Spelling suggestions: "subject:"free 1species"" "subject:"free 3species""
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Microbial diversity and activity in temperate forest and grassland ecosystemsMalchair, Sandrine 14 December 2009 (has links)
Ecosystems currently face widespread biodiversity losses and other environmental disturbances, such as climate warming, related to increased anthropogenic activities. Within this context, scientists consider the effects of such changes on the biodiversity, and hence on the activity, of soil microorganisms. Indeed, soil microorganisms mediate a wide range of soil
processes. Currently, knowledge on soil microbial diversity is still limited, partially due to technical limitations. The advent of molecular-based analyses now allows studying the soil microbial diversity. These advances in the study of soil microbial communities have lead to a growing evidence of the critical role played by the microbial community in ecosystem
functioning. This relationship is supposed to be relevant for narrow processes, regulated by a restricted group of microorganisms, such as the nitrification process.
This PhD thesis aimed at studying ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) community structure and richness as an integrated part of soil functioning. This research aimed at investigating the effect of aboveground plant diversity on ammonia oxidizing bacteria diversity and function in
forest and grassland soils with focus on the influence of (a) functional group identity of grassland plants (legumes, grasses, forbs), (b) grassland plant species richness and (c) tree species, on AOB diversity and function. Another objective of this research was to study the effect of a 3°C increase in air temperature on AOB diversity and function. The link between AOB diversity and function (potential nitrification) is also investigated.
For grassland ecosystems, a microcosm experiment was realized. An experimental platform containing 288 assembled grassland communities was established in Wilrijk (Belgium). Grassland species were grown in 12 sunlit, climate controlled chambers. Each chamber contained 24 communities of variable species richness (S) (9 S=1, 9 S=3 and 6 S=9).The grassland species belonged to three functional groups: three species of each grasses (Dactylis
glomerata L., Festuca arundinacea SCHREB., Lolium perenne L.), forbs (non-N-fixing dicots; Bellis perennis L., Rumex acetosa L., Plantagolanceolata L.), and legumes (N-fixing dicots; Trifolium repens L., Medicago sativa L., Lotus corniculatus L.). Half of these chambers were exposed to ambient temperature and the other half were exposed to (ambient +3°C) temperature. One ambient and one (ambient+3°C) chambers were destructively harvested 4, 16 and 28 months after the start of the experiment. The influence of plant functional group identity on the nitrification process and on AOB community structure and richness (AOB diversity) was assessed in soils collected from the first two destructive amplings (chapter 2). The effect of plant species richness on AOB diversity and function was
considered for soils sampled after 16 and 28 months (chapter 3). AOB function was determined by potential nitrification. AOB community structure and richness were assessed by polymerase chain reaction followed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing of excised DGGE bands. I found that functional group identity can affect AOB community structure. In particular, the presence of legumes, both in monoculture or in mixture with forbs and grasses, lead to AOB community composition changes towards AOB clusters tolerating higher ammonium concentrations. This change in AOB community structure was only linked to increased potential nitrification under monocultures of legumes, when ammonium was supposed to be not limiting. This study revealed that physiological attributes of AOB and resource availability may be important factors in controlling the nitrification process. This research showed that the impact of plant species richness on the nitrification process could be mediated by the interactions between plants and AOB, through competition for substrate. A 3°C increase in air temperature did not affect AOB community structure, richness or function.
In forest ecosystems, we studied the effect of tree species in forest sites located in Belgian and in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg covered each by several deciduous or coniferous tree species (Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Lieblein, Picea abies (L.) Karst, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco). We investigated the influence of these tree
species on microbial processes (chapter 5) related to C and N cycling, particularly with emphasize on the nitrification process and on the diversity of AOB (chapter 6). The results showed that the effect of tree species on net N mineralization was likely to be mediated through their effect on soil microbial biomass, reflecting their influence on organic matter content and carbon availability. Influence of tree species on nitrification (potential and
relative) might be related to the presence of ground vegetation through its influence on soil ammonium and labile C availability. AOB community structure was more site-specific than tree specific. However, within sites, AOB community structure under broadleaved trees differed from the one under coniferous trees. The effect on tree species on AOB was likely to be driven by the influence of tree species on net N mineralization, which regulates the substrate availability for AOB. The results also demonstrated that the relationship between AOB diversity and function might be related both to AOB abundance and AOB community structure and richness.
This thesis showed no clear relationship between AOB community structure or richness and AOB function. However, we revealed that aboveground grassland plant richness, grassland plant functional groups and tree species influence AOB community structure and richness.
Actuellement, les écosystèmes sont soumis à dimportantes pressions anthropiques et environnementales, pouvant aboutir à des pertes massives de biodiversité. Les scientifiques sinterrogent sur limpact de ces perturbations sur la diversité et, par conséquent, sur lactivité des microorganismes du sol. En effet, ceux-ci régulent de nombreux processus du sol.
Actuellement, de nombreuses lacunes subsistent dans la connaissance de la diversité microbienne du sol. Celles-ci peuvent être partiellement attribuées aux difficultés méthodologiques associées à l'étude des micro-organismes du sol. Lavènement des techniques moléculaires nous permet de combler ces lacunes. Les avancées réalisées dans l'étude des communautés microbiennes du sol ont mis en évidence le rôle crucial joué par les communautés microbiennes dans le fonctionnement des écosystèmes. De plus, il semblerait
que les processus régulés par un groupe restreint dorganismes, tel le processus de nitrification, soient plus sensibles à toute altération de la communauté.
Lobjectif de cette thèse était détudier la structure de la communauté ainsi que la richesse (nombre de bandes DGGE) des bactéries oxydant lammoniac (AOB) comme une partie intégrante du fonctionnement des sols. Notre étude se focalisait sur linfluence de (a) différents groupes fonctionnels de plantes (graminées, légumineuses, dicotylédones), (b) communautés de plantes présentant une richesse spécifique croissante et (c) différentes essences forestières, sur la diversité (structure de la communauté et richesse des AOB) et la fonction des AOB. Cette recherche étudiait également limpact dune augmentation de température de 3°C sur ces paramètres. Létablissement dun lien éventuel entre la diversité et la fonction (nitrification potentielle) des AOB a aussi été envisagé.
Concernant les écosystèmes prairiaux, nous avons réalisé une étude en microcosmes. Une plateforme expérimentale comprenant 288 communautés artificielles de plantes a été établie à Wilrijk (Belgique). Cette plateforme consistait en 12 chambres, dont une moitié était à température ambiante et la seconde était à température ambiante augmentée de 3°C. Chaque chambre contient 24 communautés de plantes de richesse spécifique variable (9 S=1, 9 S=3 et 6 S=9). Les communautés de plantes sont créées avec 9 espèces de plantes appartenant à trois groupes fonctionnels : 3 espèces de graminées (Dactylis glomerata L., Festuca arundinacea
SCHREB., Lolium perenne L.), de légumineuses (dicotylédones fixatrices dazote ;Trifolim repens L., Medicago sativa L., Lotus corniculatus L.), et de dicotylédones non fixatrices dazote (Bellis perennis L., Rumex acetosa L., Plantago lanceolata L.).
Les sols issus dune chambre à température ambiante et dune chambre à température ambiante augmentée de 3°C ont été échantillonnés, respectivement, 4, 16 et 28 mois après le début de lexpérimentation. Linfluence des groupes fonctionnels de plantes sur le processus de nitrification ainsi que sur la structure de la communauté et la richesse des AOB a été mesuré sur les sols issus des deux premiers échantillonnages (chapitre 2). Nous avons mesuré leffet de la richesse croissante en plantes sur la diversité et lactivité des AOB sur les sols échantillonnés après 16 et 28 mois dexpérimentation (chapitre 3). La structure de la communauté ainsi que la richesse des AOB ont été évaluées à laide dune amplification spécifique par réaction de polymérisation en chaîne (PCR) de lADN génomique extrait du sol suivie par une séparation par électrophorèse sur gel dacrylamide en présence dun gradient dénaturant (DGGE). Nous avons identifié les différentes AOB présentes par séquençage des bandes DGGE excisées. Nos résultats ont montré que les différents groupes fonctionnels peuvent affecter la structure de la communauté des AOB. En particulier, la présence de légumineuses, aussi bien en monoculture quen mélange avec des graminées ou des dicotylédones non fixatrices dazote, provoque des changements au sein de la structure de la communauté des AOB, favorisant la présence de clusters tolérants des concentrations en ammonium plus élevées. Ces changements de la structure de la communauté des AOB sont liés à des augmentations de la production potentielle de nitrates (nitrification potentielle) quand lammonium est supposé être non limitant. Cette étude révèle que la physiologie des AOB ainsi que la disponibilité en substrat peuvent être des facteurs majeurs intervenant dans le contrôle du processus de nitrification. Cette recherche montre que linfluence de la richesse spécifique des plantes sur la nitrification pourrait dépendre des interactions entre les plantes et les AOB via la compétition pour le substrat. Une augmentation de la température de lair de 3°C na pas influencé les richesse, structure de la communauté ou les fonctions des AOB.
Pour les écosystèmes forestiers, nous aborderons leffet de différentes essences forestières (Picea abies (L.) KARST, Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea LIEBLEIN ; Pseudotsuga menziezii (MIRB.) FRANCO) dans différents peuplements au Grand Duché du Luxembourg et en Belgique. Nous avons étudié l'influence de ces essences forestières sur les processus microbiens (chapitre 5) liés aux cycles du carbone et de lazote, en particulier leur effet sur le processus de nitrification et la diversité des AOB (chapitre 6). Notre étude révèle que linfluence des essences forestières sur la minéralisation nette de lazote pourrait être attribuable à leur effet sur la biomasse microbienne, reflétant ainsi leur effet sur la teneur en matière organique et la disponibilité en carbone. Limpact des essences forestières sur la nitrification (à la fois sur la nitrification relative et sur la nitrification potentielle) serait conditionné par la présence de végétation au sol, en raison de linfluence de celle-ci sur la disponibilité en ammonium et en carbone labile. Nous avons observé que la structure de la communauté des AOB était plus spécifique aux sites quaux essences forestières. Cependant, au sein dun site, elle différait sous feuillus et sous conifères. Les essences forestières influenceraient la structure de la communauté des AOB au travers de limpact quelles ont sur la minéralisation nette de lazote qui régule, quant à elle, la disponibilité en ammonium. Cette recherche démontre que le lien observé entre la diversité et la fonction dépendrait la fois de labondance, de la structure de la communauté et de la richesse des AOB.
Cette thèse na révélé aucune relation claire entre la structure de la communauté ou la richesse des AOB et leur fonction. Par contre, nous avons observé que la richesse spécifique et les groupes fonctionnels de plantes prairiales et les essences forestières affectent la structure de la communauté et la richesse des AOB.
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Metoder för att undersöka effekterna av naturvårdshänsynen i skogsbruket efter den nya skogsvårdslagen / Methods for studying effects of nature consideration in forest management after the new forestry actEneland, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Detta arbete har undersökt skillnaderna mellan den nuvarande skogsvårdslagen och den föregående. Undersökningen har bestått av två delar, där ena delen är en litteraturstudie av lagarna och den andra är en fältstudie av metoder för att mäta naturhänsynsförändring. Som komplement till fältstudien har en litteraturstudie av undersökningsparametranas naturvårdsnytta. Litteraturstudien av lagarna gick till på följande sätt, inledningen av båda lagarna och hänsynsparagraferna har lästs och jämförts. Fältstudie har gjorts efter metoder som har arbetats fram och sedan testats i fält. De undersökningsområden som har testats är stående död ved med undergruppen konstgjorda högstubbar, grova träd, hänsynsytor, trädslagsfördelning och boträd. Testningen skedde i trakterna kring Orsa i Dalarnas län. Resultatet blev att hälften av undersökningsområdena skulle kunna användas i en större studie efter några modifikationer. Andra hälften av undersökningsområdena kan det inte på grund av att referensdata saknas. Lagstudien visade att den största skillnaden mellan de båda lagarna ligger i att i den nuvarande har man jämställt miljömålet med produktionsmålet. Det finns även en attitydförändring till en större öppenhet mot naturvård i den nya lagen. / This work has examined the difference between the new forestry actand the previous one. The research has been divided in two parts, one is a literature study of the law and the other is a field study of methods for measuring the change in consideration of nature. As compliment too the field study a literature study of the research parameters nature conservation benefits. The examine of the laws were done in this way, the introduction of the laws and the nature conservation paragraphs were read and compared. For the field study methods have been worked out and tested in the field. The research parameters that have been tested are standing dead wood with subgroup man made snags, thick trees, consideration of nature areas, distribution of tree species and nesting trees. The field testing were made in the neighboring forest of the city Orsa in the administrative province of Dalarna.The results of the field methods are that half of the methods have a possible use in a larger study with some modifications. The other half are missing references data to be useful.The biggest differences between the laws are that in new law the goals for production and environment care are equal. There is also an change in attitude towards greater consideration of nature.
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Soil Chemical and Microbial Properties in a Mixed Stand of Spruce and Birch in the Ore Mountains (Germany) - A Case StudySchua, Karoline, Wende, Stefan, Wagner, Sven, Feger, Karl-Heinz 27 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
A major argument for incorporating deciduous tree species in coniferous forest stands is their role in the amelioration and stabilisation of biogeochemical cycles. Current forest management strategies in central Europe aim to increase the area of mixed stands. In order to formulate statements about the ecological effects of mixtures, studies at the stand level are necessary. In a mixed stand of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) in the Ore Mountains (Saxony, Germany), the effects of these two tree species on chemical and microbial parameters in the topsoil were studied at one site in the form of a case study. Samples were taken from the O layer and A horizon in areas of the stand influenced by either birch, spruce or a mixture of birch and spruce. The microbial biomass, basal respiration, metabolic quotient, pH-value and the C and N contents and stocks were analysed in the horizons Of, Oh and A. Significantly higher contents of microbial N were observed in the Of and Oh horizons in the birch and in the spruce-birch strata than in the stratum containing only spruce. The same was found with respect to pH-values in the Of horizon and basal respiration in the Oh horizon. Compared to the spruce stratum, in the birch and spruce-birch strata, significantly lower values were found for the contents of organic C and total N in the A horizon. The findings of the case study indicated that single birch trees have significant effects on the chemical and microbial topsoil properties in spruce-dominated stands. Therefore, the admixture of birch in spruce stands may distinctly affect nutrient cycling and may also be relevant for soil carbon sequestration. Further studies of these functional aspects are recommended.
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Nutrient response efficiency, tree-microbe competition for nutrients and tree neighborhood dynamics in a mixed-species temperate deciduous forest in central GermanySchmidt, Marcus 21 July 2015 (has links)
In den meisten Ländern Mitteleuropas gilt weniger als ein Prozent des verbleibenden Laubwaldes als ungestört und temperierte Wälder sind Herausforderungen wie Arteninvasion, Klimawandel und steigender Stickstoff(N)-Deposition ausgesetzt. In der Vergangenheit wurde gezeigt, dass hohe N-Einträge N-Limitierungen verringern, Phosphor(P)aufnahme behindern und P-Mängel in der Buche auslösen können. Die Artendiversität von Bäumen kann die Bestandsproduktivität durch die Prozesse Komplementarität und Facilitation (Wachstumserleichterung) erhöhen, wenn diese einen wachstumslimitierenden Nährstoff betreffen. Ein Schlüsselprozess im Nährstoffkreislauf ist der Weg von Nährstoffen durch die mikrobielle Biomasse während der Dekomposition. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die mikrobielle Biomasse um N bspw. mit Buchen und um P mit tropischen Moorpflanzen konkurriert. Die Buche ist eine sehr konkurrenzfähige Baumart in temperierten Waldökosystemen aber kann von der Eiche in trockenen Bereichen übertrumpft werden, während Hainbuche und Linde eine geringere Rolle spielen. Eichen erfahren jedoch in der jüngsten Vergangenheit in europäischen Wäldern einen Rückgang, der womöglich auf hohe N-Einträge zurückzuführen ist.
Für diese Arbeit untersuchten wir die Nährstoff-, Konkurrenz- und strukturelle Dynamik eines unbewirtschafteten, sehr naturnahen Laubwaldes in Mitteldeutschland, der aus Buche (Fagus sylvatica), Eiche (Quercus petraea und Quercus robur), Hainbuche (Carpinus betulus) und Linde (Tilia cordata und Tilia platyphyllus) aufgebaut ist. Unsere Ziele waren (1) zu erforschen, ob Komplementarität und/oder Facilitation die Produktivität in diesem Waldökosystem erhöht, (2) festzustellen, ob es Konkurrenz um die Nährstoffe N, P und K zwischen Bäumen und mikrobieller Biomasse gibt und, (3) die Nachbarschaftsdynamik der genannten Baumarten zu untersuchen und herauszufinden, ob der Eichenrückgang mit hoher N-Deposition einhergeht.
In Beständen einer Art sowie verschiedenen Mischbeständen aus je drei Arten ermittelten wir Biomasseproduktion und Nährstoffverfügbarkeit. Nährstoffnutzungseffizienzkurven (Nährstoffnutzungseffizienz = Biomasseproduktion pro verfügbare Nährstoffe) wurden genutzt um festzustellen, ob ein bestimmter Nährstoff das Baumwachstum limitiert. Die jährliche Netto-Nährstoffveränderung wurde in einer Laubbeutel-Studie als Differenz zwischen ursprünglichem und verbleibendem Nährstoffgehalt des sich zersetzenden Laubfalls nach einem Jahr kalkuliert. Die Nährstoffresorptionseffizienz berechneten wir über die Ermittlung der N-, P- und Kalium(K)-Konzentrationen in sonnenexponierten Blättern und im gefallenen Laub. Die Nachbarschaftsdynamik von Bäumen wurde über die Durchmesserverteilung, überirdische Holzbiomasse für jede Artenkombination sowie eine Polygon-Abschätzung von Wachstumsräumen erforscht. Zusätzlich wurde eine durchmesserbasierte nearest neighbor(nächster-Nachbar)-Analyse für Baumpaare durchgeführt. Ein Geographisches Informationssystem (GIS) wurde genutzt um Wachstumsraum-Polygone zu erstellen und nächste Nachbarn zu bestimmen.
Auf Einzelbaum-Level, ermittelt durch einen Nachbarschaftsansatz, waren relative Wachstumsraten von Buchen im Einzelbestand geringer als in der Mischung mit Linde und Hainbuche während das Wachstum von Linde im Einzelbestand größer war als in Mischung mit Buche und Eiche. Die Nährstoffnutzungseffizienzkurve für Buche zeigte optimale P- und K-Nutzungseffizienz für die Art in Mischbeständen, während sie in Einzelbeständen P- und K-limitiert war. Während die jährliche Netto-Nährstoffveränderung in sich zersetzendem Blattlaub die Verfügbarkeit von P und K im Boden beeinflusste, war dies für N nicht der Fall. Resorptionseffizienzen von N, P und K hingen negativ mit der jährlichen Netto-Nährstoffveränderung zusammen. In unserer Studie zur Nachbarschaftsdynamik von Bäumen fanden wir heraus, dass intraspezifische nearest neighbors gleiche Durchmesser aufwiesen und ihren Durchmesser gleichzeitig mit dem des Nachbarn vergrößerten. Im Gegensatz dazu waren die Durchmesser von interspezifischen nearest neighbors im Allgemeinen unterschiedlich und der Durchmesser des Nachbarn verringerte sich mit zunehmendem Durchmesser des Zielbaums. Eichen konnten ihren Wachstumsraum mit zunehmendem Durchmesser nicht vergrößern, aber dominierten ihre nearest neighbor über die Größe.
Unsere Ergebnisse zeigten, dass im untersuchten Waldökosystem Nährstofflimitierungen artabhängig waren und dass die Nutzung von Nährstoffnutzungseffizienz und Nachbarschaftsansatz geeignete Mittel sind, den Einfluss einzelner Baumarten auf die Produktivität einer Art im Rein- und Mischbestand zu ermitteln – so wie die beobachtete Facilitation der Buche im Mischbestand. Diese Werkzeuge stellen eine wichtige Basis zur verbesserten Bewirtschaftung typischer temperierter Mischwälder dar. Wir schlussfolgerten weiterhin, dass Konkurrenz zwischen mikrobieller Biomasse und Bäumen für P und K hoch, aber für N weniger bedeutend war, was wahrscheinlich in hoher N-Deposition in diesem Waldökosystem begründet liegt, welche den internen N-Kreislauf entkoppelte. Die hohe N-Deposition trug wahrscheinlich auch zu geringer Verjüngung der Eiche bei, während ältere Eichen in unserem Untersuchungsgebiet im Wettbewerb um Licht erfolgreich waren. Die Bestandsstruktur war charakterisiert durch stärkere interspezifische verglichen mit intraspezifischer Konkurrenz. Daraus resultierend bildeten Reinbestände aus Buche, Eiche und Linde Klimaxbestände hoher Biomasse innerhalb eines sich verändernden, kleinskaligen Mosaiks verschiedener Artenzusammensetzungen. In Reaktion auf neue Bewirtschaftungsanforderungen des Globalen Wandels sind weiterführende Forschungen zu Nutzungseffizienz unterschiedlicher Ressourcen für Baumarten in verschiedenen Zusammensetzungen empfehlenswert.
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Nutzung molekularer Hochdurchsatz-Verfahren zur schnellen und eingehenden Artenbestimmung von Pilzgesellschaften / Using high-throughput genotyping for monitoring communities of soil fungiReich, Marlis 28 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of nutrient cycling through litter of different broadleaved deciduous tree species on soil biochemical properties and the dynamics of carbon and nitrogen in soilLangenbruch, Christina 04 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Fine root traits, belowground interactions and competition effects on the rhizosphere of <i>Fagus sylvatica</i> and <i>Fraxinus excelsior</i> saplingsBeyer, Friderike 05 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Harvesting of invasive woody vegetation (Eucalyptus lehmanii, Leptospermum laevigatum, Acacia cyclops) as energy feedstock in the Cape Agulhas Plain of South AfricaKitenge, Emile Museu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is aimed at testing the possibility of using woody biomass from three invasive
woody vegetation types (Spider Gum, Myrtle and Acacia) for production of bioenergy in the
Cape Agulhas Plain. Physical recoverability of the woody biomass was studied by means of
a semi-mechanized harvesting system to evaluate potential productivity, operational costs
and the estimated yield energy gain.
The system consisted of five components: manual harvesting, motor-manual harvesting,
extraction, chipping and road transport. Data on the system productivity was obtained using
activity sampling and time study techniques. Activity sampling was applied on manual and
motor-manual harvesting in order to record harvesting time and standard time study
techniques were used to obtain time data for extraction, chipping and road transport
Findings revealed benefits associated with the utilisation of invasive woody vegetation as
energy feedstock. Therefore, the problem of exotic tree species can be dealt with by
transforming them into energy feedstock, thus minimising the effect of invasive plants. At
the same time essential biomass energy can be produced, while some of the cost of
production could be offset by the benefits accruing from the biomass energy.
The Acacia site, characterized by larger mature dense trees, had the highest amount of
harvested biomass compared to the rest of the vegetation types (i.e. Myrtle and Spider
The overall system productivity was found to be significantly influenced by a low equipment
utilisation rate, estimated at 50%. This resulted in low production rates in general. The low
supply rate of material to the chipper by the three-wheeled loader (1.5 – 5.3 oven-dry tonne
per production machine hour) was found to be a major constraint in the chipping process,
especially when considering that the chipper is potentially capable of chipping 4 – 9.4 ODT
PMH-1 at the harvesting sites. This resulted in a significant energy balance of 463 GJ
between output and input energy of the system. The overall total supply chain system costs
based various road transport distances of species ranged from R 322.77 ODT-1 to R 689.76
ODT-1 with an average of R 509 ODT-1. This was found to be costly compare to the case where high machine utilisation rate and optimal productivity are used (average of R 410
ODT-1), biomass recoverability in this field trial had a higher total system cost due to low
productivity, resulting from the low equipment utilisation rate applied. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was gemik daarop om die moontlikheid van die gebruik van houtagtige
biomassa, afkomstig van uitheemse plantegroei (Bloekom, Mirte en Akasias) op die
Agulhasvlakte vir bio-energie te ondersoek. Potensiële produktiwiteit, bedryfskostes en die
geskatte energie opbrengs toename is gebruik, om die fisiese opbrengs van houtagtige
biomassa van ʼn semi-gemeganiseerde ontginningstelsel te evalueer.
Die stelsel het uit vyf komponente bestaan: Handontginning, motor-handontginning,
uitsleep, verspandering en padvervoer. Data oor die stelselproduktiwiteit is uit tydstudie en
aktiwiteit steekproewe verkry. Aktiwiteit steekproewe is toegepas op hand- en motorhandontgining
om ontginingstyd te verkry, terwyl tydstudie standaardtegnieke gebruik is om
tyd data vir uitsleep, verspandering en padvervoer werksaamhede te verkry.
Bevindings het die voordele met bettrekking tot die gebruik van uitheemse plantegroei as
energiebron bevestig. Die uitdaging rondom die verspreiding van uitheemse plantegroei
kan dus aangespreek word deur dit as energiebron te benut. Die produksiekoste vir die
toegang tot die bruikbare biomassa kan moontlik voorsien word uit die voordele van die
gebruik van die energie wat uit die benutting van die biomassa verkry word.
Die groter meer volwasse en digte Akasia opstand het die meeste ontginde biomassa
gelewer vergeleke met die ander opstande in die studie (d.i. Mirte en Bloekom).
Die stelselproduktiwiteit is beduidend beïnvloed deur die lae toerustinggebruik wat minder
as 50% beloop het. Dit het ook laer produksievermoë in die algemeen tot gevolg gehad. In
die verspandering werksaamheid blyk die lae invoer tempo (1.5 – 5.3 oonddroog ton per
produktiewe masjienuur) van die driewiellaaier die beperking op die proses te wees, veral
as in ag geneem word dat die verspandering teen 4-9.4 ODT PMH-1 kan geskied. Die
resultaat was ʼn beduidende energie balans van 463 GJ tussen uitset- en invoerenergie van
die stelsel. Die totale toevoerketting kostes gegrond op verskeie padvervoer afstande van
die spesies was tussen R 322.77 ODT-1 tot R 689.76 ODT-1, met ʼn gemiddelde rondom R
509 ODT-1. Die resultaat is duur gevind in vergeleke met gevalle waar hoë masjiengebruik
en optimale produktiwiteit (gemiddeld van R 410 ODT-1), moontlik was. Die biomassaherwinning in die studie het ʼn hoër totale stelselkoste gehad veroorsaak deur lae
produktiwiteit, wat verwant is aan die laer toerusting gebruikstempo wat verkry is.
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Historic pollen and seed dispersal in fragmented populations of Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze and Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze /Souza, Francine Beatriz de. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Alexandre Magno Sebbenn / Resumo: Cariniana estrellensis e Cariniana legalis são uma das maiores árvores dos biomas florestais da Amazônia e Mata Atlântica, sendo atualmente vulneráveis à extinção devido ao intenso desmatamento desses biomas. Estratégias para conservação in situ e ex situ são urgentes e estudos de diversidade genética e fluxo de genes são chaves e para esses propósitos. Assim, investigamos a diversidade genética, a estrutura genética espacial (SGS) e o fluxo histórico de genes em populações fragmentadas de ambas as espécies, utilizando marcadores de microssatélites. Todas as árvores encontradas nas populações foram mapeadas, medidas para o diâmetro na altura do peito (DAP) e amostrado o cambio de casca. O índice de fixação (F), em alguns casos, foi significativamente maior em árvores com menor DAP, indicando que as árvores menores apresentam um maior parentesco do que as maiores. Foi detectada SGS significativa para populações de ambas as espécies (60-350 m), indicando um padrão de dispersão de genes de isolamento pela distância (IBD). Para ambas as espécies, foi observada alta imigração de semente (38,5-61,5%) e pólen (80,1-100%), mostrando que as populações não são isoladas geneticamente. Não foi detectada autofecundação, mas o cruzamento entre árvores relacionadas foi detectado nas espécies (8,9-12,5%), sugerindo uma seleção mais forte contra árvores de autofecundação do que se originou do cruzamento entre árvores relacionadas. A distância de dispersão de pólen e sementes em C. estrellensi... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Cariniana estrellensis and Cariniana legalis, two of the largest trees in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes, are currently vulnerable to extinction due to the intense deforestation of these biomes. Strategies for in and ex situ conservation are urgent, and studies of genetic diversity and gene flow are key aspects needed to develop these strategeis. Thus, we investigate the genetic diversity, spatial genetic structure (SGS), and historical gene flow in fragmented populations of both species, using microsatellite markers. All trees found in the study populations were mapped, measured for diameter at breast height (DBH), and sampled for bark cambium. Our results show that in some cases, fixation index (F) was significantly higher in trees with lower DBH, indicating that smaller trees have higher levels of inbreeding than larger ones. Significant SGS was detected in populations of both species (60-350 m), indicating a gene dispersal pattern of isolation by distance (IBD). For both species, we found high seed (38.5-61.5%) and pollen (80.1-100%) immigration demonstrating that populations are not genetically isolated. No self-fertilization was detected, but we did find evidence of mating among related trees (8.9-12.5%), suggesting stronger selection against selfed individuals than those originated from mating among relatives. Pollen and seed dispersal distance for C. estrellensis reached longer distances (> 3 km) than for C. legalis (maximum of 385 m). However, pollen and seeds... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Historic pollen and seed dispersal in fragmented populations of Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze and Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze / Dispersão histórica de pólen e sementes em populações fragmentadas de Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze e Cariniana legalis (Mart.) KuntzeSouza, Francine Beatriz de 09 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by FRANCINE BEATRIZ DE SOUZA null (francinnysouza@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-25T19:33:25Z
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Francine__Tese_VersãoFinal_2018.pdf: 1284636 bytes, checksum: 8130187eea228723fe2e75938a47a468 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cristina Alexandra de Godoy null (cristina@adm.feis.unesp.br) on 2018-03-26T12:25:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
souza_fb_dr_ilha.pdf: 1284636 bytes, checksum: 8130187eea228723fe2e75938a47a468 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-26T12:25:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Cariniana estrellensis e Cariniana legalis são uma das maiores árvores dos biomas florestais da Amazônia e Mata Atlântica, sendo atualmente vulneráveis à extinção devido ao intenso desmatamento desses biomas. Estratégias para conservação in situ e ex situ são urgentes e estudos de diversidade genética e fluxo de genes são chaves e para esses propósitos. Assim, investigamos a diversidade genética, a estrutura genética espacial (SGS) e o fluxo histórico de genes em populações fragmentadas de ambas as espécies, utilizando marcadores de microssatélites. Todas as árvores encontradas nas populações foram mapeadas, medidas para o diâmetro na altura do peito (DAP) e amostrado o cambio de casca. O índice de fixação (F), em alguns casos, foi significativamente maior em árvores com menor DAP, indicando que as árvores menores apresentam um maior parentesco do que as maiores. Foi detectada SGS significativa para populações de ambas as espécies (60-350 m), indicando um padrão de dispersão de genes de isolamento pela distância (IBD). Para ambas as espécies, foi observada alta imigração de semente (38,5-61,5%) e pólen (80,1-100%), mostrando que as populações não são isoladas geneticamente. Não foi detectada autofecundação, mas o cruzamento entre árvores relacionadas foi detectado nas espécies (8,9-12,5%), sugerindo uma seleção mais forte contra árvores de autofecundação do que se originou do cruzamento entre árvores relacionadas. A distância de dispersão de pólen e sementes em C. estrellensis atingiu longa distância (> 3 km) do que em C. legalis (máximo de 385 m). No entanto, o pólen e as sementes em C. estrellensis e o pólen em C. legalis foram dispersos em um padrão de IBD. Os resultados sugerem que as populações estudadas são adequadas para conservação in situ e ex situ. / Cariniana estrellensis and Cariniana legalis, two of the largest trees in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes, are currently vulnerable to extinction due to the intense deforestation of these biomes. Strategies for in and ex situ conservation are urgent, and studies of genetic diversity and gene flow are key aspects needed to develop these strategeis. Thus, we investigate the genetic diversity, spatial genetic structure (SGS), and historical gene flow in fragmented populations of both species, using microsatellite markers. All trees found in the study populations were mapped, measured for diameter at breast height (DBH), and sampled for bark cambium. Our results show that in some cases, fixation index (F) was significantly higher in trees with lower DBH, indicating that smaller trees have higher levels of inbreeding than larger ones. Significant SGS was detected in populations of both species (60-350 m), indicating a gene dispersal pattern of isolation by distance (IBD). For both species, we found high seed (38.5-61.5%) and pollen (80.1-100%) immigration demonstrating that populations are not genetically isolated. No self-fertilization was detected, but we did find evidence of mating among related trees (8.9-12.5%), suggesting stronger selection against selfed individuals than those originated from mating among relatives. Pollen and seed dispersal distance for C. estrellensis reached longer distances (> 3 km) than for C. legalis (maximum of 385 m). However, pollen and seeds of C. estrellensis and pollen of C. legalis were dispersed in an IBD pattern. The results suggest that the studied populations are suitable for in and ex situ conservation.
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