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Putnam’s Two-Level Game: Case Studies of Serbian and Russian Reactions to the Kosovar and Chechen Independence MovementsWilson, Ann Conner 26 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The Strategic Politics of IMF ConditionalityWoo, Byungwon 03 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Simulation and Implementation of Two-Level and Three-Level Inverters by MATLAB and RT-LABGebreel, Abd Almula G. M. 17 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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歐盟疑歐論起源與發展之研究 / A Study of the Origins and Development of Euroscepticism in the European Union林彥勳, Kszczotek, Filip Sebastian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖分析自歐盟成立以來造成疑歐論興起的各項因素。再者本論文也包含2014年歐洲議會選舉對歐洲穩定和各國政治情況的影響,最後作者應用雙層賽局理論尋求疑歐論興起的適當方法,以及歐洲分化的可能問題。很多觀察者宣稱疑歐論團體 對歐洲的統合沒有造成任何威脅,作者建議疑歐論在最近期應被視為主要的問題,歐盟應有效地回應。
藉著解答這三個研究問題,作者建議進一步了解大多數疑歐政治團體所擁有的動力,此外基於雙層賽局理論和折衝的角色,結論亦包含於處理疑歐論的可能意涵。 / In the past decade, people have witnessed that one single event may alter the political situation of a single country, region or even the whole world. In case of the EU, the 2014 European parliamentary election was one of them. Referred to by many researchers as a “political earthquake,” this event made it possible for the euroscepetic movement to emerge from the shadows and pose a threat to the European integration process. The presence of euroscepticism in the European Parliament may be seen as the beginning of the end of the EU or perhaps just a temporary crisis of trust.
This study seeks to analyze the factors that contributed to the rise of euroscepticism since the beginning of the EU. Moreover, the impact of the 2014 European parliamentary election on European stability and the domestic political situation is also included in this paper. Finally, the author applies two-level games theory to find a proper solution to the rise of euroscepticism and the problem of potential European disintegration. Many observers claim that eurosceptic parties do not pose a threat to European integration. I suggest that euroscepticism should be recognized as one of the main problems to which the EU must respond effectively in the near future.
By answering three research questions, the author gives further insight into the power gained by most of the eurosceptic political parties. Furthermore, based on the two-level games theory and the role of negotiations, the possible implications in dealing with euroscepticism are included in this paper. Read more
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Estudo analítico e soluções exatas da equação de spin / Analytical study and exact solutions of the spin equationBaldiotti, Mário César 01 July 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho se destina a um estudo detalhado da chamada equação de spin, a qual pode ser utilizada para descrever o comportamento de sistemas de dois níveis. Para campos externos dados por funções reais, esta equação pode ser identificada com uma redução da equação de Pauli para o caso 0+1 dimensional. Inicialmente, demonstraremos a relação entre esta equação de spin e várias outras equações relacionadas com diversos problemas em física. Com estas relações, podemos construir novas soluções da equação de spin a partir do conhecimento de soluções exatas destes outros problemas e, por outro lado, estender a aplicação das soluções obtidas. Em seguida, descrevemos a forma geral da solução desta equação, construímos o operador de evolução e resolvemos o problema inverso, i.e., a determinação do campo externo supondo o conhecimento de uma solução. Finalizando, para o importante caso de campos externos reais, desenvolvemos um método de construção de novas soluções a partir de uma solução previamente conhecida, utilizando a chamada transformação de Darboux. Em particular, demonstramos a existência de operadores de entrelaçamento de Darboux, que não violam a estrutura específica dos sistemas de dois níveis, e permitem construir novos campos externos também dados por funções reais. Como resultado destes desenvolvimentos, apresentamos uma série de novas soluções exatas para a equação de spin. / The aim of the present work is to study in detail the so called spin equation, which can be used to describe the behavior of two-level systems. We recall that, for real external fields, this equation can be treated as a reduction of the Pauli equation to the 0+1 dimensional base. Initially, we present the relation between the spin equation and some other equations related to diferent physical problems. With these relations, we construct new solutions to the spin equation from the knowledge of the exact solutions of these other problems and, on the other hand, extend the applicability of the obtained solutions. After that, we describe the general solution of the spin equation, construct the evolution operator and solve the inverse problem, i.e., the construction of the external field from a given supposed solution. Finally, for the important case of real fields, we develop a method to construct new solutions from a previously known one, by the application of the so called Darboux transformation. In particular, we demonstrate the existence of Darboux intertwining operators which do not violate the specific structure of the two-level systems and allow the construction of external fields which are also given by real functions. As a result of all these developments, we present several new sets of exact solutions for the spin equation. Read more
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A integração energética na América do Sul: uma análise da formação de preferências do Brasil por acordos bilaterais / The Energy Integration in South America: an analysis of preference formation in Brazil by bilateral agreementsSilva, Lilian da 16 September 2016 (has links)
Desde o início dos anos 2000, o regionalismo sul-americano vive uma tendência multidimensional, incluindo novas temáticas ao foco das discussões sobre integração, entre elas, a energia. Diante deste cenário, o objetivo central deste trabalho é entender como se dá a formação de preferências do Brasil por um acordo de integração energética. Além dele, foram adotados como objetivos secundários: (i) estudar o histórico da integração energética na América do Sul, especialmente no que tange ao Brasil; (ii) entender o processo de negociação que envolve um acordo, formulando um tipo ideal voltado a integração energética e; (iii) reconhecer os benefícios e as dificuldades que envolvem a opção por um acordo energético de tipo bilateral ou multilateral. A fim de responder a essas perguntas, adotou-se a abordagem de Jogos de Dois Níveis, de Robert Putnam, por sua capacidade em relacionar a dinâmica da política interna com a externa, permitindo a análise do cenário complexo das negociações de um acordo de integração energética. A partir desta pesquisa, viu-se que a morosidade que envolve o processo de integração energética na América do Sul não é resultado apenas da falta de vontade política ou da ausência de um ator que arque com seus custos, mas principalmente da dificuldade em coordenar uma ampla gama de atores, interesses, expectativas e ordenamentos jurídicos, em mais de uma esfera de negociação. Por isso, diante de necessidades pontuais e imediatas, vê-se, por parte do Brasil, a adoção majoritária de acordos bilaterais, sem abandonar, no entanto, paralelamente, as discussões dos foros multilaterais. / Since the early 2000s, the South America regionalism lives a multidimensional trend, including new themes to focus the integration discussions, including energy. In this scenario, the aim of this research is to understand the preferences formation in Brazil for an energy integration agreement. Besides, were adopted as secondary objectives: (i) study the history of energy integration in South America, especially in regard to Brazil; (ii) understand the negotiation process that involves an agreement by formulating an ideal energy integration agreement and; (iii) recognize the benefits and difficulties involving the choice of an energy bilateral or multilateral agreement. In order to answer these questions were adopted the approach of Two-Level Games by Robert Putnam, because of its ability to relate the dynamics of internal politics with the foreign policy, allowing the analysis of the complex scenario of an energy integration agreement negotiations. From this research, it is clear that the length involving the energy integration process in South America is not the result only a political lack or a paymaster absence, but mainly the difficulty in coordinating a wide range of actors, interests, expectations and legal systems, in more than one sphere of negotiation. So, by particular needs, Brazil elects bilateral agreements, without abandoning, however, in parallel, discussions in multilateral forums. Read more
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Análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC monopolar e bipolar frente impulsos com frente de onda íngreme. / Analysis of monopolar and bipolar VSC-HVDC systems against steep-front impulses.Lima, Thiago Melo de 01 November 2018 (has links)
A tendência mundial de crescimento do consumo de energia elétrica requer novas unidades de geração para suprimento de demanda. Além disso, há preocupação na diversificação da matriz energética, e as fontes de energia nem sempre são de fácil acesso aos grandes centros de consumo, o que traz a problemática do transporte de energia elétrica. Sistemas em Corrente Alternada (CA) têm sido empregados na transmissão de energia há décadas, e atualmente os sistemas de transmissão em Corrente Contínua (CC) mostram-se uma opção vantajosa tanto na transmissão ponto a ponto por longas distâncias, quanto para múltiplos terminais, integrando diferentes fontes geradoras de energia. Os conhecidos sistemas de transmissão CC em alta tensão baseados em conversores comutados pela rede têm aplicações consolidadas ao redor do mundo, enquanto que, para a emergente tecnologia dos conversores comutados por largura de pulso (PWM), poucos estudos mostram seu desempenho frente transitórios na rede. A exposição do extenso perímetro das linhas de transmissão às condições geográficas e climatológicas motiva esta pesquisa perante a incidência de impulsos atmosféricos, tendo em vista que a maior parte dos estudos têm avaliado transitórios eletromagnéticos ocasionados por faltas. Para tanto, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema de pesquisa é apresentada, com a descrição dos principais componentes de sistemas HVDC, a análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC, utilizando conversores dois níveis, frente transitórios eletromagnéticos provocados pela incidência direta de descargas atmosféricas tanto na rede CA quanto no elo CC, utilizando o software comercial PSCAD/EMTD para a simulação e modelagem dos para-raios de Óxido de Zinco (ZnO), linha de transmissão, conversores e atuação do controle. / The worlwide trend of growing electricity consumption requires new generation units to supply demand. In addition, there is concern in the diversification of the energy matrix, and energy sources are not always easily accessible to large consumption centers, which brings the problem of transportation of electric energy. Alternating Current (AC) systems have been used in power transmission for decades, and Direct Current (DC) transmission systems are now an advantageous option in both point-to-point transmission over long distances and across multiple terminals, integrating different sources of energy. Known High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems based on Line-Commutated Converter (LCC) have consolidated applications around the world, while for the emerging technology of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) converters, few studies show their network transient performance. The exposition of the extensive perimeter of the transmission lines to the geographic and climatological conditions motivates this research considering the incidence of atmospheric impulses, and that the major part of the studies available have evaluated electromagnetic transients caused by faults. In this context, a literature review on the research topic is presented, with the description of the main components of HVDC systems, the analysis of VSC-based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) systems, using twolevel converters, electromagnetic transients caused by the direct incidence of atmospheric discharges in both the AC network, and in the CC link. The analysis uses the commercial software PSCAD/EMTD for the simulation and modeling of ZnO arresters, transmission line, converters and control actuation. Read more
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Análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC monopolar e bipolar frente impulsos com frente de onda íngreme. / Analysis of monopolar and bipolar VSC-HVDC systems against steep-front impulses.Thiago Melo de Lima 01 November 2018 (has links)
A tendência mundial de crescimento do consumo de energia elétrica requer novas unidades de geração para suprimento de demanda. Além disso, há preocupação na diversificação da matriz energética, e as fontes de energia nem sempre são de fácil acesso aos grandes centros de consumo, o que traz a problemática do transporte de energia elétrica. Sistemas em Corrente Alternada (CA) têm sido empregados na transmissão de energia há décadas, e atualmente os sistemas de transmissão em Corrente Contínua (CC) mostram-se uma opção vantajosa tanto na transmissão ponto a ponto por longas distâncias, quanto para múltiplos terminais, integrando diferentes fontes geradoras de energia. Os conhecidos sistemas de transmissão CC em alta tensão baseados em conversores comutados pela rede têm aplicações consolidadas ao redor do mundo, enquanto que, para a emergente tecnologia dos conversores comutados por largura de pulso (PWM), poucos estudos mostram seu desempenho frente transitórios na rede. A exposição do extenso perímetro das linhas de transmissão às condições geográficas e climatológicas motiva esta pesquisa perante a incidência de impulsos atmosféricos, tendo em vista que a maior parte dos estudos têm avaliado transitórios eletromagnéticos ocasionados por faltas. Para tanto, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema de pesquisa é apresentada, com a descrição dos principais componentes de sistemas HVDC, a análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC, utilizando conversores dois níveis, frente transitórios eletromagnéticos provocados pela incidência direta de descargas atmosféricas tanto na rede CA quanto no elo CC, utilizando o software comercial PSCAD/EMTD para a simulação e modelagem dos para-raios de Óxido de Zinco (ZnO), linha de transmissão, conversores e atuação do controle. / The worlwide trend of growing electricity consumption requires new generation units to supply demand. In addition, there is concern in the diversification of the energy matrix, and energy sources are not always easily accessible to large consumption centers, which brings the problem of transportation of electric energy. Alternating Current (AC) systems have been used in power transmission for decades, and Direct Current (DC) transmission systems are now an advantageous option in both point-to-point transmission over long distances and across multiple terminals, integrating different sources of energy. Known High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems based on Line-Commutated Converter (LCC) have consolidated applications around the world, while for the emerging technology of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) converters, few studies show their network transient performance. The exposition of the extensive perimeter of the transmission lines to the geographic and climatological conditions motivates this research considering the incidence of atmospheric impulses, and that the major part of the studies available have evaluated electromagnetic transients caused by faults. In this context, a literature review on the research topic is presented, with the description of the main components of HVDC systems, the analysis of VSC-based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) systems, using twolevel converters, electromagnetic transients caused by the direct incidence of atmospheric discharges in both the AC network, and in the CC link. The analysis uses the commercial software PSCAD/EMTD for the simulation and modeling of ZnO arresters, transmission line, converters and control actuation. Read more
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The Finite Element Method Over A Simple Stabilizing Grid Applied To Fluid Flow ProblemsAydin, Selcuk Han 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
We consider the stabilized finite element method for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in two dimensions.
The well-known instabilities arising from the application of
standard Galerkin finite element method are eliminated by using the stabilizing subgrid method (SSM), the streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) method, and the two-level finite element method (TLFEM). The domain is discretized into a set of regular triangular elements. In SSM, the finite-dimensional spaces employed consist of piecewise continuous linear interpolants enriched with the residual-free bubble functions. To find the bubble part of the solution, a two-level finite element method with a stabilizing subgrid of a single node is described and its applications to the Navier-Stokes equations and MHD equations are displayed. This
constitutes the main original contribution of this thesis. Numerical approximations employing the proposed algorithms are presented for some benchmark problems. The results show that the proper choice of the subgrid node is crucial to get stable and accurate numerical approximations consistent with the physical configuration of the problem at a cheap computational cost. The stabilized finite element method of SUPG type is applied to the unsteady Navier-Stokes
equations together with a finite element discretization in the time domain. Thus, oscillations in the solution and the need of very small time increment are avoided in obtaining stable solutions. Read more
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Planting The Tree Upside Down? : Perspectives on Actors' Influence on the Development of Democracy in KosovoLiljekrantz, Jhimmy January 2007 (has links)
<p>This study explores different actors’ perceptions on how the democratization process is being influenced in Kosovo. It is based upon empirical facts gathered during a field study in Kosovo. The material was mainly gathered through interviews with different representatives from international organizations present in Kosovo and with members of the Kosovar political elite.</p><p>The theoretical standpoint in the study draws on the theory of polyarchy for defining the concept of democracy, and the two-level game. The interaction between domestic and international actors within the democratization process is highlighted.</p><p>The conclusions are that different actors are influencing the ongoing democratization process in Kosovo, mainly international external ones acting in several ways and on different levels. This influence is considered by the international community and the domestic political elite to be necessary both for the continued development of democracy and for the preservation of stability. However as the influence has more or less become institutionalized, problems occur when responsibility is handed over to domestic authorities without accountability being made clear.</p> Read more
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