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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den semiotiska järnburen : Förunderlig balansakt i utbrytarkonstens gränsland / The semiotic iron cage : Wondrous balancing act in the liminal land of escape artistry

Hiort af Ornäs, Alice January 2021 (has links)
This essay analyses escape artistry and its relation to body and mind. Drawing mainly from Finnish escape artist Uno Sunell’s life and advertisements for circus and vaudeville, escape artistry is analysed in relation to two themes: body – mind, and disenchantment – sense of wonder. The theoretical framework consists of modern performance theory influenced by Asian cultural traditions, combined with Deleuze’s and Guattari’s concept Body without Organs. The analysis is divided into two main parts. The first part shows how escape artistry incorporates spiritualistic and exotic elements in the performance, how it addresses contemporary ideals of masculinity, and how it makes use of pain to inspire a sense of wonder in the audience. The second part is a reflection on escape artistry in relation to its historical context, focusing on the biography of escape artist Uno Sunell. Here, the relationship between individual and stage persona is discussed in relation to mental and physical illness, authorities and disciplinary institutions, and the economic strains on the travelling entertainer.

Självkörande bil / Self-driving car

Malekighalehabdolreza, Ahmad January 2022 (has links)
Göteborgs Tekniska College valde att starta en ny kurs våren 2018 inom Teknik specialisering. Kursen skulle inkludera ett större projekt där deltagarna får bygga en självkörande bil i en ”uppkopplad stadsmiljö” med målet att utveckla och tillämpa färdigheter inom programmering, elektronik och projektutförande. Inom dessa ramar syftar examensarbetet att ta fram teoretiskt och praktiskt material för att framställa en prototyp för en automatiserad bil och kursens genomförande. Teorimaterialet innehåller kunskap som krävs utav elever för att kunna bygga en självkörande bil (autonom bil). Den praktiska delen innebär att bygga en fungerande självkörande bil så att den kan navigera sig fram inom ett avgränsat område utan att kollidera med något föremål. Kursupplägget skall genomföras på ett pedagogiskt sätt i syfte att deltagarna senare, med hjälp av sina kunskaper, kan genomföra projektet kring den självkörande bilen. Utifrån detta syfte har följande problemställningar formulerats: (i) Designa en billig och enkel autonom bil som ska kunna följa vägmarkeringar på marken, förflytta sig självständigt mellan två punkter och undvika hinder. (ii) Utarbeta ett kursupplägg för en projektbaserad kurs som ska uppfylla vissa kursmål. För att kunna uppfylla syftet har tidigare forskning om autonoma bilar studerats för att få en helhetsinsikt i byggnation och styrning samt vad man behöver tänka på vid implementering av autonoma bilar. När det gäller kursupplägg har teorier om teknikinlärning via projekt legat till grund för planering och genomförandet. Resultatet blev en fungerande autonom bil som var uppbyggd av de valda komponenterna. Under laborationstillfällena har deltagarna utvecklat kunskaper om funktion och egenskaper hos analoga och digitala elektronikkomponenter. Undervisningsmetoden projektbaserat lärande skapade förutsättningar för deltagarna att utveckla förmågor i problemlösning, samarbete och planering, vilket i sin tur ledde till en fullständig projektprocess och en fungerande slutprodukt. / In the spring of 2018, Gothenburg’s Technical College decided to start a new course in technology specialization. The course would include a larger project where participants build a self-driving car with the goal of developing and applying skills in programming, electronics, and project execution. Within this framework, the thesis aims to prepare theoretical and practical material to produce a prototype for an automated car as well as for the implementation of the course. The theoretical material contains knowledge required of students to be able to build a self-driving car (autonomous). The practical element involves building a functioning self-driving car so that it can navigate within a specified area without colliding with objects. The course should be carried out in a pedagogical way with the aim that the participants can later, with the help of their knowledge, carry out the project of the self-driving car. Based on this aim, the following problems have been formulated: (i) Design a cheap and simple autonomous car that should be able to follow road markings, navigate independently between two points and avoid obstacles. (ii) Develop a course design for a project-based course that must meet certain course goals. To fulfill this aim, previous research on autonomous cars has been studied to gain an overall insight into construction and control as well as what needs to be considered when implementing autonomous cars. In terms of course design, literature on project-based technology learning has been the basis for course implementation. The result was a functioning autonomous car, built by the selected components. During the laboratory sessions, the participants developed knowledge of the function and properties of analog and digital electronic components. The teaching method project-based learning created conditions for the participants to develop abilities in problem solving, collaboration and planning, which in turn led to a complete project process and a functioning final product.


DEYSIELLE COSTA DAS CHAGAS 30 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar como o desenvolvimento da noção de Uno em Plotino – princípio radicalmente unitário e transcendente de seu sistema – pode responder aos problemas apresentados por Platão acerca da unidade dos princípios-Formas no diálogo Parmênides. Para tanto, primeiramente busca-se compreender a construção e a apresentação das principais teses que constituem a clássica Teoria das Formas platônica presentes na primeira parte do Parmênides (127a-137c), bem como as aporias delas resultantes. Uma vez que os princípios-Formas são concebidos nesta parte do diálogo enquanto unidades separadas, sendo em si e por si (autò kath’autò), quatro principais aporias resultam desta concepção: 1) o estabelecimento da população do mundo das Formas, 2) a impossibilidade da relação de causalidade entre Formas e a multiplicidade dos objetos sensíveis, 3) a Aporia (ou Argumento) do Terceiro Homem (ATH) e 4) a incognoscibilidade das Formas. Posteriormente, apresenta-se o intrincado desenvolvimento do exercício de hipóteses que constitui a segunda parte do Parmênides (137c-166c), sobretudo no que diz respeito ao problema das antinomias (ou aparentes antinomias), à discussão sobre o status da passagem 155e-157b e à interpretação neoplatônica dessas questões a partir da noção de sujeito das hipóteses. Logo após, examina-se especificamente a interpretação plotiniana das hipóteses presentes na segunda parte do Parmênides, tomando como base a citação direta que se encontra no tratado V 1 [10], a partir da qual Plotino justifica a arquitetura de seu sistema com base nas três hipóstases principais, a saber: o Uno, a Inteligência e a Alma, sendo o Uno o princípio, fundamento e finalidade de toda a realidade. Cada uma dessas hipóstases corresponderá, segundo Plotino, ao sujeito das três primeiras hipóteses do Parmênides. Por fim, descreveremos como Plotino, a partir deste seu princípio radicalmente unitário e transcendente – o Uno – e de toda a estruturação de sua henologia, parece apontar para outros caminhos que escapam das aporias presentes na primeira parte do Parmênides. Para tanto, apresentaremos as concepções plotinianas de 1) radicalidade da transcendência, 2) emanação ou teoria da dupla atividade, 3) distinção de semelhança e 4) inefabilidade do Uno. Cada uma delas, respectivamente, nos auxiliará na análise de cada uma das principais aporias resultantes da unidade dos princípios-Formas presentes na primeira parte do Parmênides. / [en] This thesis objective is to analyze how the development of the notion of the One in Plotinus – the radically unitary principle of his system – can answer the problems presented by Plato, namely the problems about the unity of the Forms in the Parmenides dialogue. In order to do that, we first reconstruct the platonic presentation of the Theory of Forms in the first part of Parmenides (127a-137c), as well as the resulting aporias. Since the Forms are conceived in this part of the dialogue as separated unities, being in itself and for itself (autò kath’autò), four major aporias result from such conception: 1) the constitution of world of the Forms, 2) the impossibility of the relation of causality between Forms and the multiplicity of the sensible objects, 3) the Third Man Aporia (or Argument), and 4) the unknowability of the Forms. Later, we present the difficult development of the exercise of hypotheses that constitute the second part of the Parmenides (137c-166c), especially regarding the problem of antinomies (or apparent antinomies), the discussion about the status of the 155e-157b lines and the neoplatonic interpretation of these questions under the perspective of the diferente subjects of the hypotheses. Next, we specifically examine the Plotinian interpretation of the hypotheses in the second part of the Parmenides, based on direct quotation from the treatise V 1 [10], where Plotinus justifies the architecture of his system based on the three major hypostases, i.e.: the One, the Intelligence and the Soul, being the One the principle, the foundation and finality of all reality. According to Plotinus, each of these three hypostases corresponds to the subject of the first three hypotheses of the Parmenides. Finaly, we describe how Plotinus seems to point to different ways to escape the aporias of the first part of the Parmenides. These ways, are based on Plotinus s radically unitary and radically transcendent One, together with the structure of his henology. Thus, this last moment develops the Plotinian conceptions of 1) transcendence radicality, 2) emanation or the theory of double activity, 3) likeness distinction, and 4) ineffability of the One. Each one these concepts will, respectively, help in the analysis of each of the main aporias from the first part of the Parmenides.

Dokumentation av matavfall med hjälp av röstinmatning : En studie om röstinmatning skulle kunna ersätta papper och penna som mätmetod för matsvinn

Chen, Elisabeth, Stenhav, Hîvron January 2020 (has links)
The first part of the report reads up on food waste and makes account for how to reduce food waste in households by documenting it. The goal of this project is to examine how a measure of method consisting of voice commands is working as compared to a classic method of measurement with paper and pen. Food waste is a big issue and to decrease food waste, it is important to document this waste in several ways. Since food waste can include different kinds of food depending on how it’s phrased, the concept of food waste is described as both food that could have been eaten but also food that could not be eaten. In studies of food waste, taking notes is a common method of measurement – but it has couple of flaws. In example subjects often forget to take notes when this is required. In this study we are investigating how voice control could be a new alternative to log food waste. The problem statement is based on whether households find easier to log something with the help of voice commands rather than writing it down with paper and pen. We have built a system that will be tested on five subjects. The subjects of the study will use voice commands with a Google Home Mini. In this study they will use voice commands while documenting food waste in each subject’s household, this will be going on in single households. To analyse the data there will be a trashcan prototype created which counts each time something is thrown in the bin. With the help of the counter there will be a possibility to examine if more food waste is thrown than being logged. Furthermore, every interaction with the voice control that is related to food waste will be saved in a spreadsheet. In the method section, an analysis of how the five subjects will be tested is done. The first week the subjects will log food waste by voice commands and will only be using the prototype that was created as the designated food waste bin. The second week, subjects will log on to paper and pen instead. Finally, the prototypes are collected to analyse the data on the microcontroller as well as the logged data collected in a spreadsheet. Qualitative data is gathered through a survey. The result indicated that the majority preferred voice control as a measurement method once it worked, deficiencies such as communication problems were a major reason why this method was not the most optimal. One subject preferred the measurement method with paper and pen over voice control. Several test subjects thought it was difficult to keep track of paper and pencil but appreciated that it was a safe method of measurement in which they could see what was on the paper. This study is of interest to systems where voice control is used in, for example smart homes but also a contribution to the development of measurement methods. One conclusion in the study is that voice control is a possible measurement method but that more studies are needed in the subject. / Matsvinn är ett stort problem och för att minska matsvinn är det viktigt att öka medvetenhet och kunskap om vad som slängs och varför. Eftersom matsvinn kan omfatta olika typer av livsmedel definieras begreppen matsvinn som mat som hade kunnat ätas och matavfall definieras som matsvinn samt oundvikligt matavfall. Vid forskning om matsvinn är anteckningar en vanlig datainsamlingsmetod, men den lider av brister där exempelvis testpersoner glömmer bort att anteckna. I denna studie undersöker vi möjligheterna att använda röststyrning som ett nytt alternativ till att logga matsvinn. Problemformuleringen grundar sig i att undersöka om hushåll anser att det är enklare att logga något med hjälp av röstkommandon jämfört med att skriva ned det med papper och penna. Vi har byggt ett system som testas på fem testpersoner. För att använda sig av röststyrning blev testpersonerna i studien tilldelade varsin Google Home Mini. I denna studie appliceras denna mätmetod på att mäta matsvinn i singelhushåll. För att analysera datan byggde varsin kompostpåsehållare som räknar varje gång svinn slängs i papperskorgen. Genom räknaren kan det undersökas om det slängs mer än det antecknas. Dessutom loggas allt testpersonerna säger till röstassistenten som har med matsvinn att göra. Första veckan under undersökningen loggades deltagarna allt de slängde med röstkommandon samt använder sig enbart av den givna prototypen för att slänga matsvinn. Andra veckan loggade deltagarna istället på papper och penna. Slutligen samlades prototyperna för att analysera datan på mikrokontrollern samt den loggade datan som samlades i ett kalkylark. Kvalitativ data samlades genom en enkät. Resultatet tyder på att majoriteten föredrog röststyrning som mätmetod när det väl fungerade, brister som kommunikationsproblem med röstassistenten var en stor anledning till varför denna metod inte var den mest optimala. En testperson föredrog mätmetoden med papper och penna framför röststyrning. Flera testpersoner tyckte att det var jobbigt att ha koll på papper och penna men uppskattade att det var en säker mätmetod då de kunde se vad som stod på pappret. Studien är av intresse för system där röststyrning används i exempelvis smarta hem men även ett bidrag till utveckling av mätmetoder. En slutsats i studien är att röststyrning är en möjlig mätmetod men att fler studier behövs göras i ämnet.

An Academic Assessment of the National Performance Network and Visual Artists Network: An Internship Academic Report

Swan, Rachel 01 May 2015 (has links)
This academic report was composed at the conclusion of a 480 hour internship with the National Performance Network/Visual Artists Network (NPN/VAN), summarized in Chapter Two. This report includes NPN/VAN’s mission, history, and organizational structure within Chapter One. Chapter Three is a SWOT analysis, and Chapter Four includes a summary of best practices, highlighting NPN/VAN’s intermediary and network structure. In conclusion, a series of suggestions are offered for further consideration.

Epistemologia apofática: a função da negação na obra De Docta Ignorantia

Mina, Fabiano de Oliveira 25 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabiano de Oliveira Mina.pdf: 1438012 bytes, checksum: 353d26d5873fa7aec6980e2cd3956e33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study, work under the Nicholas of Cusa s De Docta Ignorantia, aims to present an epistemology apophatic (denial knowledge) aiming at "function of denial", contributing to discussions relevant to the Theory of Knowledge, justified by the material produced little bias in this epistemological author and this work is compared to others in Brazil. Therefore, contributing to the appreciation of the Department of Religious Sciences. Fundamentally it is a theoretical analysis of the first two books in this same work, analyzing the limits of reason (ratio) before the intuition (intellectus), under the concepts Absolute Maximum, Privative Universe and Concrete Maximum, the relationship between Creator (One) and creature. The creation (explicatio) contained in God (complicatio) inevitably requires an "apophatic dialectic" that assumes the paradoxalidades in and of the world. Therefore, a Apophatic Philosophy". This requires that we become "ignorant scholars" / Esta dissertação, sob a obra De Docta Ignorantia de Nicolau de Cusa, tem como objetivo apresentar uma epistemologia apofática (conhecimento via negação) com vistas na função da negação , contribuindo para discussões pertinentes à Teoria do Conhecimento, justificado pelo pouco material produzido nesse viés epistemológico desse autor e obra se comparado a outros no Brasil. Portanto, contribuindo também para apreciação do Departamento de Ciências da Religião. Fundamentalmente é uma análise teórica dos dois primeiros livros dessa mesma obra, analisando os limites da razão (ratio) diante da intuição (intellectus), sob os conceitos Máximo Absoluto, Universo Privativo e Máximo Concreto, na relação entre Criador (Uno) e criatura. A criação (explicatio), contida em Deus (complicatio), inevitavelmente exige uma dialética apofática que assume as paradoxalidades no e do mundo. Portanto, uma Filosofia Apofática . Para isso é necessário que nos tornemos doutos ignorantes

Dominique de Villepin et le monde : visions et pratiques d'une politique étrangère. / Dominique de Villepin and the world : visions and practices of a foreign policy.

Tournayre, Nadine 24 June 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse l’élaboration de la politique étrangère de Dominique de Villepin - telle que voulue par le Président Chirac - en se basant tout d’abord sur l’étude de la personnalité du ministre : Comment y a-t-il eu alors interaction entre son vécu, ses propres aspirations et la situation internationale à laquelle il a été confronté ? Chef de la diplomatie française de mai 2002 à mars 2004, il est arrivé au pouvoir à une période charnière. En effet, les attentats du 11 septembre ont eu pour conséquence la mise en place par l’Administration Bush d’un processus qui devait conduire à la guerre en Irak, mais aussi à une grave crise des principes internationaux. Pendant la crise irakienne, le ministre a essayé de défendre le droit contre la force, la négociation contre un certain arbitraire, le dialogue entre les cultures contre le choc des civilisations. Parallèlement, la crise en Côte d’Ivoire a été l’un autre enjeu de la politique de D. de Villepin, qui a notamment promu le rôle des organisations régionales. Les enjeux internationaux n’ont pas été les seuls champs d’action du ministre : de la Convention pour l’avenir de l’Europe à l’échec en France du référendum constitutionnel, de l’intégration dans l’Union des anciens pays de l’Est à la question des limites de l’Europe, la construction européenne a également été l’un des grands enjeux de son passage sur la scène politique française. À ce sujet d’ailleurs, nous analyserons la réception de sa politique, en élargissant notre propos à l’Amérique et à certains États de l’Union européenne. Enfin, nous essayerons de voir quelle peut être la pérennité de sa théorie des relations internationales, qu’il a longuement développée tant sur le fond – en voulant développer de nouveaux instruments de négociation – que sur la forme, avec toute l’importance qu’il a pu accorder au verbe. / This research analyses the making of Dominique de Villepin’s foreign policy - as decided by President Chirac – by studying in a first time the Minister personnality : so, how could an interaction be between his real-life, his own longings and the international context he had to face up? Head of French diplomacy from May, 2002 to March, 2004, he came into office in a transition period. Indeed, a consequence of 9-11 attacks was the process set up by the Bush administration, which would lead to war in Iraq, but to a serious crisis of international principles too. During Iraqi crisis, the Minister tried to defend law against strength, negotiation against some arbitrariness, dialogue between civilizations against clash of civilizations. At the same time, the Ivorian crisis has been one of the other stakes in D. de Villepin’s policy, who particularly promoted the role of regional organizations. International challenges were not the minister’s only sphere of activity : From the Convention for the Future of Europe to the constitutional referendum failure in France, from the former Eastern countries integration in EU to the limits of Europe matter, European construction was one of great stakes of his come by the French political stage. On that subject, we will analyze his policy reception, widening our remarks to America and to some countries of the European Union. At least, we would try to see what could be his theory of international relationship, which was developed both on the content – by developing new negotiation tools – and on the form, with all the importance devoted to word.

Notwehrrecht und kollektive Verantwortung : die zeitliche Begrenzung des Rechts zur Selbstverteidigung nach Art. 51 UN-Charta im Licht von Handlungsinstrumenten des UN-Sicherheitsrats /

Voigtländer, René, January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Trier, 2001.

Die Behandlung privater Beschwerden über systematische und grobe Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der UN-Menschenrechtskommission : das 1503-Verfahren nach seiner Reform /

Irmscher, Tobias H. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Würzburg, 2001. / Engl. summary. Literaturverz. S. 690 - 703.

Formar professores que ensinam matemática: uma história do movimento das licenciaturas parceladas no Mato Grosso do Sul / To train teachers who teach mathematics: a history of the movement of the parceled graduation in Mato Grosso do Sul

Gonzales, Kátia Guerchi [UNESP] 19 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by KATIA GUERCHI GONZALES null (profkatiaguerchi@gmail.com) on 2017-08-13T15:08:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 texto_defesa_kátia_guerchi_gonzales.pdf: 39087457 bytes, checksum: 5a80e63df3dc562afbc5389214119056 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-08-18T19:07:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 gonzales_kg_dr_bauru.pdf: 39087457 bytes, checksum: 5a80e63df3dc562afbc5389214119056 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-18T19:07:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 gonzales_kg_dr_bauru.pdf: 39087457 bytes, checksum: 5a80e63df3dc562afbc5389214119056 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa busca compreender aspectos das Licenciaturas Parceladas que habilitavam professores para ensinar Matemática oferecidas pela Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso – UEMT e pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, respectivamente, nas décadas de 1970 e 1990. As perspectivas associadas às metodologias da História Oral e da Hermenêutica de Profundidade fornecem a sustentação teórica e metodológica do trabalho. Desse modo, mobilizamos fontes escritas disponíveis e também narrativas constituídas a partir da realização de entrevistas com pessoas que estiveram envolvidas de alguma forma com a idealização, criação e desenvolvimento desse modo de formação. Emergem deste estudo discussões acerca de situações particulares do contexto educacional da região em estudo, como a divisão de Mato Grosso Uno, a criação do Mato Grosso do Sul, as influências e disputas políticas; e as carências e urgências que permitiram que cursos como as Licenciaturas Parceladas fizessem parte da formação de professores de Matemática antes e depois da divisão do estado. / The main goal of this research to understand the creation and development of the so called Parceled Graduation which main focus was the formation of math teachers. Such courses were offered by Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso – UEMT- and Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS, respectively in the 70's and 90's. The methodological framework was given by Oral History and Thompson’s Hermeneutics of the Depth. Particular remarks on the regional context emerge from the analytic process: the division of Mato Grosso state, the creation of Mato Grosso do Sul state, the influences and political disputes, deficiencies and urgencies that allowed graduations like Parceled Graduation to be essential for Mathematics teachers formation.

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