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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supported Liquid Metal Membranes for Hydrogen Separation

Yen, Pei-Shan 25 April 2016 (has links)
Hydrogen (H2) and fuel cells applications are central to the realization of a global hydrogen economy. In this scenario, H2 may be produced from renewable biofuels via steam reforming and by solar powered water electrolysis. The purification required for fuel cell grade H2, whether in tandem or in situ within a catalytic reformer operating at 500 oC or above, would be greatly facilitated by the availability a cheaper and more robust option to palladium (Pd) dense metal membrane, currently the leading candidate. Here we describe our results on the feasibility of a completely novel membrane for hydrogen separation: Sandwiched Liquid Metal Membrane, or SLiMM, comprising of a low-melting, non-precious metal (e.g., Sn, In, Ga) film held between two porous substrates. Gallium was selected for this feasibility study to prove of the concept of SLiMM. It is molten at essentially room temperature, is non-toxic, and is much cheaper and more abundant than Pd. Our experimental and theoretical results indicate that the Ga SLiMM at 500 oC has a permeability 35 times higher than Pd, and substantially exceeds the 2015 DOE target for dense metal membranes. For developing a fundamental understanding of the thermodynamics and transport in liquid metals, a Pauling Bond Valence-Modified Morse Potential (PBV-MMP) model was developed. Based on little input, the PBV-MPP model accurately predicts liquid metal self-diffusion, viscosity, surface tension, as well as thermodynamic and energetic properties of hydrogen solution and diffusion in a liquid metal such as heat of dissociative adsorption, heat of solution, and activation energy of diffusion. The concept of SLiMM proved here opens up avenues for development practical H2 membranes, For this, improving the physical stability of the membrane is a key goal. Consequently, a thermodynamic theory was developed to better understand the change in liquid metal surface tension and contact angle as a function of temperature, pressure and gas-phase composition.

Comparison of Consumer-Grade MEMS IMUs in UBI Context

Varol, Tolga January 2019 (has links)
Road traffic has many negative socioeconomic impacts on society. A key problem is the risk of deadly accidents. The risk, to a high extend is reduced in developed societies. However, the accidents are still ubiquitous. There are various approaches for reducing accidents such as improving the infrastructure, educating better drivers and incentivizing drivers for driving safe. For the latter, the way is to analyse driving behaviour and this is possible using sensors such as inertial measurement units (IMU) without hindering privacy. Insurance companies approach this issue via Usage Based Insurance (UBI) products, where the premium is dynamically calculated by evaluating the driver based on measuring vehicle dynamics and other contextual data. Due to utilization of devices that use different IMUs, generalization of measured data is an issue for correct evaluation and fairness.The thesis deals with providing tools for filling the evaluation gap of IMUs for this purpose. The study began with a survey involving IMUs in the market. Considering technical and economic aspects, the most suitable ones were selected for evaluation. A modular system called quad-IMU (QIMU) was designed and developed. A selected IMU (BMI160) was incorporated into a QIMU and compared to two widely used IMUs in two scenarios; harsh breaking and static measurement using raw digital linear acceleration measurements. Root mean square errors (RMSE) showed that the BMI160 outperformed the others by approximately one and two orders of magnitude, respectively. The QIMU showed to be a promising framework that needs to be explored further for evaluating IMUs in-house in a rapid, low-cost and reliable manner. / Vägtrafiken har många negativa socioekonomiska effekter på samhället. Ett viktigt problem är risken för dödliga olyckor. Risken, i stor utsträckning, minskar i utvecklade samhällen. Olyckorna är dock fortfarande allestädes närvarande. Det finns olika metoder för att minska olyckor som att förbättra infrastrukturen, utbilda bättre förare och incitament för förare att köra säkert. Det sistnämnda kan göras genom att analysera körbeteendet, och detta är möjligt med hjälp av sensorer som tröghetssensorer (IMU) utan att hindra integriteten. Försäkringsbolag närmar sig denna fråga via användningsbaserade försäkringar (UBI) -produkter, där premien dynamiskt beräknas genom att utvärdera föraren baserat på mätning av fordonsdynamik och annan kontextuell data. På grund av användningen av enheter som använder olika IMU-enheter är generalisering av uppmätta data en öppen fråga för korrekt utvärdering och rättvisa.Avhandlingen handlar om att tillhandahålla verktyg för att fylla utvärderingsgapet för IMUer för detta ändamål. Studien började med en undersökning med IMUer på marknaden. Med tanke på tekniska och ekonomiska aspekter valdes de mest lämpliga för utvärdering. Ett modulärt system kallat quad-IMU (QIMU) designades och utvecklades. En vald IMU (BMI160) inkorporerades i en QIMU och jämfördes med två ofta använda IMUer i två scenarier; hård inbromsning och statisk mätning med hjälp av raka digitala linjära accelerationsmätningar. Det genomsnittliga medelkvadratfelet (RMSE) visade att BMI160 överträffade de andra med ungefär en och två storleksordningar. QIMU visade sig vara en lovande ram som behöver undersökas mer för att utvärdera IMUer internt på ett snabbt, billigt och pålitligt sätt.

Swedish Political Dynamics and Finnish Societal Outcomes : A Comparative Study on the Implementation of Universal Basic Income

Assan, Assan January 2024 (has links)
This paper compares political dynamics in Sweden and societal outcomes inFinland with regard to the implementation of Universal Basic Income (UBI).While Sweden still largely remains in theoretical discussion, Finland hascarried out practical experimentation, and the results are shifting. Theevidence suggests that the recent Finnish UBI experiment resulted in mixedfindings: it neither improved nor hurt employment, but increased the wellbeing of participants in terms of mental health and feelings of financialsecurity. The debate in Sweden is quite the opposite, with politicalpolarization and a caution stemming from the worry about economicfeasibility. This paper thus brings out the different cultural, economic, andsocial contexts that could harbor the acceptance and possible impact of UBIin the two Nordic countries.

Implementation of UsageBased Insurance solutions : A qualitative analysis of a technology-based insurance model from the perspective of the Swedish insurance industry / Implementering av användarbaserade försäkringslösningar : En kvalitativ analys av en teknikbaserad försäkringsmodell från den svenska försäkringsbranschens perspektiv

Yvell, Malin, Axelsson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Recent years’ digital transformation has led to an increased interest in using and utilising smart technology in various insurance solutions, something that has come to challenge the traditional insurance model. The UsageBased Insurance model (UBI) is an example of an insurance model that utilises these technological innovations. With the aid of smart technology, the insurance model has the possibility, by using real-time data, to price premiums more accurately and efficiently, as well as it enables a more proactive approach. Despite the model’s positive capabilities, the degree of implementation in Europe, as well as in Sweden, can generally be regarded as low. Thus, the interest is raised about what influences this low level of implementation, as well as what challenges, requirements and consequences that are attached to such implementation. By investigating the UBI model, the purpose of this study is thus to analyse how new technology-based insurance models could affect the Swedish insurance industry and, in an extension, also the Swedish society. The study also intends to evaluate how these technology-based insurance policies could affect the insurability of risk, this by applying Berliner’s (1982) insurability criteria. With the help of a comprehensive literature study in parallel with a qualitative, semi-structured, interview study, the report aims to provide a broader understanding of what bridging contradictions that exist between theory and practice. The biggest challenges identified, related to a UBI implementation, are the customers’ willingness to share personal data, the insurance company’s propensity for transformation, their digital ability and the Swedish welfare system. Further, it has been concluded that the model’s increased ability to assess risk could consequently mean that an implementation would contribute to discrimination and cherry-picking, also known as cream skimming. To overcome these challenges and risks, and to stimulate a high implementation level, the required factors identified are that the UBI solution needs to stimulate other incentives than the monetary, that it should be simple and designed in a way that makes it feel personalised and an integrated part of the policyholders’ lives. If the primary purpose of utilising the UBI model is to decide the most profitable premium cost, the authors assess that the impediments are too high, the incentives too low and negative consequences too severe to reach a high degree of implementation on the Swedish market. The insurance companies instead have a great opportunity, as a proactive risk manager, to take a whole new position in the policyholders’ lives. Through proactive services, which are not premium-based, insurance companies would instead stimulate a behavioural change by advising, encouraging and in different ways rewarding a behavioural change towards a healthier and safer lifestyle. A development that all actors benefit from, without suffering the risk of punishing and/or discriminating policyholders. From the perspective of lacking social resources, this is also an opportunity to create a more proactive health care in Sweden. / Senaste tidens digitala transformation har medfört ett ökat intresse av att använda och utnyttja smart teknologi inom olika försäkringslösningar, något som har kommit att utmana den traditionella försäkringsmodellen. Ett exempel på en försäkringsmodell som utnyttjar dessa tekniska innovationer är den användarbaserade försäkringsmodellen (UBI). Tack vare smart teknologi har försäkringsmodellen möjlighet att, genom utnyttjandet av realtidsdata, kunna prissätta premier på ett mer korrekt och effektivt sätt, samtidigt som dessa teknologier möjliggör ett mer proaktivt arbetssätt. Trots dessa positiva egenskaper kan implementeringsgraden i Europa, och så även i Sverige, dock generellt sett betraktas som låg. Således väcks intresset kring vad som påverkar denna låga implementeringsgrad samt vilka utmaningar, krav och konsekvenser som finns kopplade till en sådan implementering. Med hjälp av att undersöka UBI modellen är syftet med denna studie att analysera hur teknikbaserade försäkringsmodeller kan påverka den svenska försäkringsmarknaden och, i en förlängning, även den det svenska samhället. Vidare, ämnar studien även till att undersöka på vilket sätt dessa teknikbaserade försäkringslösningar påverkar försäkringsbarheten, detta genom att tillämpa Berliner’s (1982) insurability criteria. Med hjälp av en grundlig litteraturstudie parallellt med en kvalitativ, semistrukturerad, intervjustudie avser rapporten att bidra till en bredare förståelse för vilka överbryggande motsättningar det finns mellan teori och praktik. De största utmaningarna som studien påvisar är kundernas villighet till att delge persondata, försäkringsbolagets benägenhet till transformation, deras digitala förmåga samt det svenska välfärdssystemet. På grund av den förbättrade riskbedömning, som modellen medför, har cream skimming och diskriminering konstaterats vara två stora konsekvenser som modellen riskerar medföra. Där cream skimming åsyftar försäkringsgivarens ökade förmåga till att identifiera försäkringens mest lönsamma kunder. För att möta dessa utmaningar och konsekvenser, samt att stimulera en hög implementeringsgrad, anses det viktigt att kunna stimulera andra incitament, än de monetära. Det anses även viktigt att lösningen är enkel, personifierad samt att den besitter förmågan att bli en integrerad del av försäkringstagarens liv. Om det primära syftet med att tillämpa UBI modellen är att bestämma den mest lönsamma premiekostnaden, anser författarna att hindren är för många, incitamenten för få och de negativa konsekvenserna för omfattande för att kunna uppnå en hög implementeringsgrad på den svenska marknaden. Försäkringsbolagen besitter istället en stor möjlighet att, som en proaktiv riskrådgivare, ta en helt ny position i försäkringstagarnas liv. Genom proaktiva tjänster, som inte utnyttjar de premiegrundande egenskaperna, har försäkringsbolagen istället möjlighet att stimulera en beteendeförändring genom att rådge, uppmuntra och på olika sätt belöna en positiv beteendeförändring mot ett mer hälsosamt och säkert liv. Detta skulle således vara en gynnsam utveckling som alla aktörer tjänar på, utan risken att straffa och/eller diskriminera försäkringstagare. Ur ett perspektiv av bristande samhällsresurser, skapar detta även ökade möjligheter för utvecklandet av en mer proaktivt fungerande sjukvård i Sverige.

Interactions protéiques et relation dynamique entre phosphorylation / sumoylation / ubiquitination des protéines TIF1α, β et PML: détection in vivo par BRET

Desprez, Delphine 08 1900 (has links)
Trois protéines de la famille TRIM (Motif TRIpartite), TIF1α, β (Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1) et PML (ProMyelocytic Leukaemia¬), font l’objet de cette étude. TIF1α est connu comme un coactivateur des récepteurs nucléaires et TIF1β comme le corépresseur universel des protéines KRAB-multidoigt de zinc dont le prototype étudié ici est ZNF74. PML possède divers rôles dont le plus caractérisé est celui d’être l’organisateur principal et essentiel des PML-NBs (PML-Nuclear Bodies), des macrostructures nucléaires très dynamiques regroupant et coordonnant plus de 40 protéines. Il est à noter que la fonction de TIF1α, β et PML est régulée par une modification post-traductionnelle, la sumoylation, qui implique le couplage covalent de la petite protéine SUMO (Small Ubiquitin like MOdifier) à des lysines de ces trois protéines cibles. Cette thèse propose de développer des méthodes utilisant le BRET (Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfert) afin de détecter dans des cellules vivantes et en temps réel des interactions non-covalentes de protéines nucléaires mais aussi leur couplage covalent à SUMO. En effet, le BRET n’a jamais été exploré jusqu’alors pour étudier les interactions non-covalentes et covalentes de protéines nucléaires. L’étude de l’interaction de protéines transcriptionnellement actives est parfois difficile par des méthodes classiques du fait de leur grande propension à agréger (famille TRIM) ou de leur association à la matrice nucléaire (ZNF74). L’homo et l’hétérodimérisation de TIF1α, β ainsi que leur interaction avec ZNF74 sont ici testées sur des protéines entières dans des cellules vivantes de mammifères répondant aux résultats conflictuels de la littérature et démontrant que le BRET peut être avantageusement utilisé comme alternative aux essais plus classiques basés sur la transcription. Du fait de l’hétérodimérisation confirmée de TIF1α et β, le premier article présenté ouvre la possibilité d’une relation étroite entre les récepteurs nucléaires et les protéines KRAB- multidoigt de zinc. Des études précédentes ont démontré que la sumoylation de PML est impliquée dans sa dégradation induite par l’As2O3 et dépendante de RNF4, une E3 ubiquitine ligase ayant pour substrat des chaînes de SUMO (polySUMO). Dans le second article, grâce au développement d’une nouvelle application du BRET pour la détection d’interactions covalentes et non-covalentes avec SUMO (BRETSUMO), nous établissons un nouveau lien entre la sumoylation de PML et sa dégradation. Nous confirmons que le recrutement de RNF4 dépend de SUMO mais démontrons également l’implication du SBD (Sumo Binding Domain) de PML dans sa dégradation induite par l’As2O3 et/ou RNF4. De plus, nous démontrons que des sérines, au sein du SBD de PML, qui sont connues comme des cibles de phosphorylation par la voie de la kinase CK2, régulent les interactions non-covalentes de ce SBD mettant en évidence, pour la première fois, que les interactions avec un SBD peuvent dépendre d’un évènement de phosphorylation (“SBD phospho-switch”). Nos résultats nous amènent à proposer l’hypothèse que le recrutement de PML sumoylé au niveau des PML-NBs via son SBD, favorise le recrutement d’une autre activité E3 ubiquitine ligase, outre celle de RNF4, PML étant lui-même un potentiel candidat. Ceci suggère l’existence d’une nouvelle relation dynamique entre phosphorylation, sumoylation et ubiquitination de PML. Finalement, il est suggéré que PML est dégradé par deux voies différentes dépendantes de l’ubiquitine et du protéasome; la voie de CK2 et la voie de RNF4. Enfin une étude sur la sumoylation de TIF1β est également présentée en annexe. Cette étude caractérise les 6 lysines cibles de SUMO sur TIF1β et démontre que la sumoylation est nécessaire à l’activité répressive de TIF1β mais n’est pas impliquée dans son homodimérisation ou son interaction avec la boîte KRAB. La sumoylation est cependant nécessaire au recrutement d’histones déacétylases, dépendante de son homodimérisation et de l’intégrité du domaine PHD. Alors que l’on ne connaît pas de régulateur physiologique de la sumoylation outre les enzymes directement impliquées dans la machinerie de sumoylation, nous mettons en évidence que la sumoylation de TIF1β est positivement régulée par son interaction avec le domaine KRAB et suggérons que ces facteurs transcriptionnels recrutent TIF1β à l’ADN au niveau de promoteur et augmentent son activité répressive en favorisant sa sumoylation. / Three TRIM proteins (TRIpartite Motif), TIF1α, β (Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1) and PML (ProMyelocytic Leukaemia¬), were studied in this thesis. TIF1α is a nuclear receptor coactivator and TIF1β is the universal corepressor of the KRAB-zinc finger repressor family of which, ZNF74 is studied here as a prototypic member. PML functions as a tumor suppressor and is the essential organiser of PML-NBs (PML-Nuclear Bodies) which are very dynamic nuclear macrostructures containing more than 40 proteins. The function of these three TRIM proteins is regulated by sumoylation, a post-translational modification involving the covalent linkage of SUMO (Small Ubiquitin like MOdifier) to specific targets lysine. In this thesis, we propose to develop new methods based on BRET (Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer) to detect non-covalent nuclear protein interactions but also covalent linkage to SUMO in real time in living cells. To date, BRET was never used to assess non-covalent or covalent nuclear protein interactions. Studying transcriptionally active protein interactions represents a challenge by classical methods in particular when proteins have a tendency to aggregate (TRIM family) or when characterizing nuclear matrix proteins (ZNF74). In the first article, homo- and heterodimerisation of TIF1 α and β as well as their interaction with ZNF74 was assessed by BRET using full length proteins in living mammalian cells. We ascertained the heterodimerisation of TIF1α and β. Whereas ZNF74 interacts strongly with TIF1β, no interaction was detected with TIF1α. However, we unravelled the existence of ternary complexes involving ZNF74, TIF1α and TIF1β. This suggested that a mechanisms for cross-talk between nuclear receptors and KRAB-zinc finger proteins. Thus, we showed that BRET can be advantageously used as a non-transcription-based interaction system for studying transcriptionally active proteins, including nuclear matrix proteins, in living cells. Previous studies have shown that the sumoylation of PML (a tumour suppressor) is involved in its proteasome degradation that is As2O3-inducible and dependent on the polySUMO E3 ubiquitin ligase, RNF4. In the second article, we describe the development of a new application of the BRET method for the detection of covalent and non-covalent interactions with SUMO. Owing to this SUMO BRET assay, we established that the As2O3 / RNF4-mediated degradation of PML, not only depends on PML sumoylation as previously demonstrated, but also on the integrity of its SUMO binding domain. We also demonstrated that As2O3 which increases PML sumoylation, also enhances PML / RNF4 interaction. Our study revealed that most PML SBD non covalent interactions with sumoylated proteins required the phosphorylation of serines within PML SBD that were previously described as target sites for CK2 kinase and involved in PML degradation. Despites the involvement of PML SBD in RNF4-mediated degradation, these serines which function as an SBD phospho-switch, were not required for RNF4-mediated degradation. This suggested that CK2- and RNF4-mediated PML degradation represents two distinct pathways triggering PML ubiquitin / proteasome-dependent degradation. At last, our study led to the hypothesis that the recruitment of sumoylated PML at PML-Nuclear Bodies subnuclear structures via the PML SBD and / or possibly an E3 ubiquitin ligase activity other than RNF4 (PML itself being candidate) may favour PML degradation. Our study also stresses the dynamic involvement of three PML post-translational modifications, phosphorylation, sumoylation and ubiquitination in its degradation. A third article addressing the role of TIF1β sumoylation is presented in the Appendix. We characterized the 6 SUMO targets lysine of TIF1β and demonstrated that sumoylation is required for TIF1β transcriptional repressive activity. This is in part explained by the fact that TIF1β sumoylation is a pre-requisite for histone deacetylases recruitment since TIF1β repressive activity is partly dependent on histone deacetylases. We found that TIF1β sumoylation does not influence its homodimerisation or interaction with the KRAB box of KRAB zinc finger proteins recruiting TIF1β to promoters. TIF1β sumoylation is however relying on the integrity of TIF1β PHD finger and on its self-oligomerisation. Interestingly, we demonstrated that TIF1β sumoylation is positively regulated by its interaction with KRAB domain. It is thus suggested that KRAB-zinc finger proteins recruit TIF1β at DNA promoters where they trigger increase of TIF1β sumoylation and thus enhance its repressive activity.

World Automatic (((((The Really Real Project)))))

Mayer, Jonna January 2019 (has links)
In a prospective post-work society, a select group of citizens participate in a cross-temporal project. As we follow along their journeys, questions arise. How does time move when it is no longer a commodity? What is design in the age of rampant robotics? How do we define creativity? What is wasted potential, and is it possible to be a failure? Most importantly, can fiction teach us anything about reality?

Flow Dynamics and Management Options in Stressed Carbonate Aquifer System, The Western Aquifer Basin, Palestine / Grundwasserdynamik und Optionen zur Bewirtschaftung des beanspruchten Karbonat-Aquifer-Systems des Western-Aquifer-Basins, Palästina.

Abusaada, Muath Jamil 27 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Interactions protéiques et relation dynamique entre phosphorylation / sumoylation / ubiquitination des protéines TIF1α, β et PML: détection in vivo par BRET

Desprez, Delphine 08 1900 (has links)
Trois protéines de la famille TRIM (Motif TRIpartite), TIF1α, β (Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1) et PML (ProMyelocytic Leukaemia¬), font l’objet de cette étude. TIF1α est connu comme un coactivateur des récepteurs nucléaires et TIF1β comme le corépresseur universel des protéines KRAB-multidoigt de zinc dont le prototype étudié ici est ZNF74. PML possède divers rôles dont le plus caractérisé est celui d’être l’organisateur principal et essentiel des PML-NBs (PML-Nuclear Bodies), des macrostructures nucléaires très dynamiques regroupant et coordonnant plus de 40 protéines. Il est à noter que la fonction de TIF1α, β et PML est régulée par une modification post-traductionnelle, la sumoylation, qui implique le couplage covalent de la petite protéine SUMO (Small Ubiquitin like MOdifier) à des lysines de ces trois protéines cibles. Cette thèse propose de développer des méthodes utilisant le BRET (Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfert) afin de détecter dans des cellules vivantes et en temps réel des interactions non-covalentes de protéines nucléaires mais aussi leur couplage covalent à SUMO. En effet, le BRET n’a jamais été exploré jusqu’alors pour étudier les interactions non-covalentes et covalentes de protéines nucléaires. L’étude de l’interaction de protéines transcriptionnellement actives est parfois difficile par des méthodes classiques du fait de leur grande propension à agréger (famille TRIM) ou de leur association à la matrice nucléaire (ZNF74). L’homo et l’hétérodimérisation de TIF1α, β ainsi que leur interaction avec ZNF74 sont ici testées sur des protéines entières dans des cellules vivantes de mammifères répondant aux résultats conflictuels de la littérature et démontrant que le BRET peut être avantageusement utilisé comme alternative aux essais plus classiques basés sur la transcription. Du fait de l’hétérodimérisation confirmée de TIF1α et β, le premier article présenté ouvre la possibilité d’une relation étroite entre les récepteurs nucléaires et les protéines KRAB- multidoigt de zinc. Des études précédentes ont démontré que la sumoylation de PML est impliquée dans sa dégradation induite par l’As2O3 et dépendante de RNF4, une E3 ubiquitine ligase ayant pour substrat des chaînes de SUMO (polySUMO). Dans le second article, grâce au développement d’une nouvelle application du BRET pour la détection d’interactions covalentes et non-covalentes avec SUMO (BRETSUMO), nous établissons un nouveau lien entre la sumoylation de PML et sa dégradation. Nous confirmons que le recrutement de RNF4 dépend de SUMO mais démontrons également l’implication du SBD (Sumo Binding Domain) de PML dans sa dégradation induite par l’As2O3 et/ou RNF4. De plus, nous démontrons que des sérines, au sein du SBD de PML, qui sont connues comme des cibles de phosphorylation par la voie de la kinase CK2, régulent les interactions non-covalentes de ce SBD mettant en évidence, pour la première fois, que les interactions avec un SBD peuvent dépendre d’un évènement de phosphorylation (“SBD phospho-switch”). Nos résultats nous amènent à proposer l’hypothèse que le recrutement de PML sumoylé au niveau des PML-NBs via son SBD, favorise le recrutement d’une autre activité E3 ubiquitine ligase, outre celle de RNF4, PML étant lui-même un potentiel candidat. Ceci suggère l’existence d’une nouvelle relation dynamique entre phosphorylation, sumoylation et ubiquitination de PML. Finalement, il est suggéré que PML est dégradé par deux voies différentes dépendantes de l’ubiquitine et du protéasome; la voie de CK2 et la voie de RNF4. Enfin une étude sur la sumoylation de TIF1β est également présentée en annexe. Cette étude caractérise les 6 lysines cibles de SUMO sur TIF1β et démontre que la sumoylation est nécessaire à l’activité répressive de TIF1β mais n’est pas impliquée dans son homodimérisation ou son interaction avec la boîte KRAB. La sumoylation est cependant nécessaire au recrutement d’histones déacétylases, dépendante de son homodimérisation et de l’intégrité du domaine PHD. Alors que l’on ne connaît pas de régulateur physiologique de la sumoylation outre les enzymes directement impliquées dans la machinerie de sumoylation, nous mettons en évidence que la sumoylation de TIF1β est positivement régulée par son interaction avec le domaine KRAB et suggérons que ces facteurs transcriptionnels recrutent TIF1β à l’ADN au niveau de promoteur et augmentent son activité répressive en favorisant sa sumoylation. / Three TRIM proteins (TRIpartite Motif), TIF1α, β (Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1) and PML (ProMyelocytic Leukaemia¬), were studied in this thesis. TIF1α is a nuclear receptor coactivator and TIF1β is the universal corepressor of the KRAB-zinc finger repressor family of which, ZNF74 is studied here as a prototypic member. PML functions as a tumor suppressor and is the essential organiser of PML-NBs (PML-Nuclear Bodies) which are very dynamic nuclear macrostructures containing more than 40 proteins. The function of these three TRIM proteins is regulated by sumoylation, a post-translational modification involving the covalent linkage of SUMO (Small Ubiquitin like MOdifier) to specific targets lysine. In this thesis, we propose to develop new methods based on BRET (Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer) to detect non-covalent nuclear protein interactions but also covalent linkage to SUMO in real time in living cells. To date, BRET was never used to assess non-covalent or covalent nuclear protein interactions. Studying transcriptionally active protein interactions represents a challenge by classical methods in particular when proteins have a tendency to aggregate (TRIM family) or when characterizing nuclear matrix proteins (ZNF74). In the first article, homo- and heterodimerisation of TIF1 α and β as well as their interaction with ZNF74 was assessed by BRET using full length proteins in living mammalian cells. We ascertained the heterodimerisation of TIF1α and β. Whereas ZNF74 interacts strongly with TIF1β, no interaction was detected with TIF1α. However, we unravelled the existence of ternary complexes involving ZNF74, TIF1α and TIF1β. This suggested that a mechanisms for cross-talk between nuclear receptors and KRAB-zinc finger proteins. Thus, we showed that BRET can be advantageously used as a non-transcription-based interaction system for studying transcriptionally active proteins, including nuclear matrix proteins, in living cells. Previous studies have shown that the sumoylation of PML (a tumour suppressor) is involved in its proteasome degradation that is As2O3-inducible and dependent on the polySUMO E3 ubiquitin ligase, RNF4. In the second article, we describe the development of a new application of the BRET method for the detection of covalent and non-covalent interactions with SUMO. Owing to this SUMO BRET assay, we established that the As2O3 / RNF4-mediated degradation of PML, not only depends on PML sumoylation as previously demonstrated, but also on the integrity of its SUMO binding domain. We also demonstrated that As2O3 which increases PML sumoylation, also enhances PML / RNF4 interaction. Our study revealed that most PML SBD non covalent interactions with sumoylated proteins required the phosphorylation of serines within PML SBD that were previously described as target sites for CK2 kinase and involved in PML degradation. Despites the involvement of PML SBD in RNF4-mediated degradation, these serines which function as an SBD phospho-switch, were not required for RNF4-mediated degradation. This suggested that CK2- and RNF4-mediated PML degradation represents two distinct pathways triggering PML ubiquitin / proteasome-dependent degradation. At last, our study led to the hypothesis that the recruitment of sumoylated PML at PML-Nuclear Bodies subnuclear structures via the PML SBD and / or possibly an E3 ubiquitin ligase activity other than RNF4 (PML itself being candidate) may favour PML degradation. Our study also stresses the dynamic involvement of three PML post-translational modifications, phosphorylation, sumoylation and ubiquitination in its degradation. A third article addressing the role of TIF1β sumoylation is presented in the Appendix. We characterized the 6 SUMO targets lysine of TIF1β and demonstrated that sumoylation is required for TIF1β transcriptional repressive activity. This is in part explained by the fact that TIF1β sumoylation is a pre-requisite for histone deacetylases recruitment since TIF1β repressive activity is partly dependent on histone deacetylases. We found that TIF1β sumoylation does not influence its homodimerisation or interaction with the KRAB box of KRAB zinc finger proteins recruiting TIF1β to promoters. TIF1β sumoylation is however relying on the integrity of TIF1β PHD finger and on its self-oligomerisation. Interestingly, we demonstrated that TIF1β sumoylation is positively regulated by its interaction with KRAB domain. It is thus suggested that KRAB-zinc finger proteins recruit TIF1β at DNA promoters where they trigger increase of TIF1β sumoylation and thus enhance its repressive activity.

Étude sur la reconnaissance de l'ubiquitine par les domaines de transactivation acides des activateurs de transcription

Lussier-Price, Mathieu 03 1900 (has links)
Les domaines de transactivation (TAD) acides sont présents dans plusieurs protéines oncogéniques, virales et dans des facteurs de différenciation de cellules souches. Ces domaines acides contrôlent la transcription à travers une myriade d’interactions avec divers partenaires ce qui provoque l’activation de la transcription ou leur propre élimination. Cependant, dans la dernière décennie, de plus en plus de recherches ont démontré que les TAD possédaient un sous-domaine activation/dégradation (DAD) responsable pour une fonction d'activation de la transcription dépendante de la dégradation de la protéine. Un tel phénomène peut être accompli par plusieurs moyens tels que des modifications post-traductionnelles, l’association à des cofacteurs ou la formation d’un réseau d’interaction complexe en chaînes. Or, aucune preuve concrète n’a pu clairement démontrer le fonctionnement de la dépendance paradoxale entre ces deux fonctions sur un activateur de transcription. Le DAD, a été observé dans plusieurs facteurs de transcription incluant la protéine suppresseur de tumeur p53 et le facteur de différenciation érythrocyte EKLF. Un aspect particulier des DAD est que la composition de leur séquence d’acide aminé est fortement similaire à celle des domaines de liaison à l’ubiquitine (UBD) qui jouent un rôle clé dans le contrôle de la transcription à travers leur interaction non-covalente avec l’ubiquitine. Ainsi, dans ce mémoire, nous avons étudié la possibilité que les TAD acides soient capables d’agir comme UBD pour réguler leur fonction paradoxale à travers des interactions non-covalentes avec l’ubiquitine. L’analyse est faite en utilisant la résonnance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) ainsi qu’avec des essais fonctionnels de dégradation. En somme, cette étude amène une plus grande compréhension des protéines impliquées dans le contrôle des TAD et caractérise le tout premier exemple de TAD capable d’interagir avec l’ubiquitine. / Acidic transactivating domains have been shown to be potential targets for a number of different therapies but their dynamic nature and their ability to bind many interacting partners has made it difficult to fully understand their functioning mechanisms. What we do know about these domains is that they readily control transcription through a myriad of interactions capable of either activating specific aspects of their function or simply, signal for their own demise. Within the acidic TADs lies an unusual degradation/activation domain (DAD) capable of activating transcription at the cost of its degradation. In other words, DAD transcriptional activation is dependent on the degradation of the protein. Such a phenomenon could be explained by a wide variety of hypotheses like the play of post-translational modifications, co-factors, or maybe just a really sophisticated time scaled network of interactions. However, no concrete explanation of how this dual dependent functioning domain works has yet to surface. The DAD has been observed within acidic TADs of several transcription factors including the tumor suppressor p53 and the red blood cell differentiation factor EKLF. Interestingly though, the amino acid sequence composition of DADs share a strong similarity with several types of sequences from domains that bind ubiquitin (UBDs). These domains have been shown in the past to, in addition to their role in degradation, play a key role in regulating transcription through non-covalent interaction with ubiquitin. Hence, in this project, we investigated weather acidic TADs had the ability to function as UBDs and form non-covalent interactions with ubiquitin and also to determine the functional significance of this interaction in regards to the dual function of acidic TADs.

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