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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da agregação larval na história de vida de Ascia monuste orseis (Godart, 1819) (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) / Influence of larval aggregation on life-history traits of Ascia monuste orseis (Godart, 1819) (Lepidoptera, Pieridae)

Alessandra Figueiredo Kikuda Santana 25 April 2012 (has links)
A agregação em insetos centra-se nas vantagens relativas ao forrageio e no aumento da defesa contra predadores. Além disso, agregações de ovos podem beneficiar-se pelo aumento nas taxas de eclosão larval. Neste trabalho, foram testadas as hipóteses de que agregações de Ascia monuste orseis (Godart, 1819) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) uma espécie que se alimenta em agregações larvais em plantas da família Brassicaceae - conferem benefícios à performance larval e adulta, na assimilação de alimento pelas larvas, na viabilidade dos ovos e na proteção larval contra inimigos naturais. A possibilidade de um dado comportamento do grupo resultar em maior ataque por inimigos naturais também foi avaliada, bem como um padrão comportamental defensivo em resposta aos inimigos naturais. Para tanto, quatro tratamentos de diferentes tamanhos de agregações larvais foram formados (1, 7, 15 e 30 larvas) para avaliar a performance e a assimilação de alimento em laboratório. Em campo, três tratamentos foram formados (1, 10 e 50 larvas) para testar o efeito do tamanho do tamanho do grupo na predação e parasitismo. A performance do estágio de ovo foi examinada em posturas de tamanhos variados em casa de vegetação. Larvas gregárias desenvolveram-se mais rápido nos ínstares iniciais e tornaram-se fêmeas mais fecundas em comparação às solitárias; entretanto, larvas solitárias apresentaram maior tamanho do que as gregárias. A sobrevivência não diferiu entre os tratamentos em laboratório. Foi observado um menor consumo per capita de alimento por larvas gregárias, sem custos para a assimilação de alimento. A viabilidade dos ovos aumentou com o tamanho da agregação de ovos, comprovando o benefício da agregação larval na fase de ovo. A menor predação per capita em agregações larvais maiores conferiu uma maior proteção às larvas de A. monuste orseis contra predadores e parasitoides, através do efeito da diluição do ataque entre os indivíduos do grupo. O parasitoidismo foi mais expressivo em larvas de primeiros ínstares, enquanto que larvas mais tardias foram mais atacadas por predadores, independente do tamanho da agregação. Por fim, eventos comportamentais que envolvem movimentação da cabeça como exploração e alimentação foram mais perigosos para as larvas de A. monuste orseis em comparação ao repouso e deslocamento, semelhantemente a espécies de hábito solitário. Eventos comportamentais supostamente defensivos foram observados em todos os ínstares e tratamentos. As vantagens da agregação em A. monuste orseis mostraram-se especialmente importantes no estágio de ovo e primeiros ínstares, pela diminuição da mortalidade de ovos e vulnerabilidade larval aos inimigos naturais. Esses benefícios provavelmente sobrepõem-se aos custos, como a competição por interferência observada entre as larvas no final do desenvolvimento. Nossos resultados mostram que o malogro dos ovos e os efeitos dos inimigos naturais constituem fortes pressões seletivas na manutenção da agregação de ovos e larval em A. monuste orseis, a qual confere uma melhor performance do ponto de vista bi-trófico, bem como maior probabilidade de sobrevivência individual sob o ponto de vista tri-trófico. / In insects, the gregarious habit has been shown to improve foraging and defense against predation to both larval and adult stages. Egg clusters could also be beneficial through increased larval hatching. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that egg clusters and larval aggregations of the neotropical butterfly Ascia monuste orseis (Godart, 1819) (Pieridae) - a subspecies that uses Brassicaceae as hosts - lead to several benefits from both bi- and tri-trophic perspectives. Larval and adult performances, food assimilation by the larvae, egg viability, as well as protection against natural enemies were assessed from individuals reared either isolated or aggregated. The behavior of larval aggregations was also examined with respect to predation risk, as well as the corresponding larval defensive behaviors after enemy attack. Four treatments with different larval aggregation sizes were assigned (1, 7, 15 e 30 larvae) to assess larval performance and food utilization in the laboratory. In the field, three treatments were assigned (1, 10 e 50 larvae) to evaluate the effects of group size on predation and parasitoidism. Egg performance was examined through egg clusters of different sizes in a greenhouse. Gregarious larvae developed faster, especially in early instars, and became more fecund females than solitary larvae; however, the latter attained larger body size than the former. Under laboratory conditions, survival did not differ among treatments. Lower food ingestion per capita was observed in gregarious larvae, with no cost in food assimilation. The viability of eggs increased as egg aggregation size increased. The lower per capita predation in larger larval aggregations than smaller groups conferred higher protection to A. monuste orseis larvae against natural enemies, through the dilution effects among individuals of the group. Parasitoidism was more intense in small-sized larvae while late instars were more susceptible to predators, regardless of aggregation size. Similar to species with solitary habit, behavioral events which involved head movements as searching and feeding were more dangerous to A. monuste orseis larvae compared to resting and walking. Presumed defensive behaviors were observed in all instars and treatments. Thus, the benefits of aggregation in A. monuste orseis can be seen especially in the egg stage and in first instars, as it reduces egg mortality and larval vulnerability to natural enemies. These benefits probably overcome some costs, such as interference competition in the late instars. Taken together, the results show that egg failure and top-down effects constitute selective pressures in maintaining egg and larval aggregation in A. monuste orseis, by providing better performance from a bi-trophic perspective and increased probability of individual survival from a tri-trophic perspective when compared to solitary individuals.

Manejo de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em milho, Zea mays L.: bases para avaliação populacional e controle biológico utilizando o parasitóide de ovos Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner, 1983 (Hymenoptera:Trichogrammatidae) / Management of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on corn, Zea mays L.: basis for populational evaluation and biological control using the egg parasitoid Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner, 1983 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).

Alexandre Moraes Cardoso 26 April 2004 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivos aprimorar a amostragem de Spodoptera frugiperda através do uso de armadilhas com feromônio sexual, verificar a capacidade de dispersão de Trichogramma atopovirilia como agente de controle biológico desta praga bem como avaliar a atratividade de Amaranthus sp. às fêmeas de T. atopovirilia. Para aprimorar a amostragem de S. frugiperda, os estudos foram conduzidos em dois campos comerciais de produção de milho, sendo um composto de 36,3 ha (denominado de MIP e com 30 pontos de amostragem) e outro de 10 ha (denominado de convencional e com 10 pontos de amostragem). Nestes campos foram instaladas armadilhas com feromônio sexual, distribuídas de forma aleatória e na proporção de 1 armadilha / ha. As avaliações foram realizadas duas vezes por semana durante todo o desenvolvimento das plantas, considerando-se: número de adultos machos coletados pelas armadilhas, injúria dos insetos às plantas, número de posturas e de larvas (pequenas, médias e grandes). O número de adultos coletados nas armadilhas foi correlacionado com os níveis de injúrias, número de posturas e densidade larval. O número de larvas observadas não apresentou diferença entre áreas e pontos de amostragem. A injúria dos insetos às plantas, número de posturas e de larvas pequenas não apresentaram correlação com os adultos capturados pelas armadilhas. Houve correlação significativa entre o número de larvas grandes (4o e 5o ínstares) e o número de plantas apresentando o cartucho furado ou destruído. Não houve correlação da coleta de adultos nas armadilhas com a infestação ou níveis de injúria, demonstrando que as larvas ainda precisam ser contadas para determinar o momento do seu controle. A capacidade de dispersão de T. atopovirilia foi estudada em 3 fases distintas de desenvolvimento das plantas de milho, quando estas possuíam de 4 a 6 folhas, 8 a 10 folhas e pendoamento. Em cada fase foi realizada uma infestação artificial com posturas (até 24 h) de S. frugiperda nas plantas localizadas em distâncias que variaram de 6 a 24 m do ponto de liberação do parasitóide. Logo após esta infestação, foi realizada somente uma liberação de adultos do parasitóide para cada fase da cultura e sempre no período mais fresco do dia (manhã ou entardecer). O parasitismo foi permitido durante até 48 horas quando as posturas eram recolhidas e acondicionadas em câmara climatizada até a emergência dos adultos. Os resultados indicaram que as plantas em suas diferentes fases de desenvolvimento afetaram a capacidade de dispersão dos parasitóides. As posturas localizadas nos pontos mais distantes somente foram atingidas pelos parasitóides durante a fase de desenvolvimento da cultura em que as plantas de milho estavam menores (4 a 6 folhas). Nas outras fases, os índices de parasitismo foram maiores naquelas posturas localizadas mais próximas do ponto de liberação. A atratividade de quatro espécies de Amaranthus (A. retroflexus, A. viridis, A. hybridus e A. spinosus) às fêmeas de T. atopovirilia foram avaliadas utilizando-se olfatômetro Peterson. Estas plantas foram testadas em período de desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo. Adotou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 40 repetições (considerando-se um inseto/ repetição) e cada inseto foi observado durante o tempo máximo de 600 segundos. As espécies mais atrativas foram A. viridis e A. retroflexus, nos estádios vegetativo e reprodutivo, respectivamente. Quando testadas simultaneamente, as espécies de plantas não demonstraram atratividade ao parasitóide. Estes resultados sugerem a viabilidade do uso destas plantas ou seus derivados no manejo de habitats de hospedeiros e aumento de parasitismo em programas de manejo integrado de pragas. / The objectives of this research were the improvement of cross-section Spodoptera frugiperda using pheromone traps to verify the capacity of dispersion of Trichogramma atopovirilia as an agent for biological pest control as well as evaluating the attractiveness of Amaranthus sp. to T. atopovirilia females. To improve cross-section of S. frugiperda, the studies were carried out in two commercial corn field plantations, one made up of 36,3 ha (called MIP and with 30 points of sampling) and another of 10 ha (called conventional and with 10 points of sampling). In these fields pheromone traps were randomly displaced (ratio of 1 trap/ha). The evaluations were realized twice a week during the whole plant development, considering : number of male adults collected by the traps, insect injury to plants, egg masses and larval densities (small, medium and large). The numbers of adults collected were correlated to the insect injury, egg masses and larval density. The larval occurrence did not show difference between areas and sampling points. The injury levels, egg masses and small larva densities did not show correlation to adult caught by traps. There was significant correlation between large larvae (4th and 5th instars) and the number of plants showing whorl holes and/or destroyed ones. There were no correlations observed among adults caught by traps and insect infestation or injury, so demonstrating that larvae should be counted for timing pest control. The capacity of dispersion of T. atopovirilia was studied in 3 distinct phases of corn plant development, when they had 4 to 6 leaves, 8 to 10 leaves and tassel. In each stage was applied an artificial infestation with egg masses (< 24 h) of S. frugiperda on plants located 6 to 24 m from a parasitoid release point. Right after this artificial infestation, was applied only one parasitoid adult release to each distinct corn plant phase , always early in the morning or late in the afternoon. The parasite contamination was allowed during 48 h and then the egg masses were retrieved and taken into a climatic chamber until emerging adulthood. The results showed that plants affected the parasitoid dispersal. The egg masses placed farthest from the release point were parasited only during the 4 to 6-leaf stage. In the others stages, only egg masses next to the release point were parasited. The attractiveness of four species of Amaranthus (A. retroflexus, A. viridis, A. hybridus and A. spinosus) to the females of T. atopovirilia was evaluated by a Petersons olfactometer. These plants were evaluated in both vegetative and reproductive stages. Complete randomized procedure was adopted with 40 replications (considering one insect/replication) and each insect was observed during 600 seconds. The most attractive species were A. viridis and A. retroflexus during vegetative and reproductive stage, respectively. When plants were tested simultaneously, the species did not show attractive properties to the parasitoids. These results suggest the viability of the use of these plants or its derivatives to change host habitat and parasite increase for biological control in integrated pest management.

Density-Dependent Survival in the Larval Stage of an Invasive Insect: Dispersal vs. Predation

Pepi, Adam A 23 November 2015 (has links)
1. The success of invasive species is often thought to be due to release from natural enemies. This hypothesis relies on the assumption that species are regulated by top-down forces in their native range and implies that species are likely to be regulated by bottom-up forces in the invasive range. Neither of these assumptions has been consistently supported with insects, a group which include many highly destructive invasive pest species. 2. Winter moth (Operophtera brumata) is an invasive defoliator in North America that appears to be regulated by mortality in the larval stage in its invasive range. To assess whether regulation in the invasive range is caused by top-down or bottom-up forces, we sought to identify the main causes of larval mortality. 3. To measure the importance of different sources of winter moth larval mortality, we used observational and manipulative field studies to measure dispersal, predation, parasitism, disease. We measured the response of larval dispersal in the field to multiple aspects of foliar quality, including total phenolics, pH 10 oxidized phenolics, trichome density, total nitrogen, total carbon, and carbon-nitrogen ration. We also used manipulative laboratory studies to measure the presence of cannibalism and dispersal. 4. Tree-level declines in density were driven by density-dependent larval dispersal of early instars with very little mortality caused by other factors. Later instar larvae dispersed at increased rates from previously damaged vs. undamaged foliage, and field larval dispersal rates were related to proportion of oxidative phenolics in 2015, suggesting that larval dispersal may have been mediated by an induced decline in foliar quality. 5. We conclude that winter moth population densities are regulated in New England by density-dependent larval dispersal possibly mediated by phenolic oxidative capacity. The suggested role of host plant quality in mediating dispersal means that winter moth population densities in New England appear to be regulated by bottom up forces, aligning with the assumptions of the natural enemy release hypothesis. This is the first study known to the authors presenting data showing a negative effect on insect herbivore performance from pH 10 oxidized phenolics.

Zooplanctofagia de heterópteros na estrutura da comunidade zooplanctônica em um lago neotropical: análise integrada entre DNA do conteúdo alimentar e experimento em mesocosmo / Zooplanktivory of heteroptera upon zooplankton community structure in a neotropical lake: integrated analysis between DNA of feed content and experiment in mesocosm

Domingos, Andrés Ricardo 26 October 2018 (has links)
Alguns estudos mostraram que heterópteros aquáticos podem influenciar a estrutura de comunidades zooplanctônicas. No entanto, parte destes estudos foram realizados em experimentos de laboratório que não são capazes de simular totalmente a estrutura do ecossistema. Para confrontar este problema, técnicas moleculares juntamente com experimentos in situ podem ser adotados. A técnica molecular baseia-se na detecção de DNA das presas (biomarcadores) no tubo digestório dos predadores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o conteúdo estomacal dos heterópteros Martarega uruguayensis e Rheumatobates crassifemur visando avaliar a hipótese da presença de presas zooplanctônicas por meio de vestígios de DNA , bem como avaliar a existência do efeito da predação dos notonectídeos sobre a densidade populacional das presas no ambiente. Para atender aos objetivos propostos, o trabalho foi dividido em 3 capítulos: O capítulo I descreve como foram escolhidos os biomarcadores moleculares das presas e o desenvolvimento dos primers necessários para conduzir as análises. Os primers específicos são de regiões internas do gene COI das presas zooplanctônicas. Foram testadas suas especificidades e sensibilidade por meio de reações de PCR. Em testes de especificidade, todos os primers amplificaram com êxito o biomarcador das presas-alvo, sendo incapazes de amplificar o biomarcador de qualquer outra espécie testada. Em testes de sensibilidade, os primers amplificaram com sucesso os biomarcadores das presas zooplanctônicas mesmo em baixas concentrações de DNA, assim como diretamente do trato digestório dos predadores; O capítulo II aborda aspectos da dieta dos predadores a partir da frequência de biomarcadores das presas encontrados nos tubos digestório dos insetos coletados no lago. Por meio de 48 reações de PCR com os primers específicos das presas-alvo foram analisados 240 tubos digestórios dos predadores. As presas com maior eletividade foram S. serrulatus e D. gessneri, e a menor foi D. cf. brevireme, apesar da alta abundância no ambiente. Tanto para gerrídeos quanto para notonectídeos há uma seletividade acentuada por espécies de presas de maior tamanho, mesmo que em menor frequência relativa no ambiente quando comparadas a outras espécies. Acredita-se que a preferência por presas maiores esteja relacionada à maior facilidade para detecção e manipulação do predador. A frequências de biomarcadores nos tubos digestórios de M. uruguayensis foi maior no período com maior disponibilidade de presas; O capítulo III avaliou, o efeito do predador M. uruguayensis (Notonectidae) sobre as densidades das populações de presas zooplanctônicas a partir de experimento em mesocosmo. No geral, não houve influência significativa dos predadores sobre nenhuma espécie nos dois primeiros dias. O efeito da predação sobre copepoditos e náuplios foi mais acentuados entre os dias 3 e 4, enquanto que para copépodos adultos foi nos dias 2 e 3. Já para os cladóceros o efeito foi mais acentuado nos dias 4 a 6, exceto para D. cf. brevireme que não teve efeito da predação em nenhum dia. Aspectos relacionados ao tamanho corporal, densidade populacional das presas, capacidade de evasão e diminuição da sobreposição entre predador e presa são fatores fundamentas no padrão de seletividade e da preferência alimentar de notonectídeos. / A few studies have shown that aquatic heteroptera can influence the structure of zooplanktonic communities. However, some of these studies have been conducted in laboratory experiments that are not able to fully simulate the structure of the ecosystem. To confront this problem, a molecular approach along with in situ experiment can be adopted. Molecular approach is based on the detection of prey DNA (biomarkers) in the digestive tract of predators. The objective of this work was to analyze the gut contents of the heteropterans Martarega uruguayensis and Rheumatobates crassifemur to test the hypothesis that will be found traces of zooplankton prey DNA, as well as the effect of the notonectid predation on population density of prey in the environment. To meet the proposed objectives, the work was divided in 3 chapters: Chapter I describes how the molecular biomarkers of prey were chosen and the development of the primers needed to conduct the analyses. The specific primers are from internal regions of the COI gene of zooplanktonic prey. Their specificities and sensibility were tested by means of PCR reactions. In specificity tests, all primers successfully amplified the target prey biomarker and were unable to amplify biomarker of any other species tested. In sensitivity tests, the primers successfully amplified the biomarkers of zooplankton prey even at low DNA concentrations, as well as directly from the digestive tract of predators; Chapter II addresses aspects of the predators diet using the frequency of biomarkers of prey found in the digestive tubes of the insects. By means of 48 PCR reactions, with the specific primers from target prey, were analyzed 240 digestive tracts of predators. The prey with greater electivity were S. serrulatus and D. gessneri, and the smaller one was D. cf. brevireme, despite the high abundance in the environment. For both gerrids and notonectids, there was a marked selectivity for larger size prey, even though at a lower relative frequency in the environment when compared to other species. This suggests that the preference for larger prey is related to the greater facility for detection and manipulation by the predator. The frequencies of biomarkers in the digestive tracts of M. uruguayensis were higher in the period with higher prey availability; Chapter III evaluated the effect of the predator M. uruguayensis on the densities of zooplankton prey populations from experiment in mesocosm. In general, there was no significant influence of predators on any species in the first two days. The effect of predation on copepodites and nauplii were more pronounced between days 3 and 4, whereas for adult copepods on days 2 and 3. The effect on cladocerans was more pronounced on days 4 to 6, except for D. cf. brevireme that was not preyed on. Aspects related to body size, population density of the prey, evasion capacity and decrease overlap between predator and prey are fundamental in the pattern of selectivity and feeding preference of notonectids.

Importance of fish community structure, nutrients and browning for shallow lake ecosystem dynamics : A modelling perspective

Karlberg, Ylva January 2019 (has links)
In a changing climate, it is increasingly important to be able to model environmental effects on food webs, and to do that, one must have appropriate dynamic models. I present a shallow lake ecosystem model where producers, grazers, carnivores, piscivores, and detritivores are coupled through resource (light, nutrients and detritus) fluxes between the benthic and pelagic habitats and through carnivore life history events (ontogenetic habitat and diet shifts). The two habitats each contain primary producers, grazers, carnivores and detritivores. Within the habitats, there is strong top-down regulation, but across habitat boundaries, bottom-up interactions drive production. In the absence of piscivores, stage-structured carnivores cause intriguing patters of alternative stable states. Notably, the model predicts a lesser dependence on benthic production with detritus presence. Model predictions are largely in agreement with empirical studies. The results have implications for management of freshwater, and for the interpretation of previous models.

Studies on Baltic Sea mysids

Ogonowski, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Mysid shrimps (Mysidacea, Crustacea) are efficient zooplanktivores in both marine and freshwater systems as well as lipid rich prey for many species of fish.  Although some efforts have been made to study the role of mysids in the Baltic Sea, very few studies have been carried out in recent time and there are still knowledge gaps regarding various aspects of mysid ecology. This thesis aims to explore some of these gaps by covering a mixture of topics. Using multifrequency hydroacoustics we explored the possibility to separate mysids from fish echoes and successfully established a promising and effective method for obtaining mysid abundance/biomass estimates (paper I). An investigation of the current mysid community in a coastal area of the northern Baltic proper (paper II) demonstrated that the formerly dominant, pelagic mysid Mysis mixta had decreased substantially (~50%) in favor for phytoplanktivorous, juvenile Neomysis integer and Mysis relicta sp. By examining different aspects of mysid behavior, we studied the vertical size distribution of mysids in the field and found that size increased with depth/declining light, irrespective of temperature; indicating that their vertical size distribution primarily is a response to predation (paper II). In paper III, a combination of ecological and genetic markers was used to investigate intraspecific differences in migratory tendency. Both marker types indicated that some part of the Mysis salemaai population is sedentary on the bottom and that this strategy is a phenotypically plastic but persistent trait, analogous to the partial migrations seen in many birds and fishes. In paper IV a temperature and weight specific respiration model was developed for the littoral Praunus flexuosus. Routine respiration was moreover elevated by post-prandial effects (specific dynamic action) for longer times than previously suggested. Consequently, ignoring such effects could significantly bias respiration measurements. / At the time of doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper  2: Accepted; Paper 3: Submitted; Paper  4: Accepted

Trophic interactions of ants, birds and bats affecting crop yield along shade gradients in tropical agroforestry

Gras, Pierre 10 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Ecologie, diversité et évolution des moustiques (Diptera Culicidae) de Guyane française : implications dans l’invasion biologique du moustique Aedes aegypti (L.) / Ecology, diversity and evolution of Guianese mosquitoes (DipteraCulicidae) : implications for Aedes aegypti (L.) invasiveness

Talaga, Stanislas 08 June 2016 (has links)
Le moustique Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus 1762) a été introduit dans les Amériques depuis le continent africain il y a environ 400 ans. Actuellement, cette espèce est la principale responsable des épidémies de dengue et de chikungunya dans la zone pantropicale et sa large répartition a très probablement joué un rôle important dans l’expansion récente du virus Zika. La biologie d’Ae. (Stg.) aegypti est particulièrement bien connue, ce qui n’est pas le cas de son écologie, en particulier de ses interactions avec les communautés résidentes. En adoptant une démarche pluridisciplinaire je me suis intéressé à la contribution relative des facteurs biotiques et abiotiques ainsi que de certains processus évolutifs dans la distribution de cette espèce à différentes échelles en Guyane française.Dans un premier temps j’ai participé à la révision des connaissances fondamentales sur la diversité des moustiques de Guyane. En alliant la taxonomie classique et moléculaire, cette étape a permis de découvrir plusieurs nouvelles espèces et de mettre en place des outils adaptés à la gestion de ce type de données, notamment pour une utilisation future.Dans un second temps la structuration spatio-temporelle des communautés résidentes de macro-invertébrés aquatiques a été étudiée en milieu urbain. Cela a permis de mettre en évidence l’existence d’interactions antagonistes et mutualistes avec les taxons des communautés résidentes. En particulier, le moustique autochtone Limatus durhamii Theobald 1901 semble empêcher l’établissement durable d’Ae. (Stg.) aegypti dans les milieux faiblement urbanisés via un mécanisme d’exclusion compétitive. / The mosquito species Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus 1762) was introduced into the Americas some 400 years ago from the African continent. Currently, this species is the primary agent behind dengue and chikungunya outbreaks in the pan-tropical area and its widespread distribution has likely played an important role in the recent expansion of the Zika virus. The biology of Ae. (Stg.) aegypti is particularly well known, which is not the case for its ecology. By adopting a cross-disciplinary approach I attempted to understand the relative contribution of biotic and abiotic factors as well as some evolutionary processes in the distribution of this species at the local and regional scales in French Guiana.Initially, I was interested in revising the core knowledge concerning the diversity of mosquitoes in French Guiana. By combining traditional and molecular taxonomy, this step allowed my colleagues and I to discover several new species and to create the appropriate tools to manage this type of entomological data.Secondly, we studied the spatio-temporal structure of resident aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in urban areas. This highlighted the existence of antagonistic and mutualistic interactions. In particular, the native mosquito Limatus durhamii Theobald 1901 appears to prevent the sustainable establishment of Ae. (Stg.) aegypti in slightly urbanized environments via a mechanism of competitive exclusion.

The influence of northern pike on the diet of Eurasian perch

Ylva, Karlberg January 2017 (has links)
Top predators in aquatic ecosystems often have strong top-down effects on the ecosystem. Northern pike (Esox lucius) has been documented to cause whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) populations to diverge into different ecomorphs. This can facilitate piscivory in other predators as a novel resource becomes available to them in the form of dwarf whitefish. The aim of this study is to examine whether the presence of pike causes Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) to shift their diet from insectivory to piscivory, and whether this is directly driven by whitefish polymorphism. Stomach contents of 147 perch from lakes with and without pikes were analyzed. The results show that the presence of pike has a clear influence on the diet of the perch. In lakes without pike, perch are mostly insectivorous, and in lakes with pike, they are mostly piscivorous. This diet shift appears to be driven by whitefish availability, as a majority of the diet of perch in pike lakes consisted of whitefish, while none of the fish eaten by perch in non-pike lakes was whitefish. In addition, the results showed that perch undergo the diet shift from insectivory to piscivory at a smaller size when coexisting with pike. This study can be added to the growing body of evidence for the ecological significance of pike.

Species identity and the functioning of ecosystems: the role of detritivore traits and trophic interactions in connecting of multiple ecosystem responses

Hines, Jes, Eisenhauer, Nico 05 April 2023 (has links)
Ecosystems world-wide experience changes in species composition in response to natural and anthropogenic changes in environmental conditions. Research to date has greatly improved our understanding of how species affect focal ecosystem functions. However, because measurements of multiple ecosystem functions have not been consistently justified for any given trophic group, it is unclear whether interpretations of research syntheses adequately reflect the contributions of consumers to ecosystems. Using model communities assembled in experimental microcosms, we examined the relationship between four numerically dominant detritivore species and six ecosystem functions that underpin fundamental aspects of carbon and nitrogen cycling aboveand below-ground. We tested whether ecosystem responses to changes in detritivore identity depended upon species trait dissimilarity, food web compartment (aboveground, belowground, mixed) or number of responses considered (one to six). We found little influence of detritivore species identity on brown (i.e. soil-based) processes. Only one of four detritivore species uniquely influenced decomposition, and detritivore species did not vary in their influence on soil nitrogen pools (NO3 − and NH4 +), or root biomass. However, changes in detritivore identity influenced multiple aboveground ecosystem functions. That is, by serving as prey, ecosystem engineers and occasionally also as herbivores as well as detritivores, these species altered the strength of aboveground predator–herbivore interactions and plant–shoot biomass. Yet, dissimilarity of detritivore functional traits was not associated with dissimilarity of ecosystem functioning. These results serve as an important reminder that consumers influence ecosystem processes via multiple energy channels and that food web interactions set important context for consumer-mediated effects on multiple ecosystem functions. Given that species are being lost, gained and redistributed at unprecedented rates, we can anticipate that changes in species identity will have additional ecosystem consequences beyond those predicted by species’ primary functional role.

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