Spelling suggestions: "subject:"drauma"" "subject:"curauma""
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<em>100 tigrar i djungeln </em> : En studie om Posttraumatisk stressyndrom hos barn / 100 tigers in the jungle : A study in Posttraumatic stress in childrenPettersson, Lisa-Maria January 2009 (has links)
<h1>Abstract <em></em></h1><p>This essay will present actual research around the concept of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, how it can reveal itself in school children and how it can influence young people’s learning ability and capacity to retain knowledge.</p><p>The purpose is, above all, to clearly diagnose PTSD so that children with this complex of problems can receive good possibilities in learning and understanding.</p><p>The question at hand is responded to by interviewees with an expertise on the subject and one “story”, collectively with literary studies.</p><p>The results illustrate that there can be neurological and biological, as well as social explanations for PTSD but it is seldom a permanent diagnosis. It is though something to take very seriously. PTSD can lead to severe psychobiological consequences, mostly by causing damage in one particular part of the brain, known as hippocampus. The hippocampus is essential in terms of memory and concentration. Other negative effects caused by PTSD might be a disturbed cognition, difficulties in the ability to store information or a deterioration of language. All of these consequences affect the child’s ability to learn in a negative way.</p><p>The essay demonstrates how educators can simplify a PTSD diagnosed child’s difficulties and how school time can be adjusted to fit their needs. The importance of educator’s getting deep knowledge of the diagnosis is emphasized. Children with this diagnosis need an individual designed study plan and one must take much consideration with the learning difficulty that hinder these young people.<em></em></p>
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Die pastorale hantering van oorgeërfde verwonding by tieners / Reinette KrugerKruger, Reinette January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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100 tigrar i djungeln : En studie om Posttraumatisk stressyndrom hos barn / 100 tigers in the jungle : A study in Posttraumatic stress in childrenPettersson, Lisa-Maria January 2009 (has links)
Abstract This essay will present actual research around the concept of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, how it can reveal itself in school children and how it can influence young people’s learning ability and capacity to retain knowledge. The purpose is, above all, to clearly diagnose PTSD so that children with this complex of problems can receive good possibilities in learning and understanding. The question at hand is responded to by interviewees with an expertise on the subject and one “story”, collectively with literary studies. The results illustrate that there can be neurological and biological, as well as social explanations for PTSD but it is seldom a permanent diagnosis. It is though something to take very seriously. PTSD can lead to severe psychobiological consequences, mostly by causing damage in one particular part of the brain, known as hippocampus. The hippocampus is essential in terms of memory and concentration. Other negative effects caused by PTSD might be a disturbed cognition, difficulties in the ability to store information or a deterioration of language. All of these consequences affect the child’s ability to learn in a negative way. The essay demonstrates how educators can simplify a PTSD diagnosed child’s difficulties and how school time can be adjusted to fit their needs. The importance of educator’s getting deep knowledge of the diagnosis is emphasized. Children with this diagnosis need an individual designed study plan and one must take much consideration with the learning difficulty that hinder these young people.
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Behandlares upplevelser när en patient begår suicid. / The professional caregivers experiences when a patient commits suicide.Nygårdh, Elisabeth January 2012 (has links)
Inom psykiatrisk verksamhet händer det att patienter tar sitt liv under pågående behandling eller i direkt anslutning till en behandlingsperiod. Enligt patientsäkerhetsförordningen måste dessa händelser rapporteras och utredas. Syftet med patientsäkerhetsförordningen är att den ska främja hög patientsäkerhet inom hälso- och sjukvård genom att minska antalet vårdskador, oavsett om bristerna beror på systemfel eller på att vårdpersonal begått misstag. Fokus är således på ett patientperspektiv, därför känns det angeläget att studera upplevelser som väcks hos olika grupper av vårdgivare när en patient begår suicid. Frågeställningar: Behandlares upplevelser när en patient gör suicid. Metod: En kvalitativ intervju på fenomenologisk grund genomfördes med fem vårdgivare i psykiatrisk verksamhet, två sjuksköterskor med steg 1 utbildning och tre skötare. Resultat: Upplevelser hos vårdgivare som är med om en patients suicid kännetecknas av chock, traumatisk stress och sorg. Det väcks också tankar som rör den egna professionen och i en del fall oro för följder av beslut som i efterhand kan bedömas vara felaktiga. Diskussion: När vårdgivare intervjuas om sina upplevelser efter en patients suicid, berättas om olika reaktioner som inte uppmärksammats nämnvärt. Det känns därför angeläget att belysa de upplevelser av chock, sorg och traumatisk karaktär som är vanliga.
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Terapiskolan för barn med psykosociala problem : En uppföljning på Liljanskolan om vad barnens vårdnadshavare tycker om barnens utveckling Södertörns högskolaKavak, Gulistan January 2012 (has links)
A study by Gulistan Kavak has been done about the therapy school, Liljanschool. The school handles children between the ages seven and twelve who suffer from psychosocial problems. These psychosocial problems may be the children’s’ experiences of psychological trauma, attachment-difficulties and anxiety. Therapists, teachers, educators and medical professionals work at Liljanschool. The purpose of this thesis is to see how parents see their children’s’ development at the school from there very first day until there last. Three questions have been formulated: How do parents of the children understand the development of the therapy that Liljanschool contributes with? How do the parents think that the school situation has been for their children? Do the school staff´s views and the parent´s views differ regarding cooperation between staff, parents and children? I have done a qualitative study. In-depth interviews were conducted with the staff of the school and the children’s parents. The results show that the majority of respondents were positive about the school. The analysis shows that through the extension-theory, the children and parents have developed together. The children’s’ behaviour has changed in a positive way.
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Leben nach einer erworbenen Hirnläsion : Reaktionen auf die Traumatisierung und Folgen für Lebensplanung und soziale Einbindung /Rother-Koßagk, Christina. January 2008 (has links)
Humboldt-Universiẗat, Diplomarbeit--Berlin, 2007.
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Omvårdnad efter traumatisk skada : vårdtagarens erfarenheter / Nursing after a traumatic injury : the patient experienceEaton Runnzell, Sanna, Åstrand, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fysiskt trauma orsakas ofta av en oväntad händelse med yttre våld som kan påverka flera organsystem med risk för dödsfall. Höga krav ställs på sjuksköterskans kompetens i omhändertagandet av personer med livshotande tillstånd då händelsen skapar rädsla men även då flera komplexa aktiviteter pågår samtidigt för att rädda kroppsfunktioner. Omhändertagandet kräver att sjuksköterskan arbetar utifrån både omvårdnadens sakaspekt och relationaspekt. Syfte: Att beskriva vårdsökande personers erfarenhet av omvårdnad vid trauma. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med induktiv kvalitativ ansats. Datainsamling via CINAHL, MEDLINE och psycINFO. Tematisk innehållsanalys på manifest nivå. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier skapades; Att bli mött om en individ, Säker omvårdnad och Maktlöshet. Personer med trauma beskrev betydelsen av att få vara delaktiga i sin omvårdnad, få sina behov bekräftade och att ha en relation med sjuksköterskan samt att de upplevde omvårdnaden som effektiv och trygg. Negativa erfarenheter beskrevs relaterat till utsatthet, bristande information och erfarenhet av kontrollförlust. Slutsatser: Omvårdnad vid trauma inkluderar att den vårdsökande personen får uppgifter att utföra av sjuksköterskan, samt att de blir informerade om interventioner och de aktiviteter som pågår runt omkring dem, vilket resulterar i ökad upplevelse av säkerhet samt ökat förtroende för sjuksköterskeprofessionen. / Background: Physical trauma is an unexpected event caused by external violence that can involve several body systems with a high risk of severe injuries. When caring for a person exposed to a physical trauma with a life threatening condition the nurses’ competencies are tested. Several complex activities take place at the same time to save the person’s life and physical functions. Aim: To describe the person’s experience of nursing after a trauma. Method: A literature review of qualitative studies. Data was collected in three databases and analysed using an inductive thematic qualitative content analysis on the manifest content. Results: Three categories were found; Being met as an individual, Secure nursing and Powerlessness. The persons’ described the importance of taking part in their care, having their needs confirmed and being in a relationship with the nurse, they described their care as efficient and they felt safe. Negative experiences were described as being exposed, not having control and lack of information. Conclusions: When caring for persons with trauma the nurse should include the person in their care by giving them “jobs” to do and by informing them about actions and interventions taking place around them, thereby confidence and security is created.
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Pastorale begeleiding van persone wat as gevolg van onverwerkte trauma spesifieke siektetoestande ervaar / Hendrik Petrus KotzeKotze, Hendrik Petrus January 2006 (has links)
This study deals with the pastoral counselling of people who became ill as a result of
unresolved trauma. Some of the important questions raised in this study, included:
Why are certain traumatic events physically harmful to people?
0 What is the relationship between unresolved trauma and the development of
disease in the human body?
Which additional factors play a role in the development of disease?
The basis theoretical research clearly showed that a wounded person can be healed and
restored by God; even if the wounding took place a long time ago. The traumatized
person can bring his/her pain to God, uninhibitedly, with the expectation that God's
healing power can heal. Negative thoughts and emotions, which are harmful to a person,
must be brought under the truth of the Word, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit;
with the intention to correct these thoughts and emotions.
The meta-theoretical research has clearly shown a relationship between unresolved
trauma and the development of disease in humans. Unresolved emotions can create
certain emotions that work in negatively on a person's body. Unresolved trauma can also
lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
For the purpose of the empirical study, four cases, of people who experienced trauma,
were selected and studied. These people all struggled with new diseases after their
traumatic experiences. The results highlighted the importance of considering the unique
personal history of each individual; especially with reference to unresolved traumatic
experiences in a person's past. The co-operation between the researcher and the medical
profession regarding the results of the case studies should be noted.
Chapter 6 clearly points out that the point of departure in pastoral counselling is God, the
Holy Trinity. Vital dimensions of the Biblical counselling process are the following:
Establishing involvement with counselees.
Inspiring in them Biblical hope.
0 A thorough inventory and Biblical interpretation of counselees and their
Instructing counselees in an accurate and appropriately Biblical way to inspire in
them decisive commitment to Biblical obedience and the implementation of
Biblical instructions. / Thesis (M.A. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Vad påverkar beslutet av missbruksvård? : Faktorer som kan påverka val av insatsDabetic, Christian, Nilsson, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Title: What influences the assessment of addiction treatment? - Factors that may affect the choice of interventions There are few studies on trauma and the importance of religion for the professional handling of abuse clients in a Swedish context. It is therefore appropriate to examine the role of such factors. This study examines whether experienced trauma in childhood or religious beliefs influence the assessment and selection of input in fictitious cases. To examine this created six vignettes. Vignettes could assess participants using different set responses. The questionnaire consisted of two parts, vignettes and personal details of the participants. It included questions about experienced trauma and religious beliefs. The results of the study show that the abuse case officers with experienced trauma deems equivalent to the group but have experienced trauma. Religious officials, however, differ from the non-religious in assessing the choice of effort. The study shows that one third of abuse officers are religious and half have experienced a trauma in childhood. Overall, this means that 58 of the 93 participants either experienced trauma, religious or both. Future research might examine these variables more carefully operationalize and measure religion and traumas impact assessment with greater precision and sensitivity. Keywords: Assessment, misuse, addiction, religion, trauma / Det finns få studier om trauma och religionens betydelse för professionell handläggning av missbruksklienter i en svensk kontext. Det är därför motiverat att undersöka betydelsen av sådana faktorer. Denna studie undersöker om upplevt trauma i barndomen eller religiös övertygelse påverkar bedömningen och val av insats i fiktiva fall. För att undersöka detta skapades sex vinjetter. Vinjetterna kunde deltagarna bedöma med hjälp av olika fasta svarsalternativ. Enkäten bestod av två delar, vinjetterna och personliga uppgifter om deltagarna. Där ingick frågor om upplevt trauma och religiös övertygelse. Resultatet av studien visar att missbrukshandläggarna med upplevt trauma bedömer likvärdigt med gruppen utan upplevt trauma. Religiösa handläggare skiljer sig dock från de icke-religiösa vid bedömningen av val av insats. I studien framkommer att en tredjedel av missbrukshandläggarna är religiösa och hälften har upplevt ett trauma i barndomen. Sammantaget innebär detta att 58 av 93 deltagare antingen har upplevt trauma, är religiös eller är både och. Framtida forskning kan kanske undersöka dessa variabler noggrannare operationalisera och mäta religion och traumas inverkan på bedömningen med större precision och känslighet. Nyckelord: Handläggning, missbruk, beroende, religion, trauma
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Die pastorale hantering van oorgeërfde verwonding by tieners / Reinette KrugerKruger, Reinette January 2007 (has links)
Teens around the world manifest with dysfunctional behaviour and according to statistics there was an increase of 75% in addictions, suicidal attempts and promiscuity among the youth in the past ten years. This study attempts to establish whether unresolved hurt and damaged emotions of the parents and even grandparents contribute to this affect amongst teens.
The basic-theoretical chapter shows that dysfunctional families had already existed in the Bible. An example of this is the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Through the history of these Biblical families it is shown that certain patterns repeat themselves in generation after generation. The exegetical analysis of suitable Scriptures give Biblical guidelines with which damaged emotions, caused by intergenerational trauma, can be healed when assisted with the guidance of pastoral caregivers.
The next chapter deals with contributions by various pastoral authors in connection with the theme of intergenerational trauma. According to their view there is a definite connection between the unresolved trauma of previous generations and the wounds of some of the current generation of teens. God based family structure on perfect harmony, but this relationship was broken because of the fall. It subsequently led to the inheritance of fractured relationships by mankind and the only way to repair this relationship is for man to repair his relationship with God. Only thereafter man would be able to repair his earthly relationships.
According to empirical theory the research done on the children of Holocaust survivors was the first of its kind to be undertaken on secondary traumatization, which by its nature is connected to intergenerational distress. Although current literature gives some recognition to the problem of intergenerational distress, the total impact of secondary trauma on the next generation is still being ignored. Empirical researchers came to the overwhelming conclusion that trauma is "contagious". They furthermore concluded that there is a hiatus with regard to theological reflection in connection with the spiritual as well as the pastoral implications of this theme.
Empirical research concluded that intergenerational distress can have a devastating and traumatic effect on the next generation. Unresolved trauma experienced by previous generations have the ability to wound the next generation, particularly the teenagers, on the physical, psychological,
emotional and most of all on the spiritual level. Empirical research found that these wounds need a multidimensional approach and that Pastoral input is of utmost importance.
The practical-theoretical theory reconciles the conclusions drawn from the auxiliary science as well as the results from the empirical research with Biblical principals drawn from the basic-theoretical chapter. This guidelines together with pastoral care, can guide the teenager suffering from the negative affects of intergenerational trauma towards emotional healing. / Thesis (M.A. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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