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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of travel time uncertainties on the solution cost of a two-echelon vehicle routing problem with synchronization

Anderluh, Alexandra, Larsen, Rune, Hemmelmayr, Vera, Nolz, Pamela January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Two-echelon vehicle routing problems which contain synchronization between vehicles can be deeply impacted by time uncertainty, because one vehicle's delay can propagate to other vehicles. In this paper, we evaluate the deterministic solution of such a problem based on simulated travel time scenarios. The information obtained by simulation is incorporated in the optimization procedure iteratively. Computational results show that the degree of synchronization in an instance is directly correlated with the potential improvements by reoptimization. We present findings on the number of travel time scenarios required to obtain a representative picture of the stochastic solutions. In addition, we demonstrate that time dependent travel times can be aggregated on a city-wide level and linearized as a function of free flow times without major loss of reliability.

Operational Evaluation of Right Turns Followed by U-turns at Signalized Intersections as an Alternative to Direct Left Turns

Fan, Jingjing 30 April 2004 (has links)
Direct left turn (DLT) movements have a lot safety and operation problems. They increase conflicts, delay and reduce capacity of the roadway. Increasing, many states and transportation agencies are considering using right-turns followed by u-turns as an alternative to direct left turns. Recently, Florida state are planning to close median openings in order to reduce the safety and operational problems caused by DLT. The left-turn egress movement would then to be made by turning right to the arterial road and then making a u-turn at an available downstream median opening or a signalized intersection. FDOT sponsored a project in 2001 (Methodology to quantify the Effects of Access Management Treatments on Roadway Operations and Safety) which has provided useful information on operational effect of right-turn followed by u-turn at median opening as an alternative to the direct left turn from driveways. However, the impact of the treatment---right-turn followed by u-turn at signalized intersection as an alternative to direct left turn is still not clear. A operational comparison of this treatment would be valuable. Field data collection was conducted to quantify the operational effects of right turn followed by u-turn at signalized intersection versus direct left turns. Totally eight sites around the Tampa Bay area were selected and more than 300 hours field data including delay, travel time, traffic volume, traffic control, headway, signal timing and geometric data were collected. Data reduction was conducted after that and several statistic models were developed evaluating total travel time, travel delay of these two movements and the ratio of drivers choice of RTUT versus DLT. As the conclusion, the study found that RTUT followed by U-turn at signalized intersection has longer delay and longer travel time as compared to DLT and the existence of long cycle downstream signal will discourage driver's selection of RTUT. There conclusions are very important in that they provided decision makers with useful information regarding the selection of the suitable U-turn location.

An Analysis Of Journey To Work Characteristics In Florida Using Census 2000 Public Use Microdata Sample Data Files

Zhou, Liren 01 April 2004 (has links)
This thesis presents an overall picture of demographic and socio-economic characteristics as well as journey to work travel behavior characteristics in Florida. In addition, detailed comparisons of journey to work private vehicle occupancy distribution, travel time distribution, mode choice and departure time distribution by household and individual characteristics are also provided based on three data files: American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Samples data file, Summary File 3 Public Use Microdata Samples 1% and Public Use Microdata Samples 5% data files. Utilizing the three data files, this thesis not only investigates current commuting patterns but also provides more reliable information on current journey to work characteristics and helps to gain knowledge that is useful to identify problems and provide creative solutions on related transportation issues in the state of Florida. In analyzing the data, several socio-economic and journey to work travel behavior characteristics were identified. Interesting findings include the lower utilization of transit, the lower private vehicle occupancies for individuals in Florida, and different journey to work departure time distribution by gender, by young people and by senior citizens from other adult categories. The data analysis shows that the three data files reflect acknowledged demographic trends and capture known changes such as aging of population, smaller household size, and increasing car ownership. The comparison analysis shows that in most cases, ACS PUMS data files approximate SF3 PUMS 1% and 5% data files very well. The detailed comparison of the three data files regarding journey to work travel behavior characteristics in Florida is important to decision makers who will make informed choices when evaluating alternative transportation programs and related policy issues. The knowledge of reliability of data regarding journey to work travel behavior will also help transportation professionals for travel demand modeling, transportation and land use planning and related studies.

Linjenätsutredning av busstrafiken i Sandvikens tätort : Med avseende på dagens och morgondagens resebehov

Tomtlund, Peter January 2007 (has links)
<p>Den 13:e juni 2004 invigdes det nya resecentrumet i Sandviken. Det anlades med avsikten att möjliggöra snabba och enkla byten mellan tåg, regionbussar, landsortsbussar och stadsbussar inom en och samma terminal. I samband med detta genomfördes också en linjenätsomläggning av den kommunala busstrafiken inom tätorten. Särskilt stor blev förändringen för stadsbusstrafiken som förutom att den fick en ny knutpunkt också hade</p><p>krav på sig att kostnadseffektiviseras då anslagen inte hade höjts för att täcka de ökande kostnaderna. Resultatet av linjenätsomläggningen för stadsbusstrafiken blev ett resurseffektivt linjenät med fem nya linjer och fyra trafikerande bussar varav endast en buss i trafik på kvällar och helger.</p><p>Resandet med stadsbusstrafiken i Sandviken har minskat med 30,4% sedan linjenätsomläggningen 2004 och även om minskningen för den totala, inomkommunala busstrafiken begränsar sig till drygt 9% under samma tidsperiod är indikationen att resenärerna har känt sig missnöjda med det nya stadsbusslinjenätet. Sedan linjenätsomläggningen har även stadens fysiska struktur förändrats med bland annat ett nytt, halvexternt köpcentra, Mosaiken, som inte tillgodoses med busstrafik idag. Samtidigt har biljettintäkterna minskat i takt med att resandet minskat och kostnadstäckningen (biljettintäkter/utgifter) är idag nere på 41%. Ett antal faktorer har visat sig ha särskild betydelse för ifall människor väljer att åka kollektivt eller inte, de viktigaste är: Restid, komfort, pris, pålitlighet och enkelhet. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att främst identifiera åtgärder i syfte att öka flexibiliteten och minska restiden med stadsbusstrafiken genom att optimera dagens linjenät med avseende på linjesträckning, turtäthet och yttäckning inom begränsade, ekonomiska ramar och på så sätt öka stadsbusstrafikens attraktionskraft. Med restiden menas här den totala restiden från dörr till dörr, även kallat "Hela resan". Metoden för arbetet har varit att dels applicera erfarenheter från andra orter på Sandviken i tillämpbara delar men också att ta resenärernas åsikter i beaktande liksom befolkningsstrukturen och resandemönster för såväl dagens som morgondagens behov. För ändamålet har busshållplatserna lagts in i ett GIS för att skapa underlag för en anpassning av avstånd, hastigheter och bussomlopp till restiderna och utformningen av tidtabellerna.</p><p>Resultatet visar att med några mindre förändringar i linjesträckningen och sex helt nya hållplatser tillsammans med en extra buss i trafik 74 timmar/veckan så kan den totala restiden med stadsbussarna minska mellan nästan alla platser inom tätorten under alla tider, samtidigt som resenärernas önskemål tillgodoses. Driftkostnadsökningen blir ca 24 600 kr/veckan vilket kräver en ökning med ca 930 resenärer/veckan (48 400/år) för att uppnå 50% kostnadstäckning på den resandeökning som förslaget väntas medföra, en ökning som bedöms rimlig. I tillägg erhålls alla de samhällsekonomiska vinster som kollektivtrafiken alltid bidrar med, t.ex. en bättre miljö, bättre folkhälsa, minskat utrymmesbehov etc. Av erfarenheter från andra orter att döma så är en linjenätsomläggning bara en komponent i en lyckad kollektivtrafiksatsning och ska snarare ses som en väg in i en "god cirkel" där resandeökningar och satsningar/förbättringar av busstrafiken avlöser varandra. För en långsiktig helhetslösning krävs att den fysiska planeringen och kollektivtrafiken går hand i hand och kombineras såväl med restriktioner för biltrafiken som med satsningar på kollektivtrafiken.</p> / <p>The 13th of june 2004 the new central station for public transports was inaugurated in Sandviken. It was constructed with intention to connect local, regional and interregional busses to trains in order to enable quick and easy transfers within same terminal. In association to that, a restructure of the bus network within the city was accomplished. Those changes particularly affected the local busses which both got a new central bus stop but also had to be more effective in terms of costs since the subsidies had not been increased to cover the expenses. The new structure resulted in five local bus lines with four available busses of which only one of them in route on evenings and weekends. The local bus traffic travelling in Sandviken has decreased with 30,4% since the route restructure 2004 and even though the total travelling by bus in Sandviken has decreased with merely little more than 9% during same period it gives an indication of a dissatisfaction among the bus travellers. In addition, the physical structure of Sandviken has been changed significantly since 2004 with, among other things, a new shopping centre "Mosaiken" which is not provided by public transports at all today. Also the ticket incomes have decreased because of less travelling and the expense coverage (ticket incomes/expenses) has therefore dropped to 41%. A number of factors have shown to be particularly significant whether people choose public transports or not. The most important are: Travel time, comfort, charge, reliability, understand simplicity etc. The purpose of this paper was to identify measures in order to increase the local bus attraction by ameliorating flexibility and reduce travel times of the local buses. This was made by optimalizing today's bus route network with respect to line structure, travel frequencies and land coverage within specified, economical delimitations.</p><p>In this sense, travel time aim at the time from door to door, also called "The whole journey". The chosen method was to apply experiences from other towns to Sandviken in applicable parts and in conjunction with consideration of traveller's opinions, population structure and both today's travel patterns but also what is expected to arise in the future. For this purpose, every bus stop was put into a GIS in order to create data for analysing distances and velocities to adjust the creation of time tables.</p><p>The result shows that the total travel time to almost any place at any time within the city can be decreased as well as the traveller's requests by adding six new bus stops and adjusting the bus line system slightly together combined with one more bus in route 74 hours/week. That implies an increased running cost of approximately 24 600 SEK/week which requires an increase of roughly 930 passengers/week (48 4000/year) to cover up the expenses by 50%, an amount that is estimated to be plausible. In addition plenty of politic economical benefits like a cleaner environment, better public health, less need of space in urban environment etc, are achieved. Experiences from other cities have shown this kind of restructure of local busses can be one important part of a successful public transport concentration as well as an entry to a "gentle treadmill" where increased travelling and increased ticket incomes give possibilities to ameliorate the bus route standard gradually.</p><p>In order to create a sustainable solution in a longer perspective, the development of physical urban planning and traffic planning need to be collaborated and the suggested bus route restructure need to be combined with car restrictions and further investments and commitments.</p>

Linjenätsutredning av busstrafiken i Sandvikens tätort : Med avseende på dagens och morgondagens resebehov

Tomtlund, Peter January 2007 (has links)
Den 13:e juni 2004 invigdes det nya resecentrumet i Sandviken. Det anlades med avsikten att möjliggöra snabba och enkla byten mellan tåg, regionbussar, landsortsbussar och stadsbussar inom en och samma terminal. I samband med detta genomfördes också en linjenätsomläggning av den kommunala busstrafiken inom tätorten. Särskilt stor blev förändringen för stadsbusstrafiken som förutom att den fick en ny knutpunkt också hade krav på sig att kostnadseffektiviseras då anslagen inte hade höjts för att täcka de ökande kostnaderna. Resultatet av linjenätsomläggningen för stadsbusstrafiken blev ett resurseffektivt linjenät med fem nya linjer och fyra trafikerande bussar varav endast en buss i trafik på kvällar och helger. Resandet med stadsbusstrafiken i Sandviken har minskat med 30,4% sedan linjenätsomläggningen 2004 och även om minskningen för den totala, inomkommunala busstrafiken begränsar sig till drygt 9% under samma tidsperiod är indikationen att resenärerna har känt sig missnöjda med det nya stadsbusslinjenätet. Sedan linjenätsomläggningen har även stadens fysiska struktur förändrats med bland annat ett nytt, halvexternt köpcentra, Mosaiken, som inte tillgodoses med busstrafik idag. Samtidigt har biljettintäkterna minskat i takt med att resandet minskat och kostnadstäckningen (biljettintäkter/utgifter) är idag nere på 41%. Ett antal faktorer har visat sig ha särskild betydelse för ifall människor väljer att åka kollektivt eller inte, de viktigaste är: Restid, komfort, pris, pålitlighet och enkelhet. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att främst identifiera åtgärder i syfte att öka flexibiliteten och minska restiden med stadsbusstrafiken genom att optimera dagens linjenät med avseende på linjesträckning, turtäthet och yttäckning inom begränsade, ekonomiska ramar och på så sätt öka stadsbusstrafikens attraktionskraft. Med restiden menas här den totala restiden från dörr till dörr, även kallat "Hela resan". Metoden för arbetet har varit att dels applicera erfarenheter från andra orter på Sandviken i tillämpbara delar men också att ta resenärernas åsikter i beaktande liksom befolkningsstrukturen och resandemönster för såväl dagens som morgondagens behov. För ändamålet har busshållplatserna lagts in i ett GIS för att skapa underlag för en anpassning av avstånd, hastigheter och bussomlopp till restiderna och utformningen av tidtabellerna. Resultatet visar att med några mindre förändringar i linjesträckningen och sex helt nya hållplatser tillsammans med en extra buss i trafik 74 timmar/veckan så kan den totala restiden med stadsbussarna minska mellan nästan alla platser inom tätorten under alla tider, samtidigt som resenärernas önskemål tillgodoses. Driftkostnadsökningen blir ca 24 600 kr/veckan vilket kräver en ökning med ca 930 resenärer/veckan (48 400/år) för att uppnå 50% kostnadstäckning på den resandeökning som förslaget väntas medföra, en ökning som bedöms rimlig. I tillägg erhålls alla de samhällsekonomiska vinster som kollektivtrafiken alltid bidrar med, t.ex. en bättre miljö, bättre folkhälsa, minskat utrymmesbehov etc. Av erfarenheter från andra orter att döma så är en linjenätsomläggning bara en komponent i en lyckad kollektivtrafiksatsning och ska snarare ses som en väg in i en "god cirkel" där resandeökningar och satsningar/förbättringar av busstrafiken avlöser varandra. För en långsiktig helhetslösning krävs att den fysiska planeringen och kollektivtrafiken går hand i hand och kombineras såväl med restriktioner för biltrafiken som med satsningar på kollektivtrafiken. / The 13th of june 2004 the new central station for public transports was inaugurated in Sandviken. It was constructed with intention to connect local, regional and interregional busses to trains in order to enable quick and easy transfers within same terminal. In association to that, a restructure of the bus network within the city was accomplished. Those changes particularly affected the local busses which both got a new central bus stop but also had to be more effective in terms of costs since the subsidies had not been increased to cover the expenses. The new structure resulted in five local bus lines with four available busses of which only one of them in route on evenings and weekends. The local bus traffic travelling in Sandviken has decreased with 30,4% since the route restructure 2004 and even though the total travelling by bus in Sandviken has decreased with merely little more than 9% during same period it gives an indication of a dissatisfaction among the bus travellers. In addition, the physical structure of Sandviken has been changed significantly since 2004 with, among other things, a new shopping centre "Mosaiken" which is not provided by public transports at all today. Also the ticket incomes have decreased because of less travelling and the expense coverage (ticket incomes/expenses) has therefore dropped to 41%. A number of factors have shown to be particularly significant whether people choose public transports or not. The most important are: Travel time, comfort, charge, reliability, understand simplicity etc. The purpose of this paper was to identify measures in order to increase the local bus attraction by ameliorating flexibility and reduce travel times of the local buses. This was made by optimalizing today's bus route network with respect to line structure, travel frequencies and land coverage within specified, economical delimitations. In this sense, travel time aim at the time from door to door, also called "The whole journey". The chosen method was to apply experiences from other towns to Sandviken in applicable parts and in conjunction with consideration of traveller's opinions, population structure and both today's travel patterns but also what is expected to arise in the future. For this purpose, every bus stop was put into a GIS in order to create data for analysing distances and velocities to adjust the creation of time tables. The result shows that the total travel time to almost any place at any time within the city can be decreased as well as the traveller's requests by adding six new bus stops and adjusting the bus line system slightly together combined with one more bus in route 74 hours/week. That implies an increased running cost of approximately 24 600 SEK/week which requires an increase of roughly 930 passengers/week (48 4000/year) to cover up the expenses by 50%, an amount that is estimated to be plausible. In addition plenty of politic economical benefits like a cleaner environment, better public health, less need of space in urban environment etc, are achieved. Experiences from other cities have shown this kind of restructure of local busses can be one important part of a successful public transport concentration as well as an entry to a "gentle treadmill" where increased travelling and increased ticket incomes give possibilities to ameliorate the bus route standard gradually. In order to create a sustainable solution in a longer perspective, the development of physical urban planning and traffic planning need to be collaborated and the suggested bus route restructure need to be combined with car restrictions and further investments and commitments.

A methodology for using bluetooth to measure real-time work zone travel time

Zinner, Stephanie 13 November 2012 (has links)
This thesis seeks to provide guidance on the deployment of Bluetooth sensors for travel time measurement in work zone corridors. The investigation focuses on the detection characteristics of Class 1 and Class 2 Bluetooth devices, and how cultivating an understanding of these characteristics together with the effect of the sensor inquiry cycle length can suggest a more precise method of travel time measurement. This thesis also explores the range of detection location around a Bluetooth sensor in order to recommend a minimum corridor separation of Bluetooth sensors, and to ascertain the best method of Bluetooth travel time derivation. Finally, this thesis investigates these principles further through multiple side-fire deployments on the I-285 corridor in Atlanta, Georgia; as well as two deployments capturing several hours of active work zone travel time.

Roundabout Microsimulation using SUMO : A Case Study in Idrottsparken RoundaboutNorrkӧping, Sweden

Leksono, Catur Yudo, Andriyana, Tina January 2012 (has links)
Idrottsparken roundabout in Norrkoping is located in the more dense part of the city.Congestion occurs in peak hours causing queue and extended travel time. This thesis aims to provide alternative model to reduce queue and travel time. Types ofobservation data are flow, length of queue, and travel time that are observed during peakhours in the morning and afternoon. Calibration process is done by minimising root meansquare error of queue, travel time, and combination both of them between observation andcalibrated model. SUMO version 0.14.0 is used to perform the microsimulation. There are two proposed alternatives, namely Scenario 1: the additional lane for right turnfrom East leg to North and from North leg to West and Scenario 2: restriction of heavy goodsvehicles passing Kungsgatan which is located in Northern leg of Idrottsparken roundaboutduring peak hours. For Scenario 1, the results from SUMO will be compared with AIMSUNin terms of queue and travel time. The result of microsimulation shows that parameters that have big influence in the calibrationprocess for SUMO are driver imperfection and driver’s reaction time, while for AIMSUN isdriver’s reaction time and maximum acceleration. From analysis found that the model of thecurrent situation at Idrottsparken can be represented by model simulation which usingcombination between root mean square error of queue and travel time in calibration andvalidation process. Moreover, scenario 2 is the best alternative for SUMO because itproduces the decrease of queue and travel time almost in all legs at morning and afternoonpeak hour without accompanied by increase significant value of them in the other legs. Thecomparison between SUMO and AIMSUN shows that, in general, the AIMSUN has higherchanges value in terms of queue and travel time due to the limited precision in SUMO forroundabout modelling.

Freeway Travel Time Prediction Using Data from Mobile Probes

Izadpanah, Pedram 08 November 2010 (has links)
It is widely agreed that estimates of freeway segment travel times are more highly valued by motorists than other forms of traveller information. The provision of real-time estimates of travel times is becoming relatively common in many of the large urban centres in the US and overseas. Presently, most traveler information systems are operating based on estimated travel time rather than predicted travel time. However, traveler information systems are most beneficial when they are built upon predicted traffic information (e.g. predicted travel time). A number of researchers have proposed different models to predict travel time. One of these techniques is based on traffic flow theory and the concept of shockwaves. Most of the past efforts at identifying shockwaves have been focused on performing shockwave analysis based on fixed sensors such as loop detectors which are commonly used in many jurisdictions. However, latest advances in wireless communications have provided an opportunity to obtain vehicle trajectory data that potentially could be used to derive traffic conditions over a wide spatial area. This research proposes a new methodology to detect and analyze shockwaves based on vehicle trajectory data and will use this information to predict travel time for freeway sections. The main idea behind this methodology is that average speed on a section of roadway is constant unless a shockwave is created due to change in flow rate or density of traffic. In the proposed methodology first the road section is discretized into a number of smaller road segments and the average speed of each segment is calculated based on the available information obtained from probe vehicles during the current time interval. If a new shockwave is detected, the average speed of the road segment is adjusted to account for the change in the traffic conditions. In order to detect shockwaves, first, a two phase piecewise linear regression is used to find the points at which a vehicle has changed its speed. Then, the points that correspond to the intersection of shockwaves and trajectories of probe vehicles are identified using a data filtering procedure and a linear clustering algorithm is employed to group different shockwaves. Finally, a linear regression model is applied to find propagation speed and spatial and temporal extent of each shockwave. The performance of this methodology was tested using one simulated signalized intersection, trajectories obtained from video processing of a section of freeway in California, and trajectories obtained from two freeway sections in Ontario. The results of this thesis show that the proposed methodology is able to detect shockwaves and predict travel time even with a small sample of vehicles. These results show that traffic data acquisition systems which are based on anonymously tracking of vehicles are a viable substitution to the tradition traffic data collection systems especially in relatively rural areas.

Small parts high volume order picking systems

Khachatryan, Margarit 20 November 2006 (has links)
This research investigates analytical models that might serve to support decisions in the early stages of designing high volume small parts order picking systems. Because the development of analytical closed-forms is challenging, a common approach is to use simulation models for detailed design performance assessment. However, simulation is not suitable for early stage design purposes; because simulation models are time-consuming (thus expensive) to construct and execute, especially when the number of alternatives to evaluate is large. If available, analytical models are computationally cheaper. They provide faster and more flexible solutions and though usually less detailed, may be adequate to support early stages of design. The challenge is to develop generic analytic models providing useful results for a class of problems. This research focuses on a class of problems in high volume small parts order picking systems with pick-to-buffer technology. This is a new technology, and not yet in widespread use. The novelty in the modeling approach is the distinct separation of item-picking and order assembly operations which permits the development of performance models for both throughput and service level. Essentially the system is modeled as a tandem queue, and the two detailed models for the picking and assembly subsystems are developed based on detailed description of the operations. Solving the model provides estimates for performance measures, such as order cycle time and system throughput, which are essential in design. The approximation method requires estimating the squared coefficient of interdeparture times from the classical GX/G/1 queuing model, and a suitable approximation is derived in this thesis. Computational tests show the model to provide reasonably accurate estimates of system performance, with minimal computational overhead. To support the proposed queuing model, new models are developed for estimating mean and squared coefficient of variation for pick and assembly operation times. These models include the variability of order contents and the picking process, along with the physical layout. Results of the estimation compare very well with that of simulation.

Understanding and Estimating the Value Travelers Place on Their Trips on Managed Lanes

Patil, Sunil N. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Travelers' value of travel time savings (VTTS) are often used to estimate the benefits of transportation facilities, including managed lanes (MLs). With various eligibility criteria and time of day pricing on the MLs, the VTTS estimation is complicated. This is evident by the underestimation of VTTS on MLs in many of the previous studies. This study investigates stated preference (SP) survey design strategies and differentiating the VTTS for ordinary and some common urgent situations faced by the travelers in an attempt to improve on VTTS estimation on MLs. This study used three different survey design strategies (including a D-efficient design) in an internet based survey of Katy Freeway travelers. It was found that a random attribute level generation strategy, where the VTTS presented in the alternative was adjusted based on the answer to a previous SP question, performs better than the other two designs with respect to VTTS estimation and other survey design efficiency criteria. The analysis to differentiate the VTTS for ordinary and urgent trips was carried out using the state of art in the mixed logit model estimation. It was found that travelers value their travel time savings much more when facing most of these urgent situations rather than ordinary situations. Both peak and off-peak period travelers' VTTS were also found to be significantly greater when on urgent trips. Survey design attribute level ranges were found to significantly affect the VTTS estimation. Further, in order to understand the policy implications of these findings it was demonstrated that classifying all trips as ordinary can significantly underestimate the VTTS benefits offered by the MLs. Additionally, the VTTS of any urgent trips would be greatly underestimated. The study also demonstrated that many of the low and medium income group travelers on urgent trips can have VTTS greater than that of the highest VTTS traveler from the high income group on an ordinary trip. These findings have significant policy implications since the benefits of MLs (and of most transportation investments) are primarily derived from travel time savings. Underestimating the VTTS and hence the benefits for MLs can result in reducing the likelihood of funding such facilities. This study provides an important first step in the proper estimation of these benefits by suggesting modifications to SP surveys to better capture the influence of urgent trips on the value of a ML facility.

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