Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ser enerated content"" "subject:"ser cenerated content""
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Le collaborative tagging appliqué à l'information médicale scientifique: étude des tags et de leur adoption par les médecins dans le cadre de leurs pratiques informationnellesDurieux, Valérie 20 December 2013 (has links)
Suite à l’avènement du Web 2.0, le rôle de l’internaute s’est vu modifier, passant de consommateur passif à acteur à part entière. De nouvelles fonctionnalités ont vu le jour augmentant considérablement les possibilités d’interaction avec le système. Parmi celles-ci, le collaborative tagging permet à l’utilisateur de décrire l’information en ligne par l’attribution de mots-clés (ou tags), la particularité étant que ces tags ne sont pas uniquement accessibles aux tagueurs eux-mêmes mais à l’ensemble des internautes. L’octroi de tags à une ressource lui offre donc de multiples chemins d’accès exploitables par la communauté internet tout entière. Régulièrement comparé à l’indexation « professionnelle », le collaborative tagging soulève une question essentielle :cette nouvelle pratique contribue-t-elle favorablement à la description et, par extension, à la recherche d’informations sur internet ?<p>Tous les types d’informations ne pouvant être étudiés, la présente dissertation se focalise sur l’information médicale scientifique utilisée par les médecins dans le cadre de leur pratique professionnelle. Elle propose, dans un premier temps, de mesurer le potentiel des tags assignés dans deux systèmes de collaborative tagging (Delicious et CiteULike) à décrire l’information en les comparant à des descripteurs attribués par des professionnels de l’information pour un même échantillon de ressources. La comparaison a mis en lumière l’exploitabilité des tags en termes de dispositifs de recherche d’informations mais a néanmoins révélé des faiblesses indéniables par rapport à une indexation réalisée par des professionnels à l’aide d’un langage contrôlé.<p>Dans un second temps, la dissertation s’est intéressée aux utilisateurs finaux en quête d’informations, c’est-à-dire les médecins, afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure un système de collaborative tagging (CiteULike) peut assister ces derniers lors de leur recherche d’informations scientifiques. Pour ce faire, des entretiens individuels combinant interview semi-structurée et expérimentation ont été organisés avec une vingtaine de médecins. Ils ont fourni des indications riches et variées quant à leur adoption effective ou potentielle d’un système de collaborative tagging dans le cadre de leurs pratiques informationnelles courantes.<p>Enfin, cette dissertation se propose d’aller au-delà de l’étude des tags et du phénomène de collaborative tagging dans son ensemble. Elle s’intéresse également aux compétences informationnelles des médecins observés en vue d’alimenter la réflexion sur les formations qui leur sont dispensées tout au long de leurs études mais également durant leur parcours professionnel. / Doctorat en Information et communication / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Analýza žánrové skladby české YouTube scény / Genre Analysis of the Czech YouTube SceneMlejnková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the subject of genres in the context of new media, specializing on the biggest Internet online video sharing platform, YouTube. Considering the interactivity of YouTube as a kind of social media site and making contact between the creator and his audience, the genre composition of YouTube channels directly reflects the preferences of the specific audience. The main objective of this thesis is to make an analysis of genres on a sample of five selected professional Czech YouTube channels. The sample is based on current order of channels according to the number of subscribers (namely ViralBrothers, MenT, GEJMR, Jirka Král and Hoggy). After the introduction of how professional YouTube channels operate follows the theoretical part of the thesis defining the basic ideas, which are important to set the methodological framework of the analysis. The analytical part consists of presenting the results of the genre analysis, categorizing genres into a system and defining genres based on their characteristics.
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Exploring consumers' experiential responses and shopping intentions toward visual user-generated content in online shopping environmentsCheung, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore online consumers' experiential response towards visual user-generated content in online shopping environments for fashion online shopping. The Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework has been widely used in online shopping environment studies to examine the effect of website attributes on online shoppers' internal affective and cognitive states, and shopping behaviour (Kawaf and Tagg, 2012). Recent literature in the field proposes a more holistic approach towards online experiences (e.g., Pentina, Amialchuk, and Taylor, 2011) which is conceptualise to mediate the relationship between website attributes and behavioural responses. Consumer experiences are considered to be a critical concept in consumer behaviour and marketing for understanding consumers and to create competitive advantage in online retailing (Schmitt, 2010). Building on existing online shopping environment research, the study conceptualises online experiences for fashion online. This study seeks to investigate online consumers' experiential responses (aesthetics, relational, emotional, Flow experience and interactivity) towards two visual user-generated stimulus: (1) Looks - photographs of individuals modelling their own fashion, and (2) Outfits - digital collages displaying an assortment of products centred around a theme. They are both features which have been created by community members in an online social shopping community, ASOS Fashion Finder. The context of this study was exploratory and utilised a mixed methods approach where 13 photo-elicited interviews (PEI) with female online shoppers of ASOS, aged 18-34, were conducted to identify and understand consumers' online experiential responses and online shopping intentions towards the two visual stimulus. Using the same sample criteria, an online survey with 555 responses was also conducted to measure and test relationships between consumers' experiential responses and shopping intentions. The results of this study provides insight to the experiential states of fashion online consumers for online retail marketing, and contributes knowledge to research literature and theory on online shopping environments and customer experiences.
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YouTuber對美妝消費者購買決策影響之研究 / The influence of YouTuber on consumers’ decision journey in the cosmetic products蘇品伃, Su, Ping Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美妝影音部落格和美妝消費者為研究對象,探討「美妝消費者的購買決策過程,及其如何受到YouTuber之影響」,採用質性的網路民族誌 (netnography) 作為研究方法,先搜集三個YouTube熱門美妝頻道的網路資料,參與留言區的討論,再訪談十六位千禧世代的美妝消費者。本研究發現:一、創作者和觀看者透過YouTube凝聚成美妝「社群」;二、美妝YouTuber具備「發起者」和「影響者」的角色;三、美妝消費者的行為和態度可能受到人氣YouTuber影響。 / Nowadays, consumers search information about products, prices and distribution on the Internet before their purchase decisions so that social media has radically changed the communication landscape. Consumers are able to share their purchase experiences online and interact with other users. More and more users are using YouTube as a search engine as well as looking for makeup tips, tutorials, and product recommendations because consumers would believe these user-generated contents are reliable and trustable.
The aim of this research is to explore how YouTubers of beauty industry in Taiwan, have influenced their viewers and to what extent this influence on the purchase decision process.
This study uses a qualitative approach ‘netnography’ as the main research methods to collect data. Three YouTube beauty channels were observed and participated; additionally, 16 in-depth interviews with millennial consumers were conducted. The research finds out that YouTube beauty channels can be seen as communities where relationships between YouTubers and viewers is formed. YouTubers are the initiator and influncer on the purchase decision journey. The study also found that the popularity of YouTuber may affect consumers’ behaviors and attitudes.
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Från att konsumera medier till att konsumera varor : En studie om hur Instagram-användare upplever och förhåller sig till konsumtion på applikationenStålbalk Brodin, Linnea, Malkhasian, Rita January 2020 (has links)
In a short period of time, the internet has become more of an essential asset for people to perform their daily tasks. With the consumption of products and services reaching an all-time high, impulse buying has become a growing issue. Instagram is one of the world’s most popular social media platforms and recently launched new shopping functions. While earlier studies show entertainment- and social motives for usage of Instagram, market drivers show that Instagram plays a central role in today’s online shopping. The purpose of this study is to investigate if Instagram can influence its users to increase impulse buying and if so, how that is done. This study has been implemented with triangulation by using a quantitative and a qualitative method approach. Based on a survey as well as an interview survey within this study, data has been analyzed based on behavioral theory, social influence theory, motives for usage of social media and theories of impulse buying. The results of this study show that there is a new or increased need to buy products and services on Instagram and that there are impulse purchases as a result of Instagram. Instagram users are shown to be affected by the social influence and the marketing on Instagram. / Internet har på kort tid blivit en viktig tillgång för människor att kunna utföra uppgifter i sina vardagliga liv. Människor konsumerar allt mer i en växande internetmarknad, där impulsköp sker i allt större omfattning. Instagram är ett av världens mest populära sociala medier och har på senare tid lanserat nya shopping-funktioner i Sverige. Samtidigt som tidigare studier skildrar underhållning och sociala motiv för användningen av Instagram, talar marknadsförare idag om Instagram som ett centrum för e-handel. Detta ger skilda meningar om vad Instagram ska användas till. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om Instagram kan driva fram ett impulsköpbeteende hos användare och i sådana fall hur. Denna studie har genomförts genom en triangulering, med både en kvantitativ och kvalitativ metodansats. Utifrån enkät- samt intervjuundersökningen har datan analyserats med utgångspunkt i studiens teoretiska ramverk kring beteende, socialt inflytande och motiv för användning av applikationen. Resultatet i denna studie visar att det uppstår ett nytt- eller förstärkt behov av att köpa produkter och tjänster på Instagram samt att det förekommer impulsköp till följd av användning av applikationen. Instagram-användare visar sig påverkas av socialt inflytande och marknadsföring på Instagram.
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Integration des „User Value-Added“-Effekts in Business-SystemeSchwartz, Eva-Maria, Ruth-Janneck, Diana January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Community based Question Answer DetectionMuthmann, Klemens 10 January 2014 (has links)
Each day, millions of people ask questions and search for answers on the World Wide Web. Due to this, the Internet has grown to a world wide database of questions and answers, accessible to almost everyone. Since this database is so huge, it is hard to find out whether a question has been answered or even asked before. As a consequence, users are asking the same questions again and again, producing a vicious circle of new content which hides the important information.
One platform for questions and answers are Web forums, also known as discussion boards. They present discussions as item streams where each item contains the contribution of one author. These contributions contain questions and answers in human readable form.
People use search engines to search for information on such platforms. However, current search engines are neither optimized to highlight individual questions and answers nor to show which questions are asked often and which ones are already answered.
In order to close this gap, this thesis introduces the \\emph{Effingo} system. The Effingo system is intended to extract forums from around the Web and find question and answer items. It also needs to link equal questions and aggregate associated answers. That way it is possible to find out whether a question has been asked before and whether it has already been answered. Based on these information it is possible to derive the most urgent questions from the system, to determine which ones are new and which ones are discussed and answered frequently. As a result, users are prevented from creating useless discussions, thus reducing the server load and information overload for further searches.
The first research area explored by this thesis is forum data extraction. The results from this area are intended be used to create a database of forum posts as large as possible. Furthermore, it uses question-answer detection in order to find out which forum items are questions and which ones are answers and, finally, topic detection to aggregate questions on the same topic as well as discover duplicate answers. These areas are either extended by Effingo, using forum specific features such as the user graph, forum item relations and forum link structure, or adapted as a means to cope with the specific problems created by user generated content. Such problems arise from poorly written and very short texts as well as from hidden or distributed information.
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Extraktion geographischer Entitäten zur Suche nutzergenerierter Inhalte für NachrichtenereignisseKatz, Philipp 22 October 2014 (has links)
Der Einfluss sogenannter nutzergenerierter Inhalte im Web hat in den letzten Jahren stetig zugenommen. Auf Plattformen wie Blogs, sozialen Netzwerken oder Medienportalen werden durch Anwender kontinuierlich Textnachrichten, Bilder oder Videos publiziert. Auch Inhalte, die aktuelle gesellschaftliche Ereignisse, wie beispielsweise den Euromaidan in Kiew dokumentieren, werden durch diese Plattformen verbreitet. Nutzergenerierte Inhalte bieten folglich das Potential, zusätzliche Hintergrundinformationen über Ereignisse direkt vom Ort des Geschehens zu liefern.
Diese Arbeit verfolgt die Vision einer Nachrichtenplattform, die unter Verwendung von Methoden des Information Retrievals und der Informationsextraktion Nachrichtenereignisse erkennt, diese automatisiert mit relevanten nutzergenerierten Inhalten anreichert und dem Leser präsentiert.
Zur Suche nutzergenerierter Inhalte kommen in dieser Arbeit maßgeblich geographische Entitäten, also Ortsbezeichnungen zum Einsatz. Für die Extraktion dieser Entitäten aus gegebenen Nachrichtendokumenten stellt die Arbeit verschiedene neue Methoden vor. Die Entitäten werden genutzt, um zielgerichtete Suchanfragen zu erzeugen. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich eine geounterstützte Suche für das Auffinden nutzergenerierter Inhalte besser eignet als eine konventionelle schlüsselwortbasierte Suche.
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Detection, Modelling and Visualisation of Georeferenced Emotions from User-Generated ContentHauthal, Eva 24 February 2015 (has links)
In recent years emotion-related applications like smartphone apps that document and analyse the emotions of the user, have become very popular. But research also can deal with human emotions in a very technology-driven approach. Thus space-related emotions are of interest as well which can be visualised cartographically and can be captured in different ways.
The research project of this dissertation deals with the extraction of georeferenced emotions from the written language in the metadata of Flickr and Panoramio photos, thus from user-generated content, as well as with their modelling and visualisation. Motivation is the integration of an emotional component into location-based services for tourism since only factual information is considered thus far although places have an emotional impact.
The metadata of those user-generated photos contain descriptions of the place that is depicted within the respective picture. The words used have affective connotations which are determined with the help of emotional word lists. The emotion that is associated with the particular word in the word list is described on the basis of the two dimensions ‘valence’ and ‘arousal’. Together with the coordinates of the respective photo, the extracted emotion forms a georeferenced emotion. The algorithm that was developed for the extraction of these emotions applies different approaches from the field of computer linguistics and considers grammatical special cases like the amplification or negation of words.
The algorithm was applied to a dataset of Flickr and Panoramio photos of Dresden (Germany). The results are an emotional characterisation of space which makes it possible to assess and investigate specific features of georeferenced emotions. These features are especially related to the temporal dependence and the temporal reference of emotions on one hand; on the other hand collectively and individually perceived emotions have to be distinguished. As a consequence, a place does not necessarily have to be connected with merely one emotion but possibly also with several. The analysis was carried out with the help of different cartographic visualisations. The temporal occurrence of georeferenced emotions was examined detailed.
Hence the dissertation focuses on fundamental research into the extraction of space-related emotions from georeferenced user-generated content as well as their visualisation. However as an outlook, further research questions and core themes are identified which arose during the investigations. This shows that this subject is far from being exhausted.:Statement of Authorship I
Acknowledgements II
Abstract III
Zusammenfassung V
Table of Contents VII
List of Figures XI
List of Tables XIV
List of Abbreviations XV
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Research Questions 3
1.3 Thesis Structure 4
1.4 Underlying Publications 4
2 State of the Art 6
2.1 Emotions 6
2.1.1 Definitions and Terms 6
2.1.2 Emotion Theories 7 James-Lange Theory 9 Two-Factor Theory 9
2.1.3 Structuring Emotions 9 Dimensional Approaches 10 Basic Emotions 11 Empirical Similarity Categories 12
2.1.4 Acquisition of Emotions 14 Verbal Procedures 14 Non-Verbal Procedures 14
2.1.5 Relation between Emotions and Places 15
2.1.6 Emotions in Language 17
2.1.7 Affect Analysis and Sentiment Analysis 20
2.2 User-Generated Content 22
2.2.1 Definition and Characterisation 22
2.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 23
2.2.3 Tagging 24
2.2.4 Inaccuracies 28
2.2.5 Flickr and Panoramio 29 Flickr 30 Panoramio 31
2.3 Related Work on Georeferenced Emotions 32
2.3.1 Emotional Data Resulting from Biometric Measurements 33 Bio Mapping 33 EmBaGIS 34 Ein emotionales Kiezportrait 35
2.3.2 Emotional Data Resulting from Empirical Surveys 35 EmoMap 35 WiMo 36 ECDESUP 37 Map of World Happiness 38 Emotional Study of Yeongsan River Basin 39
2.3.3 Emotional Data Resulting from User-Generated Content 40 Emography 40 Twittermood 40 Tweetbeat 42 Beautiful picture of an ugly place 42
2.3.4 Visualisation in the Related Work 43
3 Methods 45
3.1 Approach for Extracting Georeferenced Emotions from the Metadata
of Flickr and Panoramio Photos 45
3.2 Implemented Algorithm 45
3.3 Grammatical Special Cases 47
3.3.1 Degree Words 48
3.3.2 Negation 52 Syntactic Negation in English Language 55 Syntactic Negation in German Language 57
3.3.3 Modification of Words Affected by Grammatical Special Cases 60
4 Visualisation and Analysis of Extracted Georeferenced Emotions 62
4.1 Data Basis 62
4.2 Density Maps 67
4.3 Inverse Distance Weight 71
4.4 3D Visualisation 73
4.5 Choropleth Mapping 74
4.6 Point Symbols 78
4.7 Impact of Considering Grammatical Special Cases 80
5 Investigation in Temporal Aspects 85
5.1 Annually Occurrence of Emotions 85
5.2 Periodic Events 87
5.3 Single Events 91
5.4 Dependence of Georeferenced Emotions on Different Periods of Time 93
5.4.1 Seasons 95
5.4.2 Months 96
5.4.3 Weekdays 98
5.4.4 Times of Day 99
5.5 Potentials and Limits of Temporal Analyses 99
6 Discussion 100
6.1 Evaluation 100
6.2 Weaknesses and Problems 102
7 Conclusions and Outlook 105
7.1 Answers to the Research Questions 105
7.2 Outlook and Future Work 107
8 Bibliography 112
Appendices XVI / In den letzten Jahren sind emotionsbezogene Anwendungen, wie Apps, die die Emotionen des Nutzers dokumentieren und analysieren, sehr populär geworden. Ebenfalls in der Forschung sind Emotionen in einem sehr technologiegetriebenen Ansatz ein Thema. So auch ortsbezogene Emotionen, die sich somit kartographisch darstellen lassen und auf verschiedene Art und Weisen gewonnen werden können.
Das Forschungsvorhaben der Dissertation befasst sich mit der Extraktion von georeferenzierten Emotionen aus geschriebener Sprache unter Verwendung von Metadaten verorteter Flickr- und Panoramio-Fotos, d.h. aus nutzergenerierten Inhalten, sowie deren Modellierung und Visualisierung. Motivation hierfür ist die Einbindung einer emotionalen Komponente in ortsbasierte touristische Dienste, da diese bisher nur faktische Informationen berücksichtigen, obwohl Orte durchaus eine emotionale Wirkung haben.
Die Metadaten dieser nutzergenerierten Inhalte stellen Beschreibungen des auf dem Foto festgehaltenen Ortes dar. Die dafür verwendeten Wörter besitzen affektive Konnotationen, welche mit Hilfe emotionaler Wortlisten ermittelt werden. Die Emotion, die mit dem jeweiligen Wort in der Wortliste assoziiert wird, wird anhand der zwei Dimensionen Valenz und Erregung beschrieben. Die extrahierten Emotionen bilden zusammen mit der geographischen Koordinate des jeweiligen Fotos eine georeferenzierte Emotion. Der zur Extraktion dieser Emotionen entwickelte Algorithmus bringt verschiedene Ansätze aus dem Bereich der Computerlinguistik zum Einsatz und berücksichtigt ebenso grammatikalische Sonderfälle, wie Intensivierung oder Negation von Wörtern.
Der Algorithmus wurde auf einen Datensatz von Flickr- und Panoramio-Fotos von Dresden angewendet. Die Ergebnisse stellen eine emotionale Raumcharakterisierung dar und ermöglichen es, spezifische Eigenschaften verorteter Emotionen festzustellen und zu untersuchen. Diese Eigenschaften beziehen sich sowohl auf die zeitliche Abhängigkeit und den zeitlichen Bezug von Emotionen, als auch darauf, dass zwischen kollektiv und individuell wahrgenommenen Emotionen unterschieden werden muss. Das bedeutet, dass ein Ort nicht nur mit einer Emotion verbunden sein muss, sondern möglicherweise auch mit mehreren. Die Auswertung erfolgte mithilfe verschiedener kartographischer Visualisierungen. Eingehender wurde das zeitliche Auftreten der ortsbezogenen Emotionen untersucht.
Der Fokus der Dissertation liegt somit auf der Grundlagenforschung zur Extraktion verorteter Emotionen aus georeferenzierten nutzergenerierten Inhalten sowie deren Visualisierung. Im Ausblick werden jedoch weitere Fragestellungen und Schwerpunkte genannt, die sich im Laufe der Untersuchungen ergeben haben, womit gezeigt wird, dass dieses Forschungsgebiet bei Weitem noch nicht ausgeschöpft ist.:Statement of Authorship I
Acknowledgements II
Abstract III
Zusammenfassung V
Table of Contents VII
List of Figures XI
List of Tables XIV
List of Abbreviations XV
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Research Questions 3
1.3 Thesis Structure 4
1.4 Underlying Publications 4
2 State of the Art 6
2.1 Emotions 6
2.1.1 Definitions and Terms 6
2.1.2 Emotion Theories 7 James-Lange Theory 9 Two-Factor Theory 9
2.1.3 Structuring Emotions 9 Dimensional Approaches 10 Basic Emotions 11 Empirical Similarity Categories 12
2.1.4 Acquisition of Emotions 14 Verbal Procedures 14 Non-Verbal Procedures 14
2.1.5 Relation between Emotions and Places 15
2.1.6 Emotions in Language 17
2.1.7 Affect Analysis and Sentiment Analysis 20
2.2 User-Generated Content 22
2.2.1 Definition and Characterisation 22
2.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 23
2.2.3 Tagging 24
2.2.4 Inaccuracies 28
2.2.5 Flickr and Panoramio 29 Flickr 30 Panoramio 31
2.3 Related Work on Georeferenced Emotions 32
2.3.1 Emotional Data Resulting from Biometric Measurements 33 Bio Mapping 33 EmBaGIS 34 Ein emotionales Kiezportrait 35
2.3.2 Emotional Data Resulting from Empirical Surveys 35 EmoMap 35 WiMo 36 ECDESUP 37 Map of World Happiness 38 Emotional Study of Yeongsan River Basin 39
2.3.3 Emotional Data Resulting from User-Generated Content 40 Emography 40 Twittermood 40 Tweetbeat 42 Beautiful picture of an ugly place 42
2.3.4 Visualisation in the Related Work 43
3 Methods 45
3.1 Approach for Extracting Georeferenced Emotions from the Metadata
of Flickr and Panoramio Photos 45
3.2 Implemented Algorithm 45
3.3 Grammatical Special Cases 47
3.3.1 Degree Words 48
3.3.2 Negation 52 Syntactic Negation in English Language 55 Syntactic Negation in German Language 57
3.3.3 Modification of Words Affected by Grammatical Special Cases 60
4 Visualisation and Analysis of Extracted Georeferenced Emotions 62
4.1 Data Basis 62
4.2 Density Maps 67
4.3 Inverse Distance Weight 71
4.4 3D Visualisation 73
4.5 Choropleth Mapping 74
4.6 Point Symbols 78
4.7 Impact of Considering Grammatical Special Cases 80
5 Investigation in Temporal Aspects 85
5.1 Annually Occurrence of Emotions 85
5.2 Periodic Events 87
5.3 Single Events 91
5.4 Dependence of Georeferenced Emotions on Different Periods of Time 93
5.4.1 Seasons 95
5.4.2 Months 96
5.4.3 Weekdays 98
5.4.4 Times of Day 99
5.5 Potentials and Limits of Temporal Analyses 99
6 Discussion 100
6.1 Evaluation 100
6.2 Weaknesses and Problems 102
7 Conclusions and Outlook 105
7.1 Answers to the Research Questions 105
7.2 Outlook and Future Work 107
8 Bibliography 112
Appendices XVI
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Inhaltezentrierte Virtuelle GemeinschaftenStreng, Sara, Ahrens, Sophie, Anton, Katharina, Küpper, Axel January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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