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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obstacle Avoidance and Line Following 2WD Robot

Sai Chaya Mounika, Mudragada, Devi Venkata Shanmukha Sai Lohith, Bondada January 2020 (has links)
We use autonomous line-following robots in various industrial environments, surveillance applications, and construction and mining industries for object transportation tasks where rail, conveyer, and gantry solutions are unavailable. They help us reduce the work process and improve efficiency. In this report, we will illustrate how a 2WD robot can move on a predefined path and detect obstacles along the way. In this project, we have used a proximity sensor to detect the obstacle in the path and turn the robot from the obstacle. Also, we used an IR sensor so that robot could follow along the predefined path. The used in the project sensors were connected to Arduino UNO, which was programmed to control the robot's movements and decisions. By employing these two techniques, we can efficiently use such robots in various scenarios. For example, in the current Covid scenario, physical contact has become minimal, so if we use this line-following robot to deliver medicines to the patient, the physical contact between people can be reduced. The obstacle avoidance robot technique can be used in cars to improve safety. If an obstacle is detected in the path of the car and the driver does not apply the brakes, this type of technique can be used to bring the car to a stop by applying breaks. Using the proposed robotic techniques we can save time and work efficiently with minimal physical touch. Overall, the project achieved its primary goal of moving the robot on a predefined path and detecting obstacles on the path

Precision Court Sweeper / Tennisborste

Alke, Jenny, Sandahl, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Tennis is a popular sport and in summer it’s often played outside. When an outdoors tennis court has been used it needs to be brushed. First the whole court is brushed witha large brush and then the white lines with a smaller brush. The aim of this thesis was to design and build a working prototype of a robot who can do all of this by itself i.e sweep the court and then the white lines. The budget for components to the prototype was limited to 1 000 SEK. Tools and other resources such as 3D-printers, soldering equipment and laser cutters was provided by KTH for free. First information and inspiration about self-driving cars and driving patterns was collected and some important sources were old bachelor’s thesis. Then, needed components and dimensions could be determined. In this project the main components were an Arduino Uno, two DC motors, an L298H-bridge, an ultra sonic distance sensor, an on/off switch, AAA batteries and a 9 V battery. The conclusions that could been drawn was that the robot can work good enough to sweep a court with only a preprogrammed path. However, to sweep the white lines, sensors would be necessary. It could also be concluded that a robot could sweep the court at the same speed as two people could do it. / Tennis är en populär sport och på sommaren spelas den ofta utomhus. När en utomhustennisbana har använts måste den borstas. Först borstas hela banan med en stor borste och sedan de vita linjerna med en mindre borste. Syftet med denna uppsats var att designa och bygga en fungerande prototyp av en robot som kan göra allt detta av sig själv dvs. sopa tennisbanan och sedan de vita linjerna. Budgeten för komponenter till prototypen var begränsad till 1000 SEK. Verktyg och andra resurser så som 3D-skrivare, lödutrustning och laserskärare tillhandahölls av KTH gratis. Det första som gjordes var att samla information och inspiration om självkörande bilar och olika körmönster och några viktiga källor var gamla kandidatexamensuppsatser. Sedan kunde nödvändiga komponenter och dimensioner bestämmas. I detta projekt var huvudkomponenterna en Arduino Uno, två DC-motorer, en L298 H-brygga, en ultraljudssensor, en på/av-omkopplare, AAA-batterier och ett 9 V batteri. Slutsatserna som kunde dras var att roboten kan fungera tillräckligt bra för att borsta en tennisbana med endast en förprogrammerad bana. För att sopa de vita linjerna skulle sensorer dock vara nödvändiga. En annan slutsats var att en robot kan sopa banan på samma tid som det krävs för två personer att sopa varsin halva.

Automated Solar Panel Shield : An IoT Approach

Rangannagari, Raghu Vamsi Sai, Deverakonda, Sri Phani January 2022 (has links)
Context: Solar panels are exposed to different weather conditions and get damaged. Sand storms and hail storms could cause serious damage. However, they need to be used for human survival in almost every harsh condition possible. Objectives: Our goal is to design and create a working prototype of an automated solar panel shield. The meteorological conditions around the solar panels should be monitored, including wind speed, air quality, rain, and humidity. The shield automatically protects the solar panel based on the sensor data. The solar shield should even protect panels from harm from small animals. Methods: A microcontroller Arduino Uno is used. Various sensors are used to monitor multiple weather conditions, including an ultrasonic sensor, a rain sensor, a smoke sensor, and a custom-built anemometer. Based on daylight status, the stepper motor is activated to roll up the protective cover over the solar panel. Results: The output from all the sensors and actuators is verified. The values of the sensors are updated in the web application, the user can use that. The web application is used to monitor the weather conditions around solar panels. Conclusions: An working model of the shield is made, in addition, a cleaning system is made. A bird deterring system is also included. All the additional sensors for monitoring can be used for performance automation.

Smart medicine alerting system

Nali, Kuladeep January 2022 (has links)
What is the purpose of medication? It’s job is to cure a disease.But taking medicine at the perfect time will definitely help anyonecure diseases immediately. There are so many situations when missingmedicine timing might happen unintentionally or even expected. Forexample, there are diabetic people who miss their shot of dose atperfect timing. Another example is the people with memory issuesdue to age or disease.There are many situations where missing medicine might causeproblems. Mainly in crisis situation like in hospital we need a re-minder that helps people take the preferred medicine at specified time.So that will be the problem statement of this thesis.The main objective of the thesis is to notify patient take correctmedicine with the help of easy equipment. When elders have a prob-lem we admit them in hospitals but due to COVID epidemic situa-tions hospitals are understaffed. Because of that the patients in hos-pitals may not be treated well. The personal has a busy schedule withCOVID situations so they can’t care must about each and every singledetails. This might causes major problems while giving minute dosesto patient where a 1mg medication change can lead to severe problemsfor a patients health condition. By providing a proper check up withpatient we can solve those problems more effectively.

Kollektive Nichtanerkennung illegaler Staaten : Grundlagen und Rechtsfolgen einer international koordinierten Sanktion, dargestellt am Beispiel der Türkischen Republik Nord-Zypern /

Talmon, Stefan. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Habil.-Schr.--Tübingen, 2002. / Literaturverz. S. [887] - 934.

Die Rechtmäßigkeit von UNO-Wirtschaftssanktionen in Anbetracht ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Zivilbevölkerung : Grenzen der Kompetenzen des Sicherheitsrates am Beispiel der Maßnahmen gegen den Irak und die Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien /

Starck, Karen Dorothee. January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Düsseldorf, 1998. / Literaturangaben.

Vývoj testovacího přípravku délkového snímače / Development of the testing device for length measurement

Kirchner, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Aim of this thesis is a verification of possibility to measure displacement in small range using sensor based on the principle of strain gauge. For testing purspose, an evaluating unit was designed, made and assembled. This unit contains analog/digital converter, LCD and it has an abbility to move measuring plane using stepper motor. Next part of this thesis is about testing new prototype of strain gauge sensor, including evaluation of results of measuring. The performed measurements were measuring linearity, time stability and repeatability. Based on the results of the measurements, the possibility of using this type of length measuring device was confirmed for further development.

Kommunikation inom kortspel

Ek, Ella, Koffman, Markus January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur olika kommunikationsmedel påverkar kortspelare, och vilken kommunikationsmetod som skulle vara mest gynnsam i olika situationer. Foruminlägg indikerar att bristen på kommunikationsmetoder i kortspel är ett problem, eftersom det begränsar social interaktion mellan spelare. Metoden var att låta två olika grupper av personer spela kortspelet UNO, både analogt och digitalt under observation, med en intervju som sedan genomfördes efter varje spelomgång. Observationsanteckningarna och de transkriberade intervjuerna analyserades senare och en slutsats kunde dras. Det verkar som att olika kommunikationsmedel påverkar spelarna på varierande sätt. För omgångarna som inkluderade verbal kommunikation verkade spelarna mer avslappnade, eftersom deras konversationer var mycket växlande och innehöll mycket skratt. Under de analoga omgångarna använde spelarna sitt kroppsspråk, fick ögonkontakt och använde mycket ansiktsuttryck, något som inte kunde ses under de digitala rundorna. Under de digitala omgångarna verkade spelarna vara mycket mer fokuserade på spelet, eftersom inga andra spelare eller miljön distraherade deras spelande. Generellt verkade humöret och humorn vara högst under omgången där spelare kommunicerade via emotes, därför är det den mest fördelaktiga kommunikationsmetoden digitalt spelande. För analogt spelande är verbal kommunikation det vanligaste och mest fördelaktiga sättet att kommunicera vid spelandet av UNO. / The aim of this study was to investigate how different means of communications affect card game players, and which communication method would be the most beneficial in different scenarios. Forum posts indicate that the lack of communication methods in card games is a problem, since it limits social interaction between players. The method was to let two different groups of people play the card game UNO, both analogous and digitally under observation, with an interview then being carried through after each game round. The observation notes and the transcribed interviews were later analyzed, and a conclusion could be drawn. It seems different means of communication do affect the players in various ways. For the rounds that included verbal communication, the players would seem more relaxed, as their conversations were highly diverse, as well as containing a lot of laughter. During the analogous rounds, players used their body language, made eye contact, and used a lot of facial expressions, something that was not present during the digital rounds. However during the digital rounds, players seemed to be a lot more focused on the game, since no other players, or the environment were distracting their play. Generally the mood and humor seemed to be the highest during the round where players communicated via emotes, hence why it is the most beneficial communication method during digital play. For analogous play, verbal communication is the most common and beneficial way of communicating while playing UNO.

Internet of things connected notification device for people who are hard of hearing

Hang Shek, Wai, Geiger Ferotin, Thomas January 2022 (has links)
This degree project investigates the possibility to develop and re-design an IoT solution called NOT!FY, offered by the company Omnitor. NOT!FY is used by users who are hard of hearing or deaf as a complement to an accessibility communication application. It functions by registering incoming calls and activating a relay connected to, for example, a light source, notifying the user. The current problems that Omnitor experiences with NOT!FY is its price, production difficulties, size and design. The project will take on these problems by investigating the market of programmable devices and, through comparative analysis, choosing a platform to transfer and improve upon the current NOT!FY functionalities. The devices were decided together with Omnitor and a grant calculation was drafted to evaluate which units yielded the best profit. With the help of the grant calculation, Raspberry Pi Zero W and ESP8266 were the chosen devices. A basic evaluation was performed to verify that the implemented functions of ESP8266 and Raspberry Pi Zero W functioned as intended. An in-depth evaluation and functional verification were performed on the finalized prototype. It confirmed the prototype’s functionality and the possibility to replace the current product in use by Omnitor. / Detta projekt undersöker möjligheten att utveckla och designa om en IoT-lösning kallad NOT!FY, som erbjuds av företaget Omnitor AB. NOT!FY används av döva eller hörselskadade användare som ett komplement till en tillgänglighetsanpassad kommunikationsapplikation. Den fungerar genom att registrera inkommande samtal och aktivera ett relä som är anslutet till exempel en ljuskälla för att meddela användaren. De nuvarande problemen som Omnitor upplever med NOT!FY är dess pris, produktionssvårigheter, storlek och design. Projektet kommer att ta sig an dessa problem genom att undersöka marknaden för programmerbara enheter och genom en jämförande analys välja en plattform att överföra och förbättra funktionerna från den nuvarande produkten. Enheterna bestämdes tillsammans med Omnitor och en bidragskalkyl är framtagen för att utvärdera vilka enheter som gav bäst vinst. Med hjälp av bidragskalkylen var Raspberry Pi Zero W och ESP8266 de valda enheterna. En grundläggande utvärdering utfördes för att verifiera att de implementerade funktionerna i ESP8266 och Raspberry Pi Zero W fungerade som avsett. En mer ingående utvärdering och funktionell verifiering utfördes på den färdiga prototypen. Detta bekräftade prototypens funktionalitet och möjligheten att ersätta den nuvarande produkten som används av Omnitor.

Knock-Knock Door Lock : Unlocking your door with a secret knock sequence / Knack-Knack Öppna Tack

ANDERSSON, FILIP, BERGLING, DAVID January 2020 (has links)
The door lock - a key function in every modern home, as well as a product which is today undergoing drastic change. The digital revolution has not left the door lock untouched, and there is today a wide variety of digital door locks utilizing technologies ranging from touch displays to fingerprint readers. The premises of the project was to try a different approach to the digital door lock and implement it schoolyard-style using a secret knock sequence, set by the user. The secret sequence would consist of two elements, both a rhythmical and a positional pattern. To unlock the door, the user would therefore need to simultaneously knock the correct rhythm and knock at the correct positions. To record and analyze the knock vibrations, piezo electric sensors connected to an Arduino Uno were used. To unlock the door, a small servo motor, two gears and a timing belt were used to turn the lock turning knob . Despite a short time frame and hardships due to the limitations caused by the coronavirus outbreak, a fully functional prototype which fulfilled both reliability and consistency was achieved. It could with good consistency recognize the test sequence, which was the intro rhythm to ”We Will Rock You” knocked in a square pattern. But even with flawless functionality, the conclusion would have been the same. The security of the system may be exceptional from a technical perspective, but it falls flat when the human factor is taken into account. The ability for a potential burglar to simply watch as one executes the secret knock is too much of a security hazard for the system to ever be considered as a competitor to other alternatives. The usage of the system is therefore better suited for applications where the thrill of using the product is more important than the actual security of it. / Dörrlåset - en grundläggande funktion i varje modernt hem, och samtidigt en produkt som idag genomgår drastisk förändring. Som resultat av den digitala revolutionen finns det idag en uppsjö av olika digitala dörrlås som utnyttjar allt från touchskärmar till fingeravtrycksläsare. Syftet med projektet var att testa en annorlunda tappning på det digitala dörrlåset, och förverkliga något många hade drömt om i barndomen - ett dörrlås aktiverat genom ett eget hemligt knackningsmönster. Det hemliga knackningsmönstret skulle då bestå av både ett rytmiskt och ett positionellt mönster. Därmed skulle den som ville öppna dörren behöva knacka både rätt rytm, och på rätt ställen på dörren. För att spela in och analysera vibrationerna från knackningarna användes piezoelektriska sensorer kopplade till en Arduino Uno. Mekanismen som styrde själva upplåsningen bestod av en liten servomotor, två kugghjul och en kuggrem som kopplade samman det hela. Trots en begränsad tidsram och motgångar orsakade av coronaviruset lyckades en fullt fungerande prototyp med hög pålitlighet färdigställas. Den kunde med hög tillförlitlighet känns igen testsekvensen, som var introrytmen till ”We Will Rock You” knackat i mönstret av en kvadrat. Men även med felfri prestanda hade slutsatsen varit densamma. Säkerheten för systemet må vara exeptionell ur ett rent tekniskt perspektiv, men den faller platt när den mänskliga faktorn tas med i beräkningen. Risken att en potentiell inbrottstjuv helt enkelt tittar på när någon knackar det hemliga mönstret är för stor för att systemet någonsin skulle kunna betraktas som en seriös konkurrent till andra digitala dörrlås. Produkten är därmed bäst lämpad för användningsområden där nöjet av att använda den är av högre prioritet än själva säkerheten.

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