Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ser enerated content"" "subject:"ser cenerated content""
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Swipe to buy? : Examining the influence of Instagram and TikTok onmillennials fast fashion purchasesQayyum, Yahya, Wattar, Omar, Aljalab, Faisal January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the influence of User-Generated Content (UGC) on the purchasingdecisions of millennials in the fast fashion industry, particularly through the platformsInstagram and TikTok. The research delves into the transformation from offline to onlinemarketing within the fast fashion sector, examining both fast-fashion and ultra-fast fashion tounderstand UGC's impact on consumer behavior, including environmental and ethicalconcerns. Employing a qualitative research methodology, this study focuses on thematic and contentanalysis to unravel the intricate ways in which UGC shapes millennials' purchasing decisions.The research provides an in-depth exploration of the subjective experiences, perceptions, andmotivations of this demographic, offering rich insights into their interaction with UGC.Additionally, the study integrates social influence theory and buying behavior theory tounderstand the dynamics of digital consumer engagement and the role of UGC incontemporary marketing strategies. Through interviews with Millennial consumers and analysis of their interactions with UGC,the research uncovers patterns and trends that highlight the significant role of UGC in digitalmarketing and consumer decision-making. The results suggest that while UGC significantlyinfluences Millennials, the impact varies across different aspects of the fast fashion sector.This research fills a void in current literature by providing a focused analysis of UGC'sinfluence across generational divides, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of digitalbehavior in the fast fashion industry.
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”RUN, DON’T WALK TO NORMAL” : En multimodal analys av användargenererat innehåll på TikTok / ”RUN, DON’T WALK TO NORMAL” : A multimodal analysis of user-generated content on TikTokAndersson, Sanna, Bendrik, Klara January 2024 (has links)
The study aims to analyze how user-generated content contributes to the representation ofcompanies in the context of digital trends. Digital marketing has become a norm forbusinesses in all fields and is a constantly changing phenomenon. Due to the overwhelminguse of influencer-marketing, trust in influencers has decreased. This has contributed to agrowing demand for authentic and relatable material on social platforms. Because of this,user-generated content is on the rise, especially on platforms like TikTok, which has becomean arena for digital marketing. This study examines how the brand Normal is portrayedthrough user-generated content through the TikTok-trend “Run, don’t walk to”. Normal is acompany that has become successful through user-generated content and electronic Word ofMouth (eWOM) on Tiktok, especially via the TikTok-trend “Run, don’t walk to”.We have used a qualitative multimodal analysis to study how the company Normal isportrayed in the trend “Run, don’t walk to”. The analysis examines several semioticresources: linguistic, auditory, visual and gestural and the interaction of the semioticresources. To understand the trend, the way users participate and interact is also studied. Wediscovered that Normal is portrayed in a positive way through user-generated content onTikTok. This is due to users' ambitious and authentic videos that load the brand withfavorable value and attributes. Users participate and interact primarily through archivingpurposes that include liking and archiving. Users' participation in the trend manifests itself ina similar way across all videos. The result is consistent with Dallas Smythe's theory ofaudience commodity, as users do not perceive the production of videos as a burden eventhough they contribute to the free marketing of the brand Normal. Users' participation in thetrend and the calls for consumption can be seen as a transaction and payment for an entry intothe consumer society.
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Art Value Experience : An Immersive Procedural Content Generation Tool for Personal Visualization of Meaningful NumbersZhang, Yufei January 2022 (has links)
We present a Research through Design project that explores design opportunities and challenges of a personal visualization tool in artistic settings. The research process includes technical material exploration, an approach where state-of-the-art enabling techniques are examined to inspire artistic design decision-making. We propose three experiential qualities of such a tool: uniqueness, memorability, and aesthetics. They also serve as the heuristics throughout the design and evaluation process, aiming for meaningful user experience of personal visualization. Furthermore, we present how proceduralism democratizes user-generated content creation, how immersiveness improves the overall virtual experience, and how various computer graphics techniques are combined to improve the accessibility, learnability, and usability of the tool. / Vi presenterar en forskning genom ett designprojekt som utforskar möjligheter och utmaningar för ett personligt visualiseringsverktyg i konstnärliga scenarier. Forskningsprocessen inkluderar teknisk materialutforskning, ett tillvägagångssätt där state-of-the-art möjliggörande tekniker undersöks för att inspirera till beslutsfattande i konstnärlig design. Vi föreslår tre upplevelsemässiga egenskaper hos ett sådant verktyg: unikhet, minnesbarhet och estetik. Dessa egenskaper agerar även som heuristiken genom hela design- och utvärderingsprocessen, som syftar till en meningsfull användarupplevelse av personlig visualisering. Dessutom presenterar vi hur proceduralism demokratiserar användargenererat innehållsskapande, hur uppslukande förbättrar den övergripande virtuella upplevelsen och hur olika datorgrafiktekniker kan kombineras för att förbättra tillgängligheten, lärbarheten samt användbarheten av verktyget.
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Mining and Analyzing Subjective Experiences in User Generated ContentChen, Lu 30 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Explication of Political User-Generated Content and Theorizing about Its Effects on Democracy with a Mix-of-Attributes Approach and Documenting Attribute Presence with a Quantitative Content AnalysisDylko, Ivan B. 25 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Användargenererat innehåll på digitala marknadsplatser : En fallstudie om användarupplevelse och motivation / User-generated Content on Digital Marketplaces : A Case Study on User Experience and MotivationVartanian, Susanna, Dahlberg, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Digitala marknadsplatser är digitala plattformar baserade på användargenererat innehåll. De är svåra att etablera då de huvudsakligen är beroende av användarens motivation och fria vilja att bidra med innehåll. Syftet med kandidatuppsatsen är att utforska och förvärva kunskap om användare av digitala marknadsplatsers perspektiv på den nuvarande utformningen av en digital marknadsplats. Målet med studien är att rekommendera designriktlinjer genom interaktionsdesign. Baserat på användares önskade egenskaper hos en förbättrad design av den digitala marknadsplatsen, som kan motivera användare att bidra med användargenererat innehåll. En kvalitativ ansats med en fenomenologisk forskningstradition har tillämpats för att besvara forskningsfrågorna, detta genom en gruppintervju med en fokusgrupp. Ett strategiskt urval görs, baserat på fem individer med tidigare kunskap om den digitala marknadsplatsen. För att analysera data tillämpas en tematisk analys, som sedan sammanställs i form av ett affinitetsdiagram. Self-determination Theory (SDT) tillsammans med en litteraturöversikt med fokus på områden inom marknadsplatser, användargenererat innehåll (UGC) och marknadsplatsdesign utgör en teoretisk ram som används för att förstå, tolka och diskutera forskningsresultaten. Forskningsresultaten visar att användare måste förses med enkla verktyg för att bidra med användargenererat innehåll. De känner sig också motiverade att bidra med innehåll när systemet består av ett gränssnitt med få steg, vilket gör det enkelt att interagera med andra användare. Genom att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter upplever användaren en känsla av samhörighet och gemenskap, vilket även ökar motivationen att bidra. Slutligen visar studien att anpassa designen av den digitala marknadsplatsen till specifika användare och deras behov, ökar användarens motivation att bidra med användargenererat innehåll. / Digital marketplaces are digital platforms based on user-generated content. They are difficult to be established as they mainly depend on users’ motivation and free will to contribute with content. Thus, the purpose of this bachelor thesis study is to explore and acquire knowledge about digital marketplace platform users’ perspectives of the current design of a digital marketplace platform. The aim of the bachelor thesis research is to recommend interaction design guidelines. Based on users’ desired characteristics of an improved design of the digital marketplace platform that could, subsequently, motivate users in contributing user-generated content. For the research, a qualitative approach with a phenomenological tradition is followed. The empirical data is collected through a focus group interview with five purposively selected participants that have previous knowledge of the digital marketplace platform. To analyze the data, a thematic analysis is applied, which is, then, compiled in the form of an affinity diagram. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) along with a literature review focusing on areas within marketplaces, user-generated content (UGC) and, marketplace design, formulate a theoretical framework that is used to understand, interpret and discuss the research findings. The research results show that users feel motivated to contribute content when simple tools are provided to them. Furthermore, users feel motivated to contribute content when the system consists of an interface with few steps, which enables easy interaction with other users and sharing of their experiences by giving them the feeling of belonging to a community. Finally, adapting the design of the digital marketplace platform to specific users and their needs inspires and increases the motivation of users to contribute with user-generated content.
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Live Video Exploration - Exploring environments using live video, mobile devices and unacquainted usersBjelm, Petter, Wibom, Mark January 2015 (has links)
The live video streaming market is, as some research suggests, a difficult one to develop.Comparing it to other media it has the disadvantage of being available during a limitedperiod of time. This thesis explores how mobile devices can be used as an exploratorytool through live video streaming. The opportunity of control in the moment is studiedand examined in this report. This research will suggest a mobile device platform in whichpeople can assist other people exploring new environments around the globe. It also triesto evaluate whether this exploring interaction can occur between unacquainted people andat the same time not be hindered by any language barriers. The motivation behind thissubject is the human need and curiosity of exploring new environments and places.The foundation of the research approach was based on interaction design principles andmethods. This created a chain of methods used with the intent of better understandingwhat is to be considered when designing for live video experiences focusing onenvironments. The process lead to important understandings and key aspects to beconsidered when designing live experiences focusing on environments. The results thatemerged, showed that the most important encouragement is; to be presented with anenvironment that includes novel elements. Furthermore, the results could also concludethat by giving access to directional controls, and some means of expressing appreciation,can help to influence and shape exploration with live video.
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Surfing Serenades: Riding the Digital Waves of Nicaraguan Shores : Exploring the influence of user-generated content on destination choice.Kroon Josefsson, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Background: The tourism industry plays a crucial role in the global economy in developing countries such as Nicaragua, where it catalyzes development. Risk perception, safety considerations, user-generated content, and destination image significantly influence travel decision-making processes. Purpose: The primary purpose of this thesis is to explore the intricate relationship between online travel planning, safety perceptions, and consumer behaviors in unexplored Central American destinations, with Nicaragua as a focal point. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 participants. 11 participants visited Nicaragua, and four residents within the tourism sector were interviewed for a broader overview of the tourism situation in the country of investigation. An inductive approach was used to conduct a qualitative analysis, followed by a thematic examination of the primary data. Conclusion: This thesis illuminates the intricate relationship between online information, safety perceptions, and consumer behaviors in travel decision-making. By uncovering the significant impact of online travel planning platforms, visual communication, and UGC on shaping travelers' safety perceptions in Nicaragua, the study offers actionable recommendations to support the sustainable development of the country's tourism sector.
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Evaluación de la calidad de la traducción automática de reseñas turísticas en línea desde la perspectiva de la localizaciónRosa Sorlozano, Maria Carmen 21 June 2024 (has links)
[ES] Los usuarios de internet han pasado a ser contribuidores activos en la Web 2.0. Estudios recientes revelan que siete de cada 10 usuarios de internet en todo el mundo confían en la opinión y las reseñas publicadas en línea por otros usuarios. De la misma forma, según estadísticas recientes de las agencias españolas de turismo, el uso de internet ha crecido más de un 29 %: casi todos los usuarios (99,2 %) lo usan para buscar información, un 76,5 % lo usa para hacer reservas y el 52,4 % para el pago de servicios. A pesar del gran potencial y el volumen de negocio de este sector, las plataformas de reseñas (tanto de viajes como de reservas de restaurantes) solo utilizan la traducción automática (TA) de las opiniones que los consumidores dejan en dichas páginas sin procesamiento ni revisión. En paralelo, los estudios de traducción han concedido un papel clave durante los últimos 30 años a la subdisciplina de la localización, consistente en adaptar el mensaje a las preferencias lingüísticas y culturales específicas del usuario. Por este motivo, esta investigación se centra en el análisis de un corpus de reseñas traducidas automáticamente para identificar patrones de error y sus efectos en la calidad del texto según parámetros estudiados en la localización. Áreas como el turismo, las finanzas y el marketing podrían verse beneficiadas si mejoran sus procesos de traducción, puesto que un mejor entendimiento de los servicios anunciados facilita la interacción del consumidor con dichos productos y servicios. / [CA] Els usuaris d'internet han passat a ser contribuïdors actius en la Web 2.0. Estudis recents revelen que set de cada 10 usuaris d'internet a tot el món confien en l'opinió i les ressenyes publicades en línia per altres usuaris. De la mateixa forma, segons estadístiques recents de les agències espanyoles de turisme, l'ús d'internet ha crescut més d'un 29%: quasi tots els usuaris (99,2%) l'utilitzen per a buscar informació, un 76,5% l'usa per a fer reserves i el 52,4% per al pagament de servicis. Malgrat el gran potencial i el volum de negoci d'este sector, les plataformes de ressenyes (tant de viatges com de reserves de restaurants) només utilitzen la traducció automàtica (TA) de les opinions que els consumidors deixen en estes pàgines sense processament ni revisió. En paral·lel, els estudis de traducció han concedit un paper clau durant els últims 30 anys a la subdisciplina de la localització, consistent a adaptar el missatge a les preferències lingüístiques i culturals específiques de l'usuari. Per aquest motiu, esta investigació se centra en l'anàlisi d'un corpus de ressenyes traduïdes automàticament per a identificar patrons d'error i els seus efectes en la qualitat del text segons paràmetres estudiats en la localització. Àrees com el turisme, les finances i el màrqueting podrien veure's beneficiades si milloren els seus processos de traducció, ja que un millor enteniment dels servicis anunciats facilita la interacció del consumidor amb aquests productes i servicis. / [EN] Internet users have become active contributors to the Web 2.0. Recent studies reveal that seven out of 10 internet users worldwide rely on the opinions and reviews posted online by other users. Similarly, according to recent statistics from the main Spanish tourism agencies, Internet usage has grown by more than 29%: almost all users (99.2%) use it to search for information, 76.5% use it to make reservations and 52.4% use it to pay for services. Despite the great potential and turnover of this sector, review platforms (both for travel and restaurant reservations) only use machine translation (MT) of the reviews that consumers leave on these pages without processing or review. In parallel, translation studies have attributed a major role over the last 30 years to the sub-discipline of localization, which consists of adapting the message to the user's specific linguistic and cultural preferences. For this reason, this research focuses on the analysis of a corpus of machine-translated reviews to identify error patterns and their effects on text quality according to parameters studied in localization. Areas such as tourism, finance and marketing could benefit from improving their translation processes, since a better understanding of the advertised services facilitates consumer interaction with those services. / Rosa Sorlozano, MC. (2024). Evaluación de la calidad de la traducción automática de reseñas turísticas en línea desde la perspectiva de la localización [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/205487
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Evaluating Semantic Internalization Among Users of an Online Review PlatformZaras, Dimitrios 08 1900 (has links)
The present study draws on recent sociological literature that argues that the study of cognition and culture can benefit from theories of embodied cognition. The concept of semantic internalization is introduced, which is conceptualized as the ability to perceive and articulate the topics that are of most concern to a community as they are manifested in social discourse. Semantic internalization is partly an application of emotional intelligence in the context of community-level discourse. Semantic internalization is measured through the application of Latent Semantic Analysis. Furthermore, it is investigated whether this ability is related to an individual’s social capital and habitus. The analysis is based on data collected from the online review platform yelp.com.
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