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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da praça do Mercado ao Matadouro: política e abastecimento de gêneros alimentícios em São Paulo nas décadas finais do Império e iniciais da República (1867-1910) / From the Market Square to the Slaughterhouse: polítics and food supply in São Paulo in the last decades of the Brazilian Empire and the initials of the Republican Regime (1867-1910)

Leopoldo Fernandes da Silva 01 February 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda a organização do abastecimento de gêneros alimentícios no bojo da transformação da cidade de São Paulo em metrópole industrial e da modernização do seu espaço urbano central, nas últimas décadas do Império e iniciais da República. Com esse objetivo, investigamos a criação da primeira Praça do Mercado na Rua 25 de Março e a transferência do Matadouro do bairro do Bexiga para a Vila Mariana. O estabelecimento de espaços institucionais para a produção e comércio de gêneros de primeira necessidade visava concentrar os segmentos comerciais do abastecimento com o propósito de retirá-los do triângulo central, bem como de aprimorar a fiscalização tributária e sanitária sobre esse setor. Por meio da utilização dos informes dos memorialistas, das atas da câmara e da imprensa diária da cidade, analisamos os conflitos suscitados pela organização do comércio de abastecimento, vinculado ao mercado e ao matadouro. E reconstituímos os movimentos coletivos e suas formas de protesto para viabilizar interesses econômicos e políticos dos vários segmentos comerciais dos armazéns de secos e molhados na cidade, dos locatários dos quartos do mercado, dos marchantes e açougueiros em conflito entre si e com os administradores públicos. O alinhamento político desses segmentos com os grupos em disputa na Câmara se mostrou relevante para a viabilização de demandas no setor. Os conflitos deflagrados pela intervenção e organização do comércio de abastecimento em São Paulo indicaram a existência de um campo de disputas entre interesses econômicos que envolviam diretamente os responsáveis por administrar a cidade. A pesquisa demonstra, também, o quanto a análise sobre o processo de modernização da cidade de São Paulo e de sua modernidade não pode passar ao largo das questões relativas à alimentação e ao abastecimento de gêneros de primeira necessidade. / This research discusses the food supply organization due to the transformation of São Paulo in an industrial metropolis and the modernization of its central urban area, in the last decades of the Brazilian Empire and the initials of the Republic. In order to fulfill this objective, we investigated the creation of the first public market square on the Vinte e Cinco de Março Street and the Slaughterhouse transfer from Bexiga`s neighborhood to Vila Mariana. The settlement of institutional spaces for both production and trade of the essential foodstuffs aimed to concentrate the traditional food supply merchants with the purpose of withdrawing them from the urban central area. In addition, this attempt to control the foodstuff supply was designed to improve sanitary conditions and tax collecting. The documentation survey includes memorialists reports, minutes of municipal chamber and the city press release. We analyze the conflicts raised from the food supply trade organization due to the changes established with the market creation and the slaughterhouse transfer. We reconstitute the collective movements of traditional merchants (grocery stores, the market square renters, cattle and meat dealers and butchers) and their rivalries among themselves and forms of protest against the changes in the food supply organization. The political alignment of the food trade traditional merchants with the groups in dispute at municipal chamber was relevant to promote their demands. In São Paulo, we found the existence of a field of contention among the economic interests that directly involved those responsible to manage the city. The research also demonstrate how much the analysis of São Paulo\'s urban modernization e and its modernity should not pass off questions concerned to the essential food supply chain.

O planejamento da cidade é o planejamento dos jogos? O megaevento olímpico como instrumento de (re)ordenação do território carioca / The city planning of the games? The Olympic mega-event as an instrument of (re) ordering of the territory of Rio

Santos, Rosane Rebeca de Oliveira 30 September 2013 (has links)
A busca pela realização dos Jogos Olímpicos parece ter conduzido e orientado as principais determinações da política urbana do município do Rio de Janeiro nos últimos anos. Ao finalmente conquistar a oportunidade de sediar o megaevento esportivo, esse tem sido utilizado como instrumento para se colocar em prática e legitimar um processo de (re)ordenação do território, através de grandes intervenções urbanas, com aporte de recursos públicos de todos os níveis governamentais. O trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e discutir as propostas territoriais do Plano Olímpico \"Rio 2016\", em primeiro lugar, através da investigação sobre sua relação com os instrumentos de planejamento e política urbana do município - Plano Diretor e Plano Estratégico -, considerando que o mesmo não advém de um processo democrático, não se sabendo nem mesmo onde, quando e por quem foi formulado. Segundo, pela reconstituição do processo que lhe deu origem, por meio de uma análise detida dos documentos oficiais e entrevistas realizadas com atores envolvidos, à luz da conjuntura político-administrativa carioca, na tentativa de identificar os sujeitos e interesses relacionados, principalmente à escolha locacional da Barra da Tijuca como região que concentrará a maior parte das instalações olímpicas e consequentemente dos investimentos. E por fim, abordando as intervenções que estão em andamento, os impactos e conflitos delas decorrentes, bem como as principais alterações já realizadas no Plano Olímpico original, procurando sempre apontar processos através dos quais decisões urbanísticas estruturadoras passam ao largo dos mecanismos formais-institucionais e os efeitos decorrentes deste modelo de ação sobre o território carioca. / The bid for Olympic Games have oriented then urban policies the city of Rio de Janeiro in the last 20 years. When finally Rio got the opportunity to host the megaevent, it has been used as an instrument to put in practice and legitimize a process of (re)ordering of the territory through major urban interventions, mobilizing investments of public resources of all levels of government. This work aims to analyze and discuss the \"Rio 2016\" Olympic Plan\'s territorial proposals, focusing its relationship with local instruments of planning and urban policy - Master Plan and Strategic Plan - considering that the proposals did not emerged from a democratic process, being even unknown, when and by whom it was defined. Second, the work also reconstiturs the decision making process, through a careful analysis of official documents and interviews with key actors, in an attempt to identify the subjects and interests related to the locational choice of Barra da Tijuca - the region which will concentrate most of the Olympic facilities and hence investment. Finally, we address the process of implementation of the Olympic plans, its impacts and then conflicts arising from them, as well as major changes already made in the original Olympic Plan, identifying processes by which urban decisions pass by the formal-institutional mechanisms and the effects of this intervention model on the territory of Rio.

O planejamento da cidade é o planejamento dos jogos? O megaevento olímpico como instrumento de (re)ordenação do território carioca / The city planning of the games? The Olympic mega-event as an instrument of (re) ordering of the territory of Rio

Rosane Rebeca de Oliveira Santos 30 September 2013 (has links)
A busca pela realização dos Jogos Olímpicos parece ter conduzido e orientado as principais determinações da política urbana do município do Rio de Janeiro nos últimos anos. Ao finalmente conquistar a oportunidade de sediar o megaevento esportivo, esse tem sido utilizado como instrumento para se colocar em prática e legitimar um processo de (re)ordenação do território, através de grandes intervenções urbanas, com aporte de recursos públicos de todos os níveis governamentais. O trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e discutir as propostas territoriais do Plano Olímpico \"Rio 2016\", em primeiro lugar, através da investigação sobre sua relação com os instrumentos de planejamento e política urbana do município - Plano Diretor e Plano Estratégico -, considerando que o mesmo não advém de um processo democrático, não se sabendo nem mesmo onde, quando e por quem foi formulado. Segundo, pela reconstituição do processo que lhe deu origem, por meio de uma análise detida dos documentos oficiais e entrevistas realizadas com atores envolvidos, à luz da conjuntura político-administrativa carioca, na tentativa de identificar os sujeitos e interesses relacionados, principalmente à escolha locacional da Barra da Tijuca como região que concentrará a maior parte das instalações olímpicas e consequentemente dos investimentos. E por fim, abordando as intervenções que estão em andamento, os impactos e conflitos delas decorrentes, bem como as principais alterações já realizadas no Plano Olímpico original, procurando sempre apontar processos através dos quais decisões urbanísticas estruturadoras passam ao largo dos mecanismos formais-institucionais e os efeitos decorrentes deste modelo de ação sobre o território carioca. / The bid for Olympic Games have oriented then urban policies the city of Rio de Janeiro in the last 20 years. When finally Rio got the opportunity to host the megaevent, it has been used as an instrument to put in practice and legitimize a process of (re)ordering of the territory through major urban interventions, mobilizing investments of public resources of all levels of government. This work aims to analyze and discuss the \"Rio 2016\" Olympic Plan\'s territorial proposals, focusing its relationship with local instruments of planning and urban policy - Master Plan and Strategic Plan - considering that the proposals did not emerged from a democratic process, being even unknown, when and by whom it was defined. Second, the work also reconstiturs the decision making process, through a careful analysis of official documents and interviews with key actors, in an attempt to identify the subjects and interests related to the locational choice of Barra da Tijuca - the region which will concentrate most of the Olympic facilities and hence investment. Finally, we address the process of implementation of the Olympic plans, its impacts and then conflicts arising from them, as well as major changes already made in the original Olympic Plan, identifying processes by which urban decisions pass by the formal-institutional mechanisms and the effects of this intervention model on the territory of Rio.

Planejamento urbano em Guarulhos: entre o discurso e a prática (1967 a 2016) / Urban planning in Guarulhos, from discourse to practice (1967-2016)

Roberto dos Santos Moreno 29 September 2016 (has links)
Na década de 1950 o Brasil urbanizou-se. As pessoas passaram a se concentrar mais na cidade do que no campo. Essa dinâmica continua até o tempos atuais. Essa concentração de pessoas na cidade é resultado da busca de oportunidades de trabalho, estudo, cultura. No entanto, a concentração traz grandes desafios urbanos: como prover água potável para a população sempre crescente? Como conduzir os esgotos para o tratamento e retorno aos recursos hídricos? Como dotar a cidade de transporte público adequado e eficiente para todos? Como promover o casamento entre o crescimento urbano e o meio ambiente, de modo a garantir a sustentabilidade? Como dotar a cidade de equipamentos comunitários e urbanos de forma a promover a inclusão urbana e social? Como financiar os investimentos públicos de forma a fazer mais com a mesma arrecadação? Cada vez mais é preciso planejar, para curto, médio e longo prazos. O planejamento urbano é um poderoso instrumento para a gestão da cidade. E se ele for participativo, promoverá o ajuste fino necessário para melhorar cada vez mais a qualidade de vida da população. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar em que medida o discurso do planejamento urbano é aplicado na prática, e quais fatores interveem para que isso aconteça. O planejamento urbano é um processo, através do qual surge o plano diretor e outros instrumentos, cujo resultado são as obras e serviços resultantes desse processo. O instrumento de desenvolvimento tratado nesta pesquisa é o plano diretor, mas avança também na análise de outros instrumentos, como o código de obras ou edificações, as normas de parcelamento, uso e ocupação do solo, organização administrativa, financiamento, participação e gestão urbana. Municípios com problemas urbanos e rurais, quando submetidos ao processo de planejamento urbano, apresentam melhores resultados. Este trabalho analisa o processo de planejamento urbano do Município de Guarulhos, localizado na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, vizinho a São Paulo, município-capital do Estado de São Paulo. O processo de planejamento urbano inicia em 1967 e prossegue em sua trajetória até os tempos atuais. Para tentar compreender o caso de Guarulhos, este trabalho retroage no tempo e no espaço e traça a evolução da cidade e município, através de elementos componentes da estrutura urbana, ligados aos aspectos sociais, econômicos, políticos, administrativos e ambientais, abrangendo o período de 1560 a 1966. O processo de planejamento urbano do Município de Guarulhos foi estudado através do método histórico, compreendendo o período de 1967 a 2016. Ou seja, quase meio século utilizando em maior ou menor grau os instrumentos de desenvolvimento urbano, com o objetivo de encontrar caminhos para enfrentar os desafios emergentes de uma cidade que no início do Século XXI ultrapassou a marca de um milhão de habitantes, tornando-se o município não-capital mais populoso do Estado de São Paulo. Este trabalho procura analisar os dois aspectos do planejamento urbano: o discurso e a prática. Procura responder à questão: o que deu certo no plano diretor? Os resultados desta investigação reforçam a relevância do papel do planejamento urbano na melhoria da qualidade de vida da população e sua participação na gestão dos municípios. / In the 1950s Brazil became urbanized. People started to focus more on City than in the countryside. This dynamic continues to this day. This concentration of People in the city is the result of the search for job opportunities, study, culture. At the However, concentration brings with it great urban challenges: how to provide Growing population? How to conduct the sewage treatment and return to water resources? How to provide the city with adequate and efficient public transport all? How to promote the marriage between urban growth and the environment, Ensure sustainability? How to equip the city with community and To promote urban and social inclusion? How to finance investments In order to do more with the same collection? More and more it is necessary to plan, For the short, medium and long term. Urban planning is a powerful tool for The management of the city. And if it is participatory, it will promote the fine-tuning necessary to Improve the quality of life of the population. The objective of this work is to Demonstrate to what extent the discourse of urban planning is applied in practice, and What factors intervene to make this happen. Urban planning is a process, Through which emerges the master plan and other instruments, whose result are the works and Resulting from this process. The development instrument Research is the master plan, but also advances in the analysis of other instruments, such as the Code of works or buildings, the norms of installment, use and occupation of the soil, Administrative organization, financing, participation and urban management. Municipalities with Urban and rural problems, when submitted to the process of urban planning, Best results. This paper analyzes the urban planning process Municipality of Guarulhos, located in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Paulo, capital city of the State of São Paulo. The urban planning process begins In 1967 and continues in its trajectory until the present times. To try to understand the Case of Guarulhos, this work retroacts in time and space and traces the evolution of City and municipality, through component elements of the urban structure, linked to the Social, economic, political, administrative and environmental aspects, covering the period From 1560 to 1966. The urban planning process of the Municipality of Guarulhos was Studied through the historical method, comprising the period from 1967 to 2016. That is, Almost half a century using to a greater or lesser degree the instruments of development With the objective of finding ways to face the emerging challenges of A city that at the beginning of the 21st Century surpassed the mark of one million inhabitants, Making it the most populous non-capital city in the State of São Paulo. This job Seeks to analyze the two aspects of urban planning: discourse and practice. Demand Answer the question: what went right in the master plan? The results of this research Reinforce the relevance of the role of urban planning in improving the quality of life Of the population and their participation in the management of municipalities.

Planejamento urbano em Guarulhos: entre o discurso e a prática (1967 a 2016) / Urban planning in Guarulhos, from discourse to practice (1967-2016)

Moreno, Roberto dos Santos 29 September 2016 (has links)
Na década de 1950 o Brasil urbanizou-se. As pessoas passaram a se concentrar mais na cidade do que no campo. Essa dinâmica continua até o tempos atuais. Essa concentração de pessoas na cidade é resultado da busca de oportunidades de trabalho, estudo, cultura. No entanto, a concentração traz grandes desafios urbanos: como prover água potável para a população sempre crescente? Como conduzir os esgotos para o tratamento e retorno aos recursos hídricos? Como dotar a cidade de transporte público adequado e eficiente para todos? Como promover o casamento entre o crescimento urbano e o meio ambiente, de modo a garantir a sustentabilidade? Como dotar a cidade de equipamentos comunitários e urbanos de forma a promover a inclusão urbana e social? Como financiar os investimentos públicos de forma a fazer mais com a mesma arrecadação? Cada vez mais é preciso planejar, para curto, médio e longo prazos. O planejamento urbano é um poderoso instrumento para a gestão da cidade. E se ele for participativo, promoverá o ajuste fino necessário para melhorar cada vez mais a qualidade de vida da população. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar em que medida o discurso do planejamento urbano é aplicado na prática, e quais fatores interveem para que isso aconteça. O planejamento urbano é um processo, através do qual surge o plano diretor e outros instrumentos, cujo resultado são as obras e serviços resultantes desse processo. O instrumento de desenvolvimento tratado nesta pesquisa é o plano diretor, mas avança também na análise de outros instrumentos, como o código de obras ou edificações, as normas de parcelamento, uso e ocupação do solo, organização administrativa, financiamento, participação e gestão urbana. Municípios com problemas urbanos e rurais, quando submetidos ao processo de planejamento urbano, apresentam melhores resultados. Este trabalho analisa o processo de planejamento urbano do Município de Guarulhos, localizado na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, vizinho a São Paulo, município-capital do Estado de São Paulo. O processo de planejamento urbano inicia em 1967 e prossegue em sua trajetória até os tempos atuais. Para tentar compreender o caso de Guarulhos, este trabalho retroage no tempo e no espaço e traça a evolução da cidade e município, através de elementos componentes da estrutura urbana, ligados aos aspectos sociais, econômicos, políticos, administrativos e ambientais, abrangendo o período de 1560 a 1966. O processo de planejamento urbano do Município de Guarulhos foi estudado através do método histórico, compreendendo o período de 1967 a 2016. Ou seja, quase meio século utilizando em maior ou menor grau os instrumentos de desenvolvimento urbano, com o objetivo de encontrar caminhos para enfrentar os desafios emergentes de uma cidade que no início do Século XXI ultrapassou a marca de um milhão de habitantes, tornando-se o município não-capital mais populoso do Estado de São Paulo. Este trabalho procura analisar os dois aspectos do planejamento urbano: o discurso e a prática. Procura responder à questão: o que deu certo no plano diretor? Os resultados desta investigação reforçam a relevância do papel do planejamento urbano na melhoria da qualidade de vida da população e sua participação na gestão dos municípios. / In the 1950s Brazil became urbanized. People started to focus more on City than in the countryside. This dynamic continues to this day. This concentration of People in the city is the result of the search for job opportunities, study, culture. At the However, concentration brings with it great urban challenges: how to provide Growing population? How to conduct the sewage treatment and return to water resources? How to provide the city with adequate and efficient public transport all? How to promote the marriage between urban growth and the environment, Ensure sustainability? How to equip the city with community and To promote urban and social inclusion? How to finance investments In order to do more with the same collection? More and more it is necessary to plan, For the short, medium and long term. Urban planning is a powerful tool for The management of the city. And if it is participatory, it will promote the fine-tuning necessary to Improve the quality of life of the population. The objective of this work is to Demonstrate to what extent the discourse of urban planning is applied in practice, and What factors intervene to make this happen. Urban planning is a process, Through which emerges the master plan and other instruments, whose result are the works and Resulting from this process. The development instrument Research is the master plan, but also advances in the analysis of other instruments, such as the Code of works or buildings, the norms of installment, use and occupation of the soil, Administrative organization, financing, participation and urban management. Municipalities with Urban and rural problems, when submitted to the process of urban planning, Best results. This paper analyzes the urban planning process Municipality of Guarulhos, located in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Paulo, capital city of the State of São Paulo. The urban planning process begins In 1967 and continues in its trajectory until the present times. To try to understand the Case of Guarulhos, this work retroacts in time and space and traces the evolution of City and municipality, through component elements of the urban structure, linked to the Social, economic, political, administrative and environmental aspects, covering the period From 1560 to 1966. The urban planning process of the Municipality of Guarulhos was Studied through the historical method, comprising the period from 1967 to 2016. That is, Almost half a century using to a greater or lesser degree the instruments of development With the objective of finding ways to face the emerging challenges of A city that at the beginning of the 21st Century surpassed the mark of one million inhabitants, Making it the most populous non-capital city in the State of São Paulo. This job Seeks to analyze the two aspects of urban planning: discourse and practice. Demand Answer the question: what went right in the master plan? The results of this research Reinforce the relevance of the role of urban planning in improving the quality of life Of the population and their participation in the management of municipalities.

Arbetslöshetens (o)kända ansikten : Ett arbetsmarknadsprojekt i Rågsved i en tid av avancerad marginalitet och territoriell stigmatisering / The (un)known faces of unemployment : A labour market program in Rågsved in a time of advanced marginality and territorial stigmatization

Örnlind, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
This essay intervenes in the politics of urban segregation in Stockholm. The main aim of the essay is to analyze and describe how advanced marginality and territorial stigmatization are expressed in the lived experiences of four unemployed youths, that have participated in a labor market training program located in the “social vulnerable” area Rågsved. With a theoretical framework based in Henri Lefebvre’s production of social space the empirical findings are interpreted in regard to how the youths produce social space in dialectical interplay with urban politics, advanced marginality, territorial stigmatization, and their local neighborhood. The empirical material in the study was collected through qualitative interviews with the youths. The method of interviewing, analyzing, and presenting the result is grounded in a phenomenological approach. The historical background for the essay is the politics of urban segregation that has emerged in the metropolitan areas of Sweden. The post-industrial society and advanced sectors in the economy are transforming the labor market, city landscape, and the requirements on workers. This deep transformation process has resulted in social exclusion and inequalities between different groups in the urban city. Unemployment and poverty has been concentrated to the urban periphery of the metropolitan city. The urban periphery is marginalized areas with high concentration of immigrant residents with post-colonial status. The Swedish Metropolitan Committee committed a proposal 1998 for a new urban politics in the beginning of the millennium, which main purpose was to intervene in the ongoing process of ethnic and socioeconomic segregation in the urban landscape. This political-institutional background, within the context of post-industrial society and neoliberal politics, situates the historical framework for the present study. The result in the study points out that the youths are in an insecure position in the contemporary labor market, and constantly reflect their ways of living through the dominated norms of active labor market policies. The youths participation in the labor market training program Rågsved Community Center are described as a positive experience, and they describe how they are fully recognized as individual subjects of the employees. Within the geography of urban segregation, the youths are constantly in a process of mental negotiating about how to determine the space of Rågsved. The space of the “social vulnerable” suburb Rågsved is produced by the youths in the conflict of territorial stigmatization and their feelings of belonging.  The main result from the study is that the youths lived experiences of participation in Rågsved Community Center reflects a political need for something different. They discredit the way that Arbetsförmedlingen approach them as unemployed and lack confidence in their methods. In the social space of Rågsved Community Center the youths are recognized as individuals and are also taking initiative to help their friends in Rågsved to find a way out of unemployment. These spatial practices in Rågsved produce a social space and constitute a local institution that could be an embryo for collective representation and organization in relation to urban segregation and youth unemployment in the urban periphery.

Makten att problematisera en plats : En studie om ombyggnationen av Rådhustorget i Umeå

Sjöström, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
In the last two-three decades, the global society have gone through major structural transformations that have affected the local city in different ways. Advanced technology, improved modes of transportation and a global economy have all contributed to an increasing mobility of people, companies and capital. Consequently, the entrepreneurial view of urban growth has led to an inter-urban competition and placemakeing as instrument in the endeavor to attract people to the city.  During the last years, the public places in the city center of Umeå have changed its structure. The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether there is a substantial difference of opinion between Umeå municipality´s representation of problems in the public space and the public opinion of the rebuilding of Rådhustorget and its function as a public space. Due to the aim, the study consists of two research subjects. One is a critical analysis of a policy document with Carol Bacchi´s “What´s the problem represented to be” – method as a tool. The second research subject is a questionnaire with the goal to investigate the opinion of the rebuilding of Rådhustorget according to 175 respondents. The result shows that there is a substantial difference of opinion between the municipality´s view of the public space of Rådhustorget and the received result from the questionnaire. Most evident is the disagreements whether the former Rådhustorget could be seen as a problematic public place or not.

Advocacy Coalition Formation, Mobilization, Sustainment, and Fragmentation: A Case Study of the New Orleans Federal Alliance (NOFA) and the Federal City Project

Ormerod, Gerald J 16 December 2016 (has links)
U.S. military bases and installations represent trillions of dollars of capital investment towards the nation’s defense infrastructure. The Department of Defense, in its response to the end of the Cold War with the Soviet Union in the 1980s, sought to reorganize and optimize this basing infrastructure to meet the emerging threats of the 21st century. A series of nationwide Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) efforts were chartered by Congress to facilitate this task, identifying hundreds of obsolete or unneeded military installations. During the last BRAC effort in 2005, the Naval Support Activity New Orleans was targeted for closure, with its U.S. Navy and Marine Corps tenants to be reassigned elsewhere. In response to this threat, a group of retired military and civilian elites formed a non-profit entity known as the New Orleans Federal Alliance (NOFA), chartered to lobby the BRAC Commission to salvage the West Bank portion of the NSA from closure and establish a new mixed use, public-private Federal City complex in its stead. The purpose of this study was to examine the life cycle of NOFA and its partners in the context of the Federal City project over a ten year period. Interviews of key personnel involved with this coalition revealed remarkable insight into the characteristics associated with its formation, mobilization, sustainment, and fragmentation. The data illustrated the delicate relationship between the military history of New Orleans and its unique culture, and how that culture influenced actor behavior through the varied governing subsystems in the region. As one would expect, local politics dominated the adverse dynamic of the coalition’s solvency, heightened significantly in national visibility by the effects of Hurricane Katrina. The result was the dissolution of the NOFA-centered coalition and the failure of the Federal City project to achieve full maturity.

Divided Regions: Race, Political Segregation, and the Fragmentation of American Metropolitan Policy

Einstein, Katherine January 2012 (has links)
Since the 1980s, the American federal government has devolved a wide array of crucial policy decisions - from transportation to welfare initiatives - to the state and local levels. With a decrease in federal aid and an increase in the number of tools available to lower tiers of government, scholars of American urban politics have suggested that cooperation among metropolitan jurisdictions could help address critical political and policy challenges, including inequities in municipal resources and unfettered suburban sprawl. This dissertation argues that metropolitan political segregation|that is, geographically-based political divisions - represents a serious obstacle to these partnerships and remains poorly understood. This project thus has two goals: to explain variations in metropolitan political segregation and explore their consequences for regional coalition-building. I first present a theory connecting America's unique racial geography to political segregation. I contend that racially segregated metropolitan areas with large minority population concentrations will experience more political segregation than their more homogenous peers. These political divisions will in turn hinder coalition-building surrounding critical metropolitan policies. Marshaling 1988 and 2000 precinct-level electoral data for every metropolitan area in the country, I find that racial demographics almost exclusively explain variations in political segregation, with more racially segregated, heavily black and Latino metropolitan areas exhibiting greater geographic political divisions. These rifts in turn have a potent impact on metropolitan policy outcomes. Taking advantage of an array of qualitative and quantitative data on mass transportation and affordable housing policy-making, I discover that greater political segregation constrains metropolitan coalition-building and spurs more fragmented policy outcomes. These findings have a disturbing implication: those regions with concentrated pockets of poverty - places most in need of metropolitan cooperation in the contemporary, heavily localized political climate - are the least able to forge partnerships around shared local policy goals.


Kaitlin D Kelly-Thompson (9189386) 04 August 2020 (has links)
<p>How does the built environment contribute to democracy? Can the built environment shape democratic processes of representation? This project employs mixed-methods to explore the relationship between the city, as a built and lived environment, and the inclusion of marginalized groups in democratic politics, focusing on how social movements contribute to political representation. Using the Gezi Park protests in Turkey and the Women’s March protests in Boston, San Antonio, Pittsburgh, and Amarillo, I develop a theoretical account of how and why the built environment encourages democratic inclusion of diverse groups. I test these expectations through a series of statistical analyses of an original dataset on the Women’s March protests covering 330 cities with competitive mayoral elections between 2017-2018. Through both my quantitative analyses and my qualitative cases, I find that the spatial structure of the city shapes movement inclusion and that inclusive movements positively impact the quality of democracy, not only when activists are making direct claims to occupy particular spaces, as in the Gezi case, but also when activists come together for more abstract goals, as in the case of the Women’s Marches.</p>

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