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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deployment Strategies for High Accuracy and Availability Indoor Positioning with 5G

Ahlander, Jesper, Posluk, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Indoor positioning is desired in many areas for various reasons, such as positioning products in industrial environments, hospital equipment or firefighters inside a building on fire. One even tougher situation where indoor positioning can be useful is locating a specific object on a shelf in a commercial setting. This thesis aims to investigate and design different network deployment strategies in an indoor environment in order to achieve both high position estimation accuracy and availability. The investigation considers the two positioning techniques downlink time difference of arrival, DL-TDOA, and round trip time, RTT. Simulations of several deployments are performed in two standard scenarios which mimic an indoor open office and an indoor factory, respectively. Factors having an impact on the positioning accuracy and availability are found to be deployment geometry, number of base stations, line-of-sight conditions and interference, with the most important being deployment geometry. Two deployment strategies are designed with the goal of optimising the deployment geometry. In order to achieve both high positioning accuracy and availability in a simple, sparsely cluttered environment, the strategy is to deploy the base stations evenly around the edges of the deployment area. In a more problematic, densely cluttered environment the approach somewhat differs. The proposed strategy is now to identify and strategically place some base stations in the most cluttered areas but still place a majority of the base stations around the edges of the deployment area. A robust positioning algorithm is able to handle interference well and to decrease its impact on the positioning accuracy. The cost, in terms of frequency resources, of using more orthogonal signals may not be worth the small improvement in accuracy and availability.

L’expérience de magasinage sous l’influence du smartphone : une application au secteur de la chaussure / The shopping experience under the influence of the smartphone : an application to the shoe retail

Thévenet-Deparis, Martine 13 November 2017 (has links)
La place prise par le smartphone dans la vie des consommateurs ne cesse d’augmenter avec des usages en mobilité qui s’installent durablement au quotidien. Doté de ce pouvoir technologique et décisionnaire, le consommateur modifie son comportement d’achat. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’analyser l’impact des usages du smartphone sur les comportements de magasinage afin de comprendre quels sont les déterminants de la mobilité et de l’usage de la technologie qui jouent un rôle sur les parcours d’achat. La problématique est centrée sur l’analyse du processus d’achat dans sa globalité tout en gardant une approche moins monolithique. Notre recherche est empirique, fondée sur une double étude qualitative : une première étude où nous interrogeons les consommateurs sur leurs pratiques quotidiennes du smartphone et sur leurs expériences d’achats hybrides influencées par cet outil technologique ; une seconde étude où nous interrogeons des clientes juste après une expérience d’achat vécue dans un point de vente d’une enseigne multicanal de la chaussure. Un premier palier de résultats apporte une meilleure compréhension des usages du smartphone (sur les critères de fréquence et d’intensité d’usage) qui s’inscrivent définitivement dans la continuité du changement « mobiquitaire » des usagers. Un second palier de résultats montre le lien entre ces pratiques et la praxéologie du processus d’achat qui sous l’influence du smartphone devient plus rationnel et plus efficace. Néanmoins, l’expérience d’achat vécue en point de vente, telle que nous l’avons étudiée pour un produit particulier, atteste que le magasin doit garder sa singularité. Il doit remplir des fonctions multimodales : des fonctions de commercialité traditionnelles en lien avec un processus d’achat initié sur internet et des fonctions sensorielles et émotionnelles qui renforcent une expérience favorisant les achats d’impulsion et évitant une logique trop rationnelle. Nous proposons aux managers des enseignes des pistes d’amélioration pour adapter leur modèle de distribution et revisiter le rôle alloué à leurs points de vente physiques. / The role of the smartphone in consumers’ life is constantly developing with their increasing mobility. Endowed with this technological and decision-making power, consumers modify their buying behavior. The objective of our research is to analyze the impact of smartphone uses on shopping behavior in order to understand the determinants of mobility and the use of technology that play a role in shopping trips. The problem focuses on an analysis of the shopping process as a whole while keeping a less monolithic. Our research is empirical, based on a two qualitative studies: in a first study, we question consumers on their daily smartphone practices and on their hybrid shopping experiences influenced by this technological device; in a second study, we interview clients after a shopping experience in a shoe store of a multichannel retail chain. A first level of results brings a better understanding of smartphone uses (based on the criteria of frequency and intensity of use) that definitely fit in the continuity of “mobiquity”. A second level of results shows the link between these practices and the praxeology of the shopping process that becomes more rational and efficient under smartphone influence. Nevertheless, the shopping experience at the point of sale, studied here for a particular product, attests that the store must keep its singularity. It has to fulfill multimodal functions: traditional commercial functions in connection with a process initiated on the internet and sensory and emotional functions that reinforce impulse buying and avoid too rational logic. We propose to the retail managers to adapt their retail model and to revisit the role allocated to their physical points of sale.

Einfluss der inkrementellen Deformationen bei der thermomechanischen Behandlung auf die Eigenschaften von TRIP-Stählen

Staňková, Hana 07 February 2008 (has links)
Die Kombination von hoher Festigkeit und guter Dehnung ist eine wichtige Anforderung an moderne Werkstoffarten. Es wird angestrebt, diese Werkstoffeigenschaften effektiv und preiswert zu erreichen. TRIP-Stähle stellen eine Werkstoffart dar, welche im Stande ist, diese Kriterien zu erfüllen. Die hervorragenden Eigenschaften dieser Stahlart sind nicht nur durch das von Ferrit, Bainit und Restaustenit gebildete Mehrphasengefüge gegeben, sondern werden auch durch den TRIP-Effekt (transformation induced plasticity) begünstigt. Als TRIP-Effekt wird die Umwandlung von Restaustenit in verformungsinduzierten Martensit während der Kaltverformung bezeichnet. In der Automobilindustrie werden TRIP-Stähle insbesondere für die Herstellung von Sicherheitskomponenten verwendet, da sie über die Fähigkeit verfügen, ein großes Ausmaß an Verformungsenergie während des Aufpralls zu absorbieren. Die hohe Festigkeit ermöglicht eine weitere Senkung des Komponentengewichtes. TRIP-Werkstoffe sind jedoch nicht nur für die Herstellung von Blechkomponenten interessant, sondern können auch bei anderen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden, z.B. bei der Massivumformung. Bei der Massivumformung von TRIP-Stählen entstehen Probleme, die bei der Blechbehandlung nicht auftreten. Es handelt sich insbesondere um die Notwendigkeit eine gleichmäßige Verformungs- und Temperaturfeldverteilung über den ganzen Werkstoffquerschnitt zu gewährleisten. Es ist wichtig, eine richtige Abkühlung der Proben zu erreichen, damit auch in der Probenmitte eine ausreichende Abkühlgeschwindigkeit erreicht wird, welche die Entstehung eines Ferrit-Bainit-Gefüges ermöglicht und die Restaustenitstabilität unterstützt. Diese Probleme schränken die Produktionsmöglichkeit eines komplexen TRIP-Gefüges in Massivhalbzeugen in der Industrie ein. Für diese Arbeit wurden technologische Möglichkeiten, Parameter der thermomechanischen Behandlung und Endeigenschaften von insgesamt drei niedriglegierten TRIP-Stählen untersucht. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse ermöglichten die Herstellung relativ dickwandiger Hohlhalbzeuge. Dazu wurde eine Herstellungskette genutzt, die Bohrungsdrücken, interkritisches Glühen und Kaltdrückwalzen für optimale Werkstoffeigenschaften beinhaltet. Mithilfe der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde sogar nachgewiesen, dass aus den im Rahmen dieser Arbeit bearbeiteten Werkstoffen Halbzeuge gewonnen werden können, die sowohl eine höhere Festigkeit also auch eine höhere Dehnung aufweisen als konventionell hergestellte Bleche aus niedriglegierten TRIP-Stählen.

Propuesta de mejoramiento de la movilidad urbana en el distrito de san miguel a través de la implementación de estaciones de bicicletas públicas / Proposal to improve urban mobility in the district of san miguel through the implementation of public bicycle stations

Chang Ramírez, Giancarlo 23 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación aborda la problemática de la movilidad urbana en el distrito de San Miguel, y propone como alternativa sustentable de transporte un sistema estaciones de bicicletas públicas. De esta manera, se buscaron las localizaciones óptimas de estaciones a través de un estudio de demanda y análisis de cobertura utilizando modelos de localización-asignación. La demanda fue estimada a través del método de generación de viajes del “Trip Generation Manual” utilizando factores de distribución horaria del NCHRP 365, los cuales fueron ajustados por la metodología de uso suelo mixto propuesta por la empresa Fehr & Peers. Paralelamente, se elaboró un modelo SIG con la información geográfica del distrito; sobre el cual se plantearon los modelos de localización-asignación de máxima cobertura y mínima impedancia, considerando los escenarios de implementación de 10, 25, 50 y 100 estaciones para cada uno. Adicionalmente, se realizaron encuestas para identificar el perfil de usuarios ciclistas en el distrito de San Miguel y su interés por un sistema de bicicletas públicas; cuyos resultados permiten validar el sistema propuesto. Finalmente, se analizaron las características de cada escenario, y se determinó que la propuesta de 100 estaciones con el modelo de máxima cobertura otorga mayor accesibilidad y mejora la movilidad urbana en términos de cobertura a nivel distrital en un 77% y promedio sectorial en 66%. / This research addresses the problem of urban mobility in the district of San Miguel, and proposes a system of public bicycle stations as a sustainable transport alternative. In this way, optimal station locations were searched through a demand study and coverage analysis using location-allocation models. The demand was estimated through the trip generation method of the “Trip Generation Manual” using hourly distribution factors from NCHRP 365, which were adjusted by the mixed land use methodology proposed by the Fehr & Peers company. At the same time, a GIS model was developed with the geographic information of the district; on which the maximum coverage and minimum impedance location-assignment models were proposed, considering the implementation scenarios of 10, 25, 50 and 100 stations for each one. Additionally, surveys were conducted to identify the profile of cycling users in the San Miguel district and their interest in a public bicycle system; which results allow to validate the proposed system. Finally, the characteristics of each scenario were analyzed, and it was determined that the proposal of 100 stations with the maximum coverage model provides greater accessibility and improves urban mobility in terms of coverage at the district level by 77% and the sectorial average by 66%. / Tesis

Weiterentwicklung und Anpassung neuer Methoden der Mikrostrukturanalyse für keramische Systeme mit Phasenumwandlungen

Berek, Harry 17 September 2013 (has links)
Ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeit ist die lokale Phasenanalyse keramischer Systeme mittels EBSD. Insbesondere bei MMC auf der Basis von TRIP-Stahl/Mg-PSZ ist die Ortsauflösung der bisher üblichen XRD-Phasenanalyse nicht ausreichend. Das gilt auch für die Analyse von Grenzflächenreaktionen, wie sie zum Beispiel bei Korrosionsprozessen auftreten. Es wurde eine Methode der Probenpräparation entwickelt und erfolgreich für unterschiedliche keramische Systeme eingesetzt. Ein Ergebnis ist der Nachweis von spannungs-assistierten Phasenumwandlungen in Mg-PSZ. Zweiter Schwerpunkt ist die Entwicklung einer in situ Druckverformungsapparatur für einen Labor-Röntgen-Tomographen. Mit dieser Apparatur können Druckverformungskräfte bis 100 kN erreicht werden. Tomographische Untersuchungen werden unter Druckspannung durchgeführt. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde insbesondere das Verformungs- und Schädigungsverhalten von MMC in Form von Schäumen und Wabenkörpern detailliert untersucht.

The usage of location based big data and trip planning services for the estimation of a long-distance travel demand model. Predicting the impacts of a new high speed rail corridor

Llorca, Carlos, Ji, Joanna, Molloy, Joseph, Moeckel, Rolf 24 September 2020 (has links)
Travel demand models are a useful tool to assess transportation projects. Within travel demand, long-distance trips represent a significant amount of the total vehicle-kilometers travelled, in contrast to commuting trips. Consequently, they pay a relevant role in the economic, social and environmental impacts of transportation. This paper describes the development of a microscopic long-distance travel demand model for the Province of Ontario (Canada) and analyzes the sensitivity to the implementation of a new high speed rail corridor. Trip generation, destination choice and mode choice models were developed for this research. Multinomial logit models were estimated and calibrated using the Travel Survey for Residents in Canada (TSRC). It was complemented with location-based social network data from Foursquare, improving the description of activities and diverse land uses at the destinations. Level of service of the transit network was defined by downloading trip time, frequency and fare using the planning service Rome2rio. New scenarios were generated to simulate the impacts of a new high speed rail corridor by varying rail travel times, frequencies and fares of the rail services. As a result, a significant increase of rail modal shares was measured, directly proportional to speed and frequency and inversely proportional to price.

Designing Round-Trip Systems by Change Propagation and Model Partitioning

Seifert, Mirko 28 June 2011 (has links)
Software development processes incorporate a variety of different artifacts (e.g., source code, models, and documentation). For multiple reasons the data that is contained in these artifacts does expose some degree of redundancy. Ensuring global consistency across artifacts during all stages in the development of software systems is required, because inconsistent artifacts can yield to failures. Ensuring consistency can be either achieved by reducing the amount of redundancy or by synchronizing the information that is shared across multiple artifacts. The discipline of software engineering that addresses these problems is called Round-Trip Engineering (RTE). In this thesis we present a conceptual framework for the design RTE systems. This framework delivers precise definitions for essential terms in the context of RTE and a process that can be used to address new RTE applications. The main idea of the framework is to partition models into parts that require synchronization - skeletons - and parts that do not - clothings. Once such a partitioning is obtained, the relations between the elements of the skeletons determine whether a deterministic RTE system can be built. If not, manual decisions may be required by developers. Based on this conceptual framework, two concrete approaches to RTE are presented. The first one - Backpropagation-based RTE - employs change translation, traceability and synchronization fitness functions to allow for synchronization of artifacts that are connected by non-injective transformations. The second approach - Role-based Tool Integration - provides means to avoid redundancy. To do so, a novel tool design method that relies on role modeling is presented. Tool integration is then performed by the creation of role bindings between role models. In addition to the two concrete approaches to RTE, which form the main contributions of the thesis, we investigate the creation of bridges between technical spaces. We consider these bridges as an essential prerequisite for performing logical synchronization between artifacts. Also, the feasibility of semantic web technologies is a subject of the thesis, because the specification of synchronization rules was identified as a blocking factor during our problem analysis. The thesis is complemented by an evaluation of all presented RTE approaches in different scenarios. Based on this evaluation, the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches are identified. Also, the practical feasibility of our approaches is confirmed w.r.t. the presented RTE applications.

App de turismo virtual: Pocket World

Gaitán Verástegui, Ana Cecilia, Romero Morán, Rosmery, Jaramillo Huaman, Adriana Cristina, Guevara Cárdenas, Stephany Jenny, Cuevas Gonzales, Nicole Andrea 12 November 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, los consumidores en el sector de turismo para destinos nacionales como internacionales se han visto afectados por el impedimento de viajar a diversos lugares debido a la pandemia que enfrenta el mundo. Ante ello, nace la idea de presentar un modelo de negocio sobre viajes virtuales con la característica principal de un enfoque 360º. Asimismo, se incorpora un guía turístico que acompaña al usuario en todo el recorrido brindando la facilidad de aclarar cualquier duda que presente. Esta propuesta, lleva como nombre Pocket World, cabe resaltar que este modelo de negocio no busca reemplazar al turismo, al contrario, busca incentivarlo y fomentarlo a futuro. Este proyecto considera como grupo objetivo a mujeres y hombres entre 18 y 45 años que gustan conocer nuevos destinos de Perú. Por ende, para probar la aceptación de este proyecto se ha realizado diversas investigaciones y experimentos que permitan dar validez a este modelo de negocio, para así presentar los planes de acción en las áreas pertinentes, con la finalidad de obtener una aliciente rentabilidad y, a la vez, dar a conocer al mercado peruano una nueva alternativa de turismo virtual. / Nowadays, consumers in the tourism sector for domestic and international destinations have been affected by the impediment of traveling to various places due to the pandemic facing the world. In view of this, the idea of presenting a business model on virtual travel with the main feature of a 360º approach was born. In addition, a tour guide is incorporated that accompanies the user throughout the tour providing the ease of clarifying any doubts that present. This proposal, named Pocket World, should be noted that this business model does not seek to replace tourism on the contrary, seeks to incentivize and encourage it in the future. This project considers as a target group women and men between 18 and 35 years old who like to meet new destinations in Peru. Therefore, to prove the acceptance of this project, a number of researches and experiments have been carried out to give validity to this business model, in order to present the action plans in the relevant areas, in order to obtain an incentive for profitability and at the same time, to make known to the Peruvian market a new alternative of virtual tourism. / Trabajo de investigación

Development of Effective Algorithm for Coupled Thermal-Hydraulics – Neutron-Kinetics Analysis of Reactivity Transient

Peltonen, Joanna January 2009 (has links)
Analyses of nuclear reactor safety have increasingly required coupling of full three dimensional neutron kinetics (NK) core models with system transient thermal-hydraulics (TH) codes. To produce results within a reasonable computing time, the coupled codes use different spatial description of the reactor core. The TH code uses few, typically 5 to 20 TH channels, which represent the core. The NK code uses explicit node for each fuel assembly. Therefore, a spatial mapping of coarse grid TH and fine grid NK domain is necessary. However, improper mappings may result in loss of valuable information, thus causing inaccurate prediction of safety parameters. The purpose of this thesis is to study the sensitivity of spatial coupling (channel refinement and spatial mapping) and develop recommendations for NK-TH mapping in simulation of safety transients – Control Rod Drop, Turbine Trip, Feedwater Transient combined with stability performance (minimum pump speed of recirculation pumps). The research methodology consists of spatial coupling convergence study, as increasing number of TH channels and different mapping approach the reference case. The reference case consists of one TH channel per one fuel assembly. The comparison of results has been done under steady-state and transient conditions. Obtained results and conclusions are presented in this licentiate thesis.

Multi-Network integration for an Intelligent Mobility / Intégration multi-réseaux pour la mobilité intelligente

Masri, Ali 28 November 2017 (has links)
Les systèmes de transport sont un des leviers puissants du progrès de toute société. Récemment les modes de déplacement ont évolué significativement et se diversifient. Les distances quotidiennement parcourues par les citoyens ne cessent d'augmenter au cours de ces dernières années. Cette évolution impacte l'attractivité et la compétitivité mais aussi la qualité de vie grandement dépendante de l'évolution des mobilités des personnes et des marchandises. Les gouvernements et les collectivités territoriales développent de plus en plus des politiques d'incitation à l'éco-mobilité. Dans cette thèse nous nous concentrons sur les systèmes de transport public. Ces derniers évoluent continuellement et offrent de nouveaux services couvrant différents modes de transport pour répondre à tous les besoins des usagers. Outre les systèmes de transports en commun, prévus pour le transport de masse, de nouveaux services de mobilité ont vu le jour, tels que le transport à la demande, le covoiturage planifié ou dynamique et l'autopartage ou les vélos en libre-service. Ils offrent des solutions alternatives de mobilité et pourraient être complémentaires aux services traditionnels. Cepandant, ces services sont à l'heure actuelle isolés du reste des modes de transport et des solutions multimodales. Ils sont proposés comme une alternative mais sans intégration réelle aux plans proposés par les outils existants. Pour permettre la multimodalité, le principal challenge de cette thèse est l'intégration de données et/ou de services provenant de systèmes de transports hétérogènes. Par ailleurs, le concept de données ouvertes est aujourd'hui adopté par de nombreuses organisations publiques et privées, leur permettant de publier leurs sources de données sur le Web et de gagner ainsi en visibilité. On se place dans le contexte des données ouvertes et des méthodes et outils du web sémantique pour réaliser cette intégration, en offrant une vue unifiée des réseaux et des services de transport. Les verrous scientifiques auxquels s'intéresse cette thèse sont liés aux problèmes d'intégration à la fois des données et des services informatiques des systèmes de transport sous-jacents. / Multimodality requires the integration of heterogeneous transportation data and services to construct a broad view of the transportation network. Many new transportation services (e.g. ridesharing, car-sharing, bike-sharing) are emerging and gaining a lot of popularity since in some cases they provide better trip solutions.However, these services are still isolated from the existing multimodal solutions and are proposed as alternative plans without being really integrated in the suggested plans. The concept of open data is raising and being adopted by many companies where they publish their data sources to the web in order to gain visibility. The goal of this thesis is to use these data to enable multimodality by constructing an extended transportation network that links these new services to existing ones.The challenges we face mainly arise from the integration problem in both transportation services and transportation data

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