Spelling suggestions: "subject:"triad"" "subject:"riad""
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Gottfried Heinrich Stölzels Fux-Rezeption: Zur Rolle des »alten« Kontrapunkts und der »trias harmonica« in der Kompositionsausbildung zu Beginn des 18. JahrhundertsVogt, Florian 22 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Prevalensen och kännedomen om relativ energibrist bland kvinnliga idrottare oavsett idrottslig nivå : TvärsnittsstudieKarlsson, Ann-Louis January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Relative energy deficiency in sports (RED-S) är ett syndrom som förekommer inom många idrotter och olika idrottsliga nivåer. Konsekvenserna av detta syndrom är mångfacetterad, det kan påverka prestationen långsiktigt och kan orsaka skador och avslut på idrottskarriären. I forskningen är idrotter såsom löpning, estetiska idrotter och friidrottare de som är överrepresenterade i förhållande till RED-S. Kvinnor är generellt en underrepresenterad grupp inom idrottsmedicinsk forskning och detta motiverar till att studera just denna grupp. Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka i vilken utsträckning respondenterna hört talats om RED-S, samt att identifiera riskgrupper utifrån träningsmängd och idrottsutförande hos idrottande kvinnor inom fotboll, innebandy, friidrott och ridning, oavsett idrottslig nivå. Metod: Data insamlades med hjälp av en digitalbaserad enkät som besvarades av 44 deltagare. Enkäten bestod av 35 frågor och distribuerades i en sluten grupp som bestod av 16 000 + medlemmar samt en öppen grupp med 3 000 medlemmar och även via egna sociala medier. Resultat: Av totalt 44 deltagare fick 24 deltagare en poäng ≥8 utifrån frågeformuläret Low Energy availability in females questionnaire (LEAF-Q), enligt enkätens poängssystem indikerar detta en förhöjd risk att utveckla RED-S. Den överrepresenterade idrotten var ridsporten med 22 deltagare. Den ojämna fördelningen gjorde det svårt att generalisera några resultat för träningsmängd och idrottskategori. Av totalt 44 deltagare var det endast sex deltagare som tidigare hade hört talats om RED-S i utbildningssyfte. Diskussion: Mer än 50% av deltagarna hade en LEAF-Q poäng högre ≥8 och majoriteten var användare av någon form av preventivmedel vilket påverkade det slutgiltiga resultatet. Konklusion: Av cirka 19 000 potentiella deltagare var det 44 svaranden, bortfallet var högt vilket innebär att resultatet blev missvisande. Det tenderar att finnas ett kunskapsglapp bland kvinnliga idrottare vad gäller kännedom om syndromet RED-S. Trots att resultatet av denna undersökning inte går att generalisera på en större population så finns det andra studier som indikerar liknande resultat. / Background: Relative energy deficiency in sports (RED-S) is a syndrome that occurs in many sports and different sports levels. The consequences of this syndrome are multifaceted, it can affect performance in the long term and can cause injuries and the end of the sports career. In the research, sports such as running, aesthetic sports and track and field athletes are those that are overrepresented in relation to RED-S. Women are generally an underrepresented group in sports medicine research and this motivates to study this particular group. Purpose: The purpose of this survey was to investigate the extent to which the respondents had heard about RED-S, and to identify risk groups based on the amount of training and sports performance of female athletes in football, floorball, athletics and horse riding, regardless of the level of sport. Method: Data were collected using a digital-based questionnaire that was answered by 44 participants. The survey consisted of 35 questions and was distributed in a closed group consisting of 16,000+ members as well as an open group with 3,000 members and via own social media. Results: Out of a total of 44 participants, 24 participants received a score ≥8 based on the Low Energy availability in females questionnaire (LEAF-Q), according to the questionnaire's scoring system, this indicates an increased risk of developing RED-S. The over-represented sport was equestrian with 22 participants. The uneven distribution made it difficult to generalize any results for training amount and sport category. Out of a total of 44 participants, only six participants had previously heard of RED-S for educational purposes. Discussion: More than 50% of the participants had a LEAF-Q score higher than ≥8 and the majority were users of some form of contraception, which affected the result. Conclusion: Out of approximately 19,000 potential participants, there were 44 respondents, the dropout rate was high, which means that the results were misleading. There tends to be a knowledge gap among female athletes in terms of awareness of RED-S syndrome. Although the results of this study cannot be generalized to a larger population, there are other studies that indicate similar results.
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Biochemische und funktionelle Charakterisierung der zell-assoziierten Phospholipase A, PlaB, von Legionella pneumophilaBender, Jennifer 14 April 2010 (has links)
L. pneumophila, der Erreger der Legionärskrankheit, kodiert für eine Vielzahl lipolytischer Enzyme. Bis zu 17 verschiedenen Proteinen kann aufgrund von Sequenzhomologien oder experimenteller Analyse phospholipolytische Eigenschaft zugeschrieben werden. Neben sekretierten Formen wird eine besonders aktive zell-assoziierte Variante exprimiert, die Phospholipase A/Lysophospholipase A PlaB. Wie bereits gezeigt werden konnte, kodiert das plaB Gen für die hauptsächliche membranständige Phospholipase A von L. pneumophila mit Enzymaktivitäten, die die Aktivität sekretierter Proteine um das 100-fache übersteigen. Da PlaB zu keiner der bisher beschriebenen Phospholipasen Homologien aufweist, wurden in dieser Arbeit durch gezielte Mutagenese die katalytisch wichtigen Aminosäuren identifiziert. Dies ergab, dass PlaB zwar eine für Lipasen und Proteasen typische katalytische Triade aus Serin, Asparat und Histidin ausbildet, die umliegenden Motive sich aber deutlich von bisher beschriebenen Enzymklassen unterscheiden. Somit stellt PlaB das erste näher charakterisierte Mitglied einer neuen Familie phospholipolytischer Enzyme dar. Im Weiteren konnten für die Substratspezifität wichtige Aminosäurereste identifiziert werden. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass die Fähigkeit zur Hydrolyse von cholinkettentragenden Substraten besonders suszeptibel gegenüber Mutationen war. Da im Vergleich zu nicht-pneumophila Stämmen, wie z. B. L. spiritensis, nur L. pneumophila in der Lage war, diese Lipide in hohem Maße umzusetzen, kann die Eigenschaft von PlaB, Phosphatidylcholin (PC) zu hydrolysieren, einen Virulenzvorteil für L. pneumophila bedeuten. Die Hypothese konnte durch Hämolyse-experimente bestärkt werden. Hier zeigten sich Mutanten mit reduziertem Potential zur Hydrolyse von PC weniger zytotoxisch gegenüber humanen Erythrozyten. Das zell-zerstörende Potential von PlaB könnte somit eine enorme Auswirkung auf die Virulenzeigenschaften von L. pneumophila haben. Wie in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht, bestätigten in vitro Experimente, dass PlaB die hauptsächliche Aktivität während einer Makrophageninfektion darstellt, die Deletion des Gens aber keine Auswirkungen auf das Replikationspotential der Bakterien hat. Ganz im Gegenteil dazu waren plaB Insertionsmutanten bei der Infektion von Meerschweinchen in ihrer Vermehrungsfähigkeit in der Lunge als auch in der Verbreitung der Erreger zur Milz der Tiere reduziert. Um den Grund des Defektes näher zu erörtern, wurde in einem Screen auf 40 verschiedene Entzündungsmediatoren die Sekretion von IL-8, MCP-1, RANTES und TIMP-2 als PlaB-abhängig identifiziert. Somit repräsentiert die zell-assoziierte Phospholipase A, PlaB, von L. pneumophila eine neue Klasse lipolytischer Enzyme und kann durch Hydrolyse eines breiten Substratspektrums, insbesondere durch Hydrolyse von PC, die Vermehrung und Verbreitung des Erregers im Wirtsorganismus unterstützen. / L. pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires’ disease (LD) expresses numerous lipolytic enzymes. According to sequence homology or determined lipolytic activities, up to 17 open reading frames of the L. pneumophila genome may encode functional phospholipases. In addition to secreted and/or injected lipolytic enzymes, it was shown that the pathogen expresses a highly active and membrane-bound phospholipase A/lysophospholipase A with hemolytic activity, designated PlaB. As PlaB does not belong to any established bacterial or eukaryotic protein family of lipolytic enzymes nor does it show sequence homology to conserved motifs harboring the catalytically important amino acids, we analyzed putative catalytic centers using site-directed mutagenesis. This study shows that PlaB exhibits a catalytic triad of serine, aspartate and histidine residues, most commonly found within lipolytic and proteolytic enzyme families. However, surrounding motifs differ significantly from described ones. Thus, PlaB is the first representative of a new class of lipolytic enzymes. In addition, we described amino acids important for substrate specificity, revealing that the ability to hydrolyze phosphatidylcholine (PC) is severely susceptible to various mutations. Since PlaB of non-pneumophila strains, such as L. spiritensis, express comparable activities against glycerol-containing lipids, but are reduced in their hydrolytic potential to cleave choline-containing substrates, PC-targeting activity could be an important contribution to the pathogenicity of L. pneumophila, the most common cause of LD. The hypothesis was underlined by reduced hemolytic potential of L. spiritensis PlaB and PC-hydrolysis impaired mutants of L. pneumophila PlaB and is in accordance with PC being the major lipid in the outer leaflet of eukaryotic membranes. The cell destructive properties of PlaB may enhance bacterial pathogenicity in multiple ways. As depicted within this study, PlaB represents the major lipolytic activity present throughout host cell infections; however, gene deletion mutants retained their ability to multiply within several host cell infection systems. On the contrary, the plaB mutant strain was inhibited in replicating in the lung and disseminating to other organs in a guinea pig infection model. To elucidate the impact of PlaB on Legionella virulence we investigated 40 inflammatory factors secreted by lung epithelial cells upon Legionella infection and observed that IL-8, MCP-1, RANTES and TIMP-2 are released in a PlaB-dependent manner. Thus, PlaB represents a new family of lipolytic enzymes which could, according to the lipolytic profile and especially the ability to hydrolyse PC, contribute to replication and dissemination properties of a pathogen within a host cell, e.g. amoeba, or even more complex organisms such as guinea pigs or humans.
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"Everybody is Good Enough": Band Teacher Agency in a Highly Competitive EnvironmentTucker, Olivia Gail 08 1900 (has links)
Relations between music education structures and teacher agency are under-researched and under-theorized, and scholars have indicated that the traditions and competitions of school bands in the U. S. may constrain educator agency. The need for research on teacher agency in competitive environments is compounded by policy trends toward administrators' use of festival scores in music educator evaluations. The purpose of this instrumental case study was to investigate band teacher agency in a highly competitive music education environment. I used the chordal triad of agency as the primary theoretical framework. Participants were four mid-career band educators in Texas, and I collected data through interviews, observations, journal entries, website review, and email correspondence. Throughout the data, participants' agency largely reproduced existing structures. Findings coalesced around (a) participants' core values of music, students' development, hard work, and competition, (b) an inductive, cohesive collection of band teaching norms despite participants' employment in schools of varying urbanicity and student demographics, (c) power sources that transmitted values and directed teachers' agency, and (d) a compelling story of one participant's generative agency that contrasted with the rest of the data. I provide directions for further research on music teacher agency and suggest implications for band educators, professional music education organizations, and music teacher educators.
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Méthodologie d’optimisation d’un coeur de réacteur à neutrons rapides, application à l’identification de solutions (combustible, coeur, système) permettant des performances accrues : étude de trois concepts de coeurs refroidis à gaz, à l’aide de l’approche FARM / Optimization method development of the core characteristics of a fast reactor in order to explore possible high performance solutions (a solution being a consistent set of fuel, core, system and safety)Ingremeau, Jean-Jacques 01 December 2011 (has links)
Dans l’étude de tout nouveau réacteur nucléaire, la conception de son cœur est une étape décisive. Or il s’agit d’un problème complexe, qui couple fortement la neutronique, la thermomécanique du combustible et la thermo-hydraulique. Actuellement cette conception se fait par longues itérations successives entre les différentes spécialités. Afin d’optimiser de façon plus globale et complète la conception d’un cœur, une nouvelle démarche appelée FARM (FAst Reactor Methodology) a été développée dans le cadre de la thèse. Elle consiste à établir des modèles simplifiés de neutronique, mécanique et thermo-hydraulique, sous forme analytique ou d’interpolation de calculs de codes de référence, puis à les coupler, de manière à pré-dimensionner automatiquement un cœur à partir de variables d’optimisation. Une fois ce modèle établi, on peut explorer et optimiser directement de nombreux cœurs, à partir d’algorithmes génétiques de façon à améliorer leurs performances (inventaire Plutonium en cycle, …) et leur sûreté (estimateurs de sûreté pour accidents protégés et non-protégés). Une réflexion a également due être menée pour déterminer les performances d’un cœur, ainsi que la façon de prendre en compte la sûreté. Cette nouvelle approche a été utilisée pour optimiser la conception de trois concepts de cœurs de Réacteur à Neutrons Rapides refroidi au Gaz (RNR-G). Tout d’abord, la conception du RNR-G à combustible carbure et à aiguilles en SiC a pu être optimisée. Les résultats ont permis d’une part de démontrer que le cœur de référence issu de la méthode itérative était optimal (c'est-à-dire sur le front de Pareto). D’autre part, l’optimisation a également permis de proposer de nombreux autres cœurs, où en dégradant un estimateur de sûreté ou une performance (sur lesquels des marges étaient disponibles), on améliore les autres performances. Une évolution de ce concept utilisant la nouvelle technologie du buffer, a également été modélisée dans FARM et optimisée. FARM a ainsi permis de proposer les premières images de cœur GFR carbure gainé en SiC utilisant la technologie buffer, et d’estimer leurs performances. Les résultats obtenus montrent que cette innovation permet d’atteindre des cœurs beaucoup plus performants et/ou beaucoup plus « sûrs » (plusieurs profils de cœurs étant proposés). Une troisième application de FARM a été réalisée sur un concept de GFR carbure gainé en Vanadium, où là aussi FARM a proposé les premières images de cœur. Toutefois les grandes incertitudes en jeu ne permettent pas véritablement de conclure sur les performances de ce concept, qui semble prometteur.Ainsi, la faisabilité d’une optimisation globale, couplant les différentes physiques d’un cœur de réacteur nucléaire a été démontrée. Si la méthode ainsi obtenue (FARM) est moins précise que la méthode classique, elle permet d’explorer et d’optimiser beaucoup plus rapidement (en quelques semaines au lieu de quelques mois) un grand nombre de cœurs et est parfaitement adaptée pour l’étape de préconception des cœurs de réacteurs ; d’autres études détaillées permettant ensuite d’affiner l’image de cœur retenue. / In the study of any new nuclear reactor, the design of the core is an important step. However designing and optimising a reactor core is quite complex as it involves neutronics, thermal-hydraulics and fuel thermomechanics and usually design of such a system is achieved through an iterative process, involving several different disciplines. In order to solve quickly such a multi-disciplinary system, while observing the appropriate constraints, a new approach has been developed to optimise both the core performance (in-cycle Pu inventory, fuel burn-up, etc…) and the core safety characteristics (safety estimators) of a Fast Neutron Reactor. This new approach, called FARM (FAst Reactor Methodology) uses analytical models and interpolations (Metamodels) from CEA reference codes for neutronics, thermal-hydraulics and fuel behaviour, which are coupled to automatically design a core based on several optimization variables. This global core model is then linked to a genetic algorithm and used to explore and optimise new core designs with improved performance. Consideration has also been given to which parameters can be best used to define the core performance and how safety can be taken into account.This new approach has been used to optimize the design of three concepts of Gas cooled Fast Reactor (GFR). For the first one, using a SiC/SiCf-cladded carbide-fuelled helium-bonded pin, the results demonstrate that the CEA reference core obtained with the traditional iterative method was an optimal core, but among many other possibilities (that is to say on the Pareto front). The optimization also found several other cores which exhibit some improved features at the expense of other safety or performance estimators. An evolution of this concept using a “buffer”, a new technology being developed at CEA, has hence been introduced in FARM. The FARM optimisation produced several core designs using this technology, and estimated their performance. The results obtained show that this innovative feature leads to much higher performing and/or safer cores. The FARM approach has also been applied to a GFR concept using a vanadium cladding. However the large uncertainties involved do not really enable one to evaluate the performance of this promising concept.In summary, the feasibility of a global multi-disciplinary optimization has been demonstrated. Although the resulting method (FARM) is less accurate than the conventional method, it allows fast optimization and permits a large number of cores to be explored quickly, and is ideally suited for the preliminary designs studies before further refinement of the core design.
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Role parameters within the context of the practicum triad : teacher training perspectives from Namibia's Zambezi RegionZulu, Africa 02 1900 (has links)
This study examined the varying roles of individual members of the teaching practicum triad, comprising the university supervisor, the student teacher and the school support teacher, during the practicum component of primary teacher education at the University of Namibia’s Katima Mulilo Campus. The research sought to establish the perceptions of the school support-teachers, university students and university lecturers about the effectiveness of pre-deployment preparedness of trainee teachers before their attachment to schools for teaching practice and to establish the facets of the school participation within the triad which are most effective in supporting trainee teachers throughout their school based practicum. The practicum partnership matrix, as well the pre-teaching campus-based studies and pre-deployment preparations by the university, were closely examined. Suggestions from practicum schools, trainee teachers and the University of Namibia’s Faculty of Education were collated in efforts to develop effective partnership models. This study thus posits a view that school-based teaching practica should provide the pre-service trainee teachers with opportunities to be exposed to the realities of teaching and other related professional activities through the development of sustainable norms and a continuum of realistic practicum partnerships which should take on board all stakeholders. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Les sens des cris de personnes âgées vivant avec une démence en centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue duréeBourbonnais, Anne 04 1900 (has links)
Dans les centres d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD), jusqu’à 80 % des personnes admises vivent avec une démence (Conseil des aînés, 2007). Parmi ces personnes âgées, plusieurs crient. Ce comportement a fait l’objet de quelques études, mais ces études ne fournissent pas une compréhension des sens de ces cris qui pourrait orienter le choix d’interventions face à ces personnes et leur entourage. À l’aide de la perspective infirmière de Leininger (2001) et de la théorie de la communication et des interactions à l’intérieur de triades d’Adams et Gardiner (2005), le but de cette étude était de décrire les sens des cris de personnes âgées vivant avec une démence et les facteurs les influençant en tenant compte de la perspective des personnes âgées, de leurs aidants familiaux et de leurs soignants.
Pour atteindre ce but, l’ethnographie critique a été choisie comme méthode. L’étude s’est découlée dans un CHSLD au sein duquel sept triades, composées de personnes âgées vivant avec une démence qui crient, d’aidants familiaux principaux et de soignants, ont été recrutées selon un échantillonnage théorique. Diverses méthodes de collecte des données ont été utilisées dont l’observation des personnes âgées et du milieu et des entrevues semi-dirigées auprès des aidants et soignants. L’analyse des données a été effectuée à l’aide des quatre approches proposées par Spradley (1979) soit l’analyse : des domaines, taxonomique, componentielle et thématique.
Les résultats ont permis d’identifier des thèmes sur les sens des cris et sur les facteurs influençant ceux-ci. Les cris peuvent avoir pour sens la vulnérabilité, la souffrance et la perte de sens vécues par la personne âgée. Ce comportement peut aussi indiquer diverses finalités, par exemple l’expression d’insatisfactions ou d’émotions. Ces finalités peuvent être distinguées à partir de critères de modulation tels que la prévisibilité des cris ou un faciès émotif. Par ailleurs, divers aspects rendent les sens des cris singuliers.
La stabilité et la flexibilité dans la façon d’organiser les soins ainsi que l’effet réciproque entre les personnes âgées qui crient et les autres personnes dans le CHSLD se sont dégagées comme étant des facteurs qui influencent les sens des cris. Il s’est aussi révélé que les cris de chaque personne âgée peuvent être considérés comme un langage unique que les aidants et les soignants sont en mesure d’apprendre et qui influence l’interprétation des sens des cris. L’accompagnement de la personne âgée, en tenant compte de ses volontés, ses besoins et de sa personnalité, les fluctuations dans les relations de pouvoir au sein des triades personnes âgées-aidants-soignants et les sentiments d’impuissance et de culpabilité des aidants et des soignants sont d’autres facteurs qui influencent les cris.
Les connaissances découlant de cette étude augmentent la compréhension sur les sens des cris des personnes âgées vivant avec une démence. Elles ont des implications pour les divers champs d’activités des infirmières et qui pourront contribuer à offrir des soins culturellement cohérents et caring pour les personnes âgées vivant avec une démence et leur entourage. / Eighty percent of people admitted in nursing homes live with dementia (Conseil des aînés, 2007). Many of these elderly persons scream. Research on this population does not provide a useful basis for understanding this behavior which would enable to guide the choice of appropriate interventions to help the elderly and the people who hear them. The purpose of this research was to describe –with the help of elderly persons, their family and their professional caregivers– the meanings of screams in the elderly with dementia and their influencing factors, using Leininger’s (2001) nursing perspective and Adams and Gardiner’s (2005) theory of communication and interaction within dementia care triads.
Critical ethnography was selected as the research design. Seven triads –composed of elderly persons with dementia that scream, primary family caregivers, and formal caregivers– were recruited from a nursing home according to a theoretical sampling procedure. Various data collection methods were used, particularly, the observation of elderly persons and their environment as well as semi-structured interviews with their family and formal caregivers. Spradley’s (1979) four types of ethnographic analysis: domains, taxonomic, componential and themes analysis were used.
The results lead to emergent themes on the meanings of screams and on their influencing factors. The meanings of screams can be related to the vulnerability, suffering, and loss of meaning experienced by the elderly. This behavior can also represent various final outcomes, for example, the expression of dissatisfaction or of emotions. These outcomes can be differentiated by modulation criteria such as predictability of screams or emotional facial expressions. Various aspects of the meanings of screams make them singular.
Some factors that influence the meanings of screams are the stability and flexibility of nursing care and the effect that the elderly who scream and the persons in the nursing home surrounding them have on each other. The screams of each person also prove to be a unique language that can be learned by family and formal caregivers which can in turn change the interpretation of the screams. Other influencing factors are the respect of the wishes, needs, and personality of the elderly person, fluctuations in power relations within the elderly-family-caregivers triads and feelings of powerlessness and guilt in family and formal caregivers.
Knowledge generated by this study increases our understanding on the meanings of screams in elderly persons with dementia. It has implications for research, education, clinical practice and management that could contribute to caring and culturally congruent care for elderly persons with dementia and the people around them.
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The Design and Validation of a Computational Rigid Body Model for Study of the Radial HeadWoodcock, Cassandra 11 December 2013 (has links)
Rigid body modeling has historically been used to study various features of the elbow joint including both physical and computational models. Computational modeling provides an inexpensive, easily customizable, and effective method by which to predict and investigate the response of a physiological system to in vivo stresses and applied perturbations. Utilizing computer topography scans of a cadaveric elbow, a virtual representation of the joint was created using the commercially available MIMICS(TM) and SolidWorks(TM) software packages. Accurate 3D articular surfaces, ligamentous constraints, and joint contact parameters dictated motion. The model was validated against two cadaveric studies performed by Chanlalit et al. (2011, 2012) considering monopolar and bipolar circular radial head replacements in their effects on radiocapitellar stability and respective reliance upon lateral soft tissues, as well as a comparison of these with a novel anatomic radial head replacement system in an elbow afflicted with the “terrible triad” injury. Rigid body simulations indicated that the computational model was able to accurately recreate the translation of forces in the joint and demonstrate results similar to those presented in the cadaveric data in both the intact elbow and in unstable injury states. Trends in the resulting data were reflective of the average behavior of the cadaveric specimens while percent changes between states correlated closely with the experimental data. Information on the transposition of forces within the joint and ligament tensions gleaned from the computational model provided further insight into the stability of the elbow with a compromised radial head.
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The Design and Validation of a Computational Rigid Body Model of the Elbow.Spratley, Edward 15 October 2009 (has links)
The use of computational modeling is an effective and inexpensive way to predict the response of complex systems to various perturbations. However, not until the early 1990s had this technology been used to predict the behavior of physiological systems, specifically the human skeletal system. To that end, a computational model of the human elbow joint was developed using computed topography (CT) scans of cadaveric donor tissue, as well as the commercially available software package SolidWorks™. The kinematic function of the joint model was then defined through 3D reconstructions of the osteoarticular surfaces and various soft-tissue constraints. The model was validated against cadaveric experiments performed by Hull et al and Fern et al that measured the significance of coronoid process fractures, lateral ulnar collateral ligament ruptures, and radial head resection in elbow joint resistance to varus displacement of the forearm. Kinematic simulations showed that the computational model was able to mimic the physiological movements of the joint throughout various ranges of motion including flexion/extension and pronation/supination. Quantitatively, the model was able to accurately reproduce the trends, as well as the magnitudes, of varus resistance observed in the cadaveric specimens. Additionally, magnitudes of ligament tension and joint contact force predicted by the model were able to further elucidate the complex soft-tissue and osseous contributions to varus elbow stability.
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Činnost Speciálně pedagogického centra pro žáky s poruchami autistického spektra / Activities of a Special Education Centre for Pupils with Autism Spectrum DisordersHabartová, Iva January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the activities of the Special Education Centre, as provided to parents of children and pupils with autistic spectrum disorders in the region of Cheb, Czech Republic. The theoretical part summarizes - using the specialized literature available - basic information on the issue of autism, its complex assessment and diagnosing, and special education care with focus on the same. It specifies the forms of consulting services in the Czech Republic and the special education centre's services aimed at pupils with autistic spectrum disorders. The research part of the thesis contains the characteristics of the examined array and using a specific questionnaire, it collects information on the satisfaction of parents of pupils with autistic spectrum disorders with the special education centre's offer of services. It also analyses the degree of implementation of the individual strategies and maps out the possibilities of expanding the offer of special education care.
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