Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ihlelo"" "subject:"ohlelo""
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Investigating the determinants of foreign portfolio investments in emerging marketsNgwenya, Rejoyce 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This study explored the determinants of foreign portfolio investment (FPI) in emerging
markets, using panel data analysis. In all three models, main data analysis using the
dynamic generalized methods of moments (GMM) approach showed that FPI was
positively and significantly by its own lag. This result confirms the view in the literature
(Barrell and Pain. 1999; Wheeler and Mody. 1992; Saini. 2000), which argues that
existing foreign investors attract other foreign investors as a result of the positive
spillovers that they generate. Financial development also had a positive and a significant
effect on FPI in all the three models under the fixed effects, random effects and the fully
modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS). Moreover, a significant positive relationship
running from financial development towards FPI was also detected in model 1 under the
pooled OLS method. The findings resonate with those of Bartels et al. (2009), whose
study observed that financial markets improve international mobility of capital through
their ability to make use of timely, cheaper and efficient to prospective foreign investors.
Model 2 produced results that showed that the impact of financial development on FPI
was significantly negative under the pooled OLS approach, in line with Gordon and
Gupta’s (2004) findings.
Trade openness positively affected FPI in a significant manner under the FMOLS, random
and fixed effects in all the three models. Similar results were observed in model 1 and 3
under the pooled OLS approach. These results agree with Dobbs et al (2013) that
openness to trade addresses any obstacles that might hinder the movement of
international capital from one country to another. The complementarity between
openness to trade and financial development had a significant negative impact on FPI in
all the three models under the random effects, fixed effects and FMOLS. This result is
similar to Al-Smadi’s (2018) finding that foreign investors can easily sell off their
investments if financial markets are developed and liquid, especially in the presence of
high levels of trade openness that facilitates the movement of capital across country
borders (Dobbs et al. 2013). In contrast, model 2 under the pooled OLS showed that the
combination between financial development and trade openness had a positive significant
effect on FPI. This finding agrees with literature which notes that both trade openness
and financial development separately and individually enhance FPI. The expectation
therefore is that the combination of trade openness and financial development in a
particular single country leads to greater FPI inflows.
In model 1, the FMOLS, random and fixed effects showed that exchange rates had a
significant positive impact on FPI, something that was found in all three models under the
pooled OLS approach. This finding supports Haider et al.’s (2016) argument. Models 1,
2 and 3 showed a significant positive relationship running from economic growth to FPI
under the fixed effects, FMOLS and pooled OLS econometric estimation techniques.
Similar results were observed in models 1 and 2 under the random effects approach. The
finding echoes Al-Smadi’s (2018) argument on the relationship between economic growth
and FPI. In contrast, the dynamic GMM method showed that economic growth had a
negative significant impact on FPI, supporting Leong and Wickramanayake’s (2004)
argument that in the presence of high levels of economic growth, local investors prefer to buy back domestic securities from foreign investors, triggering a deleterious effect of FPI
In model 1, the impact of savings on FPI was found to be significantly negative under the
fixed effects, random effects, pooled OLS and FMOLS approaches. Similar results were
found in model 2 under the random effects and the pooled OLS. These findings contradict
the available literature (Masood and Mohsin. 2002; Abdelhafidh. 2013; Ferreira and Laux.
2009) but are similar to those of Al-Smadi (2018), who argues that higher levels of inflation
wipe out the value of not only return on capital but also of the original capital invested.
Inflation had a significant negative effect on FPI in models 1 and 2 under the pooled OLS
approach. Human capital development had a significant positive influence on FPI in
models 1 and 2 under the pooled OLS and the dynamic GMM approaches. This result
supports Dunning’s (1988) argument that locational advantages exert a significant
influence on foreign direct investment or any form of foreign investment. Human capital
development was found to be a locational advantage for foreign investment in this case,
as Tsaurai (2017a) found. / In hierdie studie is die bepalers van buitelandse portefeuljebelegging (BPB) in ontluikende
markte aan die hand van ʼn paneeldataontleding verken. In al drie die modelle het ʼn
hoofdataontleding volgens die benadering van dinamiese, veralgemeende metodes van
momente (VMM) aangetoon dat sy eie vertraging BPB positief en opmerklik beïnvloed.
Hierdie uitslag onderskryf die bevindings in die literatuuroorsig (Barrell & Pain 1999;
Wheeler & Mody 1992; Saini 2000). Hiervolgens word aangevoer dat bestaande
buitelandse beleggers ander buitelandse beleggers deur hulle positiewe surplusse
aanlok. Ook finansiële ontwikkeling het in al drie die modelle onder die benadering van
vaste en ewekansige effekte en volgewysigde gewone kleinste kwadrate (VGGKK) ʼn
positiewe en opmerklike effek op BPB gehad. Daarby is ʼn opmerklik positiewe verband,
wat van finansiële ontwikkeling tot BPB strek, onder die saamgevoegde gewone
kleinstekwadrate- oftewel GKK-metode in model 1 bespeur. Hierdie bevinding staaf dié
van Bartels et al (2009) dat finansiële markte die internasionale mobiliteit van kapitaal
verbeter deurdat hulle tydig goedkoper en doeltreffende inligting aan voornemende
buitelandse beleggers verstrek. Die uitslag van model 2, dat die uitwerking van finansiële
ontwikkeling op BPB onder die saamgevoegde GKK-benadering opmerklik negatief is,
strook met die bevindings van Gordon en Gupta (2004).
Oop handel het BPB onder die VGGKK, ewekansige en vaste effekte in al drie die modelle
op ʼn opmerklike wyse positief geaffekteer. Soortgelyke uitslae is in model 1 en 3 onder
die saamgevoegde GKK-benadering waargeneem. Hierdie uitslae stem ooreen met dié
van Dobbs et al (2013), naamlik dat oop handel baie hindernisse uit weg ruim wat die
beweging van internasionale kapitaal van een land na ʼn ander belemmer. Die
komplementariteit tussen oop handel en finansiële ontwikkeling het ʼn opmerklik
negatiewe uitwerking op BPB in al die modelle onder die benadering van ewekansige
effekte, vaste effekte en VGGKK gehad. Hierdie uitslag klop met Al-Smadi (2018) se
bevinding dat buitelandse beleggers hulle beleggings maklik van die hand kan sit as
finansiële markte ontwikkeld en likied is, en in die besonder as handel in hoë mate oop is
en kapitaal met gemak oor landsgrense heen kan beweeg (Dobbs et al 2013). In
teenstelling hiermee het model 2 onder die saamgevoegde GKK getoon dat die
kombinasie van finansiële ontwikkeling en oop handel ʼn opmerklik positiewe effek op BPB
het. Hierdie bevinding stem ooreen met dié in die literatuur dat oop handel en finansiële
ontwikkeling gesamentlik en afsonderlik BPB aanwakker. Dienooreenkomstig word
verwag dat oop handel en finansiële ontwikkeling groter BPB na in ʼn land sal laat vloei.
Die VGGKK en ewekansige en vaste effekte het in model 1 getoon dat wisselkoerse ʼn
opmerklik positiewe uitwerking op BPB gehad het. Dit het trouens in al drie die modelle
onder die saamgevoegde GKK-benadering voorgekom. Hierdie bevinding beaam Haider
et al (2016) se argument. Model 1, 2 en 3 het ʼn opmerklik positiewe verband, wat van
ekonomiese groei tot BPB strek, onder die vaste effekte, VGGKK en saamgevoegde GKK
ekonometriese ramingstegnieke aangedui. Soortgelyke uitslae is in model 1 en 2 onder
die benadering van ewekansige effekte waargeneem. Hierdie bevinding sluit aan by Al
Smadi (2018) se argument oor die verband tussen ekonomiese groei en BPB.
Hierteenoor het die dinamiese GMM-metode getoon dat ekonomiese groei ʼn negatiewe, opmerklike uitwerking op BPB gehad het. Dit staaf Leong en Wickramanayake (2004) se
argument dat plaaslike beleggers verkies om binnelandse sekuriteite by buitelandse
beleggers terug te koop as ʼn hoë mate van ekonomiese groei aanwesig is, en dat dit ʼn
nadelige effek op die invloei van BPB het.
In model 1 was die uitwerking van spaargeld op BPB opmerklik negatief onder die
benadering van vaste effekte, ewekansige effekte, saamgevoegde GKK en VGGKK.
Soortgelyke resultate het in model 2 voorgekom onder die ewekansige effekte en die
saamgevoegde GKK. Ofskoon hierdie bevindings strydig met dié in die beskikbare
literatuur is (Masood & Mohsin 2002; Abdelhafidh 2013; Ferreira & Laux 2009), strook dit
met dié van Al-Smadi (2018) wat beweer dat hoë inflasie nie alleen die opbrengs op
kapitaal nie, maar ook die oorspronklike kapitaal uitwis. Inflasie het ʼn opmerklik negatiewe
effek op BPB in model 1 en 2 onder die saamgevoegde GKK- en dinamiese VMMbenadering
gehad. Die ontwikkeling van menslike kapitaal het ʼn beduidend positiewe
invloed op BPB gehad in model 1 en 2 onder die saamgevoegde VKK- en die dinamiese
VMM-benadering. Hierdie uitslag beaam Dunning (1988) se argument dat landsgebonde
voordele ʼn beduidende invloed op direkte buitelandse belegging of enige ander vorm van
buitelandse belegging uitoefen. Tsaurai (2017a) het bevind dat die ontwikkeling van
menslike kapitaal in hierdie geval ʼn landsgebonde voordeel vir buitelandse belegging
inhou. / Lolu cwaningo luye lwaphenya izizathu zokutshalwa kwezimali emazweni angaphandle,
phecelezi (foreign portfolio investment (FPI) ezimakethe ezisafufusayo, ngokusebenzisa
uhlelo lokuhlaziywa kwedatha, phecelezii-panel data analysis. Kuwo onke amamodeli
omathathu, kuhlelo lokuhlaziywa kwedatha esemqoka, ngokusebenzisa izindlela
eziguquguqukayo zezikhathi ezahlukene (GMM) , lokhu kuye kwakhombisa ukuthi i-FPI
yathola umthelela omuhle futhi okungumthelela wayo wokushiywa yisikhathi. Lo
mphumela uqinisekisa ulwazi olutholakele olumayelana nokubuyekezwa kombhalo
wobuciko (Barrell & Pain 1999; Wheeler & Mody 1992; Saini 2000), okuwumbhalo
okhuluma ngokuthi abatshalizimali bangaphandle abakhona baheha abanye
abatshalizimali bangaphandle okuyinto edalwa yizinzuzo ezinhle ezingumphumela
wokutshalwa kwezimali. Ukuthuthukiswa kwezinhlelo zezimali nakho kube nomthelela
omuhle nobalulekile kwi-FPI, kuwo wonke amamodeli amathathu, angaphansi kwesimo
semiphumela enqunyelwe isikhathi, angaphansi kwemiphumela yazo zonke izinhlelo
eziguqulwe ngokugcwele phecelezi fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS) .
Ngaphezu kwalokho, ubudlelwano obuhle obusemqoka, obuqala ekuthuthukisweni
kwezinhlelo zezimali ukuya kuhlelo lwe-FPI, nabo lobudlelwano buye babonakala
kumodeli 1, ngaphansi kohlelo lwe pooled OLS method. Ulwazi olutholakele lufana nalolo
lukaBartels et al. (2009), lapho ucwaningo lwakhe lwathola ukuthi izimakethe zezimali
zithuthukisa ukuthunyelwa kwezimali emhlabeni ngekhono lokusebenzisa ulwazi lwalo
ngesikhathi, ngentengo ephansi futhi ulwazi olufanele, lolu lwazi luthunyelwa
kubatshalizimali bangaphandle abathembisayo. Imodeli 2 ikhiqize iveze imiphumela ethi
umthelela wokuthuthukiswa kwezinhlelo zezimali ohlelweni lweFPI luye lwabonakala
lulubi kakhulu ngaphansi kohlelo lwepooled OLS approach, lokhu kuhambisana nolwazi
olutholwe nguGordon kanye noGupta (2004).
Uhlelo lwezokuhwebelana oluvulekile luye lwaba nomthelela omuhle ohlelweni lweFPI,
ngendlela esemqoka kakhulu, ngaphansi kohlelo lweFMOLS, ngaphansi kohlelo
lwemiphumela enqunyelwe isikhathi nohlelo olunganqunyelwanga isikhathi, kuwo wonke
amamodeli amathathu. Imiphumela efana naleyo yatholakala kumodeli 1 neye 3,
ngaphansi kohlelo lwepooled OLS approach. Le miphumela ihambisana naleyo kaDobbs
et al. (2013), yona ngile elandelayo; uhlelo oluvulekile lokuhwebelana luyisisombululo
sanoma yiziphi izihibe ezingaphazamisa ukuthunyelwa kwezimali emhlabeni ukusuka
kwelinye izwe ukuya kwelinye. Ukusebenzisana phakathi kohlelo lokuhweba oluvulekile
kanye nohlelo lwezokuthuthukiswa kwezinhlelo zezimali kuye kwaba nomthelela
ongemuhle kwiFPI, kuwo wonke amamodeli omathathu, ngaphansi kwemiphumela
enganqunyelwanga isikhathi, imiphumela enqunyelwe isikhathi kanye nakwihlelo
lweFMOLS. Lo mphumela ufana nalowo ka-Al-Smadi’s (2018) othi abatshalizimali
bangaphandle bangatshala kalula izimali zabo uma izimakethe zezimali zithuthukile futhi
zinemali elingene, ikakhulukazi uma kukhona amazing aphezulu wohlelo oluvulekile
lokuhwebelana, okungamazinga ahola uhlelo lwezokuthunyelwa kwezimali ngaphesheya
kwemingcele yamazwe (Dobbs et al. 2013). Okuphikisana nalokhu, imodeli 2, ngaphansi
kohlelo lwepooled OLS, luye lwakhombisa ukuthi ukuhlanganiswa kohlelo
lwezokuthuthukiswa kwezinhlelo zezimali kanye nohlelo oluvulekile lwezokuhwebelana
kuye kwaba nomthelela omuhle kakhulu kwiFPI. Lolu lwazi olutholakele luvumelana nombhalo wobuciko, wona oshoyo ukuthi zombili lezi zinhlelo uhlelo oluvulekile
kwezohwebo kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwezinhlelo zezimali, ezehlukene kanye nalezo
ezizimele ngayinye, ziqinisa uhlelo lweFPI. Ngalokho, okulindelwe, ukuthi umbimbi
oluxuba uhlelo oluvulekile lwezokuhwebelana kanye nezinhlelo zokuthuthukiswa
kwezimali, ngandlelathize,, ezweni elilodwa, ziholela izinga eliphezulu lokungena
Kumodeli 1, uhlelo lweFMOLS, imiphumela enganqunyelwe naleyo enqunyelwe isikhathi
iye yabonisa ukuthi amazinga okushintshelana ngezimali abe nmothelela omuhle kakhulu
kwiFPI; okuyinto etholakele kuwo wonke amamodeli omathathu angaphansi kohlelo lwe
pooled OLS. Lolu lwazi olutholakele luxhasa umbono kaHaider et al’s (2016. Amamodeli
Models 1, 2 kanye neye 3 ziye zakhombisa ubudlelwano obuhle kakhulu obuqala
ekuthuthukisweni kwezomnotho ngokohlelo lwe FPI, ngaphansi kwesimo semiphumela
enqunyelwe isikhathi, ngaphansi kohlelo lwe FMOLS kanye nasohlelweni lwe pooled OLS
okuyindlela esetshenziswa ukulinganisa izinga lokuhluma komnotho. Imiphumela efana
nayo le iye yatholakala kumodeli 1 kanye nakumodeli 2, ngaphansi kwemiphumela
enganqunyelwe sikhathi. Ulwazi olutholakele luveza imibono ka-Al-Smadi (2018)
mayelana nobudlelwano obuphakathi kokuhluma komnotho kanye nohlelo lwe FPI.
Okuphikisana nalokho, indlela eguquguqukayo iGMM iye yakhombisa ukuthi ukuhluma
komnotho kuye kwaba nomthelela omubi kakhulu kwi FPI, uxhasa umbono ka Leong
kanye no Wickramanayake (2004) othi, uma kunamazinga aphakeme okukhula
komnotho, abatshalizimali basekhaya bathanda ukuthenga amasheya amabhizinisi
asekhaya kubatshalizimali bangaphandle, lokho kuba nomthelela omubi kakhulu
ekungeneni kwe FPI.
Kumodelil 1, umthintela wokongiwa kwezimali ohlelweni lwe FPI watholakala ukuthi ube
nomthelela omubi kakhulu, ngaphansi kwesimo semiphumela enqunyelwe isikhathi,
kwemiphumela enganqunyelwanga isikhathi, ohlelweni lwe pooled OLS kanye
nasezinhlelweni ze FMOLS. Imiphumela efana nayo le iye yatholakala kumodeli 2,
ngaphansi kwemiphumela enganqunyelwe kanye naleyo enqunyelwe isikhathi kanye
nasohlelweni lwe pooled OLS. Lolu lwazi olutholakele luphikisana nolwazi lombhalo
wobuciko okhona (Masood & Mohsin 2002; Abdelhafidh 2013; Ferreira & Laux 2009),
kanti futhi le miphumela ifana naleyo ka-Al-Smadi (2018), yena oshoyo ukuthi amazinga
aphezulu amandla emali akaqedi kuphela inzuzo yokutshalwa kwezimali, kodwa aqeda
nemali yokuqala etshaliwe. Amandla email aye aba nomthelela omubi kakhulu kwi FPI,
kumodeli 1 kanye nnakumodeli 2, ngaphansi kohlelo lwe pooled OLS. Ukuthuthukiswa
kwamagugu ayikhono nezingqondo zabasebenzi aye aba nomthelela omuhle ohlelweni
lwe FPI, kumamodeli 1 kanye nakumodeli 2, ngaphansi mkohlelo lwe pooled OLS kanye
nezindlela eziguquguqukayo ze GMM. Lo mphumela uxhasa umbono kaDunning (1988)
othi izinzuzo zendawo ziba nomthelela omuhle kakhulu ohlelweni oluqondile
lwezokutshalwa kwezimali emazweni angaphandle noma ngiluphi uhlelo lwezokutshalwa
kwezimali emazweni angaphandle. Ukuthuthukiswa kwamagugu angamakhono kanye
nemibono yabasebenzi kuye kwatholakala kuyinzuzo yendawo ekutshalweni kwezimali
emazweni angaphandle kulesi simo, njengoba lokhu kuye kwatholakala kuTsaurai
(2017a). / Business Management / M. Com. (Management Studies)
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Strategies to support sustained learning in open distance and e-learning in a South African contextTafirenyika, Nancy 30 October 2020 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / The worldwide growth of open distance and e-Learning cannot be denied, nor can it remain unnoticed. In the South African setting, which is the focus of this study, the increasingly high demand for higher education has also led to the development of distance education. However, the throughput rate for this mode of education has been consistently unimpressive for over a decade and this has led to high dropout rates. There is cause for concern regarding how best to assist students and improve throughput. Therefore, this research has focused on identifying strategies that can be incorporated to support sustained learning in South African ODeL. It considers issues such as the social inequalities, previous disadvantages, and ICT affordances that characterise South African ODeL students.
This research took a qualitative research approach, using a case study that was conducted as a dissertation of limited scope. The aim was to unveil the best approaches that could be incorporated in South African ODeL in order to support sustained learning. The study attempted to understand such strategies, based on students' perceptions and reflections on their experiences while studying first-level modules in distance education. The case for this research study was the University of South Africa (UNISA), where eight student participants were interviewed, using semi-structured interviews to collect data.
The findings of this study revealed that there are some readily available resources that the institution and instructors can use to promote sustained learning and improve student throughput. This research recommends frequent student surveys to discover student needs and the challenges that they experience. It also recommends improved communication with students, provision of financial aid, development of open educational resources (OERs), ensuring rapid delivery of study material, and the use of different methods of delivering learning content.
It is important to note that the findings of this dissertation are of limited scope and cannot be generalised to the issues affecting the majority of South African ODeL students – this because the study was carried out at one institution and involved just one module and eight participants. However, these findings have the potential to enlighten ODeL stakeholders as to matters affecting some of their students. The findings could also provide valuable information for future large-scale research. / Ukudlondlobala kohlelo kohlelo lwemfundo evulekile nokufunda kude kanye nohlelo lwe-inthanethi akunakuphikiswa, futhi angeke kwathathwa sengathi akunakiwe. Ngokwesizinda seNingizimu Afrika, esiyindikimba yalolu cwaningo, izinga elikhulayo lokufuneka kwemfundo ephakeme nakho sekuholele ekukhuleni kwemfundo yokufunda ukude.Yize-kunjalo, izinga legalelo lalolu hlelo lwemfundo kudala lubonakala lungeluhle esikhathini esingaphezu kweminyaka eyishumi kanti lokhu sekuholele ekutheni kwehle izinga labafundi abayeka ukufunda. Kunomnako mayelana nendlela nokuthi abafundi bangancedwa kangcono kangakanani ukuze bathuthukise izinga labo lokusebenza. Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo selugxile ekutholeni amasu lawo angasetshenziswa ukuxhasa imfundo esimelele ohlelweni lwe-ODeL lwaseNingizimu Afrika. Lokhu kufaka izindaba ezinjengokungalingani komphakathi, ukuncishwa kwamathuba esikhathini esedlule, kanye nokwazi ukukhokhela uhlelo lwe-ICT okuwuhlelo oluyinsika kubafundi bohlelo lwe-ODeL eNingizimu Afrika. Lolu cwaningo lulandele indlela yocwaningo eyencike kwizinga lengxoxo (qualitative), ngokusebenzisa ucwaningo lotho olwenziwa njengedezetheshini enobukhulu obunqunyiwe. Inhloso kwaye kuwukuveza izindlela ezingcono ebezingafakwa kwi-ODeL yaseNingizimu Afrika, ukuxhasa imfundo imfundo esimelele. Ucwaningo beluzama ukuzwisisa amasu anjalo, asuselwa phezu kwemiqondo yabafundi kanye nokubheka ulwazi lwabo kube ngakolunye uhlangothi bafunda omojuli besigaba sokuqala sohlelo lwemfundo yokufunda kude. Ucwaningo lotho lwalesi sifundo lwenziwa eNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Afrika (UNISA), lapho abafundi abayisishiyagalombili befakwa imibuzo yenhlolovo, ngokusebenzisa inhlolovo yesakhiwo sikanxambili ngenhloso yokuqoqa idatha. Ulwazi olutholwe yilolu cwaningo luye lwaveza ukuthi kunemithombo elungisiwe esesimeni esifanele engasetshenziswa yiziko kanye nabayaleli ukuthuthukisa uhlelo lokufunda olusimelele kanye nokuthuthukisa umsebenzi wabafundi. Lolu cwaningo luncoma amasaveyi enziwa njalo abafundi ukubona izidingo zabafundi kanye nezinselelo abafundi abahlangabezana nazo. Ucwaningo luphinda futhi luncoma uhlelo oluhle lokuxhumana nabafundi, ukuhlinzekwa ngosizo lwezimali, ukuthuthukiswa kwemithombo yemfundo evulekile (OER), ukuqinisekisa kohlelo olusheshayo lokuhlinzekwa. ngomatheriyeli wokufunda, kanye nokusebenzisa izindlela ezahlukene zokwethula indikimba yokufundwayo.
Kubalulekile ukukhumbula ukuthi ulwazi olufunyenwe lwedizetheshini wulwazi oluncane olubekelwe imingcele kanti lolu lwazi angeke lwafaniswa nodaba oluthinta iningi labafundi base-ODeL yaseNingizimu Afrika – lokhu kungenxa yokuthi ucwaningo lwenziwa kwiziko elilodwa futhi lwaxuba umojuli owodwa kanye nabadlalindima abayisishiyagalombili. Yize-kunjalo, lolu lwazi olutholakele lunethuba lokukhanyisela abasebenzisani njengezinto ezithinta abanye babafundi. Ulwazi olutholakele belunganikeza ulwazi olusemqoka mayelana nocwaningo olubanzi olungenziwa esikhathini esizayo. / Wêreldwyd het oopafstand- en e-leer groei ervaar wat nie ontken kan word of ongesiens kan bly nie. In die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, wat die fokus van hierdie studie is, het die toenemende vraag na hoër onderwys ook tot die ontwikkeling van afstandsonderrig gelei. Die slaagsyfer vir hierdie vorm van onderrig is egter al vir langer as ʼn dekade deurlopend onindrukwekkend, en dit het tot hoë uitsaksyfers gelei. Daar is rede tot kommer rakende die beste maniere om studente by te staan en die slaagsyfer te verbeter. Die fokus van hierdie navorsing was daarom op die identifisering van strategieë wat geïnkorporeer kan word om volgehoue leer in Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer te ondersteun. Die volgende kwessies is ondersoek: die sosiale ongelykhede, benadeling in die verlede, en IKT-status wat met Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer-studente geassosieer word.
ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gevolg; ʼn gevallestudie wat uitgevoer is, is in die verhandeling van beperkte omvang gebruik. Die doel was om die beste benaderings te bepaal wat in Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer geïnkorporeer kan word om volgehoue leer te ondersteun. Tydens die studie is daar gepoog om sodanige strategieë te verstaan op grond van studente se persepsies en hul refleksie op hul ervarings terwyl hulle eerstejaarmodules deur afstandonderrig studeer het. Die geval wat in hierdie navorsing bestudeer is, is dié van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (Unisa), waar daar semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met agt studentedeelnemers gevoer is om data in te samel.
Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het getoon dat daar geredelik beskikbare hulpbronne is wat deur die instelling en die onderriggewers ingespan kan word om volgehoue leer te bevorder en die studente se slaagsyfers te verbeter. Op grond van hierdie navorsing word aanbeveel dat opnames gereeld onder studente gemaak word om hulle behoeftes en uitdagings te bepaal. Verdere aanbevelings sluit in verbeterde kommunikasie met studente, voorsiening van finansiële steun, ontwikkeling van oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne, versekering van spoedige lewering van studiemateriaal, en die gebruik van verskillende metodes om leerinhoud te lewer.
Dit is belangrik om te besef dat die bevindinge van hierdie verhandeling beperk in omvang is en nie veralgemeen kan word om die kwessies in te sluit wat die meerderheid van Suid-Afrikaanse oopafstand- en e-leer-studente raak nie – aangesien die studie by een instelling uitgevoer is en slegs een module en agt deelnemers behels het. Hierdie bevindinge het egter die potensiaal om vir oopafstand- en e-leer-belanghebbers lig te werp op kwessies wat sommige van hul studente raak. Die bevindinge kan ook waardevolle inligting vir toekomstige grootskaalse navorsing oplewer. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Open Distance Learning)
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ʼn Ondersoek na die parateks (Gérard Genette) as ʼn narratiewe strategie in geselekteerde Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugliteratuurOosthuizen, Mia Magriet 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with Abstracts in Afrikaans, English and isiZulu / In hierdie proefskrif word ondersoek ingestel na die parateks as narratiewe strategie vir toeganklikheid in geselekteerde Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugliteratuur. Die kern van hierdie ondersoek is die toeganklikheid van die boodskap binne die paratekstuele en narratiewe kommunikasiesituasie. Vir hierdie ondersoek is die sentrale probleemstelling soos volg geformuleer: hoe word die parateks as narratiewe strategie gebruik om kinder- en jeugliteratuur meer toeganklik vir jong lesers te maak?
Gérard Genette se werk oor die parateks (1997a) en die narratologie (1983, 1990) dien as teoretiese basis vir hierdie studie se konseptuele raamwerk, aangevul deur die werk van Mieke Bal (1991, 2009). Jauss (1982) se resepsie-estetika word ook betrek ten einde toeganklikheid ten opsigte van die primêre teikenmark te formuleer.
Binne die konteks van hierdie konseptuele raamwerk, word daar afsonderlik ondersoek ingestel na die ontvangers, senders en boodskap van die paratekstuele en narratiewe kommunikasiesituasie. Die ontvangers is die lesers van die parateks as narratiewe strategie vir toeganklikheid en word bespreek as die primêre, dubbele en tweeledige teikenmarkte. Die senders is die verskillende skrywers betrokke by die skepping en implementering van die parateks as narratiewe strategie vir toeganklikheid. Onderskeid word getref tussen die primêre skrywer, die tweede skrywer en die sekondêre skrywer. Laastens word die boodskap ondersoek soos dit met die visuele parateks en die talige parateks verband hou.
Aan die hand van die konseptuele raamwerk van hierdie studie, en die verskillende rolspelers en boodskappe binne die paratekstuele en narratiewe kommunikasiesituasie, dui die studie aan hoe die parateks as narratiewe strategie gebruik kan word om kinder- en jeugliteratuur vir veral die primêre teikenmark meer toeganklik te maak. / This thesis sets out to illustrate how the paratext can be used as narrative strategy for accessibility in selected Afrikaans children’s and youth fiction. Central to this study is the accessibility of the message in the paratextual and narrative communication situation. In this regard, the central research question is as follows: how can the paratext be used as a narrative strategy to make children’s and youth literature more accessible for young readers?
Gérard Genette’s work on the paratext (1997a) and narratology (1983, 1990) serves as the theoretical basis for this study’s conceptual framework, along with the work of Mieke Bal (1991, 2009). In order to define accessibility in terms of the primary target audience, reference is also made to Jauss’s (1982) reception theory.
Within the context of this conceptual framework, focus is placed on the receivers, senders and message of the paratextual and narrative communication situation. The receivers are the readers of the paratext as narrative strategy for accessibility and are discussed as the primary, twofold and dual target audiences. The senders are the different writers involved in the creation and implementation of the paratext as narrative strategy for accessibility. Here a distinction is made between the primary writer, the second writer and the secondary writer. Lastly, the message is discussed as it relates to the visual paratext and textual paratext.
Through the conceptual framework of this study, along with the different role players and messages of the paratext as narrative strategy for accessibility, this study shows how the paratext as narrative strategy can be used to make children’s and youth literature more accessible for especially the primary target audience. / Le thisisi ihlose ukuveza ukuthi umbhalo ohunyushiwe ungasetshenziswa kanjani njengesu lokuxoxa emibhalweni ekhethiwe yesiBhunu yezingane kanye naleyo yabantu abasha .Okubalulekile kulesi sifundo socwaningo wukutholakala komlayezo wombhalo ohunyushiwe kanye nesimo sokuxhumana ngengxoxo. Ngalokho-ke, umbuzo oyinsika kulesi sifundo socwaningo ngolandelayo: Ngabe inkulumo ehunyushiwe ingasetshenziswa kanjani njengesu lokuxoxa, elingenza ukuthi imibhalo yobuciko yezingane kanye naleyo yabantu abasha ukuze itholakale kalula kubafundi abasebasha?
Umsebenzi kaGérard Genette i-paratext (1997a) kanye ne-narratology (1983, 1990) usebenza njengesisekelo sesakhiwo sebizo salesi sifundo socwaningo, kanti lokhu kuhambisana nomsebenzi ka MiekeBal (1991,2009). Ukuze siphumelele ukuchaza mayelana nokutholakala kwabafundi bezincwadi abahlosiwe, uyanxuswa ukuthi ufunde ithiyori emayelana nokutholakala kwabafundi bomlayezo ka Jauss (1982).
Ngaphansi kwesimo sesakhiwo segama, kugxilwe kakhulu kubamukeli, kubathumeli kanye nakumlayezo wombhalo ohunyushiwe kanye nesimo sokuxhumana ngengxoxo. Abamukeli bomlayezo kungabafundi bombhalo ohunyushiwe, okuyisu elisetshenziswa ukuthola umlayezo, kanti la masu axoxwa njengalawo aqonde abafundi bokuqala, abambaxambili futhi anezinhloso ezimbili.. Abathumeli bomlayezo kungabhali abadlala indima yokwakha kanye nokusebenzisa imibhalo ehunyushiwe njengesu lokuxoxa elisetshenziswa ukuthola umlayezo. Lapha, kuvezwa umehluko ophakathi kombhali wokuqala, umbhali wesibili kanye nombhali osezingeni lesibili. Okukugcina, umlayezo uxoxwa njengoba uhlobana nombhalo ohunyushiwe obukelwayo kanye nombhalo ohunyushiwe olotshiwe Ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lwesakhiwo segama salesi sifundo, esisebenzisana ndawonye nabadlali bendima abahlukahlukene kanye nemilayezo yombhalo ohunyushiwe njengesu lokuxoxa elisetshenziswa ukuthola umlayezo, lokhu kukhombisa ukuthi umbhalo ohunyushiwe oyisu lokuxoxa ungasetshenziswa kanjani ukwenza ukuthi imibhalo yobuciko yezingane kanye naleyo yabantu abasha ingatholakala kanjani, ikakhulukazi ngabafundi bokuqala abahlosiwe. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D. Litt et Phil. (Afrikaans)
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Credit risk measurement model for small and medium enterprises : the case of ZimbabweDambaza, Marx January 2020 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Southern Sotho / The advent of Basel II Capital Accord has revolutionised credit risk measurement (CRM) to the extent that the once “perceived riskier bank assets” are now accommodated for lending. The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector has been traditionally perceived as a riskier and unprofitable asset for lending activity by Commercial Banks, in particular. But empirical studies on the implementation of the Basel II internal-ratings-based (IRB) framework have demonstrated that SME credit risk is measurable. Banks are still finding it difficult to forecast SME loan default and to provide credit to the sector that meet Basel’s capital requirements. The thesis proposes to construct an empirical credit risk measurement (CRM) model, specifically for SMEs, to ameliorate the adverse effects of SME credit inaccessibility due to high information asymmetry between financial institutions (FI) and SMEs in Zimbabwe. A well-performing and accurate CRM helps FIs to control their risk exposure through selective granting of credit based on a thorough statistical analysis of historical customer data. This thesis develops a CRM model, built on a statistically random sample, known-good-bad (KGB) sample, which is a better representation of the through-the-door (TTD) population of SME loan applicants. The KGB sample incorporates both accepted and rejected applications, through reject inference (RI). A model-based bound and collapse (BC) reject inference methodology was empirically used to correct selectivity bias inherent in CRM domain. The results have shown great improvement in the classification power and aggregate supply of credit supply to the SME portfolio of the case-studied bank, as evidenced by substantial decrease of bad rates across models developed; from the preliminary model to final model designed for the case-studied bank. The final model was validated using both bad rate, confusion matrix metrics and Area under Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC) curve to assess the classification power of the model within-sample and out-of-sample. The AUROC for the final model (weak model) was found to be 0.9782 whilst bad rate was found to be 14.69%. There was 28.76% improvement in the bad rate in the final model in comparison with the current CRM model being used by the case-studied bank. / Isivumelwano seBasel II Capital Accord sesishintshe indlela yokulinganisa ubungozi bokunikezana ngesikweletu credit risk measurement (CRM) kwaze kwafika ezingeni lapho izimpahla ezazithathwa njengamagugu anobungozi “riskier bank assets” sezimukelwa njengesibambiso sokuboleka imali. Umkhakha wezamaBhizinisi Amancane naSafufusayo, phecelezi, Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) kudala uqondakala njengomkhakha onobungozi obukhulu futhi njengomkhakha ongangenisi inzuzo, ikakhulu njengesibambiso sokubolekwa imali ngamabhange ahwebayo. Kodwa izifundo zocwaningo ezimayelana nokusetshenziswa nokusetshenziswa kwesakhiwo iBasel II internal-ratings-based (IRB) sezikhombisile ukuthi ubungozi bokunikeza isikweletu kumabhizinisi amancane nasafufusayo (SME) sebuyalinganiseka. Yize kunjalo, amabhange asathola ukuthi kusenzima ukubona ngaphambili inkinga yokungabhadeleki kahle kwezikweletu kanye nokunikeza isikweletu imikhakha enemigomo edingekayo yezimali kaBasel. Lolu cwaningo beluphakamisa ukwakha uhlelo imodeli ephathekayo yokulinganisa izinga lobungozi bokubolekisa ngemali (CRM) kwihlelo lokuxhasa ngezimali ama-SME, okuyihlelo elilawulwa yiziko lezimali ezweni laseZimbabwe. Imodeli ye-CRM esebenza kahle futhi eshaya khona inceda amaziko ezimali ukugwema ubungozi bokunikezana ngezikweletu ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lokunikeza isikweletu ababoleki abakhethekile, lokhu kususelwa ohlelweni oluhlaziya amanani edatha engumlando wekhasimende. Imodeli ye-CRM ephakanyisiwe yaqala yakhiwa ngohlelo lwamanani, phecelezi istatistically random sample, okuluphawu olungcono olumele uhlelo lwe through-the-door (TTD) population lokukhetha abafakizicelo zokubolekwa imali bama SME, kanti lokhu kuxuba zona zombili izicelo eziphumelele kanye nezingaphumelelanga. Indlela yokukhetha abafakizicelo, phecelezi model-based bound-and-collapse (BC) reject-inference methodology isetshenzisiwe ukulungisa indlela yokukhetha ngokukhetha ngendlela yokucwasa kwisizinda seCRM. Imiphumela iye yakhombisa intuthuko enkulu mayelana namandla okwehlukanisa kanye nokunikezwa kwezikweletu kuma SME okungamamabhange enziwe ucwaningo lotho., njengoba lokhu kufakazelwa ukuncipha okukhulu kwe-bad rate kuwo wonke amamodeli athuthukisiwe. Imodeli yokuqala kanye neyokugcina zazidizayinelwe ibhange. Imodeli yokugcina yaqinisekiswa ngokusebenzisa zombili indlela isikweletu esingagculisi kanye negrafu ye-Area under Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC) ukulinganisa ukwehlukaniswa kwamandla emodeli engaphakathi kwesampuli nangaphandle kwesampuli. Uhlelo lwe-AUROC lwemodeli yokugcina (weak model) lwatholakala ukuthi luyi 0.9782, kanti ibad rate yatholakala ukuthi yenza i-14.69%. Kwaba khona ukuthuthuka nge-28.76% kwi-bad rate kwimodeli yokugcina uma iqhathaniswa nemodeli yamanje iCRM model ukuba isetshenziswe yibhange elithile. / Basel II Capital Accord e fetotse tekanyo ya kotsi ya mokitlane (credit risk measurement (CRM)) hoo “thepa e kotsi ya dibanka” ka moo e neng e bonwa ka teng, e seng e fuwa sebaka dikadimong. Lekala la Dikgwebo tse Nyane le tse Mahareng (SME) le bonwa ka tlwaelo jwalo ka lekala le kotsi e hodimo le senang ditswala bakeng sa ditshebetso tsa dikadimo haholo ke dibanka tsa kgwebo. Empa dipatlisiso tse thehilweng hodima se bonweng kapa se etsahetseng tsa tshebetso ya moralo wa Basel II internal-ratings-based (IRB) di supile hore kotsi ya mokitlane ya SME e kgona ho lekanngwa. Leha ho le jwalo, dibanka di ntse di thatafallwa ke ho bonelapele palo ya ditlholeho tsa ho lefa tsa diSME le ho fana ka mokitla lekaleng leo le kgotsofatsang ditlhoko tsa Basel tsa ditjhelete. Phuputso ena e ne sisinya ho etsa tekanyo ya se bonwang ho mmotlolo wa kotsi ya mokitlane (CRM) tshebetsong ya phano ya tjhelete ya diSME e etswang ke setsi sa ditjhelete (FI) ho la Zimbabwe. Mmotlolo o sebetsang hantle hape o fanang ka dipalo tse nepahetseng o dusa diFI hore di laole pepeso ya tsona ho kotsi ka phano e kgethang ya mokitlane, e thehilweng hodima manollo ya dipalopalo ya dintlha tsa histori ya bareki. Mmotlolo o sisingwang wa CRM o hlahisitswe ho tswa ho sampole e sa hlophiswang, e leng pontsho e betere ya setjhaba se ikenelang le monyako (TTD) ya batho bao e kang bakadimi ba tjhelete ho diSME, hobane e kenyelletsa bakopi ba amohetsweng le ba hannweng. Mokgwatshebetso wa bound-and-collapse (BC) reject-inference o kentswe tshebetsong ho nepahatsa tshekamelo ya kgetho e leng teng ho lekala la CRM. Diphetho tsena di bontshitse ntlafalo e kgolo ho matla a tlhophiso le palohare ya phano ya mokitlane ho diSME tsa banka eo ho ithutilweng ka yona, jwalo ka ha ho pakilwe ke ho phokotseho ya direite tse mpe ho pharalla le dimmotlolo tse hlahisitsweng. Mmotlolo wa ho qala le wa ho qetela e ile ya ralwa bakeng sa banka. Mmotlolo wa ho qetela o ile wa netefatswa ka tshebediso ya bobedi reite e mpe le mothinya wa Area under Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC) ho lekanya matla a kenyo mekgahlelong a mmotlolo kahare ho sampole le kantle ho yona. AUROC bakeng sa mmotlo wa ho qetela (mmotlolo o fokotseng) e fumanwe e le 0.9782, ha reite e mpe e fumanwe e le 14.69%. Ho bile le ntlafalo ya 28.76% ho reite e mpe bakeng sa mmotlolo wa ho qetela ha ho bapiswa le mmotlolo wa CRM ha o sebediswa bankeng yona eo. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.
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Aspects of corporate governance in South African public higher education institutionsVan der Walt, Cornelia Johanna January 2019 (has links)
The right to education is entrenched in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. The Constitution, together with various policy documents, provides guiding principles for the transformation of higher education in South Africa. Several universities were placed under administration, before and after the attainment of democracy in South Africa. The independent assessors reports on these institutions have one thing in common, namely that they point out poor administration and ineffective corporate governance practices. Despite many commendable initiatives by Government since 1994 to improve an apparently flawed higher education system, some aspects could be enhanced further, especially concerning corporate governance and governance accountability. Council members and the executive management of higher education institutions are subject to common law fiduciary duties and duties of care and skill. However, their accountability for breaches of these duties is not always clear and is seldom enforced. There is a need to balance effective accountability and the exercise of discretionary powers that are integral to effective governance and management. This thesis considers how corporate governance and compliance in higher education can be improved further, taking into account various legislative changes to the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997, direction provided by the Companies Act 71 of 2008 and the Banks Act 94 of 1990 in respect of the regulation of directors’ duties. An in-depth investigation into the relevant provisions of these Acts was not intended nor undertaken. Rather, the thesis draws from these Acts so that the problems concerning corporate governance in the higher education sector may be dealt with. The regulation of higher education in the foreign jurisdiction of the State of Georgia in the United States of America and in the Canadian province of Ontario was also considered. Based on the research undertaken, specific amendments are proposed to the Higher Education Act of 1997 and the Regulations for Reporting by Public Higher Education Institutions 2014, which are aimed at improvin higher education. / Die reg op onderwys word in die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika 1996 verskans. Riglyne vir die transformasie van hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika word in die Grondwet en verskeie ander beleidsdokumente vervat. Voordat en nadat ‘Suid-Afrika demokraties geword het, is verskeie universiteite onder administrasie geplaas. Luidens die onafhanklike assessore se verslae, het hierdie instellings een ding gemeen gehad: swak administrasie en ondoeltreffende korporatiewe regering. Ondanks talle prysenswaardige stappe van die regering sedert 1994 om die probleme in die hoëronderwysstelsel te ondervang, kan bepaalde aspekte steeds verbeter, in die besonder korporatiewe regering en regeeraanspreeklikheid. Raadslede en lede van die uitvoerende besture van hoëronderwysinstellings is verplig om hulle gemeenregtelike fidusiêre pligte en hulle sorgvuldigheids- en kundigheidsplig na te kom. Hulle verantwoordingspligtigheid in geval van pligsversuim is egter dikwels vaag en word selde afgedwing. Die juiste ewewig moet gevind word tussen doeltreffende verantwoordingspligtigheid en die uitoefening van diskresionêre magte wat onlosmaaklik deel is van doeltreffende korporatiewe regering en bestuur. In hierdie tesis word gekyk hoe korporatiewe regering en nakoming in hoër onderwys verbeter kan word met inagneming van verskeie wysigings van die Wet op Hoër Onderwys 101 van 1997, riglyne in die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 en in die Bankwet 94 van 1990 aangaande die pligte van direkteure. Geen grondige ondersoek na die toepaslike bepalings in hierdie wette is beoog of gedoen nie. Hulle word eerder gebruik om oplossings vir die probleme met korporatiewe regering in hoër onderwys te vind. Hoe hoër onderwys in die Amerikaanse deelstaat Georgia en die Kanadese provinsie Ontario gereël word, is eweneens in ag geneem. Wysigings van die Wet op Hoër Onderwys van 1997 en die Regulations for Reporting by Public Higher Education Institutions 2014, wat poog om verantwoordingspligtigheid en voldoening in hoër onderwys te verbeter, word voorgestel. / Ilungelo lokufunda liqukethwe uMthethosisekelo woMbuso waseNingizimu Afrika, wangonyaka ka 1996. UMthethosisekelo, kanye neminye imibhalo eyahlukahlukene yemigomo, inikeza umhlahlandlela wemigomo yokuguqulwa kwamaziko emfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika. Amanyuvesi ahlukahlukene amiswa futhi, ngaphambili nangemuva kokuthola idemokhrasi eNingizimu Afrika. Imibiko yabaphenyi bamanyuvesi abazimele inophawu olufanayo, lokuthi iveza ukungahanjiswa kahle kohlelo lokuphatha kanye nokungalandelwa kwezingqubo zokuphatha amabhizinisi. Yize kunemizamo eminingi encomekayo evela uHulumeni kusukela ngonyaka ka 1994, imizamo yokuthuthukisa uhlelo lwemfundo ephakeme olwehlulekayo, ezinye zezimpawu zaqhubeka nokuqiniswa, ikakhulu lezo ezimayelana nokuphathwa kwamaziko kanye nokuziphendulela kwamaziko. Amalungu omkhandlu kanye nesigungu sabaphathi bamaziko emfundo ephakeme bayaphoqeleka ukulandela umthetho ngokuthi benze imisebenzi ngokuthembeka okuyimisebenzi emayelana nokunakekela kanye namakhono okusebenza. Yize-kunjalo, ukuziphendulela kwabo uma bephula imithetho kaningi akucaci kahle kanti le mithetho ayivamisile ukuqiniswa. Kunesidingo sokulinganisa uhlelo olusebenzayo lokuziphendulela kanye nokusebenzisa amandla okuphatha onikezwe wona, okungamandla ayinsika ekuqiniseni uhlelo lokuhanjiswa kahle kwamaziko kanye nokuphathwa. Le thesis iqonde ekutheni ngabe uhlelo lokuphathwa kwamaziko kanye nokulandelwa kwemithetho emazikweni emfundo aphakeme kungathuthukiswa kanjani, uma kubhekwa izinguquko zomthetho ezahlukahlukene, kuMthetho 101 weMfundo Ephakeme ka 1997, uma kubhekwa indlela enikezwa uMthetho 71 weziNkampani ka 2008 kanye noMthetho 94 wamaBhange ka 1990 mayelana nomthetho wemisebenzi yabaqondisi. Akukaze kube nenhloso futhi kwenziwe uphenyo olujulile mayelana nemithetho efanele yale Mithetho. Kunalokho, ithesisi yencike phezu kwaleMithetho ukuze izinkinga ezimayelana nokuphathwa kwamaziko emkhakheni wemfundo ephakeme zidingidwe kahle. Umthetho wemfundo ephakeme esiyingini somthetho sangaphandle se-State of Georgia ngase-United States of America kanye nasesifundazweni saseCanada ngase-Ontario nawo uye wabhekwa. Ngenxa yocwaningo olwenziwe, sekuye kwaphakanyiswa ukuthi kube nezinguquke ezithile eMthethweni weMfundo ePhakeme ka 1997 kanye naseMithethweni yokuBika yamaZiko eMfundo ePhakeme oMphakathi ka 2014, okuyimithetho ehlose ukuthuthukisa izinga lokuphatha okunokuziphendulela kanye nokulandela umthetho wemfundo ephakeme. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.
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Art acquisition policy of the University of South Africa (Unisa) Art Gallery during and after apartheid : a critical analysis / Umgomo omayelana nokutholwa komsebenzi wobuciko kwisikhungo Sombukiso Wobuciko saseNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo nangemuva kwesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo : uhlaziyo olunqala / Pholisi ya phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi ya Lefelo la Botsweretshi la Yunibesiti ya Aforika Borwa (Unisa) ka nako ya, le morago ga tlhaolele : tokololo e e sekasekang / Kunsaankoopbeleid van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (Unisa) se kunsgalery tydens en ná apartheid : ʼn kritiese ontledingMkhonza, Bongani W. 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Sesotho, isiZulu and Afrikaans. Translated titles in Sesotho, isiZulu and Afrikaans / In the thesis, I critically examine the art acquisition policy of the Unisa Art Gallery (UAG) during and after apartheid in South Africa. The Unisa Art Gallery acquisition policy (UAGAP) is investigated against the transformation imperatives as informed by national policies on arts and culture. I take the view that the process of art acquisition does not exist outside of the sociopolitical discourse. Although the thesis is registered in the subject of Art History, the research adopts a multidisciplinary approach as it straddles the domains of visual art and cultural policy. Therefore, its focus on acquisition policy requires a combination of methodologies that can accommodate the intended research objectives.
The study is based on the hypothesis that the collecting of art and acquisition policies are still untransformed from the Eurocentric paradigm of thought. I adopt Afrocentricity and decoloniality as theoretical frames of analysis. University museums are public cultural institutions, and the South African Constitution guarantees the right to culture. Therefore, the reluctance of public institutions to uphold the imperatives demonstrates a level of resistance to transformation.
In the study, I investigate circumstances that influence the positive or negative way the UAGAP seemingly responds to the socio-economic and political imperatives of national policies in post-apartheid South Africa. Data analysis shows that there is no explicit relation between the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage (WPACH) (DAC 1996) and the UAGAP. Another finding is that artworks collected in the past were mainly informed by epistemologies which were predominantly Eurocentric, whereby especially the black society has little or no say in the development of university museum policies. Lastly, the perception of arts practitioners is that the pace of transformation of university art collection policies is slow. The findings give rise to a recommendation that government should go beyond “the arms-length approach” (Deacon 2010) in the transformation of arts institutions, and intervene. Another recommendation is that unless the government White Papers are translated into law, they will continue to be ignored by public institutions. / Kule thesisi, ngiphenya ngendlela egxekayo ukutholakala komsebenzi wobuciko. Umgomo omayelana nokutholwa komsebenzi wobuciko kwisikhungo Sombukiso Wobuciko saseNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Africa (Unisa Art Gallery) ngesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo nangemuva kwesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo eNingizimu Africa. Umgomo omayelana nokutholakala kwemisebenzi yobuciko yesikhungo Sombukiso Wobuciko eNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Africa uphenywa kubhekwe kwezinto ezinhle ezilethwa yizinguquko njengoba lokhu kugunyazwa yimigomo yezwe kwezobuciko kanye namasiko. Ngithatha umbono othi uhlelo lwezokutholakala kobuciko alwenzeki ngaphandle kwemithelela yezenhlalakahle yabantu kwezepolitiki. Yize ithesisi ibhaliswe kwisifundo soMlando weZobuciko, ucwaningo lwamukela indlela equkethe izifundo eziningi njengoba le thesisi ifinyelela emikhakheni yomsebenzi wobuciko obukwayo kanye nakumgomo wosiko. Ngakho-ke, impokophelo yale thesisi kumgomo wokutholakala komsebenzi wobuciko ifuna inhlanganyela yezindlela zokuhlaziya ezingaxuba phakathi izinhloso zocwaningo eziqondiwe.
Ucwaningo lususelwa kwihayiphothesisi/isihlambiselelo esithi imigomo emayelana nokuqoqwa kwemisebenzi yobuciko kanye nokutholakala kwemisebenzi yobuciko ayikaguquki kwizimpande zemibono yaseNtshonalanga/yaseYurophu. Ngamukela imibono egxile kubu-Afrika nemibono eqeda ubukoloni njengezinhlaka zemibono yokuhlaziya. Izikhungo zokugcina amagugu asenyuvesi zingamaziko wamasiko omphakathi, kanti uMthethosisekelo waseNingizimu Afrika unikeza ilungelo lokwenza usiko. Ngakho-ke, ukuba manqikanqika kwamaziko ombuso ukuphakamisa ubuhle bamasiko ngokuhlukahlukana kwawo njengokomgomo kukhombisa izinga lokunqaba ushintsho.
Kulolu cwaningo, ngiphenya izimo ezinomthelela phezu kwendlela enhle noma embi uhlelo lwe-UAGAP elibonakala libheka ngayo nezindaba ezimayelana nenhlalakahle yabantu kwezomnotho nakwezepolitiki, ezindabeni zemigomo yezwe esikhathi sangemuva kombuso wengcindezelo eNingizimu Africa. Ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kukhombisa ukuthi abukho ubudlelwane obubonakalayo phakathi kwe-White Paper kwezoBuciko, ezamaSiko kanye nama-Gugu (WPACH) (DAC 1996) kanye nohlelo lwe-UAGAP. Okunye okutholakele ukuthi imisebenzi yobuciko eqoqwe esikhathini esedlule beyincike kakhulu kuma-ephistemoloji ebegxile kwingqubo yase-Yurophu/yaseNtshonalanga, kanti-ke, umphakathi ompisholo ikakhulu akukho nokuncane noma akukho ongakukhuluma mayelana nemigomo yokuthuthukiswa kwezikhungo zokugcina ubuciko bamagugu. Okokugcina, umqondo wabasebenzi kwezobuciko uthi izinhlelo zezinguquko zemigomo yokuqoqwa kwemisebenzi yobuciko emanyuvesi zihamba ngonyawo lonwabu. Ulwazi olutholakele kucwaningo luphakamisa isinqumo sokuthi uhulumeni kufanele asebenze ngomgomo owodwa “the arms-length approach” (Deacon 2010) kuhlelo lwezinguquko kumaziko obuciko, bese angenelele. Esinye isinqumo ukuthi ngaphandle kokuthi ama-White Paper kahulumeni ashicilelwe abe wumthetho, amaziko ombuso azoqhubeka nokuwashaya indiva. / Mo polelotheong eno, ke tlhatlhobile pholisi ya phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi ya Lefelo la Botsweretshi la Unisa (UAG) ka tsela ya tshekatsheko ka nako ya, le morago ga tlhaolele mo Aforikaborwa. Pholisi ya phitlhelelo ya Lefelo la Botsweretshi ya Unisa (UAGAP) e batlisisiwa e bapisitswe le ditlhokego tsa phetogo jaaka di kaelwa ke dipholisi tsa bosetšhaba tsa botsweretshi le setso. Ke akanya gore tirego ya phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi ga e diragale kwa ntle ga puisano ya politiki ya loago. Le fa e le gore polelotheo e kwadisitswe mo setlhogong sa Hisetori ya Botsweretshi, patlisiso e tsaya boitlhagiso jwa melebomentsi jaaka fa e paraletse mo mefameng ya botsweretshi jwa pono le pholisi ya setso. Ka jalo, go tota ga yona pholisi ya phitlhelelo go tlhoka motswako wa mekgwa e e ka amogelang maikemisetso a patlisiso a a lebeletsweng.
Thutopatlisiso e ikaegile ka tshitshinyo ya gore dipholisi tsa kokoanyo le phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi di sa ntse di sa fetoga go tswa mo mogopolong wa setso sa Yuropa. Ke tsaya boikaego jwa Aforika le tloso ya bokoloniale jaaka letlhomeso la tiori la tokololo. Dimusiamo tsa diyunibesiti ke ditheo tsa setso tsa setšhaba, mme Molaotheo wa Aforikaborwa o sireletsa tshwanelo ya setso. Ka jalo, go belaela ga ditheo tsa setšhaba go tsweletsa ditlhokego go bontsha go kgaratlha kgatlhanong le diphetogo.
Mo thutopatlisisong, ke batlisisa mabaka a a tlhotlheletsang mokgwa o o siameng gongwe o o sa siamang o go lebegang e kete UAGAP e tsibogela ka ona ditlhokego tsa ikonomiloago le sepolitiki tsa dipholisi tsa bosetšhaba tsa Aforikaborwa ya morago ga tlhaolele. Tokololo ya data e bontsha gore ga go na kgolagano e e tlhamaletseng magareng ga Pampiritshweu ya Botsweretshi, Setso le Ngwaoboswa (WPACH) (DAC 1996) le UAGAP. Phitlhelelo e nngwe ke ya gore ditiro tsa botsweretshi tse di kokoantsweng mo nakong e e fetileng di ne di ikaegile bogolosegolo ka diepisetemoloji tse di neng di na le phekeetso e kgolo ya setso sa Yuropa, moo tota setšhaba sa bantsho se nang le tshwaelo e e seng kalo gongwe se se na tshwaelo epe mo go tlhamiweng ga dipholisi tsa dimusiamo tsa diyunibesiti. Kwa bokhutlong, kakanyo ya badiragatsi ba botsweretshi ke gore kgato ya diphetogo ya dipholisi tsa kokoanyo ya botsweretshi jwa diyunibesiti e bonya. Diphitlhelelo di baka katlenegiso ya gore puso e tshwanetse go dira go feta “molebo o o sa gateleleng taolo gongwe tekanyetso” (Deacon 2010) mo diphetogong tsa ditheo tsa botsweretshi, mme e tsereganye. Katlenegiso e nngwe ke ya gore kwa ntle ga gore Dipampiritshweu tsa puso di fetolelwe go nna molao, ditheo tsa setšhaba di tlaa tswelela go di ikgatholosa. / In hierdie tesis ondersoek ek die kunsaankoopbeleid van die Unisa Kunsgalery (UKG) tydens en ná apartheid. Die kunsaankoopbeleid van die Unisa Kunsgalery (KABUKG) word volgens die nasionale transformasiebeleid oor kuns en kultuur beoordeel. Kunsaankope staan na my mening nie los van die sosiopolitieke diskoers nie. Ofskoon hierdie tesis onder die vak Kunsgeskiedenis ingeskryf is, word ʼn multidissiplinêre benadering gevolg aangesien die navorsing die terrein van die visuele kunste en dié van kultuurbeleid bestryk. Om die navorsingsdoelwitte te behaal, is ʼn kombinasie van metodologieë dus nodig.
Die studie berus op die hipotese dat die versameling van kunswerke en die aankoopbeleid steeds Eurosentries gerig is en nie getransformeer het nie. Ek neem Afrosentrisiteit en dekolonialiteit as teoretiese ontledingsraamwerke. Universiteitsmuseums is openbare kultuurinstellings en die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet waarborg burgers die reg op kultuur. Openbare instellings se onwilligheid om die opdragte uit te voer, dui op ʼn weerstand teen transformasie.
Ek verken die omstandighede wat bepaal hoe die KABUKG ná apartheid op die sosioëkonomiese en politieke opdragte reageer. Die dataontleding toon dat daar tussen die Witskrif oor Kuns, Kultuur en Erfenis (WKKE) (DAC 1996) en die KABUKG geen verband bestaan nie. Voorts is bevind dat kunswerke wat in die verlede aangekoop is, oorwegend Eurosentries was. Buitendien het swart mense tans weinig of geen seggenskap in universiteite se museumbeleide. Ten slotte is die tempo waarteen universiteite se aankoopbeleide transformeer volgens kunspraktisyns uiters traag. Daarom word op grond van die bevindings aanbeveel dat die regering sy armlengtebenadering (Deacon 2019) tot die transformasie van kunsinstellings laat vaar, en ingryp. As witskrifte nie wet gemaak word nie, sal openbare instellings aanhou om hulle te ignoreer. / Arts and Music / D. Phil. (Art)
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The use of mobile communication technology in professional identity development : a case of using whatsapp messenger to teach inquiry-based pedagogy to university chemistry teachersMutanga, Patrick 07 May 2021 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Setswana / This study investigated the feasibility of using WhatsApp Messenger as a tool to enhance the professional identity and inquiry-based pedagogy through the professional development of university chemistry teachers. The epistemological interpretive paradigm was used to guide the study. The study assumed a naturalistic, exploratory investigation. The qualitative research methodology was used to conduct the study. Nine university teachers were purposively sampled from three universities (three teachers from each university) for the study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, participant observations, and focus group discussions. Data analysis was completed using the thematic networks analysis. Ethics considerations were observed by not disclosing personal information of the participants or information about the universities where they represented. This study was guided by four theoretical underpinnings: the connectivism theory, the transformative learning theory, the expectancy-value theory, and the dual systems theory. The primary research question guiding this study was: How does the professional identity of university chemistry teachers develop as they learn IBP through WhatsApp Messenger? A two-pronged approach was used in the research: (1) comparing the professional identity of the teachers before and after the course, and (2) observing and describing the professional identity process as the teachers undertook the course.
The results from the interviews conducted before the teachers undertook the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that most teachers had a negative professional identity. They had become teachers for a variety of reasons, but they did not consider themselves teachers and believed they would leave university teaching if opportunities arose in the industry. They had no formal qualifications in pedagogy, and they did not believe that such knowledge was necessary. The majority of these teachers used teacher-centred approaches. Results from participant observations during the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that the course slowly imparted to the teachers the norms associated with not only IBP, but other teaching approaches as well. WhatsApp Messenger provided a flexible online platform where the teachers interacted and exchanged ideas without the need to meet in a physical space. The results from the interviews conducted after the teachers participated in the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that the participants' professional identity had changed positively. They now recognised the importance of pedagogy in teaching, they positively identified with the teaching profession, and some were considering acquiring formal qualifications in pedagogy. / Lolu cwaningo beluphenya ithuba lokusetshenziswa kwangempela kwe-WhatsApp Messenger njengethuluzi lokuqinisa isithombe sesisebenzi kanye nohlelo lokufundisa olwencike phezu kophenyo lothisha besifundo seKhemistri (chemistry) enyuvesi, ngohlelo lokuthuthukisa abasebenzi. Uhlelo lwepharadayimu echazayo ye-ephistemoloji lwasetshenziswa ukuhlahla indlela yesifundo, okuyindlela enqume ukulandela indlela yemvelo, ephenyayo. Umethodoloji wocwaningo olwencike kuKhwalithi (Qualitative) lusetshenzisiwe ukwenza ucwaningo, ndawonye nothisha basemanyuvesi ayisishiyagalolunye abakhethwe ngenhloso kumanyuvesi amathathu (abathathu kwinyuvesi eyodwa). Idatha yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezimbaxambili (semi-structured interviews), ngokubheka izenzo zomdlalindima (participant observation) kanye nezingxoxo zeqembu eliqondiwe (focus group discussions), kanti ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kwenziwa kwaqedwa ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya oluwuthungelelwano lwendikimba (thematic network analysis). Kubonakele ukulandelwa komgomo wokuziphatha ngokungadaluli ulwazi lomuntu ongumdlalindima noma ulwazi olumayelana namanyuvesi ababewameleyo. Ucwaningo beluholwa yizinhlaka ezine zethiyori: i-connectivism theory, i-transformative learning theory, i-expectancy-value theory kanye nama-dual systems theory. Umbuzo wokuqala wezocwaningo ohola ucwaningo bewuthi: Ngabe isithombe sobizo lobuthishela wekhemistri enyuvesi sithuthukiswa kanjani ngesikhathi befunda uhlelo lwemfundo eyencike ekuphenyeni (inquiry-based pedagogy (IBP) ngokusebenzisa i-WhatsApp Messenger? Indlela embaxambili iye yasetshenziswa: 1) ukuqhathanisa isithombe sobizo lobuthishela ngaphambi nangemuva kwesifundo,, kanye no-2) baqhathanisa isithombe sobizo lobuthishela sothisha ngaphambi nangemuva kwesifundo, kanye no 2) babheke futhi bachaza uhlelo lwezimpawu zokwakha isithombe sobizo lobuthishela njengoba othisha baye badlala indima kulesi sifundo.
Imiphumela evela kwizinhlolovo ezenziwe ngaphambi kokuba othisha bahambele isifundo se-WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP, ikhombise ukuthi iningi lothisha libe nesithombe sobizo esibi. Baye bafundela ubuthishela ngezizathu ezahlukahlukile, kodwa abakaze bazibona bangothisha futhi baye bacabanga ukuyeka inyuvesi uma ngabe kuvela amathuba kwimboni. Abakaze babe neziqu zokufundisa, kanti abazange bakholwe ukuthi ulwazi olunjalo kwakunesidingo sokuba nalo, kanti iningi lothisha lwalandela indlela izindlela ezencike kuthisha. Imiphumela evela ekubukeni izenzo zothisha ngesikhathi sesifundo se-IBP ikhombise ukuthi isifundo kancane kancane sinikeze othisha izimfundiso ezithile, kanti futhi nezinye izindlela zokufundisa. Uhlelo lwe-WhatsApp Messenger lunikeze inkundla ye- inthanethi engenamngcele lapho othisha bebahlangana futhi baphakelane ngemibono nhlangothi zombili ngaphandle kwesidingo sokuhlangana endaweni ephathekayo. Ngemuva kwesifundo se-IBP abadlalindima baye babika ukuthi babone izithombe zobizo lwabo zizinhle kakhulu. Manje sebeyakwazi ukubaluleka kwendlela yephedagogi ekufundiseni, bazibona behambisane kahle kakhulu nobizo lobuthishela. Kanti abanye baze bacabanga ukuthola ezinye iziqu ezisemthethweni zobizo lobuthisha. / Thuto e, e dirile dipatlisiso tsa kgonagalo tsa go dirisa WhattsApp Messenger jaaka sediriso sa go tlotlomatsa tlhaolo ya borutegi le potsiso theo ya thuto ya sekolo ya barutabana ba Yunibesithi ba thuto ya khemise, ka tlhabololo ya borutegi. Go dirisitswe pharataeme ya phetolo ya episitemoloji go kaela thuto e e tsaletseng botlhagiso jwa tlhago le tlhotlhomiso. Thutatsela ya patlisiso e e boleng e ne ya dirisiwa go tsamaisa thuto, le barutabana ba ba robongwe ba diyunibesithi tse di neng di na le maikemisetso a bosupi go tswa mo diyunibesithi tse tharo (ba bararo go tswa mo go nngwe le nngwe ya tsona). Didatha di ne di kgobokantswe ka seka-popego sa dipuisano, kelotlhokomelo ya batsayakarolo le tsepamiso ya setlhopha sa dipuisano, fa tshekatsheko ya datha e feditswe ka go dirisa tshekatsheko ya kgokagano ya thitokgang. Kelotlhoko ya maitshwaro e ne e na le tlhokomelo ka go se senole tshedimosetso ya batsayakarolo kgotsa tshedimosetso ka diyunibesthi tse e leng baemedi ba tsona. Thuto e ne e kaelwa ke metheo e mene ya tiori: tiori ya kopano, tiori ya phetogo ya thuto, tiori ya boleng jo bo solofetsweng le tiori ya thulaganyo. Potso e kgolo ya patlisiso e e kaelang thuto e ne e le: tlhaolo ya borutegi e gola jaang mo barutabaneng ba yunibesithi ba thuto ya Khemise fa ba ithuta thuto ka theo-potsiso ya petakoji (IBP) ka WhatsApp Messenger? Go thapilwe tlhagiso e e tlhagelelang gabedi 1) go farologanya tlhaolo ya barutabana pele le morago ga khoso le 2) go ela tlhoko le go tlhalosa tshedimosetso ya tlhaolo ya borutegi jaaka barutabana ba batsayakarolo mo khosong.
Dipholo tsa tsamaiso ya potsotherisano e e neng e le teng pele ga go tsena khoso ya WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP, di bontsha gore ba bantsi ba na le tlhaolo ya borutegi jo bo sa siamang. Ba ne ba nna barutabana ka mabaka a a rileng a a sa tshwaneng fela ba sa ipone sentle jaaka barutabana, ka megopolo ya go tlogela Yunibesithi fa ditšhono tsa intasetari di tlhagelela. Ba ne ba sena boatlhodi jwa semmuso ba petakoji, mme ba ne ba sa dumele gore kitso e jaana e a tlhokagala, ka bone bontsi bo ne bo tsaletswe ditlhagiso tsa go tsepama mo borutabaneng. Dipholo tsa kelotlhoko ya batsayakarolo mo nakong ya khoso ya IBP di bontsha gore khoso e e neetse barutabana ditlwaelo tse di rileng tse di sa tsamaisaneng fela le IBP gape le ditlhagiso tse dingwe tsa borutabana. WhatsApp Messenger e kgona go abelana mo polatefomong e e bonolo ya inthanete mo barutabaneng ba ba tlhaeletsanang le go abelana dikakanyo kwa ntle ga tlhokego ya go kopana mo lefelong ka sebele. Morago ga khoso ya IBP batsayakarolo ba begile gore ba leba ditlhaolo tsa bone tsa borutegi ka letshwao la koketso. Jaanong ba lemogile botlhokwa jwa petakoji mo go ruteng, se se tlhagisiwa ka letshwao la koketso mo boruteging jwa go ruta, ba bangwe ba ntse ba akanya go nna le boatlhodi jwa semmuso ka mo petakoji. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Curriculum Studies)
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Women's economic empowerment for sustainable livelihoods through the land reform in ZimbabweMurombo, Alick 01 1900 (has links)
The study explored the extent of women’s economic empowerment for sustainable livelihoods through the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) in Zimbabwe, focusing on three wards in the Makoni district. The study addressed the paucity of information on the usefulness of land redistribution on women’s improved food security and disposable income. Using a qualitative case study, the researcher purposefully selected thirty female land beneficiaries to participate in focus group discussions and five land officers from government departments to be interviewed as key informants. Findings reveal that the FTLRP generally meant that men accessed more land than women. Women’s livelihood initiatives were hampered by their failure to access sufficient support from the government and external partners. Despite the government signing various charters purported to support women’s empowerment, there is still a lot to be done to achieve it. / Lolu cwaningo lwaluhlola izinga lwamandla okuthuthukiswa komnotho kwabesifazane ukuze kube nokuphila okusimeme ngokusebenzisa Uhlelo Lokusheshiswa Kokuguqulwa Komhlaba eZimbabwe, lugxile ezigcemeni ezintathu eMkhandlwini waseMakoni. Lolu cwaningo lwethula ukuntuleka kolwazi ngokubaluleka kokubuyiswa komhlaba kabusha okumayelana nokuvikelwa kokuthuthukiswa nokuphepha kokudla kwabesifazane nokuthola imali engenayo. Ukusebenzisa ucwaningo lwesigameko olubhekene nobungako bento, umcwaningi wakhetha ngenhloso abazuzi noma abahlomuli besifazane bomhlaba abangamashumi amathathu ukuba babambe iqhaza ezigxoxweni zeqembu ezigxile kokuthize kanye nenhlolokhono nezikhulu zomhlaba ezinhlanu ezivela eminyangweni kahulumeni njengabantu ababalulekile. Kuye kwatholakala ukuthi Uhlelo Lokusheshiswa Kokuguqulwa Komhlaba luchaza ukuthi abesilisa yibona abahlomula kakhulu ukudlula abesifazane. Izindlela zokuphila zabesifazane zavinjelwa ukwehluleka kwabo ekutholeni uxhaso olwanele oluvela kuhulumeni kanye nabambisane nabo abangaphandle. Ngaphandle kokuba uhulumeni asayinde incwadi ewumqulu enikezelana ngelungelo noma amandla okubhekiswe ekusekeleni kokuxhaswa kokuthukiswa kwabesifazane, kuningi okusamelwe kwenziwe ukufezekisa lombono. / Esi sifundo saqwalasela ubungakanani bokuxhotyiswa kwabafazi ngamandla ezoqoqosho abawanikwa ngenkqubo ekuthiwa yiFast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) eZimbabwe, kugxininiswa kwiiwadi ezintathu ezikwisithili saseMakoni. Esi sifundo salungisa ukunqaba kolwazi olumalunga nokuba luncedo konikezelo lomhlaba malunga nokuphuculwa kokuqinisekiswa kokutya nemivuzo yabafazi. Ngokusebenzisa isifundo esigxila kumgangatho ngokuthatha imizekelo yeemeko ezithile, umphandi wakhetha ngononophelo abafazi abangamashumi abathathu nababenikwe umhlaba, wabasebenzisa kwiingxoxo zamaqela, waqhuba udliwano ndlebe namagosa eSebe lezemihlaba. Okwafunyaniswayo kwadiza ukuba ngokweFTLRP amadoda afumana umhlaba omninzi ngaphezu kwabafazi. Intlalo nempilo yabafazi iqhwaleliswa kukungafumani kwabo inkxaso eyaneleyo kurhulumente nakumaqabane karhulumente angaphandle. Nangona urhulumente etyikitya izivumelwano ezininzi ezithi uxhobisa abafazi, kusekuninzi ekufuneka kwenziwe ukuze iphumelele loo njongo. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)
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Adopting green information and communication technology: barriers for South African small and medium enterprisesBok, Elizma Sharee 12 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / Green information and communication technology (ICT) is viewed as a pioneering initiative that plays a key role in reducing the negative impact of ICT on the environment. The research problem of the study was the low green ICT adoption rate in South African small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The primary objective was to identify the most prominent barriers resulting in this low adoption rate. The first secondary objective was to determine the barrier with the strongest underlying correlation resulting in the low adoption rate of green ICT in South African SMEs. The second secondary objective was to recommend strategies on how to improve the adoption rate of green ICT. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data through electronic and paper-based surveys. A census study was conducted among owners and managers of high-technology-based SMEs located in Gauteng. An exploratory factor analysis was employed to identify the barriers resulting in the low adoption rate of green ICT. These barriers were found to be a lack of funding, awareness, legislation, skills, and knowledge based on complexity and uncertainty. A lack of funding was identified as the most prominent barrier to adopting low green ICT. Although five constructs were discussed in the literature, the overall results presented six components, with the construct of knowledge being made up of two parts – complexity and uncertainty. This study recommends that SMEs align green ICT initiatives with their strategic goals and that government consider more adequate support structures for SMEs. The study confirmed a low green ICT adoption rate in South African SMEs, and more research is required to explore the impact of each of the factors above on the environment. / Met groen inligting-en-kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) word baanbrekerswerk gedoen om die nadelige uitwerking wat IKT op die omgewing het, te verklein. Die trae tempo waarteen Suid-Afrikaanse klein en medium ondernemings (KMO’s) groen IKT aanneem was die navorsingsprobleem van hierdie studie. Die primêre oogmerk was om die grootste struikelblokke vir die aanneem van groen IKT aan te toon. Die eerste sekondêre oogmerk was om die struikelblok met die sterkste onderliggende korrelasie met die trae tempo waarteen Suid-Afrikaanse KMO’s groen IKT aanneem, te bepaal. Die tweede was om met strategieë te kom om die tempo te versnel waarteen groen ITK aangeneem word. Data is met ʼn selfvraelys deur elektroniese en papieropnames versamel. ʼn Sensusstudie is onder die eienaars en bestuurders van hoëtegnologie-KMO’s in Gauteng gedoen. Struikelblokke wat vir die trae aanneming van groen ITK verantwoordelik is, is met ʼn verkennende faktoranalise aangetoon. Daar is bevind dat gebrekkige befondsing en bewustheid, wetgewing, ʼn gebrek aan vaardighede en kennis weens die kompleksiteit en onsekerheid struikelblokke is. ʼn Gebrek aan befondsing was die grootste struikelblok vir die aanneem van groen IKT. Hoewel vyf konstrukte in die literatuur bespreek is, het die uitslag aangedui daar is ses. Die konstruk kennis is uit twee dele saamgestel: kompleksiteit en onsekerheid. Hierdie studie beveel aan dat KMO’s hulle groen IKT-inisiatiewe met hulle strategiese doelwitte in ooreenstemming bring, en dat die regering KMO’s beter ondersteun. Die studie bevestig die trae tempo waarteen Suid-Afrikaanse KMO’s groen ITK aanneem. Die invloed van elk van die bogenoemde faktore op die omgewing moet in verdere navorsing verken word. / Ulwazi lwezeMvelo kanye nobuchwepheshe bezokuxhumana (ICT) kuphawuleka njengemizamo yamaqhinga amasha adlala indima esemqoka ekunciphiseni umthelela omubi we-ICT kwezemvelo. Inkinga exazululwayo kucwaningo kwabe kuyizinga eliphansi lomthintela we-ICT kwezemvelo kumabhizinisi amancane nalawo asafufusa (SMEs) eNingizimu Afrika. Inhloso yokuqala kwabe kuwukuthola izikhinyabezo ezigqamile eziholela ekutheni kube nezinga eliphansi lokwamukela ezemvelo. Inhloso yokuqala esesigabeni sesibili kwabe kuwukuthola isikhinyabezo esinezimpawu ezihambisanayo kakhulu esidala izinga eliphansi lokwamukela ezemvelo kwi-ICT. Inhloso yesibili yesigaba sesibili kwabe kuwukuncoma amasu angasetshenziswa ukuthuthukisa izinga lokwamukelwa kwezemvelo kwi-ICT. Umbhalo wemibuzo ehlelwe wumcwaningi ngokwakhe wasetshenziswa ukuqoqa idatha ngohlelo lwesaveyi eyaqhutshwa ngekhomphyutha nangephepha. Ucwaningo lohlelo lokubalwa kwabantu/lwesensasi lwenziwa phakathi kwabanikazi kanye nabaphathi bamabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa esifundazweni saseGauteng, amabhizinisi encike kubuchwepheshe beqophelo eliphezulu. Uhlelo lokuhlaziya oluhlolayo lwasetshenziswa ngesizathu sokuthola izihibhe ezidala izinga eliphansi lokulandelwa kwezemvelo ku-ICT. Lezi zihibhe zatholakala ukuthi ukuswela uxhaso lwezimali, ukwexwayiswa, umthetho, izakhono zomsebenzi kanye nolwazi olwencike phezu kwesimo esixubene kanye nokungabi nesiqinisekiso. Ukuswela ukuxhaswa ngezimali kwabonakala njengesikhinyabezo esikhulu mayelana nokwamukelwa kwezinga eliphansi lwe-ICT yezemvelo. Yize kuye kwaxoxwa ngezakhiwo ezinhlanu kumbhalo wobuciko, yonke imiphumela iveze izigaba eziyisithupha, ngesakhiwo solwazi esahlukene izingcezu ezimbili – isimo esixubene kanye kanye nokungabi nasiqinisekiso. Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi amabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa (SMEs) ahambisana nemizamo yohlelo lwe-ICT olulandela ezemvelo kanye nezimpokophelo zamasu kanye nokuthi uhulumeni ubhekelele ukuthi kube nezakhiwo eziningi nezanele zokuxhasa amabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa (SMEs). Ucwaningo luqinisekisile ukuthi kunezinga eliphansi lokubhekelelwa amabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa mayelana nezemvelo kwi-ICT eNingizimu Afrika, kanti kudingeka ucwaningo oluningi ukuhlola umthintela wazo zonke izinto ezingenhla mayelana nezemvelo. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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International capital inflows in emerging markets: the role of institutionsNxumalo, Immaculate Simiso 08 1900 (has links)
The primary objective of this study was to examine the broader impact of institutional
quality on enhancing foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI)
inflows in a sample of twelve emerging market economies for the period 2007 to 2017. We
specifically sought to answer questions related to the key drivers of FDI and FPI inflows into emerging markets, with a particular emphasis on the role played by institutional quality factors. We further sought to interrogate the long-run and causal relationships between the key variables of FDI, FPI and institutional quality, in respect of the sample of emerging markets. The study employed the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to construct a composite index for institutional quality composed of the six Worldwide Governance Indicators. Various other econometric models were applied, including the dynamic panel data generalised method of moments (GMM) model, the panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model for dynamic heterogeneous panels, and the panel vector error correction model (VECM). The results revealed that FDI in the selected emerging markets was, in the main, attracted by economic growth and institutional quality. Institutional quality, economic rowth and capital account openness were positive determinants of FPI inflows; however, stock market development stood out as the foremost determinant factor. In addition to finding long-run, cointegrating relationships between the key variables, it emerged that there was bi-directional causality between FDI and FPI, as well as between FDI and institutional quality in the long run. Despite the latter findings, the results further suggested that the long-run relationship between the two foreign capital inflows, i.e. FDI and FPI, was more of a substitutability or trade-off nature in our sample of emerging markets. In light of these findings, we recommended that it would be in the best interests of these emerging markets if the responsible policymakers continued to liberalise these economies. Further, it was shown that in order to attract inward international capital flows, financial liberalisation should be coupled with the strengthening of the domestic institutional environment.Strengthening institutions could curtail the persistence of institutional weaknesses and insulate emerging market economies from the adverse effects of volatile capital flows, and in the long-run enhance international capital inflows. / Inhloso enkulu yalolu cwaningo kwaye kuwukuhlola umthelela obanzi kwizinga leziko
ekuqiniseni uhlelo lokutshalwa ngqo kwezimali ezweni langaphandle (foreign direct
investment; FDI) kanye nemali engena mayelana nokuthengwa kwamagugu (shares, stocks
and bonds) angenisa imali ezweni elingaphandle (foreign portfolio investment; FPI)
kwizimakethe zamazwe eziyishumi nambili esikhathini esiphakathi kuka 2007 ukufika ku
2017. Empeleni besifuna ukuphendula imibuzo emayelana nezikhwezeleli ezisemqoka
eziheha uhlelo lwe-FDI kanye ne-FPI ezimakethe ezifufusayo, ikakhulu kugxilwe kwindima
edlalwa yizinto ezihlobene nezinga leziko. Siqhubekela phambili nokuphenya izinhlobo
zobudlelwano besikhathi esinde kanye nobudlelwano obuyimbangela phakathi
kwamavarebuli asemqoka e-FDI, i-FPI kanye nezinga leziko, mayelana nesampuli
yezimakethe ezisafufusayo. Ucwaningo lusebenzise uhlelo lwe-Principal Components
Analysis (PCA) ukwakha imvange yezinkomba ukwenzela izinga leziko eliqukethe izinkomba
eziyisithupha ezibizwa phecelezi nge-Worldwide Governance Indicators. Amanye amamodeli
alinganisa ezomnotho asetshenzisiwe, kuxutshwa phakathi idatha yamaphaneli
eguquguqukayo ebizwa nge-dynamic panel data generalised method of moments (GMM)
model, uhlelo lwe-panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model ukwenzela amaphaneli
ahlukahlukene futhi aguquguqukayo, kanye nohlelo lwe-panel vector error correction model
(VECM). Imiphumela iveze ukuthi i-FDI ezimakethe ezikhethiwe ezisafufusa, esikhathini
esiningi, iye yahehwa ukuhluma komnotho kanye nezinga leziko. Izinga leziko, ukuhluma
komnotho kanye nokuvuleka kwe-akhawunti yemali bekuyizinto eziyizinkomba ezinhle
zokungena kwe-FPI; yize-kunjalo, ukuthuthukiswa kwemakethe yesitoko kuvele kwagqama
ngaphezulu njengenkomba ekhombisayo. Ukwengeza phezu kolwazi olutholakele
esikhathini esinde, ukuhlangana kobudlelwano obuphakathi kwamavarebuli asemqoka,
kuye kwavela ukuthi kwakunezimbangela ezikhomba izindlela ezimbili zokungena
kwezimali ezitshalwa ngaphandle, zona yilezi i-FDI kanye nezinga leziko esikhathini esinde.
Naphezu kolwazi olutholakele kamuva, imiphumela iqhubeka nokuphakamisa ukuthi
ubudlelwano besikhathi eside obuphakathi kwezinhlelo zokutshalwa kwezimali ezivela
emazweni angaphandle, lezo zinhlelo yilezi, i-FDI kanye ne-FPI, bezingendlela ikakhulukazi
yokushintshana/yokumisela noma yokushintshelana ngokuhweba kwisampuli yethu
yezimakethe ezisafufusayo. Mayelana nalolu lwazi olutholakele, sincome ukuthi
kuzohambisana nokuthandwa yilezi zimakethe ezisafufusa uma ngabe abenzi bemigomo
ababandakanyekayo baqhubeke nokususa izihibe zomnotho kula mazwe asafufusa.
Ngaphezu kwalokho, kuye kwavezwa ukuthi ukuze kuhehwe izimali zamazwe angaphandle,
uhlelo lokususwa kwezihibe zomnotho lufanele luhambisane nokuqiniswa kwesizinda
esiyiziko lasekhaya. Ukuqiniswa kwamaziko kungaqeda isimo esintengayo seziko futhi
kungasusa izimakethe zamazwe asafufusayo kwisimo esingagculisi sezimali ezingenayo,
kanti esikhathini eside lokhu kungaqinisa ukutshalwa ukungena kwezimali ezivela
emzaweni angaphandle / Maikemisetso magolo a thutopatlisiso eno e ne e le go tlhatlhoba ditlamorago ka bophara tsa
boleng jwa ditheo mo go tokafatseng keleloteng ya dipeeletso tsa tlhamalalo tsa kwa
dinageng tse dingwe (FDI) le dipeeletso tsa dipotefolio tsa kwa dinageng tse dingwe (FPI)
mo sampoleng ya diikonomi tse somepedi tsa mebaraka e e tlhagelelang mo pakeng ya 2007
go fitlha 2017. Re ne re totile go araba dipotso tse di malebana le ditsamaisi tsa botlhokwa
tsa keleloteng ya FDI le FPI mo mebarakeng e e tlhagelelang, go lebeletswe thata seabe sa
dintlha tsa boleng jwa ditheo. Gape re ne re lebeletse go tlhotlhomisa go nna sebaka se se
telele le sebako sa dikamano magareng ga dipharologantsho tsa botlhokwa tsa FDI, FPI le
boleng jwa ditheo, malebana le sampole ya mebaraka e e tlhagelelang. Thutopatlisiso e
dirisitse Tokololo ya Dintlha tsa Botlhokwa (PCA) go aga tshupane ya dikarolo ya boleng jwa
ditheo e e nang le Disupi di le thataro tsa Lefatshe lotlhe tsa Bolaodi. Go dirisitswe gape dikao
tse dingwe tse di farologaneng tsa ikonometiriki, go akarediwa sekao sa dynamic panel data
generalised method of moments (GMM) sa data ya phanele e e farologaneng, sekao sa panel
autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) sa diphanele tse di farologaneng le sekao sa panel
vector error correction (VECM). Dipholo di senotse gore FDI mo mebarakeng e e
tlhophilweng e e tlhagelelang e ne tota e ngokiwa ke kgolo ya ikonomi le boleng jwa ditheo.
Boleng jwa ditheo, kgolo ya ikonomi le go bulega ga akhaonto ya kapitale e nnile diswetsi tse
di siameng tsa keleloteng ya FPI; fela tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya setoko e tlhageletse jaaka
ntlha e e kwa pele e e swetsang. Go tlaleletsa mo go fitlheleleng botsalano jwa pakatelele le
jo bo kopanang jwa dipharologantsho tsa botlhokwa, go tlhageletse gore go na le go sebako
sa dintlhapedi magareng ga FDI le FPI gammogo le magareng ga FDI le boleng jwa ditheo mo
pakeng e e telele. Le fa go ntse go na le diphitlhelelo tse di kailweng la bofelo, dipholo gape
di tshitshinya gore botsalano jwa paka e e telele magareng ga keleloteng ya kapitale ya kwa
ntle k.g.r. FDI le FPI ke jwa mofuta wa go emisetsa se sengwe ka se sengwe mo sampoleng
ya rona ya mebaraka e e tlhagelelang. Ka ntlha ya diphitlhelelo tseno, re atlenegisa gore go
tlaa bo go le mo dikgatlhegelong tsa mebaraka eno e e tlhagelelang gore ba ba rweleng
maikarabelo a go dira dipholisi ba ka tswelela go repisa diikonomi tseno. Mo godimo ga moo,
go bonagetse gore go ngokela kelelo e e tsenang ya kapitale ya boditšhabatšhaba, go repisiwa
ga merero ya ditšhelete go tshwanetse ga tsamaisiwa le maatlafatso ya tikologo ya ditheo tsa
selegae. Go maatlafatsa ditheo go ka fedisa go tswelela pele ga makoa a ditheo le go sireletsa
diikonomi tsa mebaraka e e tlhagelelang mo ditlamoragong tse di maswe tsa dikelelo tse di
maswe tsa kapitale, mme kwa bokhutlong, go tokafadiwe kelelo ya kapitale ya
boditšhabatšhaba / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Financial Management)
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