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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När sorg plötsligt inträffar : Upplevelser efter en nära anhörigs oväntade bortgång / When grief suddenly occurs : Experiences after a family member unexpected passed away

Assarsson, Lina, Davidsson, Patricia January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: När en nära anhörig avlidit plötsligt och oväntat så infann sig kris och sorg hos de kvarlevande. Kris och sorg kunde delas upp i olika faser utefter var i sorgebearbetningen personen befann sig. Personer i sorg och kris var beroende av tröst och stöd, detta för att kunna bearbeta sorgen och ta sig igenom de olika faserna. För att komplettera stödet från omgivningen används bloggar. Detta då de kunde få stöd av andra som befann sig i liknande situationer. Syfte: Beskriva anhörigas upplevelser av sorg efter att ha förlorat en nära anhörig plötsligt och oväntat. Metod: En kvalitativ studie baserad på narrativer från bloggar. Resultat: I resultatet framträdde tre huvudteman och sju subteman. Huvudteman var: att ta farväl, sorgens uttryck och behov av stöd i sorgebearbetningen. Subteman var: att få dödsbeskedet, tid med den avlidne, leva i en bubbla, uppleva ohälsa, kunna bearbeta sorg, att få professionell hjälp och stöd från omgivningen. Konklusion: Anhöriga reagerade och upplever sorg och kris på olika sätt. Genom att sjuksköterskan är medveten om hur sorgen kan påverka den anhöriga, kan information anpassas genom att använda rätt verktyg vid rätt tillfälle. Detta leder till en ökad kvalité på anhörigstöd vid oväntat dödsfall. / Background: When a family member passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, there was a crisis and grief among the survivors. Crisis and grief could be divided into different phases according to where the person was in the grief processing. People in grief and crisis were dependent on comfort and support, this in order to be able to process the grief and get through the different phases. Blogs are used to supplement the support from the environment. This was because they could get support from others who were in similar situations. Aim: To describe family members ́ experiences of grief after losing a close relative suddenly and unexpectedly. Method: A qualitative study based on narratives from blogs. Results: In the results, three main themes and seven sub-themes appeared. The main themes: saying goodbye, the expression of grief and the need for support in grief processing. Sub-themes: to receive the death notice, time with the deceased, live in a bubble, experience ill health, be able to process grief, to receive professional help and support from the environment. Conclusion: Family members reacted and experienced grief and crisis in different ways. Through the nurse's awareness of how grief can affect the family members, information can be adapted by using the right tools at the right time. This leads to an increased quality of family support in the event of an unexpected death.

Operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser och hantering av oväntade händelser : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Lundquist, Ingela Monika, Sjöberg, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Oväntade händelser i operationssalen påverkar operationssjuksköterskan på olika sätt. Verktyg för att minska och eliminera oväntade händelser och dess negativa konsekvenser har arbetats fram genom WHO´s checklista för säker kirurgi, utbildningar och teamträningar. Trots dessa verktyg sker oväntade händelser fortfarande kontinuerligt. Operationssjuksköterskan ska verka för att identifiera och reducera oväntade händelser i samband med operativa ingrepp, för att undvika vårdskador och minska patientlidande. Detta är grundläggande för operationssjuksköterskans arbete för säker vård.  Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser och hantering av oväntade händelser i operationssalen. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Åtta operationssjuksköterskor rekryterades och individuella semistrukturella intervjuer genomfördes från två operationsavdelningar. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Erlingsson & Brysiewicz (2017) genomfördes.   Resultat: Tre övergripande kategorier med subkategorier som beskriver operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser och hantering av oväntade händelser framkom efter analysen; Att möta en oväntad händelse, Värdefulla förutsättningar för handhavandet av oväntade händelser samt Teamarbete som verktyg. I Att möta en oväntad händelse framkom olika händelser som ansågs oväntade samt känslor förknippade med dessa händelser. I Värdefulla förutsättningar för handhavandet av oväntade händelse var erfarenhet, samtal, förberedelse, fokusering och rutiner viktiga delar. Samarbete, ledarskap och kommunikation framkom som viktiga begrepp i Teamarbete som verktyg.  Slutsats: Oväntade händelser är ett naturligt inslag i operationssjuksköterskans vardag. Hur dessa händelser upplevs och hanteras beror på en mängd olika faktorer, såsom tidigare erfarenhet, samarbete och möjlighet till samtal. Studien visar att teamarbetet är viktigt för att hanteringen av oväntade händelser ska bli så optimal som möjligt, och därigenom inte riskera patientsäkerheten. / Background:  Unexpected events in the operating room affect the theatre nurse in different ways. Tools for reducing and eliminating unexpected events and the negative consequences of these events, have been developed through the WHO's checklist for safe surgery, education and team training. Despite these tools, unexpected events still happen continuously. The theatre nurse shall work for identifying and reducing unexpected events related to surgical procedures, in order to avoid healthcare injuries and reduce patient suffering. This is the foundation of working for safe care for the theatre nurse.  Purpose The purpose of this study was to illuminate theatre nurses' experiences and handling of unexpected events in the operating room.  Method: The design of the study is qualitative with an inductive approach. Eight theatre nurses were recruited and individual semi-structured interviews were conducted from two operating wards. A qualitative content analysis according to Erlingsson & Brysiewicz (2017) was conducted.  Result: Three overarching categories including subcategories describing theatre nurses` experiences and handling of unexpected events emerged after the analysis; To encounter an unexpected event, Valuable conditions for managing unexpected events and Teamwork as a tool. In To encounter an unexpected event, various events emerged that were considered unexpected and emotions associated with these events. In Valuable conditions for managing unexpected events experience, conversation, preparation, focusing and routines were important parts. Collaboration, leadership and communication emerged as important concepts in Teamwork as a tool. Conclusion: Unexpected events are natural parts in the everyday life of the theatre nurse. How these events are experienced and handled depend on a number of different factors, such as previous experience, cooperation and the opportunity for conversation. This study shows that teamwork is important for optimal handling of unexpected events, and thereby not risk patient safety.

Betydelsen av emotionell omvårdnad hos närstående som förlorat en person i plötslig död : en litteraturöversikt / Emotional nursing significance on next of kin after losing of a person in unexpected death : a literature review

Hanna, Eva, Karlsson, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I vårdyrket är det ofrånkomligt för sjuksköterskor att möta döden och det finns skillnader på väntad och oväntad död. Dödsfallet för närstående som förlorat en person i plötslig död kan upplevas som en traumatisk händelse. En krisreaktion kan uppträda och närstående kan vara i behov av emotionell omvårdnad från hälso- och sjukvården. Det visar även att andra typer av stöd kunde hjälpa att lindra lidandet. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva betydelsen av emotionell omvårdnad för att lindra lidandet hos närstående som förlorat en person i plötslig död. Metod: Den valda designen för denna studie var en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt, där analysen genomfördes med hjälp av en integrerad analys. Studien baserades på 35 vetenskapliga artiklar där 17 av artiklarna inkluderades i resultatet, från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Resultat: Resultatet visade att emotionell omvårdnad kan ha betydelse för närståendes lidande. De upplevde känslomässig påverkan vilket skapade bland annat rädsla, sömnproblematik och beteendeförändringar. Lidande, stöd och kommunikation redovisas som viktiga faktorer. Genom att sjuksköterskor visade medmänsklighet och öppenhet för döden förbättrade det hälsan hos närstående. Slutsats: Närstående kan behöva emotionell omvårdnad efter en plötslig död av en person, eftersom det visade lindra lidandet. Därför kan sjuksköterskor behöva mer information om påverkan av plötslig död hos närstående för att täcka kunskapsluckan. / Background: In the healthcare profession it is inevitable for nurses to meet death and there is a difference between expected death and unexpected death. The death for the next of kin who loses a loved one in sudden death can be perceived as an traumatic experience. A crisis reaction can take place and the next of kin will be in need of emotionally care from the healthcare. It also shows other types of support who can relieve the suffering. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the importance of emotional support to relieve the suffering of the next of kin who lost a person in sudden death. Method: The chosen design for this study was a non-systematic literature review, the articles have been analyzed through integrated analysis. The study was based on 35 scientific articles and 17 of the articles was included in the result, from databases CINAHL and PubMed. Results: Results showed that emotionally care can have significance for suffering of the next of kin. They experienced a emotional impact which included fear, problem to sleep and behavioral changes. Suffering, support and communication where reported as important factors. When the nurses showed humanity and where open to death, it did improve the health for the next of kin. Conclusions: The next of kin may need emotional care after an unexpected death of a person, because it shows relieve suffering. For that reason, nurses may require more information on the impact of the sudden death of next of kin to cover the knowledge gap.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser när patienter plötsligt eller oväntat dör på sjukhus - En litteraturstudie / Nurses' experiences when patients die suddenly or unexpectedly in hospital - A literature study

Larsson Fahlström, Amanda, Johansson, Linn January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Många dödsfall sker idag på sjukhus och detta indikerar att sjuksköterskor mest troligt kommer att uppleva plötsliga eller oväntade dödsfall någon gång under deras yrkesverksamhet. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sjuksköterskor upplevelser när patienter plötsligt eller oväntat dör på sjukhus. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes baserad på åtta kvalitativa studier. Databassökning genomfördes i CINAHL och PubMed. Analys genomfördes enligt Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Vid analysen framkom fem teman. De fem teman var: Sjuksköterskans känslor och reaktioner vid plötsligt eller oväntat dödsfall, Hinder vid omhändertagande av patienter och anhöriga, Sjuksköterskans hantering av plötsligt eller oväntat dödsfall, Kommunikation - en viktig men krävande uppgift och Bristfällig utbildning. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor upplever att plötsliga eller oväntade dödsfall är svåra att hantera. För att klara av denna svåra uppgift kan sjuksköterskor behöva kompetensutveckling i form av utbildning samt informellt och formellt stöd. Vidare forskning inom detta problemområde skulle kunna bidra till en ökad förståelse gällande hur sjuksköterskor upplever, hanterar samt påverkas av plötsliga eller oväntade dödsfall. / Background: Many deaths occur today in hospitals and this indicates that nurses are most likely to experience sudden or unexpected deaths at some point during their professional worklife. Aim: The aim of this litterature study was to describe nurses' experiences when patients die suddenly or unexpectedly in hospital. Methods: A literature study was conducted based on eight qualitative studies. The database search was conducted in CINAHL and PubMed. Fribergs five-step model was used to analyze the studies. Results: Five themes emerged during the analysis. The themes were: The nurse's feelings and reactions in the event of a sudden or unexpected death, Obstacles when caring for patients and relatives, The nurse's management of a sudden or unexpected death, Communication - an important but demanding task and Inadequate education. Conclusion: Nurses find that sudden or unexpected deaths are difficult to deal with. To cope with this difficult task, nurses need competence development in the form of education as well as informal support. Further research regarding this subject could contribute to an increased understanding of how nurses experience, manage and are affected by sudden or unexpected deaths.

Är det svårt att hålla mask eller? : Anestesisjuksköterskans erfarenheter av oväntat svåra luftvägar i samband med anestesi

Dacke, Niklas, Malm, Malm January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att hantera luftvägen hos en patient i samband med anestesi är en av anestesisjuksköterskans huvuduppgifter. Då en oväntat svår luftväg uppstår så ställs det höga krav kompetensmässigt på anestesisjuksköterskan. Tidigare forskning har i liten utsträckning fokuserat på anestesisjuksköterskans erfarenheter kring denna komplexa situation. Det är därför önskvärt att utföra ytterligare studier inom detta ämne med fokus på erfarenheter. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa anestesisjuksköterskans erfarenheter av den oväntat svåra luftvägen i samband med anestesi. Metod: Studien genomfördes utifrån kvalitativ ansats. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio anestesisjuksköterskor anställda på två olika operationsavdelningar i Sverige. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med innehållsanalys. Resultat: I analysen framkom fyra kategorier som beskriver anestesisjuköterskornas erfarenheter av oväntat svår luftväg i samband med anestesi; upplevelser av att arbeta under press, att samarbeta i team, betydelsen av att känna sig trygg i sin yrkesroll samt värdet av reflektion. Slutsats: Anestesisjuksköterskornas delade erfarenheter tyder på en samstämmighet om att när en oväntat svår luftväg uppstår så efterfrågades mer träning tillsammans. Detta dels för att underlätta samarbetet och för att kunna ta del av andras erfarenheter och strategier för att lösa liknande situationer i framtiden. Nyckelord: Anestesisjuksköterska, oväntat svåra luftvägar, erfarenheter, känslor, upplevelser. / Background: Managing the airway of a patient during anesthesia is one of anesthesia nurse's main tasks. When an unexpected difficult airway occurs, the high demands in terms of competence of the nurse anesthetist. Previous research has small extent focused on the nurse anesthetist experiences of this complex situation. It is therefore desirable to perform further studies on this subject, focusing on experience. Aim: The aim was to illustrate anesthetic nurses experiences of the unexpected difficult airway associated with anesthesia. Method: The study was conducting using qualitative approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with ten anesthetic nurses employed in two different surgical departments in Sweden. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed by content analysis. Result: The analysis revealed four categories that describe anesthetic nurses experiences of the unexpected difficult airway associated with anesthesia; experiences of working under pressure, to work in teams, the importance of feeling safe in their professional capacity and the value reflection Conclusion: Anesthetic nurses shared experiences suggest a consensus that when these situations occur they requested more training together. This is partly to facilitate cooperation and also to take advantage of others' experiences and strategies to solve similar situations in the future. Keywords: Nurse anesthetist, unexpected difficult airways, experiences, feelings.

Expected and Unexpected Outcomes of a Service-Learning Program Rooted in Social Justice and Pragmatic Constructivism

Jenkins, Jeffrey M. 18 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Service-learning, an experiential learning and teaching pedagogy, provides students and teachers the opportunity to take classroom knowledge and put it to work in real world applications in the greater community. This qualitative case study dissertation explored the expected and unexpected outcomes of a service-learning program at an urban charter high school. Through a review of current literature, the history of service-learning is traced from its modern roots to present day incarnations. Grounded in the overlapping frameworks of pragmatic constructivist theory and practice, and service-learning with a social justice model, best practices were examined through interviews and focus groups of current students and students who have completed the SL program. The findings to the three research questions suggested: The expected outcomes addressed activism, awareness, and social development; the unexpected outcomes spoke to the development of interpersonal transformations surpassing expectations and agency, unexpected contentbased outcomes, and unexpected abstract outcomes; the implementation data focused on the need for institutional support and adaptability. Recommendations for future implementation were also discussed.

Automatically Determining Consequences of Unexpected Events

Becker, Brian 01 January 2007 (has links)
Planning is essential for an action-oriented, goal-driven software agent. In order to achieve a specific goal, an agent must first generate a plan. However, as the poet Robert Burns once noted, the best laid plans can often go awry. Each step of the plan is subject to the possibility of failure, a truth particularly relevant in the realworld or a realistic simulated environment. External influences not originally considered can often cause sudden, unanticipated consequences during the execution of the plan. When this happens, an intelligent software agent needs to answer the following important questions: What are the consequences of this event on its plan? How will the plan be affected? Can the plan be adjusted to accommodate the unanticipated effects? The research described in this thesis develops a model whereby intelligent agents can automatically determine consequences of unplanned events. Such a model provides agents with the ability to detect if and how events will affect the plan. This allows agents to subsequently modify the plan to mitigate unfavorable consequences or take advantage of favorable consequences.

Exploring the Impact of Jihadist Terrorist Attacks on Social Trust: Multiple Unexpected Events During Survey Design

Abdul Karim, Zubaida January 2024 (has links)
Heightened perceptions of threat, along with the proximity and nature of terrorist attacks, can influence trust dynamics. This dynamic often increases due to heightened social cohesion and collective resilience. This study examines the influence of jihadist terrorist attacks on social trust within communities in the Netherlands, Sweden, France, and Germany. The study hypothesized and theorized about how jihadist terrorism influences shifts in societal trust among the affected populations. Utilizing a "multiple unexpected events during survey" (MUESD) research design and integrating individual-level responses from the European Social Survey (ESS) with event-specific data from the Global Terrorism Database (GTD). The findings indicate a statistically significant increase in social trust shortly after the attacks, within the first to two weeks. This emphasizes the link between external security threats and internal social cohesion. By providing a nuanced understanding of the resilience responses activated during crises, the study contributes to the knowledge of the socio-political impact of terrorism and offers insights into the shifts in societal trust among affected populations. This research underscores the importance of understanding how societies react to and recover from terrorist threats, shedding light on the dynamics of trust and community solidarity in the face of adversity.

Evaluating the South African higher education government funding framework / Anton Styger

Styger, Anton January 2014 (has links)
South Africa is ranked 146th out of a total of 148 countries by the World Economic Forum for its education system and last in science and mathematics, and yet the government spends up to a fifth of its budget on education. Only 40% of pupils who start schooling in grade 1 will pass matric (grade 12), with just 12% maintaining high enough marks to qualify for university entrance. Any research to boost learning in South Africa, at any level, should be welcomed. The primary goal of higher education institutions is to provide education to post-school students, but the institutions need to be financially viable. Most higher education institutions in South Africa rely heavily on financial support from the government in the form of subsidies (up to 40% of total income in some cases) for funding to remain financially viable. Therefore, government subsidies represent a significant investment into higher education and student retention needs more research in South Africa. Many of the universities in South Africa, especially those that are financially sound, do not take much notice of student dropouts and those that do pay attention, do so firstly at the postgraduate level. The return on investment for master’s and doctoral students is much higher than that for undergraduate students. Understanding the basic elements of the funding framework for South African universities is vital in the understanding of financial losses from student dropouts. The underlying factors that determine the base of funding for higher education have remained the same since the introduction of the Holloway formula in 1953 to the current New Funding Formula (NFF), implemented in 2004. Large amounts of funds are still invested in higher education and there is a national shortage of high quality students in scarce skills, in particular students with a postgraduate qualification. Dropouts result in fewer graduates and large amounts of funding and human capital are wasted on educating students who will never complete their studies. Postgraduate studies have a potential greater loss and a prediction of the expected and unexpected loss for these students may encourage institutions to examine student retention more closely. The latter is an area for concern and needs to be assessed and addressed as soon as possible. / MCom (Risk Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Evaluating the South African higher education government funding framework / Anton Styger

Styger, Anton January 2014 (has links)
South Africa is ranked 146th out of a total of 148 countries by the World Economic Forum for its education system and last in science and mathematics, and yet the government spends up to a fifth of its budget on education. Only 40% of pupils who start schooling in grade 1 will pass matric (grade 12), with just 12% maintaining high enough marks to qualify for university entrance. Any research to boost learning in South Africa, at any level, should be welcomed. The primary goal of higher education institutions is to provide education to post-school students, but the institutions need to be financially viable. Most higher education institutions in South Africa rely heavily on financial support from the government in the form of subsidies (up to 40% of total income in some cases) for funding to remain financially viable. Therefore, government subsidies represent a significant investment into higher education and student retention needs more research in South Africa. Many of the universities in South Africa, especially those that are financially sound, do not take much notice of student dropouts and those that do pay attention, do so firstly at the postgraduate level. The return on investment for master’s and doctoral students is much higher than that for undergraduate students. Understanding the basic elements of the funding framework for South African universities is vital in the understanding of financial losses from student dropouts. The underlying factors that determine the base of funding for higher education have remained the same since the introduction of the Holloway formula in 1953 to the current New Funding Formula (NFF), implemented in 2004. Large amounts of funds are still invested in higher education and there is a national shortage of high quality students in scarce skills, in particular students with a postgraduate qualification. Dropouts result in fewer graduates and large amounts of funding and human capital are wasted on educating students who will never complete their studies. Postgraduate studies have a potential greater loss and a prediction of the expected and unexpected loss for these students may encourage institutions to examine student retention more closely. The latter is an area for concern and needs to be assessed and addressed as soon as possible. / MCom (Risk Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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