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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Of friendship and hospitality : Victorian women's travel writing on Meiji Japan

Kumojima, Tomoe January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the possibility and challenges of international/interracial female friendship and anti-communitarian hospitality through writings of Victorian female travellers to Meiji Japan between 1854 and 1918. It features three travellers, viz. Isabella Bird, Mary Crawford Fraser, and Marie Stopes. The introduction delineates the context of key events in the Anglo-Japanese relationship and explores the representation of Japan in Victorian travelogues and literary works. Chapter I considers the philosophical dialogue between Jean-Luc Nancy, Maurice Blanchot, and Jacques Derrida on community, friendship, and hospitality. It demonstrates the potential of applying their thinking, notwithstanding its occasional complicity, to an analysis of the place of hitherto marginalised groups, women and foreigners, in Western philosophical models. Chapter II examines relationships between Bird and Japanese natives, especially her interpreter, Ito in Unbeaten Tracks in Japan (1880) in terms of questions of stable identity and translation. It further undertakes a comparative study between the travelogue and Itō no koi (2005) by Nakajima Kyōko. I explore the afterlife of Bird in Japanese literature. Chapter III investigates friendships in Fraser’s A Diplomatist’s Wife in Japan (1898). It uncovers her connection with Japanese female writers in oblivion, Yei Theodra Ozaki and Wakamatsu Shizuko. I discuss the influence her friendships had on Fraser’s fictional works such as The Stolen Emperor (1903), especially on the fair portrayals of Japanese women. Chapter IV explores friendships between the sexes in Stopes’ A Journal from Japan (1910) and articulates its relationship with Love-Letters of a Japanese (1911) and Plays of Old Japan (1913). I examine Stopes’ romantic relationship with Fujī Kenjirō and its influence on her career in sexology. It also investigates Stopes’ collaboration with Sakurai Jōji on Nō translation and exposes complex gender, racial, and linguistic politics. The conclusion explores three Japanese female travellers to Victorian Britain, focusing on their contact with local women. It considers Tsuda Umeko’s Journal in London, Yasui Tetsu’s Wakakihi no ato, and Yosano Akiko’s Pari yori (1914).

O príncipe Maximiliano de Wied-Neuwied e sua viagem ao Brasil (1815-1817) / Prince Maximilian von Wied-Neuwied and his trip to Brazil (1815-1817)

Costa, Christina Rostworowski da 15 September 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como enfoque o livro Viagem ao Brasil, escrito pelo Príncipe Maximiliano de Wied-Neuwied, bem como as imagens, gravuras e aquarelas produzidas pelo príncipe por conta da viagem. Entre 1815 e 1817, o príncipe percorreu os atuais estados do Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais e Bahia. Esta viagem resultou no diário publicado na Alemanha em 1820 e em diversos outros países e línguas nos anos subseqüentes. O diário de Maximiliano poderia ter sido relegado, como tantos outros diários produzidos no século XIX sobre o exótico Novo Mundo, mas sua descrição minuciosa da história natural do país e o tratamento pitoresco conferido à população que hora serve para confirmar os estereótipos de Maximiliano, hora para justificar a originalidade de seus escritos chamam a atenção do leitor através da presença de Guack, índio Botocudo que dispensa as funções de acompanhante, tradutor e, sobretudo, interlocutor indispensável no contato de Maximiliano com o território desconhecido e inexplorado. Contudo, por meio do papel de Guack na narrativa pode-se perceber que o território percorrido por Maximiliano é tudo menos desconhecido ou inexplorado, e sua população certamente não é virgem ou intocada. A análise concentra-se na criação da denominação Botocudo, nas estratégias usadas pelos nativos em seu constante contato com os portugueses, os escravos oriundos da África e mesmo entre os diversos grupos indígenas, e quão pouco consciente Maximiliano parece ser no que diz respeito à realidade que o cerca, na produção do diário, pinturas e aquarelas a serem apreciados pelos europeus. / This thesis focuses on the diary written by Prince Maximilian von Wied Neuwied, based on his journey in Brazil. Throughout the years of 1815 to 1817, the prince traveled across the current Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Bahia. His two-year journey resulted in a diary, published in Germany in 1820 and in several other countries and languages during the following years. Even though it could have been yet another journal amidst the hundreds produced in the nineteenth century concerning the exotic New World, its thorough description of the countrys natural history and its picturesque approach to its population which at times are either brought about to confirm Maximilians stereotypes and previous readings on Brazil, and at other times, to justify the originality of his writings catches the readers eyes for the subtle presence of Guack, an Indian from the so-called Botocudo tribe who plays a crucial role in the journey both as Maximilians accompanier, translator, and above all, indispensable interlocutor in the acquaintance with what Maximilian refers to as this unknown, unexplored territory. Yet it is by means of Guacks role in the narrative that one is inevitably driven to see that the territory Maximilian visits is anything but unknown or unexplored, and its population is anything but virgin and untouched. The analysis focuses on the creation of the Botocudo label, which can be traced as early as the sixteenth century, the strategies used by the natives in their constant contact with the Portuguese, the African slaves and even amongst themselves, and how aloof Maximilian seems to be regarding the reality surrounding him while producing his diary, paintings and images for his European counterparts.

La figure de l’étranger dans l’œuvre de D. H. Lawrence : la puissance créatrice et transformatrice de l’étrange / Foreigners and foreignness in D. H. Lawrence : the creative and transformative power of otherness

Fleming, Fiona 21 October 2016 (has links)
S’inspirant des théories de « dégénérescence » avancées par Nordau et Spengler à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle, Lawrence pose l’hypothèse d’un déclin physique et moral des individus et des formes sociales collectives en Europe. Il se met donc en quête, à travers le voyage et sa narration, de possibilités de « régénération » que pourraient offrir les lieux et les cultures extra-européens. Ce faisant, il analyse la confrontation entre ses personnages voyageurs européens et l’altérité culturelle qu’ils découvrent, une altérité portée à la fois par les individus étrangers et les sociétés auxquelles ils appartiennent, les lieux et les forces sacrées qui peuplent ces derniers. Lawrence postule que la régénération, ou réanimation, du sujet européen dépend de la capacité du voyageur à se laisser altérer par la puissance étrangère. Chaque œuvre examine ainsi le processus d’altération que subit le sujet européen et qui dépend de divers facteurs, tels que la relation à la patrie, la finalité poursuivie à travers le voyage, la condition sociale, l’éducation, et le genre.L’œuvre lawrencienne s’intéresse en effet majoritairement à la réanimation du sujet féminin et la plupart de ses personnages voyageurs sont des voyageuses non-accompagnées, un choix singulier pour l’époque. Pourtant, Lawrence n’envisage pas d’auto-émancipation du sujet féminin, car sa réanimation n’est possible que grâce à la rencontre érotique avec un autre masculin, porteur d’un monde étranger.Lawrence expérimente toutefois avec diverses formes de régénération, individuelle et collective, politique et spirituelle, susceptibles de contribuer au renouveau de la civilisation occidentale. / Drawing on Nordau and Spengler’s theories of “degeneration” in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Lawrence posits the idea of a physical and moral decline of both individuals and collective social forms in Europe. He therefore sets out, through his personal travels and travel narratives, on a quest for the “regenerative” possibilities which he believes non-European places and cultures may have to offer.His travel writings examine the encounter between his European characters and the cultural otherness they experience abroad in the form of foreign individuals and societies, places and the sacred powers that inhabit those places. Lawrence postulates that the “regeneration” or revitalisation of the European subject is determined by the traveller’s ability to let himself or herself be altered by the power of otherness. Each of his works thus analyses the process of alteration undergone by the European subject, which is affected by various factors such as the latter’s relationship to the home country and the end sought through travel, his social status, education and gender.Lawrence’s works are primarily concerned with the revitalisation of the female subject and most of his travelling characters are in fact unaccompanied female travellers – an uncommon choice at the time. Yet Lawrence does not contemplate the possibility of the female subject’s self-emancipation since her revitalisation can only be brought about by the erotic encounter with a male other endowed with the power of otherness.Lawrence nonetheless experiments with several types of regeneration – individual and collective, political and spiritual – which may contribute to the renewal of western civilisation.

O mundo interligado: poder, guerra e território nas lutas na Argentina e na Nova Zelândia (1826-1885) / Connected worlds: political power, war and territory in the struggles in Argentina and New Zealand (1826-1885)

Passetti, Gabriel 01 September 2010 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as relações entre indígenas e criollos estabelecidas na Argentina e as entre os Maori e os pakeha na Nova Zelândia, entre as décadas de 1820 e 1880. Suas fontes são relatos de viagens, cartas, relatórios, petições, abaixo-assinados, leis e tratados de paz. São acompanhadas as transformações ocorridas no período, traçados os diferentes projetos dos grupos em luta pelo poder político, as aproximações e distanciamentos, e as estratégias de Caciques e Chefes para participar e controlar as redes de trocas, e evitar a perda de poder e territórios. A análise da atuação britânica permitiu estabelecer conexões entre regiões distantes no espaço, mas próximas quanto às situações vividas. A comparação entre uma colônia do Império Britânico e uma república recém-independente permitiu a compreensão da circulação de ideias, pessoas e produtos e a consolidação de imagens e de discursos que estabeleciam diferenças entre anglicanos e católicos, monarquistas e republicanos. Diante da expansão liberal, tanto os indígenas pampeanos quanto os Maori da Nova Zelândia superaram tradicionais rivalidades e tentaram expulsar criollos e pakehas. Quando foram associados à barbárie por colonos, militares e governantes, enfrentaram os exércitos, armados com os mais recentes e eficientes inventos da guerra, do transporte e da comunicação. Combatidos por estratégias etnocidas ou genocidas, foram derrotados, tiveram seus territórios anexados às jurisdições, terras inseridas nos mercados, e as próprias existências independentes suprimidas / a quick turn on the next years. One of the major objectives of the research is the comprehension of , and freedom, and joining in trade networks. The comparison between a British white settler colony and a republic, and Salinas Grandes in Argentina. Associated by settlers, and their own existences as independent were suppressed. The sources analyzed were travel accounts, and willing to defend their own authority, as the King Movement in New Zealand, as whell as the Maori and pakeha in New Zealand, claim, exposed how ideas, from 1826 to 1885. During this time, laws and peace treaties., letters, military and the government to barbarism, native Chiefs united themselves in organized resistance confederations, people and products circulated through the globe. Facing major liberal interests in their lands, recently independent, reports, social and commercial relations between the indigenous peoples of Argentina and the criollos, sovereignty, the political power balance changed from a clear native superiority, their land to the markets, then, they lost their territory to official government jurisdiction, they were attacked by professional armies and their modern guns, This research are focused on comparisons on political, to a draw in the 1850s and, transports and communication. Beaten by ethnocide or genocide strategies

Nicolas Bouvier ou l'usage du savoir. Essai d'épistémocritique / Nicolas Bouvier or the Use of Knowledge. An Epistemocritical Study

Bischoff, Liouba 28 September 2018 (has links)
Depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix et le succès croissant du Festival Etonnants Voyageurs, Nicolas Bouvier est devenu l’incarnation d’un art de voyager, et son premier livre, L’Usage du monde, s’est imposé comme un nouveau classique du genre viatique. Mais la critique sur son œuvre est encore très parcellaire, notamment parce qu’elle tend à se cantonner aux récits de voyage sans exploiter tout le corpus d’essais, à caractère historiographique ou iconographique, qui constitue une part essentielle de son œuvre. Car l’exploration du monde et celle des bibliothèques constituent les deux faces complémentaires d’un usage du savoir que ce travail de thèse se propose d’étudier, notamment grâce aux carnets inédits qui apportent un précieux éclairage sur sa méthode de travail, ses influences et ses conceptions. Dans une perspective épistémocritique, l’usage du savoir désigne à la fois la façon dont l’écrivain se positionne face à l’ignorance et à la connaissance, et le rapport qu’il entretient avec les savoirs extérieurs à la littérature. S’il fait l’éloge du non-savoir pour mieux recevoir les leçons de la route et tenir à distance, comme Montaigne et Michaux, le pédantisme et le dogmatisme, Bouvier n’en conçoit pas moins son œuvre comme une somme encyclopédique. Sans prétendre à l’autorité du spécialiste, il réinvestit la fonction épistémique que le romantisme avait évacuée du récit de voyage pour transmettre un savoir sur le monde issu de ses lectures et de ses observations, et contribue ainsi au rapprochement entre littérature et sciences humaines qui s’opère depuis plusieurs décennies : son rapport subjectif et spontané à l’histoire, à la géographie et à l’ethnologie témoignent de la capacité de la littérature à « fai[re] tourner les savoirs », sans en « fétichis[er] aucun », selon la formule de Barthes. / Since the 1990s and the increasing success of the Étonnants Voyageurs Festival, Nicolas Bouvier has become the incarnation of the art of travelling, and his first book, L’Usage du Monde (The Way of the World), has established itself as a contemporary classic of the travelogue. But the critique of his writings is still very fragmentary, particularly because it tends to confine them to travel writing, without exploiting the entire corpus of historiographic and iconographical essays, which constitute an essential part of his work. The exploration of the world and that of libraries form two complementary sides of a use of knowledge that this PhD dissertation proposes to examine, especially through unpublished notebooks, which shed valuable light on Bouvier’s working methods, influences and conceptions. In an epistemocritical perspective, the use of knowledge designates both the way in which the author positions himself faced with ignorance and knowledge, and the relationship he maintains with knowledge outside literature. Although he lauds ‘not knowing’ to better learn along the way and to keep pedantry and dogmatism at a distance, like Montaigne and Michaux, Bouvier nonetheless conceives his work as an encyclopaedic whole. Without claiming to be a special authority, he reinvests the epistemic function that Romanticism had drained from travel writing to transmit knowledge about the world from his readings and observations. He thus contributes to the coming together of literature and human sciences that has been occurring over several decades: his subjective and spontaneous relationship to history, geography and ethnology attests to literature’s capacity to “make knowledge go around”, without “fetichising any of it”, according to Barthes’ expression.

Les fictions du tourisme albanais : des images et des lieux toujours en chantier / The fictions of the Albanian tourism : images and places still under construction

Kroni, Prandvera 02 December 2016 (has links)
La chute des murs et la mondialisation ont engagé de nouveaux pays à s’ouvrir au développement de leur secteur touristique. Au cœur des Balkans, l’Albanie, un pays ex-communiste, peu connue, voire totalement méconnue, représente à la fois une destination et un objet de recherche en angle mort en sciences sociales, un territoire laboratoire singulièrement stimulant pour rendre compte des modalités d’une « (re) mise en tourisme » dans un contexte d’économie de marché éminemment concurrentiel et ce, dans le plus vieux bassin touristique du monde. Ayant connue aux XIXème-XXème siècles ses voyages de découvertes et d’explorations, ses modernités touristiques avant la clôture de l’ère d’Enver Hoxha (1944-1991) interrompant l’évolution touristique, qu’ont en revanche ont connu ses voisins, l’Albanie sera confrontée à ses propres faiblesses en matière du développement touristique au XXIème siècle. Cette recherche vise à explorer l’épaisseur historique des pratiques touristiques - dans les contextes politiques successifs, permettant de pister depuis le XIXème siècle les éléments constitutifs qui ont progressivement fabriqué les lieux, les images et les discours d’une « Albanie touristique », constituant la matière d’une offre touristique aujourd’hui mobilisée par une pluralité d’acteurs et de ministères du Tourisme. S’appuyant sur une approche privilégiant un plan chronologique diachronique à travers des continuités et des perdurations du discours, ce travail dévoile la construction des premières représentations des voyageurs en Albanie au début du XIXème siècle, afin de dévoiler l’image et la communication touristique albanaise à la fois ancienne et contemporaine, s’appuyant sur une analyse textuelle et iconographique des guides touristiques et d’autres supports de communication. Tandis qu’une analyse quantitative par questionnaire mobilisant des images et des lieux permet de connaitre les représentations et les pratiques touristiques de la jeunesse albanaise au XXIème siècle, mettant l’accent sur des spécificités à travers un processus de construction et d’inversion des valeurs. / The fall of walls and globalization have appointed new countries to open to the development of their tourism sector. At the heart of the Balkans, Albania, a former communist country, little known, even completely unknown, present both a destination and a blind spot in social sciences topic researches, a singularly challenging laboratory territory in terms of "(re) development of tourism" in a highly competitive market economy context and, this one, in the oldest tourist area in the world. Knowing during the 19-20th centuries her discovery and exploration travels, her tourist modernity’s before the Enver Hoxha’s era (1944-1991), which interrupted tourist development, that however have experienced its neighbors, Albania will face to his own weaknesses in terms of tourism development in the 21th century. This research aims to explore the historical density tourism practices - in successive political systems, to track since the nineteenth century the elements that have gradually created places, images and discourses of a "touristic Albania", constituting the material of a tourist offer, mobilized today by a plurality of actors and tourism ministries. Based on an approach considering a chronological diachronic approach through continuities and loss of discourse, this research reveals the construction of the first representations of travelers to Albania in the early 19th century, in order to present the image and Albanian tourism communication, both ancient and contemporary, based on a textual and iconographic analysis of tourist guides and new communication media. Representations and tourism practices of the Albanian youth in the 21th century, mobilized in a quantitative analysis by questionnaire focused in characteristics and construction through a process of the inversion of values.

Les voyages en Orient des écrivains français de 1919 à 1952 : l'Orient romantique à l'épreuve du nouveau siècle / Journeys to the East of French writers (1919-1952) : the romantic "East" faces the new century

Bovio, Maéva 14 November 2016 (has links)
Au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale, le Moyen Orient connaît de profonds bouleversements : la carte géopolitique est entièrement modifiée et de nouvelles problématiques se font jour (sionisme, montée des nationalismes arabes). La France s'implante politiquement dans la région en tant que puissance coloniale, par le biais des mandats qui lui sont confiés par la Société des Nations en Syrie et au Liban. Le Moyen Orient de 1952, où figurent désormais l’État d'Israël et de nombreux pays indépendants réunis au sein de la Ligue arabe, n'offre plus le même visage qu'avant 1914.Ces renversements politiques, joints aux progrès de la modernité technique et matérielle et au développement du tourisme de masse, affectent directement la tradition littéraire française du Voyage en Orient, qui a connu son âge d'or au siècle précédent avec les productions de Chateaubriand, Lamartine, Nerval, Flaubert et Loti. Force est de constater que les voyageurs ne désertent pourtant pas les lieux. De Maurice Barrès à Roger Vailland en passant par Paul Morand, Louis Bertrand, Myriam Harry, Roland Dorgelès, Joseph Kessel ou encore Albert Londres, nombreux sont les écrivains et reporters qui se rendent dans la région et lui consacrent un ou plusieurs ouvrages.Notre travail a donc d'abord consisté à constituer un corpus, c'est-à-dire à identifier et classer un vaste ensemble de textes (ouvrages et articles), dont certains fort méconnus aujourd'hui alors qu'ils ne l'étaient pas à l'époque, afin de pouvoir les analyser dans une démarche d'histoire littéraire et selon un point de vue en partie inspiré des études postcoloniales.Il s'est agi de rendre compte d'une production dans son ensemble, tiraillée entre rétrospection mélancolique et description enthousiaste de la modernité : l'Orient romantique fait alors l'objet de vifs débats et le Voyage en Orient se teinte d'une coloration polémique de plus en plus marquée. Loin de l'abandonner, les écrivains voyageurs tentent de redonner vie à cette tradition littéraire en réinventant ses formes et en adoptant une posture parfois moins européocentrée, à rebours de l'acmé coloniale des années trente.L'étude de ces textes qui n'avaient pas encore fait l'objet d'une approche synthétique nous a ainsi permis d'écrire un chapitre nouveau de l'histoire de l'orientalisme littéraire. / The First World War has changed the face of the Middle East. As the geopolitical map is fully modified, new issues emerge (zionism, rise of Arab nationalisms, etc.). France sets up politically in the region as a colonial power through mandates in Lebanon and Syria. In 1952, the Middle East, where the state of Israel and numerous independent countries reunited in the Arab League can be found, no longer offers the same face as before 1914.Along with technical progress and modernity hardware and with the development of mass tourism, these political upheavals directly affect the french literary tradition of the Journey to the East. It experienced its golden age during the XIXst century, with the artworks by Chateaubriand, Lamartine, Nerval, Flaubert and Loti. But it must be observed that French travelers don't stop coming in the region for all that. From Maurice Barrès to Roger Vailland, passing by Paul Morand, Louis Bertrand, Myriam Harry, Roland Dorgelès, Joseph Kessel or Albert Londres, a lot of writers and reporters go to the Middle East and dedicate a book to this experience.Our work was to build a corpus, which means identify and classify a wide range of texts (books and journalistic articles) – some of which are not well known today – in order to analyze them in a process of literary history and according to a postcolonial perspective.The goal was to give an account of a whole production torn apart melancholic retrospection and enthusiastic description of the modern oriental realities. The Romantic “East” is then the subject of an intense debate and the Journey to the East is tinged with controversy colouring. Travel writers try to revive this literary tradition, reinventing its forms and adopting a less eurocentric point of view, contrary to the colonial acme of the thirties.The analysis of these works which were never studied together before allowed us to write a new chapter of the history of french literary orientalism.

L’Irlandaise et le Peau-Rouge : le jeu des identités dans la production canadienne d’Anna Jameson / The Red Man and the Irish Woman : Identities at Play in Anna Jameson’s Canadian Narrative, Letters and Drawings

Quaireau, Anne-Florence 16 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la production de l’auteure irlandaise Anna Jameson relative au voyage qu’elle entreprit au Canada de décembre 1836 à décembre 1837, à savoir : le récit de son périple, Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada (1838), l’album d’illustrations réalisées tout au long de celui-ci, et la correspondance rédigée pendant cette période. L’analyse conjointe de ces trois média met au jour la portée politique de l’élaboration de l’identité de l’écrivaine voyageuse. En effet, les manipulations génériques, qui livrent un récit au croisement du journal, de la lettre, et du récit de voyage, l’écriture ethnographique de l’Indien, ou encore l’appréhension du paysage canadien, servent toutes un propos proto-féministe qui défend avant tout l’éducation des femmes. De l’Europe au Canada, dans une tension perpétuelle entre identité individuelle et collective, le voyage permet ainsi de faire retour : la représentation du Canada est révision de la Grande-Bretagne, l’écriture de l’Autre est reconstruction de soi, et vice versa. Ainsi, le récit de voyage se fait le lieu de la refiguration de l’identité de celle qui, au contact d’Autres, colons ou Indiens, tantôt sur un mode de différenciation, tantôt sur un mode d’identification, s’écrit en femme libre. Cette liberté, que permet l’écriture, se manifeste dans le jeu des identités, dans le vagabondage doublé de divagations, au travers duquel Anna Jameson reconfigure la définition de la femme au XIXe siècle. / This dissertation focuses on Irish authoress Anna Jameson’s artistic and personal production during her travel to Canada from December 1836 to December 1837, namely: her travel narrative, Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada (1838), the album of sketches she drew while there, and the letters she wrote during the period. A joint analysis of these three media reveals the political scope of the traveller-writer’s elaborating of her identity. Her generic negotiations — delivering a narrative at the crossroads between diary, letter and travel writing —, her ethnographic writing of the Indian, as well as her perception of the Canadian landscape, all serve a proto-feminist agenda, arguing first and foremost for the education of women. From Europe to Canada, in a perpetual shift between collective and individual identity, travelling enables re-envisioning: the representation of Canada becomes a revision of Great Britain, the writing of the Other turns into a reconstruction of the Self, and conversely. The travel narrative becomes the locus of the refiguration of Jameson’s identity, as her contact with Others — settlers or Indians —, at times through differentiation, at times through identification, enables her to rewrite herself as a free woman. The freedom which writing allows for is manifest in the play of identities, in the rambling through which Anna Jameson reconfigures the definition of woman in the 19th century.

Montaigne-voyageur : la question de la représentation du « moi » dans le Journal de voyage et dans Les Essais / Montaigne – traveler : the question of representation of "me" in the Travel Journal and in the Essays

Zuo, Tianmeng 23 September 2016 (has links)
À partir de la culture du voyage et des études sur la mentalité du voyageur à la Renaissance, en comparant les récits de voyage de l’époque de Montaigne, notre recherche dévoile progressivement l’idée du voyage que Montaigne a conçue et pratiquée entre 1580 et 1581, en Allemagne, en Suisse et en Italie. Il considère ce long voyage à l’étranger comme une promenade, ou plutôt des promenades, en des lieux différents. Telle est la singularité dans la pensée montaignienne : la promenade est, par nature, une manière de marcher afin de se distraire. Cependant, Montaigne-voyageur transforme cette démarche en un art de voyager qui vise à éprouver du plaisir sur sa route pour rétablir une âme mélancolique, un état déséquilibré, raison initiale de son départ. Au niveau de la création littéraire, les deux ouvrages entreprennent deux genres distincts pour représenter le séjour à l’étranger de Montaigne. Le Journal de voyage, réalisé par son secrétaire et par Montaigne lui-même, représente le « moi-voyageur » du point de vue du voyageur sur la route. Quant aux Essais, en insérant certains événements de ce séjour à l’étranger, ils représentent un « Montaigne-voyageur » du point de vue de l’essayiste, qui effectue une introspection de son « moi-voyageur » et de son expérience de voyage après son retour en France. Ainsi, cette variation d’écriture entraîne un effet de décalage dans la lecture des deux ouvrages sur le même thème du voyage. Mais, « Montaigne-voyageur » joue également le rôle d’essayiste dans son parcours, au sens de l’expérimentation, et reprend sa place d’écrivain-essayiste dans ses Essais. / From travel culture and the study on the mentality of the traveler in the Renaissance, by comparing the travel writings at the time of Montaigne, this study progressively reveals the idea of travel that Montaigne conceived and practiced during 1580 and 1581, in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. He considers this long trip abroad as a walk, or rather walks, in different places. That’s the peculiarity in Montaigne’s thoughts: the walk is, by nature, a way of amusing oneself. However, Montaigne-traveller transforms this process into an art of travelling that seeks to feel pleasure on his road, in order to restore a melancholy soul and an unbalanced state, initial reason for his departure.In terms of literary creation, the two works convey two distinct genres of representing Montaigne’s stay abroad. The Montaigne’s Travel Journal, accomplished by his secretary and by Montaigne himself, represents the "me-traveller" from the point of view of the traveller on the road. And The Essays, by inserting some pieces during this stay abroad, they represent a "Montaigne-traveller" from the point of view of the essayist, who undertakes an introspection of his "me-traveller" and his travel experience after his return to France. Thus, this writing variation causes a shift in the reading of two books on the same theme of travel. But "Montaigne-traveller" also plays the role of the essayist during his journey, in the sense of experimentation, and resumes his position of writer-essayist in The Essays.

O mundo interligado: poder, guerra e território nas lutas na Argentina e na Nova Zelândia (1826-1885) / Connected worlds: political power, war and territory in the struggles in Argentina and New Zealand (1826-1885)

Gabriel Passetti 01 September 2010 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as relações entre indígenas e criollos estabelecidas na Argentina e as entre os Maori e os pakeha na Nova Zelândia, entre as décadas de 1820 e 1880. Suas fontes são relatos de viagens, cartas, relatórios, petições, abaixo-assinados, leis e tratados de paz. São acompanhadas as transformações ocorridas no período, traçados os diferentes projetos dos grupos em luta pelo poder político, as aproximações e distanciamentos, e as estratégias de Caciques e Chefes para participar e controlar as redes de trocas, e evitar a perda de poder e territórios. A análise da atuação britânica permitiu estabelecer conexões entre regiões distantes no espaço, mas próximas quanto às situações vividas. A comparação entre uma colônia do Império Britânico e uma república recém-independente permitiu a compreensão da circulação de ideias, pessoas e produtos e a consolidação de imagens e de discursos que estabeleciam diferenças entre anglicanos e católicos, monarquistas e republicanos. Diante da expansão liberal, tanto os indígenas pampeanos quanto os Maori da Nova Zelândia superaram tradicionais rivalidades e tentaram expulsar criollos e pakehas. Quando foram associados à barbárie por colonos, militares e governantes, enfrentaram os exércitos, armados com os mais recentes e eficientes inventos da guerra, do transporte e da comunicação. Combatidos por estratégias etnocidas ou genocidas, foram derrotados, tiveram seus territórios anexados às jurisdições, terras inseridas nos mercados, e as próprias existências independentes suprimidas / a quick turn on the next years. One of the major objectives of the research is the comprehension of , and freedom, and joining in trade networks. The comparison between a British white settler colony and a republic, and Salinas Grandes in Argentina. Associated by settlers, and their own existences as independent were suppressed. The sources analyzed were travel accounts, and willing to defend their own authority, as the King Movement in New Zealand, as whell as the Maori and pakeha in New Zealand, claim, exposed how ideas, from 1826 to 1885. During this time, laws and peace treaties., letters, military and the government to barbarism, native Chiefs united themselves in organized resistance confederations, people and products circulated through the globe. Facing major liberal interests in their lands, recently independent, reports, social and commercial relations between the indigenous peoples of Argentina and the criollos, sovereignty, the political power balance changed from a clear native superiority, their land to the markets, then, they lost their territory to official government jurisdiction, they were attacked by professional armies and their modern guns, This research are focused on comparisons on political, to a draw in the 1850s and, transports and communication. Beaten by ethnocide or genocide strategies

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