Spelling suggestions: "subject:"universal basis income""
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UBI Perspectives: Apathy and Advocacy : A Comparative Study on Political Interest and the Support of Universal Basic IncomeKlefbom, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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The Problem of Idleness: An Arendtian Justification of Universal Basic Income in the Face of Mass AutomationLewicki, James 11 June 2019 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with a fundamental problem at the heart of Arendt’s The Human Condition—namely, ‘the problem of idleness’. This problem is related to the three types of human Arendt identifies as correlated to dominant activities in one’s life, animal laborans, homo faber, and the acting person. It explores Arendt’s predictions of an oncoming automation crisis, and the possibility of a corresponding crisis in the production—consumption cycle. The problem of idleness can be understood as the claim that if people are provided freedom from job-holding so that they may pursue other activities, they would likely turn to consumption to occupy their time. I claim that this problem of idleness is important in any consideration of an oncoming automation crisis, especially in relation to Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a solution to such a crisis. I claim that there is a hole in the UBI literature concerning this problem of idleness, and if left unaddressed it would result in both an ineffective UBI, and in a crisis of meaning for the general populace. This dissertation demonstrates what the problem of idleness is, why it is important, and what possible solutions exist. This contributes to the UBI literature by diagnosing and attempting to solve a gap in the literature which I argue would cause practical challenges in the implementation and stability of a UBI system. I also contribute to the Arendtian literature by problematizing traditional readings of Arendt, and offering a reappraisal of her thought on Marx, art, and the social.
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Historický vývoj koncepce Univerzálního základního příjmu / The historical development of the concept Universal Basic IncomeMinářová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to record The historical development of political and political science concept of Universal Basic Income, it tries to map from its beginnings to the present. This thesis will handle the Universal Basic Income as that described by Thomas More and by Johannes Ludovicus Vives. Thesis will focus on their later critics from series of economic and philosophical thinkers and political scientists. UBI will build on these theorists modern ideas which will then be compared with previous authors. This thesis will show the development and deepening of ideas of Universal Basic Income through comparison of the concept of individual authors.
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World Automatic (((((The Really Real Project)))))Mayer, Jonna January 2019 (has links)
In a prospective post-work society, a select group of citizens participate in a cross-temporal project. As we follow along their journeys, questions arise. How does time move when it is no longer a commodity? What is design in the age of rampant robotics? How do we define creativity? What is wasted potential, and is it possible to be a failure? Most importantly, can fiction teach us anything about reality?
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Univerzální příjem jako politický koncept a nenaplněná sociální realita / Universal basic income as a political concept and unfulfilled social realityNavrátil, Marek January 2020 (has links)
The master's thesis Universal basic income as a political concept and unfulfilled social reality puts focus on the concept of universalism in social policy and the possibilities of introducing its elements in the Czech Republic. The global discussion of the philosophy of social support and the popularised idea of unconditional financial transfers from the state to all citizens are thus translated into the Czech environment. The goal is to evaluate the instances hitherto applied at home and abroad, consider the perks and shortcomings of universal income, set the discussion within the contemporary Czech social framework, and assess whether it is realistic to implement reforms of this kind. The first chapter describes universal income as a concept, the second evaluates the history of universalism in the Czech Republic, the third provides an overview of the current Czech social system, and the fourth ponders possible avenues of implementing universalist reforms. The thesis aims to verify two hypotheses: the first one is to determine to which extent previous forms of universalism in the Czech environment proved to be successful; the second deals with the possibility and merits of introducing further blanket instruments in 2020. In both cases, the research puts emphasis on cash transfers to the...
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Revenu minimum garanti et réciprocité : une critique de l’objection de l’exploitationTrottier-Bouthillette, Arnaud 08 1900 (has links)
L’objection de l’exploitation est couramment soulevée lorsqu’il est question de l’implémentation d’un revenu minimum garanti. Celle-ci stipule que le versement d’un revenu minimum sans attente de contrepartie est fondamentalement injuste pour les travailleurs. Ce mémoire conteste cette objection en démontrant qu’un revenu minimum garanti ne pose pas de danger fondamental à la balance de la réciprocité. Dans le premier chapitre, la façon dont un revenu minimum garanti est financé est abordée. Il y est montré que les coûts d’un tel programme peuvent être couverts avec une taxe sur les ressources appartenant à la collectivité, sans toucher aux avoirs des travailleurs. Le second chapitre porte sur une comparaison entre le revenu minimum garanti et un revenu basé sur la participation. Elle permet de mettre en lumière les nombreux désavantages de cette deuxième option, sa mise en place risquant d’entraîner d’importants coûts financiers et humains. Le troisième chapitre s’attaque à l’objection de l’exploitation telle que formulée par Gijs van Donselaar. Les preuves qu’il fournit sont toutefois jugées insuffisantes et la thèse selon laquelle le versement d’un revenu minimum garanti encourage le parasitisme est réfutée. En ce qui concerne la perception qu’ont les travailleurs du revenu minimum garanti, il est argué qu’ils peuvent être convaincus du bien-fondé de ce programme en faisant appel à certaines valeurs centrales aux démocraties. Le dernier chapitre poursuit cette réflexion en montrant qu’un revenu minimum garanti peut être financé sans recourir à de nouvelles taxes, ce qui est expliqué en faisant appel à la théorie monétaire moderne. / The exploitation objection is commonly raised whenever the implementation of a universal basic income is mentionned. It stipulates that the payment of a minimum income without any form of obligation in return is fundamentally unfair to workers. This thesis challenges this objection and aims to show that a universal basic income does not pose any fundamental threat to the balance of reciprocity. In the first chapter, the way in which a universal basic income can be paid for is discussed. I show that such a program can be entirely funded using taxes on resources equally owned by all members of society, leaving workers’ earnings unspoiled. The second chapter focuses on a comparison between a universal basic income and a participation income. This discussion highlights the many disadvantages of the latter, the implementation of which could lead to significant financial and human costs. The third chapter tackles the exploitation objection directly, as formulated by Gijs van Donselaar. He provides insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the payment of a universal basic income encourages free-riding and his argument is therefore rejected. This leads to a closer inspection of the workers' perception of a universal basic income, which concludes that they can be convinced of the legitimacy of such program by appealing to intrinsically democratic values. The last chapter pursues this reflection by showing that a universal basic income can be implemented without resorting to new taxes, which is supported by modern monetary theory.
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Universal Basic Income from a psychological perspective / Mental health trajectories in dependence of work motivation and interindividual differencesMalinka, Julia 07 October 2024 (has links)
Ein Grundeinkommen, ohne Bedingungen, für ein Jahr. Ein Einkommen, welches in seiner Höhe die Existenz sichert und Teilhabe ermöglicht. Während aller „ups and downs“ des Lebens, aller Freudensprünge und Schicksalsschläge. Während des Alltags und des Urlaubs, während Krankheit und Pandemie. Unabhängig von Geschlecht, Alter, Bildung, Herkunft oder tätigkeitsbezogenen Einkommen. Wenig ist bekannt über die Wirkungsweise eines solchen Grundeinkommens, da nur wenige wissenschaftliche Studien existieren. Ziel der Dissertation ist es, die Verläufe mentaler Gesundheit zu untersuchen und ausgewählte Determinanten aus der Arbeitsmotivationsforschung sowie auf Ebene der interindividuellen Unterschiede zu identifizieren.
Der empirische Teil der Dissertation besteht aus zwei Studien. Die erste befasst sich mit den Einflüssen von der Qualität der Arbeitsmotivation und von der Bedürfnisbefriedigung bei der Arbeit auf die Verläufe mentaler Gesundheit. In der Studie wurden Berufstätige während eines Jahres mit monatlichem Grundeinkommen untersucht (N = 357). Die Analyse wurde mit Strukturgleichungsmodellen durchgeführt und zeigte, dass die mentale Gesundheit während des Grundeinkommens stieg. Als zentraler Prädiktor für das Wachstum konnte die selbstbestimmte, autonome Arbeitsmotivation herausgestellt werden. Geringe Ausprägungen der autonomen Arbeitsmotivation waren assoziiert mit Wachstum in mentaler Gesundheit, was auf einen kompensatorischen Effekt des Grundeinkommens deutet. Die zweite Studie (N = 573) untersuchte den Einfluss von interindividuellen Unterschieden auf die Verläufe der mentalen Gesundheit. Es konnten Persönlichkeitseigenschaften und persönliche Werte identifiziert werden, welche die Verläufe der mentalen Gesundheit vorhersagten. Die Dissertation diskutiert die Implikationen für die mentale Gesundheit, für das jeweilige Forschungsfeld, führt die Ergebnisse zusammen und gibt einen Ausblick für die Praxis und die weitere Forschung mit Grundeinkommen. / A universal basic income, without conditions, for one year. An income that secures the subsistence and enables participation in society. Through all the ups and downs of life, all the leaps of joy and blows of fate. During everyday life and vacations, during illness and pandemics. Regardless of gender, age, education, heritage or activity-related income. Little is known about the effects of such a basic income, as only a few scientific studies exist. The aim of the dissertation is to investigate the trajectories of mental health and to identify selected determinants from work motivation research and at the level of interindividual differences.
The empirical part of the dissertation consists of two studies. The first deals with the influences of the quality of work motivation and the satisfaction of needs at work on the trajectories of mental health. In the study, working people were examined during one year with a monthly basic income (N = 357). The analysis was carried out using structural equation modeling and showed that mental health increased during the basic income. Self-determined, autonomous work motivation was identified as a key predictor of growth. Low levels of autonomous work motivation were associated with growth in mental health, indicating a compensatory effect of the basic income. The second study (N = 573) examined the influence of interindividual differences on the trajectories of mental health. Personality traits and personal values were identified that predicted mental health trajectories. The dissertation discusses the implications for mental health, for the respective research field, summarizes the results and provides an outlook for practice and further research with basic income.
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Master's thesis Polyamory Design Unit (PDU) explores the possibilities of collaboration between experts being active in fine arts, product design, graphic design, architecture and philosophy in order to create a speculative future scenario. Together with Jana Trundova, Simon Barak, Ondrej Mohyla and Lukas Likavcan, I create the concept and the presentation structure for a housing complex, which is designed for polyamoric coexistence of human and non-human entities. Such a coexistence is made possible by full automation of work and global implementation of universal basic income. These initial parameters constitute a big emancipatory potential, that could change present meaning of the concept of polyamory and thus redefine networks of relations in bigger scales too.
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