the identified types containing a nominalization + leisten as parts of a light verb construction, three construction types were examined more closely, namely Beitrag leisten, Arbeit leisten and Hilfe leisten. These light verb constructions showed a higher representation in the material and were hence selected for a further in-depth study. As for the translations into Swedish, three main translation strategies were identified: word-for-word translations, full-verb replacements, and paraphrases/omissions. The results show that paraphrasing is the preferred strategy, although the result is quite even between all the strategies. The results also show that each of the three constructions preferred one each of the three translation strategies, which opens for further studies in this area. One explanation for this is, relating to the semantic meaning of the nouns and to their flexible characteristics into Swedish, that nouns with a narrower semantic meaning are more inclined to be translated word-for-word, but also depending on whether the nominalization has a function as a direct object in the sentence, is modified by an adjective, or is merely part of a predicative.
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Nirmal Varma a Československo / Nirmal Varma and CzechoslovakiaRührová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the analysis of the work of the acclaimed Hindi writer, essayist and translator Nirmal Varma (1929-2005), especially his relationship towards Czechoslovakia, where he lived from the end of the 1950's until 1968. The work will be based to a great extent on primary literary and archival sources. Special emphasis will be laid on literary works situated in the then Czechoslovakia, as well as on texts which have been influenced by his Czechoslovak experience. Apart from the analysis of Varma's writings, the thesis will also concentrate on his translations of Czech authors into Hindi. In his later literary and essayist works Varma looked at the relationship of India and Europe as two distinctive cultural entities. The work will seek to introduce Varma's view of Europe and his stay in Czechoslovakia in a broader cultural and historical context.
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Mario Vargas Llosa v českých překladech. / Mario Vargas Llosa translated in czechKrausová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
(anglicky): The Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa (*1936) enjoys a high level of popularity in the Czech Republic. This is demonstrated by the number of translators, who focused on his work. A few of the translators translated more than one of his works (Vladimír Medek, Jana Novotná, Anežka Charvátová), however, most of them only translated one of his books, such as Alena Šimková (Death in the Andes) or Petr Zavadil (The Feast of the Goat). The first part of this thesis offers an exhaustive overview of the author's works, which have been translated into the Czech language, as well as an evaluation of the ways Czech readers got familiarized with his works and how their interest developed. In the next part, the thesis focuses on a specific translation of Death in the Andes by Alena Šimková. The commentary is based on a translatological analysis of the work with a focus on comparative analysis of the original and the translation; we will further try to determine whether the translator based her work on an existing English translation, and whether and how she follows up on previous translations of Vargas Llosa's works, with a focus on recurring characters and motives. In the conclusion of the thesis, we will attempt to map out the changes to the publishing market in the Czech Republic after 1989.
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Preservation of the Writing Approaches of the Four Gospel Writers in the Joseph Smith Translation of the BibleMiles, Donald Joseph 01 January 1991 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes additions to the gospels in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible. To assess the appropriateness of the JST additions, the thesis examines Joseph Smith's additions to verify whether they parallel the approaches of the original gospel writers to their audiences. There is strong indication that material added to the King James Version by the Joseph Smith Translation is consistent with the approaches of the original gospels to their audiences. Chapter one shows that the JST Matthew, like the KJV Matthew, is concerned with showing that Jesus fulfills Old Testament prophecy. Chapter two finds that JST Mark is as generic in its approach and even more fast-paced than the KJV Mark. In chapter three, Joseph Smith's translation of Luke extends Luke's stress on parables and women's issues. Chapter four demonstrates that JST John emphasizes John's central concern, the primacy of Jesus, even more emphatically than the KJV John.
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Pour une ontologie des traductions littérairesArviset, Sébastien 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse part d’une constatation troublante : une œuvre littéraire et sa traduction sont deux textes différents. Comment deux textes différents peuvent-ils s’annuler, être indiscernables en tant qu’œuvre ? Y a-t-il une œuvre, deux œuvres distinctes, ou plutôt, comme nous le proposerons provisoirement, une œuvre relationnelle, la traduction littéraire. Cette relation est en fait une dépendance que nous théorisons, avant de proposer une théorie procéduraliste institutionnelle de l’œuvre et de montrer que les traductions littéraires ne sont pas des œuvres, mais des compositions substitutives, « œuvre » étant un statut qui chapeaute toutes les compositions qui la font fonctionner. Nous montrons en outre qu’elles appartiennent aux pratiques artistiques, qui regroupent un certain nombre d’activités et d’artefacts essentiels au fonctionnement des œuvres d’art. « Œuvre » étant un statut, cela a comme conséquence qu’« auteur » en est un aussi.
Nous tentons ensuite de déterminer si le traduire s’étend à toutes les activités de compréhension, ou s’il y a une spécificité du traduire interlinguistique littéraire. Par la suite, nous étudions les deux principales attitudes qui s’offrent au traducteur au moment de traduire : les approches sourciste et cibliste.
Après quoi nous examinons qui est le lecteur d’une traduction littéraire et dans quelle mesure il se distingue du lecteur de la composition en langue première. Après un examen de la compréhension d’un point de vue empirique, nous en venons à la conclusion que le critère de réussite pour la lecture est la compréhension. Cela nous permet de proposer une étude du critère de fidélité en fonction de la compréhension, tout en précisant qu’une œuvre, étant un statut, n’est jamais traduite.
Pour finir, après avoir appliqué notre théorie aux traductions de Shakespeare réalisée par Voltaire, nous montrons que la pensée de la traduction est travaillée par une méprise ontologique qui confond fidélité sémantique et fidélité ontologique. / This dissertation starts from a troubling observation: a literary work and its translation are
two different texts. How can two different texts cancel each other out, be indiscernible? Is
there one work, two distinct works, or rather, as we will provisionally propose, a relational
work, the literary translation. This relation is in fact a dependence that we theorize, before
proposing an institutional proceduralist theory of the work and showing that literary
translations are not works, but substitute compositions, "work" being a status that
encompasses all the compositions that make it work. We further show that literary
translations belong to artistic practices, which bring together a number of activities and
artefacts essential to the functioning of works of art. "Work" being a status, the
consequence is that "author" is also one.
We then attempt to determine whether translating extends to all the activities related to
understanding, or whether there is a specificity to literary interlinguistic translating. Next,
we study the two main attitudes available to the translator when translating: the sourceand target-oriented approaches.
We then consider who the reader of a literary translation is and how he differs from the
reader of the first-language composition. After studying understanding from an empirical
point of view, we come to the conclusion that a successful reading is one through which
the read work is understood. This allows us to unfold a study of faithfulness according to
understanding, before concluding that a work, being a status, is never translated.
Finally, having applied our theory to the Voltaire’s translations of Shakespeare, we show
that the theory of translation is dominated by an ontological misunderstanding which
confuses semantic and ontological faithfulness.
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