Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tumor necrosis 3factor"" "subject:"tumor necrosis 4factor""
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Avaliação do efeito do bloqueio de Fator de Necrose Tumoral alfa (TNF-) na resposta imune in vitro aos antígenos de Mycobacterium tuberculosis em pacientes com psoríase / Evaluation of the effect of TNF-alpha inhibitors in the in vitro immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in patients with psoriasisLéia Cristina Rodrigues da Silva 06 November 2008 (has links)
O Fator de Necrose Tumoral-alfa (TNF-alfa) possui um importante papel na imunopatogênese da psoríase e agentes biológicos, como os inibidores de TNF-alfa, têm apresentado bons resultados no tratamento desta. No entanto, estes agentes foram associados ao aumento de casos de reativação de tuberculose entre os pacientes que os utilizaram. Este estudo foi realizado com o intuito de avaliar a resposta imune de pacientes com psoríase grave, ativa, sem tratamento, frente a antígenos de Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), e o efeito dos inibidores de TNF-alfa nesta resposta. Estudamos 24 pacientes com psoríase grave divididos em 2 grupos: não reatores (n = 14) e reatores (n = 10) ao teste intradérmico com PPD. Como controle, utilizamos um total de 26 indivíduos sadios, também separados em 2 grupos segundo a reatividade ao PPD (PPD-, n = 13; PPD+, n = 13). Em uma segunda etapa estudamos 11 pacientes com psoríase leve a moderada, também sem tratamento, PPD (-) para avaliarmos a importância da gravidade da psoríase na resposta aos antígenos micobacterianos. Avaliamos a resposta imunológica in vitro através da linfoproliferação, quantificação da produção de IFN-gama (ELISA) e quantificação de células produtoras de IFN-gama (ELISPOT), na presença e ausência dos inibidores de TNF-alfa (infliximab e etanercepte), utilizando os antígenos purificados ESAT-6, Ag85B e o antígeno bruto sonicado da cepa H37Rv (AgSMtb), e o mitógeno fitohemaglutinina (PHA). Os pacientes com psoríase grave PPD (-) apresentaram reposta linfoproliferativa e níveis de IFN-gama menores que nos controles PPD (-). Os pacientes com psoríase leve a moderada apresentaram resposta imune intermediária entre controles e pacientes graves. Em relação aos inibidores de TNF- alfa, verificou-se que infliximab e etanercepte apresentaram diferença em suas capacidades de inibição, sendo que somente o infliximab ocasionou a inibição total de TNF-alfa. Em contrapartida o etanercept manteve a produção de TNF-alfa, e em alguns casos elevou sua produção. Estes diminuíram apenas parcialmente a reatividade in vitro dos pacientes com psoríase, uma vez que a secreção de IFN-gama e o número de células produtoras de IFN-gama não foram alterados na presença dos inibidores. A secreção de IL-10 foi diminuída tanto na presença do infliximab, quanto na presença do etanercepte. Os dados obtidos permitem concluir que (a) os pacientes com psoríase grave PPD (-) apresentam uma baixa reatividade in vitro, principalmente das respostas que avaliam linfócitos T de memória central, aos antígenos de Mtb, sendo que essa baixa reatividade não está totalmente relacionada com a gravidade da doença, uma vez que os pacientes com psoríase leve a moderada apresentaram resposta intermediária a dos controles e pacientes com psoríase grave; (b) e que apesar dos inibidores de TNF- alfa promoverem uma inibição parcial da resposta imune, a reativação da tuberculose estaria mais relacionada à própria ausência de TNF-alfa, não compensada pela atuação isolada, e provavelmente insuficiente, de IFN-gama na manutenção do granuloma, do que a outras substanciais modificações na resposta imunológica frente aos antígenos micobacterianos. / Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) has a pivotal role in psoriasis pathogenesis and biologic agents, such as TNF-alpha inhibitors, have provided good results in its treatment. However, the use of these agents has been associated with an increase in the number of cases of tuberculosis reactivation. This study aimed to evaluate the immune response of severe psoriasis patients, with active, untreated disease to relevant Mycobcterium tuberculosis antigens, and the effect of the TNF-alpha inhibitors (infliximab and etanercept) in this response. Twenty four severe psoriasis patients were enrolled and divided in two groups according to their reactivity to the tuberculin skin test: TST (n= 14) and TST + (n=10). As controls, we studied 26 healthy donors, also divided in two groups to the TST reactivity (TST -, n=13; TST+, n=13). Eleven mild to moderate psoriasis patients, untreated, TST (-) were studied to evaluated the role of psoriasis severity in the immune response to the mycobacterial antigens. Immune responses were evaluated in vitro by the lymphocyte proliferative response (LPR) assay, ELISA for IFN-? secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells and enumeration of IFN-? secreted cells (ELISPOT) induced in response to the purified antigens ESAT-6, Ag85B and a crude sonicated antigen preparation from H37Rv Mtb strain (AgSMtb), as well as to the mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA), in the presence or absenceinflimab/etanercept. The LPR and IFN-g secretion to Mtb antigens were lower in TST- severe psoriasis patients than TST- controls. Mild to moderate psoriasis patients had intermediate responses, between controls and severe psoriasis patients. The TNF-a inhibitors infliximab and etanercept showed differences in their inhibitiory activity, since only infliximab was capable to neutralize all TNF-a. On the other hand, etanercept kept TNF-alpha production, and in some cases even increased its production. The TNF-alpha inhibitors diminished partially the in vitro patients immune responses, since the IFN-? secretion and enumeration of IFN-? secreted cells were not affected. IL-10 secretion was diminished with both TNF-a inhibitors. In conclusion: (a) TST(-) severe psoriasis patients have decreased in vitro reactivity, mainly in those responses that evaluate central memory T-cell responses, to Mtb antigens, and this decrease could not be fully explained by disease severity, since mild psotiasis patients had intermediate responses; (b) and despite the fact that TNF-alpha inhibitors promote a partial immune response inhibition, tuberculosis reactivation could be related more with the lack of TNF-alpha, which was probably not compensated by the IFN-g activity alone, probably insufficient, to the support granuloma formation, than other defects of the immune response to Mtb antigens.
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Baixos níveis de esclerostina: preditor de processo inflamatório persistente em pacientes com espondilite anquilosante sob terapia anti-TNFα / Low sclerostin levels: a predictive marker of persistent inflammation in ankylosing spondylitis during anti-TNF therapyCarla Gonçalves Schahin Saad 28 November 2012 (has links)
Introdução: Baixas concentrações séricas de esclerostina foram descritas em pacientes com Espondilite Anquilosante (EA). No entanto, não existem dados sobre a importância deste inibidor da via de sinalização Wnt em pacientes com EA durante o tratamento com anti fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNFa). Objetivos: Avaliar longitudinalmente os níveis séricos de esclerostina e sua associação com inflamação e densidade mineral óssea (DMO) em pacientes com EA em tratamento com anti-TNFa. Métodos: Trinta pacientes com EA em atividade foram avaliados no início, 6 e 12 meses, após terapia anti-TNFa em relação aos parâmetros clínicos (BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI e ASQoL), marcadores inflamatórios e dano radiológico basal (mSASSS). Trinta indivíduos saudáveis pareados por idade e sexo constituíram o grupo controle. As análises laboratoriais de esclerostina e da ligação de esclerostina ao receptor LRP6 e a DMO foram realizadas nos pacientes nos mesmos períodos de avaliação e comparadas aos controles. Resultados: Na avaliação inicial, pacientes com EA apresentavam menores concentrações séricas de esclerostina [60,5 (32,7) vs. 96,7 (52,9) pmol/l,P=0,002] e níveis similares de ligação de esclerostina ao receptor LRP6 (P=0,387) em relação aos controles. Foi observado melhora do BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI, ASQoL comparando tempo basal vs. 6 vs. 12 meses (P<0,01). Concomitantemente, observou-se um aumento gradual da DMO da coluna lombar (P<0,001) e no início do estudo os pacientes apresentavam uma correlação positiva entre avaliação radiológica basal (mSASSS) e a DMO da coluna lombar (r=0,468, P<0,01). Foi observada também uma redução dos marcadores inflamatórios comparando tempo basal vs. 6 vs. 12 meses (P<0,01). Os níveis de esclerostina aumentaram progressivamente após o tratamento com anti-TNFa [60,5 (32,7) vs. 67,1 (31,9) vs. 72,7 (32,3) pmol/l, P<0,001]. Entretanto, após 12 meses de terapia anti-TNFa as concentrações séricas de esclerostina permaneceram significativamente mais baixos em relação os controles [72,7 (32,3) vs. 96,7 (52,9) pmol/l, P=0,038]. Além disso, aos 12 meses, os níveis séricos de esclerostina ficaram mais baixos nos 10 pacientes que ainda apresentavam proteína C reativa elevada (PCR=5mg/l), comparados aos pacientes que apresentaram normalização dos níveis de PCR (P=0,004). Interessantemente, estes 10 pacientes com inflamação persistente já apresentavam concentrações séricas mais baixas de esclerostina quando comparados aos demais pacientes (P=0,023) antes do tratamento com anti- TNFa. A análise de regressão logística demonstrou que os pacientes com EA com níveis baixos de esclerostina apresentam um risco aumentado de apresentar PCR alta após 12 meses de tratamento (odds ratio = 7,43, 95% IC 1,23-45,01, P=0,020) quando comparados aos pacientes com níveis altos de esclerostina no tempo basal. Conclusão: Concentrações persistentemente baixas de esclerostina estão associados a inflamação contínua em pacientes com EA tratados com terapia anti-TNFa. / Introduction: Sclerostin levels have been reported to be low in ankylosing spondylitis (AS), but there is no data regarding the possible role of this Wnt inhibitor during anti tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) therapy. Objectives: The present study longitudinally evaluated sclerostin levels, inflammatory markers and bone mineral density (BMD) in AS patients under anti-TNFa therapy. Methods: Thirty active AS patients were assessed at baseline, 6 and 12 months after anti-TNFa therapy regarding clinical parameters (BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI and ASQoL), inflammatory markers, BMD and baseline radiographic damage (mSASSS). Thirty age- and sex-matched healthy individuals comprised the control group. Patients\' sclerostin levels, sclerostin binding LRP6 and BMD were evaluated at the same time points and compared to controls. Results: At baseline, AS patients had lower sclerostin levels [60.5 (32.7) vs. 96.7 (52.9) pmol/l, P=0.002] and comparable sclerostin binding to LRP6 (P=0.387) than controls. Improvement of BASDAI, BASFI, BASMI, ASQoL was observed at baseline vs. 6 vs. 12 months (P<0.01). Concomitantly, a gradual increase in spine BMD (P<0.001) and a positive correlation between baseline mSASSS and spine BMD was found (r=0.468, P<0.01). Inflammatory parameters reduction was observed comparing baseline vs. 6 vs. 12 months (P<0.01). Sclerostin levels progressively increased [60.5 (32.7) vs. 67.1 (31.9) vs. 72.7 (32.3) pmol/l, P<0.001] after anti-TNFa treatment. At 12 months, the sclerostin levels remained significantly lower in patients compared to controls [72.7 (32.3) vs. 96.70 (52.85) pmol/l, P=0.038]. Moreover, sclerostin serum levels at 12 months were lower in the 10 patients with high CRP (=5mg/l) compared to the other 20 patients with normal CRP (P=0.004). Of note, these 10 patients with persistent inflammation also had lower sclerostin serum levels at baseline compared to the other patients (P=0.023). Univariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that AS patients with lower sclerostin serum levels had an increased risk to have high CRP at 12 months (odds ratio=7.43, 95% CI 1.23-45.01, P=0.020) than those with higher sclerostin values. Conclusion: Persistent low sclerostin levels may underlie continuous inflammation in AS patients under anti-TNFa therapy.
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Rastreamento de tuberculose latente pré-terapia anti-TNF em pacientes com artrite reumatoide de área endêmica / Latent tuberculosis screening before anti-TNF therapy in rheumatoid arthritis patients from an endemic areaKarina Rossi Bonfiglioli 27 November 2014 (has links)
Recomendações para rastreamento de Tuberculoses Latente (TBL) em pacientes que receberão tratamento com antagonistas do TNF-alfa (anti- TNF) permanecem controversas para regiões endêmicas Objetivo: Esse estudo buscou demonstrar a eficácia em longo prazo do rastreamento e tratamento da TBL em pacientes portadores de Artrite Reumatoide (AR) recebendo anti-TNF. Métodos: 202 pacientes com AR, antes do início do anti-TNF, foram rastreados para TBL por meio do teste tuberculínico (TT), Radiografia de tórax (RX) e história de prévia de exposição à tuberculose (EXP). Todos os pacientes foram seguidos com intervalos de um a três meses. Resultados: 85 pacientes (42%) foram tratados com um único agente anti-TNF e 117 pacientes (58%) mudaram de anti-TNF uma ou duas vezes. O rastreamento para TBL foi positivo em 66 pacientes, 44 apresentaram TT positivo, 23 apresentavam história de exposição (EXP), e 14, alterações radiográficas (RX). EXP isoladamente foi responsável por 14 diagnósticos em pacientes TT negativos. Pacientes portadores de TBL receberam tratamento com Isoniazida (300 mg/dia por seis meses) e nenhum deles desenvolveu TB. Durante os seguimentos, o TT foi repetido em 51 pacientes. A conversão foi observada em cinco: três foram diagnosticados com TBL e dois com TB ativa (14 e 36 meses após receber terapia anti-TNF), sugerindo nova exposição a TB. Conclusão: O rastreamento e tratamento da TBL antes do início da terapia com anti-TNF é efetiva em regiões endêmicas, e reforça a relevância da história de contato com TB para o diagnóstico da TBL em pacientes com AR / Recommendations for screening of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in patients eligible for anti-TNF agents remain unclear in endemic regions. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the long-term efficacy of LTBI screening/treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) receiving TNF blockers. Design: 202 RA patients were screened for LTBI prior to receiving anti-TNF treatment, by means of tuberculin skin test (TST), chest radiography (X-Ray), and history of tuberculosis exposure (EXP). All subjects were regularly followed at 1- to 3-month intervals. Results: Eighty-five patients (42%) were treated with a single anti-TNF agent, and 117 patients (58%) switched anti-TNF agents once or twice. LTBI screening was positive in 66 patients, 44 presented positive TST, 23 had a history of EXP, and 14, abnormal X-Ray. Exposure alone accounted for LTBI diagnosis in 14 patients with negative TSTs. LTBI patients were treated with Isoniazid (300 mg/day during six months) and none developed TB. During follow up, TST was repeated in 51 patients. Conversion was observed in five: three were diagnosed with LTBI and two with active TB (14 and 36 months after receiving anti-TNF therapy, suggesting new TB exposure). Conclusion: LTBI screening and treatment prior to anti-TNF treatment is effective in endemic areas and reinforces the relevance of contact history for diagnosing LTBI in RA patients
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Exploration of Conditions Affecting Cytokine Production in Experimental Type 1 Diabetes MellitusThorvaldson, Lina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Cytokines are soluble signalling mediators within the immune system, and have been shown to be of importance in the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D). This thesis studied the production of cytokines in experimental models of T1D and during transplantation of insulin-producing islets of Langerhans. </p><p>We have demonstrated that the transcriptional TNFα-inhibitor MDL 201,449A, previously shown to reduce immune-mediated diabetes induced in mice by multiple low doses of streptozotocin, was not TNFα-specific, but also inhibited IFNγ and IL-10 in spleen cells. Furthermore, when the inhibitor was removed from in vitro cultures, a rebound phenomenon of increased cytokine secretion occurred.</p><p>The thesis also investigated whether plastic adhesion, a method generally employed to deplete macrophages, influenced cytokine production in spleen cells. We observed that plastic adhesion increased TNFα, IFNγ and IL-10 release, and decreased IL-4 secretion. Plastic adhesion depleted only ~30% of the macrophages, but as much as ~60% of the regulatory T cells. </p><p>Thirdly, we found that “control” treatments for islet transplantations, i.e. syngeneic and sham transplantations, exerted a clear effect on cytokine production from spleen cells, possibly due to a decrease in regulatory T cells that may be caused by the surgery and/or anaesthesia. Moreover, spleen cells from mice exposed to surgery exhibited a decreased proliferative capacity to concanavalin A stimulation. We also perceived a marked difference in cytokine response depending on the mouse strain used in the experiments.</p><p>Finally, we aimed to elucidate if, besides autoimmune activities, also high glucose- and free fatty acid concentrations as seen in diabetes could cause changes in cytokine production. We observed that spleen cells cultured in varying glucose concentrations had different cytokine production profiles. The free fatty acid palmitate might also influence cytokine release, but this effect was obscured by the cytokine-suppressive action of the ethanol used to dissolve the palmitate.</p>
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The Effect of Macrophage-secreted Factors on Preadipocyte SurvivalMolgat, André 10 January 2013 (has links)
Adipose tissue (AT) expansion and remodeling that maintains healthy function relies on stromal preadipocytes capable of differentiating into new adipocytes (adipogenesis). During chronic positive energy balance, a relative deficit in adipogenesis, from either a decrease in preadipocyte number or their capacity to differentiate, leads to excessive adipocyte hypertrophy and AT dysfunction. AT contains macrophages whose number and activation state is dynamically regulated with changes in AT mass. This study aims to investigate the effect of macrophage-secreted factors on preadipocyte survival.
To assess the effect of macrophage-secreted factors on preadipocytes, murine 3T3-L1 preadipocytes or human primary preadipocytes were incubated with macrophage-conditioned medium (MacCM), prepared from either murine (J774A.1, RAW264.7, bone marrow-derived) or human (THP-1, monocyte-derived) macrophage models, respectively. MacCM inhibited preadipocyte apoptosis and activated pro-survival signaling in both preadipocyte models. Inhibition of PDGFR, Akt, or ERK1/2 reduced the pro-survival effect of MacCM in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Inhibition of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, or enhancement of ROS clearance, reduced MacCM-dependent 3T3-L1 preadipocyte survival. Whereas anti-inflammatory activated macrophages retained the ability to prevent preadipocyte apoptosis, pro-inflammatory activated macrophages did not. TNF-α immunoneutralization restored the survival activity of pro-inflammatory MacCM on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes.
These studies reveal a novel pro-survival effect of MacCM on preadipocytes, and identify signaling molecules (PDGF, Akt, ERK1/2, and ROS) that underlie this action. Macrophage activation was found to regulate the pro-survival activity of MacCM. These in vitro cell culture studies are consistent with a model in which the extent of preadipocyte apoptosis in vivo may determine preadipocyte number and the ability of AT to expand while maintaining healthy function during chronic positive energy balance.
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Evaluation of LMP-420: A Novel, Nontoxic Drug with Anti-Inflammatory Properties and Therapeutic Potential for CLLMowery, Yvonne Marie January 2012 (has links)
<p>B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common leukemia in the Western world. Although treatment of this disease has advanced considerably over the past decade, CLL remains incurable with current chemotherapeutics. In addition, available drug regimens for CLL are associated with frequent cytopenia-related complications, such as infection and fatigue. Thus, the major challenge in CLL treatment today is the need for alternative therapeutics with decreased toxicity and improved efficacy for disease refractory to currently available drugs.</p><p> </p><p>CLL is characterized by slow accumulation of malignant cells, which are supported in the microenvironment by cell-cell interactions and soluble cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF). We evaluated the effect of the small molecule TNF inhibitor LMP-420 on primary CLL cells. LMP-420 exhibited cytotoxic activity against these cells in the MTS assay, with similar potency to the front-line CLL drug fludarabine. LMP-420 induced time- and dose-dependent apoptosis in CLL cells, as demonstrated by annexin V staining, caspase activation, and DNA fragmentation. These changes were associated with decreased expression of the anti-apoptotic proteins Mcl-1, Bcl-xL, Bcl-2, and XIAP. CLL cells from patients with poor prognostic indicators exhibited LMP-420 sensitivity equal to that for cells from patients with favorable characteristics. In addition, LMP-420 potentiated the cytotoxic effect of fludarabine and inhibited in vitro proliferation of CLL cells. In contrast to other CLL therapeutics, LMP-420 exhibited minimal effects on normal peripheral blood mononuclear cell viability, mitogen-stimulated B- and T-cell proliferation, and hematopoietic colony formation. Our data suggest that LMP-420 may be a useful treatment for CLL with negligible hematologic toxicities. </p><p> </p><p>The effect profile of this compound in normal immune cells and the microarray studies in CLL cells indicate that the mechanism of action of LMP-420 likely involves modulation of the NF-kB pathway. Our initial studies demonstrate moderate but significant inhibitory activity against p65, a key member of the NF-kB transcription factor family. Research is ongoing to gain a better understanding of the specific cytotoxicity of LMP-420 for CLL cells and to elucidate other components of its mechanism of action. Regardless of the ultimate mechanistic findings with LMP-420, our studies support this molecule as a promising new CLL therapeutic that warrants further preclinical evaluation.</p> / Dissertation
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Modulation par des extraits de Gui fermentés, de sécrétions d'IL-1b et de TNF-a après stimulation in vitro de macrophages murins. / Modulation by fermented Mistletoe extracts, of IL-1b and TNF-a secretions after in vitro stimulation of murine macrophages.Pequignot, Amélie 09 December 2010 (has links)
Dans cette étude, l'aptitude de trois extraits de Gui fermentés (VAF) issus de trois arbres hôtes, à induire ou moduler la sécrétion de cytokines, telles que l'IL-1β, l'IL-6 et le TNF-α, a été explorée à l'aide de deux modèles de macrophages murins. Des traitements prolongés par des concentrations cytotoxiques, mais non sub-cytotoxiques, de VAFs induisent la sécrétion d'IL-1β. Dans ces conditions, les concentrations sub-cytotoxiques de VAFs amplifient les sécrétions d'IL-1β induite après stimulations par le LPS puis l'ATP, ou par l'imiquimod. Par ailleurs, appliqués brièvement et à concentrations sub-cytotoxiques, les VAFs accélèrent la sécrétion d'IL-1β induite après stimulations par le LPS puis l'ATP. / In this study, the ability of fermented extracts from mistletoe grown on three host trees to induce or modulate the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, like IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α has been explored. Applied for long times, cytotoxic, but not sub-cytotoxic concentrations of fermented mistletoe extracts induce the secretion of IL-1β. In these conditions sub-cytotoxic concentrations increase the IL-1β secretions induced either by LPS and ATP, or by imiquimod. When applied briefy at sub-cytotoxic concentrations, fermented mistletoe extracts can accelerate the secretion of IL-1β induced by LPS and ATP.
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Body composition and systematic low-grade inflammation in children : the PLAY study / Rachelle A. PretoriusPretorius, Rachelle Ann January 2006 (has links)
Background: Obesity-related diseases are arising as a major problem among children. inflammation
has recently been identified to play an important role in the relationship between obesity.- as well as
stunting-related diseases.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the association between serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations and a variety of
cardiometabolic and anthropometric indices of children in a township outside Potchefstroom, South
Methods: Blood samples of 115 girls and 78 boys (mean age 15.6 ± 1.35) in the Physical Activity in
the Young (PLAY) study were cross-sectionally analysed. Trained fieldworkers collected the
demographic, Tanner growth stage and habitual physical activity information. Physiologists measured
the children’s blood pressure. Anthropometric measurements were taken by. trained post-graduate
students with level 1 or 2 qualifications in anthropometrics. A standard test battery was administered
by trained postgraduate students in Human Movement Science to assess muscular strength. flexibility
and endurance of the children. Blood samples were collected, centrifuged and stored frozen until
further analyses.
Results: Stunted girls had a significantly higher serum TNF-α concentration than the non-stunted girls
(p=0.03). The factor analyses showed that the inflammatory. status clustered with the height for age-z-scores
(HAZ) scores and the waist-hip-ratio (WHR). The HAZ-score of the over-fat boys (- 1.46) was
significantly smaller than the lean boys (- 1.14, p=0.0 1). whereas the over-fat girls had a trend for a
smaller HAZ-score (-1.07) than the lean girls (-0.89). No significant differences were found between
the over-fat and the lean children-s inflammatory status. TNF-α and CRP levels tended to be higher in
the over-fat children than in lean children. The girls' scrum IL-6 and CRP concentrations correlated
significantly with their body mass index (BMI) and WHR (p<0.05 )and their TNF-α and IL-6
concentrations correlated significantly with their WHR (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively).
Conclusion: In comparison to the non-stunted girls, stunted girls had a statistically significantly higher
TNF-α concentration. Unusual fat distribution that is found in over-fat and stunted children may be
associated with low-grade inflammation in children. More research is needed on these associations with
markers of inflammation in a long-term longitudinal study. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Nutrition))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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The Effect of Macrophage-secreted Factors on Preadipocyte SurvivalMolgat, André 10 January 2013 (has links)
Adipose tissue (AT) expansion and remodeling that maintains healthy function relies on stromal preadipocytes capable of differentiating into new adipocytes (adipogenesis). During chronic positive energy balance, a relative deficit in adipogenesis, from either a decrease in preadipocyte number or their capacity to differentiate, leads to excessive adipocyte hypertrophy and AT dysfunction. AT contains macrophages whose number and activation state is dynamically regulated with changes in AT mass. This study aims to investigate the effect of macrophage-secreted factors on preadipocyte survival.
To assess the effect of macrophage-secreted factors on preadipocytes, murine 3T3-L1 preadipocytes or human primary preadipocytes were incubated with macrophage-conditioned medium (MacCM), prepared from either murine (J774A.1, RAW264.7, bone marrow-derived) or human (THP-1, monocyte-derived) macrophage models, respectively. MacCM inhibited preadipocyte apoptosis and activated pro-survival signaling in both preadipocyte models. Inhibition of PDGFR, Akt, or ERK1/2 reduced the pro-survival effect of MacCM in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Inhibition of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, or enhancement of ROS clearance, reduced MacCM-dependent 3T3-L1 preadipocyte survival. Whereas anti-inflammatory activated macrophages retained the ability to prevent preadipocyte apoptosis, pro-inflammatory activated macrophages did not. TNF-α immunoneutralization restored the survival activity of pro-inflammatory MacCM on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes.
These studies reveal a novel pro-survival effect of MacCM on preadipocytes, and identify signaling molecules (PDGF, Akt, ERK1/2, and ROS) that underlie this action. Macrophage activation was found to regulate the pro-survival activity of MacCM. These in vitro cell culture studies are consistent with a model in which the extent of preadipocyte apoptosis in vivo may determine preadipocyte number and the ability of AT to expand while maintaining healthy function during chronic positive energy balance.
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Inflammation and lifestyle in cardiovascular medicineAndersson, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
Despite major advances in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis the last several decades, cardiovascular disease still accounts for the majority of deaths in Sweden. With the population getting older, more obese and with rising numbers of diabetics, the cardiovascular disease burden may increase further in the future. The focus in cardiovascular disease has shifted with time from calcification and narrowing of arteries to the biological processes within the atherosclerotic plaque. C-reactive protein (CRP) has emerged as one of many proteins that reflect a low grade systemic inflammation and is suitable for analysis as it is more stable and easily measured than most other inflammatory markers. Several large prospective studies have shown that CRP is not only an inflammatory marker, but even a predictive marker for cardiovascular disease. C-reactive protein is associated with several other risk factors for cardiovascular disease including obesity and the metabolic syndrome. Our study of twenty healthy men during a two week endurance cross country skiing tour demonstrated a decline in already low baseline CRP levels immediately after the tour and six weeks later. In a study of 200 obese individuals with impaired glucose tolerance randomised to a counselling session at their health care centre or a one month stay at a wellness centre, we found decreased levels of CRP in subjects admitted to the wellness centre. The effect remained at one, but not after three years of follow-up. In a prospective, nested, case-referent study with 308 ischemic strokes, 61 intracerebral haemorrhages and 735 matched referents, CRP was associated with ischemic stroke in both uni- and multivariate analyses. No association was found with intracerebral haemorrhages. When classifying ischemic stroke according to TOAST criteria, CRP was associated with small vessel disease. The CRP 1444 (CC/CT vs. TT) polymorphism was associated with plasma levels of CRP, but neither with ischemic stroke nor with intracerebral haemorrhage. A study on 129 patients with atrial fibrillation was used to evaluate whether inflammation sensitive fibrinolytic variables adjusted for CRP could predict recurrence of atrial fibrillation after electrical cardioversion. In multivariate iv models, lower PAI-1 mass was associated with sinus rhythm even after adjusting for CRP and markers of the metabolic syndrome. In conclusion, lifestyle intervention can be used to reduce CRP levels, but it remains a challenge to maintain this effect. CRP is a marker of ischemic stroke, but there are no significant associations between the CRP1444 polymorphism and any stroke subtype, suggesting that the CRP relationship with ischemic stroke is not causal. The fibrinolytic variable, PAI-1, is associated with the risk of recurrence of atrial fibrillation after electrical cardioversion after adjustment for CRP. Our findings suggest a pathophysiological link between atrial fibrillation and PAI-1, but the relation to inflammation remains unclear.
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