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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Unwed Father as Perceived by Himself

Ellis, Daryl E. 01 May 1973 (has links)
This study was designed to reveal the self perception of unwed fathers . Ten men participated in the project; nine of them IDre 25 years of age or younger. To measure self perception an instrument was constructed in the form of a questionnaire . Each um18d father was then interviewed to discover his perceptions, particularly as they relate to their common plight of unwed fatherhood. The men perceived themselves as normal young Americans , and felt their conduct and intentions were in compliance ,nth peer expectations . Some of the subjects responded to the interview ,nth descriptive and detailed accounts while others were either unconcerned or hesitant and replied in fe,[ ,rords . None of the me!1 W The emergence of a clearer picture of the unwed father , through the attempt to reveal his interests, problems, and concerns , may assist in the development of strategies and programs to prevent illegitimacy and to effectively aid those involved in it . Perhaps this study of the self perception of unwed fathers will be helpful in this regard.

Listen to the Voices of Unwed Teenage Mothers in Malaysian Shelter Homes : an Explorative Study

Saim, Nor Jana Bte, Dufåker, Mona, Eriksson, Malin, Ghazinour, Mehdi January 2013 (has links)
This qualitative research aims to explore the daily life experiences of Malaysian unwed teenage mothers inshelter homes. The research is based on the thematic analysis of interviews with seventeen respondents agedfrom 12 to 18 years. Eight sub-themes described the experience of the unwed teenage mothers in the shelterhome and led to three overall themes: rules and regulations, relationship with the staff and relationship with theother girls at the shelter home. The findings indicated that the shelter homes involved were not fulfilling thestandard of the Malaysian national laws and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We stronglysuggest that the authorities provide a clear guideline concerning the implementation of Malaysian national lawsand United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Beyond Instability: How Do Children Fare in Long-Term Cohabiting Unions?

Bogle, Ryan Heath 19 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Social support, coping, resilience and mental health in Malaysian unwed young pregnant women and young mothers : Their experiences while living in a shelter home

Saim, Nor Jana Bte January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is based on four articles. In the first article, questionnaire data from a follow-upstudy (Article I) that aimed to explore social support, coping and resilience as predictors ofmental health in unwed young pregnant women and young mothers during placement in ashelter home were analysed. Nine shelter homes were invited to participate in the study (n ofpre-assessment = 250; n of post-assessment = 79). Percentages, paired sample t-tests, multipleanalyses of variance (MANOVA), and multiple regression analysis were used to analyse thedata. There were no significant changes in social support, coping or resilience between thepre- and post-assessment. The variability in the mental health scores from the follow-upassessment could be explained by the variability in coping, social support and resilience forbetween 14% of the variance in the BDI score and 36% in the GHQ sum-score. However,about 32% of the unwed young pregnant women and young mothers had a BDI score above26 suggesting the occurrence of a depressive disorder at the second assessment. Thequalitative part of the study (Articles II and III) attempted to investigate the reactions receivedfrom their significant others, and how these reactions influenced their pregnancy experience.Furthermore, their daily life experience during their placement in a shelter home is described.Seventeen unwed young pregnant women and young mothers aged from 12 to 18 wereinterviewed. Qualitative content analysis and thematic analysis were used to analyse thetranscriptions of the interviews. Significant others were often perceived as reacting to theunwed young pregnant women and young mothers with secrecy, repression and rejection. Theresponse of the unwed young pregnant women and young mothers to the significant others inrespect of their pregnancy was to feel detached, trapped, unworthy and ambiguous. Theresults of the thematic analysis (Article III) led to three themes: rules and regulations, therelationship with the staff, and the relationship with the other girls in the shelter home. Theresults indicated that the participating shelter homes were often not fulfilling the standards ofshelter homes according to the Malaysian national laws and the United Nations Conventionon the Rights of the Child. In addition, a mixed methods approach (Article IV) was applied toinvestigate the associations between the experiences of the unwed young pregnant women andyoung mothers in the shelter home and their social support, coping, resilience, and mentalhealth. Because of the nominal data, the findings from the qualitative analyses were quantifiedand jointly analysed with the questionnaire data using Spearman Rank coefficient. The analyses were done based on the interviews and survey with 17 unwed young pregnantwomen and young mothers aged 12 to 18 years. The mixed methods study emphasized thatthe unwed young pregnant women and young mothers have poor availability and adequacy ofsocial support and were at risk of developing mental health problems if untreated.

What stands in the way of the transition to marriage among unmarried, new parents?

Melz, Heidi Marie 02 June 2011 (has links)
This study examines the transition to marriage among low-income urban mothers and fathers who are unmarried and have a newborn baby together. The study contributes to an emerging body of research that explores the concept of obstacles to marriage by testing whether obstacles to marriage operate in the way that the descriptive literature has proposed: by standing in the way of loving and committed couples who might otherwise make a smooth transition to marriage. Using survival analysis techniques and data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, and introducing a new measure, the Headed to Marriage Index, the study tests the influence that three categories of determinants of marriage — relationship quality, investment in the relationship, and guiding values and beliefs — have on how long couples with a newborn remain unmarried to each other. It also determines whether and how the association between these determinants of marriage and time to marriage is affected by the presence of three obstacles to marriage: low education, poverty, and multiple partner fertility. Results show that the Headed to Marriage Index can be used to estimate hazard of marriage among these couples, and that as a predictor of marriage behavior, this simple index performs nearly as well as the individual components that it comprises. Results also show that low education, being in poverty, and having multiple partner fertility are formidable obstacles that might help to explain why some new parents never marry each other, even though they report wanting to. Finally, interaction terms using the Headed to Marriage Index and each of the three obstacles to marriage test the hypothesis that the extent to which these obstacles to marriage matter might differ depending a couple’s score on the Headed to Marriage Index. The results provided evidence that poverty is an obstacle to marriage for couples at all levels of the Headed to Marriage Index, but that its effect grows stronger as HMI score increases. Poverty is a significant barrier to marriage for those who are otherwise most prepared and oriented toward marriage. / text

Nesezdané soužití v pohledu křesťanských církví / Cohabitation in the sight of christian churches

HEROUT, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The Thesis deals with the problems of unwed cohabitation. It is divided into the theoretical and practical parts. The main theme is concerned with the question of marriage and family. The documents of Christian churches are applied that unanimously declare the indissolubility of marriage. Following texts are among these principal documents: Holy Scripture, the Documents of the Second Vatican Council, and last but not least the statutes of the selected non-Catholic churches that deal with the questions of Christian wedding and marriage. The practical part is conceived as a social survey in which Christians from different churches answer the questions from the area of unwed cohabitation and marriage.


Gudina, Abdi Tefera 29 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

L'enfant naturel en Grèce : une proposition méthodologique de la recherche psycho-sociale : le modèle d'identité Ego-Ecologique en psychologie sociale-clinique / The illegitimate child in Greece : a methodological proposition of a psychosocial investigation : the application of ego-ecology identity model in social-clinical psychology

Rigas-Panagiotacopoulos, Anastasia-Valentine 02 April 2010 (has links)
Cette étude est un essai de développer la méthode ego-écologique, dans le champs de la psychologie sociale-clinique. Nous-nous référons à une analyse de contenu qualitative. Notre approche s’ancre au point de rencontre des approches postpositivistes et socio-cognitives avec les théories des Symboles de Jung et des images de Desoille. Il n’est point de lieu plus propice que pour cette rencontre que le champ de la biographie du sujet, parce que le matériaux biographique jette un point entre l’imagination et l’intellect, l’individuel et le social le discours et l’action, à travers d’une part les symboles des mots-images et d’autre part l’interaction symbolique entre chercheur et sujet de la recherche, dont elle est le produit. Notre objectif est de montrer pourquoi et comment cette partialité des techniques analytiques peut être surmontée en replaçant la fonction symboliste dans la méthode ego-écologique à travers le protocole de recherche d’une adolescente née hors mariage. Ce travail se structure en quatre parties et en plus les annexes. La première partie est consacrée des trois directions théoriques : l’ego-écologie, les théories des symboles/images et l’approche biographique. En deuxième partie nous étudions trois groupes par l’ego-écologie et la méthode biographique : la mère célibataire, la famille d’accueil et les enfants naturels. La troisième partie est consacrée aux conclusions générales et la quatrième partie présente la bibliographie. La méthode d’analyse de contenu du matériaux biographique fonctionnait chez les sujets, comme une catharsis émotionnelle, en créant des conditions plus favorables leur permettant de faire face à leurs problèmes psychosociaux. / This study its an essay to develop the ego-ecology identity method, an content analysis on the field of Social-Clinical Psychology. Our investigation treats the issues of post-positivist and socio-cognitive approaches under a point of view of the theories of Ego-ecology. Jung symbols and Desoille’s images. The field of biography approach is a convenient moment to joint with, because the biographical material bridges over imagination and intelligence, individual and social, discourse and action, though on the one hand of the symbolism between words/images and on the other hand of the symbolic interaction between investigator/individual, that is the product. Our objective will be why and how this partial analytical techniques could be surmount replaced the symbolic function of the ego-ecology method, through the protocol of an illegitimate adolescent.. The structure of this work has been divided into four parts and the annexes. On the first part is consecrated to the three central theoretical directions: the ego-ecology, the theories of symbols/images and the biographical one. On the second part we search three social groups adopted on three conditions through the methods of ego-ecology and biography: the unmarried mother, the foster family and the illegitimate children living in an institution. On the third part we present the general conclusions and on the fourth part are presented the references. The proposed content analysis technique through the critical view of the subjects themselves, provides the respondents through their biography life course in a therapeutic way towards self-observation and self-analysis.

Die aanpasbaarheidsbehoeftes van 'n ongehude, swanger tiener (Afrikaans)

Hansen, Esta 25 August 2011 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the dissertation. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Du péché à l'ordre civil, les unions hors mariage au regard du droit (XVIe-XXe siècle) / From sin to the civil order, unions outside of marriage under the law (XVI-XX century)

Duvillet, Amandine 25 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à appréhender la condition juridique des couples non mariés, à travers près de cinq siècles. Le droit canonique du mariage relégua le concubinage à un état permanent de péché, et, au XVIe siècle, le concile de Trente prescrivit des sanctions sévères à l'encontre des concubinaires. Les pères du concile édictèrent des règles encadrant la célébration du mariage. Puis, l'autorité séculière s'arrogea peu à peu la compétence en matière matrimoniale, par les lois et par la jurisprudence. La frontière entre mariage et concubinage était dorénavant strictement établie. Si l'ancien droit ne regarda pas le concubinage comme un délit, il fustigea les bâtards en les soumettant à un statut d'infériorité. Sous la Révolution, la sécularisation du mariage ne remit pas en cause la forme traditionnelle de l'union conjugale, toutefois, les législateurs accordèrent des droits aux enfants naturels reconnus. En 1804, le Code civil ignora absolument le concubinage. Le fondement de la famille était le mariage ; et, les enfants naturels furent, de nouveau, les victimes de la prééminence de l'union légitime. Dés le milieu du XIXe siècle, la rigueur du Code envers la famille naturelle fut atténuée grâce à un courant d'idées progressistes. Puis, au début du XXe siècle, la reconnaissance officielle du concubinage fut opérée par une série de mesures législatives lui conférant des effets juridiques, et la voie vers un pluralisme juridique des modèles familiaux se trouva ouverte. / The aim of this thesis is to understand the legal status of unmarried couples, over a period of time extending for nearly five centuries. The canon law of marriage relegated cohabitation to a permanent state of sin, and in the sixteenth century, the council of Trent prescribed severe penalties to punish cohabitation. The fathers of the council enacted rules governing the celebration of marriage. Secular authority then gradually arrogated jurisdiction in matrimonial matters by means of laws and jurisprudence. The line between marriage and cohabitation was now strictly drawn. Although the old law did not consider cohabitation as a crime, it castigated children born outside of wedlock by subjecting them to an inferior status. During the Revolution, the secularization of marriage did not call into question the traditional form of the marital union; however, legislators granted rights to recognized natural children. In 1804, the question of cohabitation was totally absent from the civil Code. Marriage represented the foundation of the family, and illegitimate children were once again the victims of the rule of lawful union. By the mid-nineteenth century, the rigor of the Code toward the natural family was mitigated by a current of progressive ideas. Then, in the early twentieth century, official recognition of cohabitation was brought about by a series of legally-binding legislative measures, and the path to legal pluralism in family matters found an opening.

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