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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplevelsen av UX-design i korrelation till varumärke : En studie av fallet ICA

Gisle, Olivia, Wickman, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
This study's aim is to examine the correlation between UX-design (user experience design)and brand. This happens through focusing on studying the possible importance of UX-designas a communication means of a brand. The specific case that is studied is the potentialconnection between the less optimal UX-design at the company ICA’s application websiteand how well their brand is communicated to the study’s participants. Furthermore it isexamined if and why this has an effect on previously held values associated with ICA’sbrand. To fulfill the purpose three research questions were used: does ICA’s applicationwebsite have a less optimal UX-design according to the study’s participants?, does ICAmanage to communicate their key values through the application website, and in that casehow? And lastly in light of these findings, how did the participants’ opinions about ICAchange after using the website? To find the answers we conducted interviews and user testswith seven participants. In the user test the participants were given the task to apply for a jobusing ICA’s application website. While performing the task the participants used the“thinking aloud” method in which the participants verbalize their thoughts out loud whileinteracting with the application website. The result was analyzed using Don Norman’sDesign Principles, Farham and Newbery’s framework as well as Encoding/Decoding andRepresentation theory by Stuart Hall. The conclusion suggests that the application website isless than optimal both from a user perspective and from a theoretical perspective, which doesnot seem to successfully communicate ICA’s key values. In spite of this the experience didmostly not affect the participants values associated with ICA’s brand. Through the analysispotential reasons for this outcome were discussed; such as the participants already had a suchstrong perception of the brand that one part of the company’s website couldn’t change.Furthermore, through the previous research on brand, especially on employer branding andcustomer-company relationship, the importance of studying UX-designs role incommunicating a brand was examined briefly.

Task Performance with Space-time Cube Visualizations: Differences Between HoloLens and Desktop Users

Michael Saenz (5930819) 16 January 2019 (has links)
The researcher’s intent in this study was to understand users’ performance, specifically in terms of time, error and workload, in different display conditions while manipulating a space-time cube visualization. A convergent mixed-method design was applied to allow the researcher to better understand the research problems. In the study, time, error and perceived workload were investigated to test performance to detect if a display condition had a positive or negative influence on users’ abilities to perform a task. The qualitative data explored the differences in users’ experiences with the HoloLens and desktop<br>

Hur användarmotivation kan informera design av användarupplevelse : En fallstudie om vad som motiverar användare till kartografisk datadelning genom OSM baserade online-samhällen / How user motivation can inform user experience design : A case study on what motivates users to share cartographic data through OSM based online communities

Delic, Erna January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur kunskap om användarmotivation kan vara ett stöd för UX-design vid utformningen av online-samhällen för kartdatadelning. Studien är en fallstudie och baseras på undersökningen av att potentiellt använda sig av Open source map som grundkarta för cykelvägsapplikationen Cykelstaden som förvaltas av Trafikkontoret i Göteborg. Studien genomfördes genom en enkätundersökning, intervjuer med en kartograf och användare som nyttjar både Cykelstaden och olika kartdatadelningstjänster. Studiens delmål var även att undersöka vilken kontextuell information som önskas i ny och framtida användning av digital kartografi. Resultaten visar delvis på att användare utrryckligen vill vara delaktiga vid utformningen och utvecklingen av digitala tjänster. Korrelationen med studiens teoretiska implikationer visar att studier av användarmotivationer inför användningen av digital kartografi leder till att tjänsterna används och har för användare nytta. Resultaten pekar således på att kunskap om användarnas motivationsfaktorer och vad de drivs av vid användningen av digitala tjänster är en viktig framgångsfaktor för framtida digital utveckling av kartdatatjänster. Användarnas vilja och intresse för användarmedverkan kan således hjälpa till att bana vägen för en mer accepterad och tillämpad UX-design. / <p>Studenten påbörjade examensarbetet vt 2017 och slutförde arbetet vt 2018.</p> / -

Turning the Tides : A case study about integrating UX practices within a UX-immature organization

van der Werf, Marinus, Rundqvist, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
In an era where the customer has the power, creating not only usable but also satisfiable systems and applications is of importance. However, research shows that software development practices do not always allow user experience design to take place and gives little guidance regarding how to conduct and integrate UX work. Despite UX’ increased popularity, gained recognition and prior research efforts, organizations and companies still encounter challenges when trying to embrace this change to offer customers more than just a system that ‘works’. Much recognition has gone to the UX field of late, however organizations that lack knowledge, strategies or personnel can often feel powerless. Therefore, we set out to explore what an in-house IT-department without UX practitioners perceived as challenges when integrating UX work and practices. We conducted interviews with developers and project managers within an IT-department to get their opinions. In our study, we identified factors that seem to play a part when integrating UX – such as communication, UX maturity, prioritization and attitudes. Based on these findings, we visualized these factors in what we call a maturity map.

Självkörande fordons olika sätt att kommunicera med föraren : En studie på hur ett självkörande fordon kan kommunicera sin intention till föraren för att uppnå en tillräcklig nivå av tillit / Autonomous vehicles different ways to communicate with the driver : A study of how an autonomous vehicle can communicate its intention to the driver so appropriate levels of trust can be achieved

Stenseke, Wictor January 2017 (has links)
Självkörande fordon har med hjälp av den senaste teknologin utvecklats till att bli allt mer autonoma. Att fordonet kan ansvara för säkerhetskritiska funktioner som t.ex. styrning, broms och gas kräver en bra förståelse över vilka aspekter som kan ligga till grund för en lyckad interaktion mellan människa – maskin. Detta kräver också att den manuella föraren kan känna tillit till det automatiserade fordonet. Detta har gjort att förarens användarupplevelse (UX) har blivit allt viktigare vid interaktioner med självkörande fordon och relevant litteratur i området menar att tillit är en viktig del för en god användarupplevelse. I denna rapport presenteras olika aspekter som kan leda till ökad tillit gentemot automatiserade fordon. Litteratur har studerats för att hitta vilka aspekter som har särskild betydelse. Här visade det sig att den feedback som det autonoma systemet levererar till föraren är av stor betydelse. Feedbacken möjliggör att den manuella föraren slipper känna oro över vad det autonoma systemet utför för handlingar. Feedbacken bidrar också till att den manuella föraren vet och förstår om den behöver ta över kontrollen över fordonet. Forskningsfrågan som adresserades i studien var: ”Hur kan grafiska användargränssnitt designas för att kommunicera intention i självkörande fordon så föraren upplever en tillräcklig nivå av tillit?”. För att besvara forskningsfrågan användes en filmbaserad simulatorstudie där individers upplevelse av att ett grafiskt användargränssnitt kommunicerar fordonets intentioner undersöktes. Resultaten indikerar att grafiska användargränssnitt kan kommunicera ett självkörande fordons intentioner och att detta skulle kunna påverka en förares tillit till fordonet positivt. För att få djupare kunskap om detta rekommenderas det att framtida studier innefattar fler testdeltagare och att undersökningen utförs i en mer verklig kontext t.ex. i form av fordon ute i trafik eller i en avancerad bilsimulator. Genom att besvara forskningsfrågan kan ny kunskap erhållas där feedback gällande fordonets intentioner är i fokus.

Upplevd säkerhet i en digital låslösning : Att designa säkerhet

Gattzén, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
Det första mekaniska låset dateras till ungefär 4000 år sedan. Sedan dess har lås kommit att bli en allt mer central part av våra dagliga liv. Vad som i början skapades för att säkra skatter och hem utvecklades till att säkra mobiltelefoner, datasystem och kreditkort. Tillsammans med den digitala revolutionen kom ny teknologi och nya möjligheter. En av de möjligheterna är Internet of Things, vilket erbjuder användare att numera låsa up en dörr via sin mobiltelefon. Detta examensarbetet studerar användarupplevelsen och mänsklig respons av modaliteter i samband med en digital låslösning och hur design kan användas för att få användarna att känna sig säkra och trygga. Precis som intentionen var för 4000 år sedan. Resultatet blev en designutveckling av gränssnittet i en digital låslösning, som en adderad funktion till den befintliga produkten. Arbetet resulterade i en utveckling av deras produkt med en multimodal lösning som fokuserade på att öka den upplevda säkerheten.

Návrh uživatelského rozhraní a implementace aplikace pro vykonávání testů v nástroji TestLink / Design of user interface and implementation of application for test execution in TestLink

Skalický, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design a user interface and to implement an application that is used for test execution in test management tool TestLink. This application is designed to streamline and simplify the process of test execution in this tool. The theoretical part of the thesis describes features and the interface of TestLink and compares it with other similar tools. The practical part is focused on analysis, user interface design, and implementation of the application. The outcome of this thesis is in addition to the application itself also a library written in PHP, which is used for communication with the application programming interface of TestLink and which simplifies the creation of similar applications.

SaaS ve web designu / SaaS in Web Design

Míka, Filip January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is aimed to evaluate if the current SaaS market is able to meet functional re-quirements of web design in order to appropriately support web design's activities. The theoretical part introduces the web design model which describes web design's functional requirements. The next section presents a research concept that describes model assessment (i.e. solutions delivered as SaaS that support web design) and evaluation process. The results show that the current SaaS market is able to meet the requirements of web design in areas where SaaS solutions are able to provide an essential added value to customers in comparison to on-premise software.

Visual appeal versus usability : A quantitative analysis of the importance of visual appeal and usability in e-commerce

Haglund, Gustav, Mood Román, Clara January 2020 (has links)
Unappealing websites are rejected quickly upon visiting them, while visitors spend more time on visually appealing websites before judging its reliability; but to what extent can visual appeal alone carry the success of a website, and is it so powerful that good usability can be sacrificed? This paper studies the respective importance of visual appeal and usability in e-commerce as factors, in order to determine which factor plays the bigger role in generating trust and credibility for an e-commerce site, as credibility perception is highly correlated with its visual complexity. The relation between these two factors and the likelihood to make a purchase is also discussed. Two prototypes for a fictional consumer electronics e-commerce website were created: one with good design and flawed usability, and another with flawed design and good usability. These prototypes were shown to students aged 20-25 and asked which one they found more trustworthy and which they would rather make a purchase from. With the correlation between trust and purchase intention being apparent, the design of an e-commerce website for consumer electronics should focus mainly on the visual appeal. Usability seems to have some value, however it does not seem to be of the same importance as the visual appeal of the site in regards to generating trust, and consequently customers. The prototypes were constructed in Adobe XD, demonstrated with video recordings, and sent out in a survey to 70 students.

Exploring User Experience designers experiences working with Machine Learning

Bergström, Emil January 2021 (has links)
The user experience (UX) design practice (c.m.p interaction design practice) has started to make profound changes in designing intelligent digital services using Machine Learning (ML) to enhance the UX. ML has the capability to enhance the user’s experience, for example, facilitating more accurate decisions or improving efficiency in achieving one's goals. However, research suggests that ML is a challenging design material in design practice, such as not envisioning the best-suited solution because of not comprehending data dependency when prototyping or the lack of tools and methods for evaluating the solution. Without a doubt, ML opens new doors for UX designers to be creative in their practice. However, research indicates that lack of knowledge transfer into UX design practice may hamper this potential. This paper explores how UX designers experience ML. The findings resulted in 5 experiences: 1) Absence of competence, 2) Lack of incentive for competence development, 3) Challenging articulating design criteria, 4) Mature vs. Immature customers, 5) Lack of support for ethical concerns. I discuss the implications of these findings and propose how we can understand UX design practice and opportunities for additional design research to support designers working with ML.

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