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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O diálogo com o invisível na poética do entrelugar de Dora Ferreira da Silva / The dialogue with the invisible in the Dora Ferreira da Silva's poetry of between place

Roque, Maura Voltarelli, 1989- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Aparecido Lopes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T03:34:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roque_MauraVoltarelli_M.pdf: 1840200 bytes, checksum: 6b7c506e1fe78869236b908ac33c4565 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Esta dissertação de mestrado realiza um estudo da obra da poeta contemporânea brasileira Dora Ferreira da Silva, buscando compreender alguns de seus procedimentos poéticos fundamentais a partir da análise crítica de sua obra. Dentre esses procedimentos está a realização de um "diálogo com o invisível" por meio do qual a poeta chama e afirma imagens míticas, de um tempo outro, afirmando-as no presente contra a sua desaparição. Neste sentido, sua poética realiza a sobrevivência dessas imagens que voltam e se fazem novamente possíveis no presente, esse tempo de carência, ausente de deuses. Na realização de tal diálogo com o invisível, buscamos também mostrar a constituição do que pensamos ser um lugar fundamental na construção de sua poética: o espaço do entrelugar, essa zona de indefinição, situada em um intervalo, onde a poeta, em um duplo movimento, se situa entre potências opostas, como mito e logos, sombra e luz, morte e vida, que coexistem em sua obra poética, deixando que ela se mostre em sua materialidade, na artesanal operação sobre as palavras, e não se deixe ver, ou não se deixe dizer totalmente, em sua proximidade com o mito. Nesse entrelugar que faz dela, antes de tudo, moderna, a poesia de Dora Ferreira da Silva confunde e indetermina e, como diria Vilém Flusser, fascina, como tudo que ainda não foi descoberto / Abstract: This dissertation realizes a study of the work of contemporary Brazilian poet Dora Ferreira da Silva, trying to understand some of their basic poetic procedures from critical analysis of her work. Among these procedures is the realization of a "dialogue with the invisible" through which the poet calls and affirms the mythical images of another time, stating them at the present against their disappearance. In this sense, her poetic realizes the survival of these images, they come back and become again possible in our time, this time of poverty and penury, absent from the gods. In the realization of the dialogue with the invisible, we also try to show the constitution of what we think is a fundamental place in the construction of her poetry: the space of the between-place, this area of uncertainty, situated in a interlude, where the poet, in a double movement, is between opposing powers such as myth and logos, shadow and light, death and life, that coexist in her poetic work, letting it show in its materiality, artisan operation on the words, and do not get to see, or do not be mean totally, in its proximity to the myth . In this between-place, that makes it, above all, modern, the Dora Ferreira da Silva's poetry confounds and indeterminate and, like say Vilém Flusser, fascinates, as all that has not yet been discovered / Mestrado / Teoria e Critica Literaria / Mestra em Teoria e História Literária

La Macédoine grecque, populations, migrations et territoires depuis le début du XXème siècle / Greek Macedonia, populations, migration and territories since the beginning of the twentieth century

Tzimakas, Menelaos 09 April 2014 (has links)
L'objet de l'étude est l'évolution de la composition et de la répartition géographique de la population de la Macédoine grecque de l'année 1913 (fixation de frontières actuelles) à nos jours. Les principales populations étudiées sont les populations grecque, musulmane, bulgare, population macédonienne orthodoxe de langue slave, juive, valaque, albanaise (selon les acceptions courantes qui seront définies). Cette évolution sur un siècle se décompose en cinq périodes, chacune étant liée à un ou plusieurs événements qui ont provoqué des migrations. Les causes, la modification de la composition des populations, les problèmes en découlant ainsi que des cartes et des statistiques sont présentées. Une synthèse permet de tirer des conclusions sur l'évolution de la population de la Macédoine et les problèmes associés à l'intégration des différentes minorités. / The object of my research is the evolution and repartition of the composition of the population of the Greek Macedonia of the year 1913 (fixing of the today’s borders) to our days. The main populations studied are: Greek, Muslim, Bulgarian, Orthodox Macedonian population of Slavic language, Jewish, Vlachs, Albanians (according to definitions that will be explained). This evolution over a century is divided into five periods, each relating to one or more events provocating migrations. The causes, the modification of the composition of the populations, the problems while resulting as well as mappings (cartographies) and statistics are presented. A synthesis allows us to draw from conclusions on the evolution of the population of Macedonia and the problems associated with the integration of various minorities.

Miesopettaja itsenäisyyden ajan Suomessa elokuvan ja omaelämäkerran mukaan

Kujala, J. (Jukka) 22 January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Finnish male teacher has been viewed related to e.g. their low number, suspicions of criminal record and salary policy in the past years' teacher discussion. This educational-historical study examines Finnish male teachers' autobiographies and films on them by using narrative approach. The period in focus is the time of independence. Honest attitude towards life, an attempt to serve and please are reflected in the narratives of male teachers' autobiographies. Views on cooperation and voluntary work are emphasised in the narratives of older generation. Conflicts in working and private life increase in narratives describing the period after the war. All teacher generations mention the valuing of teachers' work but the meaning of valuing decreases towards the time of comprehensive school. Finnish school management has been remembered and investigated in the data based on both idyll and conflict. In so far as films are considered, the prevalence of conflict is significant. A mediated solution is often found for conflicts. Many films criticise school as a collective upbringing and educational community. Negative features of school are transferred to screen by many films. Based on the films, the teaching personnel seem to be divided. One group of teachers lean on to the strong institution in their use of power in educating and teaching whereas the other group of teachers presented by the films seem to understand the meaning of individual teaching and upbringing. Impression based on the watched films is that the values and aims of general school discussion are seen on the screen. At times, films also criticise school values. During the period in focus, model teaching has changed from Christianity-based model towards a pluralistic educator influenced by democracy. If films are studied based on their writers, a group of Finnish film directors seem to have a rather negative view on their male teachers. The role of female writers has also had an effect on the descriptions of males. However, the narratives of autobiographies do not strengthen the message conveyed from film texts, for there is no authority based drive towards teaching nor unreasonable keeping under discipline in teachers' narratives. In this study I investigated male teachers in historical context based on films and autobiographies. The general fading of role model and model teaching of male teachers after the war can be seen in the data. Teacher profession is becoming more and more women's profession in Finland. Current interpretation of equality regulations and salaries that are fallen behind strengthen this development. The meanings and hidden expectations set on male teachers in Finnish educational system are continuously transferred to women. Based on the data, it is possible to see the usefulness of male teacher in school. At the same time, many questionable practices that gender-based authority building can include, are seen. Male teacher in his profession has had to function under a strong obligation and control set by the society and the people using school services. This has often resulted in the forming of divided self concept. Teacher's private and working life have often been controversial. / Tiivistelmä Viime vuosien opettajapuheessa suomalaista miesopettajaa on sivuttu muun muassa lukumääräisen vähyyden, rikostaustaepäilyjen ja palkkauspolitiikan yhteydessä. Tämä kasvatushistoriallinen tutkimus tarkastelee narratiivisessa kehyksessä suomalaisten miesopettajien omaelämäkertoja ja heitä esittäviä elokuvia. Tarkasteltava jakso on ollut maan itsenäisyyden aika. Miesopettajien omaelämäkertojen kerronnassa kuvastuvat rehellinen elämänasenne, pyrkimys palvella ja miellyttää. Vanhemmalla sukupolvella korostuvat näkemykset yhteistyöstä ja talkoohengestä. Sodan jälkeistä aikaa esittelevässä kerronnassa kasvavat ristiriidat työpaikoilla ja työn ulkopuolisessa elämässä. Kaikki opettajapolvet mainitsevat opettajan työn arvostuksesta, mutta arvostuksen merkitys vähenee peruskoulua kohden tultaessa. Suomalaista koulunpitoa on muisteltu ja tarkasteltu lähdeaineistossa niin idyllin kuin konfliktin perspektiivistä. Elokuvien osalta konfliktivoittoisuus on merkitsevää. Ristiriidoille löytyy usein soviteltu ratkaisu. Useat elokuvat kritisoivat koulua kollektiivisena kasvatus- ja koulutusyhteisönä. Koululaitoksen negatiiviset kaiut siirtyvät valkokankaalle monien elokuvajaksojen välityksellä. Opettajakunta näyttäisi elokuvien mukaan olevan kaksijakoista. Toiset tukeutuvat kasvattavassa ja opettavassa vallankäytössään vankkaan laitosinstituutioon. Toinen elokuvan näyttämä opettajaryhmä sen sijaan ymmärtää yksilöllisen opetus- ja kasvatustavan merkityksen. Katsotun elokuva-aineiston perusteella jää vaikutelma, että yleisen koulupuheen arvot ja tavoitteet näkyvät valkokankaalla. Välillä elokuva myös kritisoi koulun arvomaailmaa. Tarkasteltavalla ajanjaksolla esikuvallinen opettajuus on muuttunut kristillisyyden sävyttämästä esimerkistä kohti demokratian muovaamaa moniarvoista kasvattajaa. Mikäli elokuvaa tarkastellaan tekijälähtöisesti, on suomalaisen elokuvan ohjaajakunnalla melko negatiivinen näkemys miesopettajistaan. Naiskäsikirjoittajien kynän jälki on myös värittänyt mieskuvauksia. Omaelämäkertojen tekstit sen sijaan eivät elokuvatekstejä vahvista, sillä opettajien kerronnassa ei ole virkaintoista paloa opetustehtäviin eikä oppilaiden perusteetonta kurittamista. Tutkimuksessa tarkastelin miesopettajaa historiallisessa kontekstissa elokuvalähteitten ja omaelämäkertojen mukaan. Miesopettajien roolimalli- ja esikuvaopettajuuden yleinen himmeneminen sodan jälkeen näkyy lähteiden valossa. Opettajan ammatti on Suomessa yhä enenevästi naisten ammatti. Nykyhetken tasa-arvosäädösten tulkinta ja palkkauksen jälkeenjääneisyys varmistavat kehitystä. Merkitykset ja piilo-odotukset, joita miesopettajalle on suomalaisessa koulujärjestelmässä asetettu, siirtyvät enenevästi naiselle. Tutkimuslähteiden valossa on mahdollista nähdä miesopettajan tarpeellisuutta koulussa. Samalla on myös nähtävissä kyseenalaisia käytänteitä, joita sukupuolellinen auktoriteettimuodostus voi pitää sisällään. Miesopettaja ammatissaan on joutunut toimimaan yhteiskunnan ja koulupalveluita kuluttavan väestön vahvan velvoitteen ja kontrollin alaisena. Tämä on vaikuttanut usein kaksijakoisen minäkuvan muovautumiseen. Opettajan siviilielämä ja työelämä ovatkin usein olleet ristiriitaisia.

L'enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère en Macédoine à partir de textes littéraires des XIXe et XXe siècles sur Paris / The Teaching of French as a Foreign Language in Macedonia from Literary Texts of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries in Paris

Zogovska, Elena 14 April 2016 (has links)
Le texte littéraire avec sa puissance artistique, historique, linguistique, culturelle et sociologique est un support privilégié pour la classe de Français Langue Étrangère. S’appuyer sur la littérature pour enseigner différents aspects de la langue et de la culture françaises – telle est l’idée principale de notre travail de recherche. Mais quel type de texte littéraire choisir ? Paris – la capitale mondiale de l’art et de la culture, Paris – la patrie des écrivains, des poètes et des artistes, Paris – l’endroit le plus visité sur Terre, Paris – le nid des amoureux et des romantiques, Paris rêvé, Paris adoré, Paris fantasmé : avec cette série d’attributs, la Ville-lumière inspirait hier, et inspire encore aujourd’hui, les écrivains et les poètes des quatre coins du monde. C’est un Paris magique, poétique et festif, mais aussi un Paris infortuné et malheureux qui les inspire, les fascine et les pousse à écrire. Un héritage littéraire exceptionnel s’est donc constitué au fil des siècles. Dans cette optique, un corpus littéraire des XIXe et XXe siècles sur Paris, très varié, composé de romans, de chroniques, de recueils de poèmes et de pièces de théâtre, est au cœur de notre thèse. Trois dimensions sont évoquées : linguistique, littéraire et culturelle. L’étude de plusieurs éléments propres à la langue, puis la découverte des spécificités des genres littéraires français, ainsi que la mise en perspective de nombreuses questions relatives à Paris et à ses habitants – tout cela constitue les enjeux de notre travail. Nous démontrons aussi que la littérature ne s’enferme pas sur elle-même, mais qu’elle s’ouvre, va plus loin et embrasse les autres arts tels que la peinture, la photographie et le cinéma. La littérature perce ainsi de nouvelles voies vers la culture française et rend l’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE encore plus dynamique et plus créatif. Différentes approches et techniques sont mises en œuvre afin que ce bagage linguistique, littéraire et culturel soit acquis de la manière la plus efficace possible par les apprenants de FLE. / The literary text with his artistic, historical, linguistic, cultural and sociological power is privileged medium for the class of the French as a Foreign Language. Relying on the literature to teach various aspects of the French language and culture is the main idea of this research. But what type of literary text to choose? Paris – the world capital of art and culture, the home of writers, poets and artists, the most visited place in Earth, the nest of lovers and romantics, Paris dreamed, Paris loved, Paris fantasized: with this series of attributes, the City of light in the past has been and today still is an inspiration for writers and poets from around the world. It is magical Paris, poetic and festive, but also Paris unfortunate and unhappy that inspires, fascinates and drives them to write. An exceptional literary heritage has therefore built up over the centuries. In this context, a literary corpus of nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Paris - very diverse, consisting of novels, chronicles, collections of poems and plays - is at the heart of this thesis. Three dimensions are mentioned: linguistic, literary and cultural. The study of many facts about the language, then the discovery of the specificities of French literary genres, as well as putting into perspective numerous questions on Paris and his inhabitants – all these are topics of my work. I also demonstrate that the literature does not lock in on itself, but opens, goes further and embraces the other arts such as painting, photography and cinema. The literature pierces a new path to French culture and makes teaching/learning of the French as a Foreign Language more dynamic and more creative. Different approaches and techniques are implemented so that linguistic, literary and cultural skills are acquired in the most efficient way possible by the learners of French as a Foreign Language.

Early twentieth-century discourses of violin playing

Knapik, Stefan January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is a critical reading of pedagogical and biographical texts by and on violinists, written in the early twentieth century. It contributes to historical and discursive studies by providing a limited engagement with a largely neglected group of historical sources relating to musical performance, and further advances the historical research on subjectivity, the body, pathology, and erotics, in relation to discourses of music. The thesis also contributes to studies of performance practice, and empirical and psychological studies of musical performance, in that it engages with discursive notions of theoretical and performance categories, such as tempo, melody, vibrato and portamento. By taking a hermeneutic approach to detailed discussions of performative practices, primarily found in pedagogical texts, the project aims to provide a more nuanced assessment of many of the topics that have played a central role in the ongoing research on early twentieth-century performance (which principally consists of recordings analysis). The project does this by demonstrating the extent to which these practices are culturally and historically mediated. Following an introduction, chapter 2 demonstrates that notions of consciousness inform writers’ notions of musical virtuosity, and shows that Nietzschean and Wagnerian notions of self underpin the idea of the violinist as a superior producer of art. Chapter 3 argues that these ideas combine with metaphysical notions of melody to make the concept of ‘tone’/Ton the cornerstone of string playing during this period, which in turn has important implications for how writers conceive of tempo, rhythm, vibrato, portamento and dynamics. Chapter 4 demonstrates that writers perceive their ideal of tone to be threatened by moral and physiological disease, manifested in individual/social bodies, which leads to a very different articulation of these same practices. Chapter 5 explores traces of notions of intersubjectivity, arising from metaphors of erotic desire, which challenge the hegemonic ideal of universal mind. The conclusion frames the discourse as a problematic attempt to posit an authoritarian model of string playing. It also includes a preliminary study of early twentieth-century discourses of cello playing, and engages with the research to date on national styles of violin playing in the same period.

The Mythology of the Small Community in Eight American and Canadian Short Story Cycles

Kealey, Josephene January 2011 (has links)
Scholarship has firmly established that the short story cycle is well-suited to representations of community. This study considers eight North American examples of the genre: four by Canadian authors Stephen Leacock, Duncan Campbell Scott, George Elliott, and Alice Munro; and four by American authors Sarah Orne Jewett, Sherwood Anderson, John Cheever, and Joyce Carol Oates. My original idea was to discover whether there were significant differences between the Canadian and American cycles, but ultimately I became far more interested in the way that all of the cycles address community formation and disintegration. The focus of each cycle is a small community, whether a small town, a village, or a suburb. In all of the examples, the authors address the small community as the focus of anxiety, concern, criticism, and praise, with special attention to the way in which, despite its manifold failings, the small community continues to inspire longings for the ideal home and source of identity. The narrative feature that ultimately provided the critical framework for the study is the recurring presence of the metropolis in all of the eight cycles. The city, set on the horizons of these small communities, consistently provides a backdrop against which author and characters seem to measure and understand their lives. Always an influence (whether for good or bad), the city’s presence is constructed as the other against which the small community’s identity is formulated and understood. The relationship between small community and city led me to an investigation into the mythology of the small community, a mythology that sets the small community in opposition to the city, portraying the former as the keeper of virtue and the latter as the disseminator of vice. The cycles themselves, as I increasingly discovered, challenge the mythology by identifying how the small community depends, in large part, on the city for self-understanding. The small community, however, as an idea, and a mythic ideal, is never dismissed as obsolete or irrelevant.

"The Market That Just Grew Up": How Eaton's Fashioned the Teenaged Consumer in Mid-twentieth-century Canada

Rollwagen, Katharine E January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the emergence of the teenaged consumer as a market segment in Canada during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. It challenges the notion that teenagers were of little interest to retailers until economics and demographics shaped the more numerous and prosperous post-war teenagers of the Baby Boom generation. Using evidence from corporate records and analysis of mail order catalogues, the study examines how department store retailer, the T. Eaton Company, Limited, began to cultivate a distinct and lucrative teenaged consumer in the 1930s, and thereby began shaping the teenaged consumer. The thesis contextualizes the case study of Eaton’s by exploring the varied expectations that adults had of young people at the time, using census records and magazines (Chatelaine, Canadian Home Journal and Mayfair) to explore concerns about young people’s transition to adulthood. It then focuses on how Eaton’s made a concerted and sustained effort to attract teenager customers to its catalogue and stores. Analysis of its semi-annual catalogue highlights the emergence of specialized clothing size ranges and styles, revealing that Eaton’s increasingly viewed the teenaged years as an important in-between life stage. Eaton’s also instituted teenage advisory councils to both glean market trends and provide a venue for what it considered education for novice consumers. Eaton’s presented consumption as a way to prepare young people for adult roles, legitimizing teenaged participation in the consumer marketplace and contributing to wider debates about when and how teenaged Canadians should reach maturity.

“I Bid My Hideous Progeny Go Forth and Prosper”: Frankenstein’s Homosocial Doubles and Twentieth Century American Literature

Frampton, Sara January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation explores the reoccurrence of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein within twentieth-century American novels. While the inaccurate 1931 film version by James Whale remains the best known adaptation of Frankenstein, I argue that Willa Cather, Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, and Chuck Palahniuk return to Shelley’s 1818 novel to critique racist and misogynistic responses to anxieties about gender and racial power in the age of industrial consumer culture. In doing so, I extend existing scholarship on the American Gothic to demonstrate that The Professor’s House, Invisible Man, Beloved, and Fight Club represent a specifically Shelleyan Gothic tradition in twentieth-century American literature. My project draws upon influential feminist and postcolonial readings of Frankenstein and on the theoretical work of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and later critics who have developed her theory to show how the twentieth-century novels echo themes and motifs from Shelley’s novel to critique the destructive effects of male homosociality. Each novel contains a protagonist that resembles Victor Frankenstein and responds to historically specific anxieties about gender, race, and industrial technoscience by creating a doppelgänger who enables participation in a homosocial bond that is initially empowering but proves destructive to women, racial minorities, and eventually the creature and creator figures themselves. My reading reveals unexpected similarities between Cather’s The Professor’s House and Palahniuk’s Fight Club. Cather’s novel appears to glorify Tom Outland as the ideal masculine hero but ultimately reveals him to be a monstrous doppelgänger who acts out the Professor’s oppressive impulses; similarly, Fight Club seems to romanticize the male violence instigated by the doppelgänger figure Tyler Durden but actually echoes Shelley’s critique of male homosociality as monstrous. My reading also reveals previously overlooked similarities between Invisible Man and Beloved, both of which feature a black protagonist who surprisingly resembles Victor Frankenstein by creating a doppelgänger to challenge his or her disempowerment by the structures of white male homosociality but end up emulating the destructive homosocial structures they critique. My dissertation shows how all of these writers share Shelley’s critique yet move beyond it by offering alternatives to the destructive cycle of violence, embodied in each case by a female figure who resists or reclaims the position of the abject other in the homosocial triangle.

Velká Británie mezi lety 1918-1945. Příspěvek k britské hospodářské a regionální politice. / Great Britain between 1918-1945. Paper on british economic and regional policy.

Smetana, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Master's thesis focuses on the British economy in the first half of the 20th century and examines the most important components of the economic and regional policy in this period. The aim of the work is to discover the main impact of the first and second world war on the economy of Great Britain while emphasizing the role of the arising regional policy in this period. An evaluation of the most important macroeconomical indicators is performed to fulfil the aim of the work. Results of this paper show that the First World War led to the decline of traditional industries. This was supported in the inter-war years by the decrease of demand, high real wages and overvaluation of the pound while returning to the gold standard. Because the employment was mainly concentrated in the declining industries, which were regionally located, regional disparities in the country increased. The high unemployment in these regions led to the beginnings of state controlled regional policy. However significant decrease of the unemployment was only achieved with the mobilisation of the economy during the Second World War and the impact of new growing industries in the fifties.


VIRGINIA BAZZETTI BOECHAT 28 February 2005 (has links)
[pt] Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen publicou, em 1983, Navegações, um volume com vinte e cinco poemas, datados de 1977 a 1982, em torno da temática dos descobrimentos marítimos. Partindo da constatação de que esse livro desenvolve um tema há muito em formação na obra da autora, abordamos neste estudo, no entendimento dos textos poético, quatro questões que julgamos fundamentais: a escolha de uma temática tão controversa no período após a Revolução dos Cravos, de redefinição de Portugal; o intrincado jogo de intertextualidades e referências históricas dos poemas; a importância da presença de mapas quinhentistas na primeira edição do conjunto; a concepção de olhar presente nos poemas. / [en] In 1983, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen published Navegações, a book containing twenty-five poems written between from 1977 and 1982 about the Portuguese maritime discoveries. Considering this book as a development of a theme Andresen had long been nurturing in her preview works, in our reading of these poetic texts we focus on four essential issues: the choice of such a controversial subject shortly after the 1974 revolution in Portugal; the intertextuality of these poems and the historical references in them; the significance of the sixteenth- century maps reproduced in the first edition; the concept of gaze as it appears in these poems.

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