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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spolupráce personální agentury s jejími uživateli na adaptačním procesu zahraničních zaměstnanců / Cooperation of Personnel Agency and its Clients on the Adaptation Process of Foreign Employees

Šimůnková, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of adaptation process of foreign workers in clients of personnel agency services with a focus on Ukrainian employees, the diploma thesis futher specializes in cooperation of personnel agency with its clients of services to which the personnel agency places Ukrainian employees. The aim of the diploma thesis is to identify and analyze the course of adaptation process of Ukrainian employees in clients of personnel agency services, to create own system of adaptation process of Ukrainian employees taking into account legislative, intercultural, psychological and management aspects in clients of personnel agency services and then compare it with real adaptation process of Ukrainian employees in the clients of the personnel agency ManpowerGroup s.r.o. The empirical research finds out how the personnel agency cooperates with clients in the adaptation process of Ukrainian workers and aims to answer the research question whether the ukrainian worker's adaptation process is more involved in the adaptation process than its clients, the new Ukrainian employer. Key words: migration policy, ukrainian workers, specifics of ukrainian nationaliy, personnel agency, adaptation process

Měnící se názor veřejnosti ve Finsku na členství v NATO v kontextu Ukrajinské krize / Changing Public Opinion in Finland on NATO Membership in the Context of the Ukrainian Crisis

Kratinová, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
Finland is nowadays a prosperous Nordic country, a member of the European Union, supporter of the EU-Russian relations and is one of the most developed economies in the world. Finland still has a unique role in maintaining friendly relations with Russia and therefore we can assume that Finland does not pursue NATO membership, because it would most definitely be perceived as threatening by the Russians. The Ukrainian crisis changed views of many people on Russian foreign relations and made the public, politicians and entire countries question what is Russia capable of and whether it should be perceived as a threat. Because of the Ukrainian Crisis, opinions in Finland are changing and developing and the NATO membership is seen from a brand new perspective and the much treasured policy of nonalignment is being reconsidered as well. That is the issue that I am going to research and examine in this thesis. I will describe changes in public opinion on NATO membership and general safety of Finland, because this public opinion has varied over the last decade and the Ukrainian crisis was the reason for these changes. In order to find answers to these issues, I performed a complex analysis of information coming from several sources, as well as results of research of public opinion and interviews with Finnish...

Ztráty a nálezy transnacionálního mateřství / Losses and Findings of Transnational Motherhood

Ezzeddine, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Key Words: migration, gender, transnational motherhood, care work, reproductive remmitences, Ukrainian female migrants in the Czech Republic Abstract: The aim of my dissertation is to analyze how gender operates in transnational spaces, and what impacts it has on the experience of motherhood and the formation of new gender identities. I will try to describe how transnational Ukrainian mothers narratively construct and emphasise their experiences with transnational motherhood. I will also focus my attention on the social practices of transnational motherhood and social conditions of female care migration in the Czech Republic.

The Rise of Russian Soft Power : A media frame analysis of the Russia-based channel RT

Hedlund Kancans, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
In the information age, media has come to be recognized as a credible mean and foreign policy tool to pursue soft power. Authoritarian states like Russia are competing in the realm of ideas through state-funded news outlets such as Russia Today (RT). This by reaching out to global and foreign public spheres and by reporting on an alternative reality of events, issues and problems. This thesis studies the role of the media news outlet RT as a mean to promote Russian soft power. This with a focus on how the channel attempts to persuade and attract an international audience based on the construction of a compelling narrative. To approach this theme empirically, a media frame analysis is conducted utilizing five news frames including; morality, human interest, responsibility, conflict and economic consequences. The overall results suggest that RT attracts and persuades largely by providing an alternative Russian perspective on events, issues or problems. It attracts by appealing both in the direction of the western- and eastern world. It appeals to the west by emphasizing how the West needs Russia to find answers to the pressing issues in global politics. It appeals to the east by suggesting an alternative model of development. RT attempts to persuade are made through the construction of counter-narratives which delegitimizes the Western approach in international affairs. The channel devotes efforts to boost these narratives by selective news porting and handpicking statements made by intellectuals from the perceived “other” western camp.

Internet-Memes als Visualisierungsmittel von Hate Speech im russisch-ukrainischen Konflikt

Ivanchenko, Tetiana 20 January 2022 (has links)
Hate Speech in den sozialen Medien ist heute ein stark diskutiertes und akutes Thema. Im Jahr 2016 wurde von der EU-Kommission der Verhaltenskodex zur Bekämpfung illegaler Hassreden im Internet eingeführt und 2017 in Deutschland das Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz (NetzDG) gegen Hate Speech im Internet beschlossen. Im russisch-ukrainischen Konflikt (seit 2014) ist Hate Speech zu einer der grundlegenden Komponenten geworden. Diese Tatsache hat die ohnehin angespannte Situation weiter verschärft. Internet Memes lassen sich dabei als eine neue Form der Konfliktkommunikation und der Visualisierung von Hate Speech feststellen. Mit Hilfe dieses jungen multimodalen Phänomens werden Beleidigungen gegen eine soziale Gruppe oder sogar ein ganzes Volk verbreitet. Trotz der Tatsache, dass Wissenschaftler:innen in letzter Zeit der Internet-Meme-Forschung viel Beachtung schenken und dieses Phänomen sich im schnellen Entwicklungstrend befindet, sind die Rolle, Funktionen und verbal-visuellen Merkmale von multimodalen Internet-Memes im russisch-ukrainischen Konflikt bisher nicht umfassend untersucht worden. Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert und systematisiert die bestehende Forschung im Bereich der Internet-Memes und Hate Speech und zeigt am Beispiel des Konflikts zwischen der Ukraine und Russland, wie Internet-Memes nicht nur Hate Speech visualisieren, sondern auch eine Weltanschauung formen, neue Konzepte und neue Stereotype bilden und die Alten widerspiegeln. Diese Dissertation ist zum einen als Beitrag zur methodischen Ausdifferenzierung der Hate-Speech-Memes zu verstehen, was das linguistische und interdisziplinäre Forschungsfeld weiter vorantreiben kann. Zum anderen ermöglicht sie, die Beziehungen zwischen der Ukraine und Russland sowie die Ursachen des Konflikts zu begreifen. Die in dieser Arbeit beschriebenen und analysierten verbal-visuellen Merkmale der Internet-Memes des Konflikts bilden ein Instrumentarium für die weitere Erforschung dieses relativ jungen Phänomens sowie der russisch-ukrainischen Konfrontation.:Vorwort 3 1 Einleitung 8 1.1 Problemstellung und Zielsetzung 8 1.2 Struktur der Arbeit 11 1.3 Methodik und Korpus 12 1.4 Anmerkung zu Datenschutz, Transliteration und Übersetzungen 13 2 Theoretisch-historische Hintergründe 15 2.1 Hate-Speech des Konflikts als Forschungsobjekt 15 2.1.1 Der Begriff Hate Speech 15 Linguistischer Aspekt 15 Gesetzlicher Aspekt 19 2.1.2 Hate Speech und Medien 20 2.1.3 Hate Speech und Internet 22 2.1.4 Rechtvorschriften der Ukraine und Russlands in Bezug auf Hate Speech 23 2.1.5 Klassifikation von Hate Speech 24 2.1.6 Visualisierung von Hate Speech 26 2.2 Internet-Memes als Untersuchungsgegenstand 27 2.2.1 Von Memen zu Internet-Memes 27 2.2.2 Internet-Memes 29 2.2.3 Internet-Memes-Definition 31 Kultur- und kommunikationswissenschaftliche Perspektive 31 Linguistische Perspektive 32 2.2.4 Internet-Memes als multimodale Form: Definitionsschwierigkeit 33 Internet-Memes als Sprache-Bild-Texte 34 Internet-Memes als kreolisierte Texte 35 Arbeitsdefinition für Internet-Memes 35 Merkmale von multimodalen Internet-Memes 37 2.2.5 Funktionen von Internet-Memes 39 2.2.6 Typen von Internet-Memes 41 Image-Macros 43 Demotivatoren 45 2.2.7 Internet-Memes und andere multimodale Formen: Plakat, Karikatur 46 Internet-Memes und politische Karikatur 46 Internet-Memes und politisches Plakat 47 3 Visualisierung von Hate Speech im russisch-ukrainischen Konflikt 48 3.1 Konflikt vs. Krieg 48 3.2 Internet-Memes und Kulturwissenschaftliche Linguistik 55 3.3 Identität-Sprache-Stereotyp 56 3.4 Historischer Exkurs: Auseinandersetzung der Ukraine und Russland 62 3.4.1 Sprachenpolitik und Identitätsbildung in der Ukraine nach 1990 62 3.4.2 Zerfall der Sowjetunion und Russische Identitätsbildung 68 3.4.3 Geschichtsinterpretation von verschiedenen Perioden in der Ukraine und Russland 71 3.4.4 „Euromajdan“ als Wendepunkt 81 3.5 Stereotype als Basis für Hate Speech 86 3.5.1 Ethnostereotype 88 3.5.2 Ethnostereotype von Ukrainern 89 3.5.3 Ethnostereotype von Russen 96 3.6 Hate Speech des russisch-ukrainischen Konflikts 100 3.6.1 Neologismen nach dem „Majdan“ 101 3.6.2 Arten der Bildung von Neologismen 104 3.7 Hate-Speech-Memes 106 3.7.1 Stand der Forschung 106 3.7.2 Internet-Memes als aggressive multimodale Argumentation 111 3.7.3 Internet-Memes als Propagandamittel 112 4 Empirische Untersuchungen 117 4.1 Das Korpus der Internet-Memes 117 4.2 Hate-Speech-Liste 120 4.3 Intoleranzgrad der Internet-Memes 121 4.4 Erste Untersuchung: Textextraktion 123 4.5 Zweite Untersuchung: Internet-Memes-Analyse 128 4.5.1 Klassifikation von Internet-Memes des Konflikts 131 Historische Internet-Memes 132 Banderovсy (бандеровцы) 132 Rašyzm (рашизм) 145 Ethnostereotypische Internet-Memes 153 Chochol (хохол) 153 Kacap (кацап) 164 Moskal᾽ (москаль) 169 Neugebildete Internet-Memes 180 Vatnik(i) (ватник) 180 Vyšivatnik(i) (вышиватник) 186 Kolorad(y) (колорад) 191 Ukrop(y) (укроп) 199 Ukr(y) (укр) 205 Majdaun(y) (майдаун) 215 Daunbas (даунбас) 219 Lugandon (лугандон) 224 Federast(y) (федeраст) 230 4.6 Verbal-visuelle Besonderheiten der Hate-Speech-Memes des Konflikts 235 5 Schlussbetrachtungen und Ausblick 279 Literatur 283 Abbildungsverzeichnis 320 Tabellenverzeichnis 325 Akürzungsverzeichnis 326 Analysierte Internet-Memes (Beschreibung und Quelle) 327 Analysierte Internet-Memes (Bilder) 349

Přechylování slov označujících povolání. Ukrajinština ve srovnání s běloruštinou a ruštinou. / Ukrainian feminatives denoting the names of professions and positions in comparison with Belarusian and Russian languages.

Morozuk, Uladzimir January 2021 (has links)
This Master thesis studies the usage of feminin forms of the nouns describing the profession in three East Slavic languages: Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian. The work places great emphasis on sociolinguistic and morphological aspects of the formation and usage of these female correlates.

Analýza mediálního obrazu války na Ukrajině ve vybraných médiích / Analysis of the media image of the war in Ukraine in selected media

Naimushinova, Anastasiia January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with medial images of selected events of the Ukraine War and their comparison in selected Ukrainian, Russian and Czech media. The aim of the diploma thesis is to identify, describe and compare medial images of key events of the Ukraine War in selected intelligence portals with various political orientation. The assumption is that there probably exist alternatives in opinion of the official Russian position in the frame of the Ukrainian and Czech media discourse. The first part of the thesis deals with theoretical concepts that are connected with propaganda and state-organised communication, and specifies the differences among them. Furthermore, a design of the research is introduced. The analytical part provides results and the content analysis detections in medial statements that were published in selected media between 20th February 2014 and 31st December 2014. The conclusion summarises the main detections of the research and their assets in the field of a propaganda survey.

Ztráty a nálezy transnacionálního mateřství / Losses and Findings of Transnational Motherhood

Ezzeddine, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Key Words: migration, gender, transnational motherhood, care work, reproductive remmitences, Ukrainian female migrants in the Czech Republic Abstract: The aim of my dissertation is to analyze how gender operates in transnational spaces, and what impacts it has on the experience of motherhood and the formation of new gender identities. I will try to describe how transnational Ukrainian mothers narratively construct and emphasise their experiences with transnational motherhood. I will also focus my attention on the social practices of transnational motherhood and social conditions of female care migration in the Czech Republic.

The Kharkiv Writers’ House: Ukrainian Culture and Identity in the 1920s and 1930s

Kopatz, Philip A. 30 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Across the Sea: Refugees in the Eyes of the Media : A Discourse Analysis on Western Media

Myaz, Rawab January 2023 (has links)
In February of 2022, Putin invaded Ukraine, leaving many people displaced. When the war broke out, it received widespread international condemnation and was subject to bias from state officials, news outlets and civilians. State officials reacted favorably, expressing a   desire to support Ukraine and impose sanctions on Russia. The invasion brought millions of refugees seeking safety from the conflict to EU member states, resulting in neighbouring countries admitting every single Ukrainian that reaches their territory. Revealing western media's true colors. This thesis employs a Discourse Analysis to examine western media's bigotry language and portrayal towards non-Ukrainians while covering the Ukrainian conflict. Poststructuralism theory will be applied to comprehend the media’s racial undertones in its depiction of the conflict. I argue the prevalent western hypocrisy in media coverage. The findings of the thesis reveal the existence of biased and racist rhetoric language used by western media.

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