Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urban community"" "subject:"urban aommunity""
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Energia, nutrientes e carotenóides disponíveis nos domicílios rurais e urbanos do Brasil / Energy, nutrients and carotenoids available in the rural and urban Brazilian residencesMorato, Priscila Neder 10 September 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a disponibilidade domiciliar de energia, nutrientes e carotenóides para as famílias brasileiras residentes nas áreas rurais e urbanas, das grandes Regiões Geográficas e do Distrito Federal. Utilizou-se como base de dados as informações individuais obtidas por meio da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF 2002- 2003) do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Para a elaboração dos cálculos referentes ao conteúdo de energia e nutrientes, utilizou-se o software Virtual Nutri. Adotou-se como parâmetro para a avaliação da participação de macronutrientes no Valor Energético Total- VET e disponibilidade de vitaminas e minerais os valores preconizados pelo Institute of Medicine (1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004). Para a identificação do conteúdo de carotenóides, adotouse as informações contidas na tabela Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 19 - United States of Department Agriculture (USDA). A disponibilidade média diária de energia e nutrientes foi calculada utilizando o programa Statistical Analysis System – SAS. Os resultados revelam reduzida disponibilidade (domiciliar) de energia para as famílias, particularmente para aquelas moradoras nas áreas urbanas. No tocante à situação identificada para os grupamentos residentes nas áreas rurais foi observada expressiva participação de carboidratos no VET, principalmente nos domicílios das Regiões Norte, Nordeste, Sudeste e do Distrito Federal. A participação de macronutrientes energéticos para o total de energia disponível nos domicílios urbanos, da totalidade das Regiões, revelou-se em conformidade com os intervalos preconizados. A disponibilidade de vitaminas A, B1 e B2 nos domicílios brasileiros atendeu aos valores adotados como referência nesta pesquisa. Com relação à vitamina C, vitamina B6, vitamina B12, folacina e ácido pantotênico, a totalidade das famílias brasileiras integrantes da amostra teve acesso a quantidades inferiores àquelas consideradas ideais. No tocante aos minerais, o conteúdo disponível de cálcio, magnésio, zinco e potássio revelou-se reduzido. O acesso aos carotenóides mostrou-se insuficiente para as famílias brasileiras. Contudo, é interessante destacar que o conteúdo médio de β-caroteno, luteína e zeaxantina, carotenóides pró-vitamínicos A e carotenóides totais identificados para as famílias residentes nas áreas rurais, superou aquele verificado nos domicílios localizados nas áreas urbanas. Por outro lado, as famílias residentes nessas áreas dispõem de maiores quantidades de α-caroteno, β-criptoxantina e licopeno. Nos domicílios rurais da Região Sul, verifica-se a maior disponibilidade (total) de carotenóides, comparativamente ao acesso das famílias residentes nas demais Regiões brasileiras. Conclui-se que no país há ocorrência de diferentes padrões alimentares, com variações mais expressivas quando são distinguidos os dados de acordo com as Regiões Geográficas e os setores (urbano e rural) onde vivem as famílias. A disponibilidade média, nos domicílios, de expressivo rol de nutrientes inferior aos valores de referência, torna urgente a busca de estratégias que contribuam para o acesso adequado aos alimentos e promovam a melhoria dos hábitos e o padrão de consumo alimentar da população brasileira. Ressalta-se, que as análises restringiram-se à aquisição alimentar domiciliar, e a realização de pesquisas que identifiquem a contribuição nutricional proveniente da alimentação realizada fora do domicílio é essencial para o estabelecimento das estratégias. / The aim of this work was to analyze the availability of energy, nutrients and carotenoids for resident Brazilian families in the rural and urban areas according to Geographic Regions and Federal District. Individual information obtained through the Family Budget Survey (POF 2002- 2003), applied by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) was used as database. For the energy and nutrients analyses, the software Virtual Nutri was used. As a parameter for the assessment of qualitative analysis in Total Energy Value (VET) and the evaluation of the availability of vitamins and minerals, recommendations prescribed by the Institute of Medicine (1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004) were adopted. In relation to the evaluation of the carotenoids content in foods, the information contained on the table Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 19 - United States of Department Agriculture (USDA) was adopted. The resources of software Statistical Analysis System – SAS were used to calculate the average availability of nutrients. The results present reduced availability of energy for the Brazilian families and particularly for people who live in urban areas. Among the resident families in the rural areas, there was a higher participation of the carbohydrates in the VET, mainly for those ones located in North, Northeast, Southeast Regions and Federal District. The participation of macronutrients in the VET, for the families who live in urban residences and for the total of the Regions, were in compliance with the recommended values. The availability of vitamins A, B1 and B2, for the total of families, reached the recommendation adopted as reference in this research. In relation to vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folacin and pantothen acid, the Brazilian families had access to quantities which are lower than the recommendations. Regarding the minerals, the content of calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium showed were reduced. The access to carotenoids was insufficient in the Brazilian residences. However, it is very interesting to mention that the average content of β-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, provitamins A and the total identified carotenoids for the families who live in rural areas was higher than that one verified in the residences located in the urban areas. On the other hand, the families who live in the urban areas dispose of higher amounts of α-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin and lycopene. In rural residences of the South Region, it is verified a higher availability of carotenoids (total) when compared to the contents observed in the residences located in others Regions of the country. The conclusion is that there are different food standards in the country which vary according to the analyzed data, considering the Geographic Regions and the sectors (urban and rural), where the families live. Due to the average availability in the residences, where some nutrients were lower than the values in reference, it is necessary an urgent search for strategies that contribute for the access to foods and the improvement of the habits and the food standards of the Brazilian population. It is very important to mention that the analyses are restricted to residence acquisition and the accomplishment of research that identifies the nutrition contribution of food away from home is essential for the establishment of the strategies.
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A influência da poluição atmosférica no conteúdo elementar e de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos no cultivo de vegetais folhosos nas hortas urbanas de São Paulo / The influence of atmospheric pollution on elemental content and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the cultivation of leafy vegetables in urban gardens of São PauloLourenço, Luis Fernando Amato 27 April 2018 (has links)
O crescimento no número de hortas urbanas em todo o mundo tem desempenhado um papel importante no fortalecimento de sistemas alimentares urbanos mais sustentáveis. Embora as hortas urbanas ofereçam múltiplos benefícios à sociedade, ainda não é claro em até que medida os vegetais cultivados são contaminados pela absorção de elementos químicos e compostos orgânicos provenientes de deposições atmosféricas, levantando questões sobre o quão seguro é o cultivo de alimentos em metrópoles superlativas. Esta tese foi elaborada com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da poluição do ar em vegetais folhosos cultivados em hortas urbanas na cidade de São Paulo. Foram quantificadas as concentrações de 17 elementos químicos (relacionados ao tráfego veicular e à biologia vegetal) e 16 hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HPAs) absorvidos nas folhas da Brassica oleracea var. acephala (couve) e Tetragonia tetragonioides (Pall.) Kuntze (espinafre). Para verificar a correlação entre os elementos químicos encontrados nos espinafres/couves e os presentes no material particulado atmosférico foram expostos simultaneamente aos vegetais exemplares de Tillandsia usneoides L. (Bromeliaceae). Além disso, utilizamos dois métodos de biomonitoramento: as frequências de micronúcleos em tétrades de Tradescantia pallida (Rose) Hunt. cv. \"Purpurea\" Boom (Trad-MCN) como um indicador de curto prazo de resposta genotóxica à poluição atmosférica, e também o uso de cascas de árvores para quantificar a acumulação de elementos químicos relacionados ao tráfego veicular a longo prazo nas regiões circundantes das hortas. Análises multivariadas foram utilizadas para correlacionar as concentrações elementares, os resultados de biomonitoramento e as características do ambiente urbano local, como variáveis meteorológicas, tráfego e obstáculos verticais adjacentes aos jardins. Encontramos diferenças significativas nas concentrações elementares dos vegetais nas diferentes hortas comunitárias. Essas diferenças foram relacionadas ao tráfego veicular, obstáculos verticais e clima local. As concentrações de Pb e Cd em ambos os vegetais excederam os valores-limite para o consumo após 60 dias de exposição. Observou-se uma forte correlação entre a concentração de elementos relacionados ao tráfego nos vegetais e nos exemplares de Tillandsia usneoides L.. A frequência de Trad-MCN apresentou uma correlação significativa com as variáveis de tráfego e elementos químicos relacionados à ressuspensão de poeira (road dust) e emissão por escape veicular depositados nas cascas de árvores. Foram observadas associações negativas entre Trad-MCN e a distância de vias de tráfego veicular intenso, bem como a presença de obstáculos verticais no entorno das hortas. As concentrações de Mn/Zn presentes nas cascas de árvores foram associadas com o aumento de Trad-MCN. Os níveis de HPAs em ambos os vegetais nos períodos de 45 dias foram < 1 ug kg-1. A poluição do ar proveniente do tráfego veicular influencia diretamente a absorção de elementos químicos em vegetais folhosos e as concentrações desses elementos podem exceder os valores recomendados para o consumo humano / Urban vegetable gardens have steadily increased worldwide playing a significant role in the strengthening of sustainable urban food systems. Although urban gardens provide multiple benefits to society, the extent to which vegetables are contaminated by the absorption of chemical elements and compounds derived from atmospheric deposition is unclear raising questions about how safe is the cultivation of foods in superlative metropolises. This thesis was designed to evaluate the influence of air pollution on leafy vegetables cultivated in gardens of São Paulo, Brazil. We quantified the concentrations of 17 elements (traffic-related and those essential to plant biology) and 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) absorbed in the edible tissues of Brassica oleracea var. acephala (collard greens) and Tetragonia tetragonioides (Pall.) Kuntze (spinach). In addition, to verify a correlation between the chemical elements found in collard greens/spinach and those from air pollution particles, we simultaneously exposed specimens of the air plant Tillandsia usneoides L. (Bromeliaceae). Also, we evaluated the use of two biomonitoring methods: the micronuclei frequencies for early tetrads of Tradescantia pallida (Rose) Hunt. cv. \"Purpurea\" Boom (hereafter, Trad-MCN) as a short-term indicator of genotoxic response and tree barks to quantify the accumulation of traffic-related chemical elements as a long-term biomarker of air pollution in urban gardens. Multivariate analysis was used to correlate the elemental concentrations, biomonitoring results and the characteristics of the local urban environment, such as weather variables, traffic burden and vertical obstacles adjacent to the gardens. We found significant differences in the elemental concentrations of the vegetables in the different community gardens. These differences were related to the vehicular traffic, vertical obstacles and local weather. Pb and Cd concentrations in both vegetables exceeded the limit values for consumption after 60 days of exposure. A strong correlation was observed between the concentration of traffic-related elements in vegetables and in Tillandsia usneoides L. The frequency of Trad-MCN had a significant correlation with traffic variables and chemical elements related to road dust and tailpipe emissions deposited in tree barks. Negative associations between Trad-MCN and both the distance through traffic and the presence of vertical obstacles were observed in the vegetable gardens. The Mn and Zn concentration in tree barks were associated with increased Trad-MCN. The levels of PAHs in both vegetables over 45-day periods were < 1 ug kg-1. Air pollution exerts a direct influence in the absorption of urban particles, which may reach levels above the recommended values for consumption
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Services urbains, urbanisme et aménagement : analyse géopolitique des relations entre une communauté urbaine et les collectivités voisines : le cas du Grand Lyon / Urban service, urbanism and planning : geopolitical analysis of relation between an urban community and surrounding collectivities : case of Grand LyonFitria, Arie 11 March 2016 (has links)
Notre thèse porte sur les effets des limites administratives d'une communauté urbaine et s'intéresse particulièrement aux relations entre le Grand Lyon et les communes avoisinantes, ceci dans le contexte de réformes territoriales visant à rationaliser et renforcer les coopérations intercommunales. Quelles sont les possibilités de coopération ? Comment sont-elles reconfigurées ? Nous abordons ces questions, en premier lieu, à partir des modifications des limites du Grand Lyon, d’une part à suite à l’adhésion de nouvelles communes, d’autre part suite à la création de la Métropole de Lyon. En second lieu, nous étudions l'impact des limites du Grand Lyon sur les services urbains, avec des études de cas consacrées aux évolutions récentes du territoire d’intervention du syndicat des transports lyonnais (Nouveau Sytral). Notre recherche est effectuée en utilisant des documents juridiques divers, des revues de presse, des travaux d’étudiants qui sont analysés du point de vue de l’aménagement urbain en prenant appui sur les méthodes de la géographie et des sciences politiques. L’étude repose aussi sur des entretiens dans les communes examinées. Les analyses montrent que la définition du périmètre des regroupements intercommunaux lyonnais est un enjeu véritablement géopolitique, au sens que Philippe Subra donne à cette notion. En fonction des situations, des contextes politiques locaux, des projets communaux, les alliances entre les territoires se nouent ou se dénouent. / Our thesis is about the effect of the administrative border in an urban community and concerns particularly on the relations between Grand Lyon and its surrounding municipalities in the context of the territorial reform aiming at rationalizing and reinforcing the intermunicipal cooperation. What are the possibilities of the cooperation? How are the possibilities reconfigured? We reach the questions, in the first place, by the modification of the border of Grand Lyon, in one part following to new communes adhesion, in other part following to the creation of the Lyon metropolitan. In the second place, we study the impact of Grand Lyon border on the urban services, with study cases devoted to the recent territorial evolution of transport Lyonnais syndicate intervention (Nouveau Sytral).Our research was carried out by using various juridical documents, press reports, student works in which were analyzed in the point of view of urban planning leaning on geographical and political science methods. This study also focuses on interviews in the selected municipalities. The analysis reveals that the definition of intermunicipal Lyonnais grouping perimeter is completely a geopolitical issue, in the meaning that Phillipe Subra gives the notion. In terms of the situation, the local political context, the communal projects, the alliances between the territories are established or unraveled.
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Wisconsin Railroad Planning: A State's Perspective of AbandonmentsBusse, Barbara 01 December 1975 (has links)
Federal legislation enacted in January 1974 created federal agencies to produce a rail plan process for the Northeast United States and to monitor and evaluate the programs. A a result of the federal enactment, many states are producing rail plans. Wisconsin is presently preparing one such plan which included the elements of freight operations. The State also has produced a Manual for State Railroad Planning. Both documents have included railroad abandonment as topic of discussion. The present planning process in the State is not sufficient to determine future courses of action concerning abandonments. A case study is presented to determine whether the future State Rail Plan adequately meets the demands of a planning process for abandonments. A summary of future planning practices of railroad abandonments is also included.
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From Cars to Complete Streets: Integrating Bicycles Into Seattle's Transportation NetworkQuek, Natalie 01 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores the process of integrating cycling infrastructure into transportation networks in major cities. It starts by contextualizing the process in Copenhagen, Denmark (often called the best bike city in the world) during its cycling movement in the mid-20th Century. The findings from Copenhagen show that cycling is both viewed as a legitimate and respected mode of transportation and that the city layout, density, and topography is conducive to cycling. In the United States, this thesis explores the federal policies that have been created in support of the Complete Streets movement and makes the case that Complete Streets generally yield many benefits. In the final section, this thesis contextualizes these studies with a case study of Seattle and explores the challenges that have been associated with implementing Seattle’s Bicycle Master Plan. Although the city has made some small-scale cycling infrastructure, the number of cyclists in the city remains low and the bike network remains disconnected. There has been tremendous citizen pushback against lanes for fear of increased traffic and gentrification, and Seattle’s layout and topography presents additional challenges. While the author is in support of bicycling and cycle networks, she believes it is important to consider the opposition to implementing this infrastructure so that we can be more deliberate, sensitive, and inclusive with creating cycle networks in the future. The author proposes that cycling infrastructure may need to be done in smaller pockets before a citywide network can be successfully developed.
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Detection of Sand Boils from Images using Machine Learning ApproachesKuchi, Aditi S 23 May 2019 (has links)
Levees provide protection for vast amounts of commercial and residential properties. However, these structures degrade over time, due to the impact of severe weather, sand boils, subsidence of land, seepage, etc. In this research, we focus on detecting sand boils. Sand boils occur when water under pressure wells up to the surface through a bed of sand. These make levees especially vulnerable. Object detection is a good approach to confirm the presence of sand boils from satellite or drone imagery, which can be utilized to assist in the automated levee monitoring methodology. Since sand boils have distinct features, applying object detection algorithms to it can result in accurate detection. To the best of our knowledge, this research work is the first approach to detect sand boils from images. In this research, we compare some of the latest deep learning methods, Viola Jones algorithm, and other non-deep learning methods to determine the best performing one. We also train a Stacking-based machine learning method for the accurate prediction of sand boils. The accuracy of our robust model is 95.4%.
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Baby Boomer Living: Designing a Modern Continuing Care Retirement CommunityWassum, Ryan Michael 01 June 2013 (has links)
With the largest U.S. generation in the midst of retirement, the Baby Boomer cohort is vastly changing the senior housing landscape. As the housing market gradually improves and the development of senior housing chases the increasing demand, Baby Boomers are a highly selective cohort with more buying and spending power than their predecessors, are healthier and more active, and are demanding an unconventional modification of alternative senior housing. The “traditional” senior community is outdated and no longer seen as a viable choice for retirement, and new and innovated models have surpassed the old-fashioned establishments.
Among the innovative senior community models, the Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) combines a variety of unique residential options and comprehensive services that meet the needs of new and active retirees and aging seniors. Focusing on the Baby Boomer cohort in conjunction with a modified CCRC model, this project examines the current demographic and housing landscape for Baby Boomers and seniors, as well as assesses trending planning techniques and design elements to formulate an ideal senior living prototype for the 234 acre Sinclair Ranch in Chinese Camp, California.
In culmination of research, academic literature review, survey analysis, and case study review, key trending planning and design elements have emerged to develop a state-of-the-art CCRC intended to meet market demands and desires of a growing and highly selective senior cohort. Thus, this project concludes with a design Draft Plan for the Sinclair Ranch that captures both the characteristics of an innovative CCRC and the emergent desires stemming from the shifting senior landscape. With key design recommendations and proposed community features, the draft plan is intended to outline and guide the vision of the proposed development for the Sinclair Ranch CCRC.
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Go Farm, Goleta: Urban Agriculture Protection for Eastern Goleta ValleyKrispi, Eli M 01 June 2011 (has links)
This paper explores two potential land use planning strategies that can be used to preserve and enhance the economic viability of agricultural operations surrounded by suburban development in Santa Barbara County’s Eastern Goleta Valley: buffers between agriculture and other land uses, and agritourism. In the case of buffers, academic literature is examined to determine how effective buffers are at various tasks (filtering runoff, mitigating dust and wind, providing habitat, etc.) and how to construct buffers to maximize their effectiveness. Land use plans and codes from several California jurisdictions are studied to see how buffers are put to use. Academic literature is then reviewed to discover the benefits and potential drawbacks of agritourism to agricultural operations and the larger area. The zoning codes from the top five agritourism counties in California are evaluated to see how effective they are at facilitating five common agritourism uses; these best practices are then compared to the current zoning in Santa Barbara County. This paper concludes by summarizing the applicability of the literature and case studies to Eastern Goleta Valley, and proposes a new zoning designation and other policies to help maintain the urban agriculture operations. This new zoning designation includes a 30-foot minimum width for buffers and a three-tier categorization of land uses capable of promoting agritourism.
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The Effects of Urban Containment Policies on Commuting PatternsKwon, Sung Moon 12 May 2015 (has links)
During the past several decades, most U.S. metropolitan areas have experienced strong suburbanization of housing and jobs (i.e., urban sprawl). The sprawl that arises from urban growth has become a big issue in many metropolitan areas in the U.S. In response, there has been increased interest in urban containment policies. There are contrasting views (planning-oriented vs. market-oriented) of urban sprawl and urban containment policies. Planning-oriented scholars asserted the problems of 'geographic sprawl (GS)' and the positive effects of urban containment polices, while market-oriented scholars asserted the problems of 'economic sprawl (ES)' and the negative or negligible effects of urban containment policies. Therefore, this dissertation analyzed whether urban containment policies affect urban sprawl, employment center formation, and urban commuting.
The results of this dissertation indicate that urban containment policies play an important role in affecting urban sprawl, employment center formation, and urban commuting, as well as explaining the contrasting views (planning-oriented vs. market-oriented) of urban containment policies. Implementing urban containment policies can produce positive effects such as compact development, which can promote J-H balance. However, as seen in the relationship between urban containment policies, urban sprawl and housing values, stronger urban containment policies can produce negative effects, such as traffic congestion and an increase in housing prices.
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Neighborhood Economic Impacts of Contemporary Art CentersVan Eck, Steve 19 July 2018 (has links)
Do investments in Contemporary Art Centers spur investment and economic development in the surrounding community? And if so, what factors are associated with these developments' outcomes? To assess these questions, a general overview of the dominant arts-and-economic-policy perspectives were considered, and two cases of contemporary art center developments, one in St. Louis and one in Cincinnati, were compared and treated as hypothetical value-capture investments. Sale prices of properties surrounding each investment property were adjusted to reflect market factors, then compared to values before and after an investment property opened to the public. A review of supplemental documents and interviews with the developments' directors were used to determine factors that contributed to the effects observed in the study. Findings indicated that the adjusted value of properties in Cincinnati declined with distance from the site of development in the post-test period, and not in the pre-test period. Hedonic results for properties in St. Louis were not significant. However, the museum's development was one among other factors that signified to investors that the area was ready for restoration. Interviews and document review indicated that community participation in the development planning process, distinctive architecture, and commercial contexts were associated with developments meeting their stated goals.
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