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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Echanges trophiques entre Hebeloma cylindrosporum et Pinus pinaster : analyse de systèmes de transport fongiques de potassium et de phosphate inorganique impliqués dans la symbiose ectomycorhizienne / Trophic exchanges between Hebeloma cylindrosporum and Pinus pinaster : analysis of fungal potassium and inorganic phosphate transport systems involved in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis

Garcia, Kevin 13 December 2013 (has links)
La symbiose ectomycorhizienne se définie comme une association mutualiste entre les racines des plantes ligneuses et le mycélium de champignons du sol. Elle est majoritaire dans les écosystèmes forestiers de l'hémisphère nord et permet l'amélioration de la nutrition hydrominérale des plantes ligneuses, notamment lorsque la disponibilité en ressources se fait rare. Des données transcriptomiques et génomiques du champignon ectomycorhizien Hebeloma cylindrosporum ont permis d'identifier différents gènes codant pour des protéines capables de transporter des nutriments. L'implication éventuelle de ces systèmes de transport dans la nutrition potassique et phosphatée ectomycorhize-dépendante de la plante hôte Pinus pinaster reste à évaluer. Dans cette étude, deux gènes candidats codant pour des systèmes de transport de potassium (K+), HcTrk1 et HcSKC, et deux autres pour des transporteurs de phosphate inorganique (Pi), HcPT1.1 et HcPT2, ont été analysés. Des approches permettant la localisation dans l'ectomycorhize des transcrits (hybridation in situ) et des protéines (fusion traductionnelle) de ces candidats ont été générés. Ces différents outils ont permis de montrer que le transporteur HcTrk1 et le canal HcSKC étaient respectivement localisés dans l'ectomycorhize au niveau des sites de prélèvement et de relargage du K+. D'autre part, des lignées transgéniques d'H. cylindrosporum sur- et/ou sous-exprimant ces gènes ont été produites afin de voir si la nutrition végétale en K+ et en Pi était impactée. Ainsi, l'utilisation en mycorhization de lignées surexprimant HcTrk1 et sous-exprimant HcSKC ont montré une diminution de la nutrition potassique et de l'homéostasie du phosphore de la plante hôte. Les mêmes types d'approches ont été utilisés avec les transporteurs de Pi HcPT1.1 et HcPT2. En utilisant des lignées transgéniques, il a ainsi pu être montré que la surexpression de HcPT1.1 en condition carencée décrite précédemment était liée à l'activité de son promoteur. Quant au transporteur HcPT2, des analyses préliminaires de localisation suggèrent qu'il pourrait être impliqué dans le prélèvement de Pi du sol et dans son relargage au niveau du réseau de Hartig. Des études complémentaires restent cependant à mener. Enfin, cinq autres systèmes de transport de K+ et trois de phosphate ont été récemment identifiés à partir du génome d'H. cylindrosporum, ouvrant la voie à la dissection fine des mécanismes moléculaires régissant la nutrition potassique et phosphatée ectomycorhize dépendante de P. pinaster. / Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis is defined as a mutual association between the roots of woody plants and the mycelium of soil fungi. This symbiosis is widespread in northern forests and plays a major role in nutrient and water uptake of woody plants, especially when resources become scarce. Transcriptomic and genomic data of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum allowed the identification of several genes coding for nutrient transport proteins. Their putative involvement in ectomycorrhiza-dependent potassium and phosphate nutrition of the host plant Pinus pinaster needs to be assessed. In this study, two candidate genes coding for potassium (K+) transport systems, HcTrk1 and HcSKC, and two other genes coding for inorganic phosphate (Pi) transporters, HcPT1.1 and HcPT2, were analyzed. Molecular approaches allowing the localization of transcripts (in situ hybridization) and proteins (translational fusion) of these candidates in ectomycorrhiza were obtained. These tools allowed us to show that the HcTrk1 transporter and the HcSKC channel were localized in K+ uptake and release sites of the ectomycorrhiza, respectively. In order to know whether these proteins play a role in plant K+ and Pi nutrition, H. cylindrosporum transgenic lines with up- and/or down-regulated expression of candidate genes were produced. In mycorrhizal assays, the use of fungal strains with up- or down- regulated expression of HcTrk1 and HcSKC, respectively, affects the K+ nutrition and phosphorus homeostasis of the host plant. The same approaches were used for HcPT1.1 and HcPT2 Pi transporters. Therefore, using transgenic strategies, we demonstrated that the previously shown up-regulation of HcPT1.1 expression under Pi shortage is related to its promoter activity. Concerning HcPT2, preliminary localization analysis suggested that this transporter might be involved in Pi uptake from soil and in release in the Hartig net. However, complementary studies are needed. Five and three novel K+ and Pi transport systems, respectively, were identified from the recent genome accession of H. cylindrosporum, opening the way to a fine dissection of molecular mechanisms controlling the ectomycorrhiza-dependent K+ and phosphate nutrition of Pinus pinaster.

Påverkan på blodgassprutor som transporterats i rörtransportsystemet MC-2000 / Impact on blood gas syringes transported in the pneumatic tube transport system MC-2000

Toresson, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Blodgassprutor beställs för att undersöka en patients syra-bas-status, laktatkoncentration och elektrolytkoncentration. Några orsaker till balansrubbningar kan vara trauma, syrebrist, infektion, intoxikation eller svält. År 2018 installerades ett nytt rörtransportsystem på Västerviks sjukhus och syftet med studien var att undersöka om det är möjligt att transportera blodgassprutor i det nya rörsystemet utan att provresultat påverkas. Analyser som studerades var pH (power of hydrogen), syretryck, koldioxidtryck, syrgasmättnad, natriumjoner, kaliumjoner, fria kalciumjoner, standardbikarbonat, basöverskott och laktat. Studien omfattade 27 arteriella dubbelprover där det ena provet transporterades i rörtransportsystemet och det andra transporterades manuellt till laboratoriet. Proverna analyserades på instrumentet ABL 800 Flex, inom 30 minuter efter provtagning, med analysmetoderna potentiometri, amperometri och spektrofotometri. Resultaten jämfördes i korrelationsdiagram med en regressionslinje för att påvisa samband mellan proverna. Korrelationsdiagrammen visade positiv linjär korrelation hos samtliga analyser och ett samband kunde påvisas (r = 0,930-0,998). Om resultatet från proverna som transporterats manuellt ökade, ökade även resultatet från proverna som transporterats i rörpost och tvärtom. Ett stapeldiagram skapades för att visualisera skillnader i medelvärde som visade en liten skillnad på basöverskott som ökade efter transport i rörpostsystemet. Ett tvåsidigt parat t-test utfördes för att påvisa om någon signifikant skillnad förelåg mellan analysresultaten. T-testet visade en statistisk signifikant skillnad på syretrycket (p = 0,04), syrgasmättnaden (p = 0,04), basöverskott (p = 0,001) och standardbikarbonat (p = 0,006), då medelvärdet ökade efter transport i rörpost. Medelvärdet för halten natriumjoner minskade efter transport i rörpostsystemet vilket innebar att hemolys inte förekom. Slutsatsen var att det finns en signifikant skillnad mellan blodgassprutor transporterade i rörpostsystem och blodgassprutor transporterade manuellt på vissa analyser, men skillnaden har ingen klinisk betydelse. / Blood gas syringe are ordered to examine the patient´s acid-base status, lactate concentration and electrolyte concentration. Some causes for imbalance could be trauma, lack of oxygen, infection, poisoning or starvation. In 2018, a new pneumatic tube transport system was installed at Västervik´s hostpital and the purpose of this study was to investigate if it is possible to transport samples for blood gas analyses with the new pneumatic tube transport system without affecting the test results. The analyses which were investigated were pH (power of hydrogen), oxygen tension, carbon dioxide tension, saturation, sodium ions, potassium ions, free calcium ions, standard bicarbonate, base excess and lactate. The study included 27 arterial double samples, one samples was transported in the pneumatic tube transport system and the other was manually transported to the laboratory. The samples were analysed within 30 minutes after the sampling, on the ABL 800 Flex instrument, using the methods potentiometry, amperometry and spectrophotometry. The results were compared using a correlation diagram with a regression line to study the relationship between the parameters. The correlation diagram shown a positive linear correlation and a relationship could be demonstrated for all the parameters (r = 0,929-0,998). If the results from the samples transported manually increased, the results also increased from the samples transported in the pneumatic tube transport system and vice versa. A bar chart was created to visualize differences in the mean values. A difference could be seen in base excess and the mean value increased after transport in the pneumatic tube transport. A two-sided paired t-test was performed to demonstrate any significant difference between the parameters. The t-test demonstrated a significant difference in the oxygen tension (p = 0,04), oxygen saturation (p = 0,04), base excess (p = 0,001) and the standard bicarbonate (p = 0,006) and statistically the values was higher after transport with the pneumatic tube transport system. The mean value for sodium ions decreased after transport in the pneumatic tube transport system and that indicate that hemolysis did not occur. The conclusion of the study was that there is a significant difference between blood gas syringes transported with pneumatic tube transport system and blood gas syringes transported manually, but the differences are not clinically relevant.

Abrigos de ônibus em São Paulo: análise da produção recente / Bus shelter in São Paulo city: recent production analysis

Bellini, Fabio Augusto Toscano 20 June 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata dos abrigos para usuários em pontos de parada de ônibus na cidade de São Paulo, que são popularmente conhecidos como abrigo de ônibus. Toma como exemplo a produção mais recente no município: os abrigos SP450 e Barbosa & Corbucci (B&C), implantados na gestão da prefeita Marta Suplicy - 2001-2004. Apresenta os abrigos enfocando seus aspectos de concepção, produção e implantação, e os analisa através de suas características de mobiliário urbano e as relações com o sistema de transporte público urbano. Ao observar sua inserção dentro do funcionamento do sistema de transporte e da situação política, evidenciam-se os desvios entre a concepção das propostas e a realidade de sua implantação. Conforme verificado na pesquisa realizada, o desenvolvimento de uma peça de mobiliário abrange uma ampla escala - desde o planejamento urbano até detalhamento de projeto - com interface em diversas áreas do conhecimento: design e produção, instalação e manutenção de peças e serviços, legislação, exploração econômica, gestão de espaço público, gestão de infra-estrutura urbana, entre outras. Longe de esgotar o tema, a pesquisa documenta a atual condição de permanência na cidade, fornecendo subsídios para desenvolvimentos complementares, e expõe algumas das condicionantes de concepção e produção de abrigos de ônibus urbanos, como equipamento para uso em espaço público. / This work raises the formerly São Paulo city´s bus shelters. It starts with the most recent local production, developed in Marta Suplicy Mayor Management (2001-2004): SP450 and Barbosa & Corbucci bus shelters models. The text introduces the bus shelters focusing in the conception, production and installation aspects, and analyses them throughout your urban furniture characteristics and the bus system transportation relations. Looking inside the system transport management and the political situation, show up the differences between the original proposals and the real implementation. As verified, the urban space elements development reaches many scales - from urban planning until design detaliling - with interface in various fields: design and production, service installation and spare pieces maintenance conditions, legislation, economic exploitation, public space management, urban infrastructure management, among others. Without exhausting the theme, the research offers some outlines to the current situation - and provides subside for futures developments - and ask and expose some public space equipment conception and production limitations constraints, especially bus shelter´s guidelines.

As fontes de desgaste f?sico e emocional e a S?ndrome de Burnout no setor de transporte coletivo urbano de Natal / The sources of physical and emotional wear and the syndrome of Burnout in the urban public transport system of Natal. Master s dissertation. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Gianasi, Luciana Bezerra de Souza 10 September 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LucianaBSG.pdf: 735818 bytes, checksum: e5a198167f649374015a843155763cc1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-09-10 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Recognizing the importance the workplace has on mental health of the individual, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the burnout syndrome and the sources of physical and emotional wear which permeate the work conditions of the urban public transport system of the city of Natal. Although existent in international literature, research on burnout in the professional transport category and studies directed to this category are not a tradition in Brazil. The research was carried out using 412 drivers and money-changers of two transport companies of Natal. To collect the data, two questionnaires and a semi-structured interview were used. The first instrument, developed and validated during the research, investigated the sources of wear and the second, the syndrome of burnout. As its main results, two sources of empirical wear were identified as follows: (1) the Conflict of Values and the Lack of Justice at the Workplace, (2) Union and Reward. Besides these, it was observed that there is an incidence of the syndrome of burnout among the drivers and money-changers of urban transport by bus, not only in the caring occupations studied before in Natal and Brazil and that this incidence is related to the sources of wear which permeate the work conditions of these professionals / Reconhecendo-se a import?ncia que o local de trabalho tem para a sa?de mental do indiv?duo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a rela??o entre a s?ndrome de burnout e as fontes de desgaste f?sico e emocional que permeiam ?s condi??es de trabalho do setor de transporte coletivo urbano da cidade de Natal. Embora exista na literatura internacional pesquisa sobre burnout, na categoria profissional de transporte, n?o ? tradi??o, no Brasil, estudos direcionados para essa categoria. A pesquisa foi realizada com 412 motoristas e cobradores de duas empresas de tranporte de Natal. Para realiza??o da coleta de dados foram utilizados dois question?rios e uma entrevista semi-estruturada. O primeiro instrumento, constru?do e validado durante a pesquisa, investigou as fontes de desgaste e o segundo a s?ndrome de burnout. Como principais resultados, foram identificadas duas fontes de desgaste emp?ricas a saber: (1) o Conflito de Valores e a Falta de Justi?a no Trabalho, (2) Uni?o e Recompensa. Al?m disso, observou-se que h? incid?ncia da s?ndrome de burnout entre os motoristas e cobradores de transporte urbano via ?nibus, tanto quanto nas ocupa??es de cuidado estudadas anteriormente em Natal e no Brasil e ainda que essa incid?ncia est? relacionada ?s fontes de desgaste que permeiam as condi??es de trabalho desses profissionais

AnÃlise espacial da evoluÃÃo socioeconÃmica dos municÃpios sobre a demanda do sistema de transporte pÃblico de passageiros do Cearà / Spatial analysis of the socioeconomic development of the municipalities on the demand of public passenger transport system of cearÃ

Josà Roberto Sales de Aguiar 24 April 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / A socioeconomia cearense sofreu intensas modificaÃÃes ao longo da dÃcada passada, havendo uma reduÃÃo da desigualdade social graÃas a mudanÃas no perfil de intervenÃÃo do Estado. Como o Sistema de Transporte Intermunicipal de Passageiros do Cearà (STIP-CE) foi planejado para a realidade do inÃcio dos anos 2000, presume-se que a oferta atual nÃo atenda Ãs necessidades dos usuÃrios no que diz respeito a sua mobilidade e acessibilidade. AlÃm disso, sendo um fenÃmeno eminentemente geogrÃfico, à necessÃrio o uso de ferramentas de estatÃstica espacial para analisÃ-lo. PorÃm, hà problemas na aplicaÃÃo dessas ferramentas na seara de transporte, derivados da inexistÃncia de mÃtodo adequado sobre o tema. Logo, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa de dissertaÃÃo de mestrado à analisar as alteraÃÃes no padrÃo espacial da geraÃÃo das viagens intermunicipais de passageiros a partir das mudanÃas socioeconÃmicas ocorridas nos municÃpios do Cearà na dÃcada de 2000, aplicando-se o ferramental de anÃlise espacial exploratÃria para verificaÃÃo das hipÃteses de que (i) o aumento da renda dos indivÃduos impacta no aumento de viagens por transporte particular e, por conseguinte, na reduÃÃo da demanda por viagens por transporte pÃblico; e (ii) a reduÃÃo nas diferenÃas de atividade econÃmicas dos municÃpios, que expressa a reduÃÃo do poder polarizador, impacta na reduÃÃo de viagens por transporte pÃblico. Para isso foi proposto um mÃtodo para utilizaÃÃo dessas ferramentas, bem como para estruturaÃÃo de uma base de dados georreferenciada. Os resultados de sua aplicaÃÃo trazem mais evidÃncias de que a hipÃtese de que nÃo hà relaÃÃo entre evoluÃÃo socioeconÃmica e demanda por transportes pode ser rejeitada, na medida em que se observaram correlaÃÃes entre esses fenÃmenos, sobretudo no entorno da RegiÃo Metropolitana de Fortaleza tanto para viagens regionais como para as radiais. Hà algumas localidades, porÃm, que devem ser analisadas de acordo com suas particularidades socioeconÃmicas e nÃvel de serviÃo ofertado (Sobral/Ibiapaba e oeste do Litoral Oeste para viagens regionais e Cariri, para as radiais). Como recomendaÃÃes, observa-se (i) que o mÃtodo proposto pode ser complementado, (ii) que deve haver maior acurÃcia no levantamento de dados de demanda do STIP-CE por parte do Poder PÃblico cearense e (iii) que se deve dar continuidade do mÃtodo a fim de quantificar as relaÃÃes entre fenÃmenos e testar hipÃteses de sua existÃncia, mediante modelo de anÃlise confirmatÃrio local. / The Socioeconomics of Cearà suffered enormous changes over the past decade, with a reduction of social inequality due to changes in state intervention policies. As the Intermunicipal System of Transport of Passengers of Cearà (STIP-CE) was planned according to the reality of the early 2000s, it is assumed that the current offer does not meet the requisites of mobility and accessibility for passengers. Also, as Transport is a eminently geographical phenomenon, it is necessary to use the spatial statistics tools to analyze it. However, problems in the implementation of these tools were found in the compilation of data, derived from the lack of consolidated method on the subject. Thus, the general objective of this master thesis research is to analyze the changes in the spatial pattern of the passengers demand for intercity public transportation from socioeconomic changes in the municipalities of Cearà in the 2000s, applying the exploratory spatial analysis tools to verify the hypotheses that (i) the increase in the income of individuals influences the increase of trip by private transportation and therefore reduces the demand for trip by public transport; and (ii) reducing the differences in economic activity of municipalities, which expresses the reduction in polarizing power, impacts on reducing trip by public transportation. To this end a method to use these tools has been proposed, as well as a georeferenced database was compiled. The results of its application shows further evidence that the hypothesis that there is no relationship between socioeconomic development and demand for transport can be rejected, as observed by correlation between these phenomena, especially around the metropolitan area of Fortaleza for both regional and radial trips. There are some places, however, that should be analyzed according to their socioeconomic characteristics and level of service offered (like Sobral/Ibiapaba and west of the Litoral Oeste for regional trip and Cariri, for radial). As recommendations, it is noted (i) that the proposed method can be supplemented, (ii) there should be greater accuracy in the collection of STIP-CE demand data from the Cearà Government and (iii) the method hereby proposed should be given continuity in order to quantify the relationships between phenomena and test hypotheses of its existence by local confirmatory models.

Dirección de Proyecto con la aplicación de la Guía del PMBOK® y de las buenas prácticas del PMI en el proyecto de ampliación del Sistema de Transporte de equipaje del aeropuerto Internacional Kuntur (AIK) / Application PMBOK® Guide and good practices of PMI in the expansion project of the Luggage Transport System of AIK

Chávez Lobatón, Omar Roberto, Eléspuru Alhuay, Joanna Stephany, Reynoso Morales, Roberto Andrés, Urbina Chaffo, Marco Antonio, Pérez Arias, Kevin Grimaldo 05 August 2019 (has links)
Peruvian Airport Company (en adelante PAC) es la empresa a la cual se le ha adjudicado la concesión del mantenimiento, ampliación y administración del Aeropuerto Internacional Kuntur (en adelante AIK). De acuerdo con el contrato de concesión y el Plan de Desarrollo mínimo para la modernización de la infraestructura aeroportuaria, PAC está obligado a cumplir con hitos de inversión y mejoras obligatorias relacionadas con el incremento de las operaciones aeroportuarias. Para poder cumplir con ello, se busca que para el año 2022 el sistema actual incremente su capacidad de procesamiento de equipajes de 1,735 a 3,229 equipajes/hora en horario de máxima demanda. Mediante la implementación del programa “Mejoras en el sistema de transporte de equipajes” se busca ampliar y mejorar el sistema actual y evitar “cuellos de botella” y picos de demanda que podrían generar reclamos por parte de las aerolíneas y multas por incumplimiento de parte del organismo regulador (OSITRAN – MTC). Este programa está conformado por cuatro proyectos: Upgrade del sistema de máquinas de rayos X, Mejoras en el sistema de transferencia, Trabajos de Infraestructura y Ampliación e instalación de fajas transportadoras. El proyecto objeto de estudio del presente trabajo de investigación, es la Ampliación e instalación de fajas transportadoras en las zonas 01 a la 07 y deberá ser ejecutado en 453 días, desde el 06/02/2017 hasta el 31/10/2018. Se proyecta un valor actual neto de U$ 1,679,821 utilizando la tasa de retorno WACC de 9.26% y un presupuesto de $. 4,744,521. / Peruvian Airport Company (PAC) is the company that has been awarded the maintenance, expansion and administration of Kuntur International Airport (AIK). In accordance with the concession contract and the Minimum Development Plan for the modernization of airport infrastructure, PAC is obliged to comply with investment milestones and mandatory improvements related to the increase airport operations. In order to comply with this, the current system should process approximately 3,229 bags/hour during peak demand hours by 2022; however, it currently only processes 1,735 bags/hour. The implementation of the "Improvements in the baggage transport system" program seeks to expand and improve the current system and avoid "bottlenecks" and spikes in demand that could lead to airline claims and fines for non-compliance by the regulatory body (OSITRAN – MTC). This program involves four projects: Upgrade of the X-ray machine system, Improvements in the transfer system, Infrastructure Works and Expansion and installation of conveyor belts. The project under study covers only the supervision of the expansion and installation of conveyor belts in zones 01 to 07 and should be implemented in 453 days, from 06/02/2017 to 29/10/2018. A net present value of $1,679,821 is projected using WACC return rate 9.26% and a budgeted amount of $. 4,744,521. / Trabajo de investigación

Roles of factors in simulation of parking guidance and information systems

Peng, Wendi, Surveying & Spatial Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The Parking Guidance and Information (PGI) system is an important application of Intelligent Transport System (ITS), which has been shown to be an effect service for traffic information and parking management. The roadside Variable Message Sign (VMS) board has been the usual media for the publication of parking information in early PGI systems, and its performance over the years has been studied via simulations and questionnaire surveys. However, survey results show significant discrepancies across various traffic networks in different areas. More recently, parking information services have become available on other media such as mobile and in-vehicle devices. In contrast to VMS-based systems, PGI systems based on new media, especially the in-vehicle class of devices, have not been studied separately. This thesis aims to conduct research into the performance of PGI systems based on invehicle devices, by simulating and comparing a VMS-based PGI system with a Vehicle On-Board Device (VOBD)-based PGI system. A specially designed simulator utilising a routing algorithm known as the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol in computer networks, has been created in MATLAB. The simulation minimises the influence of specific structures of traffic networks that may be found in some networks, but not others. This is done by simulating a grid-based road network where the capacities of parking stations and their geographic distribution are randomly allocated within specific zones, and the parking demand in each run of simulations is variable load. The results of simulations, including the information reliability, reduction of travel time, demand on on-street parking and the utilisation rates of parking stations, are analysed for multiple scenarios where the compliance rate, the information update policy and the strategy of human behaviour are varied. The analyses reveal a significant advantage of VOBD-based PGI systems over VMS-based PGI systems in terms of the quality of information and the reduction of travel time. At the same time, the analyses highlight the limitations of a PGI system when the demand and supply of parking stations is not appropriately balanced.

Energy systems studied of biogas : Generation aspects of renewable vehicle fuels in the transport system

Magnusson, Mimmi January 2012 (has links)
The transport sector is seen as particularly problematic when concerns about climate change and dependency on fossil energy are discussed. Because of this, bioenergy is strongly promoted for use in the transport sector, both on a European level and nationally in Sweden. Even though bioenergy is considered one of the key solutions, it is generally agreed that both supply- and demand-side measures will be needed to achieve a change to a more sustainable transport system. One of the reasons for this is the limited availability of biomass, especially agricultural feedstocks competing with food or feed production. Woody biomass, however more abundant, is also exposed to tough competition from other sectors. In this thesis, the role of biogas as a vehicle fuel in a future sustainable transport system is discussed together with the prerequisites needed to realise such a transport system. Biogas is a biofuel that could be produced in several different ways: by anaerobic digestion, which is a first-generation production route, by gasification, which is a second-generation process, and by catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide, a third-generation technology. The main focus in this thesis is on biogas produced by anaerobic digestion and the results show that there is a significant potential for an increase compared to today’s production. Biogas from anaerobic digestion, however, will only be able to cover a minor part of the demand in the Swedish transport sector. Considering biogas of the second and third generations, the potential for production is more uncertain in a mid-term future, mainly due to competition for feedstock, the possibility to produce other fuels by these processes, and the present immaturity of the technology. The limited potential for replacing fossil vehicle fuels, either by biogas or other renewable fuels, clearly shows the need for demand-side measures in the transport system as well. This thesis shows the importance of technical and non-technical means to decrease the demand for transport and to make the transport as efficient as possible. The results show that both energy-efficient vehicles and behavioural and infrastructural changes will be required. Policies and economic incentives set by governments and decision-making bodies have a prominent role to play, in order to bring about a shift to a more sustainable transport system, however, measures taken on individual level will also have a great impact to contribute to a more sustainable transport system. / <p>QC 20121116</p>

Gyvenmųjų teritorijų transporto sistemų plėtros daugiatikslis vertinimas darnos požiūriu / Multi-criteria assessment of urban areas transport systems development according to sustainability

Jakimavičius, Marius 19 January 2009 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama gyvenamųjų teritorijų susisiekimo sistema darnos požiūriu. Pagal sukurtą susisiekimo sistemos analizei naudojamą rodiklių sis-temą, disertacijoje nagrinėjami sprendimų paramos sistemos metodai, tinkantys gyvenamųjų teritorijų susisiekimo sistemos analizes uždaviniams spręsti, tai pat analizuojamos šių metodų integracijos galimybės su geografinėmis informa-cinėmis sistemomis (GIS). Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – sudaryti teorinį modelį, kuris leistų daugiatiksliais sprendimų priėmimo metodais bei GIS technologi-jomis įvertinti gyvenamųjų teritorijų susisiekimo sistemos darną ir darniai planuoti gyvenamųjų teritorijų susisiekimo sistemos vystymąsi ateityje. Dis-ertacijoje siūlomas modelis suteikia galimybę atlikti skirtingų gyvenamųjų teri-torijų susisiekimo sistemų rangavimą, analizuoti įvairias gyvenamųjų teritorijų susisiekimo sistemos vystimosi alternatyvas, jas palyginti bei atrinkti geriausią. Modelis yra integruotas su GIS ir suteikia galimybė atlikti gyvenamųjų teritorijų plėtros tendencijų modeliavimą. / The main goal of the current PhD thesis is urban transport system analysis according sustainability. In dissertation have been analyzed urban areas transport system using integrated decision support system methods with GIS. These methods have been adopted for urban transport system analysis, urban territories ranking according transport system level. Also the indicators system for urban transport system analysis was filled with other important indicators groups for urban sustainability (environmental, socio economic). The aim of the paper cov-ers creation of theoretical model, which could evaluate urban transport system sustainability and perform rational planning of urban future development ac-cording decision support methods and GIS technologies. Also this model could allow executing urban transport system ranking by engineering infrastructure, socio economic and environment aspects. Model could perform comparing of urban development scenarios and to indicate the best one, which satisfies trans-port systems indicators.

Dispersion of Drilling Discharges : A comparison of two dispersion models and consequences for the risk picture of cold water corals / Spridning av utsläpp från prospekteringsborrning : En jämförelse av två spridningsmodeller och konsekvenser för riskbilden för kallvatten-koraller

Svensson, Josefin January 2013 (has links)
One of the ocean’s greatest resources is the coral reefs, providing unique habitats for alarge variety of organisms. During drilling operations offshore many activities maypotentially harm these sensitive habitats. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) has developed arisk-based approach for planning of drilling operations called Coral Risk Assessment (CRA) to reduce the risk of negative effects upon cold water corals (Lophelia pertusa) on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). In order to get a good risk assessment amodelled dispersion plume of the drilling discharges is recommended. This study concerned a drilling case at the Pumbaa field (NOCS 6407/12-2) on the NCS, and used two different dispersion models, the DREAM model and the MUDFATE model in order to investigate how to perform good risk assessments. In the drill planning process a decision to move the discharge location 300 m north-west from the actual drilling location and reducing the amount of drilling discharges, was made inorder to reduce the risk for the coral targets in the area. The CRA analysis indicated that these decisions minimised the risk for the corals, and showed that the environmentalactions in the drill planning processes are necessary in order to reduce the risk for the coral targets and that the analysis method is a preferable tool to use. The amount of discharges, the ocean current data, the discharge location and the condition of the coral targets are the factors having the most important impact on the CRA results. From monitoring analysis from the case of study, it can be seen that a pile builds up around the discharge location. The dispersion models do not seem to take into account this build-up of a pile and thereby overestimate the dispersion of drilling discharges. This observation was done when modelled barite deposit was compared with barium concentrations measured in the sediment after the drilling operation. The overestimationis the case for the DREAM model, but has not been seen in the simulations with the MUDFATE model. Results from the modelling also indicated a higher overestimation for the DREAM model when using a cutting transport system (CTS) to release thedrilling discharges compared to release the discharges without using the CTS. / Korallrev består av ett skelett av kalciumkarbonat som bygger upp unika habitat på havsbotten. Dessa utnyttjas av flera olika organismer och är en av havets största och viktigaste resurser. Under prospekteringsborrningar till havs sker stora mängder utsläpp som kan påverka de känsliga miljöerna negativt. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) har utvecklat en riskbaserad strategi för planering av prospekteringsborrning i områden med koraller kallad Coral Risk Assessment (CRA). I CRA-analysen utvärderas risken för korallstrukturer (Lophelia pertusa) att påverkas av olika borrningsaktiviteter. Spridningsmodellering av det förväntade utsläppet från borrningsoperationen är ett viktigt hjälpmedel för att kunna utföra riskanalysen på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Studien har studerat en tidigare utförd prospekteringsborrning på Pumbaa-fältet (NOCS 6407/12-2) på den norska kontinentalsockeln och två olika spridningsmodeller DREAM och MUDFATE har jämförts i studien med syfte att förbättre riskbedömningen. I planeringsstadiet av prospekteringsborrningen togs ett beslut att flytta utsläppspunkten för det producerade borrslammet 300 m nordväst från brunnen samt att mängden borrslam skulle reduceras för att minska risken för påverkan på korallstrukturerna i området. CRA-analysen som utfördes i denna studie visade att dessa beslut minskat risken för korallstrukturerna att bli påverkade. Detta indikerar således att analysmetoden är ett viktigt verktyg att använda vid miljöundersökningar i planeringsstadiet för att minska risken för oönskad påverkan från aktiviteter i samband med prospekteringsborrning. De faktorer som har störst påverkan på CRA-analysen är mängden borrslam, strömdata, utsläppspunkt och tillståndet på korallstrukturerna. Under miljöövervakningen i samband med borrningsprocessen påvisades det att vallar av borrslam byggdes upp nära utsläppspunkten, vilket skedde relativt snabbt efter det att utsläppet startat. Spridningsmodellerna verkar inte ta hänsyn till denna uppbyggnad utan överestimerar spridningen och depositionen av borrslam. Detta har påvisats vid jämförelser av modellerade och uppmätta värden av bariumkoncentrationer i sedimentet. Överestimeringen är påvisad för DREAM, men slutsatsen är mer osäker för MUDFATE. Spridningsmodelleringen med DREAM indikerar även en större överestimering av resultaten om utsläppen sker med en så kallad CTS (Cutting Transport System).

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