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L'État et les collectivités locales en France et en Allemagne : étude comparée des limites constitutionnelles à la décentralisation / Local government and central authorities in France and in Germany : a comparative research on the constitutional limits of decentralizationVilain, Yoan 18 December 2018 (has links)
La doctrine oppose traditionnellement deux modèles de séparation verticale des pouvoirs : l'État unitaire et l'État fédéral. Il est en outre admis que la structure fédérale de l'État est intrinsèquement favorable à l'autonomie locale. Les récentes et nombreuses réformes de l'organisation territoriale des compétences menées en France et en Allemagne obligent à questionner la pertinence de cette présentation doctrinale désormais classique et à réviser l'état des connaissances sur les droits positifs de ces deux pays. Pour cela, l'étude opte pour un angle de vue original car elle propose de saisir le fédéralisme par le prisme de l'autonomie locale, en comparant la situation constitutionnelle des «collectivités locales», respectivement dans un État unitaire et dans un État fédéral. D'autre part, cette recherche comparative démontre l'intérêt de s'appuyer sur la typologie de la décentralisation élaborée par Hans Kelsen afin de dépasser les classifications doctrinales classiques surdéterminées par le référentiel national. Il est alors possible de constater une convergence entre la France et l'Allemagne au regard des garanties formelles et matérielles du droit à l'autonomie locale, en particulier suite à la constitutionnalisation du droit des collectivités territoriales en France. Ce constat se confirme au regard du « pouvoir de surveillance » de l'État sur les actes des collectivités locales, les possibilités des autorités étatiques d'interférer dans la vie juridique locale étant plus limitées en France qu'en Allemagne. Il en ressort que la structure fédérale de l'État n'est pas nécessairement plus respectueuse des libertés locales que la structure unitaire de l'État. / The legal doctrines distinguish traditionally two different models of vertical separation of powers: the unitary state and the federal state, France being supposed to represent the first, Germany the second. Moreover, it is generally acknowledged that federal states are more respectful of local freedoms. However, the decentralization reforms carried out in France and in Germany oblige to question the relevance of this doctrinal assumption and to review the current state of knowledge on the legal systems of both countries. This research is based on an original approach seizing the federalism by the prism of local autonomy and comparing the legal situation of the "local government authorities", respectively in a unitary state and a federal state. ln addition, this comparative research is based on the decentralization theory of Hans Kelsen. This allows avoiding the use of the traditional doctrinal classifications that remain largely determined by the national reference frame. This examination of the legal relationship between central and local authorities allows to note a significant convergence between France and Germany regarding the formal and material protection of the right to local autonomy, in particular due to the constitutionalization of local government law in France. This first research result is confirmed by taking into consideration the "power of surveillance" of the central state on the local authorities, the legal opportunities to interfere in the self-government being even more restricted in France than in Germany. This reveals that federal states are not necessarily providing a greater legal protection of local autonomy than unitary states.
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L'Etat en République de Serbie depuis 1990 / The issue of state in Republic of Serbia since 1990Bernard, Elise 06 December 2011 (has links)
Il existe, entre la Serbie et la France, une véritable communauté scientifique en ce qui concerne le droit public. En effet, depuis le XIXe siècle, si l’on se penche sur l’histoire, les publicistes serbes et français s’interrogent sur les mêmes problèmes relatifs à l’État et sa pérennité. Ceci n’a rien d’étonnant car la Serbie, comme la France, a sa place dans le cadre de l’espace européen contemporain et répond à ses modèles. Les concepts de droit public que nous connaissons, par rapport au cas étudié, sont de deux types : nous pouvons distinguer les concepts de processus, qui témoignent d’une dynamique particulière, et les concepts de cas, qui nous amènent à une analyse statique. Concernant les premiers, il est question de transition démocratique, transition constitutionnelle, succession d’États, dislocation, sécession, séparation d’États et internationalisation du droit public. Pour les seconds, il s’agit des concepts d’État, personnalité morale, d’État constitutionnel, souveraineté, État composé (état fédéré, régional, autonomies), État de droit, démocratie et administration internationale. Il ne nous a pas semblé nécessaire de créer d’autres concepts. En effet, la plupart des points problématiques rappellent les grandes théories, plus ou moins directement. Dans le cadre de notre recherche il a bien été question de faire un bilan de ces théories, au regard d’un cas concret : la République de Serbie depuis, 1990, au moment de l’introduction du pluripartisme, dans la Yougoslavie titiste mourante. Le but de cette analyse est de proposer notre contribution car nous n’avons pas la prétention de fonder une nouvelle théorie de l’État. Mais au vu des mécanismes du droit, comme outil nous permettant de penser l’État, le cas de la Serbie, depuis 1990, et ses données spécifiques, nous amènent à engager une piste de réflexion sur l’État tel qu’il peut être pensé et critiqué, en ce début de XXIe siècle. / The nineteenth century, if one looks at History, French and Serbian publicists have questioned the same problems with regard to the issue State and its future. This is not surprising as Serbia, like France, has its place in the framework of the European contemporary public Law. The concepts of public Law that we know from the cases studied are of two types: we can distinguish between concepts of process, which has proven to be particularly dynamic, and concepts of case law that leads us to a static analysis. The former relates to a democratic transition, constitutional transition, succession, dislocation, secession, separation of state and internationalization of public law. The latter, pertains to concepts of state, legal status, sovereignty, state compound (federal state, regional autonomies), Rule of law, Democracy and international administration. It did not seem necessary to create other concepts. Indeed, the most problematic issues involve the major theories, more or less directly. Part of our research has included a review of these theories, in terms of a concrete case: the Republic of Serbia since 1990, when the introduction of multipartism in Tito's Yugoslavia came to end. The purpose of this analysis is to offer our contribution ; we do not pretend to find a new theory of the state. Indeed in view of the mechanisms of Law as a tool to consider the question of state, in the case of Serbia, since 1990, with its specific circumstances, leads us to initiate a line of reflexions on the issue of state that may be thought as criticism, in the early twenty-first century.
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Décentralisation et démocratie locale / Decentralization and local democracyIvanovitch, Sarah 12 December 2014 (has links)
La France est composé de deux systèmes - le premier le système national et le second le système local - qui reposent tous deux sur un fondement représentatif. Le citoyen électeur participe aux seules élections. Il ne prend pas part aux décisions publiques. La décentralisation devait permettre de gérer au plus près des citoyens les affaires locales. Or, les habitants locaux n'accordent qu'un faible intérêt à la gestion locale alors que le niveau d'instruction s'élève et que l'accès à l'information croit sensiblement. Afin de permettre une véritable décentralisation démocratisée, il convient de refondre en profondeur les institutions françaises. En effet, il est nécessaire de prohiber tout cumul de mandats et de rendre le système local plus distant du système national. Cela permettra aux entités du système local de s'administrer librement dans les conditions prévues par la loi. Il est ici proposé une méthodologie pour tendre vers la démocratie continue dans un Etat unitaire décentralisé. Le citoyen local doit devenir un véritable acteur du système local. / France is composed of two distinct systems - the first is the national system and the second is the local system, - which both are settled on a representative foundation. The elector citizen takes part only in elections. He/she does not get involved in the public decisions. The decentralization of power should have allowed the citizen to be closer to local decisions and affairs. But, local citizens give little interest to the local management even though the level of education is growing and the access to information is slightly increasing. In order to allow a real democratized decentralization, it is suitable to rebuild deeply the French Institutions. Effectively, it is necessary to ban any mandate plurality and to make the local system at a distance of the national system. Thus will allow a local corporate body to operate freely in a self administrative party respecting the conditions set by law. Here, a methodology to aim toward an uninterrupted democracy in a decentralized joint State will be suggested. A local citizen has to become a bona fide representative of the local system.
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A critical analysis of crime investigative system within the South African criminal justice system: a comparative studyMontesh, Moses 30 November 2007 (has links)
With the establishment of the Directorate of Special Operations (Scorpions), the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and the Departmental Investigating Unit (DIU), questions were asked as to whether this is a creation of new units of the Police Service. These questions were exaggerated by the fact that the media uses the term "Scorpions" whenever the Scorpions, the AFU, SIU and the DIU perform their functions.
South African legislation that governs organised crime does not demarcate activities to be dealt with by the SAPS, AFU, DIU, Scorpions and the SIU. The Constitution of South Africa lays down the objects of the police, but it is silent about the objectives of the Scorpions, AFU, SIU, DIU and other investigative institutions except that it only mentions the creation of a single National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).
A literature study was used as the basis for this study. In addition, unstructured interviews and observation were used to gather evidence from the relevant stakeholders. An analysis of the SAPS Detective Service, the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), the Scorpions, the Departmental Investigating Unit (DIU) of the Department of Correctional Services and the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), was done in order to establish the overlapping of functions.
Indeed, overlapping was discovered between the Scorpions and the SAPS Detective Service, the AFU and the SIU, as well as between the SAPS and the DIU. In order to make a proper finding, an analysis was done of anti-corruption agencies in Botswana, Nigeria, Malawi and Hong Kong. The findings indicate that the better way of fighting corruption, fraud, economic and financial crimes, is through the establishment of a single agency that will work independently from the police, with a proper jurisdiction. / Criminology / D.Litt. et Phil.(Police Science)
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A critical analysis of crime investigative system within the South African criminal justice system: a comparative studyMontesh, Moses 30 November 2007 (has links)
With the establishment of the Directorate of Special Operations (Scorpions), the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and the Departmental Investigating Unit (DIU), questions were asked as to whether this is a creation of new units of the Police Service. These questions were exaggerated by the fact that the media uses the term "Scorpions" whenever the Scorpions, the AFU, SIU and the DIU perform their functions.
South African legislation that governs organised crime does not demarcate activities to be dealt with by the SAPS, AFU, DIU, Scorpions and the SIU. The Constitution of South Africa lays down the objects of the police, but it is silent about the objectives of the Scorpions, AFU, SIU, DIU and other investigative institutions except that it only mentions the creation of a single National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).
A literature study was used as the basis for this study. In addition, unstructured interviews and observation were used to gather evidence from the relevant stakeholders. An analysis of the SAPS Detective Service, the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), the Scorpions, the Departmental Investigating Unit (DIU) of the Department of Correctional Services and the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), was done in order to establish the overlapping of functions.
Indeed, overlapping was discovered between the Scorpions and the SAPS Detective Service, the AFU and the SIU, as well as between the SAPS and the DIU. In order to make a proper finding, an analysis was done of anti-corruption agencies in Botswana, Nigeria, Malawi and Hong Kong. The findings indicate that the better way of fighting corruption, fraud, economic and financial crimes, is through the establishment of a single agency that will work independently from the police, with a proper jurisdiction. / Criminology and Security Science / D.Litt. et Phil.(Police Science)
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Les mécanismes de la solidarité territoriale : essai comparatif (Brésil - France) / The mechanisms of territorial solidarity, : a comparative essay (Brazil-France)Inocente, Bruno Romeu 29 January 2015 (has links)
À l'intérieur d'un État, la distribution des ressources publiques sur le territoire a une importance fondamentale, parce qu'elle représente un facteur de justice dans les rapports entre collectivités territoriales, de sorte qu’elle conditionne la capacité à assurer les charges liées à l’exercice de leurs compétences, dans le respect de leur autonomie, au profit des habitants qui doivent pouvoir bénéficier d’une qualité minimale des services publics. Cette thèse vise d’abord à étudier et à comparer quelle est l’influence de la forme d’État (unitaire pour la France et fédérative pour le Brésil) sur les mécanismes de la solidarité territoriale. Elle se propose de décrire et d’analyser l’efficacité des mécanismes plus importants (financiers : impôt local, dotations, fonds et transferts facultatifs ; coopératifs : institutions représentatives, politiques publiques nationales, mutualisation et contrats entre collectivités territoriales) mis en place, dès le prélèvement des impôts (nationaux ou locaux), en passant par les incitations fiscales, jusqu’au transfert des ressources aux bénéficiaires. Toute d’abord par une description de l’évolution historique qui explique l’organisation territoriale et la naissance des mécanismes de solidarité actuels, puis en montrant les inégalités importantes qui existent, principalement entre communes pour, enfin, finir avec une analyse prospective de l’efficacité et des défauts (guerre fiscale, corruption et évasion fiscales) de ces mécanismes qui visent à réaliser une péréquation (verticale ou horizontale) des ressources publiques. / Within a state, the distribution of public resources inside the territory have a fundamental importance, because it represents a factor of justice in the relationship between local authorities, so that it affects the ability to provide their obligations related to the exercise of their powers in respect of their autonomy, in benefit of citizens who need to have a minimum quality of public services. This thesis aims first to examine and compare what is the influence of the form of state (Unitary for France and Federal for Brazil) on the mechanisms of territorial solidarity. It aims to describe and analyze the effectiveness of the most important mechanisms (financial: local taxes, grants, funds and discretionary transfers; cooperative: representative institutions, national public policies, pooling and contracts between central state and local authorities). Firstly with a description of the historical evolution of territorial organization and the birth of the current solidarity mechanisms and showing the significant existant inequalities, moreover among municipalities, to finally end up with a prospective analysis of effectiveness and defects (tax war, corruption and tax evasion) of these mechanisms designed to achieve equalization (vertical or horizontal) of public resources.
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