Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ukrainian"" "subject:"krainian""
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Problematika překladu románu NeprOsti Tarase Prochas'ka / Issues of translation of the novel NeprOsti by Taras Prochas'koGazukina, Jekaterina January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis on Issues of translation of the novel NeprOsti by Taras Prochas'ko deals with an analysis of the translation and specification of particular translators' solutions of the novel NeprOsti written by one of the famous one of the famous contemporary Ukrainian prosaist and essayist, who belongs to representatives of the Stanislav Phenomenon. His work has a specific characteristic distinguished from the other Ukrainian post-modern authors. The characteristic of his work and its placement within the contemporary Ukrainian literature is a part of the first section of the work. The attention is paid to Prochasko's specific text NeprOsti, published in 2012, in Czech translation titled Jinací. In the second part of the diploma thesis there are stated the theoretical solutions of my analysis. The story is set into ethnographic specific Hutsul part of Carpathian Ukraine, which is rich in numerous local facts and linguistic interesting peculiarities that are significantly reflected in the text. For this reason the novel contains a number of problematic and interesting phenomena, which are generally referred to as culture-specific items. A difficulty during the translation process was also caused by the author's distinctive syntax, language games and numerous polysemantic expressions. In the...
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Tradition culturelle et spécificité de la tradition philosophique en Ukraine / Cultural traditions and specificity of the philosophic tradition in UkraineMachet, Pierre-Alexandre 19 December 2014 (has links)
L’Ukraine, indépendante depuis peu, traverse une période de transition et s’efforce de réhabiliter son héritage culturel, philosophique et religieux. Dans la première partie nous présentons l’état du phénomène spécifiquement ukrainien qui est un double enracinement religieux et culturel : tradition byzantine et uniatisme avec son influence occidentale. La deuxième partie contient l’étude des trois périodes de l’évolution de la pensée ukrainienne : pré-skovorodienne, skovorodienne et post- skovorodienne. Skovoroda est la figure centrale de la pensée philosophique ukrainienne. Influencé par la culture occidentale, il fut formé dans la célèbre Académie Pétro Mohyla. Son concept de la philosophie cordocentrique montre l’originalité de sa pensée. Il distingue le cœur supérieur sublimé par les pensées auquel il oppose le cœur commun, celui des désirs. Skovoroda arrive à la conclusion suivante : « lorsque tu te connaitras bien, du même regard tu connaitras aussi le Christ ». Dans la troisième partie, nous présentons un entrecroisement des traditions orientale et occidentale dans les domaines religieux, philosophiques et culturels, ce qui permet de mettre en valeur la spécificité de l’Ukraine. / Ukraine, recently independent is going through a transition period and tries to bring back into favour his cultural, philosophical and religious heritage. In the first part of this study we deal with the ukrainian specificité made of religious and cultural roots : byzantine tradition and uniatism with its occidental influence. The second part is about the study of the three periods of the evolution of the ukrainian thought : pre-Skovorodian, Skovorodian, past-skovorodian. Skovoroda is the central figure of the ukrainian philosophy. Influenced by the occidental culture, he was educated at the famous Academy Petro Mohyla. His concept of the cordocentrique philosophy shows the originality of his ideas. He distinguishes the upper heart sublimated by the ideas to which he opposes the ordinary heart, the heart of desires. Skovoroda arrives at the following conclusion : When you know yourself well, you know the Christ as well. In the third part we deal with the criss-cross of oriental and occidental traditions in the religious, philosophical and cultural fields, allowing to highlight the specificity of Ukraine.
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In Poland World War I Ended in 1923Robak, Kazimierz 15 April 2005 (has links)
Poland was erased from European political maps in 1795 and fought in vain for freedom for the next century, until World War I provided another chance for independence. On November 11, 1918, the creation of the Polish Republic was proclaimed, but in an atmosphere of uncertainty, particularly relative to frontiers.
The border with Germany was established in 1920-21 after plebiscites. While peaceful in Masuria, Ermland and Pomerania, there were three violent uprisings of the ethnic Poles in Upper Silesia. The status of Gdansk as a Free City was confirmed at Versailles in 1919. The Southern border with Czechoslovakia was settled in 1920.
The Eastern borders were established after a war with Ukraine and a conflict with Lithuania. The last and most exhausting war with Soviet Russia was ended by 1921s Riga Peace Treaty. Polands boundaries were finally recognized by the Conference of Ambassadors in March 1923.
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Transitivité et marquage d'objet différentiel / Transitivity and differential object markingBilous, Rostyslav 05 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with direct object nouns case-marked differentially. According to the commonly assumed generalization nouns marked with ACC case are prototypical objects representing high transitivity, whereas nouns marked with non-accusative cases are not. However, such a view ignores the possibility of a much finer distinction and fails to account for empirical data from languages with rich case morphology, such as Ukrainian. Given the complexity of the phenomenon under study the main objective of our investigation is to account exhaustively for all possible instances of non-accusative case marking and case alternations on direct objects in Ukrainian trying to classify and analyze the data by specifying the factors that condition the distinction ‘accusative versus non-accusative case marking’ and by integrating the phenomenon of differential object marking (DOM) into a formal model. We present DOM as a phenomenon that, together with the phenomenon of unaccusativity, can be subsumed under a broader concept of non-accusativity (defined as inability of verbs to assign ACC case). In this context we show that in Ukrainian and French morphosyntactic case realization has semantic underpinnings and that issues related to case valuation emanate from the intersection of different phenomena – DOM and nominal incorporation, DOM and verb typology, DOM and the process of (de)transitivization, and so on. However, the (morphosyntactic) visibility of those points of intersection varies from one language to another. Generativist distinction between syntactic (abstract) and morphological cases as well as the functionalist idea that case markings can be characterized as morphemes having different functional applications constitute the basis of our analysis of data. Using the typological views of these two approaches on the category of case as guidelines in our classification of collected data, we resort to minimalist formalism. Case is treated as an uninterpretable feature and a clear distinction is drawn between two types of case valuation – case checking and case assignment. Structural cases are checked during verb-raising and inherent (lexical) cases (among which we find predicate and default cases) are assigned either by a weak (or defective) v or by (an overt or null) preposition (P) in situ.
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Transitivité et marquage d'objet différentiel / Transitivity and differential object markingBilous, Rostyslav 05 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with direct object nouns case-marked differentially. According to the commonly assumed generalization nouns marked with ACC case are prototypical objects representing high transitivity, whereas nouns marked with non-accusative cases are not. However, such a view ignores the possibility of a much finer distinction and fails to account for empirical data from languages with rich case morphology, such as Ukrainian. Given the complexity of the phenomenon under study the main objective of our investigation is to account exhaustively for all possible instances of non-accusative case marking and case alternations on direct objects in Ukrainian trying to classify and analyze the data by specifying the factors that condition the distinction ‘accusative versus non-accusative case marking’ and by integrating the phenomenon of differential object marking (DOM) into a formal model. We present DOM as a phenomenon that, together with the phenomenon of unaccusativity, can be subsumed under a broader concept of non-accusativity (defined as inability of verbs to assign ACC case). In this context we show that in Ukrainian and French morphosyntactic case realization has semantic underpinnings and that issues related to case valuation emanate from the intersection of different phenomena – DOM and nominal incorporation, DOM and verb typology, DOM and the process of (de)transitivization, and so on. However, the (morphosyntactic) visibility of those points of intersection varies from one language to another. Generativist distinction between syntactic (abstract) and morphological cases as well as the functionalist idea that case markings can be characterized as morphemes having different functional applications constitute the basis of our analysis of data. Using the typological views of these two approaches on the category of case as guidelines in our classification of collected data, we resort to minimalist formalism. Case is treated as an uninterpretable feature and a clear distinction is drawn between two types of case valuation – case checking and case assignment. Structural cases are checked during verb-raising and inherent (lexical) cases (among which we find predicate and default cases) are assigned either by a weak (or defective) v or by (an overt or null) preposition (P) in situ.
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Den planerade undervisningen i förskolan : En jämförande studie i två olika länders förskolor / The planned education in preschool : A comparative study in two different countriesHelin, Charlotte January 2012 (has links)
Skollagen beskriver att undervisning är det arbete som förskolläraren genomför utifrån läroplanens mål. Studiens syfte är att undersöka och jämföra den planerade undervisningen i förskolan i två länder. Genom att jämföra svensk förskola med ukrainsk förskola blev det möjligt att identifiera likheter och skillnader mellan dessa länders sätt att bedriva planerad undervisning. Datan samlades in genom observationer och analysen genomfördes med hjälp av att kategorisera materialet utifrån de valda aspekterna; organsation, innehåll, barns delaktighet och inflytande samt miljö. Resultatet visade att undervisningen i svensk och ukrainsk förskola både hade likheter och skillnader. Likheterna var att båda länderna använde sig av sång, tidslängden var ungefär densamma och barnen blev delaktiga på liknande sätt. Skillnaderna handlade om att det kunde ingå fler undervisningstillfällen under en dag i Ukraina, medan det genomfördes en undervisning per dag i Sverige. Innehållet varierade eftersom den ukrainska undervisningen erbjöd barnen olika slags teman och moment och den svenska undervisningen arbetade längre med ett tema. Barnen fick ha mer inflytande under undervisningen i Sverige än i Ukraina. Avslutningsvis diskuterades möjligheten att studera ett annat land och vad forskaren behöver ta hänsyn till. Även likheterna och skillnaderna mellan länderna och hur de påverkas av landets kultur och tradition diskuterades. / The law of the school describes that education is the work which the preschool teacher accomplishes, based on goals from the curriculum. The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare the planned education in preschool in two countries. By comparing Swedish and Ukrainian preschool it became possible to identify similarities and differences between their ways to carry on education. The facts were collected through observations and the analysis accomplished by using the categorization scheme based on the chosen aspects; organization, substance, children’s participation and influence and also environment. The result showed that education in Sweden and in Ukraine both had similarities as well as differences. The similarities consisted of that both countries used songs, the time length of the education was nearly the same and the children got participation in similar ways. One difference was that in Ukraine there could be several occasions of education during one day, but in Sweden it was accomplished in one occasion of education. The substance varied a lot because the Ukrainian education offered different themes and items and the Swedish education was working longer with one and the same theme. Children got more influence in Sweden than in Ukraine. At the end the possibility of studying another country was discussed and what the researcher needs to take respect for. Also the similarities and the differences between the countries were discussed and how they got influenced by the culture and the tradition of the country.
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The gothic in Ukrainian romanticism: an uncharted genreKrys, Svitlana Unknown Date
No description available.
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The Winnipeg general strike : class, ethnicity and class formation in CanadaMolnar, Donald January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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La reconstruction de l'avenue Xreščatyk à Kiev (1944-1955) : des premiers projets à la réalisation finale / The Reconstruction of the Xreščatyk avenue in Kiev (1944-1955) : from the first projects to the final realizationKilesso Contant, Tetyana 30 January 2018 (has links)
Notre recherche porte sur l’histoire de la reconstruction du Xreščatyk, l’avenue principale de Kiev, au cours de la première décennie qui suit la Deuxième guerre mondiale sous plusieurs angles : le contexte idéologique et économique dans lequel se trouve l’URSS à l’époque, la politique d’Etat dans le domaine de l’architecture et son impact sur la modélisation des formes architecturales, les matériaux et techniques de construction, l’organisation de l’activité architecturale, l’application pratique de la théorie de la synthèse des arts, le rôle des espaces verts dans la planification urbaine. Nous étudions les différentes étapes de l’élaboration et de la réalisation de ce projet architectural majeur en tant que résultat de l’interaction entre le commanditaire social et les architectes. Nous analysons le concept architectural du Xreščatyk comme l’adaptation de la tradition artistique nationale au contexte de l’Ukraine soviétique d’après-guerre. Malgré l’importance idéologique que revêt la reconstruction de l’avenue principale de la capitale ukrainienne, comme symbole du triomphe du communisme sur le nazisme, tout n’est pas subordonné au politique dans ce gigantesque chantier. Le dévouement et les idées personnelles des auteurs du projet jouent un certain rôle d’une part et les réalités économiques dictent un certain nombre de choix d’autre part. Ce travail met en évidence le décalage entre les projets ambitieux du concours architectural et la réalisation finale, analyse les mécanismes d’ajustement du projet aux besoins réels de la ville. / Our research relates to the history of the reconstruction of Xreščatyk, the main avenue of Kiev, during the first decade which follows the Second world war under several approaches: ideological and economic context in which is the USSR at the time; the state policy in the field of architecture and its impact on the modeling of the architectural forms, materials and building techniques, the organization of the architectural activity, the practical application of the theory of the synthesis of arts, the role of green spaces in the urban planning. We study the various stages of the development and the realization of this major architectural project as a result of the interaction between the social sponsor and the architects. We analyze the architectural concept of Xreščatyk like the adaptation of the national artistic tradition to the context of the Soviet Ukraine of post-war period. Despite the ideological importance of rebuilding the main avenue of the Ukrainian capital, as a symbol of the triumph of communism over nazism, everything is not subordinate to politics in this gigantic building site. The dedication and personal ideas of the authors of the project play a certain role on the one hand and economic realities dictate a number of choices on the other. This work highlights the gap between the ambitious projects of the architectural competition and the final realization, analyzes the mechanisms of adjustment of the project to the real needs of the city.
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La variation des noms du genre commun en russe et en ukrainien : morphologie, syntaxe, pragmatique / The variation of common gender nouns in Russian and Ukrainian : morphology, syntax, pragmaticIlnytska, Oksana 15 September 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse est consacrée à l’étude de la catégorie des noms du genre commun dans deux langues slaves : le russe et l'ukrainien. Les noms de cette catégorie ont deux particularités. Premièrement, la plupart d’entre eux sont expressifs et font partie des axiologiques. Nous montrons que leur expressivité peut dépendre de leur contenu phonétique et morphologique ainsi que des constructions syntaxiques dans lesquelles ces noms sont employés. Deuxièmement, les noms de cette catégorie présentent des particularités morphosyntaxiques : ils peuvent appeler l’accord syntaxique ainsi que l’accord sémantique. Nous montrons que le choix du genre de l’accord non seulement satisfait au besoin de référence, mais a également une fonction pragmatique. / SummaryThe present work deals with the category of common gender in two Slavic languages: Russian and Ukrainian. The nouns of this category have two major peculiarities. Firstly, most of them are expressive and axiological nouns. We reveal that the expressivity of this nouns depends on their phonetical and morphological content and on the type of syntactical constructions in which this nouns occur. Secondly, the nouns of this category present morphosyntactical peculiarities: the agreement with this nouns can be semantical and grammatical. We reveal that the choice of the gender of agreement depends not only on semantic and reference, it has also a pragmatic function.
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