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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A cultura surda nos cursos de licenciatura: práticas e perspectivas no ensino da Língua Brasileira de Sinais / The deaf culture in undergraduate education programs: practices and perspectives in the teaching of Brazilian Sign Language.

Marcia Ferreira Matos 15 October 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a contribuição da disciplina Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) nos cursos superiores de licenciatura para circulação do discurso da diferença linguística e cultural das comunidades surdas. A área da surdez encontra-se circunscrita nas relações de poder e saber presentes na sociedade, nessa área observa-se a predominância de dois conjuntos de enunciados. Um deles se relaciona ao discurso da deficiência que tem como princípio a normalidade baseada nas pessoas ouvintes. O outro diz respeito ao discurso pautado na diferença linguística e cultural, cuja normalidade baseia-se nas pessoas surdas e no que circula e se produz em suas comunidades. Vinculada a esse último discurso, a Libras se tornou pauta de reivindicações dos movimentos políticos das comunidades surdas brasileiras, tem sido considerada a primeira língua nas propostas de educação bilíngue para surdos e foi reconhecida pela Lei nº 10.436/2002, cuja regulamentação se deu por meio do Decreto Federal nº 5.626/2005. Esse Decreto instituiu, dentre outras medidas, a obrigatoriamente da disciplina Libras nos cursos superiores de licenciatura e fonoaudiologia. Considerando essa normatividade, especificamente, nos cursos de licenciatura, este trabalho configura-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa que contou com a aplicação de um questionário estruturado com perguntas abertas e com a análise documental dos planos de ensino da disciplina Libras de seis docentes que ministram essa disciplina em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) na cidade de São Paulo e região metropolitana. Por meio da análise das regularidades presentes nos enunciados dos docentes e nos dados dos planos de ensino, verificou-se que os docentes, enquanto sujeitos do discurso, afirmam um vínculo formativo e profissional com os surdos e a Libras e, em suas práticas pedagógicas, estabelecem normatividades nos objetivos, conteúdos, estratégias e exercícios que se fundamentam no discurso que se filia, predominantemente, à diferença linguística e cultural dos surdos. Esses mesmos docentes também afirmam que a receptividade da disciplina é positiva pela maioria dos discentes e alguns destes se tornam disseminadores das práticas discursivas das aulas. / The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the contribution of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) classes in undergraduate education programs in order to circulate the discourse of linguistic and cultural difference of deaf communities. The field of deafness is surrounded by the relationship between power and knowledge widespread in society, this area elucidates the predominance of two sets of statements. One of them relates to the discourse of disability which has the principle of normality based on hearing people. The other concerns the discourse grounded in linguistic and cultural difference whose normalities relies on deaf people and about what circulates and is produced in their communities. Associated to this speech, Libras became the agenda of political movements from the Brazilian deaf communities and it has been considered the first language in the proposed bilingual deaf education and has been recognized by the Law No. 10.436/2002, whose regulation occurred by the Federal Decree No. 5.626/2005. This Decree established, among other measures, Libras as a mandatory class in the undergraduate courses of education programs and phonoaudiology. Considering this regulation, mostly in undergraduate education programs, this dissertation materializes itself as a qualitative research that included the application of a structured questionnaire with open questions and with a documentary analysis of Libras teaching plan of six teachers who lecture this class in Undergraduate Schools and Colleges in the city of São Paulo and metropolitan region. Throughout the analysis of the regularities present in the statements of teachers and teaching plan data, it was found that teachers, as subjects of discourse, state a formative and professional bond with deaf people and Libras. Furthermore, they establish normativities in the objectives, contents, strategies and exercises in their pedagogical practices, which are based on the discourse that mainly connect deafs linguistic and cultural differences. These same teachers also declare that the receptivity of the program is positive for most students, whose some has become disseminators of discourse analysis from classes.

Local moorings, international visions : fabricating internationalised practices in Australian higher education

O'Regan, Justine Mary January 2006 (has links)
Over the last two decades, Australian higher education has undergone dramatic changes in purpose and orientation. Changes in public funding arrangements and concomitant policy statements have contributed to the reconceptualisation of Australian higher education, and internationalisation has become a core goal for Australian universities. In light of these dynamics, this study examined understandings of internationalisation within two Australian universities. The study examined the ways in which internationalisation was understood by university staff working in either a teaching capacity and/or a managerial position. Situated within the broad field of critical sociology, the study drew on critical realism (Bhaskar, 1979, 1989), critical epistemology (Carspecken, 1996) and reflexive sociology (Bourdieu, 1972, 1990) to analyse how the universities and their staff positioned themselves in relation to the goal of internationalisation. Furthermore, the study examined how this goal served to reposition the institution and/or various forms of university work. The insights of critical social theory were used to examine the contested power relations associated with the growing importance attributed to the goal of internationalisation in Australian higher education. The significance of the study resides in its recognition of the ways in which academic and non-academic subcultures within the university contribute to the goal of internationalisation. Whereas previous research viewed divergence of understandings as weakening the commitment given to internationalisation as an institutional goal, this study has shown that such diversity stems from the differential encounters with and experiences of internationalisation. Moreover, in previous research, the pre-determined objectives for internationalisation resulted in the compartmentalisation of this goal, as in economic objectives and academic objectives. In contrast, this study focused on the dynamic and evolving nature of internationalisation in higher education. Consequently, the study's contribution lies in its explanation of the long term benefits to be derived from viewing internationalisation as a dynamic and generative phenomenon, rather than simply as a pre-determined goal. A case study approach was used in this research with two contrasting onshore Australian universities selected as the case sites. One institution had a reputation as an elite, research intensive university. The other was a post-Dawkins university with a strong vocational orientation. At each site, semi-structured interviews were conducted with staff from across the university's hierarchy. Interviewees included the Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Office of Internationalisation, the Chair of the Academic Board, the Director of the Teaching and Learning Support Unit, Faculty Deans, Heads of Departments, as well as departmental staff concerned with first year teaching. Departmental staff were drawn from two disciplinary areas, Australian History and Marketing. Interviews engaged participants in discussion about the processes by which internationalisation was enacted. Furthermore, university documents, such as the Strategic Plan, were analysed in terms of how the given institution constructed the need for internationalisation and the means by which this goal was to be achieved. The study found that internationalisation involves and promotes constant adaptability. The two institutions used whatever resources they had to develop and promote their international aspirations. The international visions of the institutions were influenced by both their historical and intended relationship with the broader higher education world. The elite, research intensive institution viewed internationalisation with becoming a university of international standing. This institution used its bureaucratic and hierarchical nature to advance its objectives for internationalisation. The vocationally oriented university had developed an internationalisation policy with a view to maximising the revenue to be derived from its diverse international activities and to gaining greater prestige within the higher education field. Staff involved with managerial and/or teaching work were found to develop their ideas about internationalisation through a combination of personal and professional experiences. The study confirmed the growing trend for academics to assume managerial roles in addition to their teaching and research. Consequently, accounts of internationalisation were not necessarily confined to a purely managerial or an academic perspective. Furthermore, the accounts of internationalisation differed between and within the two selected disciplines. On the one hand, specific disciplinary attributes could be seen by the academics interviewed as inherently international, even though they may not assist in realising institutional objectives for internationalisation. On the other, academics spoke of the perceived need for the frames of reference used in undergraduate education to be broadened, given the globalised nature of contemporary society and/or the increasing international enrolments. The study concluded that internationalisation is an important means by which the localised priorities of an institution, an academic department, and/or of individuals can engage with forms of global mobility. Moreover, the study argued the need for all staff and students in Australian higher education to see themselves as part of the processes of internationalisation. This latter point raises questions about the personal and professional attributes required of academics when working within internationalised Australian universities.

Die Implementierung des Querschnittsbereichs 13 (Q13) Palliativmedizin - Realisierungswege in Anbetracht förderlicher und hinderlicher Faktoren aus Sicht der Lehrbeauftragten / Implementing process of the cross-disciplinary subject 13 palliative care (Q13) with regards to promoting and impedimental aspects, a lecturer's perspective

Isermeyer, Leonie 24 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Da química geral à química analítica: reflexões sobre o ensino e aprendizagem de conceitos relacionados ao tema equilíbrio químico / From General Chemistry to Analytical Chemistry: Reflections about learning at chemical equilibrium concept

Juliana do Nascimento Gomes 17 October 2013 (has links)
O principal interesse desta pesquisa foi descrever e analisar o resultado do aprendizado de conceitos relacionados ao tema equilíbrio químico buscando as concepções dos alunos, sobre aspectos gerais dos sistemas em equilíbrio químico e os aspectos gerais de sistemas ácido base em equilíbrio químico. Para isso acompanhamos e gravamos o áudio das aulas referentes ao ensino do conceito de equilíbrio químico ao longo das disciplinas de Química Geral II e Química Analítica I, no IQUSP. Ao longo das disciplinas aplicamos avaliações iniciais, progressivas e finais. Os resultados foram apresentados em três itens, no primeiro apresentamos a análise da avaliação inicial (AI) e avaliação final (AF), aplicadas na disciplina de Química Geral II (QGII), onde discutimos as concepções sobre aspectos gerais dos sistemas em equilíbrio químico. No segundo item, apresentamos a discussão da avaliação inicial (AI) e avaliação final (AF) aplicada na disciplina de Química Analítica I (QAI), nestas avaliações investigamos os aspectos gerais de sistemas ácido base em equilíbrio químico. No terceiro item, apresentamos a análise das respostas de um aluno, que respondeu todos os testes ao longo das disciplinas de Química Geral II e Química Analítica I, buscando uma reflexão sobre o processo de aprendizagem sobre os modelos do equilíbrio químico e os modelos ácido base, as constantes de equilíbrio químico, as forças de ácidos e bases, solução tampão, e as possíveis alterações promovidas em um sistema em equilíbrio químico, que são conceitos relacionados ao tema equilíbrio químico. A análise dos dados permitem concluir que, após as aulas de Química Geral, referentes ao tema, os alunos passaram a caracterizar corretamente o equilíbrio químico nos níveis macroscópicos e microscópicos, e a comparar o coeficiente de reação com a constante de equilíbrio para fazer previsões de uma mistura reacional. Entretanto, alguns alunos ainda não demonstram uma boa compreensão do significado e das possíveis aplicações da constante de equilíbrio, definindo-a apenas a partir da descrição da sua fórmula matemática. Também não relacionam a constante de equilíbrio químico com a temperatura, aplicando apenas o Principio de Le Chatelier para prever as alterações no sistema em equilíbrio químico. Observamos também que há uma dificuldade para descrever e explicar ácido e base, a partir de um nível eletrônico, usando o modelo de Lewis. Identificamos também algumas dificuldades conceituais e concepções alternativas, que permaneceram mesmo após instrução, tais como: confusões nos modelos que definem ácidos e bases, confusões com a aplicação dos conceitos dissociação e ionização e concepções alternativas referente ao equilíbrio ácido base. Com relação as alterações promovidas em um sistema em equilíbrio químico, observamos que os alunos, de forma geral, justificam o deslocamento do equilíbrio destacando principalmente o Princípio de Le Chatelier. Esperamos favorecer uma reflexão para o ensino e aprendizagem sobre aspectos relacionados ao tema Equilíbrio Químico / The main interest of this research was describe and analyze the results of the learning concepts about chemical equilibrium, seeking the general students concepts related to, chemical equilibrium and acid-base reactions in a stage of equilibrium. To do this we followed an recorded the classes which approach the equilibrium chemical systems at disciplines General Chemistry II and Analytical Chemistry I for IQUSP chemistry students. Initial e final tests were applied throughout disciplines. The results was showed in a three sets, we present first the analysis of initial evaluation (AI) and final evaluations, applied to General Chemistry discipline, discussing concepts about general aspects in chemical equilibrium systems. Then we showed discussing initial and final evaluations applied at analytical chemistry discipline, we search in this evaluations the concepts about an acid-base reactions in chemical equilibrium. In a third step we present the answers analysis of one single student that participated of all tests throughout General II and Analytical I disciplines, seeking a reflection about the learning process on the following topics, chemical equilibrium and acid-base models, the constants, the acid-base strengths and buffer solutions, and the possible changes promoted in a chemical equilibrium system that are important concepts related to the theme. The analysis of this dates suggesting, after the General Chemistry classes, that approach the theme, that students are able to correctly characterize the chemical equilibrium at macroscopic and microscopic levels and compare the coefficient and the constant of equilibrium chemical reactions to make previsions in this systems. However some students didn´t showed a fine concept about possible the applications of theses constants, and only defining through the mathematic relation. They also couldn´t not relationed the alteration in a equilibrium constant with the temperature, appling only the Le Chatelier Principle to make previsions about the alterations in a chemical equilibrium system. We also observe the difficult to analyze and explain the acid-base models starting from electronic level, using a Lewis model. We also identified some conceptual difficulties and misconceptions, which remained even after instructions, like: confusing model which explain acid-base models, confusing at applications of dissociation and ionization concepts and alternative conceptions about acid base equilibrium systems. In relation of promoted alterations that offered to a chemical equilibrium system, we observed the students, generally, justify the displacement of equilibrium particularly focusing on Le Chatelier Principle. This work favors discussions in teaching and learning aspects concepts about the chemical equilibrium.

The Impact of Digitalization on Student Academic Performance in Higher Education : Investigating the change in academic performance of university level students after a sudden switch to digital education due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Case of Jönköping International Business School.

Halilić, Meliha, Tinjić, Dina January 2020 (has links)
As in any other sector, the Covid-19 outbreak has caused many changes in education, and there is a reasonable expectation for this intervention to have a significant impact on the students and their performance. The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of the digital semester, imposed on students due to Covid-19 outbreak, on student academic success. Using a quasi-experimental methodological approach called dif-in-dif analysis, three empirical models were constructed to analyse if there is an overall effect when comparing our control and treatment groups, as well as if there were any group-specific differences when it comes to the performance across genders and educational levels. The study found a significant negative effect of the digital semester on student academic success, suggesting that students performed significantly worse after the Covid-19 outbreak caused the University to step away from face-to-face teaching and adapt to remote studies. Furthermore, it was found that gender-specific differences do not affect the academic performance of our treatment group; however, female students performed worse when the digital semester was implemented compared to the control group who had both the classes and exams face-to-face. Lastly, Master students were found to perform significantly worse compared to Bachelor students’ when the Covid-19 outbreak caused the education to transfer to the digital environment.

Altersbilder von deutschen Studierenden der Zahnmedizin

Clarenbach, Thanh Ha 23 June 2014 (has links)
In der Vergangenheit wurde gezeigt, dass Altersbilder von Zahnmedizinern auf deren Bereitschaft älteren Menschen zahnärztliche Dienstleistungen anzubieten Einfluss nehmen können. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war die Beschreibung der Altersbilder von Zahnmedizin-Studierenden und deren Veränderung während der Teilnahme an einer prägraduellen gerostomatologischen Ausbildung. Ein Frage-bogen wurde an 160 (31 % männliche) Zahnmedizin-Studierende der Universität Leipzig im Alter von 19,2 – 30,5 (Mean 21,7; SD + 2,3) Jahren, jeweils vor Beginn (T1) und beim Abschluss (T2) des gerostomatologischen Kurses, ausgehändigt. Es wurde eine Definition vom Jung- und Altsein sowie von Hoffnungen und Befürch-tungen bezüglich des Alterns erbeten. Das „Semantic Aging Differential“ (SAD) wurde verwendet, um die studentischen Altersbilder in drei Kategorien zu messen. Die statistischen Auswertungen beinhalteten durchschnittliche geschlechtsspezi-fische Altersdefinitionen und Mittelwerte des SAD bei T1 und T2. Das Alter wurde mit einem Beginn zwischen 56 und 64 Jahren definiert. Weibliche Studierende betrachteten bei T1 eine Frau bis zu 35,8 Jahre als jung, für männliche Studierende war eine Frau nur bis 33,5 Jahre jung. Männliche Studierende betrachteten Männer ab 60,1 Jahren und Frauen ab 55,7 Jahren als alt. Befürchtungen angesichts des Alterns bezogen sich hauptsächlich auf die Verschlechterung der Gesundheit und den Verlust naher Angehöriger. Hoffnungen auf Erholung, Ruhe und Gelassenheit waren vorrangig. Die SAD-Ergebnisse waren in allen drei Dimensionen nahezu neutral. Es traten geringfügige Veränderungen zwischen T1 und T2 auf. Schlussfolgernd waren die studentischen Altersbilder ausgewogen. Spezifische Barrieren zur Bereitstellung zahnmedizinischer Versorgung für ältere Menschen, ausgehend von negativen Einstellungen oder Ängsten seitens der Zahnmedizin-Studierenden, wurden nicht identifiziert.

Examining the Understanding of Inquiry-Based Learning and Teaching Among Undergraduate Teachers and Students

Hudson, Maren 01 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
One of the main aims of inquiry is to engage students as active, not passive, participants in science. The purpose of this study is to describe science educators’ and students’ views about inquiry-based instruction in order to better understand and improve implementation of evidence-based teaching strategies. Inquiry-based techniques have been shown to improve student understanding of scientific concepts, yet, there continue to be challenges in implementing these techniques. This research project utilizes Q Methodology, a research method that captures both common and disparate measures of subjectivity, to identify commonalities and defining viewpoints about inquiry-based teaching and learning. Three significantly different viewpoints were identified and each viewpoint represents differences in teaching styles and classroom environments. Additionally, consensus items reveal students and instructors highly value relating science to everyday life; however, a lack of importance is placed upon peer learning and use of open-ended questions.

Factors That Influence Faculty Use of Student-Centered Pedagogy in Undergraduate Education

Gerasimiak, Beth Ann January 2022 (has links)
No description available.


Sriram, Jayanthi Sanjeevi 04 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship of Technology Use to Perception of Instructional Quality

Akyeampong, Albert S. 25 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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